- * (C) Copyright IBM Corp. 1998-2004 - All Rights Reserved
+ * (C) Copyright IBM Corp. 1998-2010 - All Rights Reserved
if (glyphIterator->isRightToLeft()) {
+ // FIXME: need similar patch to below; also in MarkToLigature and MarkToMark
+ // (is there a better way to approach this for all the cases?)
glyphIterator->setCurrGlyphPositionAdjustment(anchorDiffX, anchorDiffY, -markAdvance.fX, -markAdvance.fY);
} else {
LEPoint baseAdvance;
fontInstance->getGlyphAdvance(baseGlyph, pixels);
+ //JK: adjustment needs to account for non-zero advance of any marks between base glyph and current mark
+ GlyphIterator gi(baseIterator, (le_uint16)0); // copy of baseIterator that won't ignore marks
+ gi.next(); // point beyond the base glyph
+ while (gi.getCurrStreamPosition() < glyphIterator->getCurrStreamPosition()) { // for all intervening glyphs (marks)...
+ LEGlyphID otherMark = gi.getCurrGlyphID();
+ LEPoint px;
+ fontInstance->getGlyphAdvance(otherMark, px); // get advance, in case it's non-zero
+ pixels.fX += px.fX; // and add that to the base glyph's advance
+ pixels.fY += px.fY;
+ gi.next();
+ }
+ // end of JK patch
fontInstance->pixelsToUnits(pixels, baseAdvance);
glyphIterator->setCurrGlyphPositionAdjustment(anchorDiffX - baseAdvance.fX, anchorDiffY - baseAdvance.fY, -markAdvance.fX, -markAdvance.fY);