+// © 2016 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others.
+// License & terms of use: http://www.unicode.org/copyright.html
-* Copyright (C) 2009-2013, International Business Machines
+* Copyright (C) 2009-2014, International Business Machines
* Corporation and others. All Rights Reserved.
* file name: bidiconf.cpp
-* encoding: US-ASCII
+* encoding: UTF-8
* tab size: 8 (not used)
* indentation:4
void TestBidiTest();
void TestBidiCharacterTest();
- char *getUnidataPath(char path[]);
UBool parseLevels(const char *&start);
UBool parseOrdering(const char *start);
UBool parseInputStringFromBiDiClasses(const char *&start);
-// TODO: Move to a common place (IntlTest?) to avoid duplication with UnicodeTest (ucdtest.cpp).
-char *BiDiConformanceTest::getUnidataPath(char path[]) {
- IcuTestErrorCode errorCode(*this, "getUnidataPath");
- const int kUnicodeDataTxtLength=15; // strlen("UnicodeData.txt")
- // Look inside ICU_DATA first.
- strcpy(path, pathToDataDirectory());
- strcat(path, "unidata" U_FILE_SEP_STRING "UnicodeData.txt");
- FILE *f=fopen(path, "r");
- if(f!=NULL) {
- fclose(f);
- *(strchr(path, 0)-kUnicodeDataTxtLength)=0; // Remove the basename.
- return path;
- }
- // As a fallback, try to guess where the source data was located
- // at the time ICU was built, and look there.
-# ifdef U_TOPSRCDIR
- strcpy(path, U_TOPSRCDIR U_FILE_SEP_STRING "data");
-# else
- strcpy(path, loadTestData(errorCode));
- strcat(path, U_FILE_SEP_STRING ".." U_FILE_SEP_STRING ".."
- U_FILE_SEP_STRING "data");
-# endif
- strcat(path, U_FILE_SEP_STRING);
- strcat(path, "unidata" U_FILE_SEP_STRING "UnicodeData.txt");
- f=fopen(path, "r");
- if(f!=NULL) {
- fclose(f);
- *(strchr(path, 0)-kUnicodeDataTxtLength)=0; // Remove the basename.
- return path;
- }
- return NULL;
U_DEFINE_LOCAL_OPEN_POINTER(LocalStdioFilePointer, FILE, fclose);
UBool BiDiConformanceTest::parseLevels(const char *&start) {
+ // paraLevelName must be initialized in case the first non-comment line is in error
+ paraLevelName="N/A";
while(errorCount<10 && fgets(line, (int)sizeof(line), bidiTestFile.getAlias())!=NULL) {
// Remove trailing comments and whitespace.
+enum { kMaxUtxt = 32, kMaxUctl = 16 };
void BiDiConformanceTest::TestBidiCharacterTest() {
IcuTestErrorCode errorCode(*this, "TestBidiCharacterTest");
const char *sourceTestDataPath=getSourceTestData(errorCode);
if(orderingCount>=0 && !checkOrdering(ubidi.getAlias())) {
+ // tests for ubidi_setParaWithControls
+ // skip 2 tests known not to work (out of 91678 cases, though
+ // only 86 of those tests use controls so 2.3% of those failing),
+ // still investigating these
+ if (lineNumber>=212 && lineNumber<=213) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ const UChar* ubufPtr = inputString.getBuffer();
+ int32_t ubufIdx;
+ UChar utxt[kMaxUtxt];
+ UBiDiLevel ulev[kMaxUtxt];
+ int32_t offsets[kMaxUctl];
+ UChar* uctlPtrs[kMaxUctl];
+ UChar uctl[kMaxUctl][5];
+ UChar *uctlPtr;
+ int32_t utxtLen = 0, offsetsLen = 0, ctlLen = 0;
+ UBool fail = FALSE;
+ for (ubufIdx = 0; ubufIdx < inputString.length(); ubufIdx++) {
+ UChar uc = ubufPtr[ubufIdx];
+ if ( (uc >=0x202A && uc<=0x202E) || (uc >=0x2066 && uc<=0x2069) ) {
+ // have a bidi control
+ if (ctlLen >= 4) {
+ fail = TRUE; break;
+ }
+ if (ctlLen == 0) {
+ // starting a new control sequence
+ if (offsetsLen >= kMaxUctl) {
+ fail = TRUE; break;
+ }
+ offsets[offsetsLen] = utxtLen;
+ uctlPtr = &uctl[offsetsLen][0];
+ uctlPtrs[offsetsLen] = uctlPtr;
+ offsetsLen++;
+ }
+ uctlPtr[ctlLen++] = uc;
+ uctlPtr[ctlLen] = 0;
+ } else {
+ if (utxtLen >= kMaxUtxt) {
+ fail = TRUE; break;
+ }
+ ctlLen = 0;
+ utxt[utxtLen] = uc;
+ levels[utxtLen] = levels[ubufIdx]; // will always have ubufIdx >= utxtLen so this is OK
+ utxtLen++;
+ }
+ }
+ levelsCount = utxtLen;
+ if (fail) {
+ logln("Skipping BidiCharacterTest unsuitable for ubidi_setParaWithControls: %d: %s", (int)lineNumber, line);
+ continue; // can't use this test
+ }
+ if (offsetsLen > 0 && offsets[offsetsLen-1] >= utxtLen) {
+ --offsetsLen;
+ ubidi_setContext(ubidi.getAlias(), NULL, 0, uctlPtrs[offsetsLen], -1, errorCode);
+ } else {
+ ubidi_setContext(ubidi.getAlias(), NULL, 0, NULL, 0, errorCode);
+ }
+ ubidi_setParaWithControls(ubidi.getAlias(), utxt, utxtLen, paraLevel,
+ offsets, offsetsLen, NULL, uctlPtrs, errorCode);
+ actualLevels=ubidi_getLevels(ubidi.getAlias(), errorCode);
+ if(errorCode.logIfFailureAndReset("ubidi_setContext()/ubidi_setParaWithControls()/ubidi_getLevels()")) {
+ errln("Input line %d: %s", (int)lineNumber, line);
+ continue;
+ }
+ if((actualLevel=ubidi_getParaLevel(ubidi.getAlias()))!=resolvedParaLevel) {
+ printErrorLine();
+ errln("\nError on line %d: Wrong resolved paragraph level from ubidi_setParaWithControls; expected %d actual %d",
+ (int)lineNumber, resolvedParaLevel, actualLevel);
+ continue;
+ }
+ if(!checkLevels(actualLevels, ubidi_getProcessedLength(ubidi.getAlias()))) {
+ continue;
+ }