# ***************************************************************************
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+# * Copyright (C) 2004-2016, International Business Machines
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# ***************************************************************************
# File: ru_zh.txt
# Generated from CLDR
+# Transliteration of Russian into Mandarin written in simplified Chinese.
+# TODO(mjansche): Implement exception rules from GB/T 17693.4-2009 section 5.3.
+# TODO(anyone): Simplify.
$bow = [-\ $]; # Word boundary.
$vowel = [аеийоуыьэюяё];
$not_vowel = [^$vowel];
аа → а;
бб → б;
вв → в;
чч → ч;
шш → ш;
щщ → щ;
+## иа → я; ## TODO: Figure out if/when this applies.
+# Special exceptions, per GB/T 17693.4-2009 表 1, 注 8:
бург } $bow → 堡 ;
град } $bow → 格勒 ;
город } $bow → 哥罗德 ;
цов } $bow → 佐夫 ;
аи → 艾 ;
ай → 艾 ;
ан } $not_vowel → 安 ;
лян } $not_vowel → 良 ;
ля → 利亚 ;
лё → 廖 ;
+## $not_vowel { л → 勒 ; ## FIXME: Figure out if/when this applies.
л → 尔 ;
маи → 迈 ;
май → 迈 ;
рян } $not_vowel → 良 ;
ря → 里亚 ;
рё → 廖 ;
+## $not_vowel { р → 勒 ; ## FIXME: Figure out if/when this applies.
р → 尔 ;
саи → 赛 ;
сай → 赛 ;
ян } $not_vowel → 扬 ;
я → 亚 ;
ё → 约 ;
+# Dong-nan-xi-hai pass. Per GB/T 17693.4-2009 表 1, 注 4, replace confusing
+# characters at the beginning and end of a word.
:: Null ();
$bow { 耶 → 叶 ;
$bow { 夫 → 弗 ;
$bow { 西 → 锡 ;
江 } $bow → 姜 ;
海 } $bow → 亥 ;