- *NOTE* You should do a full rebuild after any data changes.
-1a. If you didn't download from Subversion, you will also need the "icu4c-*-data.zip" file. Unpack this file and replace the icu/source/data directory's contents with the contents of the data directory from the zip file.
+ ICU_DATA_BUILDTOOL_OPTS=--include_uni_core_data ./runConfigureICU Linux
+ *Windows*
+ - Add ICU_DATA_BUILDTOOL_OPTS as a system environment variable with value "--include_uni_core_data"
+ - Build $icu4c_root\source\allinone\allinone.sln in Visual Studio
+ For more instructions on downloading and building ICU4C,
+ see the ICU4C readme at:
+ https://htmlpreview.github.io/?https://github.com/unicode-org/icu/blob/master/icu4c/readme.html#HowToBuild
+ (Windows: build as 'x86, Release' otherwise you will have to set 'CFG' differently below.)
+ *NOTE* You should do a full rebuild after any data changes.
+1a. If you didn't download from GitHub, you will also need the "icu4c-*-data.zip" file. Unpack this file and replace the icu/source/data directory's contents with the contents of the data directory from the zip file.