- *
- * (C) Copyright IBM Corp. 1998-2004 - All Rights Reserved
- *
+ * (C) Copyright IBM Corp. and others 1998-2013 - All Rights Reserved
#include "LETypes.h"
+ * \file
+ * \brief C++ API: Virtual base class for complex text layout.
+ */
class LEFontInstance;
* @stable ICU 2.8
class U_LAYOUT_API LayoutEngine : public UObject {
+ /** @internal Flag to request kerning. Use LE_Kerning_FEATURE_FLAG instead. */
+ static const le_int32 kTypoFlagKern;
+ /** @internal Flag to request ligatures. Use LE_Ligatures_FEATURE_FLAG instead. */
+ static const le_int32 kTypoFlagLiga;
+#endif /* U_HIDE_INTERNAL_API */
* The object which holds the glyph storage
le_int32 fLanguageCode;
+ /**
+ * The typographic control flags
+ *
+ * @internal
+ */
+ le_int32 fTypoFlags;
+ /**
+ * <code>TRUE</code> if <code>mapCharsToGlyphs</code> should replace ZWJ / ZWNJ with a glyph
+ * with no contours.
+ *
+ * @internal
+ */
+ le_bool fFilterZeroWidth;
* This constructs an instance for a given font, script and language. Subclass constructors
* must call this constructor.
* @param fontInstance - the font for the text
* @param scriptCode - the script for the text
* @param languageCode - the language for the text
+ * @param typoFlags - the typographic control flags for the text (a bitfield). Use kTypoFlagKern
+ * if kerning is desired, kTypoFlagLiga if ligature formation is desired. Others are reserved.
+ * @param success - set to an error code if the operation fails
* @see LEFontInstance
* @see ScriptAndLanguageTags.h
* @internal
- LayoutEngine(const LEFontInstance *fontInstance, le_int32 scriptCode, le_int32 languageCode);
+ LayoutEngine(const LEFontInstance *fontInstance,
+ le_int32 scriptCode,
+ le_int32 languageCode,
+ le_int32 typoFlags,
+ LEErrorCode &success);
+#endif /* U_HIDE_INTERNAL_API */
+ // Do not enclose the protected default constructor with #ifndef U_HIDE_INTERNAL_API
+ // or else the compiler will create a public default constructor.
* This overrides the default no argument constructor to make it
* difficult for clients to call it. Clients are expected to call
* some other way must override this method.
* @param tableTag - the four byte table tag.
+ * @param length - length to use
* @return the address of the table.
* @internal
- virtual const void *getFontTable(LETag tableTag) const;
+ virtual const void *getFontTable(LETag tableTag, size_t &length) const;
+ /**
+ * @deprecated
+ */
+ virtual const void *getFontTable(LETag tableTag) const { size_t ignored; return getFontTable(tableTag, ignored); }
* This method does character to glyph mapping. The default implementation
virtual void mapCharsToGlyphs(const LEUnicode chars[], le_int32 offset, le_int32 count, le_bool reverse, le_bool mirror, LEGlyphStorage &glyphStorage, LEErrorCode &success);
* This is a convenience method that forces the advance width of mark
* glyphs to be zero, which is required for proper selection and highlighting.
* @internal
static void adjustMarkGlyphs(const LEUnicode chars[], le_int32 charCount, le_bool reverse, LEGlyphStorage &glyphStorage, LEGlyphFilter *markFilter, LEErrorCode &success);
+#endif /* U_HIDE_INTERNAL_API */
* This method will invoke the layout steps in their correct order by calling
- * the computeGlyphs, positionGlyphs and adjustGlyphPosition methods.. It will
+ * the computeGlyphs, positionGlyphs and adjustGlyphPosition methods. It will
* compute the glyph, character index and position arrays.
* @param chars - the input character context
* @return the number of glyphs in the glyph array
- * Note; the glyph, character index and position array can be accessed
- * using the getter method below.
+ * Note: The glyph, character index and position array can be accessed
+ * using the getter methods below.
+ *
+ * Note: If you call this method more than once, you must call the reset()
+ * method first to free the glyph, character index and position arrays
+ * allocated by the previous call.
* @stable ICU 2.8
static LayoutEngine *layoutEngineFactory(const LEFontInstance *fontInstance, le_int32 scriptCode, le_int32 languageCode, LEErrorCode &success);
+ /**
+ * Override of existing call that provides flags to control typography.
+ * @stable ICU 3.4
+ */
+ static LayoutEngine *layoutEngineFactory(const LEFontInstance *fontInstance, le_int32 scriptCode, le_int32 languageCode, le_int32 typo_flags, LEErrorCode &success);
* ICU "poor man's RTTI", returns a UClassID for the actual class.