+ * File format for .res resource bundle files
+ *
+ * ICU 56: New in formatVersion 3 compared with 2: -------------
+ *
+ * Resource bundles can optionally use shared string-v2 values
+ * stored in the pool bundle.
+ * If so, then the indexes[] contain two new values
+ * in previously-unused bits of existing indexes[] slots:
+ * - poolStringIndexLimit:
+ * String-v2 offsets (in 32-bit Resource words) below this limit
+ * point to pool bundle string-v2 values.
+ * - poolStringIndex16Limit:
+ * Resource16 string-v2 offsets below this limit
+ * point to pool bundle string-v2 values.
+ * Guarantee: poolStringIndex16Limit <= poolStringIndexLimit
+ *
+ * The local bundle's poolStringIndexLimit is greater than
+ * any pool bundle string index used in the local bundle.
+ * The poolStringIndexLimit should not be greater than
+ * the maximum possible pool bundle string index.
+ *
+ * The maximum possible pool bundle string index is the index to the last non-NUL
+ * pool string character, due to suffix sharing.
+ *
+ * In the pool bundle, there is no structure that lists the strings.
+ * (The root resource is an empty Table.)
+ * If the strings need to be enumerated (as genrb --usePoolBundle does),
+ * then iterate through the pool bundle's 16-bit-units array from the beginning.
+ * Stop at the end of the array, or when an explicit or implicit string length
+ * would lead beyond the end of the array,
+ * or when an apparent string is not NUL-terminated.
+ * (Future genrb version might terminate the strings with
+ * what looks like a large explicit string length.)
+ *
+ * ICU 4.4: New in formatVersion 2 compared with 1.3: -------------
+ *
+ * Three new resource types -- String-v2, Table16 and Array16 -- have their
+ * values stored in a new array of 16-bit units between the table key strings
+ * and the start of the other resources.
+ *
+ * genrb eliminates duplicates among Unicode string-v2 values.
+ * Multiple Unicode strings may use the same offset and string data,
+ * or a short string may point to the suffix of a longer string. ("Suffix sharing")
+ * For example, one string "abc" may be reused for another string "bc" by pointing
+ * to the second character. (Short strings-v2 are NUL-terminated
+ * and not preceded by an explicit length value.)
+ *
+ * It is allowed for all resource types to share values.
+ * The swapper code (ures_swap()) has been modified so that it swaps each item
+ * exactly once.
+ *
+ * A resource bundle may use a special pool bundle. Some or all of the table key strings
+ * of the using-bundle are omitted, and the key string offsets for such key strings refer
+ * to offsets in the pool bundle.
+ * The using-bundle's and the pool-bundle's indexes[URES_INDEX_POOL_CHECKSUM] values
+ * must match.
+ * Two bits in indexes[URES_INDEX_ATTRIBUTES] indicate whether a resource bundle
+ * is or uses a pool bundle.
+ *
+ * Table key strings must be compared in ASCII order, even if they are not
+ * stored in ASCII.
+ *
+ * New in formatVersion 1.3 compared with 1.2: -------------
+ *
+ * genrb eliminates duplicates among key strings.
+ * Multiple table items may share one key string, or one item may point
+ * to the suffix of another's key string. ("Suffix sharing")
+ * For example, one key "abc" may be reused for another key "bc" by pointing
+ * to the second character. (Key strings are NUL-terminated.)
+ *
+ * -------------