-// ***************************************************************************
-// *
-// * Copyright (C) 2014 International Business Machines
-// * Corporation and others. All Rights Reserved.
-// * Tool: org.unicode.cldr.icu.NewLdml2IcuConverter
-// * Source File: <path>/common/main/zh_Hant.xml
-// *
-// ***************************************************************************
- * ICU <specials> source: <path>/common/main/zh_Hant.xml
- */
+// © 2016 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others.
+// License & terms of use: http://www.unicode.org/copyright.html#License
- "[乍 仂 伏 佐 侶 僳 兆 兌 兹 别 券 勳 卑 卞 占 叶 堤 墎 壤 奥 孜 峇 嶼 巽 彝 栗 楔 涅 渾 澎 燦 狄 琳 瑚 甫 碑 礁 芒"
- " 苗 茨 蓬 蚩 蜀 裘 謬 酋 隴]"
+ "[乍 乳 仂 伏 佐 侶 僳 兆 兌 兹 划 别 券 勳 匕 匙 匣 卑 卞 占 叉 叶 吻 嘟 噘 堤 墎 壤 奥 妖 孜 峇 嶼 巽 巾 帆 廁 廚"
+ " 弋 弓 懸 戟 扳 捂 摔 暈 栗 框 桶 桿 楔 櫃 涅 渾 澎 煎 燦 燭 牡 狄 琳 瑚 甫 皺 盒 眨 眩 碑 礁 筒 簍 糰 紋 紗 纏 纜"
+ " 羯 聳 肖 艇 芒 苗 茨 蓬 虹 蚩 蛛 蜀 蜘 蝴 蝸 蠟 裘 裙 謬 豚 躬 酋 釘 鈔 鈕 鉛 鎚 鎬 鐺 鑰 鑽 隴 霄 鞠 骰 骷 髏 鯉"
+ " 鳶]"
ExemplarCharactersIndex{"[一 丁 丈 不 且 丞 串 並 亭 乘 乾 傀 亂 僎 僵 儐 償 叢 儳 嚴 儷 儻 囌 囑 廳]"}
+ ExemplarCharactersNumbers{"[\\- , . % ‰ + 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 〇 一 七 三 九 二 五 八 六 四]"}
"[‾ ﹉﹊﹋﹌ _ _ ﹍﹎﹏ ︳︴ \\- - ﹣ ‐ – ︲ — ﹘ ︱ , , ﹐ 、 ﹑ ; ; ﹔ \\: : ﹕ ! ! ﹗ ? ? ﹖ ."
" . ﹒ ‥ ︰ … 。 · ' ‘ ’ \u0022 " “ ” 〝 〞 ( ( ﹙ ︵ ) ) ﹚ ︶ \\[ [ \\] ] \\{ { ﹛ ︷ "
"\\} } ﹜ ︸ 〈 ︿ 〉 ﹀ 《 ︽ 》 ︾ 「 ﹁ 」 ﹂ 『 ﹃ 』 ﹄ 【 ︻ 】 ︼ 〔 ﹝ ︹ 〕 ﹞ ︺ § @ @ ﹫ * * ﹡ "
"/ / \\\\ \ ﹨ \\& & ﹠ # # ﹟ % % ﹪ ‰ † ‡ ‧ ′ ″ ‵ 〃 ※]"
- LocaleScript{
- "Hani",
- "Bopo",
- }
- default{"latn"}
- finance{"hantfin"}
- latn{
+ arab{
+ miscPatterns{
+ atLeast{"{0}+"}
+ range{"{0}-{1}"}
+ }
+ patterns{
+ decimalFormat{"#,##0.###"}
+ scientificFormat{"#E0"}
+ }
+ symbols{
+ decimal{"٫"}
+ exponential{"اس"}
+ group{"٬"}
+ infinity{"∞"}
+ list{"؛"}
+ minusSign{"-"}
+ nan{"非數值"}
+ perMille{"؉"}
+ percentSign{"٪"}
+ plusSign{"+"}
+ superscriptingExponent{"×"}
+ timeSeparator{":"}
+ }
+ }
+ arabext{
- patternsLong{
- decimalFormat{
- 1000{
- other{"0 千"}
- }
- 10000{
- other{"0萬"}
- }
- 100000{
- other{"00萬"}
- }
- 1000000{
- other{"000萬"}
- }
- 10000000{
- other{"0000萬"}
- }
- 100000000{
- other{"0億"}
- }
- 1000000000{
- other{"00億"}
- }
- 10000000000{
- other{"000億"}
- }
- 100000000000{
- other{"0000億"}
- }
- 1000000000000{
- other{"0兆"}
- }
- 10000000000000{
- other{"00兆"}
- }
- 100000000000000{
- other{"000兆"}
- }
- }
+ symbols{
+ decimal{"٫"}
+ exponential{"×۱۰^"}
+ group{"٬"}
+ infinity{"∞"}
+ list{"؛"}
+ minusSign{"-"}
+ nan{"非數值"}
+ perMille{"؉"}
+ percentSign{"٪"}
+ plusSign{"+"}
+ superscriptingExponent{"×"}
+ timeSeparator{"٫"}
- patternsShort{
- decimalFormat{
- 1000{
- other{"0K"}
- }
- 10000{
- other{"00K"}
- }
- 100000{
- other{"000K"}
- }
- 1000000{
- other{"0M"}
- }
- 10000000{
- other{"00M"}
- }
- 100000000{
- other{"000M"}
- }
- 1000000000{
- other{"0B"}
- }
- 10000000000{
- other{"00B"}
- }
- 100000000000{
- other{"000B"}
- }
- 1000000000000{
- other{"0T"}
- }
- 10000000000000{
- other{"00T"}
- }
- 100000000000000{
- other{"000T"}
- }
- }
+ }
+ bali{
+ miscPatterns{
+ atLeast{"{0}+"}
+ range{"{0}-{1}"}
+ }
+ patterns{
+ accountingFormat{"¤#,##0.00;(¤#,##0.00)"}
+ currencyFormat{"¤#,##0.00"}
+ decimalFormat{"#,##0.###"}
+ percentFormat{"#,##0%"}
+ scientificFormat{"#E0"}
+ timeSeparator{":"}
- native{"hanidec"}
- traditional{"hant"}
- }
- Version{""}
- calendar{
- buddhist{
- eras{
- abbreviated{
- "佛曆",
- }
+ beng{
+ miscPatterns{
+ atLeast{"{0}+"}
+ range{"{0}-{1}"}
+ }
+ patterns{
+ accountingFormat{"¤#,##0.00;(¤#,##0.00)"}
+ currencyFormat{"¤#,##0.00"}
+ decimalFormat{"#,##0.###"}
+ percentFormat{"#,##0%"}
+ scientificFormat{"#E0"}
+ }
+ symbols{
+ decimal{"."}
+ exponential{"E"}
+ group{","}
+ infinity{"∞"}
+ list{";"}
+ minusSign{"-"}
+ nan{"非數值"}
+ perMille{"‰"}
+ percentSign{"%"}
+ plusSign{"+"}
+ superscriptingExponent{"×"}
+ timeSeparator{":"}
- chinese{
- DateTimePatterns{
- "zzzzah時mm分ss秒",
- "zah時mm分ss秒",
- "ah:mm:ss",
- "ah:mm",
- {
- "rU年MMMdEEEE",
- "d=hanidays",
- }
- {
- "rU年MMMd",
- "d=hanidays",
- }
- {
- "r年MMMd",
- "d=hanidays",
- }
- "r/M/d",
- "{1} {0}",
- "{1} {0}",
- "{1} {0}",
- "{1} {0}",
- "{1} {0}",
+ brah{
+ miscPatterns{
+ atLeast{"{0}+"}
+ range{"{0}-{1}"}
- availableFormats{
- Ed{"dE"}
- Gy{"rU年"}
- GyMMM{"rU年MMM"}
- GyMMMEd{"rU年MMMdE"}
- GyMMMd{"r年MMMd"}
- M{"MMM"}
- MEd{"M/dE"}
- MMMEd{"MMMdE"}
- MMMd{"MMMd"}
- Md{"M/d"}
- UM{"U年MMM"}
- UMd{"U年MMMd"}
- UMMMd{"U年MMMd"}
- d{"d"}
- y{"rU年"}
- yMd{"r年MMMd"}
- yyyy{"rU年"}
- yyyyM{"rU年MMM"}
- yyyyMEd{"rU年MMMd,E"}
- yyyyMMM{"rU年MMM"}
- yyyyMMMEd{"rU年MMMdE"}
- yyyyMMMd{"r年MMMd"}
- yyyyMd{"r年MMMd"}
- yyyyQQQ{"rU年QQQQ"}
- yyyyQQQQ{"rU年QQQQ"}
+ patterns{
+ accountingFormat{"¤#,##0.00;(¤#,##0.00)"}
+ currencyFormat{"¤#,##0.00"}
+ decimalFormat{"#,##0.###"}
+ percentFormat{"#,##0%"}
+ scientificFormat{"#E0"}
- cyclicNameSets{
- dayParts{
- format{
- abbreviated{
- "子",
- "丑",
- "寅",
- "卯",
- "辰",
- "巳",
- "午",
- "未",
- "申",
- "酉",
- "戌",
- "亥",
- }
- }
- }
- years{
- format{
- abbreviated{
- "甲子",
- "乙丑",
- "丙寅",
- "丁卯",
- "戊辰",
- "己巳",
- "庚午",
- "辛未",
- "壬申",
- "癸酉",
- "甲戌",
- "乙亥",
- "丙子",
- "丁丑",
- "戊寅",
- "己卯",
- "庚辰",
- "辛巳",
- "壬午",
- "癸未",
- "甲申",
- "乙酉",
- "丙戌",
- "丁亥",
- "戊子",
- "己丑",
- "庚寅",
- "辛卯",
- "壬辰",
- "癸巳",
- "甲午",
- "乙未",
- "丙申",
- "丁酉",
- "戊戌",
- "己亥",
- "庚子",
- "辛丑",
- "壬寅",
- "癸卯",
- "甲辰",
- "乙巳",
- "丙午",
- "丁未",
- "戊申",
- "己酉",
- "庚戌",
- "辛亥",
- "壬子",
- "癸丑",
- "甲寅",
- "乙卯",
- "丙辰",
- "丁巳",
- "戊午",
- "己未",
- "庚申",
- "辛酉",
- "壬戌",
- "癸亥",
- }
- }
- }
- zodiacs{
- format{
- abbreviated{
- "鼠",
- "牛",
- "虎",
- "兔",
- "龍",
- "蛇",
- "馬",
- "羊",
- "猴",
- "雞",
- "狗",
- "豬",
- }
- }
- }
+ symbols{
+ decimal{"."}
+ exponential{"E"}
+ group{","}
+ infinity{"∞"}
+ list{";"}
+ minusSign{"-"}
+ nan{"非數值"}
+ perMille{"‰"}
+ percentSign{"%"}
+ plusSign{"+"}
+ superscriptingExponent{"×"}
+ timeSeparator{":"}
- intervalFormats{
- Hmv{
- H{"HH:mm–HH:mm [v]"}
- m{"HH:mm–HH:mm [v]"}
- }
- Hv{
- H{"HH–HH [v]"}
- }
- M{
- M{"MMM至MMM"}
- }
- MEd{
- M{"M/dE至M/dE"}
- d{"M/dE至M/dE"}
- }
- MMM{
- M{"LLL至LLL"}
- }
- MMMEd{
- M{"MMMdE至MMMdE"}
- d{"MMMdE至dE"}
- }
- }
- MMMd{
- M{"MMMd至MMMd"}
- d{"MMMd至d"}
- }
- Md{
- M{"M/d至M/d"}
- d{"M/d至M/d"}
- }
- d{
- d{"d至d"}
- }
- fallback{"{0}至{1}"}
- h{
- a{"ah時至ah時"}
- h{"ah時至h時"}
- }
- hm{
- a{"ah:mm至ah:mm"}
- h{"ah:mm至h:mm"}
- m{"ah:mm至h:mm"}
- }
- hmv{
- a{"ah:mm至ah:mm [v]"}
- h{"ah:mm至h:mm [v]"}
- m{"ah:mm至h:mm [v]"}
- }
- hv{
- a{"ah時至ah時 [v]"}
- h{"ah時至h時 [v]"}
- }
- y{
- y{"rU至rU"}
- }
- yM{
- M{"r/M至r/M"}
- y{"r/M至r/M"}
- }
- yMEd{
- M{"r/M/dE至r/M/dE"}
- d{"r/M/dE至r/M/dE"}
- y{"r/M/dE至r/M/dE"}
- }
- yMMM{
- M{"rU年MMM至MMM"}
- y{"rU年MMM至rU年MMM"}
- }
- yMMMEd{
- M{"rU年MMMdE至MMMdE"}
- d{"rU年MMMdE至dE"}
- y{"rU年MMMdE至rU年MMMdE"}
- }
- yMMMM{
- y{"rU年MMMM至rU年MMMM"}
- }
- yMMMd{
- M{"r年MMMd至MMMd"}
- d{"r年MMMd至d"}
- y{"r年MMMd至r年MMMd"}
- }
- yMd{
- M{"r/M/d至r/M/d"}
- d{"r/M/d至r/M/d"}
- y{"r/M/d至r/M/d"}
- }
+ }
+ cakm{
+ miscPatterns{
+ atLeast{"{0}+"}
+ range{"{0}-{1}"}
- monthNames{
- format{
- abbreviated{
- "正月",
- "二月",
- "三月",
- "四月",
- "五月",
- "六月",
- "七月",
- "八月",
- "九月",
- "十月",
- "冬月",
- "臘月",
- }
- wide{
- "正月",
- "二月",
- "三月",
- "四月",
- "五月",
- "六月",
- "七月",
- "八月",
- "九月",
- "十月",
- "冬月",
- "臘月",
- }
- }
- stand-alone{
- narrow{
- "正",
- "二",
- "三",
- "四",
- "五",
- "六",
- "七",
- "八",
- "九",
- "十",
- "冬",
- "臘",
- }
- }
+ patterns{
+ accountingFormat{"¤#,##0.00;(¤#,##0.00)"}
+ currencyFormat{"¤#,##0.00"}
+ decimalFormat{"#,##0.###"}
+ percentFormat{"#,##0%"}
+ scientificFormat{"#E0"}
- monthPatterns{
- format{
- wide{
- leap{"閏{0}"}
- }
- }
- numeric{
- all{
- leap{"閏{0}"}
- }
- }
- stand-alone{
- narrow{
- leap{"閏{0}"}
- }
- }
+ symbols{
+ decimal{"."}
+ exponential{"E"}
+ group{","}
+ infinity{"∞"}
+ list{";"}
+ minusSign{"-"}
+ nan{"非數值"}
+ perMille{"‰"}
+ percentSign{"%"}
+ plusSign{"+"}
+ superscriptingExponent{"×"}
+ timeSeparator{":"}
- coptic{
- monthNames{
- format{
- abbreviated{
- "1月",
- "2月",
- "3月",
- "4月",
- "5月",
- "6月",
- "7月",
- "8月",
- "9月",
- "10月",
- "11月",
- "12月",
- "13月",
- }
- narrow{
- "1",
- "2",
- "3",
- "4",
- "5",
- "6",
- "7",
- "8",
- "9",
- "10",
- "11",
- "12",
- "13",
- }
- wide{
- "1月",
- "2月",
- "3月",
- "4月",
- "5月",
- "6月",
- "7月",
- "8月",
- "9月",
- "10月",
- "11月",
- "12月",
- "13月",
- }
- }
- stand-alone{
- abbreviated{
- "1月",
- "2月",
- "3月",
- "4月",
- "5月",
- "6月",
- "7月",
- "8月",
- "9月",
- "10月",
- "11月",
- "12月",
- "13月",
- }
- narrow{
- "1",
- "2",
- "3",
- "4",
- "5",
- "6",
- "7",
- "8",
- "9",
- "10",
- "11",
- "12",
- "13",
- }
- wide{
- "1月",
- "2月",
- "3月",
- "4月",
- "5月",
- "6月",
- "7月",
- "8月",
- "9月",
- "10月",
- "11月",
- "12月",
- "13月",
- }
- }
+ cham{
+ miscPatterns{
+ atLeast{"{0}+"}
+ range{"{0}-{1}"}
+ }
+ patterns{
+ accountingFormat{"¤#,##0.00;(¤#,##0.00)"}
+ currencyFormat{"¤#,##0.00"}
+ decimalFormat{"#,##0.###"}
+ percentFormat{"#,##0%"}
+ scientificFormat{"#E0"}
+ }
+ symbols{
+ decimal{"."}
+ exponential{"E"}
+ group{","}
+ infinity{"∞"}
+ list{";"}
+ minusSign{"-"}
+ nan{"非數值"}
+ perMille{"‰"}
+ percentSign{"%"}
+ plusSign{"+"}
+ superscriptingExponent{"×"}
+ timeSeparator{":"}
- dangi{
- DateTimePatterns{
- "zzzzah時mm分ss秒",
- "zah時mm分ss秒",
- "ah:mm:ss",
- "ah:mm",
- "U年MMMd日EEEE",
- "U年MMMd日",
- "U年MMMd日",
- "U/M/d",
- "{1} {0}",
- "{1} {0}",
- "{1} {0}",
- "{1} {0}",
- "{1} {0}",
+ default{"latn"}
+ deva{
+ miscPatterns{
+ atLeast{"{0}+"}
+ range{"{0}-{1}"}
- cyclicNameSets{
- dayParts{
- format{
- abbreviated{
- "子",
- "丑",
- "寅",
- "卯",
- "辰",
- "巳",
- "午",
- "未",
- "申",
- "酉",
- "戌",
- "亥",
- }
- }
- }
- years{
- format{
- abbreviated{
- "甲子",
- "乙丑",
- "丙寅",
- "丁卯",
- "戊辰",
- "己巳",
- "庚午",
- "辛未",
- "壬申",
- "癸酉",
- "甲戌",
- "乙亥",
- "丙子",
- "丁丑",
- "戊寅",
- "己卯",
- "庚辰",
- "辛巳",
- "壬午",
- "癸未",
- "甲申",
- "乙酉",
- "丙戌",
- "丁亥",
- "戊子",
- "己丑",
- "庚寅",
- "辛卯",
- "壬辰",
- "癸巳",
- "甲午",
- "乙未",
- "丙申",
- "丁酉",
- "戊戌",
- "己亥",
- "庚子",
- "辛丑",
- "壬寅",
- "癸卯",
- "甲辰",
- "乙巳",
- "丙午",
- "丁未",
- "戊申",
- "己酉",
- "庚戌",
- "辛亥",
- "壬子",
- "癸丑",
- "甲寅",
- "乙卯",
- "丙辰",
- "丁巳",
- "戊午",
- "己未",
- "庚申",
- "辛酉",
- "壬戌",
- "癸亥",
- }
- }
- }
- zodiacs{
- format{
- abbreviated{
- "鼠",
- "牛",
- "虎",
- "兔",
- "龍",
- "蛇",
- "馬",
- "羊",
- "猴",
- "雞",
- "狗",
- "豬",
- }
- }
- }
+ patterns{
+ accountingFormat{"¤#,##0.00;(¤#,##0.00)"}
+ currencyFormat{"¤#,##0.00"}
+ decimalFormat{"#,##0.###"}
+ percentFormat{"#,##0%"}
+ scientificFormat{"#E0"}
- monthNames{
- format{
- abbreviated{
- "正月",
- "二月",
- "三月",
- "四月",
- "五月",
- "六月",
- "七月",
- "八月",
- "九月",
- "十月",
- "十一月",
- "十二月",
- }
- narrow{
- "正",
- "二",
- "三",
- "四",
- "五",
- "六",
- "七",
- "八",
- "九",
- "十",
- "十一",
- "十二",
- }
- wide{
- "正月",
- "二月",
- "三月",
- "四月",
- "五月",
- "六月",
- "七月",
- "八月",
- "九月",
- "十月",
- "十一月",
- "十二月",
- }
- }
- stand-alone{
- abbreviated{
- "正月",
- "二月",
- "三月",
- "四月",
- "五月",
- "六月",
- "七月",
- "八月",
- "九月",
- "十月",
- "十一月",
- "十二月",
- }
- narrow{
- "正",
- "二",
- "三",
- "四",
- "五",
- "六",
- "七",
- "八",
- "九",
- "十",
- "十一",
- "十二",
- }
- wide{
- "正月",
- "二月",
- "三月",
- "四月",
- "五月",
- "六月",
- "七月",
- "八月",
- "九月",
- "十月",
- "十一月",
- "十二月",
- }
- }
+ symbols{
+ decimal{"."}
+ exponential{"E"}
+ group{","}
+ infinity{"∞"}
+ list{";"}
+ minusSign{"-"}
+ nan{"非數值"}
+ perMille{"‰"}
+ percentSign{"%"}
+ plusSign{"+"}
+ superscriptingExponent{"×"}
+ timeSeparator{":"}
- ethiopic{
- monthNames{
- format{
- abbreviated{
- "1月",
- "2月",
- "3月",
- "4月",
- "5月",
- "6月",
- "7月",
- "8月",
- "9月",
- "10月",
- "11月",
- "12月",
- "13月",
- }
- narrow{
- "1",
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- "2月",
- "3月",
- "4月",
- "5月",
- "6月",
- "7月",
- "8月",
- "9月",
- "10月",
- "11月",
- "12月",
- "13月",
- }
- }
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- abbreviated{
- "1月",
- "2月",
- "3月",
- "4月",
- "5月",
- "6月",
- "7月",
- "8月",
- "9月",
- "10月",
- "11月",
- "12月",
- "13月",
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- "1",
- "2",
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- "4",
- "5",
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- "12",
- "13",
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- "1月",
- "2月",
- "3月",
- "4月",
- "5月",
- "6月",
- "7月",
- "8月",
- "9月",
- "10月",
- "11月",
- "12月",
- "13月",
- }
- }
+ finance{"hantfin"}
+ fullwide{
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+ range{"{0}-{1}"}
+ }
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+ currencyFormat{"¤#,##0.00"}
+ decimalFormat{"#,##0.###"}
+ percentFormat{"#,##0%"}
+ scientificFormat{"#E0"}
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+ percentSign{"%"}
+ plusSign{"+"}
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+ timeSeparator{":"}
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- DateTimePatterns{
- "zzzzah時mm分ss秒",
- "zah時mm分ss秒",
- "ah:mm:ss",
- "ah:mm",
- "Gy年M月d日 EEEE",
- "Gy年M月d日",
- "Gy年M月d日",
- "Gy/M/d",
- "{1} {0}",
- "{1} {0}",
- "{1} {0}",
- "{1} {0}",
- "{1} {0}",
+ gonm{
+ miscPatterns{
+ atLeast{"{0}+"}
+ range{"{0}-{1}"}
- availableFormats{
- Ed{"d E"}
- Gy{"Gy年"}
- GyMMM{"Gy年M月"}
- GyMMMEd{"Gy年M月d日 E"}
- GyMMMd{"Gy年M月d日"}
- H{"H時"}
- Hm{"HH:mm"}
- Hms{"HH:mm:ss"}
- M{"M月"}
- MEd{"M/d(E)"}
- MMM{"LLL"}
- MMMEd{"M月d日 E"}
- MMMd{"M月d日"}
- Md{"M/d"}
- d{"d日"}
- h{"ah時"}
- hm{"ah:mm"}
- hms{"ah:mm:ss"}
- ms{"mm:ss"}
- y{"Gy年"}
- yyyy{"Gy年"}
- yyyyM{"Gy/M"}
- yyyyMEd{"Gy/M/d(E)"}
- yyyyMMM{"Gy年M月"}
- yyyyMMMEd{"Gy年M月d日 E"}
- yyyyMMMd{"Gy年M月d日"}
- yyyyMd{"Gy/M/d"}
- yyyyQQQ{"Gy年QQQ"}
- yyyyQQQQ{"Gy年QQQQ"}
+ patterns{
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- H{"HH–HH"}
- }
- Hm{
- H{"HH:mm–HH:mm"}
- }
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- H{"HH:mm–HH:mm [v]"}
- m{"HH:mm–HH:mm [v]"}
- }
- Hv{
- H{"HH–HH [v]"}
- }
- M{
- M{"M月至M月"}
- }
- MEd{
- M{"M/dE至M/dE"}
- d{"M/dE至M/dE"}
- }
- MMM{
- M{"LLL至LLL"}
- }
- MMMEd{
- M{"M月d日E至M月d日E"}
- d{"M月d日E至d日E"}
- }
- }
- MMMd{
- M{"M月d日至M月d日"}
- d{"M月d日至d日"}
- }
- Md{
- M{"M/d至M/d"}
- d{"M/d至M/d"}
- }
- d{
- d{"d日至d日"}
- }
- fallback{"{0}至{1}"}
- h{
- a{"ah時至ah時"}
- h{"ah時至h時"}
- }
- hm{
- a{"ah:mm至ah:mm"}
- h{"ah:mm至h:mm"}
- m{"ah:mm至h:mm"}
- }
- hmv{
- a{"ah:mm至ah:mm [v]"}
- h{"ah:mm至h:mm [v]"}
- m{"ah:mm至h:mm [v]"}
- }
- hv{
- a{"ah時至ah時 [v]"}
- h{"ah時至h時 [v]"}
- }
- y{
- y{"Gy至y"}
- }
- yM{
- M{"Gy/M至y/M"}
- y{"Gy/M至y/M"}
- }
- yMEd{
- M{"Gy/M/dE至y/M/dE"}
- d{"Gy/M/dE至y/M/dE"}
- y{"Gy/M/dE至y/M/dE"}
- }
- yMMM{
- M{"Gy年M月至M月"}
- y{"Gy年M月至y年M月"}
- }
- yMMMEd{
- M{"Gy年M月d日E至M月d日E"}
- d{"Gy年M月d日E至d日E"}
- y{"Gy年M月d日E至y年M月d日E"}
- }
- yMMMM{
- M{"Gy年M月至M月"}
- y{"Gy年M月至y年M月"}
- }
- yMMMd{
- M{"Gy年M月d日至M月d日"}
- d{"Gy年M月d日至d日"}
- y{"Gy年M月d日至y年M月d日"}
- }
- yMd{
- M{"Gy/M/d至y/M/d"}
- d{"Gy/M/d至y/M/d"}
- y{"Gy/M/d至y/M/d"}
- }
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- "上午",
- "下午",
+ gujr{
+ miscPatterns{
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- "下午",
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- "zah時mm分ss秒",
- "ah:mm:ss",
- "ah:mm",
- "y年M月d日 EEEE",
- "y年M月d日",
- "y年M月d日",
- "y/M/d",
- "{1} {0}",
- "{1} {0}",
- "{1} {0}",
- "{1} {0}",
- "{1} {0}",
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- NoonMarker{"中午"}
- NoonMarkerNarrow{"中午"}
- appendItems{
- Timezone{"{0} {1}"}
+ }
+ guru{
+ miscPatterns{
+ atLeast{"{0}+"}
+ range{"{0}-{1}"}
- availableFormats{
- EHm{"E HH:mm"}
- EHms{"E HH:mm:ss"}
- Ed{"d E"}
- Ehm{"E ah:mm"}
- Ehms{"E ah:mm:ss"}
- Gy{"Gy年"}
- GyMMM{"Gy年M月"}
- GyMMMEd{"Gy年M月d日 E"}
- GyMMMd{"Gy年M月d日"}
- H{"H時"}
- Hm{"HH:mm"}
- Hms{"HH:mm:ss"}
- M{"M月"}
- MEd{"M/d(E)"}
- MMM{"LLL"}
- MMMEd{"M月d日 E"}
- MMMMdd{"M月dd日"}
- MMMd{"M月d日"}
- MMdd{"MM/dd"}
- Md{"M/d"}
- d{"d日"}
- h{"ah時"}
- hm{"ah:mm"}
- hms{"ah:mm:ss"}
- ms{"mm:ss"}
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- yMEd{"y/M/d(E)"}
- yMM{"y-MM"}
- yMMM{"y年M月"}
- yMMMEd{"y年M月d日 E"}
- yMMMM{"y年M月"}
- yMMMd{"y年M月d日"}
- yMd{"y/M/d"}
- yQQQ{"y年QQQ"}
- yQQQQ{"y年QQQQ"}
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- "週一",
- "週二",
- "週三",
- "週四",
- "週五",
- "週六",
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- "日",
- "一",
- "二",
- "三",
- "四",
- "五",
- "六",
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- "一",
- "二",
- "三",
- "四",
- "五",
- "六",
- }
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- "星期日",
- "星期一",
- "星期二",
- "星期三",
- "星期四",
- "星期五",
- "星期六",
- }
- }
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- "週一",
- "週二",
- "週三",
- "週四",
- "週五",
- "週六",
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- "日",
- "一",
- "二",
- "三",
- "四",
- "五",
- "六",
- }
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- "一",
- "二",
- "三",
- "四",
- "五",
- "六",
- }
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- "星期日",
- "星期一",
- "星期二",
- "星期三",
- "星期四",
- "星期五",
- "星期六",
- }
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+ Version{""}
+ calendar{
+ buddhist{
+ DateTimePatterns{
+ "ah:mm:ss [zzzz]",
+ "ah:mm:ss [z]",
+ "ah:mm:ss",
+ "ah:mm",
+ "Gy年M月d日EEEE",
+ "Gy年M月d日",
+ "Gy年M月d日",
+ "Gy/M/d",
+ "{1} {0}",
+ "{1}{0}",
+ "{1} {0}",
+ "{1} {0}",
+ "{1} {0}",
+ }
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+ Gy{"Gy年"}
+ GyMMM{"Gy年M月"}
+ GyMMMEd{"Gy年M月d日E"}
+ GyMMMd{"Gy年M月d日"}
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+ MMMd{"M月d日"}
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+ yyyyMMM{"Gy年M月"}
+ yyyyMMMEd{"Gy年M月d日E"}
+ yyyyMMMM{"Gy年M月"}
+ yyyyMMMd{"Gy年M月d日"}
+ yyyyMd{"Gy/M/d"}
+ yyyyQQQ{"Gy年QQQ"}
+ yyyyQQQQ{"Gy年QQQQ"}
+ }
+ eras{
+ abbreviated{
+ "佛曆",
+ }
+ narrow{
+ "佛曆",
+ }
+ wide{
+ "佛曆",
+ }
+ }
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+ H{
+ H{"HH–HH"}
+ }
+ Hm{
+ H{"HH:mm–HH:mm"}
+ m{"HH:mm–HH:mm"}
+ }
+ Hmv{
+ H{"HH:mm–HH:mm [v]"}
+ m{"HH:mm–HH:mm [v]"}
+ }
+ Hv{
+ H{"HH–HH [v]"}
+ }
+ M{
+ M{"M月至M月"}
+ }
+ MEd{
+ M{"M/d E至M/d E"}
+ d{"M/d E至M/d E"}
+ }
+ MMM{
+ M{"LLL至LLL"}
+ }
+ MMMEd{
+ M{"M月d日E至M月d日E"}
+ d{"M月d日E至d日E"}
+ }
+ }
+ MMMd{
+ M{"M月d日至M月d日"}
+ d{"M月d日至d日"}
+ }
+ Md{
+ M{"M/d至M/d"}
+ d{"M/d至M/d"}
+ }
+ d{
+ d{"d日至d日"}
+ }
+ h{
+ a{"ah時至ah時"}
+ h{"ah時至h時"}
+ }
+ hm{
+ a{"ah:mm至ah:mm"}
+ h{"ah:mm至h:mm"}
+ m{"ah:mm至h:mm"}
+ }
+ hmv{
+ a{"ah:mm至ah:mm [v]"}
+ h{"ah:mm至h:mm [v]"}
+ m{"ah:mm至h:mm [v]"}
+ }
+ hv{
+ a{"ah時至ah時 [v]"}
+ h{"ah時至h時 [v]"}
+ }
+ y{
+ y{"G y至y"}
+ }
+ yM{
+ M{"G y/M至y/M"}
+ y{"G y/M至y/M"}
+ }
+ yMEd{
+ M{"G y/M/dE至y/M/dE"}
+ d{"G y/M/dE至y/M/dE"}
+ y{"G y/M/dE至y/M/dE"}
+ }
+ yMMM{
+ M{"G y年M月至M月"}
+ y{"G y年M月至y年M月"}
+ }
+ yMMMEd{
+ M{"G y年M月d日E至M月d日E"}
+ d{"G y年M月d日E至d日E"}
+ y{"G y年M月d日E至y年M月d日E"}
+ }
+ yMMMM{
+ M{"G y年M月至M月"}
+ y{"G y年M月至y年M月"}
+ }
+ yMMMd{
+ M{"G y年M月d日至M月d日"}
+ d{"G y年M月d日至d日"}
+ y{"G y年M月d日至y年M月d日"}
+ }
+ yMd{
+ M{"G y/M/d至y/M/d"}
+ d{"G y/M/d至y/M/d"}
+ y{"G y/M/d至y/M/d"}
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ chinese{
+ DateTimePatterns{
+ "zzzz ah:mm:ss",
+ "z ah:mm:ss",
+ "ah:mm:ss",
+ "ah:mm",
+ {
+ "rU年MMMd EEEE",
+ "d=hanidays",
+ }
+ {
+ "rU年MMMd",
+ "d=hanidays",
+ }
+ {
+ "r年MMMd",
+ "d=hanidays",
+ }
+ "r/M/d",
+ "{1} {0}",
+ "{1} {0}",
+ "{1} {0}",
+ "{1} {0}",
+ "{1} {0}",
+ }
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+ Bhms{"Bh:mm:ss"}
+ E{"ccc"}
+ EBhm{"E Bh:mm"}
+ EBhms{"E Bh:mm:ss"}
+ Ed{"d E"}
+ Gy{"rU年"}
+ GyMMM{"rU年MMM"}
+ GyMMMEd{"rU年MMMdE"}
+ GyMMMd{"r年MMMd"}
+ H{"HH時"}
+ Hm{"HH:mm"}
+ Hms{"HH:mm:ss"}
+ M{"MMM"}
+ MEd{"M/dE"}
+ MMM{"LLL"}
+ MMMEd{"MMMdE"}
+ MMMMd{"MMMMd"}
+ MMMd{"MMMd"}
+ Md{"M/d"}
+ UM{"U年MMM"}
+ UMMMd{"U年MMMd"}
+ UMd{"U年MMMd"}
+ d{"d"}
+ h{"ah時"}
+ hm{"ah:mm"}
+ hms{"ah:mm:ss"}
+ ms{"mm:ss"}
+ y{"U年"}
+ yMd{"r年MMMd"}
+ yyyy{"U年"}
+ yyyyM{"rU年MMM"}
+ yyyyMEd{"rU年MMMd,E"}
+ yyyyMMM{"rU年MMM"}
+ yyyyMMMEd{"rU年MMMdE"}
+ yyyyMMMM{"rU年MMMM"}
+ yyyyMMMd{"r年MMMd"}
+ yyyyMd{"r年MMMd"}
+ yyyyQQQ{"rU年QQQQ"}
+ yyyyQQQQ{"rU年QQQQ"}
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+ "酉",
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+ "壬申",
+ "癸酉",
+ "甲戌",
+ "乙亥",
+ "丙子",
+ "丁丑",
+ "戊寅",
+ "己卯",
+ "庚辰",
+ "辛巳",
+ "壬午",
+ "癸未",
+ "甲申",
+ "乙酉",
+ "丙戌",
+ "丁亥",
+ "戊子",
+ "己丑",
+ "庚寅",
+ "辛卯",
+ "壬辰",
+ "癸巳",
+ "甲午",
+ "乙未",
+ "丙申",
+ "丁酉",
+ "戊戌",
+ "己亥",
+ "庚子",
+ "辛丑",
+ "壬寅",
+ "癸卯",
+ "甲辰",
+ "乙巳",
+ "丙午",
+ "丁未",
+ "戊申",
+ "己酉",
+ "庚戌",
+ "辛亥",
+ "壬子",
+ "癸丑",
+ "甲寅",
+ "乙卯",
+ "丙辰",
+ "丁巳",
+ "戊午",
+ "己未",
+ "庚申",
+ "辛酉",
+ "壬戌",
+ "癸亥",
+ }
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+ "甲子",
+ "乙丑",
+ "丙寅",
+ "丁卯",
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+ "己巳",
+ "庚午",
+ "辛未",
+ "壬申",
+ "癸酉",
+ "甲戌",
+ "乙亥",
+ "丙子",
+ "丁丑",
+ "戊寅",
+ "己卯",
+ "庚辰",
+ "辛巳",
+ "壬午",
+ "癸未",
+ "甲申",
+ "乙酉",
+ "丙戌",
+ "丁亥",
+ "戊子",
+ "己丑",
+ "庚寅",
+ "辛卯",
+ "壬辰",
+ "癸巳",
+ "甲午",
+ "乙未",
+ "丙申",
+ "丁酉",
+ "戊戌",
+ "己亥",
+ "庚子",
+ "辛丑",
+ "壬寅",
+ "癸卯",
+ "甲辰",
+ "乙巳",
+ "丙午",
+ "丁未",
+ "戊申",
+ "己酉",
+ "庚戌",
+ "辛亥",
+ "壬子",
+ "癸丑",
+ "甲寅",
+ "乙卯",
+ "丙辰",
+ "丁巳",
+ "戊午",
+ "己未",
+ "庚申",
+ "辛酉",
+ "壬戌",
+ "癸亥",
+ }
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+ "甲子",
+ "乙丑",
+ "丙寅",
+ "丁卯",
+ "戊辰",
+ "己巳",
+ "庚午",
+ "辛未",
+ "壬申",
+ "癸酉",
+ "甲戌",
+ "乙亥",
+ "丙子",
+ "丁丑",
+ "戊寅",
+ "己卯",
+ "庚辰",
+ "辛巳",
+ "壬午",
+ "癸未",
+ "甲申",
+ "乙酉",
+ "丙戌",
+ "丁亥",
+ "戊子",
+ "己丑",
+ "庚寅",
+ "辛卯",
+ "壬辰",
+ "癸巳",
+ "甲午",
+ "乙未",
+ "丙申",
+ "丁酉",
+ "戊戌",
+ "己亥",
+ "庚子",
+ "辛丑",
+ "壬寅",
+ "癸卯",
+ "甲辰",
+ "乙巳",
+ "丙午",
+ "丁未",
+ "戊申",
+ "己酉",
+ "庚戌",
+ "辛亥",
+ "壬子",
+ "癸丑",
+ "甲寅",
+ "乙卯",
+ "丙辰",
+ "丁巳",
+ "戊午",
+ "己未",
+ "庚申",
+ "辛酉",
+ "壬戌",
+ "癸亥",
+ }
+ }
+ }
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+ "甲子",
+ "乙丑",
+ "丙寅",
+ "丁卯",
+ "戊辰",
+ "己巳",
+ "庚午",
+ "辛未",
+ "壬申",
+ "癸酉",
+ "甲戌",
+ "乙亥",
+ "丙子",
+ "丁丑",
+ "戊寅",
+ "己卯",
+ "庚辰",
+ "辛巳",
+ "壬午",
+ "癸未",
+ "甲申",
+ "乙酉",
+ "丙戌",
+ "丁亥",
+ "戊子",
+ "己丑",
+ "庚寅",
+ "辛卯",
+ "壬辰",
+ "癸巳",
+ "甲午",
+ "乙未",
+ "丙申",
+ "丁酉",
+ "戊戌",
+ "己亥",
+ "庚子",
+ "辛丑",
+ "壬寅",
+ "癸卯",
+ "甲辰",
+ "乙巳",
+ "丙午",
+ "丁未",
+ "戊申",
+ "己酉",
+ "庚戌",
+ "辛亥",
+ "壬子",
+ "癸丑",
+ "甲寅",
+ "乙卯",
+ "丙辰",
+ "丁巳",
+ "戊午",
+ "己未",
+ "庚申",
+ "辛酉",
+ "壬戌",
+ "癸亥",
+ }
+ narrow{
+ "甲子",
+ "乙丑",
+ "丙寅",
+ "丁卯",
+ "戊辰",
+ "己巳",
+ "庚午",
+ "辛未",
+ "壬申",
+ "癸酉",
+ "甲戌",
+ "乙亥",
+ "丙子",
+ "丁丑",
+ "戊寅",
+ "己卯",
+ "庚辰",
+ "辛巳",
+ "壬午",
+ "癸未",
+ "甲申",
+ "乙酉",
+ "丙戌",
+ "丁亥",
+ "戊子",
+ "己丑",
+ "庚寅",
+ "辛卯",
+ "壬辰",
+ "癸巳",
+ "甲午",
+ "乙未",
+ "丙申",
+ "丁酉",
+ "戊戌",
+ "己亥",
+ "庚子",
+ "辛丑",
+ "壬寅",
+ "癸卯",
+ "甲辰",
+ "乙巳",
+ "丙午",
+ "丁未",
+ "戊申",
+ "己酉",
+ "庚戌",
+ "辛亥",
+ "壬子",
+ "癸丑",
+ "甲寅",
+ "乙卯",
+ "丙辰",
+ "丁巳",
+ "戊午",
+ "己未",
+ "庚申",
+ "辛酉",
+ "壬戌",
+ "癸亥",
+ }
+ wide{
+ "甲子",
+ "乙丑",
+ "丙寅",
+ "丁卯",
+ "戊辰",
+ "己巳",
+ "庚午",
+ "辛未",
+ "壬申",
+ "癸酉",
+ "甲戌",
+ "乙亥",
+ "丙子",
+ "丁丑",
+ "戊寅",
+ "己卯",
+ "庚辰",
+ "辛巳",
+ "壬午",
+ "癸未",
+ "甲申",
+ "乙酉",
+ "丙戌",
+ "丁亥",
+ "戊子",
+ "己丑",
+ "庚寅",
+ "辛卯",
+ "壬辰",
+ "癸巳",
+ "甲午",
+ "乙未",
+ "丙申",
+ "丁酉",
+ "戊戌",
+ "己亥",
+ "庚子",
+ "辛丑",
+ "壬寅",
+ "癸卯",
+ "甲辰",
+ "乙巳",
+ "丙午",
+ "丁未",
+ "戊申",
+ "己酉",
+ "庚戌",
+ "辛亥",
+ "壬子",
+ "癸丑",
+ "甲寅",
+ "乙卯",
+ "丙辰",
+ "丁巳",
+ "戊午",
+ "己未",
+ "庚申",
+ "辛酉",
+ "壬戌",
+ "癸亥",
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ solarTerms{
+ format{
+ abbreviated{
+ "立春",
+ "雨水",
+ "驚蟄",
+ "春分",
+ "清明",
+ "穀雨",
+ "立夏",
+ "小滿",
+ "芒種",
+ "夏至",
+ "小暑",
+ "大暑",
+ "立秋",
+ "處暑",
+ "白露",
+ "秋分",
+ "寒露",
+ "霜降",
+ "立冬",
+ "小雪",
+ "大雪",
+ "冬至",
+ "小寒",
+ "大寒",
+ }
+ narrow{
+ "立春",
+ "雨水",
+ "驚蟄",
+ "春分",
+ "清明",
+ "穀雨",
+ "立夏",
+ "小滿",
+ "芒種",
+ "夏至",
+ "小暑",
+ "大暑",
+ "立秋",
+ "處暑",
+ "白露",
+ "秋分",
+ "寒露",
+ "霜降",
+ "立冬",
+ "小雪",
+ "大雪",
+ "冬至",
+ "小寒",
+ "大寒",
+ }
+ wide{
+ "立春",
+ "雨水",
+ "驚蟄",
+ "春分",
+ "清明",
+ "穀雨",
+ "立夏",
+ "小滿",
+ "芒種",
+ "夏至",
+ "小暑",
+ "大暑",
+ "立秋",
+ "處暑",
+ "白露",
+ "秋分",
+ "寒露",
+ "霜降",
+ "立冬",
+ "小雪",
+ "大雪",
+ "冬至",
+ "小寒",
+ "大寒",
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ years{
+ format{
+ abbreviated{
+ "甲子",
+ "乙丑",
+ "丙寅",
+ "丁卯",
+ "戊辰",
+ "己巳",
+ "庚午",
+ "辛未",
+ "壬申",
+ "癸酉",
+ "甲戌",
+ "乙亥",
+ "丙子",
+ "丁丑",
+ "戊寅",
+ "己卯",
+ "庚辰",
+ "辛巳",
+ "壬午",
+ "癸未",
+ "甲申",
+ "乙酉",
+ "丙戌",
+ "丁亥",
+ "戊子",
+ "己丑",
+ "庚寅",
+ "辛卯",
+ "壬辰",
+ "癸巳",
+ "甲午",
+ "乙未",
+ "丙申",
+ "丁酉",
+ "戊戌",
+ "己亥",
+ "庚子",
+ "辛丑",
+ "壬寅",
+ "癸卯",
+ "甲辰",
+ "乙巳",
+ "丙午",
+ "丁未",
+ "戊申",
+ "己酉",
+ "庚戌",
+ "辛亥",
+ "壬子",
+ "癸丑",
+ "甲寅",
+ "乙卯",
+ "丙辰",
+ "丁巳",
+ "戊午",
+ "己未",
+ "庚申",
+ "辛酉",
+ "壬戌",
+ "癸亥",
+ }
+ narrow{
+ "甲子",
+ "乙丑",
+ "丙寅",
+ "丁卯",
+ "戊辰",
+ "己巳",
+ "庚午",
+ "辛未",
+ "壬申",
+ "癸酉",
+ "甲戌",
+ "乙亥",
+ "丙子",
+ "丁丑",
+ "戊寅",
+ "己卯",
+ "庚辰",
+ "辛巳",
+ "壬午",
+ "癸未",
+ "甲申",
+ "乙酉",
+ "丙戌",
+ "丁亥",
+ "戊子",
+ "己丑",
+ "庚寅",
+ "辛卯",
+ "壬辰",
+ "癸巳",
+ "甲午",
+ "乙未",
+ "丙申",
+ "丁酉",
+ "戊戌",
+ "己亥",
+ "庚子",
+ "辛丑",
+ "壬寅",
+ "癸卯",
+ "甲辰",
+ "乙巳",
+ "丙午",
+ "丁未",
+ "戊申",
+ "己酉",
+ "庚戌",
+ "辛亥",
+ "壬子",
+ "癸丑",
+ "甲寅",
+ "乙卯",
+ "丙辰",
+ "丁巳",
+ "戊午",
+ "己未",
+ "庚申",
+ "辛酉",
+ "壬戌",
+ "癸亥",
+ }
+ wide{
+ "甲子",
+ "乙丑",
+ "丙寅",
+ "丁卯",
+ "戊辰",
+ "己巳",
+ "庚午",
+ "辛未",
+ "壬申",
+ "癸酉",
+ "甲戌",
+ "乙亥",
+ "丙子",
+ "丁丑",
+ "戊寅",
+ "己卯",
+ "庚辰",
+ "辛巳",
+ "壬午",
+ "癸未",
+ "甲申",
+ "乙酉",
+ "丙戌",
+ "丁亥",
+ "戊子",
+ "己丑",
+ "庚寅",
+ "辛卯",
+ "壬辰",
+ "癸巳",
+ "甲午",
+ "乙未",
+ "丙申",
+ "丁酉",
+ "戊戌",
+ "己亥",
+ "庚子",
+ "辛丑",
+ "壬寅",
+ "癸卯",
+ "甲辰",
+ "乙巳",
+ "丙午",
+ "丁未",
+ "戊申",
+ "己酉",
+ "庚戌",
+ "辛亥",
+ "壬子",
+ "癸丑",
+ "甲寅",
+ "乙卯",
+ "丙辰",
+ "丁巳",
+ "戊午",
+ "己未",
+ "庚申",
+ "辛酉",
+ "壬戌",
+ "癸亥",
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ zodiacs{
+ format{
+ abbreviated{
+ "鼠",
+ "牛",
+ "虎",
+ "兔",
+ "龍",
+ "蛇",
+ "馬",
+ "羊",
+ "猴",
+ "雞",
+ "狗",
+ "豬",
+ }
+ narrow{
+ "鼠",
+ "牛",
+ "虎",
+ "兔",
+ "龍",
+ "蛇",
+ "馬",
+ "羊",
+ "猴",
+ "雞",
+ "狗",
+ "豬",
+ }
+ wide{
+ "鼠",
+ "牛",
+ "虎",
+ "兔",
+ "龍",
+ "蛇",
+ "馬",
+ "羊",
+ "猴",
+ "雞",
+ "狗",
+ "豬",
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ intervalFormats{
+ H{
+ H{"HH–HH"}
+ }
+ Hm{
+ H{"HH:mm–HH:mm"}
+ m{"HH:mm–HH:mm"}
+ }
+ Hmv{
+ H{"v HH:mm–HH:mm"}
+ m{"v HH:mm–HH:mm"}
+ }
+ Hv{
+ H{"v HH–HH"}
+ }
+ M{
+ M{"MMM至MMM"}
+ }
+ MEd{
+ M{"M/dE至M/dE"}
+ d{"M/dE至M/dE"}
+ }
+ MMM{
+ M{"LLL至LLL"}
+ }
+ MMMEd{
+ M{"MMMdE至MMMdE"}
+ d{"MMMdE至dE"}
+ }
+ }
+ MMMd{
+ M{"MMMd至MMMd"}
+ d{"MMMd至d"}
+ }
+ Md{
+ M{"M/d至M/d"}
+ d{"M/d至M/d"}
+ }
+ d{
+ d{"d至d"}
+ }
+ fallback{"{0}至{1}"}
+ h{
+ a{"ah時至ah時"}
+ h{"ah時至h時"}
+ }
+ hm{
+ a{"ah:mm至ah:mm"}
+ h{"ah:mm至h:mm"}
+ m{"ah:mm至h:mm"}
+ }
+ hmv{
+ a{"v ah:mm至ah:mm"}
+ h{"v ah:mm至h:mm"}
+ m{"v ah:mm至h:mm"}
+ }
+ hv{
+ a{"v ah時至ah時"}
+ h{"v ah時至h時"}
+ }
+ y{
+ y{"rU至rU"}
+ }
+ yM{
+ M{"r/M至r/M"}
+ y{"r/M至r/M"}
+ }
+ yMEd{
+ M{"r/M/dE至r/M/dE"}
+ d{"r/M/dE至r/M/dE"}
+ y{"r/M/dE至r/M/dE"}
+ }
+ yMMM{
+ M{"rU年MMM至MMM"}
+ y{"rU年MMM至rU年MMM"}
+ }
+ yMMMEd{
+ M{"rU年MMMdE至MMMdE"}
+ d{"rU年MMMdE至dE"}
+ y{"rU年MMMdE至rU年MMMdE"}
+ }
+ yMMMM{
+ y{"rU年MMMM至rU年MMMM"}
+ }
+ yMMMd{
+ M{"r年MMMd至MMMd"}
+ d{"r年MMMd至d"}
+ y{"r年MMMd至r年MMMd"}
+ }
+ yMd{
+ M{"r/M/d至r/M/d"}
+ d{"r/M/d至r/M/d"}
+ y{"r/M/d至r/M/d"}
+ }
+ }
+ monthNames{
+ format{
+ abbreviated{
+ "正月",
+ "二月",
+ "三月",
+ "四月",
+ "五月",
+ "六月",
+ "七月",
+ "八月",
+ "九月",
+ "十月",
+ "冬月",
+ "臘月",
+ }
+ narrow{
+ "正",
+ "二",
+ "三",
+ "四",
+ "五",
+ "六",
+ "七",
+ "八",
+ "九",
+ "十",
+ "冬",
+ "臘",
+ }
+ wide{
+ "正月",
+ "二月",
+ "三月",
+ "四月",
+ "五月",
+ "六月",
+ "七月",
+ "八月",
+ "九月",
+ "十月",
+ "冬月",
+ "臘月",
+ }
+ }
+ stand-alone{
+ abbreviated{
+ "正月",
+ "二月",
+ "三月",
+ "四月",
+ "五月",
+ "六月",
+ "七月",
+ "八月",
+ "九月",
+ "十月",
+ "冬月",
+ "臘月",
+ }
+ narrow{
+ "正",
+ "二",
+ "三",
+ "四",
+ "五",
+ "六",
+ "七",
+ "八",
+ "九",
+ "十",
+ "冬",
+ "臘",
+ }
+ wide{
+ "正月",
+ "二月",
+ "三月",
+ "四月",
+ "五月",
+ "六月",
+ "七月",
+ "八月",
+ "九月",
+ "十月",
+ "冬月",
+ "臘月",
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ monthPatterns{
+ format{
+ abbreviated{
+ leap{"閏{0}"}
+ }
+ narrow{
+ leap{"閏{0}"}
+ }
+ wide{
+ leap{"閏{0}"}
+ }
+ }
+ numeric{
+ all{
+ leap{"閏{0}"}
+ }
+ }
+ stand-alone{
+ abbreviated{
+ leap{"閏{0}"}
+ }
+ narrow{
+ leap{"閏{0}"}
+ }
+ wide{
+ leap{"閏{0}"}
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ coptic{
+ DateTimePatterns{
+ "ah:mm:ss [zzzz]",
+ "ah:mm:ss [z]",
+ "ah:mm:ss",
+ "ah:mm",
+ "G y年M月d日 EEEE",
+ "G y年M月d日",
+ "G y年M月d日",
+ "G y/M/d",
+ "{1} {0}",
+ "{1}{0}",
+ "{1} {0}",
+ "{1} {0}",
+ "{1} {0}",
+ }
+ availableFormats{
+ E{"ccc"}
+ Ed{"d E"}
+ Gy{"G y年"}
+ GyMMM{"G y年M月"}
+ GyMMMEd{"G y年M月d日 E"}
+ GyMMMd{"G y年M月d日"}
+ M{"M月"}
+ MEd{"M/d(E)"}
+ MMM{"LLL"}
+ MMMEd{"M月d日 E"}
+ MMMMd{"M月d日"}
+ MMMd{"M月d日"}
+ Md{"M/d"}
+ d{"d日"}
+ y{"G y年"}
+ yyyy{"G y年"}
+ yyyyM{"G y/M"}
+ yyyyMEd{"G y/M/d(E)"}
+ yyyyMMM{"G y年M月"}
+ yyyyMMMEd{"G y年M月d日 E"}
+ yyyyMMMM{"G y年M月"}
+ yyyyMMMd{"G y年M月d日"}
+ yyyyMd{"G y/M/d"}
+ yyyyQQQ{"G y年QQQ"}
+ yyyyQQQQ{"G y年QQQQ"}
+ }
+ eras{
+ abbreviated{
+ "科普特曆前",
+ "科普特曆",
+ }
+ narrow{
+ "科普特曆前",
+ "科普特曆",
+ }
+ wide{
+ "科普特曆前",
+ "科普特曆",
+ }
+ }
+ intervalFormats{
+ H{
+ H{"HH–HH"}
+ }
+ Hm{
+ H{"HH:mm–HH:mm"}
+ m{"HH:mm–HH:mm"}
+ }
+ Hmv{
+ H{"HH:mm–HH:mm [v]"}
+ m{"HH:mm–HH:mm [v]"}
+ }
+ Hv{
+ H{"HH–HH [v]"}
+ }
+ M{
+ M{"M月至M月"}
+ }
+ MEd{
+ M{"M/d E至M/d E"}
+ d{"M/d E至M/d E"}
+ }
+ MMM{
+ M{"LLL至LLL"}
+ }
+ MMMEd{
+ M{"M月d日E至M月d日E"}
+ d{"M月d日E至d日E"}
+ }
+ }
+ MMMd{
+ M{"M月d日至M月d日"}
+ d{"M月d日至d日"}
+ }
+ Md{
+ M{"M/d至M/d"}
+ d{"M/d至M/d"}
+ }
+ d{
+ d{"d日至d日"}
+ }
+ h{
+ a{"ah時至ah時"}
+ h{"ah時至h時"}
+ }
+ hm{
+ a{"ah:mm至ah:mm"}
+ h{"ah:mm至h:mm"}
+ m{"ah:mm至h:mm"}
+ }
+ hmv{
+ a{"ah:mm至ah:mm [v]"}
+ h{"ah:mm至h:mm [v]"}
+ m{"ah:mm至h:mm [v]"}
+ }
+ hv{
+ a{"ah時至ah時 [v]"}
+ h{"ah時至h時 [v]"}
+ }
+ y{
+ y{"G y至y"}
+ }
+ yM{
+ M{"G y/M至y/M"}
+ y{"G y/M至y/M"}
+ }
+ yMEd{
+ M{"G y/M/dE至y/M/dE"}
+ d{"G y/M/dE至y/M/dE"}
+ y{"G y/M/dE至y/M/dE"}
+ }
+ yMMM{
+ M{"G y年M月至M月"}
+ y{"G y年M月至y年M月"}
+ }
+ yMMMEd{
+ M{"G y年M月d日E至M月d日E"}
+ d{"G y年M月d日E至d日E"}
+ y{"G y年M月d日E至y年M月d日E"}
+ }
+ yMMMM{
+ M{"G y年M月至M月"}
+ y{"G y年M月至y年M月"}
+ }
+ yMMMd{
+ M{"G y年M月d日至M月d日"}
+ d{"G y年M月d日至d日"}
+ y{"G y年M月d日至y年M月d日"}
+ }
+ yMd{
+ M{"G y/M/d至y/M/d"}
+ d{"G y/M/d至y/M/d"}
+ y{"G y/M/d至y/M/d"}
+ }
+ }
+ monthNames{
+ format{
+ abbreviated{
+ "1月",
+ "2月",
+ "3月",
+ "4月",
+ "5月",
+ "6月",
+ "7月",
+ "8月",
+ "9月",
+ "10月",
+ "11月",
+ "12月",
+ "13月",
+ }
+ narrow{
+ "1",
+ "2",
+ "3",
+ "4",
+ "5",
+ "6",
+ "7",
+ "8",
+ "9",
+ "10",
+ "11",
+ "12",
+ "13",
+ }
+ wide{
+ "1月",
+ "2月",
+ "3月",
+ "4月",
+ "5月",
+ "6月",
+ "7月",
+ "8月",
+ "9月",
+ "10月",
+ "11月",
+ "12月",
+ "13月",
+ }
+ }
+ stand-alone{
+ abbreviated{
+ "1月",
+ "2月",
+ "3月",
+ "4月",
+ "5月",
+ "6月",
+ "7月",
+ "8月",
+ "9月",
+ "10月",
+ "11月",
+ "12月",
+ "13月",
+ }
+ narrow{
+ "1",
+ "2",
+ "3",
+ "4",
+ "5",
+ "6",
+ "7",
+ "8",
+ "9",
+ "10",
+ "11",
+ "12",
+ "13",
+ }
+ wide{
+ "1月",
+ "2月",
+ "3月",
+ "4月",
+ "5月",
+ "6月",
+ "7月",
+ "8月",
+ "9月",
+ "10月",
+ "11月",
+ "12月",
+ "13月",
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ dangi{
+ DateTimePatterns{
+ "zzzz ah:mm:ss",
+ "z ah:mm:ss",
+ "ah:mm:ss",
+ "ah:mm",
+ "U年MMMd日 EEEE",
+ "U年MMMd日",
+ "U年MMMd日",
+ "U/M/d",
+ "{1} {0}",
+ "{1} {0}",
+ "{1} {0}",
+ "{1} {0}",
+ "{1} {0}",
+ }
+ availableFormats{
+ Ed{"d日E"}
+ Gy{"rU年"}
+ GyMMM{"rU年MMM"}
+ GyMMMEd{"rU年MMMdE"}
+ GyMMMd{"r年MMMd"}
+ M{"MMM"}
+ MEd{"M/dE"}
+ MMMEd{"MMMd日E"}
+ MMMMd{"MMMMd日"}
+ MMMd{"MMMd日"}
+ Md{"M/d"}
+ UM{"U年MMM"}
+ UMMMd{"U年MMMd"}
+ UMd{"U年MMMd"}
+ d{"d日"}
+ y{"rU年"}
+ yMd{"r年MMMd"}
+ yyyy{"rU年"}
+ yyyyM{"rU年MMM"}
+ yyyyMEd{"rU年MMMd,E"}
+ yyyyMMM{"rU年MMM"}
+ yyyyMMMEd{"rU年MMMdE"}
+ yyyyMMMM{"rU年MMMM"}
+ yyyyMMMd{"r年MMMd"}
+ yyyyMd{"r年MMMd"}
+ yyyyQQQ{"rU年QQQQ"}
+ yyyyQQQQ{"rU年QQQQ"}
+ }
+ cyclicNameSets{
+ dayParts{
+ format{
+ abbreviated{
+ "子",
+ "丑",
+ "寅",
+ "卯",
+ "辰",
+ "巳",
+ "午",
+ "未",
+ "申",
+ "酉",
+ "戌",
+ "亥",
+ }
+ narrow{
+ "子",
+ "丑",
+ "寅",
+ "卯",
+ "辰",
+ "巳",
+ "午",
+ "未",
+ "申",
+ "酉",
+ "戌",
+ "亥",
+ }
+ wide{
+ "子",
+ "丑",
+ "寅",
+ "卯",
+ "辰",
+ "巳",
+ "午",
+ "未",
+ "申",
+ "酉",
+ "戌",
+ "亥",
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ days{
+ format{
+ abbreviated{
+ "甲子",
+ "乙丑",
+ "丙寅",
+ "丁卯",
+ "戊辰",
+ "己巳",
+ "庚午",
+ "辛未",
+ "壬申",
+ "癸酉",
+ "甲戌",
+ "乙亥",
+ "丙子",
+ "丁丑",
+ "戊寅",
+ "己卯",
+ "庚辰",
+ "辛巳",
+ "壬午",
+ "癸未",
+ "甲申",
+ "乙酉",
+ "丙戌",
+ "丁亥",
+ "戊子",
+ "己丑",
+ "庚寅",
+ "辛卯",
+ "壬辰",
+ "癸巳",
+ "甲午",
+ "乙未",
+ "丙申",
+ "丁酉",
+ "戊戌",
+ "己亥",
+ "庚子",
+ "辛丑",
+ "壬寅",
+ "癸卯",
+ "甲辰",
+ "乙巳",
+ "丙午",
+ "丁未",
+ "戊申",
+ "己酉",
+ "庚戌",
+ "辛亥",
+ "壬子",
+ "癸丑",
+ "甲寅",
+ "乙卯",
+ "丙辰",
+ "丁巳",
+ "戊午",
+ "己未",
+ "庚申",
+ "辛酉",
+ "壬戌",
+ "癸亥",
+ }
+ narrow{
+ "甲子",
+ "乙丑",
+ "丙寅",
+ "丁卯",
+ "戊辰",
+ "己巳",
+ "庚午",
+ "辛未",
+ "壬申",
+ "癸酉",
+ "甲戌",
+ "乙亥",
+ "丙子",
+ "丁丑",
+ "戊寅",
+ "己卯",
+ "庚辰",
+ "辛巳",
+ "壬午",
+ "癸未",
+ "甲申",
+ "乙酉",
+ "丙戌",
+ "丁亥",
+ "戊子",
+ "己丑",
+ "庚寅",
+ "辛卯",
+ "壬辰",
+ "癸巳",
+ "甲午",
+ "乙未",
+ "丙申",
+ "丁酉",
+ "戊戌",
+ "己亥",
+ "庚子",
+ "辛丑",
+ "壬寅",
+ "癸卯",
+ "甲辰",
+ "乙巳",
+ "丙午",
+ "丁未",
+ "戊申",
+ "己酉",
+ "庚戌",
+ "辛亥",
+ "壬子",
+ "癸丑",
+ "甲寅",
+ "乙卯",
+ "丙辰",
+ "丁巳",
+ "戊午",
+ "己未",
+ "庚申",
+ "辛酉",
+ "壬戌",
+ "癸亥",
+ }
+ wide{
+ "甲子",
+ "乙丑",
+ "丙寅",
+ "丁卯",
+ "戊辰",
+ "己巳",
+ "庚午",
+ "辛未",
+ "壬申",
+ "癸酉",
+ "甲戌",
+ "乙亥",
+ "丙子",
+ "丁丑",
+ "戊寅",
+ "己卯",
+ "庚辰",
+ "辛巳",
+ "壬午",
+ "癸未",
+ "甲申",
+ "乙酉",
+ "丙戌",
+ "丁亥",
+ "戊子",
+ "己丑",
+ "庚寅",
+ "辛卯",
+ "壬辰",
+ "癸巳",
+ "甲午",
+ "乙未",
+ "丙申",
+ "丁酉",
+ "戊戌",
+ "己亥",
+ "庚子",
+ "辛丑",
+ "壬寅",
+ "癸卯",
+ "甲辰",
+ "乙巳",
+ "丙午",
+ "丁未",
+ "戊申",
+ "己酉",
+ "庚戌",
+ "辛亥",
+ "壬子",
+ "癸丑",
+ "甲寅",
+ "乙卯",
+ "丙辰",
+ "丁巳",
+ "戊午",
+ "己未",
+ "庚申",
+ "辛酉",
+ "壬戌",
+ "癸亥",
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ months{
+ format{
+ abbreviated{
+ "甲子",
+ "乙丑",
+ "丙寅",
+ "丁卯",
+ "戊辰",
+ "己巳",
+ "庚午",
+ "辛未",
+ "壬申",
+ "癸酉",
+ "甲戌",
+ "乙亥",
+ "丙子",
+ "丁丑",
+ "戊寅",
+ "己卯",
+ "庚辰",
+ "辛巳",
+ "壬午",
+ "癸未",
+ "甲申",
+ "乙酉",
+ "丙戌",
+ "丁亥",
+ "戊子",
+ "己丑",
+ "庚寅",
+ "辛卯",
+ "壬辰",
+ "癸巳",
+ "甲午",
+ "乙未",
+ "丙申",
+ "丁酉",
+ "戊戌",
+ "己亥",
+ "庚子",
+ "辛丑",
+ "壬寅",
+ "癸卯",
+ "甲辰",
+ "乙巳",
+ "丙午",
+ "丁未",
+ "戊申",
+ "己酉",
+ "庚戌",
+ "辛亥",
+ "壬子",
+ "癸丑",
+ "甲寅",
+ "乙卯",
+ "丙辰",
+ "丁巳",
+ "戊午",
+ "己未",
+ "庚申",
+ "辛酉",
+ "壬戌",
+ "癸亥",
+ }
+ narrow{
+ "甲子",
+ "乙丑",
+ "丙寅",
+ "丁卯",
+ "戊辰",
+ "己巳",
+ "庚午",
+ "辛未",
+ "壬申",
+ "癸酉",
+ "甲戌",
+ "乙亥",
+ "丙子",
+ "丁丑",
+ "戊寅",
+ "己卯",
+ "庚辰",
+ "辛巳",
+ "壬午",
+ "癸未",
+ "甲申",
+ "乙酉",
+ "丙戌",
+ "丁亥",
+ "戊子",
+ "己丑",
+ "庚寅",
+ "辛卯",
+ "壬辰",
+ "癸巳",
+ "甲午",
+ "乙未",
+ "丙申",
+ "丁酉",
+ "戊戌",
+ "己亥",
+ "庚子",
+ "辛丑",
+ "壬寅",
+ "癸卯",
+ "甲辰",
+ "乙巳",
+ "丙午",
+ "丁未",
+ "戊申",
+ "己酉",
+ "庚戌",
+ "辛亥",
+ "壬子",
+ "癸丑",
+ "甲寅",
+ "乙卯",
+ "丙辰",
+ "丁巳",
+ "戊午",
+ "己未",
+ "庚申",
+ "辛酉",
+ "壬戌",
+ "癸亥",
+ }
+ wide{
+ "甲子",
+ "乙丑",
+ "丙寅",
+ "丁卯",
+ "戊辰",
+ "己巳",
+ "庚午",
+ "辛未",
+ "壬申",
+ "癸酉",
+ "甲戌",
+ "乙亥",
+ "丙子",
+ "丁丑",
+ "戊寅",
+ "己卯",
+ "庚辰",
+ "辛巳",
+ "壬午",
+ "癸未",
+ "甲申",
+ "乙酉",
+ "丙戌",
+ "丁亥",
+ "戊子",
+ "己丑",
+ "庚寅",
+ "辛卯",
+ "壬辰",
+ "癸巳",
+ "甲午",
+ "乙未",
+ "丙申",
+ "丁酉",
+ "戊戌",
+ "己亥",
+ "庚子",
+ "辛丑",
+ "壬寅",
+ "癸卯",
+ "甲辰",
+ "乙巳",
+ "丙午",
+ "丁未",
+ "戊申",
+ "己酉",
+ "庚戌",
+ "辛亥",
+ "壬子",
+ "癸丑",
+ "甲寅",
+ "乙卯",
+ "丙辰",
+ "丁巳",
+ "戊午",
+ "己未",
+ "庚申",
+ "辛酉",
+ "壬戌",
+ "癸亥",
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ solarTerms{
+ format{
+ abbreviated{
+ "立春",
+ "雨水",
+ "驚蟄",
+ "春分",
+ "清明",
+ "穀雨",
+ "立夏",
+ "小滿",
+ "芒種",
+ "夏至",
+ "小暑",
+ "大暑",
+ "立秋",
+ "處暑",
+ "白露",
+ "秋分",
+ "寒露",
+ "霜降",
+ "立冬",
+ "小雪",
+ "大雪",
+ "冬至",
+ "小寒",
+ "大寒",
+ }
+ narrow{
+ "立春",
+ "雨水",
+ "驚蟄",
+ "春分",
+ "清明",
+ "穀雨",
+ "立夏",
+ "小滿",
+ "芒種",
+ "夏至",
+ "小暑",
+ "大暑",
+ "立秋",
+ "處暑",
+ "白露",
+ "秋分",
+ "寒露",
+ "霜降",
+ "立冬",
+ "小雪",
+ "大雪",
+ "冬至",
+ "小寒",
+ "大寒",
+ }
+ wide{
+ "立春",
+ "雨水",
+ "驚蟄",
+ "春分",
+ "清明",
+ "穀雨",
+ "立夏",
+ "小滿",
+ "芒種",
+ "夏至",
+ "小暑",
+ "大暑",
+ "立秋",
+ "處暑",
+ "白露",
+ "秋分",
+ "寒露",
+ "霜降",
+ "立冬",
+ "小雪",
+ "大雪",
+ "冬至",
+ "小寒",
+ "大寒",
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ years{
+ format{
+ abbreviated{
+ "甲子",
+ "乙丑",
+ "丙寅",
+ "丁卯",
+ "戊辰",
+ "己巳",
+ "庚午",
+ "辛未",
+ "壬申",
+ "癸酉",
+ "甲戌",
+ "乙亥",
+ "丙子",
+ "丁丑",
+ "戊寅",
+ "己卯",
+ "庚辰",
+ "辛巳",
+ "壬午",
+ "癸未",
+ "甲申",
+ "乙酉",
+ "丙戌",
+ "丁亥",
+ "戊子",
+ "己丑",
+ "庚寅",
+ "辛卯",
+ "壬辰",
+ "癸巳",
+ "甲午",
+ "乙未",
+ "丙申",
+ "丁酉",
+ "戊戌",
+ "己亥",
+ "庚子",
+ "辛丑",
+ "壬寅",
+ "癸卯",
+ "甲辰",
+ "乙巳",
+ "丙午",
+ "丁未",
+ "戊申",
+ "己酉",
+ "庚戌",
+ "辛亥",
+ "壬子",
+ "癸丑",
+ "甲寅",
+ "乙卯",
+ "丙辰",
+ "丁巳",
+ "戊午",
+ "己未",
+ "庚申",
+ "辛酉",
+ "壬戌",
+ "癸亥",
+ }
+ narrow{
+ "甲子",
+ "乙丑",
+ "丙寅",
+ "丁卯",
+ "戊辰",
+ "己巳",
+ "庚午",
+ "辛未",
+ "壬申",
+ "癸酉",
+ "甲戌",
+ "乙亥",
+ "丙子",
+ "丁丑",
+ "戊寅",
+ "己卯",
+ "庚辰",
+ "辛巳",
+ "壬午",
+ "癸未",
+ "甲申",
+ "乙酉",
+ "丙戌",
+ "丁亥",
+ "戊子",
+ "己丑",
+ "庚寅",
+ "辛卯",
+ "壬辰",
+ "癸巳",
+ "甲午",
+ "乙未",
+ "丙申",
+ "丁酉",
+ "戊戌",
+ "己亥",
+ "庚子",
+ "辛丑",
+ "壬寅",
+ "癸卯",
+ "甲辰",
+ "乙巳",
+ "丙午",
+ "丁未",
+ "戊申",
+ "己酉",
+ "庚戌",
+ "辛亥",
+ "壬子",
+ "癸丑",
+ "甲寅",
+ "乙卯",
+ "丙辰",
+ "丁巳",
+ "戊午",
+ "己未",
+ "庚申",
+ "辛酉",
+ "壬戌",
+ "癸亥",
+ }
+ wide{
+ "甲子",
+ "乙丑",
+ "丙寅",
+ "丁卯",
+ "戊辰",
+ "己巳",
+ "庚午",
+ "辛未",
+ "壬申",
+ "癸酉",
+ "甲戌",
+ "乙亥",
+ "丙子",
+ "丁丑",
+ "戊寅",
+ "己卯",
+ "庚辰",
+ "辛巳",
+ "壬午",
+ "癸未",
+ "甲申",
+ "乙酉",
+ "丙戌",
+ "丁亥",
+ "戊子",
+ "己丑",
+ "庚寅",
+ "辛卯",
+ "壬辰",
+ "癸巳",
+ "甲午",
+ "乙未",
+ "丙申",
+ "丁酉",
+ "戊戌",
+ "己亥",
+ "庚子",
+ "辛丑",
+ "壬寅",
+ "癸卯",
+ "甲辰",
+ "乙巳",
+ "丙午",
+ "丁未",
+ "戊申",
+ "己酉",
+ "庚戌",
+ "辛亥",
+ "壬子",
+ "癸丑",
+ "甲寅",
+ "乙卯",
+ "丙辰",
+ "丁巳",
+ "戊午",
+ "己未",
+ "庚申",
+ "辛酉",
+ "壬戌",
+ "癸亥",
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ zodiacs{
+ format{
+ abbreviated{
+ "鼠",
+ "牛",
+ "虎",
+ "兔",
+ "龍",
+ "蛇",
+ "馬",
+ "羊",
+ "猴",
+ "雞",
+ "狗",
+ "豬",
+ }
+ narrow{
+ "鼠",
+ "牛",
+ "虎",
+ "兔",
+ "龍",
+ "蛇",
+ "馬",
+ "羊",
+ "猴",
+ "雞",
+ "狗",
+ "豬",
+ }
+ wide{
+ "鼠",
+ "牛",
+ "虎",
+ "兔",
+ "龍",
+ "蛇",
+ "馬",
+ "羊",
+ "猴",
+ "雞",
+ "狗",
+ "豬",
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ intervalFormats{
+ Hmv{
+ H{"HH:mm–HH:mm [v]"}
+ m{"HH:mm–HH:mm [v]"}
+ }
+ Hv{
+ H{"HH–HH [v]"}
+ }
+ M{
+ M{"MMM至MMM"}
+ }
+ MEd{
+ M{"M/dE至M/dE"}
+ d{"M/dE至M/dE"}
+ }
+ MMM{
+ M{"LLL至LLL"}
+ }
+ MMMEd{
+ M{"MMMd日E至MMMd日E"}
+ d{"MMMd日E至d日E"}
+ }
+ }
+ MMMd{
+ M{"MMMd日至MMMd日"}
+ d{"MMMd日至d日"}
+ }
+ Md{
+ M{"M/d至M/d"}
+ d{"M/d至M/d"}
+ }
+ d{
+ d{"d日至d日"}
+ }
+ fallback{"{0}至{1}"}
+ h{
+ a{"ah時至ah時"}
+ h{"ah時至h時"}
+ }
+ hm{
+ a{"ah:mm至ah:mm"}
+ h{"ah:mm至h:mm"}
+ m{"ah:mm至h:mm"}
+ }
+ hmv{
+ a{"ah:mm至ah:mm [v]"}
+ h{"ah:mm至h:mm [v]"}
+ m{"ah:mm至h:mm [v]"}
+ }
+ hv{
+ a{"ah時至ah時 [v]"}
+ h{"ah時至h時 [v]"}
+ }
+ y{
+ y{"rU至rU"}
+ }
+ yM{
+ M{"r/M至r/M"}
+ y{"r/M至r/M"}
+ }
+ yMEd{
+ M{"r/M/dE至r/M/dE"}
+ d{"r/M/dE至r/M/dE"}
+ y{"r/M/dE至r/M/dE"}
+ }
+ yMMM{
+ M{"rU年MMM至MMM"}
+ y{"rU年MMM至rU年MMM"}
+ }
+ yMMMEd{
+ M{"rU年MMMdE至MMMdE"}
+ d{"rU年MMMdE至dE"}
+ y{"rU年MMMdE至rU年MMMdE"}
+ }
+ yMMMM{
+ y{"rU年MMMM至rU年MMMM"}
+ }
+ yMMMd{
+ M{"r年MMMd至MMMd"}
+ d{"r年MMMd至d"}
+ y{"r年MMMd至r年MMMd"}
+ }
+ yMd{
+ M{"r/M/d至r/M/d"}
+ d{"r/M/d至r/M/d"}
+ y{"r/M/d至r/M/d"}
+ }
+ }
+ monthNames{
+ format{
+ abbreviated{
+ "正月",
+ "二月",
+ "三月",
+ "四月",
+ "五月",
+ "六月",
+ "七月",
+ "八月",
+ "九月",
+ "十月",
+ "十一月",
+ "十二月",
+ }
+ narrow{
+ "正",
+ "二",
+ "三",
+ "四",
+ "五",
+ "六",
+ "七",
+ "八",
+ "九",
+ "十",
+ "十一",
+ "十二",
+ }
+ wide{
+ "正月",
+ "二月",
+ "三月",
+ "四月",
+ "五月",
+ "六月",
+ "七月",
+ "八月",
+ "九月",
+ "十月",
+ "十一月",
+ "十二月",
+ }
+ }
+ stand-alone{
+ abbreviated{
+ "正月",
+ "二月",
+ "三月",
+ "四月",
+ "五月",
+ "六月",
+ "七月",
+ "八月",
+ "九月",
+ "十月",
+ "十一月",
+ "十二月",
+ }
+ narrow{
+ "正",
+ "二",
+ "三",
+ "四",
+ "五",
+ "六",
+ "七",
+ "八",
+ "九",
+ "十",
+ "十一",
+ "十二",
+ }
+ wide{
+ "正月",
+ "二月",
+ "三月",
+ "四月",
+ "五月",
+ "六月",
+ "七月",
+ "八月",
+ "九月",
+ "十月",
+ "十一月",
+ "十二月",
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ monthPatterns{
+ format{
+ abbreviated{
+ leap{"閏{0}"}
+ }
+ narrow{
+ leap{"閏{0}"}
+ }
+ wide{
+ leap{"閏{0}"}
+ }
+ }
+ numeric{
+ all{
+ leap{"閏{0}"}
+ }
+ }
+ stand-alone{
+ abbreviated{
+ leap{"閏{0}"}
+ }
+ narrow{
+ leap{"閏{0}"}
+ }
+ wide{
+ leap{"閏{0}"}
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ethiopic{
+ DateTimePatterns{
+ "ah:mm:ss [zzzz]",
+ "ah:mm:ss [z]",
+ "ah:mm:ss",
+ "ah:mm",
+ "G y年M月d日 EEEE",
+ "G y年M月d日",
+ "G y年M月d日",
+ "G y/M/d",
+ "{1} {0}",
+ "{1}{0}",
+ "{1} {0}",
+ "{1} {0}",
+ "{1} {0}",
+ }
+ availableFormats{
+ E{"ccc"}
+ Ed{"d E"}
+ Gy{"G y年"}
+ GyMMM{"G y年M月"}
+ GyMMMEd{"G y年M月d日 E"}
+ GyMMMd{"G y年M月d日"}
+ M{"M月"}
+ MEd{"M/d(E)"}
+ MMM{"LLL"}
+ MMMEd{"M月d日 E"}
+ MMMMd{"M月d日"}
+ MMMd{"M月d日"}
+ Md{"M/d"}
+ d{"d日"}
+ y{"G y年"}
+ yyyy{"G y年"}
+ yyyyM{"G y/M"}
+ yyyyMEd{"G y/M/d(E)"}
+ yyyyMMM{"G y年M月"}
+ yyyyMMMEd{"G y年M月d日 E"}
+ yyyyMMMM{"G y年M月"}
+ yyyyMMMd{"G y年M月d日"}
+ yyyyMd{"G y/M/d"}
+ yyyyQQQ{"G y年QQQ"}
+ yyyyQQQQ{"G y年QQQQ"}
+ }
+ eras{
+ abbreviated{
+ "衣索比亞曆前",
+ "衣索比亞曆",
+ }
+ narrow{
+ "衣索比亞曆前",
+ "衣索比亞曆",
+ }
+ wide{
+ "衣索比亞曆前",
+ "衣索比亞曆",
+ }
+ }
+ intervalFormats{
+ H{
+ H{"HH–HH"}
+ }
+ Hm{
+ H{"HH:mm–HH:mm"}
+ m{"HH:mm–HH:mm"}
+ }
+ Hmv{
+ H{"HH:mm–HH:mm [v]"}
+ m{"HH:mm–HH:mm [v]"}
+ }
+ Hv{
+ H{"HH–HH [v]"}
+ }
+ M{
+ M{"M月至M月"}
+ }
+ MEd{
+ M{"M/d E至M/d E"}
+ d{"M/d E至M/d E"}
+ }
+ MMM{
+ M{"LLL至LLL"}
+ }
+ MMMEd{
+ M{"M月d日E至M月d日E"}
+ d{"M月d日E至d日E"}
+ }
+ }
+ MMMd{
+ M{"M月d日至M月d日"}
+ d{"M月d日至d日"}
+ }
+ Md{
+ M{"M/d至M/d"}
+ d{"M/d至M/d"}
+ }
+ d{
+ d{"d日至d日"}
+ }
+ h{
+ a{"ah時至ah時"}
+ h{"ah時至h時"}
+ }
+ hm{
+ a{"ah:mm至ah:mm"}
+ h{"ah:mm至h:mm"}
+ m{"ah:mm至h:mm"}
+ }
+ hmv{
+ a{"ah:mm至ah:mm [v]"}
+ h{"ah:mm至h:mm [v]"}
+ m{"ah:mm至h:mm [v]"}
+ }
+ hv{
+ a{"ah時至ah時 [v]"}
+ h{"ah時至h時 [v]"}
+ }
+ y{
+ y{"G y至y"}
+ }
+ yM{
+ M{"G y/M至y/M"}
+ y{"G y/M至y/M"}
+ }
+ yMEd{
+ M{"G y/M/dE至y/M/dE"}
+ d{"G y/M/dE至y/M/dE"}
+ y{"G y/M/dE至y/M/dE"}
+ }
+ yMMM{
+ M{"G y年M月至M月"}
+ y{"G y年M月至y年M月"}
+ }
+ yMMMEd{
+ M{"G y年M月d日E至M月d日E"}
+ d{"G y年M月d日E至d日E"}
+ y{"G y年M月d日E至y年M月d日E"}
+ }
+ yMMMM{
+ M{"G y年M月至M月"}
+ y{"G y年M月至y年M月"}
+ }
+ yMMMd{
+ M{"G y年M月d日至M月d日"}
+ d{"G y年M月d日至d日"}
+ y{"G y年M月d日至y年M月d日"}
+ }
+ yMd{
+ M{"G y/M/d至y/M/d"}
+ d{"G y/M/d至y/M/d"}
+ y{"G y/M/d至y/M/d"}
+ }
+ }
+ monthNames{
+ format{
+ abbreviated{
+ "1月",
+ "2月",
+ "3月",
+ "4月",
+ "5月",
+ "6月",
+ "7月",
+ "8月",
+ "9月",
+ "10月",
+ "11月",
+ "12月",
+ "13月",
+ }
+ narrow{
+ "1",
+ "2",
+ "3",
+ "4",
+ "5",
+ "6",
+ "7",
+ "8",
+ "9",
+ "10",
+ "11",
+ "12",
+ "13",
+ }
+ wide{
+ "1月",
+ "2月",
+ "3月",
+ "4月",
+ "5月",
+ "6月",
+ "7月",
+ "8月",
+ "9月",
+ "10月",
+ "11月",
+ "12月",
+ "13月",
+ }
+ }
+ stand-alone{
+ abbreviated{
+ "1月",
+ "2月",
+ "3月",
+ "4月",
+ "5月",
+ "6月",
+ "7月",
+ "8月",
+ "9月",
+ "10月",
+ "11月",
+ "12月",
+ "13月",
+ }
+ narrow{
+ "1",
+ "2",
+ "3",
+ "4",
+ "5",
+ "6",
+ "7",
+ "8",
+ "9",
+ "10",
+ "11",
+ "12",
+ "13",
+ }
+ wide{
+ "1月",
+ "2月",
+ "3月",
+ "4月",
+ "5月",
+ "6月",
+ "7月",
+ "8月",
+ "9月",
+ "10月",
+ "11月",
+ "12月",
+ "13月",
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ethiopic-amete-alem{
+ eras{
+ abbreviated{
+ "ERA0",
+ }
+ narrow{
+ "ERA0",
+ }
+ wide{
+ "ERA0",
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ generic{
+ DateTimePatterns{
+ "zzzz ah:mm:ss",
+ "z ah:mm:ss",
+ "ah:mm:ss",
+ "ah:mm",
+ "Gy年M月d日 EEEE",
+ "Gy年M月d日",
+ "Gy年M月d日",
+ "Gy/M/d",
+ "{1} {0}",
+ "{1} {0}",
+ "{1} {0}",
+ "{1} {0}",
+ "{1} {0}",
+ }
+ availableFormats{
+ Bh{"Bh時"}
+ Bhm{"Bh:mm"}
+ Bhms{"Bh:mm:ss"}
+ E{"ccc"}
+ EBhm{"E Bh:mm"}
+ EBhms{"E Bh:mm:ss"}
+ EHm{"E HH:mm"}
+ EHms{"E HH:mm:ss"}
+ Ed{"d E"}
+ Ehm{"E ah:mm"}
+ Ehms{"E ah:mm:ss"}
+ Gy{"Gy年"}
+ GyMMM{"Gy年M月"}
+ GyMMMEd{"Gy年M月d日 E"}
+ GyMMMd{"Gy年M月d日"}
+ H{"H時"}
+ Hm{"HH:mm"}
+ Hms{"HH:mm:ss"}
+ M{"M月"}
+ MEd{"M/d(E)"}
+ MMM{"LLL"}
+ MMMEd{"M月d日 E"}
+ MMMMd{"M月d日"}
+ MMMd{"M月d日"}
+ Md{"M/d"}
+ d{"d日"}
+ h{"ah時"}
+ hm{"ah:mm"}
+ hms{"ah:mm:ss"}
+ ms{"mm:ss"}
+ y{"Gy年"}
+ yyyy{"Gy年"}
+ yyyyM{"Gy/M"}
+ yyyyMEd{"Gy/M/d(E)"}
+ yyyyMMM{"Gy年M月"}
+ yyyyMMMEd{"Gy年M月d日 E"}
+ yyyyMMMM{"Gy年M月"}
+ yyyyMMMd{"Gy年M月d日"}
+ yyyyMd{"Gy/M/d"}
+ yyyyQQQ{"Gy年QQQ"}
+ yyyyQQQQ{"Gy年QQQQ"}
+ }
+ intervalFormats{
+ H{
+ H{"HH–HH"}
+ }
+ Hm{
+ H{"HH:mm–HH:mm"}
+ m{"HH:mm–HH:mm"}
+ }
+ Hmv{
+ H{"v HH:mm–HH:mm"}
+ m{"v HH:mm–HH:mm"}
+ }
+ Hv{
+ H{"v HH–HH"}
+ }
+ M{
+ M{"M月至M月"}
+ }
+ MEd{
+ M{"M/dE至M/dE"}
+ d{"M/dE至M/dE"}
+ }
+ MMM{
+ M{"LLL至LLL"}
+ }
+ MMMEd{
+ M{"M月d日E至M月d日E"}
+ d{"M月d日E至d日E"}
+ }
+ }
+ MMMd{
+ M{"M月d日至M月d日"}
+ d{"M月d日至d日"}
+ }
+ Md{
+ M{"M/d至M/d"}
+ d{"M/d至M/d"}
+ }
+ d{
+ d{"d日至d日"}
+ }
+ fallback{"{0}至{1}"}
+ h{
+ a{"ah時至ah時"}
+ h{"ah時至h時"}
+ }
+ hm{
+ a{"ah:mm至ah:mm"}
+ h{"ah:mm至h:mm"}
+ m{"ah:mm至h:mm"}
+ }
+ hmv{
+ a{"v ah:mm至ah:mm"}
+ h{"v ah:mm至h:mm"}
+ m{"v ah:mm至h:mm"}
+ }
+ hv{
+ a{"v ah時至ah時"}
+ h{"v ah時至h時"}
+ }
+ y{
+ y{"Gy至y"}
+ }
+ yM{
+ M{"Gy/M至y/M"}
+ y{"Gy/M至y/M"}
+ }
+ yMEd{
+ M{"Gy/M/dE至y/M/dE"}
+ d{"Gy/M/dE至y/M/dE"}
+ y{"Gy/M/dE至y/M/dE"}
+ }
+ yMMM{
+ M{"Gy年M月至M月"}
+ y{"Gy年M月至y年M月"}
+ }
+ yMMMEd{
+ M{"Gy年M月d日E至M月d日E"}
+ d{"Gy年M月d日E至d日E"}
+ y{"Gy年M月d日E至y年M月d日E"}
+ }
+ yMMMM{
+ M{"Gy年M月至M月"}
+ y{"Gy年M月至y年M月"}
+ }
+ yMMMd{
+ M{"Gy年M月d日至M月d日"}
+ d{"Gy年M月d日至d日"}
+ y{"Gy年M月d日至y年M月d日"}
+ }
+ yMd{
+ M{"Gy/M/d至y/M/d"}
+ d{"Gy/M/d至y/M/d"}
+ y{"Gy/M/d至y/M/d"}
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ gregorian{
+ AmPmMarkers{
+ "上午",
+ "下午",
+ }
+ AmPmMarkersAbbr{
+ "上午",
+ "下午",
+ }
+ AmPmMarkersNarrow{
+ "上午",
+ "下午",
+ }
+ DateTimePatterns{
+ "zzzz ah:mm:ss",
+ "z ah:mm:ss",
+ "ah:mm:ss",
+ "ah:mm",
+ "y年M月d日 EEEE",
+ "y年M月d日",
+ "y年M月d日",
+ "y/M/d",
+ "{1} {0}",
+ "{1} {0}",
+ "{1} {0}",
+ "{1} {0}",
+ "{1} {0}",
+ }
+ appendItems{
+ Timezone{"{0} {1}"}
+ }
+ availableFormats{
+ Bh{"Bh時"}
+ Bhm{"Bh:mm"}
+ Bhms{"Bh:mm:ss"}
+ E{"ccc"}
+ EBhm{"E Bh:mm"}
+ EBhms{"E Bh:mm:ss"}
+ EHm{"E HH:mm"}
+ EHms{"E HH:mm:ss"}
+ Ed{"d E"}
+ Ehm{"E ah:mm"}
+ Ehms{"E ah:mm:ss"}
+ Gy{"Gy年"}
+ GyMMM{"Gy年M月"}
+ GyMMMEd{"Gy年M月d日 E"}
+ GyMMMd{"Gy年M月d日"}
+ H{"H時"}
+ Hm{"HH:mm"}
+ Hms{"HH:mm:ss"}
+ Hmsv{"v HH:mm:ss"}
+ Hmv{"v HH:mm"}
+ M{"M月"}
+ MEd{"M/d(E)"}
+ MMM{"LLL"}
+ MMMEd{"M月d日 E"}
+ other{"MMM的第W週"}
+ }
+ MMMMd{"M月d日"}
+ MMMd{"M月d日"}
+ MMdd{"MM/dd"}
+ Md{"M/d"}
+ d{"d日"}
+ h{"ah時"}
+ hm{"ah:mm"}
+ hms{"ah:mm:ss"}
+ hmsv{"v ah:mm:ss"}
+ hmv{"v ah:mm"}
+ ms{"mm:ss"}
+ y{"y年"}
+ yM{"y/M"}
+ yMEd{"y/M/d(E)"}
+ yMM{"y/MM"}
+ yMMM{"y年M月"}
+ yMMMEd{"y年M月d日 E"}
+ yMMMM{"y年M月"}
+ yMMMd{"y年M月d日"}
+ yMd{"y/M/d"}
+ yQQQ{"y年QQQ"}
+ yQQQQ{"y年QQQQ"}
+ yw{
+ other{"Y年的第w週"}
+ }
+ }
+ dayNames{
+ format{
+ abbreviated{
+ "週日",
+ "週一",
+ "週二",
+ "週三",
+ "週四",
+ "週五",
+ "週六",
+ }
+ narrow{
+ "日",
+ "一",
+ "二",
+ "三",
+ "四",
+ "五",
+ "六",
+ }
+ short{
+ "日",
+ "一",
+ "二",
+ "三",
+ "四",
+ "五",
+ "六",
+ }
+ wide{
+ "星期日",
+ "星期一",
+ "星期二",
+ "星期三",
+ "星期四",
+ "星期五",
+ "星期六",
+ }
+ }
+ stand-alone{
+ abbreviated{
+ "週日",
+ "週一",
+ "週二",
+ "週三",
+ "週四",
+ "週五",
+ "週六",
+ }
+ narrow{
+ "日",
+ "一",
+ "二",
+ "三",
+ "四",
+ "五",
+ "六",
+ }
+ short{
+ "日",
+ "一",
+ "二",
+ "三",
+ "四",
+ "五",
+ "六",
+ }
+ wide{
+ "星期日",
+ "星期一",
+ "星期二",
+ "星期三",
+ "星期四",
+ "星期五",
+ "星期六",
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ dayPeriod{
+ format{
+ abbreviated{
+ afternoon1{"中午"}
+ afternoon2{"下午"}
+ evening1{"晚上"}
+ midnight{"午夜"}
+ morning1{"清晨"}
+ morning2{"上午"}
+ night1{"凌晨"}
+ }
+ narrow{
+ afternoon1{"中午"}
+ afternoon2{"下午"}
+ evening1{"晚上"}
+ midnight{"午夜"}
+ morning1{"清晨"}
+ morning2{"上午"}
+ night1{"凌晨"}
+ }
+ wide{
+ afternoon1{"中午"}
+ afternoon2{"下午"}
+ evening1{"晚上"}
+ midnight{"午夜"}
+ morning1{"清晨"}
+ morning2{"上午"}
+ night1{"凌晨"}
+ }
+ }
+ stand-alone{
+ abbreviated{
+ afternoon1{"中午"}
+ afternoon2{"下午"}
+ am{"上午"}
+ evening1{"晚上"}
+ midnight{"午夜"}
+ morning1{"清晨"}
+ morning2{"上午"}
+ night1{"凌晨"}
+ pm{"下午"}
+ }
+ narrow{
+ afternoon1{"中午"}
+ afternoon2{"下午"}
+ am{"上午"}
+ evening1{"晚上"}
+ midnight{"午夜"}
+ morning1{"清晨"}
+ morning2{"上午"}
+ night1{"凌晨"}
+ pm{"下午"}
+ }
+ wide{
+ afternoon1{"中午"}
+ afternoon2{"下午"}
+ am{"上午"}
+ evening1{"晚上"}
+ midnight{"午夜"}
+ morning1{"清晨"}
+ morning2{"上午"}
+ night1{"凌晨"}
+ pm{"下午"}
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ eras{
+ abbreviated{
+ "西元前",
+ "西元",
+ }
+ abbreviated%variant{
+ "公元前",
+ "公元",
+ }
+ narrow{
+ "西元前",
+ "西元",
+ }
+ narrow%variant{
+ "公元前",
+ "公元",
+ }
+ wide{
+ wide%variant{
+ "公元前",
+ "公元",
+ }
+ }
+ intervalFormats{
+ H{
+ H{"HH–HH"}
+ }
+ Hm{
+ H{"HH:mm–HH:mm"}
+ m{"HH:mm–HH:mm"}
+ }
+ Hmv{
+ H{"v HH:mm–HH:mm"}
+ m{"v HH:mm–HH:mm"}
+ }
+ Hv{
+ H{"v HH–HH"}
+ }
+ M{
+ M{"M月至M月"}
+ }
+ MEd{
+ M{"M/dE至M/dE"}
+ d{"M/dE至M/dE"}
+ }
+ MMM{
+ M{"LLL至LLL"}
+ }
+ MMMEd{
+ M{"M月d日E至M月d日E"}
+ d{"M月d日E至d日E"}
+ }
+ }
+ MMMd{
+ M{"M月d日至M月d日"}
+ d{"M月d日至d日"}
+ }
+ Md{
+ M{"M/d至M/d"}
+ d{"M/d至M/d"}
+ }
+ d{
+ d{"d日至d日"}
+ }
+ fallback{"{0}至{1}"}
+ h{
+ a{"ah時至ah時"}
+ h{"ah時至h時"}
+ }
+ hm{
+ a{"ah:mm至ah:mm"}
+ h{"ah:mm至h:mm"}
+ m{"ah:mm至h:mm"}
+ }
+ hmv{
+ a{"v ah:mm至ah:mm"}
+ h{"v ah:mm至h:mm"}
+ m{"v ah:mm至h:mm"}
+ }
+ hv{
+ a{"v ah時至ah時"}
+ h{"v ah時至h時"}
+ }
+ y{
+ y{"y至y"}
+ }
+ yM{
+ M{"y/M至y/M"}
+ y{"y/M至y/M"}
+ }
+ yMEd{
+ M{"y/M/dE至y/M/dE"}
+ d{"y/M/dE至y/M/dE"}
+ y{"y/M/dE至y/M/dE"}
+ }
+ yMMM{
+ M{"y年M月至M月"}
+ y{"y年M月至y年M月"}
+ }
+ yMMMEd{
+ M{"y年M月d日E至M月d日E"}
+ d{"y年M月d日E至d日E"}
+ y{"y年M月d日E至y年M月d日E"}
+ }
+ yMMMM{
+ M{"y年M月至M月"}
+ y{"y年M月至y年M月"}
+ }
+ yMMMd{
+ M{"y年M月d日至M月d日"}
+ d{"y年M月d日至d日"}
+ y{"y年M月d日至y年M月d日"}
+ }
+ yMd{
+ M{"y/M/d至y/M/d"}
+ d{"y/M/d至y/M/d"}
+ y{"y/M/d至y/M/d"}
+ }
+ }
+ monthNames{
+ format{
+ abbreviated{
+ "1月",
+ "2月",
+ "3月",
+ "4月",
+ "5月",
+ "6月",
+ "7月",
+ "8月",
+ "9月",
+ "10月",
+ "11月",
+ "12月",
+ }
+ narrow{
+ "1",
+ "2",
+ "3",
+ "4",
+ "5",
+ "6",
+ "7",
+ "8",
+ "9",
+ "10",
+ "11",
+ "12",
+ }
+ wide{
+ "1月",
+ "2月",
+ "3月",
+ "4月",
+ "5月",
+ "6月",
+ "7月",
+ "8月",
+ "9月",
+ "10月",
+ "11月",
+ "12月",
+ }
+ }
+ stand-alone{
+ abbreviated{
+ "1月",
+ "2月",
+ "3月",
+ "4月",
+ "5月",
+ "6月",
+ "7月",
+ "8月",
+ "9月",
+ "10月",
+ "11月",
+ "12月",
+ }
+ narrow{
+ "1",
+ "2",
+ "3",
+ "4",
+ "5",
+ "6",
+ "7",
+ "8",
+ "9",
+ "10",
+ "11",
+ "12",
+ }
+ wide{
+ "1月",
+ "2月",
+ "3月",
+ "4月",
+ "5月",
+ "6月",
+ "7月",
+ "8月",
+ "9月",
+ "10月",
+ "11月",
+ "12月",
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ quarters{
+ format{
+ abbreviated{
+ "1季",
+ "2季",
+ "3季",
+ "4季",
+ }
+ narrow{
+ "1",
+ "2",
+ "3",
+ "4",
+ }
+ wide{
+ "第1季",
+ "第2季",
+ "第3季",
+ "第4季",
+ }
+ }
+ stand-alone{
+ abbreviated{
+ "1季",
+ "2季",
+ "3季",
+ "4季",
+ }
+ narrow{
+ "1",
+ "2",
+ "3",
+ "4",
+ }
+ wide{
+ "第1季",
+ "第2季",
+ "第3季",
+ "第4季",
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ hebrew{
+ DateTimePatterns{
+ "ah:mm:ss [zzzz]",
+ "ah:mm:ss [z]",
+ "ah:mm:ss",
+ "ah:mm",
+ "Gy年M月d日EEEE",
+ "Gy年M月d日",
+ "Gy年M月d日",
+ "Gy/M/d",
+ "{1} {0}",
+ "{1}{0}",
+ "{1} {0}",
+ "{1} {0}",
+ "{1} {0}",
+ }
+ availableFormats{
+ E{"ccc"}
+ Ed{"d E"}
+ Gy{"G y年"}
+ GyMMM{"G y年M月"}
+ GyMMMEd{"G y年M月d日 E"}
+ GyMMMd{"G y年M月d日"}
+ M{"M月"}
+ MEd{"M/d(E)"}
+ MMM{"LLL"}
+ MMMEd{"M月d日 E"}
+ MMMMd{"M月d日"}
+ MMMd{"M月d日"}
+ Md{"M/d"}
+ d{"d日"}
+ y{"G y年"}
+ yyyy{"G y年"}
+ yyyyM{"G y/M"}
+ yyyyMEd{"G y/M/d(E)"}
+ yyyyMMM{"G y年M月"}
+ yyyyMMMEd{"G y年M月d日 E"}
+ yyyyMMMM{"G y年M月"}
+ yyyyMMMd{"G y年M月d日"}
+ yyyyMd{"G y/M/d"}
+ yyyyQQQ{"G y年QQQ"}
+ yyyyQQQQ{"G y年QQQQ"}
+ }
+ eras{
+ abbreviated{
+ "創世紀元",
+ }
+ narrow{
+ "創世紀元",
+ }
+ wide{
+ "創世紀元",
+ }
+ }
+ intervalFormats{
+ H{
+ H{"HH–HH"}
+ }
+ Hm{
+ H{"HH:mm–HH:mm"}
+ m{"HH:mm–HH:mm"}
+ }
+ Hmv{
+ H{"HH:mm–HH:mm [v]"}
+ m{"HH:mm–HH:mm [v]"}
+ }
+ Hv{
+ H{"HH–HH [v]"}
+ }
+ M{
+ M{"M月至M月"}
+ }
+ MEd{
+ M{"M/d E至M/d E"}
+ d{"M/d E至M/d E"}
+ }
+ MMM{
+ M{"LLL至LLL"}
+ }
+ MMMEd{
+ M{"M月d日E至M月d日E"}
+ d{"M月d日E至d日E"}
+ }
+ }
+ MMMd{
+ M{"M月d日至M月d日"}
+ d{"M月d日至d日"}
+ }
+ Md{
+ M{"M/d至M/d"}
+ d{"M/d至M/d"}
+ }
+ d{
+ d{"d日至d日"}
+ }
+ h{
+ a{"ah時至ah時"}
+ h{"ah時至h時"}
+ }
+ hm{
+ a{"ah:mm至ah:mm"}
+ h{"ah:mm至h:mm"}
+ m{"ah:mm至h:mm"}
+ }
+ hmv{
+ a{"ah:mm至ah:mm [v]"}
+ h{"ah:mm至h:mm [v]"}
+ m{"ah:mm至h:mm [v]"}
+ }
+ hv{
+ a{"ah時至ah時 [v]"}
+ h{"ah時至h時 [v]"}
+ }
+ y{
+ y{"G y至y"}
+ }
+ yM{
+ M{"G y/M至y/M"}
+ y{"G y/M至y/M"}
+ }
+ yMEd{
+ M{"G y/M/dE至y/M/dE"}
+ d{"G y/M/dE至y/M/dE"}
+ y{"G y/M/dE至y/M/dE"}
+ }
+ yMMM{
+ M{"G y年M月至M月"}
+ y{"G y年M月至y年M月"}
+ }
+ yMMMEd{
+ M{"G y年M月d日E至M月d日E"}
+ d{"G y年M月d日E至d日E"}
+ y{"G y年M月d日E至y年M月d日E"}
+ }
+ yMMMM{
+ M{"G y年M月至M月"}
+ y{"G y年M月至y年M月"}
+ }
+ yMMMd{
+ M{"G y年M月d日至M月d日"}
+ d{"G y年M月d日至d日"}
+ y{"G y年M月d日至y年M月d日"}
+ }
+ yMd{
+ M{"G y/M/d至y/M/d"}
+ d{"G y/M/d至y/M/d"}
+ y{"G y/M/d至y/M/d"}
+ }
+ }
+ monthNames{
+ format{
+ abbreviated{
+ "1月",
+ "2月",
+ "3月",
+ "4月",
+ "5月",
+ "6月",
+ "7月",
+ "8月",
+ "9月",
+ "10月",
+ "11月",
+ "12月",
+ "13月",
+ "閏7月",
+ }
+ narrow{
+ "1",
+ "2",
+ "3",
+ "4",
+ "5",
+ "6",
+ "7",
+ "8",
+ "9",
+ "10",
+ "11",
+ "12",
+ "13",
+ "7",
+ }
+ wide{
+ "提斯利月",
+ "瑪西班月",
+ "基斯流月",
+ "提別月",
+ "細罷特月",
+ "亞達月 I",
+ "亞達月",
+ "尼散月",
+ "以珥月",
+ "西彎月",
+ "搭模斯月",
+ "埃波月",
+ "以祿月",
+ "亞達月 II",
+ }
+ }
+ stand-alone{
+ abbreviated{
+ "1月",
+ "2月",
+ "3月",
+ "4月",
+ "5月",
+ "6月",
+ "7月",
+ "8月",
+ "9月",
+ "10月",
+ "11月",
+ "12月",
+ "13月",
+ "閏7月",
+ }
+ narrow{
+ "1",
+ "2",
+ "3",
+ "4",
+ "5",
+ "6",
+ "7",
+ "8",
+ "9",
+ "10",
+ "11",
+ "12",
+ "13",
+ "7",
+ }
+ wide{
+ "提斯利月",
+ "瑪西班月",
+ "基斯流月",
+ "提別月",
+ "細罷特月",
+ "亞達月 I",
+ "亞達月",
+ "尼散月",
+ "以珥月",
+ "西彎月",
+ "搭模斯月",
+ "埃波月",
+ "以祿月",
+ "亞達月 II",
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ indian{
+ DateTimePatterns{
+ "ah:mm:ss [zzzz]",
+ "ah:mm:ss [z]",
+ "ah:mm:ss",
+ "ah:mm",
+ "G y年M月d日 EEEE",
+ "G y年M月d日",
+ "G y年M月d日",
+ "G y/M/d",
+ "{1} {0}",
+ "{1}{0}",
+ "{1} {0}",
+ "{1} {0}",
+ "{1} {0}",
+ }
+ availableFormats{
+ E{"ccc"}
+ Ed{"d E"}
+ Gy{"G y年"}
+ GyMMM{"G y年M月"}
+ GyMMMEd{"G y年M月d日 E"}
+ GyMMMd{"G y年M月d日"}
+ M{"M月"}
+ MEd{"M/d(E)"}
+ MMM{"LLL"}
+ MMMEd{"M月d日 E"}
+ MMMMd{"M月d日"}
+ MMMd{"M月d日"}
+ Md{"M/d"}
+ d{"d日"}
+ y{"G y年"}
+ yyyy{"G y年"}
+ yyyyM{"G y/M"}
+ yyyyMEd{"G y/M/d(E)"}
+ yyyyMMM{"G y年M月"}
+ yyyyMMMEd{"G y年M月d日 E"}
+ yyyyMMMM{"G y年M月"}
+ yyyyMMMd{"G y年M月d日"}
+ yyyyMd{"G y/M/d"}
+ yyyyQQQ{"G y年QQQ"}
+ yyyyQQQQ{"G y年QQQQ"}
+ }
+ eras{
+ abbreviated{
+ "印度曆",
+ }
+ narrow{
+ "印度曆",
+ }
+ wide{
+ "印度曆",
+ }
+ }
+ intervalFormats{
+ H{
+ H{"HH–HH"}
+ }
+ Hm{
+ H{"HH:mm–HH:mm"}
+ m{"HH:mm–HH:mm"}
+ }
+ Hmv{
+ H{"HH:mm–HH:mm [v]"}
+ m{"HH:mm–HH:mm [v]"}
+ }
+ Hv{
+ H{"HH–HH [v]"}
+ }
+ M{
+ M{"M月至M月"}
+ }
+ MEd{
+ M{"M/d E至M/d E"}
+ d{"M/d E至M/d E"}
+ }
+ MMM{
+ M{"LLL至LLL"}
+ }
+ MMMEd{
+ M{"M月d日E至M月d日E"}
+ d{"M月d日E至d日E"}
+ }
+ }
+ MMMd{
+ M{"M月d日至M月d日"}
+ d{"M月d日至d日"}
+ }
+ Md{
+ M{"M/d至M/d"}
+ d{"M/d至M/d"}
+ }
+ d{
+ d{"d日至d日"}
+ }
+ h{
+ a{"ah時至ah時"}
+ h{"ah時至h時"}
+ }
+ hm{
+ a{"ah:mm至ah:mm"}
+ h{"ah:mm至h:mm"}
+ m{"ah:mm至h:mm"}
+ }
+ hmv{
+ a{"ah:mm至ah:mm [v]"}
+ h{"ah:mm至h:mm [v]"}
+ m{"ah:mm至h:mm [v]"}
+ }
+ hv{
+ a{"ah時至ah時 [v]"}
+ h{"ah時至h時 [v]"}
+ }
+ y{
+ y{"G y至y"}
+ }
+ yM{
+ M{"G y/M至y/M"}
+ y{"G y/M至y/M"}
+ }
+ yMEd{
+ M{"G y/M/dE至y/M/dE"}
+ d{"G y/M/dE至y/M/dE"}
+ y{"G y/M/dE至y/M/dE"}
+ }
+ yMMM{
+ M{"G y年M月至M月"}
+ y{"G y年M月至y年M月"}
+ }
+ yMMMEd{
+ M{"G y年M月d日E至M月d日E"}
+ d{"G y年M月d日E至d日E"}
+ y{"G y年M月d日E至y年M月d日E"}
+ }
+ yMMMM{
+ M{"G y年M月至M月"}
+ y{"G y年M月至y年M月"}
+ }
+ yMMMd{
+ M{"G y年M月d日至M月d日"}
+ d{"G y年M月d日至d日"}
+ y{"G y年M月d日至y年M月d日"}
+ }
+ yMd{
+ M{"G y/M/d至y/M/d"}
+ d{"G y/M/d至y/M/d"}
+ y{"G y/M/d至y/M/d"}
+ }
+ }
+ monthNames{
+ format{
+ abbreviated{
+ "制檀邏月",
+ "吠舍佉月",
+ "逝瑟吒月",
+ "頞沙荼月",
+ "室羅伐拏月",
+ "婆羅鉢陀月",
+ "頞涇縛庚闍月",
+ "迦剌底迦月",
+ "末伽始羅月",
+ "報沙月",
+ "磨祛月",
+ "頗勒窶拏月",
+ }
+ narrow{
+ "1",
+ "2",
+ "3",
+ "4",
+ "5",
+ "6",
+ "7",
+ "8",
+ "9",
+ "10",
+ "11",
+ "12",
+ }
+ wide{
+ "制檀邏月",
+ "吠舍佉月",
+ "逝瑟吒月",
+ "頞沙荼月",
+ "室羅伐拏月",
+ "婆羅鉢陀月",
+ "頞涇縛庚闍月",
+ "迦剌底迦月",
+ "末伽始羅月",
+ "報沙月",
+ "磨祛月",
+ "頗勒窶拏月",
+ }
+ }
+ stand-alone{
+ abbreviated{
+ "制檀邏月",
+ "吠舍佉月",
+ "逝瑟吒月",
+ "頞沙荼月",
+ "室羅伐拏月",
+ "婆羅鉢陀月",
+ "頞涇縛庚闍月",
+ "迦剌底迦月",
+ "末伽始羅月",
+ "報沙月",
+ "磨祛月",
+ "頗勒窶拏月",
+ }
+ narrow{
+ "1",
+ "2",
+ "3",
+ "4",
+ "5",
+ "6",
+ "7",
+ "8",
+ "9",
+ "10",
+ "11",
+ "12",
+ }
+ wide{
+ "制檀邏月",
+ "吠舍佉月",
+ "逝瑟吒月",
+ "頞沙荼月",
+ "室羅伐拏月",
+ "婆羅鉢陀月",
+ "頞涇縛庚闍月",
+ "迦剌底迦月",
+ "末伽始羅月",
+ "報沙月",
+ "磨祛月",
+ "頗勒窶拏月",
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ islamic{
+ DateTimePatterns{
+ "ah:mm:ss [zzzz]",
+ "ah:mm:ss [z]",
+ "ah:mm:ss",
+ "ah:mm",
+ "Gy年M月d日EEEE",
+ "Gy年M月d日",
+ "Gy年M月d日",
+ "Gy/M/d",
+ "{1} {0}",
+ "{1}{0}",
+ "{1} {0}",
+ "{1} {0}",
+ "{1} {0}",
+ }
+ availableFormats{
+ Bh{"Bh時"}
+ Bhm{"Bh:mm"}
+ Bhms{"Bh:mm:ss"}
+ E{"ccc"}
+ EBhm{"E Bh:mm"}
+ EBhms{"E Bh:mm:ss"}
+ EHm{"E HH:mm"}
+ EHms{"E HH:mm:ss"}
+ Ed{"d日(E)"}
+ Ehm{"E ah:mm"}
+ Ehms{"E ah:mm:ss"}
+ Gy{"Gy年"}
+ GyMMM{"Gy年M月"}
+ GyMMMEd{"Gy年M月d日E"}
+ GyMMMd{"Gy年M月d日"}
+ H{"H時"}
+ Hm{"HH:mm"}
+ Hms{"HH:mm:ss"}
+ M{"M月"}
+ MEd{"M/d(E)"}
+ MMM{"LLL"}
+ MMMEd{"M月d日E"}
+ MMMMd{"M月d日"}
+ MMMd{"M月d日"}
+ Md{"M/d"}
+ d{"d日"}
+ h{"ah時"}
+ hm{"ah:mm"}
+ hms{"ah:mm:ss"}
+ ms{"mm:ss"}
+ y{"Gy年"}
+ yyyy{"Gy年"}
+ yyyyM{"Gy/M"}
+ yyyyMEd{"Gy/M/d(E)"}
+ yyyyMMM{"Gy年M月"}
+ yyyyMMMEd{"Gy年M月d日E"}
+ yyyyMMMM{"Gy年M月"}
+ yyyyMMMd{"Gy年M月d日"}
+ yyyyMd{"Gy/M/d"}
+ yyyyQQQ{"Gy年QQQ"}
+ yyyyQQQQ{"Gy年QQQQ"}
+ }
+ eras{
+ abbreviated{
+ "伊斯蘭曆",
+ }
+ narrow{
+ "伊斯蘭曆",
+ }
+ wide{
+ "伊斯蘭曆",
+ }
+ }
+ intervalFormats{
+ H{
+ H{"HH–HH"}
+ }
+ Hm{
+ H{"HH:mm–HH:mm"}
+ m{"HH:mm–HH:mm"}
+ }
+ Hmv{
+ H{"HH:mm–HH:mm [v]"}
+ m{"HH:mm–HH:mm [v]"}
+ }
+ Hv{
+ H{"HH–HH [v]"}
+ }
+ M{
+ M{"M月至M月"}
+ }
+ MEd{
+ M{"M/d E至M/d E"}
+ d{"M/d E至M/d E"}
+ }
+ MMM{
+ M{"LLL至LLL"}
+ }
+ MMMEd{
+ M{"M月d日E至M月d日E"}
+ d{"M月d日E至d日E"}
+ }
+ }
+ MMMd{
+ M{"M月d日至M月d日"}
+ d{"M月d日至d日"}
+ }
+ Md{
+ M{"M/d至M/d"}
+ d{"M/d至M/d"}
+ }
+ d{
+ d{"d日至d日"}
+ }
+ h{
+ a{"ah時至ah時"}
+ h{"ah時至h時"}
+ }
+ hm{
+ a{"ah:mm至ah:mm"}
+ h{"ah:mm至h:mm"}
+ m{"ah:mm至h:mm"}
+ }
+ hmv{
+ a{"ah:mm至ah:mm [v]"}
+ h{"ah:mm至h:mm [v]"}
+ m{"ah:mm至h:mm [v]"}
+ }
+ hv{
+ a{"ah時至ah時 [v]"}
+ h{"ah時至h時 [v]"}
+ }
+ y{
+ y{"G y至y"}
+ }
+ yM{
+ M{"G y/M至y/M"}
+ y{"G y/M至y/M"}
+ }
+ yMEd{
+ M{"G y/M/dE至y/M/dE"}
+ d{"G y/M/dE至y/M/dE"}
+ y{"G y/M/dE至y/M/dE"}
+ }
+ yMMM{
+ M{"G y年M月至M月"}
+ y{"G y年M月至y年M月"}
+ }
+ yMMMEd{
+ M{"G y年M月d日E至M月d日E"}
+ d{"G y年M月d日E至d日E"}
+ y{"G y年M月d日E至y年M月d日E"}
+ }
+ yMMMM{
+ M{"G y年M月至M月"}
+ y{"G y年M月至y年M月"}
+ }
+ yMMMd{
+ M{"G y年M月d日至M月d日"}
+ d{"G y年M月d日至d日"}
+ y{"G y年M月d日至y年M月d日"}
+ }
+ yMd{
+ M{"G y/M/d至y/M/d"}
+ d{"G y/M/d至y/M/d"}
+ y{"G y/M/d至y/M/d"}
+ }
+ }
+ monthNames{
+ format{
+ abbreviated{
+ "1月",
+ "2月",
+ "3月",
+ "4月",
+ "5月",
+ "6月",
+ "7月",
+ "8月",
+ "9月",
+ "10月",
+ "11月",
+ "12月",
+ }
+ narrow{
+ "1",
+ "2",
+ "3",
+ "4",
+ "5",
+ "6",
+ "7",
+ "8",
+ "9",
+ "10",
+ "11",
+ "12",
+ }
+ wide{
+ "穆哈蘭姆月",
+ "色法爾月",
+ "賴比月 I",
+ "賴比月 II",
+ "主馬達月 I",
+ "主馬達月 II",
+ "賴哲卜月",
+ "舍爾邦月",
+ "賴買丹月",
+ "閃瓦魯月",
+ "都爾喀爾德月",
+ "都爾黑哲月",
+ }
+ }
+ stand-alone{
+ abbreviated{
+ "1月",
+ "2月",
+ "3月",
+ "4月",
+ "5月",
+ "6月",
+ "7月",
+ "8月",
+ "9月",
+ "10月",
+ "11月",
+ "12月",
+ }
+ narrow{
+ "1",
+ "2",
+ "3",
+ "4",
+ "5",
+ "6",
+ "7",
+ "8",
+ "9",
+ "10",
+ "11",
+ "12",
+ }
+ wide{
+ "穆哈蘭姆月",
+ "色法爾月",
+ "賴比月 I",
+ "賴比月 II",
+ "主馬達月 I",
+ "主馬達月 II",
+ "賴哲卜月",
+ "舍爾邦月",
+ "賴買丹月",
+ "閃瓦魯月",
+ "都爾喀爾德月",
+ "都爾黑哲月",
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ japanese{
+ DateTimePatterns{
+ "ah:mm:ss [zzzz]",
+ "ah:mm:ss [z]",
+ "ah:mm:ss",
+ "ah:mm",
+ "Gy年M月d日EEEE",
+ "Gy年M月d日",
+ "Gy年M月d日",
+ "Gy/M/d",
+ "{1} {0}",
+ "{1} {0}",
+ "{1} {0}",
+ "{1} {0}",
+ "{1} {0}",
+ }
+ availableFormats{
+ E{"ccc"}
+ Ed{"d日(E)"}
+ Gy{"Gy年"}
+ GyMMM{"Gy年M月"}
+ GyMMMEd{"Gy年M月d日E"}
+ GyMMMd{"Gy年M月d日"}
+ H{"H時"}
+ Hm{"HH:mm"}
+ Hms{"HH:mm:ss"}
+ M{"M月"}
+ MEd{"M/d(E)"}
+ MMM{"LLL"}
+ MMMEd{"M月d日E"}
+ MMMMd{"MMMM d"}
+ MMMd{"MMM d"}
+ Md{"M/d"}
+ d{"d日"}
+ h{"ah時"}
+ hm{"ah:mm"}
+ hms{"ah:mm:ss"}
+ ms{"mm:ss"}
+ y{"Gy年"}
+ yyyy{"Gy年"}
+ yyyyM{"Gy/M"}
+ yyyyMEd{"Gy/M/d(E)"}
+ yyyyMMM{"Gy年M月"}
+ yyyyMMMEd{"Gy年M月d日E"}
+ yyyyMMMM{"Gy年M月"}
+ yyyyMMMd{"Gy年M月d日"}
+ yyyyMd{"Gy/M/d"}
+ yyyyQQQ{"Gy年QQQ"}
+ yyyyQQQQ{"Gy年QQQQ"}
+ }
+ eras{
+ abbreviated{
+ "大化",
+ "白雉",
+ "白鳳",
+ "朱鳥",
+ "大寶",
+ "慶雲",
+ "和銅",
+ "靈龜",
+ "養老",
+ "神龜",
+ "天平",
+ "天平感寶",
+ "天平勝寶",
+ "天平寶字",
+ "天平神護",
+ "神護景雲",
+ "寶龜",
+ "天應",
+ "延曆",
+ "大同",
+ "弘仁",
+ "天長",
+ "承和",
+ "嘉祥",
+ "仁壽",
+ "齊衡",
+ "天安",
+ "貞觀",
+ "元慶",
+ "仁和",
+ "寬平",
+ "昌泰",
+ "延喜",
+ "延長",
+ "承平",
+ "天慶",
+ "天曆",
+ "天德",
+ "應和",
+ "康保",
+ "安和",
+ "天祿",
+ "天延",
+ "貞元",
+ "天元",
+ "永觀",
+ "寬和",
+ "永延",
+ "永祚",
+ "正曆",
+ "長德",
+ "長保",
+ "寬弘",
+ "長和",
+ "寬仁",
+ "治安",
+ "萬壽",
+ "長元",
+ "長曆",
+ "長久",
+ "寬德",
+ "永承",
+ "天喜",
+ "康平",
+ "治曆",
+ "延久",
+ "承保",
+ "承曆",
+ "永保",
+ "應德",
+ "寬治",
+ "嘉保",
+ "永長",
+ "承德",
+ "康和",
+ "長治",
+ "嘉承",
+ "天仁",
+ "天永",
+ "永久",
+ "元永",
+ "保安",
+ "天治",
+ "大治",
+ "天承",
+ "長承",
+ "保延",
+ "永治",
+ "康治",
+ "天養",
+ "久安",
+ "仁平",
+ "久壽",
+ "保元",
+ "平治",
+ "永曆",
+ "應保",
+ "長寬",
+ "永萬",
+ "仁安",
+ "嘉應",
+ "承安",
+ "安元",
+ "治承",
+ "養和",
+ "壽永",
+ "元曆",
+ "文治",
+ "建久",
+ "正治",
+ "建仁",
+ "元久",
+ "建永",
+ "承元",
+ "建曆",
+ "建保",
+ "承久",
+ "貞應",
+ "元仁",
+ "嘉祿",
+ "安貞",
+ "寬喜",
+ "貞永",
+ "天福",
+ "文曆",
+ "嘉禎",
+ "曆仁",
+ "延應",
+ "仁治",
+ "寬元",
+ "寶治",
+ "建長",
+ "康元",
+ "正嘉",
+ "正元",
+ "文應",
+ "弘長",
+ "文永",
+ "建治",
+ "弘安",
+ "正應",
+ "永仁",
+ "正安",
+ "乾元",
+ "嘉元",
+ "德治",
+ "延慶",
+ "應長",
+ "正和",
+ "文保",
+ "元應",
+ "元亨",
+ "正中",
+ "嘉曆",
+ "元德",
+ "元弘",
+ "建武",
+ "延元",
+ "興國",
+ "正平",
+ "建德",
+ "文中",
+ "天授",
+ "康曆",
+ "弘和",
+ "元中",
+ "至德",
+ "嘉慶",
+ "康應",
+ "明德",
+ "應永",
+ "正長",
+ "永享",
+ "嘉吉",
+ "文安",
+ "寶德",
+ "享德",
+ "康正",
+ "長祿",
+ "寬正",
+ "文正",
+ "應仁",
+ "文明",
+ "長享",
+ "延德",
+ "明應",
+ "文龜",
+ "永正",
+ "大永",
+ "享祿",
+ "天文",
+ "弘治",
+ "永祿",
+ "元龜",
+ "天正",
+ "文祿",
+ "慶長",
+ "元和",
+ "寬永",
+ "正保",
+ "慶安",
+ "承應",
+ "明曆",
+ "萬治",
+ "寬文",
+ "延寶",
+ "天和",
+ "貞享",
+ "元祿",
+ "寶永",
+ "正德",
+ "享保",
+ "元文",
+ "寬保",
+ "延享",
+ "寬延",
+ "寶曆",
+ "明和",
+ "安永",
+ "天明",
+ "寬政",
+ "享和",
+ "文化",
+ "文政",
+ "天保",
+ "弘化",
+ "嘉永",
+ "安政",
+ "萬延",
+ "文久",
+ "元治",
+ "慶應",
+ "明治",
+ "大正",
+ "昭和",
+ "平成",
+ "令和",
+ }
- "西元前",
- "西元",
+ "大化",
+ "白雉",
+ "白鳳",
+ "朱鳥",
+ "大寶",
+ "慶雲",
+ "和銅",
+ "靈龜",
+ "養老",
+ "神龜",
+ "天平",
+ "天平感寶",
+ "天平勝寶",
+ "天平寶字",
+ "天平神護",
+ "神護景雲",
+ "寶龜",
+ "天應",
+ "延曆",
+ "大同",
+ "弘仁",
+ "天長",
+ "承和",
+ "嘉祥",
+ "仁壽",
+ "齊衡",
+ "天安",
+ "貞觀",
+ "元慶",
+ "仁和",
+ "寬平",
+ "昌泰",
+ "延喜",
+ "延長",
+ "承平",
+ "天慶",
+ "天曆",
+ "天德",
+ "應和",
+ "康保",
+ "安和",
+ "天祿",
+ "天延",
+ "貞元",
+ "天元",
+ "永觀",
+ "寬和",
+ "永延",
+ "永祚",
+ "正曆",
+ "長德",
+ "長保",
+ "寬弘",
+ "長和",
+ "寬仁",
+ "治安",
+ "萬壽",
+ "長元",
+ "長曆",
+ "長久",
+ "寬德",
+ "永承",
+ "天喜",
+ "康平",
+ "治曆",
+ "延久",
+ "承保",
+ "承曆",
+ "永保",
+ "應德",
+ "寬治",
+ "嘉保",
+ "永長",
+ "承德",
+ "康和",
+ "長治",
+ "嘉承",
+ "天仁",
+ "天永",
+ "永久",
+ "元永",
+ "保安",
+ "天治",
+ "大治",
+ "天承",
+ "長承",
+ "保延",
+ "永治",
+ "康治",
+ "天養",
+ "久安",
+ "仁平",
+ "久壽",
+ "保元",
+ "平治",
+ "永曆",
+ "應保",
+ "長寬",
+ "永萬",
+ "仁安",
+ "嘉應",
+ "承安",
+ "安元",
+ "治承",
+ "養和",
+ "壽永",
+ "元曆",
+ "文治",
+ "建久",
+ "正治",
+ "建仁",
+ "元久",
+ "建永",
+ "承元",
+ "建曆",
+ "建保",
+ "承久",
+ "貞應",
+ "元仁",
+ "嘉祿",
+ "安貞",
+ "寬喜",
+ "貞永",
+ "天福",
+ "文曆",
+ "嘉禎",
+ "曆仁",
+ "延應",
+ "仁治",
+ "寬元",
+ "寶治",
+ "建長",
+ "康元",
+ "正嘉",
+ "正元",
+ "文應",
+ "弘長",
+ "文永",
+ "建治",
+ "弘安",
+ "正應",
+ "永仁",
+ "正安",
+ "乾元",
+ "嘉元",
+ "德治",
+ "延慶",
+ "應長",
+ "正和",
+ "文保",
+ "元應",
+ "元亨",
+ "正中",
+ "嘉曆",
+ "元德",
+ "元弘",
+ "建武",
+ "延元",
+ "興國",
+ "正平",
+ "建德",
+ "文中",
+ "天授",
+ "康曆",
+ "弘和",
+ "元中",
+ "至德",
+ "嘉慶",
+ "康應",
+ "明德",
+ "應永",
+ "正長",
+ "永享",
+ "嘉吉",
+ "文安",
+ "寶德",
+ "享德",
+ "康正",
+ "長祿",
+ "寬正",
+ "文正",
+ "應仁",
+ "文明",
+ "長享",
+ "延德",
+ "明應",
+ "文龜",
+ "永正",
+ "大永",
+ "享祿",
+ "天文",
+ "弘治",
+ "永祿",
+ "元龜",
+ "天正",
+ "文祿",
+ "慶長",
+ "元和",
+ "寬永",
+ "正保",
+ "慶安",
+ "承應",
+ "明曆",
+ "萬治",
+ "寬文",
+ "延寶",
+ "天和",
+ "貞享",
+ "元祿",
+ "寶永",
+ "正德",
+ "享保",
+ "元文",
+ "寬保",
+ "延享",
+ "寬延",
+ "寶曆",
+ "明和",
+ "安永",
+ "天明",
+ "寬政",
+ "享和",
+ "文化",
+ "文政",
+ "天保",
+ "弘化",
+ "嘉永",
+ "安政",
+ "萬延",
+ "文久",
+ "元治",
+ "慶應",
+ "明治",
+ "大正",
+ "昭和",
+ "平成",
+ "令和",
- "西元前",
- "西元",
+ "大化",
+ "白雉",
+ "白鳳",
+ "朱鳥",
+ "大寶",
+ "慶雲",
+ "和銅",
+ "靈龜",
+ "養老",
+ "神龜",
+ "天平",
+ "天平感寶",
+ "天平勝寶",
+ "天平寶字",
+ "天平神護",
+ "神護景雲",
+ "寶龜",
+ "天應",
+ "延曆",
+ "大同",
+ "弘仁",
+ "天長",
+ "承和",
+ "嘉祥",
+ "仁壽",
+ "齊衡",
+ "天安",
+ "貞觀",
+ "元慶",
+ "仁和",
+ "寬平",
+ "昌泰",
+ "延喜",
+ "延長",
+ "承平",
+ "天慶",
+ "天曆",
+ "天德",
+ "應和",
+ "康保",
+ "安和",
+ "天祿",
+ "天延",
+ "貞元",
+ "天元",
+ "永觀",
+ "寬和",
+ "永延",
+ "永祚",
+ "正曆",
+ "長德",
+ "長保",
+ "寬弘",
+ "長和",
+ "寬仁",
+ "治安",
+ "萬壽",
+ "長元",
+ "長曆",
+ "長久",
+ "寬德",
+ "永承",
+ "天喜",
+ "康平",
+ "治曆",
+ "延久",
+ "承保",
+ "承曆",
+ "永保",
+ "應德",
+ "寬治",
+ "嘉保",
+ "永長",
+ "承德",
+ "康和",
+ "長治",
+ "嘉承",
+ "天仁",
+ "天永",
+ "永久",
+ "元永",
+ "保安",
+ "天治",
+ "大治",
+ "天承",
+ "長承",
+ "保延",
+ "永治",
+ "康治",
+ "天養",
+ "久安",
+ "仁平",
+ "久壽",
+ "保元",
+ "平治",
+ "永曆",
+ "應保",
+ "長寬",
+ "永萬",
+ "仁安",
+ "嘉應",
+ "承安",
+ "安元",
+ "治承",
+ "養和",
+ "壽永",
+ "元曆",
+ "文治",
+ "建久",
+ "正治",
+ "建仁",
+ "元久",
+ "建永",
+ "承元",
+ "建曆",
+ "建保",
+ "承久",
+ "貞應",
+ "元仁",
+ "嘉祿",
+ "安貞",
+ "寬喜",
+ "貞永",
+ "天福",
+ "文曆",
+ "嘉禎",
+ "曆仁",
+ "延應",
+ "仁治",
+ "寬元",
+ "寶治",
+ "建長",
+ "康元",
+ "正嘉",
+ "正元",
+ "文應",
+ "弘長",
+ "文永",
+ "建治",
+ "弘安",
+ "正應",
+ "永仁",
+ "正安",
+ "乾元",
+ "嘉元",
+ "德治",
+ "延慶",
+ "應長",
+ "正和",
+ "文保",
+ "元應",
+ "元亨",
+ "正中",
+ "嘉曆",
+ "元德",
+ "元弘",
+ "建武",
+ "延元",
+ "興國",
+ "正平",
+ "建德",
+ "文中",
+ "天授",
+ "康曆",
+ "弘和",
+ "元中",
+ "至德",
+ "嘉慶",
+ "康應",
+ "明德",
+ "應永",
+ "正長",
+ "永享",
+ "嘉吉",
+ "文安",
+ "寶德",
+ "享德",
+ "康正",
+ "長祿",
+ "寬正",
+ "文正",
+ "應仁",
+ "文明",
+ "長享",
+ "延德",
+ "明應",
+ "文龜",
+ "永正",
+ "大永",
+ "享祿",
+ "天文",
+ "弘治",
+ "永祿",
+ "元龜",
+ "天正",
+ "文祿",
+ "慶長",
+ "元和",
+ "寬永",
+ "正保",
+ "慶安",
+ "承應",
+ "明曆",
+ "萬治",
+ "寬文",
+ "延寶",
+ "天和",
+ "貞享",
+ "元祿",
+ "寶永",
+ "正德",
+ "享保",
+ "元文",
+ "寬保",
+ "延享",
+ "寬延",
+ "寶曆",
+ "明和",
+ "安永",
+ "天明",
+ "寬政",
+ "享和",
+ "文化",
+ "文政",
+ "天保",
+ "弘化",
+ "嘉永",
+ "安政",
+ "萬延",
+ "文久",
+ "元治",
+ "慶應",
+ "明治",
+ "大正",
+ "昭和",
+ "平成",
+ "令和",
- Hm{
- H{"HH:mm–HH:mm"}
- m{"HH:mm–HH:mm"}
- }
- Hmv{
- H{"HH:mm–HH:mm [v]"}
- m{"HH:mm–HH:mm [v]"}
- }
- Hv{
- H{"HH–HH [v]"}
- }
- M{
- M{"M月至M月"}
- }
- MEd{
- M{"M/dE至M/dE"}
- d{"M/dE至M/dE"}
- }
- MMM{
- M{"LLL至LLL"}
- }
- MMMEd{
- M{"M月d日E至M月d日E"}
- d{"M月d日E至d日E"}
- }
- }
- MMMd{
- M{"M月d日至M月d日"}
- d{"M月d日至d日"}
- }
- Md{
- M{"M/d至M/d"}
- d{"M/d至M/d"}
- }
- d{
- d{"d日至d日"}
- }
- fallback{"{0}至{1}"}
- h{
- a{"ah時至ah時"}
- h{"ah時至h時"}
- }
- hm{
- a{"ah:mm至ah:mm"}
- h{"ah:mm至h:mm"}
- m{"ah:mm至h:mm"}
- }
- hmv{
- a{"ah:mm至ah:mm [v]"}
- h{"ah:mm至h:mm [v]"}
- m{"ah:mm至h:mm [v]"}
- }
- hv{
- a{"ah時至ah時 [v]"}
- h{"ah時至h時 [v]"}
- }
- y{
- y{"y至y"}
- }
- yM{
- M{"y/M至y/M"}
- y{"y/M至y/M"}
- }
- yMEd{
- M{"y/M/dE至y/M/dE"}
- d{"y/M/dE至y/M/dE"}
- y{"y/M/dE至y/M/dE"}
- }
- yMMM{
- M{"y年M月至M月"}
- y{"y年M月至y年M月"}
- }
- yMMMEd{
- M{"y年M月d日E至M月d日E"}
- d{"y年M月d日E至d日E"}
- y{"y年M月d日E至y年M月d日E"}
- }
- yMMMM{
- M{"y年M月至M月"}
- y{"y年M月至y年M月"}
- }
- yMMMd{
- M{"y年M月d日至M月d日"}
- d{"y年M月d日至d日"}
- y{"y年M月d日至y年M月d日"}
- }
- yMd{
- M{"y/M/d至y/M/d"}
- d{"y/M/d至y/M/d"}
- y{"y/M/d至y/M/d"}
- }
- }
- monthNames{
- format{
- abbreviated{
- "1月",
- "2月",
- "3月",
- "4月",
- "5月",
- "6月",
- "7月",
- "8月",
- "9月",
- "10月",
- "11月",
- "12月",
- }
- narrow{
- "1",
- "2",
- "3",
- "4",
- "5",
- "6",
- "7",
- "8",
- "9",
- "10",
- "11",
- "12",
- }
- wide{
- "1月",
- "2月",
- "3月",
- "4月",
- "5月",
- "6月",
- "7月",
- "8月",
- "9月",
- "10月",
- "11月",
- "12月",
- }
- }
- stand-alone{
- abbreviated{
- "1月",
- "2月",
- "3月",
- "4月",
- "5月",
- "6月",
- "7月",
- "8月",
- "9月",
- "10月",
- "11月",
- "12月",
- }
- narrow{
- "1",
- "2",
- "3",
- "4",
- "5",
- "6",
- "7",
- "8",
- "9",
- "10",
- "11",
- "12",
- }
- wide{
- "1月",
- "2月",
- "3月",
- "4月",
- "5月",
- "6月",
- "7月",
- "8月",
- "9月",
- "10月",
- "11月",
- "12月",
- }
+ Hm{
+ H{"HH:mm–HH:mm"}
+ m{"HH:mm–HH:mm"}
- }
- quarters{
- format{
- abbreviated{
- "1季",
- "2季",
- "3季",
- "4季",
- }
- narrow{
- "1",
- "2",
- "3",
- "4",
- }
- wide{
- "第1季",
- "第2季",
- "第3季",
- "第4季",
- }
+ Hmv{
+ H{"HH:mm–HH:mm [v]"}
+ m{"HH:mm–HH:mm [v]"}
- stand-alone{
- abbreviated{
- "1季",
- "2季",
- "3季",
- "4季",
- }
- narrow{
- "1",
- "2",
- "3",
- "4",
- }
- wide{
- "第1季",
- "第2季",
- "第3季",
- "第4季",
- }
+ Hv{
+ H{"HH–HH [v]"}
- }
- }
- hebrew{
- eras{
- abbreviated{
- "創世紀元",
+ M{
+ M{"M月至M月"}
- }
- monthNames{
- format{
- abbreviated{
- "1月",
- "2月",
- "3月",
- "4月",
- "5月",
- "6月",
- "7月",
- "8月",
- "9月",
- "10月",
- "11月",
- "12月",
- "13月",
- "閏7月",
- }
- wide{
- "提斯利月",
- "瑪西班月",
- "基斯流月",
- "提別月",
- "細罷特月",
- "亞達月 I",
- "亞達月",
- "尼散月",
- "以珥月",
- "西彎月",
- "搭模斯月",
- "埃波月",
- "以祿月",
- "亞達月 II",
- }
+ MEd{
+ M{"M/d E至M/d E"}
+ d{"M/d E至M/d E"}
- stand-alone{
- abbreviated{
- "1月",
- "2月",
- "3月",
- "4月",
- "5月",
- "6月",
- "7月",
- "8月",
- "9月",
- "10月",
- "11月",
- "12月",
- "13月",
- "閏7月",
- }
- wide{
- "提斯利月",
- "瑪西班月",
- "基斯流月",
- "提別月",
- "細罷特月",
- "亞達月 I",
- "亞達月",
- "尼散月",
- "以珥月",
- "西彎月",
- "搭模斯月",
- "埃波月",
- "以祿月",
- "亞達月 II",
- }
+ MMM{
+ M{"LLL至LLL"}
- }
- }
- indian{
- eras{
- abbreviated{
- "印度曆",
+ MMMEd{
+ M{"M月d日E至M月d日E"}
+ d{"M月d日E至d日E"}
- }
- monthNames{
- format{
- abbreviated{
- "制檀邏月",
- "吠舍佉月",
- "逝瑟吒月",
- "頞沙荼月",
- "室羅伐拏月",
- "婆羅鉢陀月",
- "頞涇縛庚闍月",
- "迦剌底迦月",
- "末伽始羅月",
- "報沙月",
- "磨祛月",
- "頗勒窶拏月",
- }
- narrow{
- "1",
- "2",
- "3",
- "4",
- "5",
- "6",
- "7",
- "8",
- "9",
- "10",
- "11",
- "12",
- }
- wide{
- "制檀邏月",
- "吠舍佉月",
- "逝瑟吒月",
- "頞沙荼月",
- "室羅伐拏月",
- "婆羅鉢陀月",
- "頞涇縛庚闍月",
- "迦剌底迦月",
- "末伽始羅月",
- "報沙月",
- "磨祛月",
- "頗勒窶拏月",
- }
- stand-alone{
- abbreviated{
- "制檀邏月",
- "吠舍佉月",
- "逝瑟吒月",
- "頞沙荼月",
- "室羅伐拏月",
- "婆羅鉢陀月",
- "頞涇縛庚闍月",
- "迦剌底迦月",
- "末伽始羅月",
- "報沙月",
- "磨祛月",
- "頗勒窶拏月",
- }
- narrow{
- "1",
- "2",
- "3",
- "4",
- "5",
- "6",
- "7",
- "8",
- "9",
- "10",
- "11",
- "12",
- }
- wide{
- "制檀邏月",
- "吠舍佉月",
- "逝瑟吒月",
- "頞沙荼月",
- "室羅伐拏月",
- "婆羅鉢陀月",
- "頞涇縛庚闍月",
- "迦剌底迦月",
- "末伽始羅月",
- "報沙月",
- "磨祛月",
- "頗勒窶拏月",
- }
+ MMMd{
+ M{"M月d日至M月d日"}
+ d{"M月d日至d日"}
+ }
+ Md{
+ M{"M/d至M/d"}
+ d{"M/d至M/d"}
+ }
+ d{
+ d{"d日至d日"}
+ }
+ h{
+ a{"ah時至ah時"}
+ h{"ah時至h時"}
+ }
+ hm{
+ a{"ah:mm至ah:mm"}
+ h{"ah:mm至h:mm"}
+ m{"ah:mm至h:mm"}
+ }
+ hmv{
+ a{"ah:mm至ah:mm [v]"}
+ h{"ah:mm至h:mm [v]"}
+ m{"ah:mm至h:mm [v]"}
+ }
+ hv{
+ a{"ah時至ah時 [v]"}
+ h{"ah時至h時 [v]"}
+ }
+ y{
+ y{"G y至y"}
+ }
+ yM{
+ M{"G y/M至y/M"}
+ y{"G y/M至y/M"}
+ }
+ yMEd{
+ M{"G y/M/dE至y/M/dE"}
+ d{"G y/M/dE至y/M/dE"}
+ y{"G y/M/dE至y/M/dE"}
+ }
+ yMMM{
+ M{"G y年M月至M月"}
+ y{"G y年M月至y年M月"}
+ }
+ yMMMEd{
+ M{"G y年M月d日E至M月d日E"}
+ d{"G y年M月d日E至d日E"}
+ y{"G y年M月d日E至y年M月d日E"}
+ }
+ yMMMM{
+ M{"G y年M月至M月"}
+ y{"G y年M月至y年M月"}
+ }
+ yMMMd{
+ M{"G y年M月d日至M月d日"}
+ d{"G y年M月d日至d日"}
+ y{"G y年M月d日至y年M月d日"}
+ }
+ yMd{
+ M{"G y/M/d至y/M/d"}
+ d{"G y/M/d至y/M/d"}
+ y{"G y/M/d至y/M/d"}
- islamic{
+ persian{
+ DateTimePatterns{
+ "ah:mm:ss [zzzz]",
+ "ah:mm:ss [z]",
+ "ah:mm:ss",
+ "ah:mm",
+ "G y年M月d日 EEEE",
+ "G y年M月d日",
+ "G y年M月d日",
+ "G y/M/d",
+ "{1} {0}",
+ "{1}{0}",
+ "{1} {0}",
+ "{1} {0}",
+ "{1} {0}",
+ }
+ availableFormats{
+ E{"ccc"}
+ Ed{"d E"}
+ Gy{"G y年"}
+ GyMMM{"G y年M月"}
+ GyMMMEd{"G y年M月d日 E"}
+ GyMMMd{"G y年M月d日"}
+ M{"M月"}
+ MEd{"M/d(E)"}
+ MMM{"LLL"}
+ MMMEd{"M月d日 E"}
+ MMMMd{"M月d日"}
+ MMMd{"M月d日"}
+ Md{"M/d"}
+ d{"d日"}
+ y{"G y年"}
+ yyyy{"G y年"}
+ yyyyM{"G y/M"}
+ yyyyMEd{"G y/M/d(E)"}
+ yyyyMMM{"G y年M月"}
+ yyyyMMMEd{"G y年M月d日 E"}
+ yyyyMMMM{"G y年M月"}
+ yyyyMMMd{"G y年M月d日"}
+ yyyyMd{"G y/M/d"}
+ yyyyQQQ{"G y年QQQ"}
+ yyyyQQQQ{"G y年QQQQ"}
+ }
- "伊斯蘭曆",
+ "波斯曆",
+ }
+ narrow{
+ "波斯曆",
+ }
+ wide{
+ "波斯曆",
+ }
+ }
+ intervalFormats{
+ H{
+ H{"HH–HH"}
+ }
+ Hm{
+ H{"HH:mm–HH:mm"}
+ m{"HH:mm–HH:mm"}
+ }
+ Hmv{
+ H{"HH:mm–HH:mm [v]"}
+ m{"HH:mm–HH:mm [v]"}
+ }
+ Hv{
+ H{"HH–HH [v]"}
+ }
+ M{
+ M{"M月至M月"}
+ }
+ MEd{
+ M{"M/d E至M/d E"}
+ d{"M/d E至M/d E"}
+ }
+ MMM{
+ M{"LLL至LLL"}
+ }
+ MMMEd{
+ M{"M月d日E至M月d日E"}
+ d{"M月d日E至d日E"}
+ }
+ }
+ MMMd{
+ M{"M月d日至M月d日"}
+ d{"M月d日至d日"}
+ }
+ Md{
+ M{"M/d至M/d"}
+ d{"M/d至M/d"}
+ }
+ d{
+ d{"d日至d日"}
+ }
+ h{
+ a{"ah時至ah時"}
+ h{"ah時至h時"}
+ }
+ hm{
+ a{"ah:mm至ah:mm"}
+ h{"ah:mm至h:mm"}
+ m{"ah:mm至h:mm"}
+ }
+ hmv{
+ a{"ah:mm至ah:mm [v]"}
+ h{"ah:mm至h:mm [v]"}
+ m{"ah:mm至h:mm [v]"}
+ }
+ hv{
+ a{"ah時至ah時 [v]"}
+ h{"ah時至h時 [v]"}
+ }
+ y{
+ y{"G y至y"}
+ }
+ yM{
+ M{"G y/M至y/M"}
+ y{"G y/M至y/M"}
+ }
+ yMEd{
+ M{"G y/M/dE至y/M/dE"}
+ d{"G y/M/dE至y/M/dE"}
+ y{"G y/M/dE至y/M/dE"}
+ }
+ yMMM{
+ M{"G y年M月至M月"}
+ y{"G y年M月至y年M月"}
+ }
+ yMMMEd{
+ M{"G y年M月d日E至M月d日E"}
+ d{"G y年M月d日E至d日E"}
+ y{"G y年M月d日E至y年M月d日E"}
+ }
+ yMMMM{
+ M{"G y年M月至M月"}
+ y{"G y年M月至y年M月"}
+ }
+ yMMMd{
+ M{"G y年M月d日至M月d日"}
+ d{"G y年M月d日至d日"}
+ y{"G y年M月d日至y年M月d日"}
+ }
+ yMd{
+ M{"G y/M/d至y/M/d"}
+ d{"G y/M/d至y/M/d"}
+ y{"G y/M/d至y/M/d"}
- "穆哈蘭姆月",
- "色法爾月",
- "賴比月 I",
- "賴比月 II",
- "主馬達月 I",
- "主馬達月 II",
- "賴哲卜月",
- "舍爾邦月",
- "賴買丹月",
- "閃瓦魯月",
- "都爾喀爾德月",
- "都爾黑哲月",
+ "1月",
+ "2月",
+ "3月",
+ "4月",
+ "5月",
+ "6月",
+ "7月",
+ "8月",
+ "9月",
+ "10月",
+ "11月",
+ "12月",
- "穆哈蘭姆月",
- "色法爾月",
- "賴比月 I",
- "賴比月 II",
- "主馬達月 I",
- "主馬達月 II",
- "賴哲卜月",
- "舍爾邦月",
- "賴買丹月",
- "閃瓦魯月",
- "都爾喀爾德月",
- "都爾黑哲月",
+ "1月",
+ "2月",
+ "3月",
+ "4月",
+ "5月",
+ "6月",
+ "7月",
+ "8月",
+ "9月",
+ "10月",
+ "11月",
+ "12月",
- japanese{
- eras{
- abbreviated{
- "大化",
- "白雉",
- "白鳳",
- "朱鳥",
- "大寶",
- "慶雲",
- "和銅",
- "靈龜",
- "養老",
- "神龜",
- "天平",
- "天平感寶",
- "天平勝寶",
- "天平寶字",
- "天平神護",
- "神護景雲",
- "寶龜",
- "天應",
- "延曆",
- "大同",
- "弘仁",
- "天長",
- "承和",
- "嘉祥",
- "仁壽",
- "齊衡",
- "天安",
- "貞觀",
- "元慶",
- "仁和",
- "寬平",
- "昌泰",
- "延喜",
- "延長",
- "承平",
- "天慶",
- "天曆",
- "天德",
- "應和",
- "康保",
- "安和",
- "天祿",
- "天延",
- "貞元",
- "天元",
- "永觀",
- "寬和",
- "永延",
- "永祚",
- "正曆",
- "長德",
- "長保",
- "寬弘",
- "長和",
- "寬仁",
- "治安",
- "萬壽",
- "長元",
- "長曆",
- "長久",
- "寬德",
- "永承",
- "天喜",
- "康平",
- "治曆",
- "延久",
- "承保",
- "承曆",
- "永保",
- "應德",
- "寬治",
- "嘉保",
- "永長",
- "承德",
- "康和",
- "長治",
- "嘉承",
- "天仁",
- "天永",
- "永久",
- "元永",
- "保安",
- "天治",
- "大治",
- "天承",
- "長承",
- "保延",
- "永治",
- "康治",
- "天養",
- "久安",
- "仁平",
- "久壽",
- "保元",
- "平治",
- "永曆",
- "應保",
- "長寬",
- "永萬",
- "仁安",
- "嘉應",
- "承安",
- "安元",
- "治承",
- "養和",
- "壽永",
- "元曆",
- "文治",
- "建久",
- "正治",
- "建仁",
- "元久",
- "建永",
- "承元",
- "建曆",
- "建保",
- "承久",
- "貞應",
- "元仁",
- "嘉祿",
- "安貞",
- "寬喜",
- "貞永",
- "天福",
- "文曆",
- "嘉禎",
- "曆仁",
- "延應",
- "仁治",
- "寬元",
- "寶治",
- "建長",
- "康元",
- "正嘉",
- "正元",
- "文應",
- "弘長",
- "文永",
- "建治",
- "弘安",
- "正應",
- "永仁",
- "正安",
- "乾元",
- "嘉元",
- "德治",
- "延慶",
- "應長",
- "正和",
- "文保",
- "元應",
- "元亨",
- "正中",
- "嘉曆",
- "元德",
- "元弘",
- "建武",
- "延元",
- "興國",
- "正平",
- "建德",
- "文中",
- "天授",
- "康曆",
- "弘和",
- "元中",
- "至德",
- "嘉慶",
- "康應",
- "明德",
- "應永",
- "正長",
- "永享",
- "嘉吉",
- "文安",
- "寶德",
- "享德",
- "康正",
- "長祿",
- "寬正",
- "文正",
- "應仁",
- "文明",
- "長享",
- "延德",
- "明應",
- "文龜",
- "永正",
- "大永",
- "享祿",
- "天文",
- "弘治",
- "永祿",
- "元龜",
- "天正",
- "文祿",
- "慶長",
- "元和",
- "寬永",
- "正保",
- "慶安",
- "承應",
- "明曆",
- "萬治",
- "寬文",
- "延寶",
- "天和",
- "貞享",
- "元祿",
- "寶永",
- "正德",
- "享保",
- "元文",
- "寬保",
- "延享",
- "寬延",
- "寶曆",
- "明和",
- "安永",
- "天明",
- "寬政",
- "享和",
- "文化",
- "文政",
- "天保",
- "弘化",
- "嘉永",
- "安政",
- "萬延",
- "文久",
- "元治",
- "慶應",
- "明治",
- "大正",
- "昭和",
- "平成",
+ roc{
+ eras{
+ abbreviated{
+ "民國前",
+ "民國",
+ }
+ narrow{
+ "民國前",
+ "民國",
+ }
+ wide{
+ "民國前",
+ "民國",
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ characterLabel{
+ activities{"活動"}
+ african_scripts{"非洲語系"}
+ american_scripts{"美洲語系"}
+ animal{"動物"}
+ animals_nature{"動物與自然"}
+ arrows{"箭頭"}
+ body{"身體"}
+ box_drawing{"製表符"}
+ braille{"點字"}
+ building{"建築"}
+ bullets_stars{"項目符號/星號"}
+ consonantal_jamo{"輔音字母"}
+ currency_symbols{"貨幣符號"}
+ dash_connector{"破折號/連接號"}
+ digits{"數字"}
+ dingbats{"裝飾符號"}
+ divination_symbols{"占卜符號"}
+ downwards_arrows{"向下箭頭"}
+ downwards_upwards_arrows{"上下箭頭"}
+ east_asian_scripts{"東亞語系"}
+ emoji{"表情符號"}
+ european_scripts{"歐洲語系"}
+ female{"女性"}
+ flag{"旗子"}
+ flags{"旗幟"}
+ food_drink{"飲食"}
+ format{"格式"}
+ format_whitespace{"格式與空白"}
+ full_width_form_variant{"全形格式變體"}
+ geometric_shapes{"幾何形狀"}
+ half_width_form_variant{"半形格式變體"}
+ han_characters{"漢字"}
+ han_radicals{"漢字部首"}
+ hanja{"韓文漢字"}
+ hanzi_simplified{"漢字(簡體)"}
+ hanzi_traditional{"漢字(繁體)"}
+ heart{"心"}
+ historic_scripts{"古老語系"}
+ ideographic_desc_characters{"表意文字描述字元"}
+ japanese_kana{"日文假名"}
+ kanbun{"漢字批註"}
+ kanji{"日文漢字"}
+ keycap{"按鍵"}
+ leftwards_arrows{"向左箭頭"}
+ leftwards_rightwards_arrows{"左右箭頭"}
+ letterlike_symbols{"類字母符號"}
+ limited_use{"限制使用"}
+ male{"男性"}
+ math_symbols{"數學符號"}
+ middle_eastern_scripts{"中東語系"}
+ miscellaneous{"混合"}
+ modern_scripts{"現代語系"}
+ modifier{"修飾字母"}
+ musical_symbols{"音樂符號"}
+ nature{"自然"}
+ nonspacing{"非間距"}
+ numbers{"數字"}
+ objects{"物品"}
+ other{"其他"}
+ paired{"成對"}
+ person{"人物"}
+ phonetic_alphabet{"音標"}
+ pictographs{"象形文字"}
+ place{"地點"}
+ plant{"植物"}
+ punctuation{"標點符號"}
+ rightwards_arrows{"向右箭頭"}
+ sign_standard_symbols{"標誌/標準符號"}
+ small_form_variant{"小寫符號變體"}
+ smiley{"微笑"}
+ smileys_people{"表情符號與人物"}
+ south_asian_scripts{"南亞語系"}
+ southeast_asian_scripts{"東南亞語系"}
+ spacing{"空格"}
+ sport{"運動"}
+ symbols{"符號"}
+ technical_symbols{"技術符號"}
+ tone_marks{"聲調"}
+ travel{"旅遊"}
+ travel_places{"旅遊與地點"}
+ upwards_arrows{"向上箭頭"}
+ variant_forms{"變體形式"}
+ vocalic_jamo{"母音字母"}
+ weather{"天氣"}
+ western_asian_scripts{"西亞語系"}
+ whitespace{"空白"}
+ }
+ delimiters{
+ alternateQuotationEnd{"』"}
+ alternateQuotationStart{"『"}
+ quotationEnd{"」"}
+ quotationStart{"「"}
+ }
+ fields{
+ day{
+ dn{"日"}
+ relative{
+ "-1"{"昨天"}
+ "-2"{"前天"}
+ "0"{"今天"}
+ "1"{"明天"}
+ "2"{"後天"}
+ }
+ relativeTime{
+ future{
+ other{"{0} 天後"}
+ }
+ past{
+ other{"{0} 天前"}
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ day-narrow{
+ dn{"日"}
+ relative{
+ "-1"{"昨天"}
+ "-2"{"前天"}
+ "0"{"今天"}
+ "1"{"明天"}
+ "2"{"後天"}
+ }
+ relativeTime{
+ future{
+ other{"{0} 天後"}
+ }
+ past{
+ other{"{0} 天前"}
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ day-short{
+ dn{"日"}
+ relative{
+ "-1"{"昨天"}
+ "-2"{"前天"}
+ "0"{"今天"}
+ "1"{"明天"}
+ "2"{"後天"}
+ }
+ relativeTime{
+ future{
+ other{"{0} 天後"}
+ }
+ past{
+ other{"{0} 天前"}
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ dayOfYear{
+ dn{"年天"}
+ }
+ dayOfYear-narrow{
+ dn{"年天"}
+ }
+ dayOfYear-short{
+ dn{"年天"}
+ }
+ dayperiod{
+ dn{"上午/下午"}
+ }
+ dayperiod-narrow{
+ dn{"上午/下午"}
+ }
+ dayperiod-short{
+ dn{"上午/下午"}
+ }
+ era{
+ dn{"年代"}
+ }
+ era-narrow{
+ dn{"年代"}
+ }
+ era-short{
+ dn{"年代"}
+ }
+ fri{
+ relative{
+ "-1"{"上週五"}
+ "0"{"本週五"}
+ "1"{"下週五"}
+ }
+ relativeTime{
+ future{
+ other{"{0} 個週五後"}
+ }
+ past{
+ other{"{0} 個週五前"}
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ fri-narrow{
+ relative{
+ "-1"{"上週五"}
+ "0"{"本週五"}
+ "1"{"下週五"}
+ }
+ relativeTime{
+ future{
+ other{"{0} 個週五後"}
+ }
+ past{
+ other{"{0} 個週五前"}
- persian{
- eras{
- abbreviated{
- "伊朗曆",
+ fri-short{
+ relative{
+ "-1"{"上週五"}
+ "0"{"本週五"}
+ "1"{"下週五"}
+ }
+ relativeTime{
+ future{
+ other{"{0} 個週五後"}
+ }
+ past{
+ other{"{0} 個週五前"}
- monthNames{
- format{
- abbreviated{
- "1月",
- "2月",
- "3月",
- "4月",
- "5月",
- "6月",
- "7月",
- "8月",
- "9月",
- "10月",
- "11月",
- "12月",
- }
- narrow{
- "1",
- "2",
- "3",
- "4",
- "5",
- "6",
- "7",
- "8",
- "9",
- "10",
- "11",
- "12",
- }
- wide{
- "1月",
- "2月",
- "3月",
- "4月",
- "5月",
- "6月",
- "7月",
- "8月",
- "9月",
- "10月",
- "11月",
- "12月",
- }
+ }
+ hour{
+ dn{"小時"}
+ relative{
+ "0"{"這一小時"}
+ }
+ relativeTime{
+ future{
+ other{"{0} 小時後"}
- stand-alone{
- abbreviated{
- "1月",
- "2月",
- "3月",
- "4月",
- "5月",
- "6月",
- "7月",
- "8月",
- "9月",
- "10月",
- "11月",
- "12月",
- }
- narrow{
- "1",
- "2",
- "3",
- "4",
- "5",
- "6",
- "7",
- "8",
- "9",
- "10",
- "11",
- "12",
- }
- wide{
- "1月",
- "2月",
- "3月",
- "4月",
- "5月",
- "6月",
- "7月",
- "8月",
- "9月",
- "10月",
- "11月",
- "12月",
- }
+ past{
+ other{"{0} 小時前"}
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ hour-narrow{
+ dn{"小時"}
+ relative{
+ "0"{"這一小時"}
+ }
+ relativeTime{
+ future{
+ other{"{0} 小時後"}
+ }
+ past{
+ other{"{0} 小時前"}
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ hour-short{
+ dn{"小時"}
+ relative{
+ "0"{"這一小時"}
+ }
+ relativeTime{
+ future{
+ other{"{0} 小時後"}
+ }
+ past{
+ other{"{0} 小時前"}
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ minute{
+ dn{"分鐘"}
+ relative{
+ "0"{"這一分鐘"}
+ }
+ relativeTime{
+ future{
+ other{"{0} 分鐘後"}
+ }
+ past{
+ other{"{0} 分鐘前"}
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ minute-narrow{
+ dn{"分鐘"}
+ relative{
+ "0"{"這一分鐘"}
+ }
+ relativeTime{
+ future{
+ other{"{0} 分鐘後"}
+ }
+ past{
+ other{"{0} 分鐘前"}
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ minute-short{
+ dn{"分鐘"}
+ relative{
+ "0"{"這一分鐘"}
+ }
+ relativeTime{
+ future{
+ other{"{0} 分鐘後"}
+ }
+ past{
+ other{"{0} 分鐘前"}
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ mon{
+ relative{
+ "-1"{"上週一"}
+ "0"{"本週一"}
+ "1"{"下週一"}
+ }
+ relativeTime{
+ future{
+ other{"{0} 個週一後"}
+ }
+ past{
+ other{"{0} 個週一前"}
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ mon-narrow{
+ relative{
+ "-1"{"上週一"}
+ "0"{"本週一"}
+ "1"{"下週一"}
+ }
+ relativeTime{
+ future{
+ other{"{0} 個週一後"}
+ }
+ past{
+ other{"{0} 個週一前"}
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ mon-short{
+ relative{
+ "-1"{"上週一"}
+ "0"{"本週一"}
+ "1"{"下週一"}
+ }
+ relativeTime{
+ future{
+ other{"{0} 個週一後"}
+ }
+ past{
+ other{"{0} 個週一前"}
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ month{
+ dn{"月"}
+ relative{
+ "-1"{"上個月"}
+ "0"{"本月"}
+ "1"{"下個月"}
+ }
+ relativeTime{
+ future{
+ other{"{0} 個月後"}
+ }
+ past{
+ other{"{0} 個月前"}
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ month-narrow{
+ dn{"月"}
+ relative{
+ "-1"{"上個月"}
+ "0"{"本月"}
+ "1"{"下個月"}
+ }
+ relativeTime{
+ future{
+ other{"{0} 個月後"}
+ }
+ past{
+ other{"{0} 個月前"}
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ month-short{
+ dn{"月"}
+ relative{
+ "-1"{"上個月"}
+ "0"{"本月"}
+ "1"{"下個月"}
+ }
+ relativeTime{
+ future{
+ other{"{0} 個月後"}
- }
- }
- roc{
- eras{
- abbreviated{
- "民國前",
- "民國",
+ past{
+ other{"{0} 個月前"}
- }
- delimiters{
- alternateQuotationEnd{"』"}
- alternateQuotationStart{"『"}
- quotationEnd{"」"}
- quotationStart{"「"}
- }
- durationUnits{
- hm{"h:mm"}
- hms{"h:mm:ss"}
- ms{"m:ss"}
- }
- fields{
- day{
- dn{"日"}
+ quarter{
+ dn{"季"}
- "-1"{"昨天"}
- "-2"{"前天"}
- "0"{"今天"}
- "1"{"明天"}
- "2"{"後天"}
+ "-1"{"上一季"}
+ "0"{"這一季"}
+ "1"{"下一季"}
- other{"{0} 天後"}
+ other{"{0} å£後"}
- other{"{0} 天前"}
+ other{"{0} å£前"}
- dayperiod{
- dn{"上午/下午"}
- }
- era{
- dn{"年代"}
- }
- fri{
+ quarter-narrow{
+ dn{"季"}
- "-1"{"上週五"}
- "0"{"本週五"}
- "1"{"下週五"}
+ "-1"{"上一季"}
+ "0"{"這一季"}
+ "1"{"下一季"}
- }
- hour{
- dn{"小時"}
- other{"{0} å°\8fæ\99\82後"}
+ other{"{0} å£後"}
- other{"{0} å°\8fæ\99\82前"}
+ other{"{0} å£前"}
- minute{
- dn{"分鐘"}
+ quarter-short{
+ dn{"季"}
+ relative{
+ "-1"{"上一季"}
+ "0"{"這一季"}
+ "1"{"下一季"}
+ }
- other{"{0} å\88\86é\90\98後"}
+ other{"{0} å£後"}
- other{"{0} å\88\86é\90\98前"}
+ other{"{0} å£前"}
- mon{
+ sat{
- "-1"{"上週一"}
- "0"{"本週一"}
- "1"{"下週一"}
+ "-1"{"上週六"}
+ "0"{"本週六"}
+ "1"{"下週六"}
+ }
+ relativeTime{
+ future{
+ other{"{0} 個週六後"}
+ }
+ past{
+ other{"{0} 個週六前"}
+ }
- month{
- dn{"月"}
+ sat-narrow{
- "-1"{"上個月"}
- "0"{"本月"}
- "1"{"下個月"}
+ "-1"{"上週六"}
+ "0"{"本週六"}
+ "1"{"下週六"}
- other{"{0} 個月後"}
+ other{"{0} 個週六後"}
- other{"{0} 個月前"}
+ other{"{0} 個週六前"}
- sat{
+ sat-short{
+ relativeTime{
+ future{
+ other{"{0} 個週六後"}
+ }
+ past{
+ other{"{0} 個週六前"}
+ }
+ }
+ second-narrow{
+ dn{"秒"}
+ relative{
+ "0"{"現在"}
+ }
+ relativeTime{
+ future{
+ other{"{0} 秒後"}
+ }
+ past{
+ other{"{0} 秒前"}
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ second-short{
+ dn{"秒"}
+ relative{
+ "0"{"現在"}
+ }
+ relativeTime{
+ future{
+ other{"{0} 秒後"}
+ }
+ past{
+ other{"{0} 秒前"}
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ relativeTime{
+ future{
+ other{"{0} 個週日後"}
+ }
+ past{
+ other{"{0} 個週日前"}
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ sun-narrow{
+ relative{
+ "-1"{"上週日"}
+ "0"{"本週日"}
+ "1"{"下週日"}
+ }
+ relativeTime{
+ future{
+ other{"{0} 個週日後"}
+ }
+ past{
+ other{"{0} 個週日前"}
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ sun-short{
+ relative{
+ "-1"{"上週日"}
+ "0"{"本週日"}
+ "1"{"下週日"}
+ }
+ relativeTime{
+ future{
+ other{"{0} 個週日後"}
+ }
+ past{
+ other{"{0} 個週日前"}
+ }
+ }
+ relativeTime{
+ future{
+ other{"{0} 個週四後"}
+ }
+ past{
+ other{"{0} 個週四前"}
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ thu-narrow{
+ relative{
+ "-1"{"上週四"}
+ "0"{"本週四"}
+ "1"{"下週四"}
+ }
+ relativeTime{
+ future{
+ other{"{0} 個週四後"}
+ }
+ past{
+ other{"{0} 個週四前"}
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ thu-short{
+ relative{
+ "-1"{"上週四"}
+ "0"{"本週四"}
+ "1"{"下週四"}
+ }
+ relativeTime{
+ future{
+ other{"{0} 個週四後"}
+ }
+ past{
+ other{"{0} 個週四前"}
+ }
+ }
+ relativeTime{
+ future{
+ other{"{0} 個週二後"}
+ }
+ past{
+ other{"{0} 個週二前"}
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ tue-narrow{
+ relative{
+ "-1"{"上週二"}
+ "0"{"本週二"}
+ "1"{"下週二"}
+ }
+ relativeTime{
+ future{
+ other{"{0} 個週二後"}
+ }
+ past{
+ other{"{0} 個週二前"}
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ tue-short{
+ relative{
+ "-1"{"上週二"}
+ "0"{"本週二"}
+ "1"{"下週二"}
+ }
+ relativeTime{
+ future{
+ other{"{0} 個週二後"}
+ }
+ past{
+ other{"{0} 個週二前"}
+ }
+ }
+ relativeTime{
+ future{
+ other{"{0} 個週三後"}
+ }
+ past{
+ other{"{0} 個週三前"}
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ wed-narrow{
+ relative{
+ "-1"{"上週三"}
+ "0"{"本週三"}
+ "1"{"下週三"}
+ }
+ relativeTime{
+ future{
+ other{"{0} 個週三後"}
+ }
+ past{
+ other{"{0} 個週三前"}
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ wed-short{
+ relative{
+ "-1"{"上週三"}
+ "0"{"本週三"}
+ "1"{"下週三"}
+ }
+ relativeTime{
+ future{
+ other{"{0} 個週三後"}
+ }
+ past{
+ other{"{0} 個週三前"}
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ week{
+ dn{"週"}
+ relative{
+ "-1"{"上週"}
+ "0"{"本週"}
+ "1"{"下週"}
+ }
+ relativePeriod{"{0} 當週"}
+ relativeTime{
+ future{
+ other{"{0} 週後"}
+ }
+ past{
+ other{"{0} 週前"}
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ week-narrow{
+ dn{"週"}
+ relative{
+ "-1"{"上週"}
+ "0"{"本週"}
+ "1"{"下週"}
+ }
+ relativePeriod{"{0} 當週"}
+ relativeTime{
+ future{
+ other{"{0} 週後"}
+ }
+ past{
+ other{"{0} 週前"}
+ }
+ }
- week{
+ week-short{
+ relativePeriod{"{0} 當週"}
other{"{0} 週後"}
+ weekOfMonth{
+ dn{"週"}
+ }
+ weekOfMonth-narrow{
+ dn{"週"}
+ }
+ weekOfMonth-short{
+ dn{"週"}
+ }
+ weekday-narrow{
+ dn{"週天"}
+ }
+ weekday-short{
+ dn{"週天"}
+ }
+ weekdayOfMonth{
+ dn{"每月平日"}
+ }
+ weekdayOfMonth-narrow{
+ dn{"每月平日"}
+ }
+ weekdayOfMonth-short{
+ dn{"每月平日"}
+ }
+ year-narrow{
+ dn{"年"}
+ relative{
+ "-1"{"去年"}
+ "0"{"今年"}
+ "1"{"明年"}
+ }
+ relativeTime{
+ future{
+ other{"{0} 年後"}
+ }
+ past{
+ other{"{0} 年前"}
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ year-short{
+ dn{"年"}
+ relative{
+ "-1"{"去年"}
+ "0"{"今年"}
+ "1"{"明年"}
+ }
+ relativeTime{
+ future{
+ other{"{0} 年後"}
+ }
+ past{
+ other{"{0} 年前"}
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ zone-narrow{
+ dn{"時區"}
+ }
+ zone-short{
+ dn{"時區"}
+ }
+ or{
+ 2{"{0}或{1}"}
+ end{"{0}或{1}"}
+ middle{"{0}、{1}"}
+ start{"{0}、{1}"}
+ }
+ standard-short{
+ 2{"{0}和{1}"}
+ end{"{0}和{1}"}
+ middle{"{0}、{1}"}
+ start{"{0}、{1}"}
+ }
- 2{"{0}{1}"}
- end{"{0}{1}"}
- middle{"{0}{1}"}
- start{"{0}{1}"}
+ 2{"{0} {1}"}
+ end{"{0} {1}"}
+ middle{"{0} {1}"}
+ start{"{0} {1}"}
+ }
+ unit-narrow{
+ 2{"{0} {1}"}
+ end{"{0} {1}"}
+ middle{"{0} {1}"}
+ start{"{0} {1}"}
- 2{"{0}{1}"}
- end{"{0}{1}"}
- middle{"{0}{1}"}
- start{"{0}{1}"}
+ 2{"{0} {1}"}
+ end{"{0} {1}"}
+ middle{"{0} {1}"}
+ start{"{0} {1}"}
- transformNames{
- BGN{"美國地名委員會"}
- Numeric{"數字"}
- Tone{"聲調"}
- UNGEGN{"聯合國地名專家組"}
- x-Accents{"變音符號"}
- x-Fullwidth{"全形"}
- x-Halfwidth{"半形"}
- x-Jamo{"韓文字母"}
- x-Pinyin{"拼音"}
- x-Publishing{"出版"}
- }
- units{
- acceleration{
- g-force{
- other{"{0} G"}
- }
- }
- angle{
- arc-minute{
- other{"{0} 分鐘"}
- }
- arc-second{
- other{"{0} 秒"}
- }
- degree{
- other{"{0} 度"}
- }
- }
- area{
- acre{
- other{"{0} 英畝"}
- }
- hectare{
- other{"{0} 公頃"}
- }
- square-foot{
- other{"{0} 平方英尺"}
- }
- square-kilometer{
- other{"{0} 平方公里"}
- }
- square-meter{
- other{"{0} 平方公尺"}
- }
- square-mile{
- other{"{0} 平方英里"}
- }
- }
- compound{
- per{"{0}/{1}"}
- }
- duration{
- day{
- other{"{0} 天"}
- }
- hour{
- other{"{0} 小時"}
- }
- millisecond{
- other{"{0} 毫秒"}
- }
- minute{
- other{"{0} 分鐘"}
- }
- month{
- other{"{0} 個月"}
- }
- second{
- other{"{0} 秒"}
- }
- week{
- other{"{0} 週"}
- }
- year{
- other{"{0} 年"}
- }
- }
- energy{
- calorie{
- other{"{0} 卡路里"}
- }
- foodcalorie{
- other{"{0} 大卡"}
- }
- joule{
- other{"{0} 焦耳"}
- }
- kilocalorie{
- other{"{0} 千卡路里"}
- }
- kilojoule{
- other{"{0} 千焦耳"}
- }
- }
- length{
- centimeter{
- other{"{0} 公分"}
- }
- foot{
- other{"{0} 呎"}
- }
- inch{
- other{"{0} 吋"}
- }
- kilometer{
- other{"{0} 公里"}
- }
- light-year{
- other{"{0} 光年"}
- }
- meter{
- other{"{0} 公尺"}
- }
- mile{
- other{"{0} 英里"}
- }
- millimeter{
- other{"{0} 公釐"}
- }
- picometer{
- other{"{0} 皮米"}
- }
- yard{
- other{"{0} 碼"}
- }
- }
- mass{
- gram{
- other{"{0} 克"}
- }
- kilogram{
- other{"{0} 公斤"}
- }
- ounce{
- other{"{0} 盎司"}
- }
- pound{
- other{"{0} 磅"}
- }
- stone{
- other{"{0} 英石"}
- }
- }
- power{
- horsepower{
- other{"{0} 匹"}
- }
- kilowatt{
- other{"{0} 千瓦"}
- }
- watt{
- other{"{0} 瓦特"}
- }
- }
- pressure{
- hectopascal{
- other{"{0} 百帕"}
- }
- inch-hg{
- other{"{0} 英吋水銀柱"}
- }
- millibar{
- other{"{0} 毫巴"}
- }
- }
- speed{
- kilometer-per-hour{
- other{"{0} 公里/小時"}
- }
- meter-per-second{
- other{"{0} 公尺/秒"}
- }
- mile-per-hour{
- other{"{0} 英里/小時"}
- }
- }
- temperature{
- celsius{
- other{"{0}°C"}
- }
- fahrenheit{
- other{"{0}°F"}
- }
- }
- volume{
- cubic-kilometer{
- other{"{0} 立方公里"}
- }
- cubic-mile{
- other{"{0} 立方英里"}
- }
- liter{
- other{"{0} 公升"}
- }
- }
- }
- unitsNarrow{
- acceleration{
- g-force{
- other{"{0}G"}
- }
- }
- angle{
- arc-minute{
- other{"{0} 分鐘"}
- }
- arc-second{
- other{"{0} 秒"}
- }
- degree{
- other{"{0} 度"}
- }
- }
- area{
- acre{
- other{"{0} 英畝"}
- }
- hectare{
- other{"{0} 公頃"}
- }
- square-foot{
- other{"{0} 平方英尺"}
- }
- square-kilometer{
- other{"{0} km²"}
- }
- square-meter{
- other{"{0} m²"}
- }
- square-mile{
- other{"{0} 平方英里"}
- }
- }
- compound{
- per{"{0}/{1}"}
- }
- duration{
- day{
- other{"{0} 天"}
- }
- hour{
- other{"{0} 小時"}
- }
- millisecond{
- other{"{0} 毫秒"}
- }
- minute{
- other{"{0} 分鐘"}
- }
- month{
- other{"{0} 個月"}
- }
- second{
- other{"{0} 秒"}
- }
- week{
- other{"{0} 週"}
- }
- year{
- other{"{0} 年"}
- }
- }
- energy{
- calorie{
- other{"{0}卡"}
- }
- foodcalorie{
- other{"{0}大卡"}
- }
- joule{
- other{"{0}焦"}
- }
- kilocalorie{
- other{"{0}千卡"}
- }
- kilojoule{
- other{"{0}千焦"}
- }
- }
- length{
- centimeter{
- other{"{0} 公分"}
- }
- foot{
- other{"{0} 呎"}
- }
- inch{
- other{"{0} 吋"}
- }
- kilometer{
- other{"{0} 公里"}
- }
- light-year{
- other{"{0} 光年"}
- }
- meter{
- other{"{0} 公尺"}
- }
- mile{
- other{"{0} 英里"}
- }
- millimeter{
- other{"{0} 公釐"}
- }
- picometer{
- other{"{0} 皮米"}
- }
- yard{
- other{"{0} 碼"}
- }
- }
- mass{
- gram{
- other{"{0} 克"}
- }
- kilogram{
- other{"{0} 公斤"}
- }
- ounce{
- other{"{0} 盎司"}
- }
- pound{
- other{"{0} 磅"}
- }
- stone{
- other{"{0}石"}
- }
- }
- power{
- horsepower{
- other{"{0} 匹"}
- }
- kilowatt{
- other{"{0} 千瓦"}
- }
- watt{
- other{"{0} 瓦特"}
- }
- }
- pressure{
- hectopascal{
- other{"{0} 百帕"}
- }
- inch-hg{
- other{"{0} 英吋汞柱"}
- }
- millibar{
- other{"{0} 毫巴"}
- }
- }
- speed{
- kilometer-per-hour{
- other{"{0} 公里/小時"}
- }
- meter-per-second{
- other{"{0} 公尺/秒"}
- }
- mile-per-hour{
- other{"{0} 英里/小時"}
- }
- }
- temperature{
- celsius{
- other{"{0}°"}
- }
- fahrenheit{
- other{"{0}°F"}
- }
- }
- volume{
- cubic-kilometer{
- other{"{0} km³"}
- }
- cubic-mile{
- other{"{0} 立方英里"}
- }
- liter{
- other{"{0} 升"}
- }
- }
- }
- unitsShort{
- acceleration{
- g-force{
- other{"{0} G"}
- }
- }
- angle{
- arc-minute{
- other{"{0} 分鐘"}
- }
- arc-second{
- other{"{0} 秒"}
- }
- degree{
- other{"{0} 度"}
- }
- }
- area{
- acre{
- other{"{0} 英畝"}
- }
- hectare{
- other{"{0} 公頃"}
- }
- square-foot{
- other{"{0} 平方英尺"}
- }
- square-kilometer{
- other{"{0} 平方公里"}
- }
- square-meter{
- other{"{0} 平方公尺"}
- }
- square-mile{
- other{"{0} 平方英里"}
- }
- }
- compound{
- per{"{0}/{1}"}
- }
- duration{
- day{
- other{"{0} 天"}
- }
- hour{
- other{"{0} 小時"}
- }
- millisecond{
- other{"{0} 毫秒"}
- }
- minute{
- other{"{0} 分鐘"}
- }
- month{
- other{"{0} 個月"}
- }
- second{
- other{"{0} 秒"}
- }
- week{
- other{"{0} 週"}
- }
- year{
- other{"{0} 年"}
- }
- }
- energy{
- calorie{
- other{"{0} 卡"}
- }
- foodcalorie{
- other{"{0} 大卡"}
- }
- joule{
- other{"{0} 焦"}
- }
- kilocalorie{
- other{"{0} 千卡"}
- }
- kilojoule{
- other{"{0} 千焦"}
- }
- }
- length{
- centimeter{
- other{"{0} 公分"}
- }
- foot{
- other{"{0} 呎"}
- }
- inch{
- other{"{0} 吋"}
- }
- kilometer{
- other{"{0} 公里"}
- }
- light-year{
- other{"{0} 光年"}
- }
- meter{
- other{"{0} 公尺"}
- }
- mile{
- other{"{0} 英里"}
- }
- millimeter{
- other{"{0} 公釐"}
- }
- picometer{
- other{"{0} 皮米"}
- }
- yard{
- other{"{0} 碼"}
- }
- }
- mass{
- gram{
- other{"{0} 克"}
- }
- kilogram{
- other{"{0} 公斤"}
- }
- ounce{
- other{"{0} 盎司"}
- }
- pound{
- other{"{0} 磅"}
- }
- stone{
- other{"{0} 石"}
- }
- }
- power{
- horsepower{
- other{"{0} 匹"}
- }
- kilowatt{
- other{"{0} 千瓦"}
- }
- watt{
- other{"{0} 瓦特"}
- }
- }
- pressure{
- hectopascal{
- other{"{0} 百帕"}
- }
- inch-hg{
- other{"{0} 英吋水銀柱"}
- }
- millibar{
- other{"{0} 毫巴"}
- }
- }
- speed{
- kilometer-per-hour{
- other{"{0} 公里/小時"}
- }
- meter-per-second{
- other{"{0} 公尺 / 秒"}
- }
- mile-per-hour{
- other{"{0} 英里/小時"}
- }
- }
- temperature{
- celsius{
- other{"{0}°C"}
- }
- fahrenheit{
- other{"{0}°F"}
- }
- }
- volume{
- cubic-kilometer{
- other{"{0} 立方公里"}
- }
- cubic-mile{
- other{"{0} 立方英里"}
- }
- liter{
- other{"{0} 升"}
- }
- }
- }