+// Test for ticket #10673, race in cache code in AnyTransliterator.
+// It's difficult to make the original unsafe code actually fail, but
+// this test will fairly reliably take the code path for races in
+// populating the cache.
+class TxThread: public SimpleThread {
+ private:
+ Transliterator *fSharedTranslit;
+ public:
+ UBool fSuccess;
+ TxThread(Transliterator *tx) : fSharedTranslit(tx), fSuccess(FALSE) {};
+ ~TxThread();
+ void run();
+TxThread::~TxThread() {}
+void TxThread::run() {
+ UnicodeString greekString("\\u03B4\\u03B9\\u03B1\\u03C6\\u03BF\\u03C1\\u03B5\\u03C4\\u03B9\\u03BA\\u03BF\\u03CD\\u03C2");
+ greekString = greekString.unescape();
+ fSharedTranslit->transliterate(greekString);
+ fSuccess = greekString[0] == 0x64; // 'd'. The whole transliterated string is "diaphoretikous" (accented u).
+void MultithreadTest::TestAnyTranslit() {
+ UErrorCode status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
+ LocalPointer<Transliterator> tx(Transliterator::createInstance("Any-Latin", UTRANS_FORWARD, status));
+ if (U_FAILURE(status)) {
+ dataerrln("File %s, Line %d: Error, status = %s", __FILE__, __LINE__, u_errorName(status));
+ return;
+ }
+ TxThread * threads[4];
+ int32_t i;
+ for (i=0; i<4; i++) {
+ threads[i] = new TxThread(tx.getAlias());
+ }
+ for (i=0; i<4; i++) {
+ threads[i]->start();
+ }
+ int32_t patience = 100;
+ UBool success;
+ UBool someThreadRunning;
+ do {
+ someThreadRunning = FALSE;
+ success = TRUE;
+ for (i=0; i<4; i++) {
+ if (threads[i]->isRunning()) {
+ someThreadRunning = TRUE;
+ SimpleThread::sleep(10);
+ break;
+ } else {
+ if (threads[i]->fSuccess == FALSE) {
+ success = FALSE;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ } while (someThreadRunning && --patience > 0);
+ if (patience <= 0) {
+ errln("File %s, Line %d: Error, one or more threads did not complete.", __FILE__, __LINE__);
+ }
+ if (success == FALSE) {
+ errln("File %s, Line %d: Error, transliteration result incorrect.", __FILE__, __LINE__);
+ }
+ for (i=0; i<4; i++) {
+ delete threads[i];
+ }
+// Condition Variables Test
+// Create a swarm of threads.
+// Using a mutex and a condition variables each thread
+// Increments a global count of started threads.
+// Broadcasts that it has started.
+// Waits on the condition that all threads have started.
+// Increments a global count of finished threads.
+// Waits on the condition that all threads have finished.
+// Exits.
+class CondThread: public SimpleThread {
+ public:
+ CondThread() :fFinished(false) {};
+ ~CondThread() {};
+ void run();
+ bool fFinished;
+static UMutex gCTMutex = U_MUTEX_INITIALIZER;
+static UConditionVar gCTConditionVar = U_CONDITION_INITIALIZER;
+int gConditionTestOne = 1; // Value one. Non-const, extern linkage to inhibit
+ // compiler assuming a known value.
+int gStartedThreads;
+int gFinishedThreads;
+static const int NUMTHREADS = 10;
+static MultithreadTest *gThisTest = NULL; // Make test frame work functions available to
+ // non-member functions.
+// Worker thread function.
+void CondThread::run() {
+ umtx_lock(&gCTMutex);
+ gStartedThreads += gConditionTestOne;
+ umtx_condBroadcast(&gCTConditionVar);
+ while (gStartedThreads < NUMTHREADS) {
+ if (gFinishedThreads != 0) {
+ gThisTest->errln("File %s, Line %d: Error, gStartedThreads = %d, gFinishedThreads = %d",
+ __FILE__, __LINE__, gStartedThreads, gFinishedThreads);
+ }
+ umtx_condWait(&gCTConditionVar, &gCTMutex);
+ }
+ gFinishedThreads += gConditionTestOne;
+ fFinished = true;
+ umtx_condBroadcast(&gCTConditionVar);
+ while (gFinishedThreads < NUMTHREADS) {
+ umtx_condWait(&gCTConditionVar, &gCTMutex);
+ }
+ umtx_unlock(&gCTMutex);
+void MultithreadTest::TestConditionVariables() {
+ gThisTest = this;
+ gStartedThreads = 0;
+ gFinishedThreads = 0;
+ int i;
+ umtx_lock(&gCTMutex);
+ CondThread *threads[NUMTHREADS];
+ for (i=0; i<NUMTHREADS; ++i) {
+ threads[i] = new CondThread;
+ threads[i]->start();
+ }
+ while (gStartedThreads < NUMTHREADS) {
+ umtx_condWait(&gCTConditionVar, &gCTMutex);
+ }
+ while (gFinishedThreads < NUMTHREADS) {
+ umtx_condWait(&gCTConditionVar, &gCTMutex);
+ }
+ umtx_unlock(&gCTMutex);
+ for (i=0; i<NUMTHREADS; ++i) {
+ if (!threads[i]->fFinished) {
+ errln("File %s, Line %d: Error, threads[%d]->fFinished == false", __FILE__, __LINE__, i);
+ }
+ delete threads[i];
+ }
+static const char *gCacheLocales[] = {"en_US", "en_GB", "fr_FR", "fr"};
+static int32_t gObjectsCreated = 0;
+static const int32_t CACHE_LOAD = 3;
+class UCTMultiThreadItem : public SharedObject {
+ public:
+ char *value;
+ UCTMultiThreadItem(const char *x) : value(NULL) {
+ value = uprv_strdup(x);
+ }
+ virtual ~UCTMultiThreadItem() {
+ uprv_free(value);
+ }
+template<> U_EXPORT
+const UCTMultiThreadItem *LocaleCacheKey<UCTMultiThreadItem>::createObject(
+ const void * /*unused*/, UErrorCode & /* status */) const {
+ // Since multiple threads are hitting the cache for the first time,
+ // no objects should be created yet.
+ umtx_lock(&gCTMutex);
+ if (gObjectsCreated != 0) {
+ gThisTest->errln("Expected no objects to be created yet.");
+ }
+ umtx_unlock(&gCTMutex);
+ // Big, expensive object that takes 1 second to create.
+ SimpleThread::sleep(1000);
+ // Log that we created an object.
+ umtx_lock(&gCTMutex);
+ ++gObjectsCreated;
+ umtx_unlock(&gCTMutex);
+ UCTMultiThreadItem *result = new UCTMultiThreadItem(fLoc.getName());
+ result->addRef();
+ return result;
+class UnifiedCacheThread: public SimpleThread {
+ public:
+ UnifiedCacheThread(const char *loc) : fLoc(loc) {};
+ ~UnifiedCacheThread() {};
+ void run();
+ const char *fLoc;
+void UnifiedCacheThread::run() {
+ UErrorCode status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
+ const UnifiedCache *cache = UnifiedCache::getInstance(status);
+ U_ASSERT(status == U_ZERO_ERROR);
+ const UCTMultiThreadItem *item = NULL;
+ cache->get(LocaleCacheKey<UCTMultiThreadItem>(fLoc), item, status);
+ U_ASSERT(item != NULL);
+ if (uprv_strcmp(fLoc, item->value)) {
+ gThisTest->errln("Expected %s, got %s", fLoc, item->value);
+ }
+ item->removeRef();
+ // Mark this thread as finished
+ umtx_lock(&gCTMutex);
+ ++gFinishedThreads;
+ umtx_condBroadcast(&gCTConditionVar);
+ umtx_unlock(&gCTMutex);
+void MultithreadTest::TestUnifiedCache() {
+ UErrorCode status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
+ const UnifiedCache *cache = UnifiedCache::getInstance(status);
+ U_ASSERT(cache != NULL);
+ cache->flush();
+ gThisTest = this;
+ gFinishedThreads = 0;
+ gObjectsCreated = 0;
+ UnifiedCacheThread *threads[CACHE_LOAD][UPRV_LENGTHOF(gCacheLocales)];
+ for (int32_t i=0; i<CACHE_LOAD; ++i) {
+ for (int32_t j=0; j<UPRV_LENGTHOF(gCacheLocales); ++j) {
+ threads[i][j] = new UnifiedCacheThread(gCacheLocales[j]);
+ threads[i][j]->start();
+ }
+ }
+ // Wait on all the threads to complete verify that LENGTHOF(gCacheLocales)
+ // objects were created.
+ umtx_lock(&gCTMutex);
+ while (gFinishedThreads < CACHE_LOAD*UPRV_LENGTHOF(gCacheLocales)) {
+ umtx_condWait(&gCTConditionVar, &gCTMutex);
+ }
+ assertEquals("Objects created", UPRV_LENGTHOF(gCacheLocales), gObjectsCreated);
+ umtx_unlock(&gCTMutex);
+ // clean up threads
+ for (int32_t i=0; i<CACHE_LOAD; ++i) {
+ for (int32_t j=0; j<UPRV_LENGTHOF(gCacheLocales); ++j) {
+ delete threads[i][j];
+ }
+ }