+// © 2016 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others.
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-* Copyright (C) 2013-2014, International Business Machines
+* Copyright (C) 2013-2015, International Business Machines
* Corporation and others. All Rights Reserved.
* collationdatareader.h
* Format of collation data (ucadata.icu, binary data in coll/ *.res files).
- * Format version 4.0.
+ * Format version 5.
* The root collation data is stored in the ucadata.icu file.
* Tailorings are stored inside .res resource bundle files, with a complete file header.
* int32_t reorderCodes[]; -- empty in root
* The list of script and reordering codes.
+ * Beginning with format version 5, this array may optionally
+ * have trailing entries with a full list of reorder ranges
+ * as described for CollationSettings::reorderRanges.
+ *
+ * Script or reorder codes are first and do not exceed 16-bit values.
+ * Range limits are stored in the upper 16 bits, and are never 0.
+ * Split this array into reorder codes and ranges at the first entry
+ * with non-zero upper 16 bits.
+ *
+ * If the ranges are missing but needed for split-reordered primary lead bytes,
+ * then they are regenerated at load time.
+ *
* uint8_t reorderTable[256]; -- empty in root; can be longer to include padding bytes
* Primary-weight lead byte permutation table.
* Normally present when the reorderCodes are, but can be built at load time.
+ * Beginning with format version 5, a 0 entry at a non-zero index
+ * (which is otherwise an illegal value)
+ * means that the primary lead byte is "split"
+ * (there are different offsets for primaries that share that lead byte)
+ * and the reordering offset must be determined via the reorder ranges
+ * that are either stored as part of the reorderCodes array
+ * or regenerated at load time.
+ *
* UTrie2 trie; -- see utrie2_impl.h and utrie2.h
* The trie holds the main collation data. Each code point is mapped to a 32-bit value.
* It encodes a simple collation element (CE) in compact form, unless bits 7..6 are both set,
* See the CollationFastLatin class.
* uint16_t scripts[]; -- empty in all tailorings
+ * Format version 5:
+ * uint16_t numScripts;
+ * uint16_t scriptsIndex[numScripts+16];
+ * uint16_t scriptStarts[];
+ * See CollationData::numScripts etc.
+ *
+ * Format version 4:
* Table of the reordering groups with their first and last lead bytes,
* and their script and reordering codes.
* See CollationData::scripts.
* UBool compressibleBytes[]; -- empty in all tailorings
* Flag for getSortKey(), indicating primary weight lead bytes that are compressible.
+ *
+ * -----------------
+ * Changes for formatVersion 5 (ICU 55)
+ *
+ * Reordering moves single scripts, not groups of scripts.
+ * Reorder ranges are optionally appended to the reorderCodes,
+ * and a 0 entry in the reorderTable indicates a split lead byte.
+ * The scripts data has a new format.
+ *
+ * The rootElements may contain secondary and tertiary weights below common=05.
+ * (Used for small Hiragana letters.)
+ * Where is occurs, there is also an explicit unit with common secondary & tertiary weights.
+ * There are no other data structure changes, but builder code needs to be able to handle such data.
+ *
+ * The collation element for the merge separator code point U+FFFE
+ * does not necessarily have special, unique secondary/tertiary weights any more.