-* Copyright (C) 2001-2008 IBM and others. All rights reserved.
+* Copyright (C) 2001-2014 IBM and others. All rights reserved.
* Date Name Description
* 03/22/2000 helena Creation.
* <tt>StringSearch</tt> is a <tt>SearchIterator</tt> that provides
* language-sensitive text searching based on the comparison rules defined
* in a {@link RuleBasedCollator} object.
- * StringSearch ensures that language eccentricity can be
- * handled, e.g. for the German collator, characters ß and SS will be matched
+ * StringSearch ensures that language eccentricity can be
+ * handled, e.g. for the German collator, characters ß and SS will be matched
* if case is chosen to be ignored.
* See the <a href="http://source.icu-project.org/repos/icu/icuhtml/trunk/design/collation/ICU_collation_design.htm">
* "ICU Collation Design Document"</a> for more information.
- * <p>
- * The algorithm implemented is a modified form of the Boyer Moore's search.
- * For more information see
- * <a href="http://icu-project.org/docs/papers/efficient_text_searching_in_java.html">
- * "Efficient Text Searching in Java"</a>, published in <i>Java Report</i>
- * in February, 1999, for further information on the algorithm.
* <p>
* There are 2 match options for selection:<br>
- * Let S' be the sub-string of a text string S between the offsets start and
- * end <start, end>.
+ * Let S' be the sub-string of a text string S between the offsets start and
+ * end [start, end].
* <br>
- * A pattern string P matches a text string S at the offsets <start, end>
+ * A pattern string P matches a text string S at the offsets [start, end]
* if
* <pre>
- * option 1. Some canonical equivalent of P matches some canonical equivalent
+ * option 1. Some canonical equivalent of P matches some canonical equivalent
* of S'
- * option 2. P matches S' and if P starts or ends with a combining mark,
- * there exists no non-ignorable combining mark before or after S?
- * in S respectively.
+ * option 2. P matches S' and if P starts or ends with a combining mark,
+ * there exists no non-ignorable combining mark before or after S?
+ * in S respectively.
* </pre>
* Option 2. will be the default.
* <p>
* This search has APIs similar to that of other text iteration mechanisms
* such as the break iterators in <tt>BreakIterator</tt>. Using these
- * APIs, it is easy to scan through text looking for all occurances of
+ * APIs, it is easy to scan through text looking for all occurrences of
* a given pattern. This search iterator allows changing of direction by
- * calling a <tt>reset</tt> followed by a <tt>next</tt> or <tt>previous</tt>.
- * Though a direction change can occur without calling <tt>reset</tt> first,
+ * calling a <tt>reset</tt> followed by a <tt>next</tt> or <tt>previous</tt>.
+ * Though a direction change can occur without calling <tt>reset</tt> first,
* this operation comes with some speed penalty.
- * Match results in the forward direction will match the result matches in
+ * Match results in the forward direction will match the result matches in
* the backwards direction in the reverse order
* <p>
- * <tt>SearchIterator</tt> provides APIs to specify the starting position
+ * <tt>SearchIterator</tt> provides APIs to specify the starting position
* within the text string to be searched, e.g. <tt>setOffset</tt>,
- * <tt>preceding</tt> and <tt>following</tt>. Since the
- * starting position will be set as it is specified, please take note that
- * there are some danger points which the search may render incorrect
+ * <tt>preceding</tt> and <tt>following</tt>. Since the
+ * starting position will be set as it is specified, please take note that
+ * there are some danger points which the search may render incorrect
* results:
* <ul>
* <li> The midst of a substring that requires normalization.
* <li> If the following match is to be found, the position should not be the
- * second character which requires to be swapped with the preceding
- * character. Vice versa, if the preceding match is to be found,
- * position to search from should not be the first character which
+ * second character which requires to be swapped with the preceding
+ * character. Vice versa, if the preceding match is to be found,
+ * position to search from should not be the first character which
* requires to be swapped with the next character. E.g certain Thai and
* Lao characters require swapping.
- * <li> If a following pattern match is to be found, any position within a
- * contracting sequence except the first will fail. Vice versa if a
- * preceding pattern match is to be found, a invalid starting point
+ * <li> If a following pattern match is to be found, any position within a
+ * contracting sequence except the first will fail. Vice versa if a
+ * preceding pattern match is to be found, a invalid starting point
* would be any character within a contracting sequence except the last.
* </ul>
* <p>
- * A breakiterator can be used if only matches at logical breaks are desired.
- * Using a breakiterator will only give you results that exactly matches the
+ * A <tt>BreakIterator</tt> can be used if only matches at logical breaks are desired.
+ * Using a <tt>BreakIterator</tt> will only give you results that exactly matches the
* boundaries given by the breakiterator. For instance the pattern "e" will
* not be found in the string "\u00e9" if a character break iterator is used.
* <p>
- * Options are provided to handle overlapping matches.
- * E.g. In English, overlapping matches produces the result 0 and 2
- * for the pattern "abab" in the text "ababab", where else mutually
+ * Options are provided to handle overlapping matches.
+ * E.g. In English, overlapping matches produces the result 0 and 2
+ * for the pattern "abab" in the text "ababab", where else mutually
* exclusive matches only produce the result of 0.
* <p>
- * Though collator attributes will be taken into consideration while
- * performing matches, there are no APIs here for setting and getting the
+ * Though collator attributes will be taken into consideration while
+ * performing matches, there are no APIs here for setting and getting the
* attributes. These attributes can be set by getting the collator
* from <tt>getCollator</tt> and using the APIs in <tt>coll.h</tt>.
- * Lastly to update StringSearch to the new collator attributes,
- * reset() has to be called.
+ * Lastly to update <tt>StringSearch</tt> to the new collator attributes,
+ * <tt>reset</tt> has to be called.
* <p>
* Restriction: <br>
* Currently there are no composite characters that consists of a
- * character with combining class > 0 before a character with combining
- * class == 0. However, if such a character exists in the future,
- * StringSearch does not guarantee the results for option 1.
+ * character with combining class > 0 before a character with combining
+ * class == 0. However, if such a character exists in the future,
+ * <tt>StringSearch</tt> does not guarantee the results for option 1.
* <p>
* Consult the <tt>SearchIterator</tt> documentation for information on
* and examples of how to use instances of this class to implement text
* }
* </code></pre>
* <p>
- * Note, StringSearch is not to be subclassed.
+ * Note, <tt>StringSearch</tt> is not to be subclassed.
* </p>
* @see SearchIterator
* @see RuleBasedCollator
* Sets the collator used for the language rules. User retains the
* ownership of this collator, thus the responsibility of deletion lies
- * with the user. This method causes internal data such as Boyer-Moore
- * shift tables to be recalculated, but the iterator's position is
- * unchanged.
+ * with the user. The iterator's position will not be changed by this method.
* @param coll collator
* @param status for errors if any
* @stable ICU 2.0
* Sets the pattern used for matching.
- * Internal data like the Boyer Moore table will be recalculated, but
- * the iterator's position is unchanged.
+ * The iterator's position will not be changed by this method.
* @param pattern search pattern to be found
* @param status for errors if any. If the pattern length is 0 then an
// private data members ----------------------------------------------
- /**
- * RuleBasedCollator, contains exactly the same UCollator * in m_strsrch_
- * @stable ICU 2.0
- */
- RuleBasedCollator m_collator_;
* Pattern text
* @stable ICU 2.0