+// © 2016 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others.
+// License & terms of use: http://www.unicode.org/copyright.html
- * Copyright (C) 2007-2013, International Business Machines Corporation
+ * Copyright (C) 2007-2014, International Business Machines Corporation
* and others. All Rights Reserved.
// --- The cache --
-static UMutex astroLock = U_MUTEX_INITIALIZER; // pod bay door lock
+static icu::UMutex *astroLock() { // Protects access to gChineseCalendarAstro.
+ static icu::UMutex *m = STATIC_NEW(icu::UMutex);
+ return m;
static icu::CalendarAstronomer *gChineseCalendarAstro = NULL;
+// Lazy Creation & Access synchronized by class CalendarCache with a mutex.
static icu::CalendarCache *gChineseCalendarWinterSolsticeCache = NULL;
static icu::CalendarCache *gChineseCalendarNewYearCache = NULL;
static icu::TimeZone *gChineseCalendarZoneAstroCalc = NULL;
-static UBool gChineseCalendarZoneAstroCalcInitialized = FALSE;
+static icu::UInitOnce gChineseCalendarZoneAstroCalcInitOnce = U_INITONCE_INITIALIZER;
* The start year of the Chinese calendar, the 61st year of the reign
delete gChineseCalendarZoneAstroCalc;
gChineseCalendarZoneAstroCalc = NULL;
- gChineseCalendarZoneAstroCalcInitialized = FALSE;
+ gChineseCalendarZoneAstroCalcInitOnce.reset();
return TRUE;
return "chinese";
+static void U_CALLCONV initChineseCalZoneAstroCalc() {
+ gChineseCalendarZoneAstroCalc = new SimpleTimeZone(CHINA_OFFSET, UNICODE_STRING_SIMPLE("CHINA_ZONE") );
+ ucln_i18n_registerCleanup(UCLN_I18N_CHINESE_CALENDAR, calendar_chinese_cleanup);
const TimeZone* ChineseCalendar::getChineseCalZoneAstroCalc(void) const {
- UBool initialized;
- UMTX_CHECK(&astroLock, gChineseCalendarZoneAstroCalcInitialized, initialized);
- if (!initialized) {
- umtx_lock(&astroLock);
- {
- if (!gChineseCalendarZoneAstroCalcInitialized) {
- gChineseCalendarZoneAstroCalc = new SimpleTimeZone(CHINA_OFFSET, UNICODE_STRING_SIMPLE("CHINA_ZONE") );
- gChineseCalendarZoneAstroCalcInitialized = TRUE;
- ucln_i18n_registerCleanup(UCLN_I18N_CHINESE_CALENDAR, calendar_chinese_cleanup);
- }
- }
- umtx_unlock(&astroLock);
- }
+ umtx_initOnce(gChineseCalendarZoneAstroCalcInitOnce, &initChineseCalZoneAstroCalc);
return gChineseCalendarZoneAstroCalc;
UErrorCode status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
fZoneAstroCalc->getOffset(millis, FALSE, rawOffset, dstOffset, status);
if (U_SUCCESS(status)) {
- return millis - (double)(rawOffset + dstOffset);
+ return millis - (double)(rawOffset + dstOffset);
return millis - (double)CHINA_OFFSET;
UErrorCode status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
fZoneAstroCalc->getOffset(millis, FALSE, rawOffset, dstOffset, status);
if (U_SUCCESS(status)) {
- return ClockMath::floorDivide(millis + (double)(rawOffset + dstOffset), kOneDay);
+ return ClockMath::floorDivide(millis + (double)(rawOffset + dstOffset), kOneDay);
return ClockMath::floorDivide(millis + (double)CHINA_OFFSET, kOneDay);
// Astronomical computations
+// bit array for gregorian 1900-2100 indicating years in
+// which the linear estimate needs to be adjusted by -1
+static const uint16_t winterSolsticeAdj[] = {
+ 0x0001, // 1900-1915, deltas for 1900
+ 0x0444, // 1916-1931, deltas for 1918, 1922, 1926
+ 0x0000, // 1932-1947
+ 0x8880, // 1948-1963, deltas for 1955, 1959, 1963
+ 0x0000, // 1964-1979
+ 0x1100, // 1980-1995, deltas for 1988, 1992
+ 0x0011, // 1996-2011, deltas for 1996, 2000
+ 0x2200, // 2012-2027, deltas for 2021, 2025
+ 0x0022, // 2028-2043, deltas for 2029, 2033
+ 0x4000, // 2044-2059, deltas for 2058
+ 0x0444, // 2060-2075, deltas for 2062, 2066, 2070
+ 0x8000, // 2076-2091, deltas for 2091
+ 0x0088, // 2092-2100, deltas for 2095, 2099
* Return the major solar term on or after December 15 of the given
* winter solstice of the given year
int32_t ChineseCalendar::winterSolstice(int32_t gyear) const {
+ if (gyear >= 1900 && gyear <= 2100) {
+ // Don't use cache, just return linear estimate + table correction
+ int32_t gyearadj = gyear - 1900;
+ int32_t result = (int32_t)(365.243*((double)gyearadj) - 0.3) - 25211;
+ uint16_t bitmap = winterSolsticeAdj[gyearadj / 16];
+ if (bitmap != 0) {
+ uint16_t bitmask = 1 << (gyearadj % 16);
+ if ((bitmask & bitmap) != 0) {
+ result--;
+ }
+ }
+ return result;
+ }
UErrorCode status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
int32_t cacheValue = CalendarCache::get(&gChineseCalendarWinterSolsticeCache, gyear, status);
// PST 1298 with a final result of Dec 14 10:31:59 PST 1299.
double ms = daysToMillis(Grego::fieldsToDay(gyear, UCAL_DECEMBER, 1));
- umtx_lock(&astroLock);
+ umtx_lock(astroLock());
if(gChineseCalendarAstro == NULL) {
gChineseCalendarAstro = new CalendarAstronomer();
ucln_i18n_registerCleanup(UCLN_I18N_CHINESE_CALENDAR, calendar_chinese_cleanup);
UDate solarLong = gChineseCalendarAstro->getSunTime(CalendarAstronomer::WINTER_SOLSTICE(), TRUE);
- umtx_unlock(&astroLock);
+ umtx_unlock(astroLock());
// Winter solstice is 270 degrees solar longitude aka Dongzhi
cacheValue = (int32_t)millisToDays(solarLong);
* new moon after or before <code>days</code>
int32_t ChineseCalendar::newMoonNear(double days, UBool after) const {
- umtx_lock(&astroLock);
- if(gChineseCalendarAstro == NULL) {
- gChineseCalendarAstro = new CalendarAstronomer();
- ucln_i18n_registerCleanup(UCLN_I18N_CHINESE_CALENDAR, calendar_chinese_cleanup);
+ double ms = daysToMillis(days);
+ // Try to get the new moon via static function directly from the table in
+ // CalendarAstronomer (for approx gregorian range 1900-2100) without having
+ // to use a CalendarAstronomer instance which requires a lock. This still
+ // involves extra conversion to/from millis. If static function returns 0
+ // we are out of its range and need to use the full machinery.
+ UDate newMoon = CalendarAstronomer::getNewMoonTimeInRange(ms, after);
+ if (newMoon == 0.0) {
+ umtx_lock(astroLock());
+ if(gChineseCalendarAstro == NULL) {
+ gChineseCalendarAstro = new CalendarAstronomer();
+ ucln_i18n_registerCleanup(UCLN_I18N_CHINESE_CALENDAR, calendar_chinese_cleanup);
+ }
+ gChineseCalendarAstro->setTime(ms);
+ newMoon = gChineseCalendarAstro->getMoonTime(CalendarAstronomer::NEW_MOON(), after);
+ umtx_unlock(astroLock());
- gChineseCalendarAstro->setTime(daysToMillis(days));
- UDate newMoon = gChineseCalendarAstro->getMoonTime(CalendarAstronomer::NEW_MOON(), after);
- umtx_unlock(&astroLock);
return (int32_t) millisToDays(newMoon);
int32_t ChineseCalendar::majorSolarTerm(int32_t days) const {
- umtx_lock(&astroLock);
- if(gChineseCalendarAstro == NULL) {
- gChineseCalendarAstro = new CalendarAstronomer();
- ucln_i18n_registerCleanup(UCLN_I18N_CHINESE_CALENDAR, calendar_chinese_cleanup);
- }
- gChineseCalendarAstro->setTime(daysToMillis(days));
- UDate solarLongitude = gChineseCalendarAstro->getSunLongitude();
- umtx_unlock(&astroLock);
+ double ms = daysToMillis(days);
+ UDate solarLongitude = CalendarAstronomer::getSunLongitudeForTime(ms);
+ // There was almost never any benefit to using the CalendarAstronomer instance;
+ // it could cache intermediate results, but we rarely used it multiple times in
+ // succession for the same setTime value, so the intermediate results got
+ // discarded anyway.
+ //
+ // Deleted call to gChineseCalendarAstro->getSunLongitude() now that
+ // we use CalendarAstronomer::getSunLongitudeForTime()
// Compute (floor(solarLongitude / (pi/6)) + 2) % 12
int32_t term = ( ((int32_t)(6 * solarLongitude / CalendarAstronomer::PI)) + 2 ) % 12;
// Fields to time
+// for gyear 1900 through 2100, corrections to linear estimate of newYear
+static const int8_t newYearAdj[] = {
+ -5, 14, 3, -7, 11, -1, -11, 8, -3, -14, 5, -6, 13, 1, -10, 9, -1, -13, 6, -4, // 1900-1919
+ 15, 3, -8, 11, 0, -12, 8, -3, -13, 5, -6, 12, 1, -10, 9, -1, -12, 6, -5, 14, // 1920-1939
+ 3, -9, 10, 0, -11, 9, -3, -14, 5, -6, 12, 1, -9, 10, -2, -12, 7, -4, 13, 3, // 1940-1959
+ -8, 11, 0, -11, 8, -2, -15, 4, -6, 13, 1, -9, 10, -1, -13, 6, -5, 14, 2, -8, // 1960-1979
+ 11, 1, -11, 8, -3, 16, 5, -7, 12, 2, -8, 10, -1, -12, 6, -5, 14, 3, -7, 11, // 1980-1999
+ 0, -11, 8, -4, -14, 5, -6, 13, 2, -9, 10, -2, -13, 6, -4, 14, 3, -7, 12, 0, // 2000-2019
+ -11, 8, -3, -14, 5, -6, 13, 2, -10, 9, -1, -12, 6, -4, 15, 4, -8, 11, 0, -11, // 2020-2039
+ 7, -3, -13, 6, -6, 13, 2, -9, 9, -2, -12, 7, -4, 15, 4, -7, 10, 0, -11, 8, // 2040-2059
+ -3, -14, 5, -6, 12, 1, -9, 10, -1, -12, 7, -4, 15, 3, -8, 11, 1, -11, 8, -2, // 2060-2079
+ -13, 5, -6, 13, 2, -9, 10, -1, -11, 6, -5, 14, 3, -8, 11, 1, -10, 8, -3, -14, // 2080-2099
+ 5 // 2100
* Return the Chinese new year of the given Gregorian year.
* @param gyear a Gregorian year
* Chinese new year of the given year (this will be a new moon)
int32_t ChineseCalendar::newYear(int32_t gyear) const {
+ if (gyear >= 1900 && gyear <= 2100) {
+ // Don't use cache, just return linear estimate + table correction
+ int32_t gyearadj = gyear - 1900;
+ return (int32_t)(365.244*((double)gyearadj)) - 25532 + newYearAdj[gyearadj];
+ }
UErrorCode status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
int32_t cacheValue = CalendarCache::get(&gChineseCalendarNewYearCache, gyear, status);
// default century
-const UDate ChineseCalendar::fgSystemDefaultCentury = DBL_MIN;
-const int32_t ChineseCalendar::fgSystemDefaultCenturyYear = -1;
-UDate ChineseCalendar::fgSystemDefaultCenturyStart = DBL_MIN;
-int32_t ChineseCalendar::fgSystemDefaultCenturyStartYear = -1;
+static UDate gSystemDefaultCenturyStart = DBL_MIN;
+static int32_t gSystemDefaultCenturyStartYear = -1;
+static icu::UInitOnce gSystemDefaultCenturyInitOnce = U_INITONCE_INITIALIZER;
UBool ChineseCalendar::haveDefaultCentury() const
return internalGetDefaultCenturyStartYear();
-ChineseCalendar::internalGetDefaultCenturyStart() const
- // lazy-evaluate systemDefaultCenturyStart
- UBool needsUpdate;
- UMTX_CHECK(NULL, (fgSystemDefaultCenturyStart == fgSystemDefaultCentury), needsUpdate);
- if (needsUpdate) {
- initializeSystemDefaultCentury();
- }
- // use defaultCenturyStart unless it's the flag value;
- // then use systemDefaultCenturyStart
- return fgSystemDefaultCenturyStart;
-ChineseCalendar::internalGetDefaultCenturyStartYear() const
- // lazy-evaluate systemDefaultCenturyStartYear
- UBool needsUpdate;
- UMTX_CHECK(NULL, (fgSystemDefaultCenturyStart == fgSystemDefaultCentury), needsUpdate);
- if (needsUpdate) {
- initializeSystemDefaultCentury();
- }
- // use defaultCenturyStart unless it's the flag value;
- // then use systemDefaultCenturyStartYear
- return fgSystemDefaultCenturyStartYear;
+static void U_CALLCONV initializeSystemDefaultCentury()
// initialize systemDefaultCentury and systemDefaultCenturyYear based
// on the current time. They'll be set to 80 years before
// the current time.
UErrorCode status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
ChineseCalendar calendar(Locale("@calendar=chinese"),status);
- if (U_SUCCESS(status))
- {
+ if (U_SUCCESS(status)) {
calendar.setTime(Calendar::getNow(), status);
calendar.add(UCAL_YEAR, -80, status);
- UDate newStart = calendar.getTime(status);
- int32_t newYear = calendar.get(UCAL_YEAR, status);
- umtx_lock(NULL);
- if (fgSystemDefaultCenturyStart == fgSystemDefaultCentury)
- {
- fgSystemDefaultCenturyStartYear = newYear;
- fgSystemDefaultCenturyStart = newStart;
- }
- umtx_unlock(NULL);
+ gSystemDefaultCenturyStart = calendar.getTime(status);
+ gSystemDefaultCenturyStartYear = calendar.get(UCAL_YEAR, status);
// We have no recourse upon failure unless we want to propagate the failure
// out.
+ChineseCalendar::internalGetDefaultCenturyStart() const
+ // lazy-evaluate systemDefaultCenturyStart
+ umtx_initOnce(gSystemDefaultCenturyInitOnce, &initializeSystemDefaultCentury);
+ return gSystemDefaultCenturyStart;
+ChineseCalendar::internalGetDefaultCenturyStartYear() const
+ // lazy-evaluate systemDefaultCenturyStartYear
+ umtx_initOnce(gSystemDefaultCenturyInitOnce, &initializeSystemDefaultCentury);
+ return gSystemDefaultCenturyStartYear;