-// ***************************************************************************
-// *
-// * Copyright (C) 2004, International Business Machines
-// * Corporation and others. All Rights Reserved.
-// *
-// ***************************************************************************
-de {
- // * RuleBasedNumberFormat data for German
- // again, I'm not 100% sure of these rules. I think both "hundert" and
- // "einhundert" are correct or 100, but I'm not sure which is preferable
- // in situations where this framework is likely to be used. Also, is it
- // really true that numbers are run together into compound words all the
- // time?
- SpelloutRules {
- // 1 is "eins" when by itself, but turns into "ein" in most
- // combinations
- "%alt-ones:\n"
- "-x: minus >>;\n"
- "x.x: << komma >>;\n"
- "null; eins; =%%main=;\n"
- "%%main:\n"
- // words for numbers from 0 to 12. Notice that the values
- // from 13 to 19 can derived algorithmically, unlike in most
- // other languages
- "null; ein; zwei; drei; vier; f\u00fcnf; sechs; sieben; acht; neun;\n"
- "zehn; elf; zw\u00f6lf; >>zehn;\n"
- // rules for the multiples of 10. Notice that the ones digit
- // goes on the front
- "20: [>>und]zwanzig;\n"
- "30: [>>und]drei\u00dfig;\n"
- "40: [>>und]vierzig;\n"
- "50: [>>und]f\u00fcnfzig;\n"
- "60: [>>und]sechzig;\n"
- "70: [>>und]siebzig;\n"
- "80: [>>und]achtzig;\n"
- "90: [>>und]neunzig;\n"
- "100: hundert[>%alt-ones>];\n"
- "200: <<hundert[>%alt-ones>];\n"
- "1000: tausend[>%alt-ones>];\n"
- "2000: <<tausend[>%alt-ones>];\n"
- "1,000,000: eine Million[ >%alt-ones>];\n"
- "2,000,000: << Millionen[ >%alt-ones>];\n"
- "1,000,000,000: eine Milliarde[ >%alt-ones>];\n"
- "2,000,000,000: << Milliarden[ >%alt-ones>];\n"
- "1,000,000,000,000: eine Billion[ >%alt-ones>];\n"
- "2,000,000,000,000: << Billionen[ >%alt-ones>];\n"
- "1,000,000,000,000,000: =#,##0=;"
- "%%lenient-parse:\n"
- "&\u0000 << ' ' << '-'\n"
- "& ae , \u00e4 & ae , \u00c4\n"
- "& oe , \u00f6 & oe , \u00d6\n"
- "& ue , \u00fc & ue , \u00dc\n"
+// © 2016 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others.
+// License & terms of use: http://www.unicode.org/copyright.html#License
+ * ICU <specials> source: <path>/xml/rbnf/de.xml
+ */
+ RBNFRules{
+ SpelloutRules{
+ "%%lenient-parse:",
+ "&ue=\u00FC&ae=\u00E4&oe=\u00F6&[last primary ignorable ] << ' ' << ',' << '-' << '\u00AD';",
+ "%spellout-numbering-year:",
+ "-x: minus >>;",
+ "x.x: =0.0=;",
+ "0: =%spellout-numbering=;",
+ "1100/100: <%spellout-cardinal-masculine<\u00ADhundert[\u00AD>>];",
+ "10000: =%spellout-numbering=;",
+ "%spellout-numbering:",
+ "-x: minus >>;",
+ "x.x: << Komma >>;",
+ "0: null;",
+ "1: eins;",
+ "2: zwei;",
+ "3: drei;",
+ "4: vier;",
+ "5: f\u00FCnf;",
+ "6: sechs;",
+ "7: sieben;",
+ "8: acht;",
+ "9: neun;",
+ "10: zehn;",
+ "11: elf;",
+ "12: zw\u00F6lf;",
+ "13: >>zehn;",
+ "16: sechzehn;",
+ "17: siebzehn;",
+ "18: >>zehn;",
+ "20: [>%spellout-cardinal-masculine>\u00ADund\u00AD]zwanzig;",
+ "30: [>%spellout-cardinal-masculine>\u00ADund\u00AD]drei\u00DFig;",
+ "40: [>%spellout-cardinal-masculine>\u00ADund\u00AD]vierzig;",
+ "50: [>%spellout-cardinal-masculine>\u00ADund\u00AD]f\u00FCnfzig;",
+ "60: [>%spellout-cardinal-masculine>\u00ADund\u00AD]sechzig;",
+ "70: [>%spellout-cardinal-masculine>\u00ADund\u00AD]siebzig;",
+ "80: [>%spellout-cardinal-masculine>\u00ADund\u00AD]achtzig;",
+ "90: [>%spellout-cardinal-masculine>\u00ADund\u00AD]neunzig;",
+ "100: <%spellout-cardinal-masculine<\u00ADhundert[\u00AD>>];",
+ "1000: <%spellout-cardinal-masculine<\u00ADtausend[\u00AD>>];",
+ "1000000: eine Million[ >>];",
+ "2000000: <%spellout-cardinal-feminine< Millionen[ >>];",
+ "1000000000: eine Milliarde[ >>];",
+ "2000000000: <%spellout-cardinal-feminine< Milliarden[ >>];",
+ "1000000000000: eine Billion[ >>];",
+ "2000000000000: <%spellout-cardinal-feminine< Billionen[ >>];",
+ "1000000000000000: eine Billiarde[ >>];",
+ "2000000000000000: <%spellout-cardinal-feminine< Billiarden[ >>];",
+ "1000000000000000000: =#,##0=;",
+ "%spellout-cardinal-neuter:",
+ "0: =%spellout-cardinal-masculine=;",
+ "%spellout-cardinal-masculine:",
+ "-x: minus >>;",
+ "x.x: << Komma >>;",
+ "0: null;",
+ "1: ein;",
+ "2: =%spellout-numbering=;",
+ "100: <%spellout-cardinal-masculine<\u00ADhundert[\u00AD>>];",
+ "1000: <%spellout-cardinal-masculine<\u00ADtausend[\u00AD>>];",
+ "1000000: eine Million[ >>];",
+ "2000000: <%spellout-cardinal-feminine< Millionen[ >>];",
+ "1000000000: eine Milliarde[ >>];",
+ "2000000000: <%spellout-cardinal-feminine< Milliarden[ >>];",
+ "1000000000000: eine Billion[ >>];",
+ "2000000000000: <%spellout-cardinal-feminine< Billionen[ >>];",
+ "1000000000000000: eine Billiarde[ >>];",
+ "2000000000000000: <%spellout-cardinal-feminine< Billiarden[ >>];",
+ "1000000000000000000: =#,##0=;",
+ "%spellout-cardinal-feminine:",
+ "-x: minus >>;",
+ "x.x: << Komma >>;",
+ "0: null;",
+ "1: eine;",
+ "2: =%spellout-numbering=;",
+ "100: <%spellout-cardinal-masculine<\u00ADhundert[\u00AD>>];",
+ "1000: <%spellout-cardinal-masculine<\u00ADtausend[\u00AD>>];",
+ "1000000: eine Million[ >>];",
+ "2000000: <%spellout-cardinal-feminine< Millionen[ >>];",
+ "1000000000: eine Milliarde[ >>];",
+ "2000000000: <%spellout-cardinal-feminine< Milliarden[ >>];",
+ "1000000000000: eine Billion[ >>];",
+ "2000000000000: <%spellout-cardinal-feminine< Billionen[ >>];",
+ "1000000000000000: eine Billiarde[ >>];",
+ "2000000000000000: <%spellout-cardinal-feminine< Billiarden[ >>];",
+ "1000000000000000000: =#,##0=;",
+ "%spellout-cardinal-n:",
+ "-x: minus >>;",
+ "x.x: << Komma >>;",
+ "0: null;",
+ "1: einen;",
+ "2: =%spellout-numbering=;",
+ "100: <%spellout-cardinal-masculine<\u00ADhundert[\u00AD>>];",
+ "1000: <%spellout-cardinal-masculine<\u00ADtausend[\u00AD>>];",
+ "1000000: eine Million[ >>];",
+ "2000000: <%spellout-cardinal-feminine< Millionen[ >>];",
+ "1000000000: eine Milliarde[ >>];",
+ "2000000000: <%spellout-cardinal-feminine< Milliarden[ >>];",
+ "1000000000000: eine Billion[ >>];",
+ "2000000000000: <%spellout-cardinal-feminine< Billionen[ >>];",
+ "1000000000000000: eine Billiarde[ >>];",
+ "2000000000000000: <%spellout-cardinal-feminine< Billiarden[ >>];",
+ "1000000000000000000: =#,##0=;",
+ "%spellout-cardinal-r:",
+ "-x: minus >>;",
+ "x.x: << Komma >>;",
+ "0: null;",
+ "1: einer;",
+ "2: =%spellout-numbering=;",
+ "100: <%spellout-cardinal-masculine<\u00ADhundert[\u00AD>>];",
+ "1000: <%spellout-cardinal-masculine<\u00ADtausend[\u00AD>>];",
+ "1000000: eine Million[ >>];",
+ "2000000: <%spellout-cardinal-feminine< Millionen[ >>];",
+ "1000000000: eine Milliarde[ >>];",
+ "2000000000: <%spellout-cardinal-feminine< Milliarden[ >>];",
+ "1000000000000: eine Billion[ >>];",
+ "2000000000000: <%spellout-cardinal-feminine< Billionen[ >>];",
+ "1000000000000000: eine Billiarde[ >>];",
+ "2000000000000000: <%spellout-cardinal-feminine< Billiarden[ >>];",
+ "1000000000000000000: =#,##0=;",
+ "%spellout-cardinal-s:",
+ "-x: minus >>;",
+ "x.x: << Komma >>;",
+ "0: null;",
+ "1: eines;",
+ "2: =%spellout-numbering=;",
+ "100: <%spellout-cardinal-masculine<\u00ADhundert[\u00AD>>];",
+ "1000: <%spellout-cardinal-masculine<\u00ADtausend[\u00AD>>];",
+ "1000000: eine Million[ >>];",
+ "2000000: <%spellout-cardinal-feminine< Millionen[ >>];",
+ "1000000000: eine Milliarde[ >>];",
+ "2000000000: <%spellout-cardinal-feminine< Milliarden[ >>];",
+ "1000000000000: eine Billion[ >>];",
+ "2000000000000: <%spellout-cardinal-feminine< Billionen[ >>];",
+ "1000000000000000: eine Billiarde[ >>];",
+ "2000000000000000: <%spellout-cardinal-feminine< Billiarden[ >>];",
+ "1000000000000000000: =#,##0=;",
+ "%%ste:",
+ "0: ste;",
+ "1: \u00AD=%spellout-ordinal=;",
+ "%%ste2:",
+ "0: ste;",
+ "1: ' =%spellout-ordinal=;",
+ "%spellout-ordinal:",
+ "-x: minus >>;",
+ "x.x: =#,##0.#=;",
+ "0: nullte;",
+ "1: erste;",
+ "2: zweite;",
+ "3: dritte;",
+ "4: vierte;",
+ "5: f\u00FCnfte;",
+ "6: sechste;",
+ "7: siebte;",
+ "8: achte;",
+ "9: =%spellout-numbering=te;",
+ "20: =%spellout-numbering=ste;",
+ "100: <%spellout-cardinal-masculine<\u00ADhundert>%%ste>;",
+ "1000: <%spellout-cardinal-masculine<\u00ADtausend>%%ste>;",
+ "1000000: eine Million>%%ste2>;",
+ "2000000: <%spellout-cardinal-feminine< Millionen>%%ste2>;",
+ "1000000000: eine Milliarde>%%ste2>;",
+ "2000000000: <%spellout-cardinal-feminine< Milliarden>%%ste2>;",
+ "1000000000000: eine Billion>%%ste>;",
+ "2000000000000: <%spellout-cardinal-feminine< Billionen>%%ste2>;",
+ "1000000000000000: eine Billiarde>%%ste2>;",
+ "2000000000000000: <%spellout-cardinal-feminine< Billiarden>%%ste2>;",
+ "1000000000000000000: =#,##0=.;",
+ "%spellout-ordinal-n:",
+ "-x: minus >>;",
+ "x.x: =#,##0.#=;",
+ "0: =%spellout-ordinal=n;",
+ "%spellout-ordinal-r:",
+ "-x: minus >>;",
+ "x.x: =#,##0.#=;",
+ "0: =%spellout-ordinal=r;",
+ "%spellout-ordinal-s:",
+ "-x: minus >>;",
+ "x.x: =#,##0.#=;",
+ "0: =%spellout-ordinal=s;",
+ }
+ Version{"36.1"}