-U_CAPI int32_t U_EXPORT2
-uhash_geti(const UHashtable *hash,
- const void* key) {
- UHashTok keyholder;
- keyholder.pointer = (void*) key;
- return _uhash_find(hash, keyholder, hash->keyHasher(keyholder))->value.integer;
+ * Look for a key in the table, or if no such key exists, the first
+ * empty slot matching the given hashcode. Keys are compared using
+ * the keyComparator function.
+ *
+ * First find the start position, which is the hashcode modulo
+ * the length. Test it to see if it is:
+ *
+ * a. identical: First check the hash values for a quick check,
+ * then compare keys for equality using keyComparator.
+ * b. deleted
+ * c. empty
+ *
+ * Stop if it is identical or empty, otherwise continue by adding a
+ * "jump" value (moduloing by the length again to keep it within
+ * range) and retesting. For efficiency, there need enough empty
+ * values so that the searchs stop within a reasonable amount of time.
+ * This can be changed by changing the high/low water marks.
+ *
+ * In theory, this function can return NULL, if it is full (no empty
+ * or deleted slots) and if no matching key is found. In practice, we
+ * prevent this elsewhere (in uhash_put) by making sure the last slot
+ * in the table is never filled.
+ *
+ * The size of the table should be prime for this algorithm to work;
+ * otherwise we are not guaranteed that the jump value (the secondary
+ * hash) is relatively prime to the table length.
+ */
+static UHashElement*
+_uhash_find(const UHashtable *hash, UHashTok key,
+ int32_t hashcode) {