- * Copyright (c) 1997-2012, International Business Machines Corporation
+ * Copyright (c) 1997-2014, International Business Machines Corporation
* and others. All Rights Reserved.
virtual UnicodeString& format( double number,
UnicodeString& toAppendTo,
- FieldPosition& pos,
+ FieldPositionIterator* posIter,
UErrorCode& status) const
- return NumberFormat::format(number, toAppendTo, pos, status);
+ return NumberFormat::format(number, toAppendTo, posIter, status);
/* Just keep this here to make some of the compilers happy */
+ CASE(63,Test9780);
+ CASE(64,Test9677);
+ CASE(65,Test10361);
default: name = ""; break;
UnicodeString sBuf1;
FieldPosition fp1(0);
logln(UnicodeString("d = ") + d);
- logln("maxFractionDigits = " + df->getMaximumFractionDigits());
+ logln(UnicodeString("maxFractionDigits = ") + df->getMaximumFractionDigits());
logln(" format(d) = '" + df->format(d, sBuf1, fp1) + "'");
UnicodeString sBuf2;
FieldPosition fp2(0);
- logln("maxFractionDigits = " + df->getMaximumFractionDigits());
+ logln(UnicodeString("maxFractionDigits = ") + df->getMaximumFractionDigits());
sBuf2 = df->format(d, sBuf2, fp2);
if(sBuf2 != "100")
errln(" format(d) = '" + sBuf2 + "'");
UErrorCode status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
char loc[256]={0};
int len = uloc_canonicalize("fr_FR_PREEURO", loc, 256, &status);
+ (void)len; // Suppress set but not used warning.
formatter = NumberFormat::createInstance(Locale(loc), status);
if(U_FAILURE(status)) {
dataerrln("Error creating DecimalFormat: %s", u_errorName(status));
UnicodeString tempString;
/* user error :
String expectedDefault = "-5.789,987";
- String expectedCurrency = "5.789,98 DEM";
+ String expectedCurrency = "5.789,98 DM";
String expectedPercent = "-578.998%";
UnicodeString expectedDefault("-5.789,988");
- UnicodeString expectedCurrency("5.789,99\\u00A0DEM");
+ UnicodeString expectedCurrency("5.789,99\\u00A0DM");
UnicodeString expectedPercent("-578.999\\u00A0%");
expectedCurrency = expectedCurrency.unescape();
failure(status, "new DecimalFormat");
if (sdf->getMinimumIntegerDigits() != 1)
- errln("Minimum integer digits : " + sdf->getMinimumIntegerDigits());
+ errln(UnicodeString("Minimum integer digits : ") + sdf->getMinimumIntegerDigits());
delete sdf;
/* @bug 4052223 (API addition request A27)
if (nf->getMaximumIntegerDigits() != MAX_INT_DIGITS)
- errln("getMaximumIntegerDigits() returns " +
+ errln(UnicodeString("getMaximumIntegerDigits() returns ") +
delete nf;
// Error Checking / Reporting macros
-#define TEST_CHECK_STATUS(status) \
- if (U_FAILURE(status)) {\
- errln("File %s, Line %d. status=%s\n", __FILE__, __LINE__, u_errorName(status));\
- return;\
- }
+#define TEST_CHECK_STATUS(status) { \
+ if (U_FAILURE(status)) { \
+ if (status == U_MISSING_RESOURCE_ERROR) { \
+ dataerrln("File %s, Line %d: status=%s", __FILE__, __LINE__, u_errorName(status)); \
+ } else { \
+ errln("File %s, Line %d: status=%s", __FILE__, __LINE__, u_errorName(status)); \
+ } return; \
+ }}
#define TEST_ASSERT(expr) \
if ((expr)==FALSE) {\
+void NumberFormatRegressionTest::Test9780(void) {
+ UErrorCode status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
+ NumberFormat *nf = NumberFormat::createInstance(Locale::getUS(), status);
+ if (failure(status, "NumberFormat::createInstance", TRUE)){
+ delete nf;
+ return;
+ };
+ DecimalFormat *df = dynamic_cast<DecimalFormat *>(nf);
+ if(df == NULL) {
+ errln("DecimalFormat needed to continue");
+ return;
+ }
+ df->setParseIntegerOnly(TRUE);
+ {
+ Formattable n;
+ ParsePosition pos(0);
+ UnicodeString toParse("1,234","");
+ df->parse(toParse, n, pos);
+ if (n.getType() != Formattable::kLong
+ || n.getLong() != 1234) {
+ errln(UnicodeString("FAIL: parse(\"") + toParse + UnicodeString("\") returns ") + toString(n));
+ }
+ }
+ // should still work in lenient mode, just won't get fastpath
+ df->setLenient(TRUE);
+ {
+ Formattable n;
+ ParsePosition pos(0);
+ UnicodeString toParse("1,234","");
+ df->parse(toParse, n, pos);
+ if (n.getType() != Formattable::kLong
+ || n.getLong() != 1234) {
+ errln(UnicodeString("FAIL: parse(\"") + toParse + UnicodeString("\") returns ") + toString(n));
+ }
+ }
+ delete nf;
+void NumberFormatRegressionTest::Test9677(void) {
+ static const UChar pattern[] = { 0x23,0x23,0x23,0x23,0x2E,0x23,0x23,0x23,0x23,0 }; // "####.####"
+ static const UChar positivePrefix[] = { 0x40,0 }; // "@"
+ static const UChar negativePrefix[] = { 0x6E,0 }; // "n"
+ static const UChar text[] = { 0x31,0x32,0x33,0x34,0x35,0x36,0x37,0x38,0x39,0 }; // 123456789
+ static const UChar text2[] = { 0x6E, 0x31,0x32,0x33,0x34,0x35,0x36,0x37,0x38,0x39,0 }; // n123456789
+ UErrorCode status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
+ LocalUNumberFormatPointer f(unum_open(UNUM_DEFAULT, NULL, 0, "en_US", NULL, &status));
+ if (U_FAILURE(status)) {
+ dataerrln("Failure opening unum_open");
+ return;
+ }
+ if (U_SUCCESS(status)) {
+ unum_applyPattern(f.getAlias(), FALSE, pattern, -1, NULL, &status);
+ unum_setTextAttribute(f.getAlias(), UNUM_POSITIVE_PREFIX, positivePrefix, -1, &status);
+ assertSuccess("setting attributes", status);
+ }
+ if(U_SUCCESS(status)) {
+ int32_t n = unum_parse(f.getAlias(), text, -1, NULL, &status);
+ logln("unum_parse status %s, result %d\n", u_errorName(status), n);
+ if(U_FAILURE(status)) {
+ logln("Got expected parse error %s\n", u_errorName(status));
+ status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
+ } else {
+ errln("FAIL: unum_parse status %s, result %d - expected failure\n", u_errorName(status), n);
+ }
+ }
+ if (U_SUCCESS(status)) {
+ unum_setTextAttribute(f.getAlias(), UNUM_POSITIVE_PREFIX, NULL, 0, &status);
+ assertSuccess("setting attributes", status);
+ logln("removed positive prefix");
+ }
+ if(U_SUCCESS(status)) {
+ int32_t n = unum_parse(f.getAlias(), text, -1, NULL, &status);
+ logln("unum_parse status %s, result %d\n", u_errorName(status), n);
+ if(U_FAILURE(status)) {
+ errln("FAIL: with pos prefix removed, parse error %s\n", u_errorName(status));
+ status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
+ } else {
+ if(n!=123456789) {
+ errln("FAIL: with pos prefix removed , unum_parse status %s, result %d expected 123456789\n", u_errorName(status), n);
+ } else {
+ logln("PASS: with pos prefix removed , unum_parse status %s, result %d expected 123456789\n", u_errorName(status),n);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if(U_SUCCESS(status)) {
+ int32_t n = unum_parse(f.getAlias(), text2, -1, NULL, &status);
+ logln("unum_parse status %s, result %d\n", u_errorName(status), n);
+ if(U_FAILURE(status)) {
+ logln("text2: Got expected parse error %s\n", u_errorName(status));
+ status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
+ } else {
+ errln("FAIL: text2: unum_parse status %s, result %d - expected failure\n", u_errorName(status), n);
+ }
+ }
+ if (U_SUCCESS(status)) {
+ unum_setTextAttribute(f.getAlias(), UNUM_NEGATIVE_PREFIX, negativePrefix, -1, &status);
+ assertSuccess("setting attributes", status);
+ logln("Set a different neg prefix prefix");
+ }
+ if(U_SUCCESS(status)) {
+ int32_t n = unum_parse(f.getAlias(), text2, -1, NULL, &status);
+ logln("unum_parse status %s, result %d\n", u_errorName(status), n);
+ if(U_FAILURE(status)) {
+ errln("FAIL: with different neg prefix , parse error %s\n", u_errorName(status));
+ status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
+ } else {
+ if(n!=-123456789) {
+ errln("FAIL: with different neg prefix , unum_parse status %s, result %d expected -123456789\n", u_errorName(status), n);
+ } else {
+ logln("PASS: with different neg prefix , unum_parse status %s, result %d expected -123456789\n", u_errorName(status), n);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+void NumberFormatRegressionTest::Test10361(void) {
+ // DecimalFormat/NumberFormat were artificially limiting the number of digits,
+ // preventing formatting of big decimals.
+ UErrorCode status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
+ DecimalFormatSymbols symbols(Locale::getEnglish(), status);
+ LocalPointer<DecimalFormat> df(new DecimalFormat("###.##", symbols, status), status);
+ // Create a decimal number with a million digits.
+ const int32_t NUMSIZE=1000000;
+ char *num = new char[NUMSIZE];
+ for (int32_t i=0; i<NUMSIZE; i++) {
+ num[i] = '0' + (i+1) % 10;
+ }
+ num[NUMSIZE-3] = '.';
+ num[NUMSIZE-1] = 0;
+ UnicodeString s;
+ Formattable fmtable;
+ fmtable.setDecimalNumber(num, status);
+ df->format(fmtable, s, pos, status);
+ TEST_ASSERT(999999 == s.length());
+ TEST_ASSERT(999997 == pos.getBeginIndex());
+ TEST_ASSERT(999998 == pos.getEndIndex());
+ UnicodeString expected(num, -1, US_INV);
+ TEST_ASSERT(expected == s);
+ delete [] num;
#endif /* #if !UCONFIG_NO_FORMATTING */