-// A note on the POSIX vs the Windows implementations of this class..
-// On Windows, the main thread must verify that other threads have finished
-// before exiting, or crashes occasionally occur. (Seen on Itanium Win64 only)
-// The function SimpleThread::isRunning() is used for this purpose.
-// On POSIX, there is NO reliable non-blocking mechanism to determine
-// whether a thread has exited. pthread_kill(thread, 0) almost works,
-// but the system can recycle thread ids immediately, so seeing that a
-// thread exists with this call could mean that the original thread has
-// finished and a new one started with the same ID. Useless.
-// So we need to do the check with user code, by setting a flag just before
-// the thread function returns. A technique that is guaranteed to fail
-// on Windows, because it indicates that the thread is done before all
-// system level cleanup has happened.