+ /**
+ * tests MesageFormat functionality with a PluralFormat.
+ **/
+ void testMsgFormatPlural(/* char* par */);
+ /**
+ * tests MessageFormat functionality with a SelectFormat.
+ **/
+ void testMsgFormatSelect(/* char* par */);
+ void testApostropheInPluralAndSelect();
+ /**
+ * Internal method to format a MessageFormat object with passed args
+ **/
+ void internalFormat(MessageFormat* msgFmt ,
+ Formattable* args , int32_t numOfArgs ,
+ UnicodeString expected, const char* errMsg);
+ /**
+ * Internal method to create a MessageFormat object with passed args
+ **/
+ MessageFormat* internalCreate(
+ UnicodeString pattern ,Locale locale , UErrorCode& err, char* errMsg);