- * (C) Copyright IBM Corp. 1998-2008 - All Rights Reserved
+ * (C) Copyright IBM Corp. 1998-2013 - All Rights Reserved
GlyphIterator::GlyphIterator(LEGlyphStorage &theGlyphStorage, GlyphPositionAdjustments *theGlyphPositionAdjustments, le_bool rightToLeft, le_uint16 theLookupFlags,
- FeatureMask theFeatureMask, const GlyphDefinitionTableHeader *theGlyphDefinitionTableHeader)
+ FeatureMask theFeatureMask, const LEReferenceTo<GlyphDefinitionTableHeader> &theGlyphDefinitionTableHeader)
: direction(1), position(-1), nextLimit(-1), prevLimit(-1),
glyphStorage(theGlyphStorage), glyphPositionAdjustments(theGlyphPositionAdjustments),
srcIndex(-1), destIndex(-1), lookupFlags(theLookupFlags), featureMask(theFeatureMask), glyphGroup(0),
- glyphClassDefinitionTable(NULL), markAttachClassDefinitionTable(NULL)
+ glyphClassDefinitionTable(), markAttachClassDefinitionTable()
+ LEErrorCode success = LE_NO_ERROR; // TODO
le_int32 glyphCount = glyphStorage.getGlyphCount();
- if (theGlyphDefinitionTableHeader != NULL) {
- glyphClassDefinitionTable = theGlyphDefinitionTableHeader->getGlyphClassDefinitionTable();
- markAttachClassDefinitionTable = theGlyphDefinitionTableHeader->getMarkAttachClassDefinitionTable();
+ if (theGlyphDefinitionTableHeader.isValid()) {
+ glyphClassDefinitionTable = theGlyphDefinitionTableHeader
+ -> getGlyphClassDefinitionTable(theGlyphDefinitionTableHeader, success);
+ markAttachClassDefinitionTable = theGlyphDefinitionTableHeader
+ ->getMarkAttachClassDefinitionTable(theGlyphDefinitionTableHeader, success);
nextLimit = glyphCount;
nextLimit = -1;
prevLimit = glyphCount;
+ filterResetCache();
GlyphIterator::GlyphIterator(GlyphIterator &that)
glyphGroup = that.glyphGroup;
glyphClassDefinitionTable = that.glyphClassDefinitionTable;
markAttachClassDefinitionTable = that.markAttachClassDefinitionTable;
+ filterResetCache();
GlyphIterator::GlyphIterator(GlyphIterator &that, FeatureMask newFeatureMask)
glyphGroup = 0;
glyphClassDefinitionTable = that.glyphClassDefinitionTable;
markAttachClassDefinitionTable = that.markAttachClassDefinitionTable;
+ filterResetCache();
GlyphIterator::GlyphIterator(GlyphIterator &that, le_uint16 newLookupFlags)
glyphGroup = that.glyphGroup;
glyphClassDefinitionTable = that.glyphClassDefinitionTable;
markAttachClassDefinitionTable = that.markAttachClassDefinitionTable;
+ filterResetCache();
featureMask = newFeatureMask;
glyphGroup = 0;
lookupFlags = newLookupFlags;
+ filterResetCache();
-LEGlyphID *GlyphIterator::insertGlyphs(le_int32 count)
+LEGlyphID *GlyphIterator::insertGlyphs(le_int32 count, LEErrorCode& success)
- return glyphStorage.insertGlyphs(position, count);
+ return glyphStorage.insertGlyphs(position, count, success);
le_int32 GlyphIterator::applyInsertions()
glyphPositionAdjustments->setCursiveGlyph(position, baselineIsLogicalEnd());
-le_bool GlyphIterator::filterGlyph(le_uint32 index) const
+void GlyphIterator::filterResetCache(void) {
+ filterCacheValid = FALSE;
+le_bool GlyphIterator::filterGlyph(le_uint32 index)
LEGlyphID glyphID = glyphStorage[index];
- le_int32 glyphClass = gcdNoGlyphClass;
- if (LE_GET_GLYPH(glyphID) >= 0xFFFE) {
- return TRUE;
- }
- if (glyphClassDefinitionTable != NULL) {
- glyphClass = glyphClassDefinitionTable->getGlyphClass(glyphID);
- }
- switch (glyphClass)
- {
- case gcdNoGlyphClass:
- return FALSE;
- case gcdSimpleGlyph:
- return (lookupFlags & lfIgnoreBaseGlyphs) != 0;
- case gcdLigatureGlyph:
- return (lookupFlags & lfIgnoreLigatures) != 0;
- case gcdMarkGlyph:
- {
- if ((lookupFlags & lfIgnoreMarks) != 0) {
- return TRUE;
+ if (!filterCacheValid || filterCache.id != glyphID) {
+ filterCache.id = glyphID;
+ le_bool &filterResult = filterCache.result; // NB: Making this a reference to accept the updated value, in case
+ // we want more fancy cacheing in the future.
+ if (LE_GET_GLYPH(glyphID) >= 0xFFFE) {
+ filterResult = TRUE;
+ } else {
+ LEErrorCode success = LE_NO_ERROR;
+ le_int32 glyphClass = gcdNoGlyphClass;
+ if (glyphClassDefinitionTable.isValid()) {
+ glyphClass = glyphClassDefinitionTable->getGlyphClass(glyphClassDefinitionTable, glyphID, success);
- le_uint16 markAttachType = (lookupFlags & lfMarkAttachTypeMask) >> lfMarkAttachTypeShift;
- if ((markAttachType != 0) && (markAttachClassDefinitionTable != NULL)) {
- return markAttachClassDefinitionTable->getGlyphClass(glyphID) != markAttachType;
+ switch (glyphClass) {
+ case gcdNoGlyphClass:
+ filterResult = FALSE;
+ break;
+ case gcdSimpleGlyph:
+ filterResult = (lookupFlags & lfIgnoreBaseGlyphs) != 0;
+ break;
+ case gcdLigatureGlyph:
+ filterResult = (lookupFlags & lfIgnoreLigatures) != 0;
+ break;
+ case gcdMarkGlyph:
+ if ((lookupFlags & lfIgnoreMarks) != 0) {
+ filterResult = TRUE;
+ } else {
+ le_uint16 markAttachType = (lookupFlags & lfMarkAttachTypeMask) >> lfMarkAttachTypeShift;
+ if ((markAttachType != 0) && (markAttachClassDefinitionTable.isValid())) {
+ filterResult = (markAttachClassDefinitionTable
+ -> getGlyphClass(markAttachClassDefinitionTable, glyphID, success) != markAttachType);
+ } else {
+ filterResult = FALSE;
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ case gcdComponentGlyph:
+ filterResult = ((lookupFlags & lfIgnoreBaseGlyphs) != 0);
+ break;
+ default:
+ filterResult = FALSE;
+ break;
- return FALSE;
- }
- case gcdComponentGlyph:
- return (lookupFlags & lfIgnoreBaseGlyphs) != 0;
- default:
- return FALSE;
+ }
+ filterCacheValid = TRUE;
+ return filterCache.result;
le_bool GlyphIterator::hasFeatureTag(le_bool matchGroup) const
while (newPosition != nextLimit && delta > 0) {
do {
newPosition += direction;
+ //fprintf(stderr,"%s:%d:%s: newPosition = %d, delta = %d\n", __FILE__, __LINE__, __FUNCTION__, newPosition, delta);
} while (newPosition != nextLimit && filterGlyph(newPosition));
delta -= 1;
position = newPosition;
+ //fprintf(stderr,"%s:%d:%s: exit position = %d, delta = %d\n", __FILE__, __LINE__, __FUNCTION__, position, delta);
return position != nextLimit;
while (newPosition != prevLimit && delta > 0) {
do {
newPosition -= direction;
+ //fprintf(stderr,"%s:%d:%s: newPosition = %d, delta = %d\n", __FILE__, __LINE__, __FUNCTION__, newPosition, delta);
} while (newPosition != prevLimit && filterGlyph(newPosition));
delta -= 1;
position = newPosition;
+ //fprintf(stderr,"%s:%d:%s: exit position = %d, delta = %d\n", __FILE__, __LINE__, __FUNCTION__, position, delta);
return position != prevLimit;