-// ***************************************************************************
-// *
-// * Copyright (C) 2014 International Business Machines
-// * Corporation and others. All Rights Reserved.
-// * Tool: org.unicode.cldr.icu.NewLdml2IcuConverter
-// * Source File: <path>/common/main/zh.xml
-// *
-// ***************************************************************************
- * ICU <specials> source: <path>/common/main/zh.xml
- */
+// © 2016 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others.
+// License & terms of use: http://www.unicode.org/copyright.html#License
- AuxExemplarCharacters{"[仂 侣 傈 傣 僳 卑 卞 厘 吕 坝 堤 奎 屿 巽 撤 楔 楠 滕 瑚 甫 盲 碑 禄 粟 脚 艮 谬 钯 铂 锑 镑 魁]"}
+ AuxExemplarCharacters{
+ "[乒 乓 仂 仓 伞 侣 傈 傣 僳 冥 凉 刨 匕 卑 卞 厘 厦 厨 吕 呣 唇 啤 啮 喱 嗅 噘 噢 坝 堤 墟 奎 妆 婴 媚 宅 寺 尬 尴"
+ " 屑 屿 巽 巾 弓 彗 惊 戟 扔 扰 扳 抛 挂 捂 摇 撅 撤 杆 杖 柜 柱 栗 栽 桶 棍 棕 棺 楔 楠 榈 槟 橙 洒 浆 涌 淇 滕 滚"
+ " 滩 灾 烛 烟 焰 煎 犬 猫 瑚 瓢 甫 皱 盆 盔 盲 眨 眯 瞌 矿 碑 祈 祭 祷 禄 稻 竿 笼 筒 篷 粟 粮 纠 纬 缆 缎 耸 脚 舔"
+ " 舵 艇 艮 芽 苜 苞 菇 菱 葫 葵 蒸 蓿 蔽 薯 蘑 蚂 蛛 蜗 蜘 蜡 蝎 蝴 螃 裹 谍 谬 豚 账 跤 踪 躬 轴 辐 迹 郁 鄙 酢 钉"
+ " 钥 钮 钯 铂 铅 铛 锄 锑 锚 锤 镑 闺 阱 隧 雕 霾 靴 靶 鞠 颠 馏 驼 骆 髦 魁 鲤 鲸 鳄 鸽]"
+ }
" 齐 齿 龄 龙 龟]"
ExemplarCharactersIndex{"[A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z]"}
+ ExemplarCharactersNumbers{"[\\- , . % ‰ + 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 〇 一 七 三 九 二 五 八 六 四]"}
"[﹉﹊﹋﹌ _ _ ﹍﹎﹏ ︳︴ \\- - ﹣ ‐ – — ︱ ― , , ﹐ 、 ﹑ ; ; ﹔ \\: : ﹕ ! ! ﹗ ? ? ﹖ . . ﹒"
" ‥ ︰ … 。 · ' ‘ ’ \u0022 " “ ” 〝 〞 ( ( ﹙ ︵ ) ) ﹚ ︶ \\[ [ \\] ] \\{ { ﹛ ︷ \\} "
"} ﹜ ︸ 〈 ︿ 〉 ﹀ 《 ︽ 》 ︾ 「 ﹁ 」 ﹂ 『 ﹃ 』 ﹄ 【 ︻ 】 ︼ 〔 ﹝ ︹ 〕 ﹞ ︺ 〖 〗 ‖ § @ @ ﹫ * * "
"﹡ / / \\\\ \ ﹨ \\& & ﹠ # # ﹟ % % ﹪ ‰ ′ ″ ‵ 〃 ※]"
- LocaleScript{
- "Hani",
- }
+ arab{
+ miscPatterns{
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+ }
+ patterns{
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+ scientificFormat{"#E0"}
+ }
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+ perMille{"؉"}
+ superscriptingExponent{"×"}
+ timeSeparator{":"}
+ }
+ }
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+ exponential{"×۱۰^"}
+ group{"٬"}
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+ list{"؛"}
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+ perMille{"؉"}
+ percentSign{"٪"}
+ plusSign{"+"}
+ superscriptingExponent{"×"}
+ timeSeparator{"٫"}
+ }
+ }
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+ miscPatterns{
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+ }
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+ miscPatterns{
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+ currencyFormat{"¤#,##0.00"}
+ decimalFormat{"#,##0.###"}
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+ scientificFormat{"#E0"}
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+ }
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+ miscPatterns{
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+ }
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+ currencyFormat{"¤#,##0.00"}
+ decimalFormat{"#,##0.###"}
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+ scientificFormat{"#E0"}
+ }
+ }
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+ miscPatterns{
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+ }
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+ currencyFormat{"¤#,##0.00"}
+ decimalFormat{"#,##0.###"}
+ percentFormat{"#,##0%"}
+ scientificFormat{"#E0"}
+ }
+ }
+ cham{
+ miscPatterns{
+ atLeast{"{0}+"}
+ range{"{0}-{1}"}
+ }
+ patterns{
+ accountingFormat{"¤#,##0.00;(¤#,##0.00)"}
+ currencyFormat{"¤#,##0.00"}
+ decimalFormat{"#,##0.###"}
+ percentFormat{"#,##0%"}
+ scientificFormat{"#E0"}
+ }
+ }
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+ miscPatterns{
+ atLeast{"{0}+"}
+ range{"{0}-{1}"}
+ }
+ patterns{
+ accountingFormat{"¤#,##0.00;(¤#,##0.00)"}
+ currencyFormat{"¤#,##0.00"}
+ decimalFormat{"#,##0.###"}
+ percentFormat{"#,##0%"}
+ scientificFormat{"#E0"}
+ }
+ }
+ fullwide{
+ miscPatterns{
+ atLeast{"{0}+"}
+ range{"{0}-{1}"}
+ }
+ patterns{
+ accountingFormat{"¤#,##0.00;(¤#,##0.00)"}
+ currencyFormat{"¤#,##0.00"}
+ decimalFormat{"#,##0.###"}
+ percentFormat{"#,##0%"}
+ scientificFormat{"#E0"}
+ }
+ }
+ gonm{
+ miscPatterns{
+ atLeast{"{0}+"}
+ range{"{0}-{1}"}
+ }
+ patterns{
+ accountingFormat{"¤#,##0.00;(¤#,##0.00)"}
+ currencyFormat{"¤#,##0.00"}
+ decimalFormat{"#,##0.###"}
+ percentFormat{"#,##0%"}
+ scientificFormat{"#E0"}
+ }
+ }
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+ miscPatterns{
+ atLeast{"{0}+"}
+ range{"{0}-{1}"}
+ }
+ patterns{
+ accountingFormat{"¤#,##0.00;(¤#,##0.00)"}
+ currencyFormat{"¤#,##0.00"}
+ decimalFormat{"#,##0.###"}
+ percentFormat{"#,##0%"}
+ scientificFormat{"#E0"}
+ }
+ }
+ guru{
+ miscPatterns{
+ atLeast{"{0}+"}
+ range{"{0}-{1}"}
+ }
+ patterns{
+ accountingFormat{"¤#,##0.00;(¤#,##0.00)"}
+ currencyFormat{"¤#,##0.00"}
+ decimalFormat{"#,##0.###"}
+ percentFormat{"#,##0%"}
+ scientificFormat{"#E0"}
+ }
+ }
+ hanidec{
+ miscPatterns{
+ atLeast{"{0}+"}
+ range{"{0}-{1}"}
+ }
+ patterns{
+ accountingFormat{"¤#,##0.00;(¤#,##0.00)"}
+ currencyFormat{"¤#,##0.00"}
+ decimalFormat{"#,##0.###"}
+ percentFormat{"#,##0%"}
+ scientificFormat{"#E0"}
+ }
+ symbols{
+ decimal{"."}
+ exponential{"E"}
+ group{","}
+ infinity{"∞"}
+ minusSign{"-"}
+ nan{"NaN"}
+ perMille{"‰"}
+ percentSign{"%"}
+ plusSign{"+"}
+ superscriptingExponent{"×"}
+ }
+ }
+ java{
+ miscPatterns{
+ atLeast{"{0}+"}
+ range{"{0}-{1}"}
+ }
+ patterns{
+ accountingFormat{"¤#,##0.00;(¤#,##0.00)"}
+ currencyFormat{"¤#,##0.00"}
+ decimalFormat{"#,##0.###"}
+ percentFormat{"#,##0%"}
+ scientificFormat{"#E0"}
+ }
+ }
+ kali{
+ miscPatterns{
+ atLeast{"{0}+"}
+ range{"{0}-{1}"}
+ }
+ patterns{
+ accountingFormat{"¤#,##0.00;(¤#,##0.00)"}
+ currencyFormat{"¤#,##0.00"}
+ decimalFormat{"#,##0.###"}
+ percentFormat{"#,##0%"}
+ scientificFormat{"#E0"}
+ }
+ }
+ khmr{
+ miscPatterns{
+ atLeast{"{0}+"}
+ range{"{0}-{1}"}
+ }
+ patterns{
+ accountingFormat{"¤#,##0.00;(¤#,##0.00)"}
+ currencyFormat{"¤#,##0.00"}
+ decimalFormat{"#,##0.###"}
+ percentFormat{"#,##0%"}
+ scientificFormat{"#E0"}
+ }
+ }
+ knda{
+ miscPatterns{
+ atLeast{"{0}+"}
+ range{"{0}-{1}"}
+ }
+ patterns{
+ accountingFormat{"¤#,##0.00;(¤#,##0.00)"}
+ currencyFormat{"¤#,##0.00"}
+ decimalFormat{"#,##0.###"}
+ percentFormat{"#,##0%"}
+ scientificFormat{"#E0"}
+ }
+ }
+ lana{
+ miscPatterns{
+ atLeast{"{0}+"}
+ range{"{0}-{1}"}
+ }
+ patterns{
+ accountingFormat{"¤#,##0.00;(¤#,##0.00)"}
+ currencyFormat{"¤#,##0.00"}
+ decimalFormat{"#,##0.###"}
+ percentFormat{"#,##0%"}
+ scientificFormat{"#E0"}
+ }
+ }
+ lanatham{
+ miscPatterns{
+ atLeast{"{0}+"}
+ range{"{0}-{1}"}
+ }
+ patterns{
+ accountingFormat{"¤#,##0.00;(¤#,##0.00)"}
+ currencyFormat{"¤#,##0.00"}
+ decimalFormat{"#,##0.###"}
+ percentFormat{"#,##0%"}
+ scientificFormat{"#E0"}
+ }
+ }
+ laoo{
+ miscPatterns{
+ atLeast{"{0}+"}
+ range{"{0}-{1}"}
+ }
+ patterns{
+ accountingFormat{"¤#,##0.00;(¤#,##0.00)"}
+ currencyFormat{"¤#,##0.00"}
+ decimalFormat{"#,##0.###"}
+ percentFormat{"#,##0%"}
+ scientificFormat{"#E0"}
+ }
+ }
- currencyFormat{"¤ #,##0.00"}
+ currencyFormat{"¤#,##0.00"}
- other{"0千"}
+ other{"0"}
- decimalFormat{
+ currencyFormat{
- other{"0千"}
+ other{"0"}
- other{"0万"}
+ other{"¤0万"}
- other{"00万"}
+ other{"¤00万"}
- other{"000万"}
+ other{"¤000万"}
- other{"0000万"}
+ other{"¤0000万"}
- other{"0亿"}
+ other{"¤0亿"}
- other{"00亿"}
+ other{"¤00亿"}
- other{"000亿"}
+ other{"¤000亿"}
- other{"0000亿"}
+ other{"¤0000亿"}
- other{"0兆"}
+ other{"¤0兆"}
- other{"00兆"}
+ other{"¤00兆"}
- other{"000兆"}
+ other{"¤000兆"}
- }
+ decimalFormat{
+ 1000{
+ other{"0"}
+ }
+ 10000{
+ other{"0万"}
+ }
+ 100000{
+ other{"00万"}
+ }
+ 1000000{
+ other{"000万"}
+ }
+ 10000000{
+ other{"0000万"}
+ }
+ 100000000{
+ other{"0亿"}
+ }
+ 1000000000{
+ other{"00亿"}
+ }
+ 10000000000{
+ other{"000亿"}
+ }
+ 100000000000{
+ other{"0000亿"}
+ }
+ 1000000000000{
+ other{"0兆"}
+ }
+ 10000000000000{
+ other{"00兆"}
+ }
+ 100000000000000{
+ other{"000兆"}
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ timeSeparator{":"}
- native{"hanidec"}
- traditional{"hans"}
- }
- Version{""}
- calendar{
- buddhist{
- DateTimePatterns{
- "zzzzah:mm:ss",
- "zah:mm:ss",
- "ah:mm:ss",
- "ah:mm",
- "Gy年M月d日 EEEE",
- "Gy年M月d日",
- "Gy年M月d日",
- "Gy-M-d",
- "{1} {0}",
- "{1} {0}",
- "{1} {0}",
- "{1} {0}",
- "{1} {0}",
+ lepc{
+ miscPatterns{
+ atLeast{"{0}+"}
+ range{"{0}-{1}"}
- availableFormats{
- M{"M月"}
- MEd{"M-dE"}
- MMM{"LLL"}
- MMMEd{"M月d日 E"}
- MMMd{"M月d日"}
- Md{"M-d"}
- d{"d日"}
- y{"Gy年"}
- yyyy{"Gy年"}
- yyyyM{"Gy-M"}
- yyyyMEd{"Gy-M-d(E)"}
- yyyyMMM{"Gy年M月"}
- yyyyMMMEd{"Gy年M月d日 E"}
- yyyyMMMM{"Gy年M月"}
- yyyyMMMd{"Gy年M月d日"}
- yyyyMd{"Gy-M-d"}
- yyyyQQQ{"Gy年第Q季度"}
- yyyyQQQQ{"Gy年QQQQ"}
+ patterns{
+ accountingFormat{"¤#,##0.00;(¤#,##0.00)"}
+ currencyFormat{"¤#,##0.00"}
+ decimalFormat{"#,##0.###"}
+ percentFormat{"#,##0%"}
+ scientificFormat{"#E0"}
- eras{
- abbreviated{
- "佛历",
- }
+ }
+ limb{
+ miscPatterns{
+ atLeast{"{0}+"}
+ range{"{0}-{1}"}
+ }
+ patterns{
+ accountingFormat{"¤#,##0.00;(¤#,##0.00)"}
+ currencyFormat{"¤#,##0.00"}
+ decimalFormat{"#,##0.###"}
+ percentFormat{"#,##0%"}
+ scientificFormat{"#E0"}
- chinese{
- DateTimePatterns{
- "zzzzah:mm:ss",
- "zah:mm:ss",
- "ah:mm:ss",
- "ah:mm",
- {
- "rU年MMMdEEEE",
- "d=hanidays",
- }
- {
- "rU年MMMd",
- "d=hanidays",
- }
- {
- "r年MMMd",
- "d=hanidays",
- }
- "r-M-d",
- "{1} {0}",
- "{1} {0}",
- "{1} {0}",
- "{1} {0}",
- "{1} {0}",
+ minimalPairs{
+ ordinal{
+ other{"在第 {0} 个路口右转。"}
- availableFormats{
- Ed{"dE"}
- Gy{"rU年"}
- GyMMM{"rU年MMM"}
- GyMMMEd{"rU年MMMdE"}
- GyMMMd{"r年MMMd"}
- M{"MMM"}
- MEd{"M-dE"}
- MMMEd{"MMMdE"}
- MMMd{"MMMd"}
- Md{"M-d"}
- UM{"U年MMM"}
- UMd{"U年MMMd"}
- UMMMd{"U年MMMd"}
- d{"d"}
- y{"rU年"}
- yMd{"r年MMMd"}
- yyyy{"rU年"}
- yyyyM{"rU年MMM"}
- yyyyMEd{"rU年MMMd,E"}
- yyyyMMM{"rU年MMM"}
- yyyyMMMEd{"rU年MMMdE"}
- yyyyMMMd{"r年MMMd"}
- yyyyMd{"r年MMMd"}
- yyyyQQQ{"rU年QQQQ"}
- yyyyQQQQ{"rU年QQQQ"}
+ plural{
+ other{"{0} 天"}
- cyclicNameSets{
- dayParts{
- format{
- abbreviated{
- "子",
- "丑",
- "寅",
- "卯",
- "辰",
- "巳",
- "午",
- "未",
- "申",
- "酉",
- "戌",
- "亥",
- }
- }
- }
- years{
- format{
- abbreviated{
- "甲子",
- "乙丑",
- "丙寅",
- "丁卯",
- "戊辰",
- "己巳",
- "庚午",
- "辛未",
- "壬申",
- "癸酉",
- "甲戌",
- "乙亥",
- "丙子",
- "丁丑",
- "戊寅",
- "己卯",
- "庚辰",
- "辛巳",
- "壬午",
- "癸未",
- "甲申",
- "乙酉",
- "丙戌",
- "丁亥",
- "戊子",
- "己丑",
- "庚寅",
- "辛卯",
- "壬辰",
- "癸巳",
- "甲午",
- "乙未",
- "丙申",
- "丁酉",
- "戊戌",
- "己亥",
- "庚子",
- "辛丑",
- "壬寅",
- "癸卯",
- "甲辰",
- "乙巳",
- "丙午",
- "丁未",
- "戊申",
- "己酉",
- "庚戌",
- "辛亥",
- "壬子",
- "癸丑",
- "甲寅",
- "乙卯",
- "丙辰",
- "丁巳",
- "戊午",
- "己未",
- "庚申",
- "辛酉",
- "壬戌",
- "癸亥",
- }
- }
- }
- zodiacs{
- format{
- abbreviated{
- "鼠",
- "牛",
- "虎",
- "兔",
- "龙",
- "蛇",
- "马",
- "羊",
- "猴",
- "鸡",
- "狗",
- "猪",
- }
- }
- }
+ }
+ minimumGroupingDigits{"1"}
+ mlym{
+ miscPatterns{
+ atLeast{"{0}+"}
+ range{"{0}-{1}"}
- intervalFormats{
- Hv{
- H{"HH–HH v"}
- }
- M{
- M{"L至L"}
- }
- MEd{
- M{"M-dE至M-dE"}
- d{"M-dE至M-dE"}
- }
- MMM{
- M{"LLL至LLL"}
- }
- MMMEd{
- M{"MMMdE至MMMdE"}
- d{"MMMdE至dE"}
- }
- MMMd{
- M{"MMMd至MMMd"}
- d{"MMMd至d"}
- }
- Md{
- M{"M-d至M-d"}
- d{"M-d至M-d"}
- }
- d{
- d{"d至d"}
- }
- fallback{"{0}–{1}"}
- h{
- a{"ah至ah时"}
- h{"ah至h时"}
- }
- hm{
- a{"ah:mm至ah:mm"}
- h{"ah:mm至h:mm"}
- m{"ah:mm至h:mm"}
- }
- hmv{
- a{"vah:mm至ah:mm"}
- h{"vah:mm至h:mm"}
- m{"vah:mm至h:mm"}
- }
- hv{
- a{"vah至ah时"}
- h{"vah至h时"}
- }
- y{
- y{"rU至rU"}
- }
- yM{
- M{"r-M至r-M"}
- y{"r-M至r-M"}
- }
- yMEd{
- M{"r-M-dE至r-M-dE"}
- d{"r-M-dE至r-M-dE"}
- y{"r-M-dE至r-M-dE"}
- }
- yMMM{
- M{"rU年MMM至MMM"}
- y{"rU年MMM至rU年MMM"}
- }
- yMMMEd{
- M{"rU年MMMdE至MMMdE"}
- d{"rU年MMMdE至dE"}
- y{"rU年MMMdE至rU年MMMdE"}
- }
- yMMMM{
- y{"rU年MMMM至rU年MMMM"}
- }
- yMMMd{
- M{"r年MMMd至MMMd"}
- d{"r年MMMd至d"}
- y{"r年MMMd至r年MMMd"}
- }
- yMd{
- M{"r-M-d至r-M-d"}
- d{"r-M-d至r-M-d"}
- y{"r-M-d至r-M-d"}
- }
+ patterns{
+ accountingFormat{"¤#,##0.00;(¤#,##0.00)"}
+ currencyFormat{"¤#,##0.00"}
+ decimalFormat{"#,##0.###"}
+ percentFormat{"#,##0%"}
+ scientificFormat{"#E0"}
- monthNames{
- format{
- abbreviated{
- "正月",
- "二月",
- "三月",
- "四月",
- "五月",
- "六月",
- "七月",
- "八月",
- "九月",
- "十月",
- "冬月",
- "腊月",
- }
- wide{
- "正月",
- "二月",
- "三月",
- "四月",
- "五月",
- "六月",
- "七月",
- "八月",
- "九月",
- "十月",
- "冬月",
- "腊月",
- }
- }
- stand-alone{
- narrow{
- "正",
- "二",
- "三",
- "四",
- "五",
- "六",
- "七",
- "八",
- "九",
- "十",
- "冬",
- "腊",
- }
- }
+ }
+ mong{
+ miscPatterns{
+ atLeast{"{0}+"}
+ range{"{0}-{1}"}
- monthPatterns{
- format{
- wide{
- leap{"闰{0}"}
- }
- }
- numeric{
- all{
- leap{"闰{0}"}
- }
- }
- stand-alone{
- narrow{
- leap{"闰{0}"}
- }
- }
+ patterns{
+ accountingFormat{"¤#,##0.00;(¤#,##0.00)"}
+ currencyFormat{"¤#,##0.00"}
+ decimalFormat{"#,##0.###"}
+ percentFormat{"#,##0%"}
+ scientificFormat{"#E0"}
- coptic{
- monthNames{
- format{
- abbreviated{
- "1月",
- "2月",
- "3月",
- "4月",
- "5月",
- "6月",
- "7月",
- "8月",
- "9月",
- "10月",
- "11月",
- "12月",
- "13月",
- }
- narrow{
- "1",
- "2",
- "3",
- "4",
- "5",
- "6",
- "7",
- "8",
- "9",
- "10",
- "11",
- "12",
- "13",
- }
- wide{
- "一月",
- "二月",
- "三月",
- "四月",
- "五月",
- "六月",
- "七月",
- "八月",
- "九月",
- "十月",
- "十一月",
- "十二月",
- "十三月",
- }
- }
- stand-alone{
- abbreviated{
- "1月",
- "2月",
- "3月",
- "4月",
- "5月",
- "6月",
- "7月",
- "8月",
- "9月",
- "10月",
- "11月",
- "12月",
- "13月",
- }
- narrow{
- "1",
- "2",
- "3",
- "4",
- "5",
- "6",
- "7",
- "8",
- "9",
- "10",
- "11",
- "12",
- "13",
- }
- wide{
- "一月",
- "二月",
- "三月",
- "四月",
- "五月",
- "六月",
- "七月",
- "八月",
- "九月",
- "十月",
- "十一月",
- "十二月",
- "十三月",
- }
- }
+ mtei{
+ miscPatterns{
+ atLeast{"{0}+"}
+ range{"{0}-{1}"}
- }
- ethiopic{
- monthNames{
- format{
- abbreviated{
- "1月",
- "2月",
- "3月",
- "4月",
- "5月",
- "6月",
- "7月",
- "8月",
- "9月",
- "10月",
- "11月",
- "12月",
- "13月",
- }
- narrow{
- "1",
- "2",
- "3",
- "4",
- "5",
- "6",
- "7",
- "8",
- "9",
- "10",
- "11",
- "12",
- "13",
- }
- wide{
- "一月",
- "二月",
- "三月",
- "四月",
- "五月",
- "六月",
- "七月",
- "八月",
- "九月",
- "十月",
- "十一月",
- "十二月",
- "十三月",
- }
- }
- stand-alone{
- abbreviated{
- "1月",
- "2月",
- "3月",
- "4月",
- "5月",
- "6月",
- "7月",
- "8月",
- "9月",
- "10月",
- "11月",
- "12月",
- "13月",
- }
- narrow{
- "1",
- "2",
- "3",
- "4",
- "5",
- "6",
- "7",
- "8",
- "9",
- "10",
- "11",
- "12",
- "13",
- }
- wide{
- "一月",
- "二月",
- "三月",
- "四月",
- "五月",
- "六月",
- "七月",
- "八月",
- "九月",
- "十月",
- "十一月",
- "十二月",
- "十三月",
- }
- }
+ patterns{
+ accountingFormat{"¤#,##0.00;(¤#,##0.00)"}
+ currencyFormat{"¤#,##0.00"}
+ decimalFormat{"#,##0.###"}
+ percentFormat{"#,##0%"}
+ scientificFormat{"#E0"}
- generic{
- DateTimePatterns{
- "zzzzah:mm:ss",
- "zah:mm:ss",
- "ah:mm:ss",
- "ah:mm",
- "Gy年M月d日 EEEE",
- "Gy年M月d日",
- "Gy年M月d日",
- "Gy/M/d",
- "{1} {0}",
- "{1} {0}",
- "{1} {0}",
- "{1} {0}",
- "{1} {0}",
- }
- availableFormats{
- Ed{"d E"}
- Gy{"Gy年"}
- GyMMM{"Gy年M月"}
- GyMMMEd{"Gy年M月d日 E"}
- GyMMMd{"Gy年M月d日"}
- H{"H时"}
- Hm{"HH:mm"}
- Hms{"HH:mm:ss"}
- M{"M月"}
- MEd{"M/dE"}
- MMM{"LLL"}
- MMMEd{"M月d日 E"}
- MMMd{"M月d日"}
- Md{"M/d"}
- d{"d日"}
- h{"ah时"}
- hm{"ah:mm"}
- hms{"ah:mm:ss"}
- ms{"mm:ss"}
- y{"Gy年"}
- yyyy{"Gy年"}
- yyyyM{"Gy年M月"}
- yyyyMEd{"Gy/M/dE"}
- yyyyMMM{"Gy年M月"}
- yyyyMMMEd{"Gy年M月d日 E"}
- yyyyMMMM{"Gy年M月"}
- yyyyMMMd{"Gy年M月d日"}
- yyyyMd{"Gy/M/d"}
- yyyyQQQ{"Gy年第Q季度"}
- yyyyQQQQ{"Gy年第Q季度"}
+ mymr{
+ miscPatterns{
+ atLeast{"{0}+"}
+ range{"{0}-{1}"}
- intervalFormats{
- H{
- H{"HH–HH"}
- }
- Hm{
- H{"HH:mm–HH:mm"}
- m{"HH:mm–HH:mm"}
- }
- Hv{
- H{"HH–HH v"}
- }
- M{
- M{"M–M月"}
- }
- MEd{
- M{"M/dE至M/dE"}
- d{"M/dE至M/dE"}
- }
- MMM{
- M{"LLL至LLL"}
- }
- MMMEd{
- M{"M月d日E至M月d日E"}
- d{"M月d日E至d日E"}
- }
- MMMd{
- M{"M月d日至M月d日"}
- d{"M月d日至d日"}
- }
- Md{
- M{"M/d – M/d"}
- d{"M/d – M/d"}
- }
- d{
- d{"d日至d日"}
- }
- fallback{"{0} – {1}"}
- h{
- a{"ah时至ah时"}
- h{"ah时至h时"}
- }
- hm{
- a{"ah:mm至ah:mm"}
- h{"ah:mm至h:mm"}
- m{"ah:mm至h:mm"}
- }
- hmv{
- a{"vah:mm至ah:mm"}
- h{"vah:mm至h:mm"}
- m{"vah:mm至h:mm"}
- }
- hv{
- a{"vah时至ah时"}
- h{"vah时至h时"}
- }
- y{
- y{"Gy–y年"}
- }
- yM{
- M{"Gy年M月至M月"}
- y{"Gy年M月至y年M月"}
- }
- yMEd{
- M{"Gy/M/dE至y/M/dE"}
- d{"Gy/M/dE至y/M/dE"}
- y{"Gy/M/dE至y/M/dE"}
- }
- yMMM{
- M{"Gy年M月至M月"}
- y{"Gy年M月至y年M月"}
- }
- yMMMEd{
- M{"Gy年M月d日E至M月d日E"}
- d{"Gy年M月d日E至d日E"}
- y{"Gy年M月d日E至y年M月d日E"}
- }
- yMMMM{
- M{"Gy年M月至M月"}
- y{"Gy年M月至y年M月"}
- }
- yMMMd{
- M{"Gy年M月d日至M月d日"}
- d{"Gy年M月d日至d日"}
- y{"Gy年M月d日至y年M月d日"}
- }
- yMd{
- M{"Gy/M/d – y/M/d"}
- d{"Gy/M/d – y/M/d"}
- y{"Gy/M/d – y/M/d"}
- }
+ patterns{
+ accountingFormat{"¤#,##0.00;(¤#,##0.00)"}
+ currencyFormat{"¤#,##0.00"}
+ decimalFormat{"#,##0.###"}
+ percentFormat{"#,##0%"}
+ scientificFormat{"#E0"}
- gregorian{
- AmPmMarkers{
- "上午",
- "下午",
+ mymrshan{
+ miscPatterns{
+ atLeast{"{0}+"}
+ range{"{0}-{1}"}
- AmPmMarkersNarrow{
- "上午",
- "下午",
+ patterns{
+ accountingFormat{"¤#,##0.00;(¤#,##0.00)"}
+ currencyFormat{"¤#,##0.00"}
+ decimalFormat{"#,##0.###"}
+ percentFormat{"#,##0%"}
+ scientificFormat{"#E0"}
+ }
+ native{"hanidec"}
+ nkoo{
+ miscPatterns{
+ atLeast{"{0}+"}
+ range{"{0}-{1}"}
+ }
+ patterns{
+ accountingFormat{"¤#,##0.00;(¤#,##0.00)"}
+ currencyFormat{"¤#,##0.00"}
+ decimalFormat{"#,##0.###"}
+ percentFormat{"#,##0%"}
+ scientificFormat{"#E0"}
+ }
+ }
+ olck{
+ miscPatterns{
+ atLeast{"{0}+"}
+ range{"{0}-{1}"}
+ }
+ patterns{
+ accountingFormat{"¤#,##0.00;(¤#,##0.00)"}
+ currencyFormat{"¤#,##0.00"}
+ decimalFormat{"#,##0.###"}
+ percentFormat{"#,##0%"}
+ scientificFormat{"#E0"}
+ }
+ }
+ orya{
+ miscPatterns{
+ atLeast{"{0}+"}
+ range{"{0}-{1}"}
+ }
+ patterns{
+ accountingFormat{"¤#,##0.00;(¤#,##0.00)"}
+ currencyFormat{"¤#,##0.00"}
+ decimalFormat{"#,##0.###"}
+ percentFormat{"#,##0%"}
+ scientificFormat{"#E0"}
+ }
+ }
+ osma{
+ miscPatterns{
+ atLeast{"{0}+"}
+ range{"{0}-{1}"}
+ }
+ patterns{
+ accountingFormat{"¤#,##0.00;(¤#,##0.00)"}
+ currencyFormat{"¤#,##0.00"}
+ decimalFormat{"#,##0.###"}
+ percentFormat{"#,##0%"}
+ scientificFormat{"#E0"}
+ }
+ }
+ saur{
+ miscPatterns{
+ atLeast{"{0}+"}
+ range{"{0}-{1}"}
+ }
+ patterns{
+ accountingFormat{"¤#,##0.00;(¤#,##0.00)"}
+ currencyFormat{"¤#,##0.00"}
+ decimalFormat{"#,##0.###"}
+ percentFormat{"#,##0%"}
+ scientificFormat{"#E0"}
+ }
+ }
+ shrd{
+ miscPatterns{
+ atLeast{"{0}+"}
+ range{"{0}-{1}"}
+ }
+ patterns{
+ accountingFormat{"¤#,##0.00;(¤#,##0.00)"}
+ currencyFormat{"¤#,##0.00"}
+ decimalFormat{"#,##0.###"}
+ percentFormat{"#,##0%"}
+ scientificFormat{"#E0"}
+ }
+ }
+ sora{
+ miscPatterns{
+ atLeast{"{0}+"}
+ range{"{0}-{1}"}
+ }
+ patterns{
+ accountingFormat{"¤#,##0.00;(¤#,##0.00)"}
+ currencyFormat{"¤#,##0.00"}
+ decimalFormat{"#,##0.###"}
+ percentFormat{"#,##0%"}
+ scientificFormat{"#E0"}
+ }
+ }
+ sund{
+ miscPatterns{
+ atLeast{"{0}+"}
+ range{"{0}-{1}"}
+ }
+ patterns{
+ accountingFormat{"¤#,##0.00;(¤#,##0.00)"}
+ currencyFormat{"¤#,##0.00"}
+ decimalFormat{"#,##0.###"}
+ percentFormat{"#,##0%"}
+ scientificFormat{"#E0"}
+ }
+ }
+ takr{
+ miscPatterns{
+ atLeast{"{0}+"}
+ range{"{0}-{1}"}
+ }
+ patterns{
+ accountingFormat{"¤#,##0.00;(¤#,##0.00)"}
+ currencyFormat{"¤#,##0.00"}
+ decimalFormat{"#,##0.###"}
+ percentFormat{"#,##0%"}
+ scientificFormat{"#E0"}
+ }
+ }
+ talu{
+ miscPatterns{
+ atLeast{"{0}+"}
+ range{"{0}-{1}"}
+ }
+ patterns{
+ accountingFormat{"¤#,##0.00;(¤#,##0.00)"}
+ currencyFormat{"¤#,##0.00"}
+ decimalFormat{"#,##0.###"}
+ percentFormat{"#,##0%"}
+ scientificFormat{"#E0"}
+ }
+ }
+ tamldec{
+ miscPatterns{
+ atLeast{"{0}+"}
+ range{"{0}-{1}"}
+ }
+ patterns{
+ accountingFormat{"¤#,##0.00;(¤#,##0.00)"}
+ currencyFormat{"¤#,##0.00"}
+ decimalFormat{"#,##0.###"}
+ percentFormat{"#,##0%"}
+ scientificFormat{"#E0"}
+ }
+ }
+ telu{
+ miscPatterns{
+ atLeast{"{0}+"}
+ range{"{0}-{1}"}
+ }
+ patterns{
+ accountingFormat{"¤#,##0.00;(¤#,##0.00)"}
+ currencyFormat{"¤#,##0.00"}
+ decimalFormat{"#,##0.###"}
+ percentFormat{"#,##0%"}
+ scientificFormat{"#E0"}
+ }
+ }
+ thai{
+ miscPatterns{
+ atLeast{"{0}+"}
+ range{"{0}-{1}"}
+ }
+ patterns{
+ accountingFormat{"¤#,##0.00;(¤#,##0.00)"}
+ currencyFormat{"¤#,##0.00"}
+ decimalFormat{"#,##0.###"}
+ percentFormat{"#,##0%"}
+ scientificFormat{"#E0"}
+ }
+ }
+ tibt{
+ miscPatterns{
+ atLeast{"{0}+"}
+ range{"{0}-{1}"}
+ }
+ patterns{
+ accountingFormat{"¤#,##0.00;(¤#,##0.00)"}
+ currencyFormat{"¤#,##0.00"}
+ decimalFormat{"#,##0.###"}
+ percentFormat{"#,##0%"}
+ scientificFormat{"#E0"}
+ }
+ }
+ traditional{"hans"}
+ vaii{
+ miscPatterns{
+ atLeast{"{0}+"}
+ range{"{0}-{1}"}
+ }
+ patterns{
+ accountingFormat{"¤#,##0.00;(¤#,##0.00)"}
+ currencyFormat{"¤#,##0.00"}
+ decimalFormat{"#,##0.###"}
+ percentFormat{"#,##0%"}
+ scientificFormat{"#E0"}
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ Version{""}
+ calendar{
+ buddhist{
- "zzzzah:mm:ss",
- "zah:mm:ss",
+ "zzzz ah:mm:ss",
+ "z ah:mm:ss",
- "y年M月d日 EEEE",
- "y年M月d日",
- "y年M月d日",
- "yy/M/d",
+ "Gy年M月d日 EEEE",
+ "Gy年M月d日",
+ "Gy年M月d日",
+ "Gy-M-d",
"{1} {0}",
"{1} {0}",
"{1} {0}",
"{1} {0}",
"{1} {0}",
- NoonMarker{"中午"}
- NoonMarkerNarrow{"中午"}
- appendItems{
- Timezone{"{1}{0}"}
- }
- EHm{"EHH:mm"}
- EHms{"EHH:mm:ss"}
+ E{"ccc"}
Ed{"d E"}
- Ehm{"Eah:mm"}
- Ehms{"Eah:mm:ss"}
- GyMMM{"Gy年M月"}
- GyMMMEd{"Gy年M月d日 E"}
- GyMMMd{"Gy年M月d日"}
- H{"H时"}
- Hm{"HH:mm"}
- Hms{"HH:mm:ss"}
+ GyMMM{"Gy年MM月"}
+ GyMMMEd{"Gy年MM月d日 E"}
+ GyMMMd{"Gy年MM月d日"}
- MEd{"M/dE"}
+ MEd{"M-dE"}
MMMEd{"M月d日 E"}
- MMMMdd{"M月dd日"}
+ MMMMd{"M月d日"}
- MMdd{"MM/dd"}
- Md{"M/d"}
+ Md{"M-d"}
- h{"ah时"}
- hm{"ah:mm"}
- hms{"ah:mm:ss"}
- ms{"mm:ss"}
- y{"y年"}
- yM{"y/M"}
- yMEd{"y/M/dE"}
- yMM{"y年M月"}
- yMMM{"y年M月"}
- yMMMEd{"y年M月d日 E"}
- yMMMM{"y年M月"}
- yMMMd{"y年M月d日"}
- yMd{"y/M/d"}
- yQQQ{"y年第Q季度"}
- yQQQQ{"y年第Q季度"}
- }
- dayNames{
- format{
- abbreviated{
- "周日",
- "周一",
- "周二",
- "周三",
- "周四",
- "周五",
- "周六",
- }
- narrow{
- "日",
- "一",
- "二",
- "三",
- "四",
- "五",
- "六",
- }
- short{
- "周日",
- "周一",
- "周二",
- "周三",
- "周四",
- "周五",
- "周六",
- }
- wide{
- "星期日",
- "星期一",
- "星期二",
- "星期三",
- "星期四",
- "星期五",
- "星期六",
- }
- }
- stand-alone{
- abbreviated{
- "周日",
- "周一",
- "周二",
- "周三",
- "周四",
- "周五",
- "周六",
- }
- narrow{
- "日",
- "一",
- "二",
- "三",
- "四",
- "五",
- "六",
- }
- short{
- "周日",
- "周一",
- "周二",
- "周三",
- "周四",
- "周五",
- "周六",
- }
- wide{
- "星期日",
- "星期一",
- "星期二",
- "星期三",
- "星期四",
- "星期五",
- "星期六",
- }
- }
+ y{"Gy年"}
+ yyyy{"Gy年"}
+ yyyyM{"Gy-M"}
+ yyyyMEd{"Gy-M-d(E)"}
+ yyyyMMM{"Gy年M月"}
+ yyyyMMMEd{"Gy年M月d日 E"}
+ yyyyMMMM{"Gy年M月"}
+ yyyyMMMd{"Gy年M月d日"}
+ yyyyMd{"Gy-M-d"}
+ yyyyQQQ{"Gy年第Q季度"}
+ yyyyQQQQ{"Gy年QQQQ"}
- "公元前",
- "公元",
+ "佛历",
- "公元前",
- "公元",
+ "佛历",
- "公元前",
- "公元",
+ "佛历",
- H{"v HH:mm–HH:mm"}
- m{"v HH:mm–HH:mm"}
+ H{"v HH:mm – HH:mm"}
+ m{"v HH:mm – HH:mm"}
- H{"v HH–HH"}
+ H{"HH–HH v"}
- M{"LLL至LLL"}
+ M{"MMM – MMM"}
d{"M/d – M/d"}
- d{"d–d日"}
+ d{"d至d日"}
fallback{"{0} – {1}"}
- y{"y–y年"}
+ y{"Gy–y年"}
- M{"y年M月至M月"}
- y{"y年M月至y年M月"}
+ M{"Gy年M月至M月"}
+ y{"Gy年M月至y年M月"}
- M{"y/M/dE至y/M/dE"}
- d{"y/M/dE至y/M/dE"}
- y{"y/M/dE至y/M/dE"}
+ M{"Gy/M/dE至y/M/dE"}
+ d{"Gy/M/dE至y/M/dE"}
+ y{"Gy/M/dE至y/M/dE"}
- M{"y年M月至M月"}
- y{"y年M月至y年M月"}
+ M{"Gy年M月至M月"}
+ y{"Gy年M月至y年M月"}
- M{"y年M月d日E至M月d日E"}
- d{"y年M月d日E至d日E"}
- y{"y年M月d日E至y年M月d日E"}
+ M{"Gy年M月d日E至M月d日E"}
+ d{"Gy年M月d日E至d日E"}
+ y{"Gy年M月d日E至y年M月d日E"}
- M{"y年M月至M月"}
- y{"y年M月至y年M月"}
+ M{"Gy年M月至M月"}
+ y{"Gy年M月至y年M月"}
- M{"y年M月d日至M月d日"}
- d{"y年M月d日至d日"}
- y{"y年M月d日至y年M月d日"}
+ M{"Gy年M月d日至M月d日"}
+ d{"Gy年M月d日至d日"}
+ y{"Gy年M月d日至y年M月d日"}
- M{"y/M/d – y/M/d"}
- d{"y/M/d – y/M/d"}
- y{"y/M/d – y/M/d"}
- }
- }
- monthNames{
- format{
- abbreviated{
- "1月",
- "2月",
- "3月",
- "4月",
- "5月",
- "6月",
- "7月",
- "8月",
- "9月",
- "10月",
- "11月",
- "12月",
- }
- narrow{
- "1",
- "2",
- "3",
- "4",
- "5",
- "6",
- "7",
- "8",
- "9",
- "10",
- "11",
- "12",
- }
- wide{
- "一月",
- "二月",
- "三月",
- "四月",
- "五月",
- "六月",
- "七月",
- "八月",
- "九月",
- "十月",
- "十一月",
- "十二月",
- }
- }
- stand-alone{
- abbreviated{
- "1月",
- "2月",
- "3月",
- "4月",
- "5月",
- "6月",
- "7月",
- "8月",
- "9月",
- "10月",
- "11月",
- "12月",
- }
- narrow{
- "1",
- "2",
- "3",
- "4",
- "5",
- "6",
- "7",
- "8",
- "9",
- "10",
- "11",
- "12",
- }
- wide{
- "一月",
- "二月",
- "三月",
- "四月",
- "五月",
- "六月",
- "七月",
- "八月",
- "九月",
- "十月",
- "十一月",
- "十二月",
- }
- }
- }
- quarters{
- format{
- abbreviated{
- "1季度",
- "2季度",
- "3季度",
- "4季度",
- }
- narrow{
- "1",
- "2",
- "3",
- "4",
- }
- wide{
- "第一季度",
- "第二季度",
- "第三季度",
- "第四季度",
- }
- }
- stand-alone{
- abbreviated{
- "1季度",
- "2季度",
- "3季度",
- "4季度",
- }
- narrow{
- "1",
- "2",
- "3",
- "4",
- }
- wide{
- "第一季度",
- "第二季度",
- "第三季度",
- "第四季度",
- }
+ M{"Gy/M/d – y/M/d"}
+ d{"Gy/M/d – y/M/d"}
+ y{"Gy/M/d – y/M/d"}
- hebrew{
+ chinese{
- "zzzzah:mm:ss",
- "zah:mm:ss",
+ "zzzz ah:mm:ss",
+ "z ah:mm:ss",
- "Gy年M月d日 EEEE",
- "Gy年M月d日",
- "Gy年M月d日",
- "Gy-M-d",
+ {
+ "rU年MMMdEEEE",
+ "d=hanidays",
+ }
+ {
+ "rU年MMMd",
+ "d=hanidays",
+ }
+ {
+ "r年MMMd",
+ "d=hanidays",
+ }
+ "r-M-d",
"{1} {0}",
"{1} {0}",
"{1} {0}",
"{1} {0}",
"{1} {0}",
- eras{
- abbreviated{
- "希伯来历",
- }
- }
- monthNames{
- format{
- abbreviated{
- "1月",
- "2月",
- "3月",
- "4月",
- "5月",
- "6月",
- "7月",
- "8月",
- "9月",
- "10月",
- "11月",
- "12月",
- "13月",
- "闰7月",
+ availableFormats{
+ Bh{"Bh时"}
+ Bhm{"Bh:mm"}
+ Bhms{"Bh:mm:ss"}
+ E{"ccc"}
+ EBhm{"E Bh:mm"}
+ EBhms{"E Bh:mm:ss"}
+ Ed{"dE"}
+ Gy{"rU年"}
+ GyMMM{"rU年MMM"}
+ GyMMMEd{"rU年MMMdE"}
+ GyMMMd{"r年MMMd"}
+ H{"HH"}
+ Hm{"HH:mm"}
+ Hms{"HH:mm:ss"}
+ M{"MMM"}
+ MEd{"M-dE"}
+ MMM{"LLL"}
+ MMMEd{"MMMdE"}
+ MMMMd{"MMMMd"}
+ MMMd{"MMMd"}
+ Md{"M-d"}
+ UM{"U年MMM"}
+ UMMMd{"U年MMMd"}
+ UMd{"U年MMMd"}
+ d{"d"}
+ h{"ah时"}
+ hm{"ah:mm"}
+ hms{"ah:mm:ss"}
+ ms{"mm:ss"}
+ y{"U年"}
+ yMd{"r年MMMd"}
+ yyyy{"U年"}
+ yyyyM{"rU年MMM"}
+ yyyyMEd{"rU年MMMd,E"}
+ yyyyMMM{"rU年MMM"}
+ yyyyMMMEd{"rU年MMMdE"}
+ yyyyMMMM{"rU年MMMM"}
+ yyyyMMMd{"r年MMMd"}
+ yyyyMd{"r年MMMd"}
+ yyyyQQQ{"rU年QQQQ"}
+ yyyyQQQQ{"rU年QQQQ"}
+ }
+ cyclicNameSets{
+ dayParts{
+ format{
+ abbreviated{
+ "子",
+ "丑",
+ "寅",
+ "卯",
+ "辰",
+ "巳",
+ "午",
+ "未",
+ "申",
+ "酉",
+ "戌",
+ "亥",
+ }
- wide{
- "一月",
+ }
+ solarTerms{
+ format{
+ abbreviated{
+ "立春",
+ "雨水",
+ "惊蛰",
+ "春分",
+ "清明",
+ "谷雨",
+ "立夏",
+ "小满",
+ "芒种",
+ "夏至",
+ "小暑",
+ "大暑",
+ "立秋",
+ "处暑",
+ "白露",
+ "秋分",
+ "寒露",
+ "霜降",
+ "立冬",
+ "小雪",
+ "大雪",
+ "冬至",
+ "小寒",
+ "大寒",
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ years{
+ format{
+ abbreviated{
+ "甲子",
+ "乙丑",
+ "丙寅",
+ "丁卯",
+ "戊辰",
+ "己巳",
+ "庚午",
+ "辛未",
+ "壬申",
+ "癸酉",
+ "甲戌",
+ "乙亥",
+ "丙子",
+ "丁丑",
+ "戊寅",
+ "己卯",
+ "庚辰",
+ "辛巳",
+ "壬午",
+ "癸未",
+ "甲申",
+ "乙酉",
+ "丙戌",
+ "丁亥",
+ "戊子",
+ "己丑",
+ "庚寅",
+ "辛卯",
+ "壬辰",
+ "癸巳",
+ "甲午",
+ "乙未",
+ "丙申",
+ "丁酉",
+ "戊戌",
+ "己亥",
+ "庚子",
+ "辛丑",
+ "壬寅",
+ "癸卯",
+ "甲辰",
+ "乙巳",
+ "丙午",
+ "丁未",
+ "戊申",
+ "己酉",
+ "庚戌",
+ "辛亥",
+ "壬子",
+ "癸丑",
+ "甲寅",
+ "乙卯",
+ "丙辰",
+ "丁巳",
+ "戊午",
+ "己未",
+ "庚申",
+ "辛酉",
+ "壬戌",
+ "癸亥",
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ zodiacs{
+ format{
+ abbreviated{
+ "鼠",
+ "牛",
+ "虎",
+ "兔",
+ "龙",
+ "蛇",
+ "马",
+ "羊",
+ "猴",
+ "鸡",
+ "狗",
+ "猪",
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ intervalFormats{
+ H{
+ H{"HH至HH"}
+ }
+ Hm{
+ H{"HH:mm至HH:mm"}
+ m{"HH:mm至HH:mm"}
+ }
+ Hmv{
+ H{"HH:mm至HH:mm v"}
+ m{"HH:mm至HH:mm v"}
+ }
+ Hv{
+ H{"HH–HH v"}
+ }
+ M{
+ M{"L至L"}
+ }
+ MEd{
+ M{"M-dE至M-dE"}
+ d{"M-dE至M-dE"}
+ }
+ MMM{
+ M{"LLL至LLL"}
+ }
+ MMMEd{
+ M{"MMMdE至MMMdE"}
+ d{"MMMdE至dE"}
+ }
+ MMMd{
+ M{"MMMd至MMMd"}
+ d{"MMMd至d"}
+ }
+ Md{
+ M{"M-d至M-d"}
+ d{"M-d至M-d"}
+ }
+ d{
+ d{"d至d"}
+ }
+ fallback{"{0}–{1}"}
+ h{
+ a{"ah至ah时"}
+ h{"ah至h时"}
+ }
+ hm{
+ a{"ah:mm至ah:mm"}
+ h{"ah:mm至h:mm"}
+ m{"ah:mm至h:mm"}
+ }
+ hmv{
+ a{"vah:mm至ah:mm"}
+ h{"vah:mm至h:mm"}
+ m{"vah:mm至h:mm"}
+ }
+ hv{
+ a{"vah至ah时"}
+ h{"vah至h时"}
+ }
+ y{
+ y{"rU至rU"}
+ }
+ yM{
+ M{"r-M至r-M"}
+ y{"r-M至r-M"}
+ }
+ yMEd{
+ M{"r-M-dE至r-M-dE"}
+ d{"r-M-dE至r-M-dE"}
+ y{"r-M-dE至r-M-dE"}
+ }
+ yMMM{
+ M{"rU年MMM至MMM"}
+ y{"rU年MMM至rU年MMM"}
+ }
+ yMMMEd{
+ M{"rU年MMMdE至MMMdE"}
+ d{"rU年MMMdE至dE"}
+ y{"rU年MMMdE至rU年MMMdE"}
+ }
+ yMMMM{
+ y{"rU年MMMM至rU年MMMM"}
+ }
+ yMMMd{
+ M{"r年MMMd至MMMd"}
+ d{"r年MMMd至d"}
+ y{"r年MMMd至r年MMMd"}
+ }
+ yMd{
+ M{"r-M-d至r-M-d"}
+ d{"r-M-d至r-M-d"}
+ y{"r-M-d至r-M-d"}
+ }
+ }
+ monthNames{
+ format{
+ abbreviated{
+ "正月",
- "十一月",
- "十二月",
- "十三月",
- "闰七月",
+ "冬月",
+ "腊月",
- }
- stand-alone{
- abbreviated{
- "1月",
- "2月",
- "3月",
- "4月",
- "5月",
- "6月",
- "7月",
- "8月",
- "9月",
- "10月",
- "11月",
- "12月",
- "13月",
- "闰7月",
+ narrow{
+ "正",
+ "二",
+ "三",
+ "四",
+ "五",
+ "六",
+ "七",
+ "八",
+ "九",
+ "十",
+ "冬",
+ "腊",
- "一月",
+ "正月",
- "十一月",
- "十二月",
- "十三月",
- "闰七月",
+ "冬月",
+ "腊月",
- }
- }
- indian{
- eras{
- abbreviated{
- "印度历",
- }
- }
- monthNames{
- format{
+ stand-alone{
- "1月",
- "2月",
- "3月",
- "4月",
- "5月",
- "6月",
- "7月",
- "8月",
- "9月",
- "10月",
- "11月",
- "12月",
- }
- narrow{
- "1",
- "2",
- "3",
- "4",
- "5",
- "6",
- "7",
- "8",
- "9",
- "10",
- "11",
- "12",
- }
- wide{
- "一月",
+ "正月",
- "十一月",
- "十二月",
- }
- }
- stand-alone{
- abbreviated{
- "1月",
- "2月",
- "3月",
- "4月",
- "5月",
- "6月",
- "7月",
- "8月",
- "9月",
- "10月",
- "11月",
- "12月",
+ "冬月",
+ "腊月",
- "1",
- "2",
- "3",
- "4",
- "5",
- "6",
- "7",
- "8",
- "9",
- "10",
- "11",
- "12",
+ "正",
+ "二",
+ "三",
+ "四",
+ "五",
+ "六",
+ "七",
+ "八",
+ "九",
+ "十",
+ "冬",
+ "腊",
- "一月",
+ "正月",
- "十一月",
- "十二月",
+ "冬月",
+ "腊月",
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ monthPatterns{
+ format{
+ wide{
+ leap{"闰{0}"}
+ }
+ }
+ numeric{
+ all{
+ leap{"闰{0}"}
+ }
+ }
+ stand-alone{
+ narrow{
+ leap{"闰{0}"}
- islamic{
+ coptic{
+ DateTimePatterns{
+ "zzzz ah:mm:ss",
+ "z ah:mm:ss",
+ "ah:mm:ss",
+ "ah:mm",
+ "Gy年MM月d日 EEEE",
+ "Gy年M月d日",
+ "Gy年M月d日",
+ "Gy/M/d",
+ "{1} {0}",
+ "{1} {0}",
+ "{1} {0}",
+ "{1} {0}",
+ "{1} {0}",
+ }
- "回历",
+ "科普特历前",
+ "科普特历",
+ }
+ narrow{
+ "科普特历前",
+ "科普特历",
+ }
+ wide{
+ "科普特历前",
+ "科普特历",
+ "13月",
+ "13",
+ "十三月",
+ "13月",
+ "13",
+ "十三月",
- japanese{
- DateTimePatterns{
- "zzzzah:mm:ss",
- "zah:mm:ss",
- "ah:mm:ss",
- "ah:mm",
- "Gy年M月d日EEEE",
- "Gy年M月d日",
- "Gy年M月d日",
- "Gyy-MM-dd",
- "{1} {0}",
- "{1} {0}",
- "{1} {0}",
- "{1} {0}",
- "{1} {0}",
- }
- availableFormats{
- Ed{"d日E"}
- Gy{"Gy年"}
- GyMMM{"Gy年M月"}
- GyMMMEd{"Gy年M月d日E"}
- GyMMMd{"Gy年M月d日"}
- H{"H时"}
- Hm{"HH:mm"}
- Hms{"HH:mm:ss"}
- M{"M月"}
- MEd{"M-dE"}
- MMM{"LLL"}
- MMMEd{"M月d日E"}
- MMMd{"M月d日"}
- Md{"M-d"}
- d{"d日"}
- h{"ah时"}
- hm{"ah:mm"}
- hms{"ah:mm:ss"}
- ms{"mm:ss"}
- y{"Gy年"}
- yyyy{"Gy年"}
- yyyyM{"Gy-MM"}
- yyyyMEd{"Gy-M-d(E)"}
- yyyyMMM{"Gy年M月"}
- yyyyMMMEd{"Gy年M月d日E"}
- yyyyMMMd{"Gy年M月d日"}
- yyyyMd{"Gy-MM-dd"}
- yyyyQQQ{"Gy年第Q季度"}
- yyyyQQQQ{"Gy年QQQQ"}
- }
- eras{
- abbreviated{
- "大化 (645–650)",
- "白雉 (650–671)",
- "白凤 (672–686)",
- "朱鸟 (686–701)",
- "大宝 (701–704)",
- "庆云 (704–708)",
- "和铜 (708–715)",
- "灵龟 (715–717)",
- "养老 (717–724)",
- "神龟 (724–729)",
- "天平 (729–749)",
- "天平感宝 (749–749)",
- "天平胜宝 (749–757)",
- "天平宝字 (757–765)",
- "天平神护 (765–767)",
- "神护景云 (767–770)",
- "宝龟 (770–780)",
- "天应 (781–782)",
- "延历 (782–806)",
- "大同 (806–810)",
- "弘仁 (810–824)",
- "天长 (824–834)",
- "承和 (834–848)",
- "嘉祥 (848–851)",
- "仁寿 (851–854)",
- "齐衡 (854–857)",
- "天安 (857–859)",
- "贞观 (859–877)",
- "元庆 (877–885)",
- "仁和 (885–889)",
- "宽平 (889–898)",
- "昌泰 (898–901)",
- "延喜 (901–923)",
- "延长 (923–931)",
- "承平 (931–938)",
- "天庆 (938–947)",
- "天历 (947–957)",
- "天德 (957–961)",
- "应和 (961–964)",
- "康保 (964–968)",
- "安和 (968–970)",
- "天禄 (970–973)",
- "天延 (973–976)",
- "贞元 (976–978)",
- "天元 (978–983)",
- "永观 (983–985)",
- "宽和 (985–987)",
- "永延 (987–989)",
- "永祚 (989–990)",
- "正历 (990–995)",
- "长德 (995–999)",
- "长保 (999–1004)",
+ dangi{
+ cyclicNameSets{
+ dayParts{
+ format{
+ abbreviated{
+ "子",
+ "丑",
+ "寅",
+ "卯",
+ "辰",
+ "巳",
+ "午",
+ "未",
+ "申",
+ "酉",
+ "戌",
+ "亥",
+ }
+ narrow{
+ "子",
+ "丑",
+ "寅",
+ "卯",
+ "辰",
+ "巳",
+ "午",
+ "未",
+ "申",
+ "酉",
+ "戌",
+ "亥",
+ }
+ wide{
+ "子",
+ "丑",
+ "寅",
+ "卯",
+ "辰",
+ "巳",
+ "午",
+ "未",
+ "申",
+ "酉",
+ "戌",
+ "亥",
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ days{
+ format{
+ abbreviated{
+ "甲子",
+ "乙丑",
+ "丙寅",
+ "丁卯",
+ "戊辰",
+ "己巳",
+ "庚午",
+ "辛未",
+ "壬申",
+ "癸酉",
+ "甲戌",
+ "乙亥",
+ "丙子",
+ "丁丑",
+ "戊寅",
+ "己卯",
+ "庚辰",
+ "辛巳",
+ "壬午",
+ "癸未",
+ "甲申",
+ "乙酉",
+ "丙戌",
+ "丁亥",
+ "戊子",
+ "己丑",
+ "庚寅",
+ "辛卯",
+ "壬辰",
+ "癸巳",
+ "甲午",
+ "乙未",
+ "丙申",
+ "丁酉",
+ "戊戌",
+ "己亥",
+ "庚子",
+ "辛丑",
+ "壬寅",
+ "癸卯",
+ "甲辰",
+ "乙巳",
+ "丙午",
+ "丁未",
+ "戊申",
+ "己酉",
+ "庚戌",
+ "辛亥",
+ "壬子",
+ "癸丑",
+ "甲寅",
+ "乙卯",
+ "丙辰",
+ "丁巳",
+ "戊午",
+ "己未",
+ "庚申",
+ "辛酉",
+ "壬戌",
+ "癸亥",
+ }
+ narrow{
+ "甲子",
+ "乙丑",
+ "丙寅",
+ "丁卯",
+ "戊辰",
+ "己巳",
+ "庚午",
+ "辛未",
+ "壬申",
+ "癸酉",
+ "甲戌",
+ "乙亥",
+ "丙子",
+ "丁丑",
+ "戊寅",
+ "己卯",
+ "庚辰",
+ "辛巳",
+ "壬午",
+ "癸未",
+ "甲申",
+ "乙酉",
+ "丙戌",
+ "丁亥",
+ "戊子",
+ "己丑",
+ "庚寅",
+ "辛卯",
+ "壬辰",
+ "癸巳",
+ "甲午",
+ "乙未",
+ "丙申",
+ "丁酉",
+ "戊戌",
+ "己亥",
+ "庚子",
+ "辛丑",
+ "壬寅",
+ "癸卯",
+ "甲辰",
+ "乙巳",
+ "丙午",
+ "丁未",
+ "戊申",
+ "己酉",
+ "庚戌",
+ "辛亥",
+ "壬子",
+ "癸丑",
+ "甲寅",
+ "乙卯",
+ "丙辰",
+ "丁巳",
+ "戊午",
+ "己未",
+ "庚申",
+ "辛酉",
+ "壬戌",
+ "癸亥",
+ }
+ wide{
+ "甲子",
+ "乙丑",
+ "丙寅",
+ "丁卯",
+ "戊辰",
+ "己巳",
+ "庚午",
+ "辛未",
+ "壬申",
+ "癸酉",
+ "甲戌",
+ "乙亥",
+ "丙子",
+ "丁丑",
+ "戊寅",
+ "己卯",
+ "庚辰",
+ "辛巳",
+ "壬午",
+ "癸未",
+ "甲申",
+ "乙酉",
+ "丙戌",
+ "丁亥",
+ "戊子",
+ "己丑",
+ "庚寅",
+ "辛卯",
+ "壬辰",
+ "癸巳",
+ "甲午",
+ "乙未",
+ "丙申",
+ "丁酉",
+ "戊戌",
+ "己亥",
+ "庚子",
+ "辛丑",
+ "壬寅",
+ "癸卯",
+ "甲辰",
+ "乙巳",
+ "丙午",
+ "丁未",
+ "戊申",
+ "己酉",
+ "庚戌",
+ "辛亥",
+ "壬子",
+ "癸丑",
+ "甲寅",
+ "乙卯",
+ "丙辰",
+ "丁巳",
+ "戊午",
+ "己未",
+ "庚申",
+ "辛酉",
+ "壬戌",
+ "癸亥",
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ethiopic{
+ DateTimePatterns{
+ "zzzz ah:mm:ss",
+ "z ah:mm:ss",
+ "ah:mm:ss",
+ "ah:mm",
+ "Gy年MM月d日 EEEE",
+ "Gy年M月d日",
+ "Gy年M月d日",
+ "Gy/M/d",
+ "{1} {0}",
+ "{1} {0}",
+ "{1} {0}",
+ "{1} {0}",
+ "{1} {0}",
+ }
+ eras{
+ abbreviated{
+ "埃塞俄比亚历前",
+ "埃塞俄比亚历",
+ }
+ wide{
+ "埃塞俄比亚历前",
+ "埃塞俄比亚历",
+ }
+ }
+ monthNames{
+ format{
+ abbreviated{
+ "1月",
+ "2月",
+ "3月",
+ "4月",
+ "5月",
+ "6月",
+ "7月",
+ "8月",
+ "9月",
+ "10月",
+ "11月",
+ "12月",
+ "13月",
+ }
+ narrow{
+ "1",
+ "2",
+ "3",
+ "4",
+ "5",
+ "6",
+ "7",
+ "8",
+ "9",
+ "10",
+ "11",
+ "12",
+ "13",
+ }
+ wide{
+ "一月",
+ "二月",
+ "三月",
+ "四月",
+ "五月",
+ "六月",
+ "七月",
+ "八月",
+ "九月",
+ "十月",
+ "十一月",
+ "十二月",
+ "十三月",
+ }
+ }
+ stand-alone{
+ abbreviated{
+ "1月",
+ "2月",
+ "3月",
+ "4月",
+ "5月",
+ "6月",
+ "7月",
+ "8月",
+ "9月",
+ "10月",
+ "11月",
+ "12月",
+ "13月",
+ }
+ narrow{
+ "1",
+ "2",
+ "3",
+ "4",
+ "5",
+ "6",
+ "7",
+ "8",
+ "9",
+ "10",
+ "11",
+ "12",
+ "13",
+ }
+ wide{
+ "一月",
+ "二月",
+ "三月",
+ "四月",
+ "五月",
+ "六月",
+ "七月",
+ "八月",
+ "九月",
+ "十月",
+ "十一月",
+ "十二月",
+ "十三月",
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ethiopic-amete-alem{
+ eras{
+ abbreviated{
+ "埃塞俄比亚阿米特阿莱姆历",
+ }
+ wide{
+ "埃塞俄比亚阿米特阿莱姆历",
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ generic{
+ DateTimePatterns{
+ "zzzz ah:mm:ss",
+ "z ah:mm:ss",
+ "ah:mm:ss",
+ "ah:mm",
+ "Gy年M月d日 EEEE",
+ "Gy年M月d日",
+ "Gy年M月d日",
+ "Gy/M/d",
+ "{1} {0}",
+ "{1} {0}",
+ "{1} {0}",
+ "{1} {0}",
+ "{1} {0}",
+ }
+ availableFormats{
+ Bh{"Bh时"}
+ Bhm{"Bh:mm"}
+ Bhms{"Bh:mm:ss"}
+ E{"ccc"}
+ EBhm{"E Bh:mm"}
+ EBhms{"E Bh:mm:ss"}
+ EHm{"E HH:mm"}
+ EHms{"E HH:mm:ss"}
+ Ed{"d E"}
+ Ehm{"E ah:mm"}
+ Ehms{"E ah:mm:ss"}
+ Gy{"Gy年"}
+ GyMMM{"Gy年M月"}
+ GyMMMEd{"Gy年M月d日 E"}
+ GyMMMd{"Gy年M月d日"}
+ H{"H时"}
+ Hm{"HH:mm"}
+ Hms{"HH:mm:ss"}
+ M{"L"}
+ MEd{"M/dE"}
+ MMM{"LLL"}
+ MMMEd{"M月d日 E"}
+ MMMMd{"M月d日"}
+ MMMd{"M月d日"}
+ Md{"M/d"}
+ d{"d日"}
+ h{"ah时"}
+ hm{"ah:mm"}
+ hms{"ah:mm:ss"}
+ ms{"mm:ss"}
+ y{"Gy年"}
+ yyyy{"Gy年"}
+ yyyyM{"Gy年M月"}
+ yyyyMEd{"Gy/M/dE"}
+ yyyyMMM{"Gy年M月"}
+ yyyyMMMEd{"Gy年M月d日 E"}
+ yyyyMMMM{"Gy年M月"}
+ yyyyMMMd{"Gy年M月d日"}
+ yyyyMd{"Gy/M/d"}
+ yyyyQQQ{"Gy年第Q季度"}
+ yyyyQQQQ{"Gy年第Q季度"}
+ }
+ intervalFormats{
+ H{
+ H{"HH – HH"}
+ }
+ Hm{
+ H{"HH:mm – HH:mm"}
+ m{"HH:mm – HH:mm"}
+ }
+ Hmv{
+ H{"v HH:mm – HH:mm"}
+ m{"v HH:mm – HH:mm"}
+ }
+ Hv{
+ H{"v HH – HH"}
+ }
+ M{
+ M{"M – M月"}
+ }
+ MEd{
+ M{"M/dE至M/dE"}
+ d{"M/dE至M/dE"}
+ }
+ MMM{
+ M{"LLL至LLL"}
+ }
+ MMMEd{
+ M{"M月d日E至M月d日E"}
+ d{"M月d日E至d日E"}
+ }
+ MMMd{
+ M{"M月d日至M月d日"}
+ d{"M月d日至d日"}
+ }
+ Md{
+ M{"M/d – M/d"}
+ d{"M/d – M/d"}
+ }
+ d{
+ d{"d – d日"}
+ }
+ fallback{"{0} – {1}"}
+ h{
+ a{"ah时至ah时"}
+ h{"ah时至h时"}
+ }
+ hm{
+ a{"ah:mm至ah:mm"}
+ h{"ah:mm至h:mm"}
+ m{"ah:mm至h:mm"}
+ }
+ hmv{
+ a{"vah:mm至ah:mm"}
+ h{"vah:mm至h:mm"}
+ m{"vah:mm至h:mm"}
+ }
+ hv{
+ a{"vah时至ah时"}
+ h{"vah时至h时"}
+ }
+ y{
+ y{"Gy – y年"}
+ }
+ yM{
+ M{"Gy年M月至M月"}
+ y{"Gy年M月至y年M月"}
+ }
+ yMEd{
+ M{"Gy/M/dE至y/M/dE"}
+ d{"Gy/M/dE至y/M/dE"}
+ y{"Gy/M/dE至y/M/dE"}
+ }
+ yMMM{
+ M{"Gy年M月至M月"}
+ y{"Gy年M月至y年M月"}
+ }
+ yMMMEd{
+ M{"Gy年M月d日E至M月d日E"}
+ d{"Gy年M月d日E至d日E"}
+ y{"Gy年M月d日E至y年M月d日E"}
+ }
+ yMMMM{
+ M{"Gy年M月至M月"}
+ y{"Gy年M月至y年M月"}
+ }
+ yMMMd{
+ M{"Gy年M月d日至M月d日"}
+ d{"Gy年M月d日至d日"}
+ y{"Gy年M月d日至y年M月d日"}
+ }
+ yMd{
+ M{"Gy/M/d – y/M/d"}
+ d{"Gy/M/d – y/M/d"}
+ y{"Gy/M/d – y/M/d"}
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ gregorian{
+ AmPmMarkers{
+ "上午",
+ "下午",
+ }
+ AmPmMarkersAbbr{
+ "上午",
+ "下午",
+ }
+ AmPmMarkersNarrow{
+ "上午",
+ "下午",
+ }
+ DateTimePatterns{
+ "zzzz ah:mm:ss",
+ "z ah:mm:ss",
+ "ah:mm:ss",
+ "ah:mm",
+ "y年M月d日 EEEE",
+ "y年M月d日",
+ "y年M月d日",
+ "y/M/d",
+ "{1} {0}",
+ "{1} {0}",
+ "{1} {0}",
+ "{1} {0}",
+ "{1} {0}",
+ }
+ appendItems{
+ Timezone{"{1}{0}"}
+ }
+ availableFormats{
+ Bh{"Bh时"}
+ Bhm{"Bh:mm"}
+ Bhms{"Bh:mm:ss"}
+ E{"ccc"}
+ EBhm{"E Bh:mm"}
+ EBhms{"E Bh:mm:ss"}
+ EHm{"E HH:mm"}
+ EHms{"E HH:mm:ss"}
+ Ed{"d E"}
+ Ehm{"E ah:mm"}
+ Ehms{"E ah:mm:ss"}
+ Gy{"Gy年"}
+ GyMMM{"Gy年M月"}
+ GyMMMEd{"Gy年M月d日 E"}
+ GyMMMd{"Gy年M月d日"}
+ H{"H时"}
+ Hm{"HH:mm"}
+ Hms{"HH:mm:ss"}
+ Hmsv{"v HH:mm:ss"}
+ Hmv{"v HH:mm"}
+ M{"M月"}
+ MEd{"M/dE"}
+ MMM{"LLL"}
+ MMMEd{"M月d日 E"}
+ other{"MMM第W周"}
+ }
+ MMMMd{"M月d日"}
+ MMMd{"M月d日"}
+ MMdd{"MM/dd"}
+ Md{"M/d"}
+ d{"d日"}
+ h{"ah时"}
+ hm{"ah:mm"}
+ hms{"ah:mm:ss"}
+ hmsv{"v ah:mm:ss"}
+ hmv{"v ah:mm"}
+ ms{"mm:ss"}
+ y{"y年"}
+ yM{"y年M月"}
+ yMEd{"y/M/dE"}
+ yMM{"y年M月"}
+ yMMM{"y年M月"}
+ yMMMEd{"y年M月d日 E"}
+ yMMMM{"y年M月"}
+ yMMMd{"y年M月d日"}
+ yMd{"y/M/d"}
+ yQQQ{"y年第Q季度"}
+ yQQQQ{"y年第Q季度"}
+ yw{
+ other{"Y年第w周"}
+ }
+ }
+ dayNames{
+ format{
+ abbreviated{
+ "周日",
+ "周一",
+ "周二",
+ "周三",
+ "周四",
+ "周五",
+ "周六",
+ }
+ narrow{
+ "日",
+ "一",
+ "二",
+ "三",
+ "四",
+ "五",
+ "六",
+ }
+ short{
+ "周日",
+ "周一",
+ "周二",
+ "周三",
+ "周四",
+ "周五",
+ "周六",
+ }
+ wide{
+ "星期日",
+ "星期一",
+ "星期二",
+ "星期三",
+ "星期四",
+ "星期五",
+ "星期六",
+ }
+ }
+ stand-alone{
+ abbreviated{
+ "周日",
+ "周一",
+ "周二",
+ "周三",
+ "周四",
+ "周五",
+ "周六",
+ }
+ narrow{
+ "日",
+ "一",
+ "二",
+ "三",
+ "四",
+ "五",
+ "六",
+ }
+ short{
+ "周日",
+ "周一",
+ "周二",
+ "周三",
+ "周四",
+ "周五",
+ "周六",
+ }
+ wide{
+ "星期日",
+ "星期一",
+ "星期二",
+ "星期三",
+ "星期四",
+ "星期五",
+ "星期六",
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ dayPeriod{
+ format{
+ abbreviated{
+ afternoon1{"中午"}
+ afternoon2{"下午"}
+ evening1{"晚上"}
+ midnight{"午夜"}
+ morning1{"早上"}
+ morning2{"上午"}
+ night1{"凌晨"}
+ }
+ narrow{
+ afternoon1{"中午"}
+ afternoon2{"下午"}
+ evening1{"晚上"}
+ midnight{"午夜"}
+ morning1{"早上"}
+ morning2{"上午"}
+ night1{"凌晨"}
+ }
+ wide{
+ afternoon1{"中午"}
+ afternoon2{"下午"}
+ evening1{"晚上"}
+ midnight{"午夜"}
+ morning1{"清晨"}
+ morning2{"上午"}
+ night1{"凌晨"}
+ }
+ }
+ stand-alone{
+ abbreviated{
+ afternoon1{"中午"}
+ afternoon2{"下午"}
+ am{"上午"}
+ evening1{"晚上"}
+ midnight{"午夜"}
+ morning1{"早上"}
+ morning2{"上午"}
+ night1{"凌晨"}
+ pm{"下午"}
+ }
+ narrow{
+ afternoon1{"中午"}
+ afternoon2{"下午"}
+ am{"上午"}
+ evening1{"晚上"}
+ midnight{"午夜"}
+ morning1{"早上"}
+ morning2{"上午"}
+ night1{"凌晨"}
+ pm{"下午"}
+ }
+ wide{
+ afternoon1{"中午"}
+ afternoon2{"下午"}
+ am{"上午"}
+ evening1{"晚上"}
+ midnight{"午夜"}
+ morning1{"早上"}
+ morning2{"上午"}
+ night1{"凌晨"}
+ pm{"下午"}
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ eras{
+ abbreviated{
+ "公元前",
+ "公元",
+ }
+ abbreviated%variant{
+ "西元前",
+ "西元",
+ }
+ narrow{
+ "公元前",
+ "公元",
+ }
+ wide{
+ "公元前",
+ "公元",
+ }
+ wide%variant{
+ "西元前",
+ "西元",
+ }
+ }
+ intervalFormats{
+ H{
+ H{"HH – HH"}
+ }
+ Hm{
+ H{"HH:mm – HH:mm"}
+ m{"HH:mm – HH:mm"}
+ }
+ Hmv{
+ H{"v HH:mm – HH:mm"}
+ m{"v HH:mm – HH:mm"}
+ }
+ Hv{
+ H{"v HH – HH"}
+ }
+ M{
+ M{"M – M月"}
+ }
+ MEd{
+ M{"M/dE至M/dE"}
+ d{"M/dE至M/dE"}
+ }
+ MMM{
+ M{"LLL至LLL"}
+ }
+ MMMEd{
+ M{"M月d日E至M月d日E"}
+ d{"M月d日E至d日E"}
+ }
+ MMMd{
+ M{"M月d日至M月d日"}
+ d{"M月d日至d日"}
+ }
+ Md{
+ M{"M/d – M/d"}
+ d{"M/d – M/d"}
+ }
+ d{
+ d{"d – d日"}
+ }
+ fallback{"{0} – {1}"}
+ h{
+ a{"ah时至ah时"}
+ h{"ah时至h时"}
+ }
+ hm{
+ a{"ah:mm至ah:mm"}
+ h{"ah:mm至h:mm"}
+ m{"ah:mm至h:mm"}
+ }
+ hmv{
+ a{"vah:mm至ah:mm"}
+ h{"vah:mm至h:mm"}
+ m{"vah:mm至h:mm"}
+ }
+ hv{
+ a{"vah时至ah时"}
+ h{"vah时至h时"}
+ }
+ y{
+ y{"y – y年"}
+ }
+ yM{
+ M{"y年M月至M月"}
+ y{"y年M月至y年M月"}
+ }
+ yMEd{
+ M{"y/M/dE至y/M/dE"}
+ d{"y/M/dE至y/M/dE"}
+ y{"y/M/dE至y/M/dE"}
+ }
+ yMMM{
+ M{"y年M月至M月"}
+ y{"y年M月至y年M月"}
+ }
+ yMMMEd{
+ M{"y年M月d日E至M月d日E"}
+ d{"y年M月d日E至d日E"}
+ y{"y年M月d日E至y年M月d日E"}
+ }
+ yMMMM{
+ M{"y年M月至M月"}
+ y{"y年M月至y年M月"}
+ }
+ yMMMd{
+ M{"y年M月d日至M月d日"}
+ d{"y年M月d日至d日"}
+ y{"y年M月d日至y年M月d日"}
+ }
+ yMd{
+ M{"y/M/d – y/M/d"}
+ d{"y/M/d – y/M/d"}
+ y{"y/M/d – y/M/d"}
+ }
+ }
+ monthNames{
+ format{
+ abbreviated{
+ "1月",
+ "2月",
+ "3月",
+ "4月",
+ "5月",
+ "6月",
+ "7月",
+ "8月",
+ "9月",
+ "10月",
+ "11月",
+ "12月",
+ }
+ narrow{
+ "1",
+ "2",
+ "3",
+ "4",
+ "5",
+ "6",
+ "7",
+ "8",
+ "9",
+ "10",
+ "11",
+ "12",
+ }
+ wide{
+ "一月",
+ "二月",
+ "三月",
+ "四月",
+ "五月",
+ "六月",
+ "七月",
+ "八月",
+ "九月",
+ "十月",
+ "十一月",
+ "十二月",
+ }
+ }
+ stand-alone{
+ abbreviated{
+ "1月",
+ "2月",
+ "3月",
+ "4月",
+ "5月",
+ "6月",
+ "7月",
+ "8月",
+ "9月",
+ "10月",
+ "11月",
+ "12月",
+ }
+ narrow{
+ "1",
+ "2",
+ "3",
+ "4",
+ "5",
+ "6",
+ "7",
+ "8",
+ "9",
+ "10",
+ "11",
+ "12",
+ }
+ wide{
+ "一月",
+ "二月",
+ "三月",
+ "四月",
+ "五月",
+ "六月",
+ "七月",
+ "八月",
+ "九月",
+ "十月",
+ "十一月",
+ "十二月",
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ quarters{
+ format{
+ abbreviated{
+ "1季度",
+ "2季度",
+ "3季度",
+ "4季度",
+ }
+ narrow{
+ "1",
+ "2",
+ "3",
+ "4",
+ }
+ wide{
+ "第一季度",
+ "第二季度",
+ "第三季度",
+ "第四季度",
+ }
+ }
+ stand-alone{
+ abbreviated{
+ "1季度",
+ "2季度",
+ "3季度",
+ "4季度",
+ }
+ narrow{
+ "1",
+ "2",
+ "3",
+ "4",
+ }
+ wide{
+ "第一季度",
+ "第二季度",
+ "第三季度",
+ "第四季度",
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ hebrew{
+ DateTimePatterns{
+ "zzzz ah:mm:ss",
+ "z ah:mm:ss",
+ "ah:mm:ss",
+ "ah:mm",
+ "Gy年M月d日 EEEE",
+ "Gy年M月d日",
+ "Gy年M月d日",
+ "Gy/M/d",
+ "{1} {0}",
+ "{1} {0}",
+ "{1} {0}",
+ "{1} {0}",
+ "{1} {0}",
+ }
+ availableFormats{
+ E{"ccc"}
+ Ed{"d E"}
+ Gy{"Gy年"}
+ GyMMM{"Gy年MM月"}
+ GyMMMEd{"Gy年MM月d日 E"}
+ GyMMMd{"Gy年MM月d日"}
+ M{"L"}
+ MEd{"M/dE"}
+ MMM{"LLL"}
+ MMMEd{"M月d日 E"}
+ MMMMd{"M月d日"}
+ MMMd{"M月d日"}
+ Md{"M/d"}
+ d{"d日"}
+ y{"Gy年"}
+ yyyy{"Gy年"}
+ yyyyM{"Gy年M月"}
+ yyyyMEd{"Gy/M/dE"}
+ yyyyMMM{"Gy年MM月"}
+ yyyyMMMEd{"Gy年MM月d日E"}
+ yyyyMMMM{"Gy年M月"}
+ yyyyMMMd{"Gy年MM月d日"}
+ yyyyMd{"Gy/M/d"}
+ yyyyQQQ{"Gy年第Q季度"}
+ yyyyQQQQ{"Gy年第Q季度"}
+ }
+ eras{
+ abbreviated{
+ "希伯来历",
+ }
+ narrow{
+ "希伯来历",
+ }
+ wide{
+ "希伯来历",
+ }
+ }
+ intervalFormats{
+ H{
+ H{"HH – HH"}
+ }
+ Hm{
+ H{"HH:mm – HH:mm"}
+ m{"HH:mm – HH:mm"}
+ }
+ Hmv{
+ H{"v HH:mm – HH:mm"}
+ m{"v HH:mm – HH:mm"}
+ }
+ Hv{
+ H{"v HH – HH"}
+ }
+ M{
+ M{"M – M月"}
+ }
+ MEd{
+ M{"M/dE至M/dE"}
+ d{"M/dE至M/dE"}
+ }
+ MMM{
+ M{"LLL至LLL"}
+ }
+ MMMEd{
+ M{"M月d日E至M月d日E"}
+ d{"M月d日E至d日E"}
+ }
+ MMMd{
+ M{"M月d日至M月d日"}
+ d{"M月d日至d日"}
+ }
+ Md{
+ M{"M/d – M/d"}
+ d{"M/d – M/d"}
+ }
+ d{
+ d{"d – d日"}
+ }
+ fallback{"{0} – {1}"}
+ h{
+ a{"ah时至ah时"}
+ h{"ah时至h时"}
+ }
+ hm{
+ a{"ah:mm至ah:mm"}
+ h{"ah:mm至h:mm"}
+ m{"ah:mm至h:mm"}
+ }
+ hmv{
+ a{"vah:mm至ah:mm"}
+ h{"vah:mm至h:mm"}
+ m{"vah:mm至h:mm"}
+ }
+ hv{
+ a{"vah时至ah时"}
+ h{"vah时至h时"}
+ }
+ y{
+ y{"Gy – y年"}
+ }
+ yM{
+ M{"Gy年M月至M月"}
+ y{"Gy年M月至y年M月"}
+ }
+ yMEd{
+ M{"Gy/M/dE至y/M/dE"}
+ d{"Gy/M/dE至y/M/dE"}
+ y{"Gy/M/dE至y/M/dE"}
+ }
+ yMMM{
+ M{"Gy年M月至M月"}
+ y{"Gy年M月至y年M月"}
+ }
+ yMMMEd{
+ M{"Gy年M月d日E至M月d日E"}
+ d{"Gy年M月d日E至d日E"}
+ y{"Gy年M月d日E至y年M月d日E"}
+ }
+ yMMMM{
+ M{"Gy年M月至M月"}
+ y{"Gy年M月至y年M月"}
+ }
+ yMMMd{
+ M{"Gy年M月d日至M月d日"}
+ d{"Gy年M月d日至d日"}
+ y{"Gy年M月d日至y年M月d日"}
+ }
+ yMd{
+ M{"Gy/M/d – y/M/d"}
+ d{"Gy/M/d – y/M/d"}
+ y{"Gy/M/d – y/M/d"}
+ }
+ }
+ monthNames{
+ format{
+ abbreviated{
+ "1月",
+ "2月",
+ "3月",
+ "4月",
+ "5月",
+ "6月",
+ "7月",
+ "8月",
+ "9月",
+ "10月",
+ "11月",
+ "12月",
+ "13月",
+ "闰7月",
+ }
+ narrow{
+ "1",
+ "2",
+ "3",
+ "4",
+ "5",
+ "6",
+ "7",
+ "8",
+ "9",
+ "10",
+ "11",
+ "12",
+ "13",
+ "7",
+ }
+ wide{
+ "一月",
+ "二月",
+ "三月",
+ "四月",
+ "五月",
+ "六月",
+ "七月",
+ "八月",
+ "九月",
+ "十月",
+ "十一月",
+ "十二月",
+ "十三月",
+ "闰七月",
+ }
+ }
+ stand-alone{
+ abbreviated{
+ "1月",
+ "2月",
+ "3月",
+ "4月",
+ "5月",
+ "6月",
+ "7月",
+ "8月",
+ "9月",
+ "10月",
+ "11月",
+ "12月",
+ "13月",
+ "闰7月",
+ }
+ narrow{
+ "1",
+ "2",
+ "3",
+ "4",
+ "5",
+ "6",
+ "7",
+ "8",
+ "9",
+ "10",
+ "11",
+ "12",
+ "13",
+ "7",
+ }
+ wide{
+ "一月",
+ "二月",
+ "三月",
+ "四月",
+ "五月",
+ "六月",
+ "七月",
+ "八月",
+ "九月",
+ "十月",
+ "十一月",
+ "十二月",
+ "十三月",
+ "闰七月",
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ indian{
+ DateTimePatterns{
+ "zzzz ah:mm:ss",
+ "z ah:mm:ss",
+ "ah:mm:ss",
+ "ah:mm",
+ "Gy年MM月d日 EEEE",
+ "Gy年MM月d日",
+ "Gy年MM月d日",
+ "Gy/M/d",
+ "{1} {0}",
+ "{1} {0}",
+ "{1} {0}",
+ "{1} {0}",
+ "{1} {0}",
+ }
+ availableFormats{
+ E{"ccc"}
+ Ed{"d E"}
+ Gy{"Gy年"}
+ GyMMM{"Gy年MM月"}
+ GyMMMEd{"Gy年MM月d日 E"}
+ GyMMMd{"Gy年MM月d日"}
+ M{"L"}
+ MEd{"M/dE"}
+ MMM{"LLL"}
+ MMMEd{"M月d日 E"}
+ MMMMd{"M月d日"}
+ MMMd{"M月d日"}
+ Md{"M/d"}
+ d{"d日"}
+ y{"Gy年"}
+ yyyy{"Gy年"}
+ yyyyM{"Gy年M月"}
+ yyyyMEd{"Gy/M/dE"}
+ yyyyMMM{"Gy年MM月"}
+ yyyyMMMEd{"Gy年MM月d日E"}
+ yyyyMMMM{"Gy年M月"}
+ yyyyMMMd{"Gy年MM月d日"}
+ yyyyMd{"Gy/M/d"}
+ yyyyQQQ{"Gy年第Q季度"}
+ yyyyQQQQ{"Gy年第Q季度"}
+ }
+ eras{
+ abbreviated{
+ "印度历",
+ }
+ narrow{
+ "印度历",
+ }
+ wide{
+ "印度历",
+ }
+ }
+ intervalFormats{
+ H{
+ H{"HH – HH"}
+ }
+ Hm{
+ H{"HH:mm – HH:mm"}
+ m{"HH:mm – HH:mm"}
+ }
+ Hmv{
+ H{"v HH:mm – HH:mm"}
+ m{"v HH:mm – HH:mm"}
+ }
+ Hv{
+ H{"v HH – HH"}
+ }
+ M{
+ M{"M – M月"}
+ }
+ MEd{
+ M{"M/dE至M/dE"}
+ d{"M/dE至M/dE"}
+ }
+ MMM{
+ M{"MMM – MMM"}
+ }
+ MMMEd{
+ M{"M月d日E至M月d日E"}
+ d{"M月d日E至d日E"}
+ }
+ MMMd{
+ M{"M月d日至M月d日"}
+ d{"M月d日至d日"}
+ }
+ Md{
+ M{"M/d – M/d"}
+ d{"M/d – M/d"}
+ }
+ d{
+ d{"d至d日"}
+ }
+ fallback{"{0} – {1}"}
+ h{
+ a{"ah时至ah时"}
+ h{"ah时至h时"}
+ }
+ hm{
+ a{"ah:mm至ah:mm"}
+ h{"ah:mm至h:mm"}
+ m{"ah:mm至h:mm"}
+ }
+ hmv{
+ a{"vah:mm至ah:mm"}
+ h{"vah:mm至h:mm"}
+ m{"vah:mm至h:mm"}
+ }
+ hv{
+ a{"vah时至ah时"}
+ h{"vah时至h时"}
+ }
+ y{
+ y{"Gy–y年"}
+ }
+ yM{
+ M{"Gy年M月至M月"}
+ y{"Gy年M月至y年M月"}
+ }
+ yMEd{
+ M{"Gy/M/dE至y/M/dE"}
+ d{"Gy/M/dE至y/M/dE"}
+ y{"Gy/M/dE至y/M/dE"}
+ }
+ yMMM{
+ M{"Gy年M月至M月"}
+ y{"Gy年M月至y年M月"}
+ }
+ yMMMEd{
+ M{"Gy年M月d日E至M月d日E"}
+ d{"Gy年M月d日E至d日E"}
+ y{"Gy年M月d日E至y年M月d日E"}
+ }
+ yMMMM{
+ M{"Gy年M月至M月"}
+ y{"Gy年M月至y年M月"}
+ }
+ yMMMd{
+ M{"Gy年M月d日至M月d日"}
+ d{"Gy年M月d日至d日"}
+ y{"Gy年M月d日至y年M月d日"}
+ }
+ yMd{
+ M{"Gy/M/d – y/M/d"}
+ d{"Gy/M/d – y/M/d"}
+ y{"Gy/M/d – y/M/d"}
+ }
+ }
+ monthNames{
+ format{
+ abbreviated{
+ "1月",
+ "2月",
+ "3月",
+ "4月",
+ "5月",
+ "6月",
+ "7月",
+ "8月",
+ "9月",
+ "10月",
+ "11月",
+ "12月",
+ }
+ narrow{
+ "1",
+ "2",
+ "3",
+ "4",
+ "5",
+ "6",
+ "7",
+ "8",
+ "9",
+ "10",
+ "11",
+ "12",
+ }
+ wide{
+ "一月",
+ "二月",
+ "三月",
+ "四月",
+ "五月",
+ "六月",
+ "七月",
+ "八月",
+ "九月",
+ "十月",
+ "十一月",
+ "十二月",
+ }
+ }
+ stand-alone{
+ abbreviated{
+ "1月",
+ "2月",
+ "3月",
+ "4月",
+ "5月",
+ "6月",
+ "7月",
+ "8月",
+ "9月",
+ "10月",
+ "11月",
+ "12月",
+ }
+ narrow{
+ "1",
+ "2",
+ "3",
+ "4",
+ "5",
+ "6",
+ "7",
+ "8",
+ "9",
+ "10",
+ "11",
+ "12",
+ }
+ wide{
+ "一月",
+ "二月",
+ "三月",
+ "四月",
+ "五月",
+ "六月",
+ "七月",
+ "八月",
+ "九月",
+ "十月",
+ "十一月",
+ "十二月",
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ islamic{
+ DateTimePatterns{
+ "zzzz ah:mm:ss",
+ "z ah:mm:ss",
+ "ah:mm:ss",
+ "ah:mm",
+ "Gy年M月d日EEEE",
+ "Gy年M月d日",
+ "Gy年M月d日",
+ "Gy/M/d",
+ "{1} {0}",
+ "{1} {0}",
+ "{1} {0}",
+ "{1} {0}",
+ "{1} {0}",
+ }
+ availableFormats{
+ Bh{"Bh时"}
+ Bhm{"Bh:mm"}
+ Bhms{"Bh:mm:ss"}
+ E{"ccc"}
+ EBhm{"E Bh:mm"}
+ EBhms{"E Bh:mm:ss"}
+ EHm{"E HH:mm"}
+ EHms{"E HH:mm:ss"}
+ Ed{"d E"}
+ Ehm{"E ah:mm"}
+ Ehms{"E ah:mm:ss"}
+ Gy{"Gy年"}
+ GyMMM{"Gy年M月"}
+ GyMMMEd{"Gy年M月d日 E"}
+ GyMMMd{"Gy年M月d日"}
+ H{"H时"}
+ Hm{"HH:mm"}
+ Hms{"HH:mm:ss"}
+ M{"M月"}
+ MEd{"M-dE"}
+ MMM{"LLL"}
+ MMMEd{"M月d日E"}
+ MMMMd{"M月d日"}
+ MMMd{"M月d日"}
+ Md{"M-d"}
+ d{"d日"}
+ h{"ah时"}
+ hm{"ah:mm"}
+ hms{"ah:mm:ss"}
+ ms{"mm:ss"}
+ y{"Gy年"}
+ yyyy{"Gy年"}
+ yyyyM{"Gy年M月"}
+ yyyyMEd{"Gy/M/dE"}
+ yyyyMMM{"Gy年M月"}
+ yyyyMMMEd{"Gy年M月d日 E"}
+ yyyyMMMM{"Gy年M月"}
+ yyyyMMMd{"Gy年M月d日"}
+ yyyyMd{"Gy/M/d"}
+ yyyyQQQ{"Gy年第Q季度"}
+ yyyyQQQQ{"Gy年第Q季度"}
+ }
+ eras{
+ abbreviated{
+ "伊斯兰历",
+ }
+ }
+ monthNames{
+ format{
+ abbreviated{
+ "1月",
+ "2月",
+ "3月",
+ "4月",
+ "5月",
+ "6月",
+ "7月",
+ "8月",
+ "9月",
+ "10月",
+ "11月",
+ "12月",
+ }
+ narrow{
+ "1",
+ "2",
+ "3",
+ "4",
+ "5",
+ "6",
+ "7",
+ "8",
+ "9",
+ "10",
+ "11",
+ "12",
+ }
+ wide{
+ "一月",
+ "二月",
+ "三月",
+ "四月",
+ "五月",
+ "六月",
+ "七月",
+ "八月",
+ "九月",
+ "十月",
+ "十一月",
+ "十二月",
+ }
+ }
+ stand-alone{
+ abbreviated{
+ "1月",
+ "2月",
+ "3月",
+ "4月",
+ "5月",
+ "6月",
+ "7月",
+ "8月",
+ "9月",
+ "10月",
+ "11月",
+ "12月",
+ }
+ narrow{
+ "1",
+ "2",
+ "3",
+ "4",
+ "5",
+ "6",
+ "7",
+ "8",
+ "9",
+ "10",
+ "11",
+ "12",
+ }
+ wide{
+ "一月",
+ "二月",
+ "三月",
+ "四月",
+ "五月",
+ "六月",
+ "七月",
+ "八月",
+ "九月",
+ "十月",
+ "十一月",
+ "十二月",
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ japanese{
+ DateTimePatterns{
+ "zzzz ah:mm:ss",
+ "z ah:mm:ss",
+ "ah:mm:ss",
+ "ah:mm",
+ "Gy年M月d日 EEEE",
+ "Gy年M月d日",
+ "Gy年M月d日",
+ "Gyy-MM-dd",
+ "{1} {0}",
+ "{1} {0}",
+ "{1} {0}",
+ "{1} {0}",
+ "{1} {0}",
+ }
+ availableFormats{
+ Ed{"d E"}
+ Gy{"Gy年"}
+ GyMMM{"Gy年M月"}
+ GyMMMEd{"Gy年M月d日 E"}
+ GyMMMd{"Gy年M月d日"}
+ H{"H时"}
+ Hm{"HH:mm"}
+ Hms{"HH:mm:ss"}
+ M{"M月"}
+ MEd{"M-dE"}
+ MMM{"LLL"}
+ MMMEd{"M月d日E"}
+ MMMMd{"M月d日"}
+ MMMd{"M月d日"}
+ Md{"M-d"}
+ d{"d日"}
+ h{"ah时"}
+ hm{"ah:mm"}
+ hms{"ah:mm:ss"}
+ ms{"mm:ss"}
+ y{"Gy年"}
+ yyyy{"Gy年"}
+ yyyyM{"Gy-MM"}
+ yyyyMEd{"Gy-M-d(E)"}
+ yyyyMMM{"Gy年M月"}
+ yyyyMMMEd{"Gy年M月d日E"}
+ yyyyMMMM{"Gy年M月"}
+ yyyyMMMd{"Gy年M月d日"}
+ yyyyMd{"Gy-MM-dd"}
+ yyyyQQQ{"Gy年第Q季度"}
+ yyyyQQQQ{"Gy年QQQQ"}
+ }
+ eras{
+ abbreviated{
+ "大化 (645–650)",
+ "白雉 (650–671)",
+ "白凤 (672–686)",
+ "朱鸟 (686–701)",
+ "大宝 (701–704)",
+ "庆云 (704–708)",
+ "和铜 (708–715)",
+ "灵龟 (715–717)",
+ "养老 (717–724)",
+ "神龟 (724–729)",
+ "天平 (729–749)",
+ "天平感宝 (749–749)",
+ "天平胜宝 (749–757)",
+ "天平宝字 (757–765)",
+ "天平神护 (765–767)",
+ "神护景云 (767–770)",
+ "宝龟 (770–780)",
+ "天应 (781–782)",
+ "延历 (782–806)",
+ "大同 (806–810)",
+ "弘仁 (810–824)",
+ "天长 (824–834)",
+ "承和 (834–848)",
+ "嘉祥 (848–851)",
+ "仁寿 (851–854)",
+ "齐衡 (854–857)",
+ "天安 (857–859)",
+ "贞观 (859–877)",
+ "元庆 (877–885)",
+ "仁和 (885–889)",
+ "宽平 (889–898)",
+ "昌泰 (898–901)",
+ "延喜 (901–923)",
+ "延长 (923–931)",
+ "承平 (931–938)",
+ "天庆 (938–947)",
+ "天历 (947–957)",
+ "天德 (957–961)",
+ "应和 (961–964)",
+ "康保 (964–968)",
+ "安和 (968–970)",
+ "天禄 (970–973)",
+ "天延 (973–976)",
+ "贞元 (976–978)",
+ "天元 (978–983)",
+ "永观 (983–985)",
+ "宽和 (985–987)",
+ "永延 (987–989)",
+ "永祚 (989–990)",
+ "正历 (990–995)",
+ "长德 (995–999)",
+ "长保 (999–1004)",
+ "宽弘 (1004–1012)",
+ "长和 (1012–1017)",
+ "宽仁 (1017–1021)",
+ "治安 (1021–1024)",
+ "万寿 (1024–1028)",
+ "长元 (1028–1037)",
+ "长历 (1037–1040)",
+ "长久 (1040–1044)",
+ "宽德 (1044–1046)",
+ "永承 (1046–1053)",
+ "天喜 (1053–1058)",
+ "康平 (1058–1065)",
+ "治历 (1065–1069)",
+ "延久 (1069–1074)",
+ "承保 (1074–1077)",
+ "正历 (1077–1081)",
+ "永保 (1081–1084)",
+ "应德 (1084–1087)",
+ "宽治 (1087–1094)",
+ "嘉保 (1094–1096)",
+ "永长 (1096–1097)",
+ "承德 (1097–1099)",
+ "康和 (1099–1104)",
+ "长治 (1104–1106)",
+ "嘉承 (1106–1108)",
+ "天仁 (1108–1110)",
+ "天永 (1110–1113)",
+ "永久 (1113–1118)",
+ "元永 (1118–1120)",
+ "保安 (1120–1124)",
+ "天治 (1124–1126)",
+ "大治 (1126–1131)",
+ "天承 (1131–1132)",
+ "长承 (1132–1135)",
+ "保延 (1135–1141)",
+ "永治 (1141–1142)",
+ "康治 (1142–1144)",
+ "天养 (1144–1145)",
+ "久安 (1145–1151)",
+ "仁平 (1151–1154)",
+ "久寿 (1154–1156)",
+ "保元 (1156–1159)",
+ "平治 (1159–1160)",
+ "永历 (1160–1161)",
+ "应保 (1161–1163)",
+ "长宽 (1163–1165)",
+ "永万 (1165–1166)",
+ "仁安 (1166–1169)",
+ "嘉应 (1169–1171)",
+ "承安 (1171–1175)",
+ "安元 (1175–1177)",
+ "治承 (1177–1181)",
+ "养和 (1181–1182)",
+ "寿永 (1182–1184)",
+ "元历 (1184–1185)",
+ "文治 (1185–1190)",
+ "建久 (1190–1199)",
+ "正治 (1199–1201)",
+ "建仁 (1201–1204)",
+ "元久 (1204–1206)",
+ "建永 (1206–1207)",
+ "承元 (1207–1211)",
+ "建历 (1211–1213)",
+ "建保 (1213–1219)",
+ "承久 (1219–1222)",
+ "贞应 (1222–1224)",
+ "元仁 (1224–1225)",
+ "嘉禄 (1225–1227)",
+ "安贞 (1227–1229)",
+ "宽喜 (1229–1232)",
+ "贞永 (1232–1233)",
+ "天福 (1233–1234)",
+ "文历 (1234–1235)",
+ "嘉祯 (1235–1238)",
+ "历仁 (1238–1239)",
+ "延应 (1239–1240)",
+ "仁治 (1240–1243)",
+ "宽元 (1243–1247)",
+ "宝治 (1247–1249)",
+ "建长 (1249–1256)",
+ "康元 (1256–1257)",
+ "正嘉 (1257–1259)",
+ "正元 (1259–1260)",
+ "文应 (1260–1261)",
+ "弘长 (1261–1264)",
+ "文永 (1264–1275)",
+ "建治 (1275–1278)",
+ "弘安 (1278–1288)",
+ "正应 (1288–1293)",
+ "永仁 (1293–1299)",
+ "正安 (1299–1302)",
+ "干元 (1302–1303)",
+ "嘉元 (1303–1306)",
+ "德治 (1306–1308)",
+ "延庆 (1308–1311)",
+ "应长 (1311–1312)",
+ "正和 (1312–1317)",
+ "文保 (1317–1319)",
+ "元应 (1319–1321)",
+ "元亨 (1321–1324)",
+ "正中 (1324–1326)",
+ "嘉历 (1326–1329)",
+ "元德 (1329–1331)",
+ "元弘 (1331–1334)",
+ "建武 (1334–1336)",
+ "延元 (1336–1340)",
+ "兴国 (1340–1346)",
+ "正平 (1346–1370)",
+ "建德 (1370–1372)",
+ "文中 (1372–1375)",
+ "天授 (1375–1379)",
+ "康历 (1379–1381)",
+ "弘和 (1381–1384)",
+ "元中 (1384–1392)",
+ "至德 (1384–1387)",
+ "嘉庆 (1387–1389)",
+ "康应 (1389–1390)",
+ "明德 (1390–1394)",
+ "应永 (1394–1428)",
+ "正长 (1428–1429)",
+ "永享 (1429–1441)",
+ "嘉吉 (1441–1444)",
+ "文安 (1444–1449)",
+ "宝德 (1449–1452)",
+ "享德 (1452–1455)",
+ "康正 (1455–1457)",
+ "长禄 (1457–1460)",
+ "宽正 (1460–1466)",
+ "文正 (1466–1467)",
+ "应仁 (1467–1469)",
+ "文明 (1469–1487)",
+ "长享 (1487–1489)",
+ "延德 (1489–1492)",
+ "明应 (1492–1501)",
+ "文龟 (1501–1504)",
+ "永正 (1504–1521)",
+ "大永 (1521–1528)",
+ "享禄 (1528–1532)",
+ "天文 (1532–1555)",
+ "弘治 (1555–1558)",
+ "永禄 (1558–1570)",
+ "元龟 (1570–1573)",
+ "天正 (1573–1592)",
+ "文禄 (1592–1596)",
+ "庆长 (1596–1615)",
+ "元和 (1615–1624)",
+ "宽永 (1624–1644)",
+ "正保 (1644–1648)",
+ "庆安 (1648–1652)",
+ "承应 (1652–1655)",
+ "明历 (1655–1658)",
+ "万治 (1658–1661)",
+ "宽文 (1661–1673)",
+ "延宝 (1673–1681)",
+ "天和 (1681–1684)",
+ "贞享 (1684–1688)",
+ "元禄 (1688–1704)",
+ "宝永 (1704–1711)",
+ "正德 (1711–1716)",
+ "享保 (1716–1736)",
+ "元文 (1736–1741)",
+ "宽保 (1741–1744)",
+ "延享 (1744–1748)",
+ "宽延 (1748–1751)",
+ "宝历 (1751–1764)",
+ "明和 (1764–1772)",
+ "安永 (1772–1781)",
+ "天明 (1781–1789)",
+ "宽政 (1789–1801)",
+ "享和 (1801–1804)",
+ "文化 (1804–1818)",
+ "文政 (1818–1830)",
+ "天保 (1830–1844)",
+ "弘化 (1844–1848)",
+ "嘉永 (1848–1854)",
+ "安政 (1854–1860)",
+ "万延 (1860–1861)",
+ "文久 (1861–1864)",
+ "元治 (1864–1865)",
+ "庆应 (1865–1868)",
+ "明治",
+ "大正",
+ "昭和",
+ "平成",
+ "令和",
+ }
+ narrow{
+ "大化(645–650)",
+ "白雉(650–671)",
+ "白凤(672–686)",
+ "朱鸟(686–701)",
+ "大宝(701–704)",
+ "庆云(704–708)",
+ "和铜(708–715)",
+ "灵龟(715–717)",
+ "养老(717–724)",
+ "神龟(724–729)",
+ "天平(729–749)",
+ "天平感宝(749–749)",
+ "天平胜宝(749–757)",
+ "天平宝字(757–765)",
+ "天平神护(765–767)",
+ "神护景云(767–770)",
+ "宝龟(770–780)",
+ "天应(781–782)",
+ "延历(782–806)",
+ "大同(806–810)",
+ "弘仁(810–824)",
+ "天长(824–834)",
+ "承和(834–848)",
+ "嘉祥(848–851)",
+ "仁寿(851–854)",
+ "齐衡(854–857)",
+ "天安(857–859)",
+ "贞观(859–877)",
+ "元庆(877–885)",
+ "仁和(885–889)",
+ "宽平(889–898)",
+ "昌泰(898–901)",
+ "延喜(901–923)",
+ "延长(923–931)",
+ "承平(931–938)",
+ "天庆(938–947)",
+ "天历(947–957)",
+ "天德(957–961)",
+ "应和(961–964)",
+ "康保(964–968)",
+ "安和(968–970)",
+ "天禄(970–973)",
+ "天延(973–976)",
+ "贞元(976–978)",
+ "天元(978–983)",
+ "永观(983–985)",
+ "宽和(985–987)",
+ "永延(987–989)",
+ "永祚(989–990)",
+ "正历(990–995)",
+ "长德(995–999)",
+ "长保(999–1004)",
+ "宽弘(1004–1012)",
+ "长和(1012–1017)",
+ "宽仁(1017–1021)",
+ "治安(1021–1024)",
+ "万寿(1024–1028)",
+ "长元(1028–1037)",
+ "长历(1037–1040)",
+ "长久(1040–1044)",
+ "宽德(1044–1046)",
+ "永承(1046–1053)",
+ "天喜(1053–1058)",
+ "康平(1058–1065)",
+ "治历(1065–1069)",
+ "延久(1069–1074)",
+ "承保(1074–1077)",
+ "承历(1077–1081)",
+ "永保(1081–1084)",
+ "应德(1084–1087)",
+ "宽治(1087–1094)",
+ "嘉保(1094–1096)",
+ "永长(1096–1097)",
+ "承德(1097–1099)",
+ "康和(1099–1104)",
+ "长治(1104–1106)",
+ "嘉承(1106–1108)",
+ "天仁(1108–1110)",
+ "天永(1110–1113)",
+ "永久(1113–1118)",
+ "元永(1118–1120)",
+ "保安(1120–1124)",
+ "天治(1124–1126)",
+ "大治(1126–1131)",
+ "天承(1131–1132)",
+ "长承(1132–1135)",
+ "保延(1135–1141)",
+ "永治(1141–1142)",
+ "康治(1142–1144)",
+ "天养(1144–1145)",
+ "久安(1145–1151)",
+ "仁平(1151–1154)",
+ "久寿(1154–1156)",
+ "保元(1156–1159)",
+ "平治(1159–1160)",
+ "永历(1160–1161)",
+ "应保(1161–1163)",
+ "长宽(1163–1165)",
+ "永万(1165–1166)",
+ "仁安(1166–1169)",
+ "嘉应(1169–1171)",
+ "承安(1171–1175)",
+ "安元(1175–1177)",
+ "治承(1177–1181)",
+ "养和(1181–1182)",
+ "寿永(1182–1184)",
+ "元历(1184–1185)",
+ "文治(1185–1190)",
+ "建久(1190–1199)",
+ "正治(1199–1201)",
+ "建仁(1201–1204)",
+ "元久(1204–1206)",
+ "建永(1206–1207)",
+ "承元(1207–1211)",
+ "建历(1211–1213)",
+ "建保(1213–1219)",
+ "承久(1219–1222)",
+ "贞应(1222–1224)",
+ "元仁(1224–1225)",
+ "嘉禄(1225–1227)",
+ "安贞(1227–1229)",
+ "宽喜(1229–1232)",
+ "贞永(1232–1233)",
+ "天福(1233–1234)",
+ "文历(1234–1235)",
+ "嘉祯(1235–1238)",
+ "历仁(1238–1239)",
+ "延应(1239–1240)",
+ "仁治(1240–1243)",
+ "宽元(1243–1247)",
+ "宝治(1247–1249)",
+ "建长(1249–1256)",
+ "康元(1256–1257)",
+ "正嘉(1257–1259)",
+ "正元(1259–1260)",
+ "文应(1260–1261)",
+ "弘长(1261–1264)",
+ "文永(1264–1275)",
+ "建治(1275–1278)",
+ "弘安(1278–1288)",
+ "正应(1288–1293)",
+ "永仁(1293–1299)",
+ "正安(1299–1302)",
+ "乾元(1302–1303)",
+ "嘉元(1303–1306)",
+ "德治(1306–1308)",
+ "延庆(1308–1311)",
+ "应长(1311–1312)",
+ "正和(1312–1317)",
+ "文保(1317–1319)",
+ "元应(1319–1321)",
+ "元亨(1321–1324)",
+ "正中(1324–1326)",
+ "嘉历(1326–1329)",
+ "元德(1329–1331)",
+ "元弘(1331–1334)",
+ "建武(1334–1336)",
+ "延元(1336–1340)",
+ "兴国(1340–1346)",
+ "正平(1346–1370)",
+ "建德(1370–1372)",
+ "文中(1372–1375)",
+ "天授(1375–1379)",
+ "Kōryaku (1379–1381)",
+ "Kōwa (1381–1384)",
+ "Genchū (1384–1392)",
+ "Meitoku (1384–1387)",
+ "Kakei (1387–1389)",
+ "Kōō (1389–1390)",
+ "Meitoku (1390–1394)",
+ "Ōei (1394–1428)",
+ "Shōchō (1428–1429)",
+ "Eikyō (1429–1441)",
+ "Kakitsu (1441–1444)",
+ "Bun’an (1444–1449)",
+ "Hōtoku (1449–1452)",
+ "Kyōtoku (1452–1455)",
+ "Kōshō (1455–1457)",
+ "Chōroku (1457–1460)",
+ "Kanshō (1460–1466)",
+ "Bunshō (1466–1467)",
+ "Ōnin (1467–1469)",
+ "Bunmei (1469–1487)",
+ "Chōkyō (1487–1489)",
+ "Entoku (1489–1492)",
+ "Meiō (1492–1501)",
+ "Bunki (1501–1504)",
+ "Eishō (1504–1521)",
+ "Taiei (1521–1528)",
+ "Kyōroku (1528–1532)",
+ "Tenbun (1532–1555)",
+ "Kōji (1555–1558)",
+ "Eiroku (1558–1570)",
+ "Genki (1570–1573)",
+ "Tenshō (1573–1592)",
+ "Bunroku (1592–1596)",
+ "Keichō (1596–1615)",
+ "Genna (1615–1624)",
+ "Kan’ei (1624–1644)",
+ "Shōho (1644–1648)",
+ "Keian (1648–1652)",
+ "Jōō (1652–1655)",
+ "Meireki (1655–1658)",
+ "Manji (1658–1661)",
+ "Kanbun (1661–1673)",
+ "Enpō (1673–1681)",
+ "Tenna (1681–1684)",
+ "Jōkyō (1684–1688)",
+ "Genroku (1688–1704)",
+ "Hōei (1704–1711)",
+ "Shōtoku (1711–1716)",
+ "Kyōhō (1716–1736)",
+ "Genbun (1736–1741)",
+ "Kanpō (1741–1744)",
+ "Enkyō (1744–1748)",
+ "Kan’en (1748–1751)",
+ "Hōreki (1751–1764)",
+ "Meiwa (1764–1772)",
+ "An’ei (1772–1781)",
+ "Tenmei (1781–1789)",
+ "Kansei (1789–1801)",
+ "Kyōwa (1801–1804)",
+ "Bunka (1804–1818)",
+ "Bunsei (1818–1830)",
+ "Tenpō (1830–1844)",
+ "Kōka (1844–1848)",
+ "Kaei (1848–1854)",
+ "Ansei (1854–1860)",
+ "Man’en (1860–1861)",
+ "Bunkyū (1861–1864)",
+ "Genji (1864–1865)",
+ "Keiō (1865–1868)",
+ "M",
+ "T",
+ "S",
+ "H",
+ "R",
+ }
+ wide{
+ "大化 (645–650)",
+ "白雉 (650–671)",
+ "白凤 (672–686)",
+ "朱鸟 (686–701)",
+ "大宝 (701–704)",
+ "庆云 (704–708)",
+ "和铜 (708–715)",
+ "灵龟 (715–717)",
+ "养老 (717–724)",
+ "神龟 (724–729)",
+ "天平 (729–749)",
+ "天平感宝 (749–749)",
+ "天平胜宝 (749–757)",
+ "天平宝字 (757–765)",
+ "天平神护 (765–767)",
+ "神护景云 (767–770)",
+ "宝龟 (770–780)",
+ "天应 (781–782)",
+ "延历 (782–806)",
+ "大同 (806–810)",
+ "弘仁 (810–824)",
+ "天长 (824–834)",
+ "承和 (834–848)",
+ "嘉祥 (848–851)",
+ "仁寿 (851–854)",
+ "齐衡 (854–857)",
+ "天安 (857–859)",
+ "贞观 (859–877)",
+ "元庆 (877–885)",
+ "仁和 (885–889)",
+ "宽平 (889–898)",
+ "昌泰 (898–901)",
+ "延喜 (901–923)",
+ "延长 (923–931)",
+ "承平 (931–938)",
+ "天庆 (938–947)",
+ "天历 (947–957)",
+ "天德 (957–961)",
+ "应和 (961–964)",
+ "康保 (964–968)",
+ "安和 (968–970)",
+ "天禄 (970–973)",
+ "天延 (973–976)",
+ "贞元 (976–978)",
+ "天元 (978–983)",
+ "永观 (983–985)",
+ "宽和 (985–987)",
+ "永延 (987–989)",
+ "永祚 (989–990)",
+ "正历 (990–995)",
+ "长德 (995–999)",
+ "长保 (999–1004)",
"宽弘 (1004–1012)",
"长和 (1012–1017)",
"宽仁 (1017–1021)",
+ "令和",
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ persian{
+ eras{
+ abbreviated{
+ "波斯历",
+ }
+ narrow{
+ "波斯历",
+ }
+ wide{
+ "波斯历",
+ }
+ }
+ monthNames{
+ format{
+ abbreviated{
+ "1月",
+ "2月",
+ "3月",
+ "4月",
+ "5月",
+ "6月",
+ "7月",
+ "8月",
+ "9月",
+ "10月",
+ "11月",
+ "12月",
+ }
+ narrow{
+ "1",
+ "2",
+ "3",
+ "4",
+ "5",
+ "6",
+ "7",
+ "8",
+ "9",
+ "10",
+ "11",
+ "12",
+ }
+ wide{
+ "一月",
+ "二月",
+ "三月",
+ "四月",
+ "五月",
+ "六月",
+ "七月",
+ "八月",
+ "九月",
+ "十月",
+ "十一月",
+ "十二月",
+ }
+ }
+ stand-alone{
+ abbreviated{
+ "1月",
+ "2月",
+ "3月",
+ "4月",
+ "5月",
+ "6月",
+ "7月",
+ "8月",
+ "9月",
+ "10月",
+ "11月",
+ "12月",
+ }
+ narrow{
+ "1",
+ "2",
+ "3",
+ "4",
+ "5",
+ "6",
+ "7",
+ "8",
+ "9",
+ "10",
+ "11",
+ "12",
+ }
+ wide{
+ "一月",
+ "二月",
+ "三月",
+ "四月",
+ "五月",
+ "六月",
+ "七月",
+ "八月",
+ "九月",
+ "十月",
+ "十一月",
+ "十二月",
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ roc{
+ DateTimePatterns{
+ "zzzz ah:mm:ss",
+ "z ah:mm:ss",
+ "ah:mm:ss",
+ "ah:mm",
+ "Gy年M月d日 EEEE",
+ "Gy年M月d日",
+ "Gy年M月d日",
+ "Gyy/M/d",
+ "{1} {0}",
+ "{1} {0}",
+ "{1} {0}",
+ "{1} {0}",
+ "{1} {0}",
+ }
+ availableFormats{
+ E{"ccc"}
+ Ed{"d日E"}
+ Gy{"Gy年"}
+ GyMMM{"Gy年M月"}
+ GyMMMEd{"Gy年M月d日 E"}
+ GyMMMd{"Gy年M月d日"}
+ M{"M月"}
+ MEd{"M/dE"}
+ MMM{"LLL"}
+ MMMEd{"M月d日 E"}
+ MMMMd{"M月d日"}
+ MMMd{"M月d日"}
+ Md{"M/d"}
+ d{"d日"}
+ y{"Gy年"}
+ yyyy{"Gy年"}
+ yyyyM{"Gy年M月"}
+ yyyyMEd{"Gy/M/dE"}
+ yyyyMMM{"Gy年M月"}
+ yyyyMMMEd{"Gy年M月d日 E"}
+ yyyyMMMM{"Gy年M月"}
+ yyyyMMMd{"Gy年M月d日"}
+ yyyyMd{"Gy/M/d"}
+ yyyyQQQ{"Gy年第Q季度"}
+ yyyyQQQQ{"Gy年第Q季度"}
+ }
+ eras{
+ abbreviated{
+ "民国前",
+ "民国",
+ }
+ narrow{
+ "民国前",
+ "民国",
+ }
+ wide{
+ "民国前",
+ "民国",
+ }
+ }
+ intervalFormats{
+ H{
+ H{"HH–HH"}
+ }
+ Hm{
+ H{"HH:mm–HH:mm"}
+ m{"HH:mm–HH:mm"}
+ }
+ Hmv{
+ H{"v HH:mm – HH:mm"}
+ m{"v HH:mm – HH:mm"}
+ }
+ Hv{
+ H{"HH–HH v"}
+ }
+ M{
+ M{"M–M月"}
+ }
+ MEd{
+ M{"M/dE至M/dE"}
+ d{"M/dE至M/dE"}
+ }
+ MMM{
+ M{"MMM – MMM"}
+ }
+ MMMEd{
+ M{"M月d日E至M月d日E"}
+ d{"M月d日E至d日E"}
+ }
+ MMMd{
+ M{"M月d日至M月d日"}
+ d{"M月d日至d日"}
+ }
+ Md{
+ M{"M/d – M/d"}
+ d{"M/d – M/d"}
+ }
+ d{
+ d{"d至d日"}
+ }
+ fallback{"{0} – {1}"}
+ h{
+ a{"ah时至ah时"}
+ h{"ah时至h时"}
+ }
+ hm{
+ a{"ah:mm至ah:mm"}
+ h{"ah:mm至h:mm"}
+ m{"ah:mm至h:mm"}
+ }
+ hmv{
+ a{"vah:mm至ah:mm"}
+ h{"vah:mm至h:mm"}
+ m{"vah:mm至h:mm"}
+ }
+ hv{
+ a{"vah时至ah时"}
+ h{"vah时至h时"}
+ }
+ y{
+ y{"Gy–y年"}
+ }
+ yM{
+ M{"Gy年M月至M月"}
+ y{"Gy年M月至y年M月"}
+ }
+ yMEd{
+ M{"Gy/M/dE至y/M/dE"}
+ d{"Gy/M/dE至y/M/dE"}
+ y{"Gy/M/dE至y/M/dE"}
+ }
+ yMMM{
+ M{"Gy年M月至M月"}
+ y{"Gy年M月至y年M月"}
+ }
+ yMMMEd{
+ M{"Gy年M月d日E至M月d日E"}
+ d{"Gy年M月d日E至d日E"}
+ y{"Gy年M月d日E至y年M月d日E"}
+ }
+ yMMMM{
+ M{"Gy年M月至M月"}
+ y{"Gy年M月至y年M月"}
+ }
+ yMMMd{
+ M{"Gy年M月d日至M月d日"}
+ d{"Gy年M月d日至d日"}
+ y{"Gy年M月d日至y年M月d日"}
+ }
+ yMd{
+ M{"Gy/M/d – y/M/d"}
+ d{"Gy/M/d – y/M/d"}
+ y{"Gy/M/d – y/M/d"}
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ characterLabel{
+ activities{"行为"}
+ african_scripts{"非洲文字"}
+ american_scripts{"美洲文字"}
+ animal{"动物"}
+ animals_nature{"动物与自然"}
+ arrows{"箭头"}
+ body{"身体"}
+ box_drawing{"方框"}
+ braille{"盲文"}
+ building{"建筑"}
+ bullets_stars{"项目符号/星形"}
+ consonantal_jamo{"谚文辅音字母"}
+ currency_symbols{"货币符号"}
+ dash_connector{"破折号/连接号"}
+ digits{"数字"}
+ dingbats{"装饰符号"}
+ divination_symbols{"八卦符号"}
+ downwards_arrows{"向下箭头"}
+ downwards_upwards_arrows{"上下箭头"}
+ east_asian_scripts{"东亚文字"}
+ emoji{"表情符号"}
+ european_scripts{"欧洲文字"}
+ female{"女"}
+ flag{"旗"}
+ flags{"旗帜"}
+ food_drink{"饮食"}
+ format{"格式"}
+ format_whitespace{"格式与空白"}
+ full_width_form_variant{"全角变体"}
+ geometric_shapes{"几何图形"}
+ half_width_form_variant{"半角变体"}
+ han_characters{"汉字"}
+ han_radicals{"汉字部首"}
+ hanja{"朝鲜汉字"}
+ hanzi_simplified{"简体字"}
+ hanzi_traditional{"繁体字"}
+ heart{"心"}
+ historic_scripts{"古代文字"}
+ ideographic_desc_characters{"表意文字描述符"}
+ japanese_kana{"日语假名"}
+ kanbun{"汉文训读"}
+ kanji{"日文汉字"}
+ keycap{"按键"}
+ leftwards_arrows{"向左箭头"}
+ leftwards_rightwards_arrows{"左右箭头"}
+ letterlike_symbols{"类字母符号"}
+ limited_use{"限制使用"}
+ male{"男"}
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+ middle_eastern_scripts{"中东文字"}
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+ modern_scripts{"现代文字"}
+ modifier{"修饰符"}
+ musical_symbols{"音乐符号"}
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+ objects{"物体"}
+ other{"其它"}
+ paired{"成对"}
+ person{"人物"}
+ phonetic_alphabet{"音标"}
+ pictographs{"象形文字"}
+ place{"地点"}
+ plant{"植物"}
+ punctuation{"标点符号"}
+ rightwards_arrows{"向右箭头"}
+ sign_standard_symbols{"标志/标准符号"}
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+ smileys_people{"笑脸与人"}
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+ southeast_asian_scripts{"东南亚文字"}
+ spacing{"间距"}
+ sport{"运动"}
+ symbols{"符号"}
+ technical_symbols{"技术符号"}
+ tone_marks{"声调标记"}
+ travel{"出行"}
+ travel_places{"出行与地点"}
+ upwards_arrows{"向上箭头"}
+ variant_forms{"变体形式"}
+ vocalic_jamo{"谚文元音符号"}
+ weather{"天气"}
+ western_asian_scripts{"西亚文字"}
+ whitespace{"空白区"}
+ }
+ delimiters{
+ alternateQuotationEnd{"’"}
+ alternateQuotationStart{"‘"}
+ quotationEnd{"”"}
+ quotationStart{"“"}
+ }
+ fields{
+ day{
+ dn{"日"}
+ relative{
+ "-1"{"昨天"}
+ "-2"{"前天"}
+ "0"{"今天"}
+ "1"{"明天"}
+ "2"{"后天"}
+ }
+ relativeTime{
+ future{
+ other{"{0}天后"}
+ }
+ past{
+ other{"{0}天前"}
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ day-narrow{
+ dn{"日"}
+ relative{
+ "-1"{"昨天"}
+ "-2"{"前天"}
+ "0"{"今天"}
+ "1"{"明天"}
+ "2"{"后天"}
+ }
+ relativeTime{
+ future{
+ other{"{0}天后"}
+ }
+ past{
+ other{"{0}天前"}
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ day-short{
+ dn{"日"}
+ relative{
+ "-1"{"昨天"}
+ "-2"{"前天"}
+ "0"{"今天"}
+ "1"{"明天"}
+ "2"{"后天"}
+ }
+ relativeTime{
+ future{
+ other{"{0}天后"}
+ }
+ past{
+ other{"{0}天前"}
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ dayOfYear{
+ dn{"年中日"}
+ }
+ dayOfYear-narrow{
+ dn{"年中日"}
+ }
+ dayOfYear-short{
+ dn{"年中日"}
+ }
+ dayperiod{
+ dn{"上午/下午"}
+ }
+ dayperiod-narrow{
+ dn{"上午/下午"}
+ }
+ dayperiod-short{
+ dn{"上午/下午"}
+ }
+ era{
+ dn{"纪元"}
+ }
+ era-narrow{
+ dn{"纪元"}
+ }
+ era-short{
+ dn{"纪元"}
+ }
+ fri{
+ relative{
+ "-1"{"上周五"}
+ "0"{"本周五"}
+ "1"{"下周五"}
+ }
+ relativeTime{
+ future{
+ other{"{0}个周五后"}
+ }
+ past{
+ other{"{0}个周五前"}
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ fri-narrow{
+ relative{
+ "-1"{"上周五"}
+ "0"{"本周五"}
+ "1"{"下周五"}
+ }
+ relativeTime{
+ future{
+ other{"{0}个周五后"}
+ }
+ past{
+ other{"{0}个周五前"}
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ fri-short{
+ relative{
+ "-1"{"上周五"}
+ "0"{"本周五"}
+ "1"{"下周五"}
+ }
+ relativeTime{
+ future{
+ other{"{0}个周五后"}
+ }
+ past{
+ other{"{0}个周五前"}
- persian{
- eras{
- abbreviated{
- "波斯历",
+ hour{
+ dn{"小时"}
+ relative{
+ "0"{"这一时间 / 此时"}
+ }
+ relativeTime{
+ future{
+ other{"{0}小时后"}
+ }
+ past{
+ other{"{0}小时前"}
- monthNames{
- format{
- abbreviated{
- "1月",
- "2月",
- "3月",
- "4月",
- "5月",
- "6月",
- "7月",
- "8月",
- "9月",
- "10月",
- "11月",
- "12月",
- }
- narrow{
- "1",
- "2",
- "3",
- "4",
- "5",
- "6",
- "7",
- "8",
- "9",
- "10",
- "11",
- "12",
- }
- wide{
- "一月",
- "二月",
- "三月",
- "四月",
- "五月",
- "六月",
- "七月",
- "八月",
- "九月",
- "十月",
- "十一月",
- "十二月",
- }
+ }
+ hour-narrow{
+ dn{"小时"}
+ relative{
+ "0"{"这一时间 / 此时"}
+ }
+ relativeTime{
+ future{
+ other{"{0}小时后"}
- stand-alone{
- abbreviated{
- "1月",
- "2月",
- "3月",
- "4月",
- "5月",
- "6月",
- "7月",
- "8月",
- "9月",
- "10月",
- "11月",
- "12月",
- }
- narrow{
- "1",
- "2",
- "3",
- "4",
- "5",
- "6",
- "7",
- "8",
- "9",
- "10",
- "11",
- "12",
- }
- wide{
- "一月",
- "二月",
- "三月",
- "四月",
- "五月",
- "六月",
- "七月",
- "八月",
- "九月",
- "十月",
- "十一月",
- "十二月",
- }
+ past{
+ other{"{0}小时前"}
- roc{
- DateTimePatterns{
- "zzzzah:mm:ss",
- "zah:mm:ss",
- "ah:mm:ss",
- "ah:mm",
- "Gy年M月d日 EEEE",
- "Gy年M月d日",
- "Gy年M月d日",
- "Gyy/M/d",
- "{1} {0}",
- "{1} {0}",
- "{1} {0}",
- "{1} {0}",
- "{1} {0}",
+ hour-short{
+ dn{"小时"}
+ relative{
+ "0"{"这一时间 / 此时"}
- availableFormats{
- Ed{"d日E"}
- Gy{"Gy年"}
- GyMMM{"Gy年M月"}
- GyMMMEd{"Gy年M月d日 E"}
- GyMMMd{"Gy年M月d日"}
- M{"M月"}
- MEd{"M/dE"}
- MMM{"LLL"}
- MMMEd{"M月d日 E"}
- MMMd{"M月d日"}
- Md{"M/d"}
- d{"d日"}
- y{"Gy年"}
- yyyy{"Gy年"}
- yyyyM{"Gy年M月"}
- yyyyMEd{"Gy/M/dE"}
- yyyyMMM{"Gy年M月"}
- yyyyMMMEd{"Gy年M月d日 E"}
- yyyyMMMM{"Gy年M月"}
- yyyyMMMd{"Gy年M月d日"}
- yyyyMd{"Gy/M/d"}
- yyyyQQQ{"Gy年第Q季度"}
- yyyyQQQQ{"Gy年第Q季度"}
+ relativeTime{
+ future{
+ other{"{0}小时后"}
+ }
+ past{
+ other{"{0}小时前"}
+ }
- eras{
- abbreviated{
- "民国前",
- "民国",
+ }
+ minute{
+ dn{"分钟"}
+ relative{
+ "0"{"此刻"}
+ }
+ relativeTime{
+ future{
+ other{"{0}分钟后"}
+ }
+ past{
+ other{"{0}分钟前"}
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ minute-narrow{
+ dn{"分"}
+ relative{
+ "0"{"此刻"}
+ }
+ relativeTime{
+ future{
+ other{"{0}分钟后"}
+ }
+ past{
+ other{"{0}分钟前"}
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ minute-short{
+ dn{"分"}
+ relative{
+ "0"{"此刻"}
+ }
+ relativeTime{
+ future{
+ other{"{0}分钟后"}
+ }
+ past{
+ other{"{0}分钟前"}
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ mon{
+ relative{
+ "-1"{"上周一"}
+ "0"{"本周一"}
+ "1"{"下周一"}
+ }
+ relativeTime{
+ future{
+ other{"{0}个周一后"}
+ }
+ past{
+ other{"{0}个周一前"}
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ mon-narrow{
+ relative{
+ "-1"{"上周一"}
+ "0"{"本周一"}
+ "1"{"下周一"}
+ }
+ relativeTime{
+ future{
+ other{"{0}个周一后"}
+ }
+ past{
+ other{"{0}个周一前"}
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ mon-short{
+ relative{
+ "-1"{"上周一"}
+ "0"{"本周一"}
+ "1"{"下周一"}
+ }
+ relativeTime{
+ future{
+ other{"{0}个周一后"}
+ }
+ past{
+ other{"{0}个周一前"}
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ month{
+ dn{"月"}
+ relative{
+ "-1"{"上个月"}
+ "0"{"本月"}
+ "1"{"下个月"}
+ }
+ relativeTime{
+ future{
+ other{"{0}个月后"}
+ }
+ past{
+ other{"{0}个月前"}
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ month-narrow{
+ dn{"月"}
+ relative{
+ "-1"{"上个月"}
+ "0"{"本月"}
+ "1"{"下个月"}
+ }
+ relativeTime{
+ future{
+ other{"{0}个月后"}
+ }
+ past{
+ other{"{0}个月前"}
- }
- delimiters{
- alternateQuotationEnd{"’"}
- alternateQuotationStart{"‘"}
- quotationEnd{"”"}
- quotationStart{"“"}
- }
- durationUnits{
- hm{"h:mm"}
- hms{"h:mm:ss"}
- ms{"m:ss"}
- }
- fields{
- day{
- dn{"日"}
+ month-short{
+ dn{"月"}
- "-1"{"昨天"}
- "-2"{"前天"}
- "0"{"今天"}
- "1"{"明天"}
- "2"{"后天"}
+ "-1"{"上个月"}
+ "0"{"本月"}
+ "1"{"下个月"}
- other{"{0}天后"}
+ other{"{0}个月后"}
- other{"{0}天前"}
+ other{"{0}个月前"}
- dayperiod{
- dn{"上午/下午"}
- }
- era{
- dn{"纪元"}
- }
- fri{
+ quarter{
+ dn{"季度"}
- "-1"{"上周五"}
- "0"{"本周五"}
- "1"{"下周五"}
+ "-1"{"上季度"}
+ "0"{"本季度"}
+ "1"{"下季度"}
+ }
+ relativeTime{
+ future{
+ other{"{0}个季度后"}
+ }
+ past{
+ other{"{0}个季度前"}
+ }
- hour{
- dn{"小时"}
+ quarter-narrow{
+ dn{"季"}
+ relative{
+ "-1"{"上季度"}
+ "0"{"本季度"}
+ "1"{"下季度"}
+ }
- other{"{0}小时后"}
+ other{"{0}个季度后"}
- other{"{0}小时前"}
+ other{"{0}个季度前"}
- minute{
- dn{"分钟"}
+ quarter-short{
+ dn{"季"}
+ relative{
+ "-1"{"上季度"}
+ "0"{"本季度"}
+ "1"{"下季度"}
+ }
- other{"{0}分钟后"}
+ other{"{0}个季度后"}
- other{"{0}分钟前"}
+ other{"{0}个季度前"}
- mon{
+ sat{
- "-1"{"上周一"}
- "0"{"本周一"}
- "1"{"下周一"}
+ "-1"{"上周六"}
+ "0"{"本周六"}
+ "1"{"下周六"}
+ }
+ relativeTime{
+ future{
+ other{"{0}个周六后"}
+ }
+ past{
+ other{"{0}个周六前"}
+ }
- month{
- dn{"月"}
+ sat-narrow{
- "-1"{"上个月"}
- "0"{"本月"}
- "1"{"下个月"}
+ "-1"{"上周六"}
+ "0"{"本周六"}
+ "1"{"下周六"}
- other{"{0}个月后"}
+ other{"{0}个周六后"}
- other{"{0}个月前"}
+ other{"{0}个周六前"}
- sat{
+ sat-short{
+ relativeTime{
+ future{
+ other{"{0}个周六后"}
+ }
+ past{
+ other{"{0}个周六前"}
+ }
+ }
- dn{"秒钟"}
+ dn{"秒"}
+ second-narrow{
+ dn{"秒"}
+ relative{
+ "0"{"现在"}
+ }
+ relativeTime{
+ future{
+ other{"{0}秒后"}
+ }
+ past{
+ other{"{0}秒前"}
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ second-short{
+ dn{"秒"}
+ relative{
+ "0"{"现在"}
+ }
+ relativeTime{
+ future{
+ other{"{0}秒后"}
+ }
+ past{
+ other{"{0}秒前"}
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ relativeTime{
+ future{
+ other{"{0}个周日后"}
+ }
+ past{
+ other{"{0}个周日前"}
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ sun-narrow{
+ relative{
+ "-1"{"上周日"}
+ "0"{"本周日"}
+ "1"{"下周日"}
+ }
+ relativeTime{
+ future{
+ other{"{0}个周日后"}
+ }
+ past{
+ other{"{0}个周日前"}
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ sun-short{
+ relative{
+ "-1"{"上周日"}
+ "0"{"本周日"}
+ "1"{"下周日"}
+ }
+ relativeTime{
+ future{
+ other{"{0}个周日后"}
+ }
+ past{
+ other{"{0}个周日前"}
+ }
+ }
+ relativeTime{
+ future{
+ other{"{0}个周四后"}
+ }
+ past{
+ other{"{0}个周四前"}
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ thu-narrow{
+ relative{
+ "-1"{"上周四"}
+ "0"{"本周四"}
+ "1"{"下周四"}
+ }
+ relativeTime{
+ future{
+ other{"{0}个周四后"}
+ }
+ past{
+ other{"{0}个周四前"}
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ thu-short{
+ relative{
+ "-1"{"上周四"}
+ "0"{"本周四"}
+ "1"{"下周四"}
+ }
+ relativeTime{
+ future{
+ other{"{0}个周四后"}
+ }
+ past{
+ other{"{0}个周四前"}
+ }
+ }
+ relativeTime{
+ future{
+ other{"{0}个周二后"}
+ }
+ past{
+ other{"{0}个周二前"}
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ tue-narrow{
+ relative{
+ "-1"{"上周二"}
+ "0"{"本周二"}
+ "1"{"下周二"}
+ }
+ relativeTime{
+ future{
+ other{"{0}个周二后"}
+ }
+ past{
+ other{"{0}个周二前"}
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ tue-short{
+ relative{
+ "-1"{"上周二"}
+ "0"{"本周二"}
+ "1"{"下周二"}
+ }
+ relativeTime{
+ future{
+ other{"{0}个周二后"}
+ }
+ past{
+ other{"{0}个周二前"}
+ }
+ }
+ relativeTime{
+ future{
+ other{"{0}个周三后"}
+ }
+ past{
+ other{"{0}个周三前"}
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ wed-narrow{
+ relative{
+ "-1"{"上周三"}
+ "0"{"本周三"}
+ "1"{"下周三"}
+ }
+ relativeTime{
+ future{
+ other{"{0}个周三后"}
+ }
+ past{
+ other{"{0}个周三前"}
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ wed-short{
+ relative{
+ "-1"{"上周三"}
+ "0"{"本周三"}
+ "1"{"下周三"}
+ }
+ relativeTime{
+ future{
+ other{"{0}个周三后"}
+ }
+ past{
+ other{"{0}个周三前"}
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ week{
+ dn{"周"}
+ relative{
+ "-1"{"上周"}
+ "0"{"本周"}
+ "1"{"下周"}
+ }
+ relativePeriod{"{0}这周"}
+ relativeTime{
+ future{
+ other{"{0}周后"}
+ }
+ past{
+ other{"{0}周前"}
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ week-narrow{
+ dn{"周"}
+ relative{
+ "-1"{"上周"}
+ "0"{"本周"}
+ "1"{"下周"}
+ }
+ relativePeriod{"{0}这周"}
+ relativeTime{
+ future{
+ other{"{0}周后"}
+ }
+ past{
+ other{"{0}周前"}
+ }
+ }
- week{
+ week-short{
+ relativePeriod{"{0}这周"}
+ weekOfMonth{
+ dn{"月中周"}
+ }
+ weekOfMonth-narrow{
+ dn{"月中周"}
+ }
+ weekOfMonth-short{
+ dn{"月中周"}
+ }
- dn{"星期"}
+ dn{"工作日"}
+ }
+ weekday-narrow{
+ dn{"工作日"}
+ }
+ weekday-short{
+ dn{"工作日"}
+ }
+ weekdayOfMonth{
+ dn{"月中日"}
+ }
+ weekdayOfMonth-narrow{
+ dn{"月中日"}
+ }
+ weekdayOfMonth-short{
+ dn{"月中日"}
+ year-narrow{
+ dn{"年"}
+ relative{
+ "-1"{"去年"}
+ "0"{"今年"}
+ "1"{"明年"}
+ }
+ relativeTime{
+ future{
+ other{"{0}年后"}
+ }
+ past{
+ other{"{0}年前"}
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ year-short{
+ dn{"年"}
+ relative{
+ "-1"{"去年"}
+ "0"{"今年"}
+ "1"{"明年"}
+ }
+ relativeTime{
+ future{
+ other{"{0}年后"}
+ }
+ past{
+ other{"{0}年前"}
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ zone-narrow{
+ dn{"时区"}
+ }
+ zone-short{
+ dn{"时区"}
+ }
+ or{
+ 2{"{0}或{1}"}
+ end{"{0}或{1}"}
+ middle{"{0}、{1}"}
+ start{"{0}、{1}"}
+ }
+ standard-short{
+ 2{"{0}和{1}"}
+ end{"{0}和{1}"}
+ middle{"{0}、{1}"}
+ start{"{0}、{1}"}
+ }
+ unit-narrow{
+ 2{"{0}{1}"}
+ end{"{0}{1}"}
+ middle{"{0}{1}"}
+ start{"{0}{1}"}
+ }
- transformNames{
- BGN{"美国地名委员会 (BGN)"}
- Numeric{"数字"}
- Tone{"音调"}
- UNGEGN{"联合国地名专家组 (UNGEGN)"}
- x-Accents{"重音符号"}
- x-Fullwidth{"全角"}
- x-Halfwidth{"半角"}
- x-Jamo{"韩文字母"}
- x-Pinyin{"拼音"}
- x-Publishing{"印刷体"}
- }
- units{
- acceleration{
- g-force{
- other{"{0}G力"}
- }
- }
- angle{
- arc-minute{
- other{"{0}分钟"}
- }
- arc-second{
- other{"{0}秒钟"}
- }
- degree{
- other{"{0}度"}
- }
- }
- area{
- acre{
- other{"{0}英亩"}
- }
- hectare{
- other{"{0}公顷"}
- }
- square-foot{
- other{"{0}平方英尺"}
- }
- square-kilometer{
- other{"{0}平方公里"}
- }
- square-meter{
- other{"{0}平方米"}
- }
- square-mile{
- other{"{0}平方英里"}
- }
- }
- compound{
- per{"{0}每{1}"}
- }
- duration{
- day{
- other{"{0}天"}
- }
- hour{
- other{"{0}小时"}
- }
- millisecond{
- other{"{0}毫秒"}
- }
- minute{
- other{"{0}分钟"}
- }
- month{
- other{"{0}个月"}
- }
- second{
- other{"{0}秒钟"}
- }
- week{
- other{"{0}周"}
- }
- year{
- other{"{0}年"}
- }
- }
- energy{
- calorie{
- other{"{0} 卡路里"}
- }
- foodcalorie{
- other{"{0} 卡路里"}
- }
- joule{
- other{"{0} 焦耳"}
- }
- kilocalorie{
- other{"{0} 千卡路里"}
- }
- kilojoule{
- other{"{0} 千焦耳"}
- }
- }
- length{
- centimeter{
- other{"{0}厘米"}
- }
- foot{
- other{"{0}英尺"}
- }
- inch{
- other{"{0}英寸"}
- }
- kilometer{
- other{"{0}公里"}
- }
- light-year{
- other{"{0}光年"}
- }
- meter{
- other{"{0}米"}
- }
- mile{
- other{"{0}英里"}
- }
- millimeter{
- other{"{0}毫米"}
- }
- picometer{
- other{"{0}皮米"}
- }
- yard{
- other{"{0}码"}
- }
- }
- mass{
- gram{
- other{"{0}克"}
- }
- kilogram{
- other{"{0}千克"}
- }
- ounce{
- other{"{0}盎司"}
- }
- pound{
- other{"{0}磅"}
- }
- }
- power{
- horsepower{
- other{"{0}马力"}
- }
- kilowatt{
- other{"{0}千瓦"}
- }
- watt{
- other{"{0}瓦特"}
- }
- }
- pressure{
- hectopascal{
- other{"{0}百帕斯卡"}
- }
- inch-hg{
- other{"{0}英寸汞柱"}
- }
- millibar{
- other{"{0}毫巴"}
- }
- }
- speed{
- kilometer-per-hour{
- other{"{0}千米每小时"}
- }
- meter-per-second{
- other{"{0}米每秒"}
- }
- mile-per-hour{
- other{"{0}英里每小时"}
- }
- }
- temperature{
- celsius{
- other{"{0}摄氏度"}
- }
- fahrenheit{
- other{"{0}华氏度"}
- }
- }
- volume{
- cubic-kilometer{
- other{"{0}立方公里"}
- }
- cubic-mile{
- other{"{0}立方英里"}
- }
- liter{
- other{"{0}公升"}
- }
- }
- }
- unitsNarrow{
- acceleration{
- g-force{
- other{"{0}G"}
- }
- }
- angle{
- arc-minute{
- other{"{0}′"}
- }
- arc-second{
- other{"{0}″"}
- }
- degree{
- other{"{0}°"}
- }
- }
- area{
- acre{
- other{"{0}ac"}
- }
- hectare{
- other{"{0}ha"}
- }
- square-foot{
- other{"{0}ft²"}
- }
- square-kilometer{
- other{"{0}km²"}
- }
- square-meter{
- other{"{0}m²"}
- }
- square-mile{
- other{"{0}mi²"}
- }
- }
- compound{
- per{"{0}/{1}"}
- }
- duration{
- day{
- other{"{0}天"}
- }
- hour{
- other{"{0}小时"}
- }
- millisecond{
- other{"{0}毫秒"}
- }
- minute{
- other{"{0}分钟"}
- }
- month{
- other{"{0}个月"}
- }
- second{
- other{"{0}秒"}
- }
- week{
- other{"{0}周"}
- }
- year{
- other{"{0}年"}
- }
- }
- energy{
- calorie{
- other{"{0}卡"}
- }
- foodcalorie{
- other{"{0}卡"}
- }
- joule{
- other{"{0}焦"}
- }
- kilocalorie{
- other{"{0}千卡"}
- }
- kilojoule{
- other{"{0}千焦"}
- }
- }
- length{
- centimeter{
- other{"{0}cm"}
- }
- foot{
- other{"{0}′"}
- }
- inch{
- other{"{0}″"}
- }
- kilometer{
- other{"{0}km"}
- }
- light-year{
- other{"{0}ly"}
- }
- meter{
- other{"{0}m"}
- }
- mile{
- other{"{0}mi"}
- }
- millimeter{
- other{"{0}mm"}
- }
- picometer{
- other{"{0}pm"}
- }
- yard{
- other{"{0}yd"}
- }
- }
- mass{
- gram{
- other{"{0}克"}
- }
- kilogram{
- other{"{0}千克"}
- }
- ounce{
- other{"{0}盎司"}
- }
- pound{
- other{"{0}磅"}
- }
- }
- power{
- horsepower{
- other{"{0}hp"}
- }
- kilowatt{
- other{"{0}kW"}
- }
- watt{
- other{"{0}W"}
- }
- }
- pressure{
- hectopascal{
- other{"{0}hPa"}
- }
- inch-hg{
- other{"{0}\u0022 Hg"}
- }
- millibar{
- other{"{0}mb"}
- }
- }
- speed{
- kilometer-per-hour{
- other{"{0}km/h"}
- }
- meter-per-second{
- other{"{0}m/s"}
- }
- mile-per-hour{
- other{"{0}mi/h"}
- }
- }
- temperature{
- celsius{
- other{"{0}°"}
- }
- fahrenheit{
- other{"{0}°F"}
- }
- }
- volume{
- cubic-kilometer{
- other{"{0}km³"}
- }
- cubic-mile{
- other{"{0}mi³"}
- }
- liter{
- other{"{0}l"}
- }
- }
- }
- unitsShort{
- acceleration{
- g-force{
- other{"{0} G"}
- }
- }
- angle{
- arc-minute{
- other{"{0}分"}
- }
- arc-second{
- other{"{0}秒"}
- }
- degree{
- other{"{0}°"}
- }
- }
- area{
- acre{
- other{"{0} ac"}
- }
- hectare{
- other{"{0} ha"}
- }
- square-foot{
- other{"{0} ft²"}
- }
- square-kilometer{
- other{"{0} km²"}
- }
- square-meter{
- other{"{0} m²"}
- }
- square-mile{
- other{"{0} mi²"}
- }
- }
- compound{
- per{"{0}/{1}"}
- }
- duration{
- day{
- other{"{0}天"}
- }
- hour{
- other{"{0}小时"}
- }
- millisecond{
- other{"{0}毫秒"}
- }
- minute{
- other{"{0}分钟"}
- }
- month{
- other{"{0}个月"}
- }
- second{
- other{"{0}秒"}
- }
- week{
- other{"{0}周"}
- }
- year{
- other{"{0}年"}
- }
- }
- energy{
- calorie{
- other{"{0} 卡"}
- }
- foodcalorie{
- other{"{0} 卡"}
- }
- joule{
- other{"{0} 焦"}
- }
- kilocalorie{
- other{"{0} 千卡"}
- }
- kilojoule{
- other{"{0} 千焦"}
- }
- }
- length{
- centimeter{
- other{"{0} cm"}
- }
- foot{
- other{"{0} ft"}
- }
- inch{
- other{"{0} in"}
- }
- kilometer{
- other{"{0} km"}
- }
- light-year{
- other{"{0} ly"}
- }
- meter{
- other{"{0} m"}
- }
- mile{
- other{"{0} mi"}
- }
- millimeter{
- other{"{0} mm"}
- }
- picometer{
- other{"{0} pm"}
- }
- yard{
- other{"{0} yd"}
- }
- }
- mass{
- gram{
- other{"{0}克"}
- }
- kilogram{
- other{"{0}千克"}
- }
- ounce{
- other{"{0}盎司"}
- }
- pound{
- other{"{0}磅"}
- }
- }
- power{
- horsepower{
- other{"{0} hp"}
- }
- kilowatt{
- other{"{0} kW"}
- }
- watt{
- other{"{0}瓦"}
- }
- }
- pressure{
- hectopascal{
- other{"{0} hPa"}
- }
- inch-hg{
- other{"{0} inHg"}
- }
- millibar{
- other{"{0} mb"}
- }
- }
- speed{
- kilometer-per-hour{
- other{"{0}千米/小时"}
- }
- meter-per-second{
- other{"{0}米/秒"}
- }
- mile-per-hour{
- other{"{0}英里/小时"}
- }
- }
- temperature{
- celsius{
- other{"{0}°C"}
- }
- fahrenheit{
- other{"{0}°F"}
- }
- }
- volume{
- cubic-kilometer{
- other{"{0} km³"}
- }
- cubic-mile{
- other{"{0} mi³"}
- }
- liter{
- other{"{0}升"}
- }
- }
- }