+ * Fast case mapping data for ASCII/Latin.
+ * Linear arrays of delta bytes: 0=no mapping; EXC=exception.
+ * Deltas must not cross the ASCII boundary, or else they cannot be easily used
+ * in simple UTF-8 code.
+ */
+namespace LatinCase {
+/** Case mapping/folding data for code points up to U+017F. */
+constexpr UChar LIMIT = 0x180;
+/** U+017F case-folds and uppercases crossing the ASCII boundary. */
+constexpr UChar LONG_S = 0x17f;
+/** Exception: Complex mapping, or too-large delta. */
+constexpr int8_t EXC = -0x80;
+/** Deltas for lowercasing for most locales, and default case folding. */
+extern const int8_t TO_LOWER_NORMAL[LIMIT];
+/** Deltas for lowercasing for tr/az/lt, and Turkic case folding. */
+extern const int8_t TO_LOWER_TR_LT[LIMIT];
+/** Deltas for uppercasing for most locales. */
+extern const int8_t TO_UPPER_NORMAL[LIMIT];
+/** Deltas for uppercasing for tr/az. */
+extern const int8_t TO_UPPER_TR[LIMIT];
+} // namespace LatinCase