+void PluralFormat::parseType(const UnicodeString& source, const NFRule *rbnfLenientScanner, Formattable& result, FieldPosition& pos) const {
+ // If no pattern was applied, return null.
+ if (msgPattern.countParts() == 0) {
+ pos.setBeginIndex(-1);
+ pos.setEndIndex(-1);
+ return;
+ }
+ int partIndex = 0;
+ int currMatchIndex;
+ int count=msgPattern.countParts();
+ int startingAt = pos.getBeginIndex();
+ if (startingAt < 0) {
+ startingAt = 0;
+ }
+ // The keyword is null until we need to match against a non-explicit, not-"other" value.
+ // Then we get the keyword from the selector.
+ // (In other words, we never call the selector if we match against an explicit value,
+ // or if the only non-explicit keyword is "other".)
+ UnicodeString keyword;
+ UnicodeString matchedWord;
+ const UnicodeString& pattern = msgPattern.getPatternString();
+ int matchedIndex = -1;
+ // Iterate over (ARG_SELECTOR ARG_START message ARG_LIMIT) tuples
+ // until the end of the plural-only pattern.
+ while (partIndex < count) {
+ const MessagePattern::Part* partSelector = &msgPattern.getPart(partIndex++);
+ if (partSelector->getType() != UMSGPAT_PART_TYPE_ARG_SELECTOR) {
+ // Bad format
+ continue;
+ }
+ const MessagePattern::Part* partStart = &msgPattern.getPart(partIndex++);
+ if (partStart->getType() != UMSGPAT_PART_TYPE_MSG_START) {
+ // Bad format
+ continue;
+ }
+ const MessagePattern::Part* partLimit = &msgPattern.getPart(partIndex++);
+ if (partLimit->getType() != UMSGPAT_PART_TYPE_MSG_LIMIT) {
+ // Bad format
+ continue;
+ }
+ UnicodeString currArg = pattern.tempSubString(partStart->getLimit(), partLimit->getIndex() - partStart->getLimit());
+ if (rbnfLenientScanner != NULL) {
+ // If lenient parsing is turned ON, we've got some time consuming parsing ahead of us.
+ int32_t length = -1;
+ currMatchIndex = rbnfLenientScanner->findTextLenient(source, currArg, startingAt, &length);
+ }
+ else {
+ currMatchIndex = source.indexOf(currArg, startingAt);
+ }
+ if (currMatchIndex >= 0 && currMatchIndex >= matchedIndex && currArg.length() > matchedWord.length()) {
+ matchedIndex = currMatchIndex;
+ matchedWord = currArg;
+ keyword = pattern.tempSubString(partStart->getLimit(), partLimit->getIndex() - partStart->getLimit());
+ }
+ }
+ if (matchedIndex >= 0) {
+ pos.setBeginIndex(matchedIndex);
+ pos.setEndIndex(matchedIndex + matchedWord.length());
+ result.setString(keyword);
+ return;
+ }
+ // Not found!
+ pos.setBeginIndex(-1);
+ pos.setEndIndex(-1);