+ /**
+ * <p>Default constructor.</p>
+ *
+ * @param adoptDictionary A DictionaryMatcher to adopt. Deleted when the
+ * engine is deleted.
+ */
+ LaoBreakEngine(DictionaryMatcher *adoptDictionary, UErrorCode &status);
+ /**
+ * <p>Virtual destructor.</p>
+ */
+ virtual ~LaoBreakEngine();
+ protected:
+ /**
+ * <p>Divide up a range of known dictionary characters handled by this break engine.</p>
+ *
+ * @param text A UText representing the text
+ * @param rangeStart The start of the range of dictionary characters
+ * @param rangeEnd The end of the range of dictionary characters
+ * @param foundBreaks Output of C array of int32_t break positions, or 0
+ * @return The number of breaks found
+ */
+ virtual int32_t divideUpDictionaryRange( UText *text,
+ int32_t rangeStart,
+ int32_t rangeEnd,
+ UVector32 &foundBreaks ) const;
+ * BurmeseBreakEngine
+ */
+ * <p>BurmeseBreakEngine is a kind of DictionaryBreakEngine that uses a
+ * DictionaryMatcher and heuristics to determine Burmese-specific breaks.</p>
+ *
+ * <p>After it is constructed a BurmeseBreakEngine may be shared between
+ * threads without synchronization.</p>
+ */
+class BurmeseBreakEngine : public DictionaryBreakEngine {
+ private:
+ /**
+ * The set of characters handled by this engine
+ * @internal
+ */
+ UnicodeSet fBurmeseWordSet;
+ UnicodeSet fEndWordSet;
+ UnicodeSet fBeginWordSet;
+ UnicodeSet fMarkSet;
+ DictionaryMatcher *fDictionary;
+ public:
+ /**
+ * <p>Default constructor.</p>
+ *
+ * @param adoptDictionary A DictionaryMatcher to adopt. Deleted when the
+ * engine is deleted.
+ */
+ BurmeseBreakEngine(DictionaryMatcher *adoptDictionary, UErrorCode &status);
+ /**
+ * <p>Virtual destructor.</p>
+ */
+ virtual ~BurmeseBreakEngine();
+ protected:
+ /**
+ * <p>Divide up a range of known dictionary characters.</p>
+ *
+ * @param text A UText representing the text
+ * @param rangeStart The start of the range of dictionary characters
+ * @param rangeEnd The end of the range of dictionary characters
+ * @param foundBreaks Output of C array of int32_t break positions, or 0
+ * @return The number of breaks found
+ */
+ virtual int32_t divideUpDictionaryRange( UText *text,
+ int32_t rangeStart,
+ int32_t rangeEnd,
+ UVector32 &foundBreaks ) const;