-* Copyright (C) 1997-2012, International Business Machines
+* Copyright (C) 1997-2015, International Business Machines
* Corporation and others. All Rights Reserved.
class CharString;
+class DigitInterval;
// Export an explicit template instantiation of the MaybeStackHeaderAndArray that
// is used as a data member of DigitList.
* Round the number to the given number of digits.
* @param maximumDigits The maximum number of digits to be shown.
* Upon return, count will be less than or equal to maximumDigits.
+ * result is guaranteed to be trimmed.
void round(int32_t maximumDigits);
uint8_t getDigitValue(int32_t i);
+ /**
+ * Gets the upper bound exponent for this value. For 987, returns 3
+ * because 10^3 is the smallest power of 10 that is just greater than
+ * 987.
+ */
+ int32_t getUpperExponent() const;
+ /**
+ * Gets the lower bound exponent for this value. For 98.7, returns -1
+ * because the right most digit, is the 10^-1 place.
+ */
+ int32_t getLowerExponent() const { return fDecNumber->exponent; }
+ /**
+ * Sets result to the smallest DigitInterval needed to display this
+ * DigitList in fixed point form and returns result.
+ */
+ DigitInterval& getSmallestInterval(DigitInterval &result) const;
+ /**
+ * Like getDigitValue, but the digit is identified by exponent.
+ * For example, getDigitByExponent(7) returns the 10^7 place of this
+ * DigitList. Unlike getDigitValue, there are no upper or lower bounds
+ * for passed parameter. Instead, getDigitByExponent returns 0 if
+ * the exponent falls outside the interval for this DigitList.
+ */
+ uint8_t getDigitByExponent(int32_t exponent) const;
+ /**
+ * Appends the digits in this object to a CharString.
+ * 3 is appended as (char) 3, not '3'
+ */
+ void appendDigitsTo(CharString &str, UErrorCode &status) const;
+ /**
+ * Equivalent to roundFixedPoint(-digitExponent) except unlike
+ * roundFixedPoint, this works for any digitExponent value.
+ * If maxSigDigits is set then this instance is rounded to have no more
+ * than maxSigDigits. The end result is guaranteed to be trimmed.
+ */
+ void roundAtExponent(int32_t digitExponent, int32_t maxSigDigits=INT32_MAX);
+ /**
+ * Quantizes according to some amount and rounds according to the
+ * context of this instance. Quantizing 3.233 with 0.05 gives 3.25.
+ */
+ void quantize(const DigitList &amount, UErrorCode &status);
+ /**
+ * Like toScientific but only returns the exponent
+ * leaving this instance unchanged.
+ */
+ int32_t getScientificExponent(
+ int32_t minIntDigitCount, int32_t exponentMultiplier) const;
+ /**
+ * Converts this instance to scientific notation. This instance
+ * becomes the mantissa and the exponent is returned.
+ * @param minIntDigitCount minimum integer digits in mantissa
+ * Exponent is set so that the actual number of integer digits
+ * in mantissa is as close to the minimum as possible.
+ * @param exponentMultiplier The exponent is always a multiple of
+ * This number. Usually 1, but set to 3 for engineering notation.
+ * @return exponent
+ */
+ int32_t toScientific(
+ int32_t minIntDigitCount, int32_t exponentMultiplier);
+ /**
+ * Shifts decimal to the right.
+ */
+ void shiftDecimalRight(int32_t numPlaces);
} fUnion;
enum EHave {
- kDouble,
- kInt64
+ kDouble
} fHave;
using UMemory::operator new;
using UMemory::operator delete;
+ static inline void * U_EXPORT2 operator new(size_t size) U_NO_THROW { return ::operator new(size); };
+ static inline void U_EXPORT2 operator delete(void *ptr ) U_NO_THROW { ::operator delete(ptr); };
+ static char U_EXPORT2 getStrtodDecimalSeparator();
* Placement new for stack usage
fHave = kDouble;
- inline void internalSetInt64(int64_t d) {
- fHave = kInt64;
- fUnion.fInt64=d;
- }
inline void internalClear() {
fHave = kNone;