+UnicodeStringTest::TestUTF32() {
+ // Input string length US_STACKBUF_SIZE to cause overflow of the
+ // initially chosen fStackBuffer due to supplementary characters.
+ static const UChar32 utf32[] = {
+ 0x41, 0xd900, 0x61, 0xdc00, -1, 0x110000, 0x5a, 0x50000, 0x7a,
+ 0x10000, 0x20000, 0xe0000, 0x10ffff
+ };
+ static const UChar expected_utf16[] = {
+ 0x41, 0xfffd, 0x61, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0x5a, 0xd900, 0xdc00, 0x7a,
+ 0xd800, 0xdc00, 0xd840, 0xdc00, 0xdb40, 0xdc00, 0xdbff, 0xdfff
+ };
+ UnicodeString from32 = UnicodeString::fromUTF32(utf32, LENGTHOF(utf32));
+ UnicodeString expected(FALSE, expected_utf16, LENGTHOF(expected_utf16));
+ if(from32 != expected) {
+ errln("UnicodeString::fromUTF32() did not create the expected string.");
+ }
+ static const UChar utf16[] = {
+ 0x41, 0xd900, 0x61, 0xdc00, 0x5a, 0xd900, 0xdc00, 0x7a, 0xd800, 0xdc00, 0xdbff, 0xdfff
+ };
+ static const UChar32 expected_utf32[] = {
+ 0x41, 0xfffd, 0x61, 0xfffd, 0x5a, 0x50000, 0x7a, 0x10000, 0x10ffff
+ };
+ UChar32 result32[16];
+ UErrorCode errorCode = U_ZERO_ERROR;
+ int32_t length32 =
+ UnicodeString(FALSE, utf16, LENGTHOF(utf16)).
+ toUTF32(result32, LENGTHOF(result32), errorCode);
+ if( length32 != LENGTHOF(expected_utf32) ||
+ 0 != uprv_memcmp(result32, expected_utf32, length32*4) ||
+ result32[length32] != 0
+ ) {
+ errln("UnicodeString::toUTF32() did not create the expected string.");
+ }
+class TestCheckedArrayByteSink : public CheckedArrayByteSink {
+ TestCheckedArrayByteSink(char* outbuf, int32_t capacity)
+ : CheckedArrayByteSink(outbuf, capacity), calledFlush(FALSE) {}
+ virtual void Flush() { calledFlush = TRUE; }
+ UBool calledFlush;
+UnicodeStringTest::TestUTF8() {
+ static const uint8_t utf8[] = {
+ // Code points:
+ // 0x41, 0xd900,
+ // 0x61, 0xdc00,
+ // 0x110000, 0x5a,
+ // 0x50000, 0x7a,
+ // 0x10000, 0x20000,
+ // 0xe0000, 0x10ffff
+ 0x41, 0xed, 0xa4, 0x80,
+ 0x61, 0xed, 0xb0, 0x80,
+ 0xf4, 0x90, 0x80, 0x80, 0x5a,
+ 0xf1, 0x90, 0x80, 0x80, 0x7a,
+ 0xf0, 0x90, 0x80, 0x80, 0xf0, 0xa0, 0x80, 0x80,
+ 0xf3, 0xa0, 0x80, 0x80, 0xf4, 0x8f, 0xbf, 0xbf
+ };
+ static const UChar expected_utf16[] = {
+ 0x41, 0xfffd,
+ 0x61, 0xfffd,
+ 0xfffd, 0x5a,
+ 0xd900, 0xdc00, 0x7a,
+ 0xd800, 0xdc00, 0xd840, 0xdc00,
+ 0xdb40, 0xdc00, 0xdbff, 0xdfff
+ };
+ UnicodeString from8 = UnicodeString::fromUTF8(StringPiece((const char *)utf8, (int32_t)sizeof(utf8)));
+ UnicodeString expected(FALSE, expected_utf16, LENGTHOF(expected_utf16));
+ if(from8 != expected) {
+ errln("UnicodeString::fromUTF8(StringPiece) did not create the expected string.");
+ }
+ U_STD_NSQ string utf8_string((const char *)utf8, sizeof(utf8));
+ UnicodeString from8b = UnicodeString::fromUTF8(utf8_string);
+ if(from8b != expected) {
+ errln("UnicodeString::fromUTF8(std::string) did not create the expected string.");
+ }
+ static const UChar utf16[] = {
+ 0x41, 0xd900, 0x61, 0xdc00, 0x5a, 0xd900, 0xdc00, 0x7a, 0xd800, 0xdc00, 0xdbff, 0xdfff
+ };
+ static const uint8_t expected_utf8[] = {
+ 0x41, 0xef, 0xbf, 0xbd, 0x61, 0xef, 0xbf, 0xbd, 0x5a, 0xf1, 0x90, 0x80, 0x80, 0x7a,
+ 0xf0, 0x90, 0x80, 0x80, 0xf4, 0x8f, 0xbf, 0xbf
+ };
+ UnicodeString us(FALSE, utf16, LENGTHOF(utf16));
+ char buffer[64];
+ TestCheckedArrayByteSink sink(buffer, (int32_t)sizeof(buffer));
+ us.toUTF8(sink);
+ if( sink.NumberOfBytesWritten() != (int32_t)sizeof(expected_utf8) ||
+ 0 != uprv_memcmp(buffer, expected_utf8, sizeof(expected_utf8))
+ ) {
+ errln("UnicodeString::toUTF8() did not create the expected string.");
+ }
+ if(!sink.calledFlush) {
+ errln("UnicodeString::toUTF8(sink) did not sink.Flush().");
+ }
+ // Initial contents for testing that toUTF8String() appends.
+ U_STD_NSQ string result8 = "-->";
+ U_STD_NSQ string expected8 = "-->" + U_STD_NSQ string((const char *)expected_utf8, sizeof(expected_utf8));
+ // Use the return value just for testing.
+ U_STD_NSQ string &result8r = us.toUTF8String(result8);
+ if(result8r != expected8 || &result8r != &result8) {
+ errln("UnicodeString::toUTF8String() did not create the expected string.");
+ }
+// Test if this compiler supports Return Value Optimization of unnamed temporary objects.
+static UnicodeString wrapUChars(const UChar *uchars) {
+ return UnicodeString(TRUE, uchars, -1);
+UnicodeStringTest::TestReadOnlyAlias() {
+ UChar uchars[]={ 0x61, 0x62, 0 };
+ UnicodeString alias(TRUE, uchars, 2);
+ if(alias.length()!=2 || alias.getBuffer()!=uchars || alias.getTerminatedBuffer()!=uchars) {
+ errln("UnicodeString read-only-aliasing constructor does not behave as expected.");
+ return;
+ }
+ alias.truncate(1);
+ if(alias.length()!=1 || alias.getBuffer()!=uchars) {
+ errln("UnicodeString(read-only-alias).truncate() did not preserve aliasing as expected.");
+ }
+ if(alias.getTerminatedBuffer()==uchars) {
+ errln("UnicodeString(read-only-alias).truncate().getTerminatedBuffer() "
+ "did not allocate and copy as expected.");
+ }
+ if(uchars[1]!=0x62) {
+ errln("UnicodeString(read-only-alias).truncate().getTerminatedBuffer() "
+ "modified the original buffer.");
+ }
+ if(1!=u_strlen(alias.getTerminatedBuffer())) {
+ errln("UnicodeString(read-only-alias).truncate().getTerminatedBuffer() "
+ "does not return a buffer terminated at the proper length.");
+ }
+ alias.setTo(TRUE, uchars, 2);
+ if(alias.length()!=2 || alias.getBuffer()!=uchars || alias.getTerminatedBuffer()!=uchars) {
+ errln("UnicodeString read-only-aliasing setTo() does not behave as expected.");
+ return;
+ }
+ alias.remove();
+ if(alias.length()!=0) {
+ errln("UnicodeString(read-only-alias).remove() did not work.");
+ }
+ if(alias.getTerminatedBuffer()==uchars) {
+ errln("UnicodeString(read-only-alias).remove().getTerminatedBuffer() "
+ "did not un-alias as expected.");
+ }
+ if(uchars[0]!=0x61) {
+ errln("UnicodeString(read-only-alias).remove().getTerminatedBuffer() "
+ "modified the original buffer.");
+ }
+ if(0!=u_strlen(alias.getTerminatedBuffer())) {
+ errln("UnicodeString.setTo(read-only-alias).remove().getTerminatedBuffer() "
+ "does not return a buffer terminated at length 0.");
+ }
+ UnicodeString longString=UNICODE_STRING_SIMPLE("abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789");
+ alias.setTo(FALSE, longString.getBuffer(), longString.length());
+ alias.remove(0, 10);
+ if(longString.compare(10, INT32_MAX, alias)!=0 || alias.getBuffer()!=longString.getBuffer()+10) {
+ errln("UnicodeString.setTo(read-only-alias).remove(0, 10) did not preserve aliasing as expected.");
+ }
+ alias.setTo(FALSE, longString.getBuffer(), longString.length());
+ alias.remove(27, 99);
+ if(longString.compare(0, 27, alias)!=0 || alias.getBuffer()!=longString.getBuffer()) {
+ errln("UnicodeString.setTo(read-only-alias).remove(27, 99) did not preserve aliasing as expected.");
+ }
+ alias.setTo(FALSE, longString.getBuffer(), longString.length());
+ alias.retainBetween(6, 30);
+ if(longString.compare(6, 24, alias)!=0 || alias.getBuffer()!=longString.getBuffer()+6) {
+ errln("UnicodeString.setTo(read-only-alias).retainBetween(6, 30) did not preserve aliasing as expected.");
+ }
+ UChar abc[]={ 0x61, 0x62, 0x63, 0 };
+ UBool hasRVO= wrapUChars(abc).getBuffer()==abc;
+ UnicodeString temp;
+ temp.fastCopyFrom(longString.tempSubString());
+ if(temp!=longString || (hasRVO && temp.getBuffer()!=longString.getBuffer())) {
+ errln("UnicodeString.tempSubString() failed");
+ }
+ temp.fastCopyFrom(longString.tempSubString(-3, 5));
+ if(longString.compare(0, 5, temp)!=0 || (hasRVO && temp.getBuffer()!=longString.getBuffer())) {
+ errln("UnicodeString.tempSubString(-3, 5) failed");
+ }
+ temp.fastCopyFrom(longString.tempSubString(17));
+ if(longString.compare(17, INT32_MAX, temp)!=0 || (hasRVO && temp.getBuffer()!=longString.getBuffer()+17)) {
+ errln("UnicodeString.tempSubString(17) failed");
+ }
+ temp.fastCopyFrom(longString.tempSubString(99));
+ if(!temp.isEmpty()) {
+ errln("UnicodeString.tempSubString(99) failed");
+ }
+ temp.fastCopyFrom(longString.tempSubStringBetween(6));
+ if(longString.compare(6, INT32_MAX, temp)!=0 || (hasRVO && temp.getBuffer()!=longString.getBuffer()+6)) {
+ errln("UnicodeString.tempSubStringBetween(6) failed");
+ }
+ temp.fastCopyFrom(longString.tempSubStringBetween(8, 18));
+ if(longString.compare(8, 10, temp)!=0 || (hasRVO && temp.getBuffer()!=longString.getBuffer()+8)) {
+ errln("UnicodeString.tempSubStringBetween(8, 18) failed");
+ }
+ UnicodeString bogusString;
+ bogusString.setToBogus();
+ temp.fastCopyFrom(bogusString.tempSubStringBetween(8, 18));
+ if(!temp.isBogus()) {
+ errln("UnicodeString.setToBogus().tempSubStringBetween(8, 18) failed");
+ }