+# Apple ICU repository tag and submission numbers
+# The repository tag number consists of a main version and an optional branch version, as
+# follows:
+# ICU-MMmAA[.B]
+# MM comes from the open-source ICU major version, and can range from 1 to 214 (the max is
+# due to B&I limits on submission versions). As of March 2016 this is 57; it increases
+# by 1 for each ICU major release (usually 2 / year). This corresponds to
+# m is a single digit specifying the open-source ICU minor version. This is 0 before final
+# release (e.g. for pre-release milestones), becomes 1 for release candidate and final
+# release, and may increase to 2 or a little more for occasional dot releases with
+# maintenance fixes. This corresponds to U_ICU_VERSION_MINOR_NUM.
+# Note that the ICU release may also utilize U_ICU_VERSION_PATCHLEVEL_NUM; however
+# that is ignored for the Apple ICU tag and submission numbers, and any related code
+# or data changes will bne distinguished by updating the Apple delta version AA below.
+# AA is a 2-digit value specifying the version of the additional Apple deltas after
+# integrating a major release. This is always 2 digits (zero padded) and ranges from
+# 00 (the first release after integrating a new ICU version) to 99.
+# B is an optional branch version, i.e. a branch from the mainline version specified by
+# the MMmAA part. It can range from 1 to 99 and is NOT zero-padded.
+# For Windows builds, the first 3 values of the 4-part FILEVERSION and PRODUCTVERSION
+# U_ICU_VERSION_PATCHLEVEL_NUM; the 4th value is ICU_BUILD, formed from AA and B as
+# ICU_BUILD = 100*AA + B.
+# The B&I submission version always has 3 parts separated by '.':
+# MMmAA.(0 | B).T
+# The first part MMmAA is the same as the repository tag number.
+# If the repository tag has no branch version, the second part is 0, otherwise it is
+# the same as the branch version (1..99).
+# The third part is a single digit designating the submission train; since the installsrc
+# target now submits different sources to different trains, we have to distinguish them.
+# The values currently defined for T are
+# 1 OSX trains
+# 2 embedded trains (iOS, tvos, watchos, bridgeos) including simulator versions thereof
+# 8 AAS for Windows
+# 9 linux for Siri servers
+# (additional train numbers for Apple platforms can be assigned from 3 up, additional
+# train numbers for non-Apple platforms can be assigned from 7 down).
+# Notes on building for AAS using Windows (10) + Visual Studio (2015) + Cygwin:
+# Either this should be run indirectly from the VS command prompt via the
+# BuildICUForAAS script or project, using the instructions there (which build
+# both 32-bit and 64-bit), or it should be run from within Cygwin using the
+# following instructions or equivalent (different steps for 32-bit or 64-bit
+# targets, details may also differ if you have the 32-bit cygwin install vs the
+# 64-bit one, i.e. cygwin vs cygwin64):
+# 1. From VS command prompt, run vcvarsall.bat to set various environment variables.
+# For a 32-bit build:
+# > "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 14.0\VC\vcvarsall.bat" x86
+# For a 64-bit build:
+# > "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 14.0\VC\vcvarsall.bat" amd64
+# 2. Launch Cygwin, e.g. for the 64-bit cygwin install:
+# > C:\cygwin64\cygwin.bat
+# 3. Within cygwin, cd to the top level of the ICU sources directory, e.g.
+# $ cd ICU
+# 4. Adjust the PATH to put the appropriate VC tools directory first:
+# For a 32-bit build:
+# $ export PATH="/cygdrive/c/Program Files (x86)/Microsoft Visual Studio 14.0/VC/bin/":$PATH
+# For a 64-bit build:
+# $ export PATH="/cygdrive/c/Program Files (x86)/Microsoft Visual Studio 14.0/VC/bin/amd64/":$PATH
+# 5. Run the ICU makefile
+# For a 32-bit build:
+# make [install] WINDOWS=YES [ARCH64=NO] [DSTROOT=...]
+# For a 64-bit build:
+# make [install] WINDOWS=YES ARCH64=YES [DSTROOT=...]