// ***************************************************************************
// *
-// * Copyright (C) 2004 International Business Machines
-// * Corporation and others. All Rights Reserved.
-// * Tool: com.ibm.icu.dev.tool.cldr.LDML2ICUConverter.java
-// * Source File: ../../../locale/common/main/sl.xml
+// * Copyright (C) 2014 International Business Machines
+// * Corporation and others. All Rights Reserved.
+// * Tool: org.unicode.cldr.icu.NewLdml2IcuConverter
+// * Source File: <path>/common/main/sl.xml
// *
// ***************************************************************************
- * ICU <specials> source: ../../../locale/icu/main/sl.xml
+ * ICU <specials> source: <path>/common/main/sl.xml
- Countries{
- AD{"Andora"}
- AE{"Združeni arabski emirati"}
- AF{"Afganistan"}
- AG{"Antigva in Barbuda"}
- AI{"Angvila"}
- AL{"Albanija"}
- AM{"Armenija"}
- AN{"Nizozemski Antili"}
- AO{"Angola"}
- AQ{"Antarktika"}
- AR{"Argentina"}
- AS{"Ameriška Samoa"}
- AT{"Avstrija"}
- AU{"Avstralija"}
- AW{"Aruba"}
- AZ{"Azerbajdžan"}
- BA{"Bosna in Hercegovina"}
- BB{"Barbados"}
- BD{"Bangladeš"}
- BE{"Belgija"}
- BF{"Burkina Faso"}
- BG{"Bolgarija"}
- BH{"Bahrajn"}
- BI{"Burundi"}
- BJ{"Benin"}
- BM{"Bermuda"}
- BN{"Brunej"}
- BO{"Bolivija"}
- BR{"Brazilija"}
- BS{"Bahami"}
- BT{"Butan"}
- BV{"Otok Bouvet"}
- BW{"Bocvana"}
- BY{"Belorusija"}
- BZ{"Belize"}
- CA{"Kanada"}
- CC{"Kokosovi otoki"}
- CD{"Demokratična republika Kongo"}
- CF{"Centralnoafriška republika"}
- CG{"Kongo"}
- CH{"Švica"}
- CI{"Slonokoščena obala"}
- CK{"Cookovi otoki"}
- CL{"Čile"}
- CM{"Kamerun"}
- CN{"Kitajska"}
- CO{"Kolumbija"}
- CR{"Kostarika"}
- CU{"Kuba"}
- CV{"Kapverdski otoki"}
- CX{"Božični otok"}
- CY{"Ciper"}
- CZ{"Češka"}
- DE{"Nemčija"}
- DJ{"Džibuti"}
- DK{"Danska"}
- DM{"Dominika"}
- DO{"Dominikanska republika"}
- DZ{"Alžirija"}
- EC{"Ekvador"}
- EE{"Estonija"}
- EG{"Egipt"}
- EH{"Zahodna Sahara"}
- ER{"Eritreja"}
- ES{"Španija"}
- ET{"Etiopija"}
- FI{"Finska"}
- FJ{"Fidži"}
- FK{"Falklandski (Malvinski) otoki"}
- FM{"Mikronezija"}
- FO{"Fererski otoki"}
- FR{"Francija"}
- GA{"Gabon"}
- GB{"Velika Britanija"}
- GD{"Grenada"}
- GE{"Gruzija"}
- GF{"Francoska Gvajana"}
- GH{"Gana"}
- GI{"Gibraltar"}
- GL{"Grenlandija"}
- GM{"Gambija"}
- GN{"Gvineja"}
- GP{"Guadeloupe"}
- GQ{"Ekvatorialna Gvineja"}
- GR{"Grčija"}
- GS{"Južna Georgija in Južni Sandwich Islands"}
- GT{"Gvatemala"}
- GU{"Guam"}
- GW{"Gvineja Bissau"}
- GY{"Gvajana"}
- HK{"Hong Kong S.A.R. Kitajske"}
- HM{"Heardov otok in McDonaldovi otoki"}
- HN{"Honduras"}
- HR{"Hrvaška"}
- HT{"Haiti"}
- HU{"Madžarska"}
- ID{"Indonezija"}
- IE{"Irska"}
- IL{"Izrael"}
- IN{"Indija"}
- IO{"Britanska Indija"}
- IQ{"Irak"}
- IR{"Iran"}
- IS{"Islandija"}
- IT{"Italija"}
- JM{"Jamajka"}
- JO{"Jordan"}
- JP{"Japonska"}
- KE{"Kenija"}
- KG{"Kirgizistan"}
- KH{"Kambodža"}
- KI{"Kiribati"}
- KM{"Komori"}
- KN{"Saint Kitts in Nevis"}
- KP{"Severna Koreja"}
- KR{"Južna Koreja"}
- KW{"Kuvajt"}
- KY{"Kajmanski otoki"}
- KZ{"Kazahstan"}
- LA{"Ljudska demokratična republika Laos"}
- LB{"Libanon"}
- LC{"Saint Lucia"}
- LI{"Liechtenstein"}
- LK{"Šrilanka"}
- LR{"Liberija"}
- LS{"Lesoto"}
- LT{"Litva"}
- LU{"Luxemburg"}
- LV{"Latvija"}
- LY{"Libija"}
- MA{"Maroko"}
- MC{"Monako"}
- MD{"Republika Moldova"}
- MG{"Madagaskar"}
- MH{"Marshallovi otoki"}
- MK{"Republika Makedonija"}
- ML{"Mali"}
- MM{"Myanmar"}
- MN{"Mongolija"}
- MO{"Makao S.A.R. Kitajske"}
- MP{"Severni Marianski otoki"}
- MQ{"Martinik"}
- MR{"Mavretanija"}
- MS{"Montserrat"}
- MT{"Malta"}
- MU{"Mauritius"}
- MV{"Maldivi"}
- MW{"Malavi"}
- MX{"Mehika"}
- MY{"Malezija"}
- MZ{"Mozambik"}
- NA{"Namibija"}
- NC{"Nova Kaledonija"}
- NE{"Niger"}
- NF{"Otok Norfolk"}
- NG{"Nigerija"}
- NI{"Nikaragva"}
- NL{"Nizozemska"}
- NO{"Norveška"}
- NP{"Nepal"}
- NR{"Nauru"}
- NU{"Niue"}
- NZ{"Nova Zelandija"}
- OM{"Oman"}
- PA{"Panama"}
- PE{"Peru"}
- PF{"Francoska Polinezija"}
- PG{"Papua Nova Gvineja"}
- PH{"Filipini"}
- PK{"Pakistan"}
- PL{"Poljska"}
- PM{"Saint Pierre in Miquelon"}
- PN{"Pitcairn"}
- PR{"Portoriko"}
- PS{"Palestinsko ozemlje"}
- PT{"Portugalska"}
- PW{"Palau"}
- PY{"Paragvaj"}
- QA{"Katar"}
- RE{"Reunion"}
- RO{"Romunija"}
- RU{"Ruska federacija"}
- RW{"Ruanda"}
- SA{"Saudova Arabija"}
- SB{"Salomonovo otočje"}
- SC{"Sejšeli"}
- SD{"Sudan"}
- SE{"Švedska"}
- SG{"Singapur"}
- SH{"Sveta Helena"}
- SI{"Slovenija"}
- SJ{"Svalbard in Jan Mayen"}
- SK{"Slovaška"}
- SL{"Sierra Leone"}
- SM{"San Marino"}
- SN{"Senegal"}
- SO{"Somalija"}
- SP{"Serbia"}
- SR{"Surinam"}
- ST{"Sao Tome in Principe"}
- SV{"Salvador"}
- SY{"Sirija"}
- SZ{"Svazi"}
- TC{"Otočji Turks in Caicos"}
- TD{"Čad"}
- TF{"Francoski južni teritorij"}
- TG{"Togo"}
- TH{"Tajska"}
- TJ{"Tadžikistan"}
- TK{"Tokelau"}
- TL{"Vzhodni Timor"}
- TM{"Turkmenistan"}
- TN{"Tunizija"}
- TO{"Tonga"}
- TR{"Turčija"}
- TT{"Trinidad in Tobago"}
- TV{"Tuvalu"}
- TW{"Tajvan"}
- TZ{"Tanzanija"}
- UA{"Ukrajina"}
- UG{"Uganda"}
- UM{"Ameriški manjši oddaljeni otoki"}
- US{"Združene države Amerike"}
- UY{"Urugvaj"}
- UZ{"Uzbekistan"}
- VA{"Vatikan"}
- VC{"Saint Vincent in Grenadine"}
- VE{"Venezuela"}
- VG{"Britanski Deviški otoki"}
- VI{"Ameriški Deviški otoki"}
- VN{"Vietnam"}
- VU{"Vanuatu"}
- WF{"Wallis in Futuna"}
- WS{"Samoa"}
- YE{"Jemen"}
- YT{"Mayotte"}
- YU{"Jugoslavija"}
- ZA{"Južna Afrika"}
- ZM{"Zambija"}
- ZW{"Zimbabve"}
- }
- Currencies{
- SIT{
- "SIT",
- "Slovenski tolar",
- }
- }
- ExemplarCharacters{"[a-pr-vzčšž]"}
- Keys{
- calendar{"Kolendar"}
- collation{"Zlaganje"}
- currency{"Valuta"}
- }
- Languages{
- ar{"Arabščina"}
- bg{"Bolgarščina"}
- cs{"Češčina"}
- da{"Danščina"}
- de{"Nemščina"}
- el{"Grščina"}
- en{"Angleščina"}
- es{"Španščina"}
- et{"Estonščina"}
- fi{"Finščina"}
- fr{"Francoščina"}
- he{"Hebrejščina"}
- hr{"Hrvaščina"}
- hu{"Madžarščina"}
- it{"Italijanščina"}
- ja{"Japonščina"}
- ko{"Korejščina"}
- lt{"Litovščina"}
- lv{"Letonščina"}
- nl{"Nizozemščina"}
- no{"Norveščina"}
- pl{"Poljščina"}
- pt{"Portugalščina"}
- ro{"Romunščina"}
- ru{"Ruščina"}
- sk{"Slovaščina"}
- sl{"Slovenščina"}
- sv{"Švedščina"}
- tr{"Turščina"}
- zh{"Kitajščina"}
+ AuxExemplarCharacters{
+ "[á à ă â å ä ā æ ç ć đ é è ĕ ê ë ē í ì ĭ î ï ī ñ ó ò ŏ ô ö ø ō œ q ú ù ŭ û ü"
+ " ū w x y ÿ]"
+ ExemplarCharacters{"[a b c č d e f g h i j k l m n o p r s š t u v z ž]"}
+ ExemplarCharactersIndex{"[A B C Č Ć D Đ E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S Š T U V W X Y Z Ž]"}
+ MoreInformation{"?"}
- ",",
- ".",
- ";",
- "%",
- "0",
- "#",
- "-",
- "E",
- "‰",
- "∞",
- "�",
- "+",
- }
- Types{
- calendar{
- buddhist{"Budistični kolendar"}
- chinese{"Kitajski kolendar"}
- gregorian{"Gregorijanski kolendar"}
- hebrew{"Hebrejski kolendar"}
- islamic{"Islamski kolendar"}
- islamic-civil{"Islamski civilni kolendar"}
- japanese{"Japonski kolendar"}
- }
- collation{
- direct{"Direktno zlaganje"}
- phonebook{"Zlaganje po abecedi"}
- pinyin{"Pinyin zlaganje"}
- stroke{"Stroke order zlaganje"}
- traditional{"Tradicionano zlaganje"}
+ latn{
+ miscPatterns{
+ atLeast{"⩾{0}"}
+ range{"{0}–{1}"}
+ }
+ patterns{
+ accountingFormat{"#,##0.00 ¤;(#,##0.00 ¤)"}
+ currencyFormat{"#,##0.00 ¤"}
+ decimalFormat{"#,##0.###"}
+ percentFormat{"#,##0%"}
+ scientificFormat{"#E0"}
+ }
+ patternsLong{
+ decimalFormat{
+ 1000{
+ few{"0 tisoč"}
+ one{"0 tisoč"}
+ other{"0 tisoč"}
+ two{"0 tisoč"}
+ }
+ 10000{
+ few{"00 tisoč"}
+ one{"00 tisoč"}
+ other{"00 tisoč"}
+ two{"00 tisoč"}
+ }
+ 100000{
+ few{"000 tisoč"}
+ one{"000 tisoč"}
+ other{"000 tisoč"}
+ two{"000 tisoč"}
+ }
+ 1000000{
+ few{"0 milijone"}
+ one{"0 milijon"}
+ other{"0 milijonov"}
+ two{"0 milijona"}
+ }
+ 10000000{
+ few{"00 milijoni"}
+ one{"00 milijon"}
+ other{"00 milijonov"}
+ two{"00 milijona"}
+ }
+ 100000000{
+ few{"000 milijoni"}
+ one{"000 milijon"}
+ other{"000 milijonov"}
+ two{"000 milijona"}
+ }
+ 1000000000{
+ few{"0 milijarde"}
+ one{"0 milijarda"}
+ other{"0 milijard"}
+ two{"0 milijardi"}
+ }
+ 10000000000{
+ few{"00 milijarde"}
+ one{"00 milijarda"}
+ other{"00 milijard"}
+ two{"00 milijardi"}
+ }
+ 100000000000{
+ few{"000 milijarde"}
+ one{"000 milijarda"}
+ other{"000 milijard"}
+ two{"000 milijardi"}
+ }
+ 1000000000000{
+ few{"0 bilijoni"}
+ one{"0 bilijon"}
+ other{"0 bilijonov"}
+ two{"0 bilijona"}
+ }
+ 10000000000000{
+ few{"00 bilijoni"}
+ one{"00 bilijon"}
+ other{"00 bilijonov"}
+ two{"00 bilijona"}
+ }
+ 100000000000000{
+ few{"000 bilijoni("}
+ one{"000 bilijon"}
+ other{"000 bilijonov"}
+ two{"000 bilijona"}
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ patternsShort{
+ decimalFormat{
+ 1000{
+ few{"0 tis'.'"}
+ one{"0 tis'.'"}
+ other{"0 tis'.'"}
+ two{"0 tis'.'"}
+ }
+ 10000{
+ few{"00 tis'.'"}
+ one{"00 tis'.'"}
+ other{"00 tis'.'"}
+ two{"00 tis'.'"}
+ }
+ 100000{
+ few{"000 tis'.'"}
+ one{"000 tis'.'"}
+ other{"000 tis'.'"}
+ two{"000 tis'.'"}
+ }
+ 1000000{
+ few{"0 mio'.'"}
+ one{"0 mio'.'"}
+ other{"0 mio'.'"}
+ two{"0 mio'.'"}
+ }
+ 10000000{
+ few{"00 mio'.'"}
+ one{"00 mio'.'"}
+ other{"00 mio'.'"}
+ two{"00 mio'.'"}
+ }
+ 100000000{
+ few{"000 mio'.'"}
+ one{"000 mio'.'"}
+ other{"000 mio'.'"}
+ two{"000 mio'.'"}
+ }
+ 1000000000{
+ few{"0 mrd'.'"}
+ one{"0 mrd'.'"}
+ other{"0 mrd'.'"}
+ two{"0 mrd'.'"}
+ }
+ 10000000000{
+ few{"00 mrd'.'"}
+ one{"00 mrd'.'"}
+ other{"00 mrd'.'"}
+ two{"00 mrd'.'"}
+ }
+ 100000000000{
+ few{"000 mrd'.'"}
+ one{"000 mrd'.'"}
+ other{"000 mrd'.'"}
+ two{"000 mrd'.'"}
+ }
+ 1000000000000{
+ few{"0 bil'.'"}
+ one{"0 bil'.'"}
+ other{"0 bil'.'"}
+ two{"0 bil'.'"}
+ }
+ 10000000000000{
+ few{"00 bil'.'"}
+ one{"00 bil'.'"}
+ other{"00 bil'.'"}
+ two{"00 bil'.'"}
+ }
+ 100000000000000{
+ few{"000 bil'.'"}
+ one{"000 bil'.'"}
+ other{"000 bil'.'"}
+ two{"000 bil'.'"}
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ symbols{
+ decimal{","}
+ exponential{"e"}
+ group{"."}
+ infinity{"∞"}
+ list{";"}
+ minusSign{"-"}
+ nan{"NaN"}
+ perMille{"‰"}
+ percentSign{"%"}
+ plusSign{"+"}
+ superscriptingExponent{"×"}
+ }
- Version{"1.2"}
+ Version{""}
+ generic{
+ DateTimePatterns{
+ "HH.mm.ss zzzz",
+ "HH.mm.ss z",
+ "HH.mm.ss",
+ "HH.mm",
+ "EEEE, dd. MMMM y G",
+ "dd. MMMM y G",
+ "d. MMM y G",
+ "d. MM. y GGGGG",
+ "{1} {0}",
+ "{1} {0}",
+ "{1} {0}",
+ "{1} {0}",
+ "{1} {0}",
+ }
+ availableFormats{
+ Ed{"E, d."}
+ Gy{"y G"}
+ GyM{"M/y G"}
+ GyMMM{"MMM y G"}
+ GyMMMEd{"E, d. MMM y G"}
+ GyMMMd{"d. MMM y G"}
+ H{"HH"}
+ Hm{"HH.mm"}
+ Hms{"HH.mm.ss"}
+ M{"L"}
+ MEd{"E, d. MM."}
+ MMM{"LLL"}
+ MMMEd{"E, d. MMM"}
+ MMMd{"d. MMM"}
+ Md{"d. M."}
+ d{"d"}
+ h{"h a"}
+ hm{"h.mm a"}
+ hms{"h.mm.ss a"}
+ ms{"mm.ss"}
+ y{"y G"}
+ yyyy{"y G"}
+ yyyyM{"M/y G"}
+ yyyyMEd{"E, d. M. y G"}
+ yyyyMMM{"MMM y G"}
+ yyyyMMMEd{"E, d. MMM y G"}
+ yyyyMMMM{"MMMM y G"}
+ yyyyMMMd{"d. MMM y G"}
+ yyyyMd{"d. M. y G"}
+ yyyyQQQ{"QQQ y G"}
+ yyyyQQQQ{"QQQQ y G"}
+ }
+ intervalFormats{
+ H{
+ H{"HH–HH"}
+ }
+ Hm{
+ H{"HH.mm–HH.mm"}
+ m{"HH.mm–HH.mm"}
+ }
+ Hmv{
+ H{"HH.mm–HH.mm v"}
+ m{"HH.mm–HH.mm v"}
+ }
+ Hv{
+ H{"HH–HH v"}
+ }
+ M{
+ M{"M.–M."}
+ }
+ MEd{
+ M{"E, d. M. – E, d. M."}
+ d{"E, d. – E, d. M."}
+ }
+ MMM{
+ M{"MMM–MMM"}
+ }
+ MMMEd{
+ M{"E, d. MMM – E, d. MMM"}
+ d{"E, d. – E, d. MMM"}
+ }
+ MMMd{
+ M{"d. MMM – d. MMM"}
+ d{"d.–d. MMM"}
+ }
+ Md{
+ M{"d. M. – d. M."}
+ d{"d. – d. M."}
+ }
+ d{
+ d{"d.–d."}
+ }
+ fallback{"{0} – {1}"}
+ h{
+ a{"h a – h a"}
+ h{"h–h a"}
+ }
+ hm{
+ a{"h.mm a – h.mm a"}
+ h{"h.mm–h.mm a"}
+ m{"h.mm–h.mm a"}
+ }
+ hmv{
+ a{"h.mm a – h.mm a v"}
+ h{"h.mm–h.mm a v"}
+ m{"h.mm–h.mm a v"}
+ }
+ hv{
+ a{"h a – h a v"}
+ h{"h–h a v"}
+ }
+ y{
+ y{"y–y G"}
+ }
+ yM{
+ M{"M.–M. y G"}
+ y{"M. y – M. y G"}
+ }
+ yMEd{
+ M{"E, d. M. – E, d. M. y G"}
+ d{"E, d. – E, d. M. y G"}
+ y{"E, d. M. y – E, d. M. y G"}
+ }
+ yMMM{
+ M{"MMM – MMM y G"}
+ y{"MMM y – MMM y G"}
+ }
+ yMMMEd{
+ M{"E, d. MMM – E, d. MMM y G"}
+ d{"E, d. MMM – E, d. MMM y G"}
+ y{"E, d. MMM y – E, d. MMM y G"}
+ }
+ yMMMM{
+ M{"MMMM – MMMM y G"}
+ y{"MMMM y – MMMM y G"}
+ }
+ yMMMd{
+ M{"d. MMM – d. MMM y G"}
+ d{"d.–d. MMM y G"}
+ y{"d. MMM y – d. MMM y G"}
+ }
+ yMd{
+ M{"d. M. – d. M. y G"}
+ d{"d. M. y – d. M. y G"}
+ y{"d. M. y – d. M. y G"}
+ }
+ }
+ }
- DateTimeElements:intvector{
- 2,
- 1,
+ AmPmMarkers{
+ "dop.",
+ "pop.",
- "H:mm:ss z",
- "H:mm:ss z",
- "H:mm:ss",
- "H:mm",
- "EEEE, dd. MMMM yyyy",
- "dd. MMMM yyyy",
- "yyyy.M.d",
- "yy.M.d",
+ "HH.mm.ss zzzz",
+ "HH.mm.ss z",
+ "HH.mm.ss",
+ "HH.mm",
+ "EEEE, dd. MMMM y",
+ "dd. MMMM y",
+ "d. MMM y",
+ "d. MM. yy",
+ "{1} {0}",
+ "{1} {0}",
"{1} {0}",
+ "{1} {0}",
+ "{1} {0}",
+ }
+ appendItems{
+ Timezone{"{0} {1}"}
+ }
+ availableFormats{
+ EHm{"E HH.mm"}
+ EHms{"E HH.mm.ss"}
+ Ed{"E, d."}
+ Ehm{"E h.mm a"}
+ Ehms{"E h.mm.ss a"}
+ Gy{"y G"}
+ GyM{"M/y G"}
+ GyMMM{"MMM y G"}
+ GyMMMEd{"E, d. MMM y G"}
+ GyMMMd{"d. MMM y G"}
+ H{"HH"}
+ Hm{"HH.mm"}
+ Hms{"HH.mm.ss"}
+ M{"L"}
+ MEd{"E, d. MM."}
+ MMM{"LLL"}
+ MMMEd{"E, d. MMM"}
+ MMMd{"d. MMM"}
+ Md{"d. M."}
+ d{"d"}
+ h{"h a"}
+ hm{"h.mm a"}
+ hms{"h.mm.ss a"}
+ ms{"mm.ss"}
+ y{"y"}
+ yM{"M/y"}
+ yMEd{"E, d. M. y"}
+ yMMM{"MMM y"}
+ yMMMEd{"E, d. MMM y"}
+ yMMMM{"MMMM y"}
+ yMMMd{"d. MMM y"}
+ yMd{"d. M. y"}
+ yQQQ{"QQQ y"}
+ yQQQQ{"QQQQ y"}
+ abbreviated{
+ "ned.",
+ "pon.",
+ "tor.",
+ "sre.",
+ "čet.",
+ "pet.",
+ "sob.",
+ }
+ narrow{
+ "n",
+ "p",
+ "t",
+ "s",
+ "č",
+ "p",
+ "s",
+ }
+ short{
+ "ned.",
+ "pon.",
+ "tor.",
+ "sre.",
+ "čet.",
+ "pet.",
+ "sob.",
+ }
+ wide{
+ "nedelja",
+ "ponedeljek",
+ "torek",
+ "sreda",
+ "četrtek",
+ "petek",
+ "sobota",
+ }
+ }
+ stand-alone{
+ short{
+ "ned.",
+ "pon.",
+ "tor.",
+ "sre.",
+ "čet.",
+ "pet.",
+ "sob.",
+ }
- "pr.n.š.",
+ "pr. n. št.",
"po Kr.",
+ wide{
+ "pred našim štetjem",
+ "naše štetje",
+ }
+ }
+ intervalFormats{
+ H{
+ H{"HH–HH"}
+ }
+ Hm{
+ H{"HH.mm–HH.mm"}
+ m{"HH.mm–HH.mm"}
+ }
+ Hmv{
+ H{"HH.mm–HH.mm v"}
+ m{"HH.mm–HH.mm v"}
+ }
+ Hv{
+ H{"HH–HH v"}
+ }
+ M{
+ M{"M.–M."}
+ }
+ MEd{
+ M{"E, d. M. – E, d. M."}
+ d{"E, d. – E, d. M."}
+ }
+ MMM{
+ M{"MMM–MMM"}
+ }
+ MMMEd{
+ M{"E, d. MMM – E, d. MMM"}
+ d{"E, d. – E, d. MMM"}
+ }
+ MMMd{
+ M{"d. MMM – d. MMM"}
+ d{"d.–d. MMM"}
+ }
+ Md{
+ M{"d. M. – d. M."}
+ d{"d. – d. M."}
+ }
+ d{
+ d{"d.–d."}
+ }
+ fallback{"{0} – {1}"}
+ h{
+ a{"h a – h a"}
+ h{"h–h a"}
+ }
+ hm{
+ a{"h.mm a – h.mm a"}
+ h{"h.mm–h.mm a"}
+ m{"h.mm–h.mm a"}
+ }
+ hmv{
+ a{"h.mm a – h.mm a v"}
+ h{"h.mm–h.mm a v"}
+ m{"h.mm–h.mm a v"}
+ }
+ hv{
+ a{"h a – h a v"}
+ h{"h–h a v"}
+ }
+ y{
+ y{"y–y"}
+ }
+ yM{
+ M{"M.–M. y"}
+ y{"M. y – M. y"}
+ }
+ yMEd{
+ M{"E, d. M. – E, d. M. y"}
+ d{"E, d. – E, d. M. y"}
+ y{"E, d. M. y – E, d. M. y"}
+ }
+ yMMM{
+ M{"MMM – MMM y"}
+ y{"MMM y – MMM y"}
+ }
+ yMMMEd{
+ M{"E, d. MMM – E, d. MMM y"}
+ d{"E, d. MMM – E, d. MMM y"}
+ y{"E, d. MMM y – E, d. MMM y"}
+ }
+ yMMMM{
+ M{"MMMM – MMMM y"}
+ y{"MMMM y – MMMM y"}
+ }
+ yMMMd{
+ M{"d. MMM – d. MMM y"}
+ d{"d.–d. MMM y"}
+ y{"d. MMM y – d. MMM y"}
+ }
+ yMd{
+ M{"d. M. – d. M. y"}
+ d{"d. M. y – d. M. y"}
+ y{"d. M. y – d. M. y"}
+ }
+ abbreviated{
+ "jan.",
+ "feb.",
+ "mar.",
+ "apr.",
+ "maj",
+ "jun.",
+ "jul.",
+ "avg.",
+ "sep.",
+ "okt.",
+ "nov.",
+ "dec.",
+ }
+ narrow{
+ "j",
+ "f",
+ "m",
+ "a",
+ "m",
+ "j",
+ "j",
+ "a",
+ "s",
+ "o",
+ "n",
+ "d",
+ }
+ wide{
+ "januar",
+ "februar",
+ "marec",
+ "april",
+ "maj",
+ "junij",
+ "julij",
+ "avgust",
+ "september",
+ "oktober",
+ "november",
+ "december",
+ }
+ }
+ stand-alone{
+ quarters{
+ format{
+ abbreviated{
+ "Q1",
+ "Q2",
+ "Q3",
+ "Q4",
+ }
+ narrow{
+ "1",
+ "2",
+ "3",
+ "4",
+ }
+ wide{
+ "1. četrtletje",
+ "2. četrtletje",
+ "3. četrtletje",
+ "4. četrtletje",
+ }
+ }
+ stand-alone{
+ abbreviated{
+ "Q1",
+ "Q2",
+ "Q3",
+ "Q4",
+ }
+ narrow{
+ "1",
+ "2",
+ "3",
+ "4",
+ }
+ wide{
+ "1. četrtletje",
+ "2. četrtletje",
+ "3. četrtletje",
+ "4. četrtletje",
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ delimiters{
+ alternateQuotationEnd{"‘"}
+ alternateQuotationStart{"‚"}
+ quotationEnd{"“"}
+ quotationStart{"„"}
+ }
+ durationUnits{
+ hm{"h.mm"}
+ hms{"h.mm.ss"}
+ ms{"m.ss"}
+ }
+ fields{
+ day{
+ dn{"Dan"}
+ relative{
+ "-1"{"Včeraj"}
+ "-2"{"Predvčerajšnjim"}
+ "0"{"Danes"}
+ "1"{"Jutri"}
+ "2"{"Pojutrišnjem"}
+ }
+ relativeTime{
+ future{
+ few{"Čez {0} dni"}
+ one{"Čez {0} dan"}
+ other{"Čez {0} dni"}
+ two{"Čez {0} dni"}
+ }
+ past{
+ few{"Pred {0} dnevi"}
+ one{"Pred {0} dnevom"}
+ other{"Pred {0} dnevi"}
+ two{"Pred {0} dnevoma"}
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ dayperiod{
+ dn{"Čas dneva"}
+ }
+ era{
+ dn{"Doba"}
+ }
+ fri{
+ relative{
+ "-1"{"Prejšnji petek"}
+ "0"{"Ta petek"}
+ "1"{"Naslednji petek"}
+ }
+ }
+ hour{
+ dn{"Ura"}
+ relativeTime{
+ future{
+ few{"Čez {0} h"}
+ one{"Čez {0} h"}
+ other{"Čez {0} h"}
+ two{"Čez {0} h"}
+ }
+ past{
+ few{"Pred {0} h"}
+ one{"Pred {0} h"}
+ other{"Pred {0} h"}
+ two{"Pred {0} h"}
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ minute{
+ dn{"Minuta"}
+ relativeTime{
+ future{
+ few{"Čez {0} min."}
+ one{"Čez {0} min."}
+ other{"Čez {0} min."}
+ two{"Čez {0} min."}
+ }
+ past{
+ few{"Pred {0} min."}
+ one{"Pred {0} min."}
+ other{"Pred {0} min."}
+ two{"Pred {0} min."}
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ mon{
+ relative{
+ "-1"{"Prejšnji ponedeljek"}
+ "0"{"Ta ponedeljek"}
+ "1"{"Naslednji ponedeljek"}
+ }
+ }
+ month{
+ dn{"Mesec"}
+ relative{
+ "-1"{"Prejšnji mesec"}
+ "0"{"Ta mesec"}
+ "1"{"Naslednji mesec"}
+ }
+ relativeTime{
+ future{
+ few{"Čez {0} mesece"}
+ one{"Čez {0} mesec"}
+ other{"Čez {0} mesecev"}
+ two{"Čez {0} meseca"}
+ }
+ past{
+ few{"Pred {0} meseci"}
+ one{"Pred {0} mesecem"}
+ other{"Pred {0} meseci"}
+ two{"Pred {0} meseci"}
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ sat{
+ relative{
+ "-1"{"Prejšnjo soboto"}
+ "0"{"To soboto"}
+ "1"{"Naslednjo soboto"}
+ }
+ }
+ second{
+ dn{"Sekunda"}
+ relative{
+ "0"{"zdaj"}
+ }
+ relativeTime{
+ future{
+ few{"Čez {0} sekunde"}
+ one{"Čez {0} sekundo"}
+ other{"Čez {0} sekundi"}
+ two{"Čez {0} sekundi"}
+ }
+ past{
+ few{"Pred {0} sekundami"}
+ one{"Pred {0} sekundo"}
+ other{"Pred {0} sekundami"}
+ two{"Pred {0} sekundama"}
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ sun{
+ relative{
+ "-1"{"Prejšnjo nedeljo"}
+ "0"{"To nedeljo"}
+ "1"{"Naslednjo nedeljo"}
+ }
+ }
+ thu{
+ relative{
+ "-1"{"Prejšnji četrtek"}
+ "0"{"Ta četrtek"}
+ "1"{"Naslednji četrtek"}
+ }
+ }
+ tue{
+ relative{
+ "-1"{"Prejšnji torek"}
+ "0"{"Ta torek"}
+ "1"{"Naslednji torek"}
+ }
+ }
+ wed{
+ relative{
+ "-1"{"Prejšnjo sredo"}
+ "0"{"To sredo"}
+ "1"{"Naslednjo sredo"}
+ }
+ }
+ week{
+ dn{"Teden"}
+ relative{
+ "-1"{"Prejšnji teden"}
+ "0"{"Ta teden"}
+ "1"{"Naslednji teden"}
+ }
+ relativeTime{
+ future{
+ few{"Čez {0} tedne"}
+ one{"Čez {0} teden"}
+ other{"Čez {0} tednov"}
+ two{"Čez {0} tedna"}
+ }
+ past{
+ few{"Pred {0} tedni"}
+ one{"Pred {0} tednom"}
+ other{"Pred {0} tedni"}
+ two{"Pred {0} tednoma"}
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ weekday{
+ dn{"Dan v tednu"}
+ }
+ year{
+ dn{"Leto"}
+ relative{
+ "-1"{"Lani"}
+ "0"{"Letos"}
+ "1"{"Naslednje leto"}
+ }
+ relativeTime{
+ future{
+ few{"Čez {0} leta"}
+ one{"Čez {0} leto"}
+ other{"Čez {0} let"}
+ two{"Čez {0} leti"}
+ }
+ past{
+ few{"Pred {0} leti"}
+ one{"Pred {0} letom"}
+ other{"Pred {0} leti"}
+ two{"Pred {0} leti"}
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ zone{
+ dn{"Območje"}
+ }
+ }
+ listPattern{
+ standard{
+ 2{"{0} in {1}"}
+ end{"{0} in {1}"}
+ middle{"{0}, {1}"}
+ start{"{0}, {1}"}
+ }
+ }
+ measurementSystemNames{
+ UK{"Angleški"}
+ US{"imperialni"}
+ metric{"metrični"}
+ }
+ transformNames{
+ BGN{"BGN"}
+ Numeric{"Številsko"}
+ Tone{"Ton"}
+ x-Accents{"Accents"}
+ x-Fullwidth{"Polna širina"}
+ x-Halfwidth{"Polovična širina"}
+ x-Jamo{"Jamo"}
+ x-Pinyin{"Pinjin"}
+ x-Publishing{"Publishing"}
+ }
+ units{
+ acceleration{
+ g-force{
+ few{"{0} G"}
+ one{"{0} G"}
+ other{"{0} G"}
+ two{"{0} G"}
+ }
+ }
+ angle{
+ arc-minute{
+ few{"{0}′"}
+ one{"{0}′"}
+ other{"{0}′"}
+ two{"{0}′"}
+ }
+ arc-second{
+ few{"{0}″"}
+ one{"{0}″"}
+ other{"{0}″"}
+ two{"{0}″"}
+ }
+ degree{
+ few{"{0} °"}
+ one{"{0} °"}
+ other{"{0} °"}
+ two{"{0} °"}
+ }
+ }
+ area{
+ acre{
+ few{"{0} jutra"}
+ one{"{0} jutro"}
+ other{"{0} juter"}
+ two{"{0} jutri"}
+ }
+ hectare{
+ few{"{0} ha"}
+ one{"{0} ha"}
+ other{"{0} ha"}
+ two{"{0} ha"}
+ }
+ square-foot{
+ few{"{0} ft²"}
+ one{"{0} ft²"}
+ other{"{0} ft²"}
+ two{"{0} ft²"}
+ }
+ square-kilometer{
+ few{"{0} km²"}
+ one{"{0} km²"}
+ other{"{0} km²"}
+ two{"{0} km²"}
+ }
+ square-meter{
+ few{"{0} m²"}
+ one{"{0} m²"}
+ other{"{0} m²"}
+ two{"{0} m²"}
+ }
+ square-mile{
+ few{"{0} mi²"}
+ one{"{0} mi²"}
+ other{"{0} mi²"}
+ two{"{0} mi²"}
+ }
+ }
+ compound{
+ per{"{0}/{1}"}
+ }
+ duration{
+ day{
+ few{"{0} dnevi"}
+ one{"{0} dan"}
+ other{"{0} dni"}
+ two{"{0} dni"}
+ }
+ hour{
+ few{"{0} ure"}
+ one{"{0} ura"}
+ other{"{0} ur"}
+ two{"{0} uri"}
+ }
+ millisecond{
+ few{"{0} ms"}
+ one{"{0} ms"}
+ other{"{0} ms"}
+ two{"{0} ms"}
+ }
+ minute{
+ few{"{0} minute"}
+ one{"{0} minuta"}
+ other{"{0} minut"}
+ two{"{0} minuti"}
+ }
+ month{
+ few{"{0} meseci"}
+ one{"{0} mesec"}
+ other{"{0} mesecev"}
+ two{"{0} meseca"}
+ }
+ second{
+ few{"{0} sekunde"}
+ one{"{0} sekunda"}
+ other{"{0} sekund"}
+ two{"{0} sekundi"}
+ }
+ week{
+ few{"{0} tedni"}
+ one{"{0} teden"}
+ other{"{0} tednov"}
+ two{"{0} tedna"}
+ }
+ year{
+ few{"{0} leta"}
+ one{"{0} leto"}
+ other{"{0} let"}
+ two{"{0} leti"}
+ }
+ }
+ length{
+ centimeter{
+ few{"{0} cm"}
+ one{"{0} cm"}
+ other{"{0} cm"}
+ two{"{0} cm"}
+ }
+ foot{
+ few{"{0} ft"}
+ one{"{0} ft"}
+ other{"{0} ft"}
+ two{"{0} ft"}
+ }
+ inch{
+ few{"{0} in"}
+ one{"{0} in"}
+ other{"{0} in"}
+ two{"{0} in"}
+ }
+ kilometer{
+ few{"{0} km"}
+ one{"{0} km"}
+ other{"{0} km"}
+ two{"{0} km"}
+ }
+ light-year{
+ few{"{0} svetlobna leta"}
+ one{"{0} svetlobno leto"}
+ other{"{0} svetlobnih let"}
+ two{"{0} svetlobni leti"}
+ }
+ meter{
+ few{"{0} m"}
+ one{"{0} m"}
+ other{"{0} m"}
+ two{"{0} m"}
+ }
+ mile{
+ few{"{0} mi"}
+ one{"{0} mi"}
+ other{"{0} mi"}
+ two{"{0} mi"}
+ }
+ millimeter{
+ few{"{0} mm"}
+ one{"{0} mm"}
+ other{"{0} mm"}
+ two{"{0} mm"}
+ }
+ picometer{
+ few{"{0} pm"}
+ one{"{0} pm"}
+ other{"{0} pm"}
+ two{"{0} pm"}
+ }
+ yard{
+ few{"{0} yd"}
+ one{"{0} yd"}
+ other{"{0} yd"}
+ two{"{0} yd"}
+ }
+ }
+ mass{
+ gram{
+ few{"{0} g"}
+ one{"{0} g"}
+ other{"{0} g"}
+ two{"{0} g"}
+ }
+ kilogram{
+ few{"{0} kg"}
+ one{"{0} kg"}
+ other{"{0} kg"}
+ two{"{0} kg"}
+ }
+ ounce{
+ few{"{0} oz"}
+ one{"{0} oz"}
+ other{"{0} oz"}
+ two{"{0} oz"}
+ }
+ pound{
+ few{"{0} lb"}
+ one{"{0} lb"}
+ other{"{0} lb"}
+ two{"{0} lb"}
+ }
+ }
+ power{
+ horsepower{
+ few{"{0} KM"}
+ one{"{0} KM"}
+ other{"{0} KM"}
+ two{"{0} KM"}
+ }
+ kilowatt{
+ few{"{0} kW"}
+ one{"{0} kW"}
+ other{"{0} kW"}
+ two{"{0} kW"}
+ }
+ watt{
+ few{"{0} W"}
+ one{"{0} W"}
+ other{"{0} W"}
+ two{"{0} W"}
+ }
+ }
+ pressure{
+ hectopascal{
+ few{"{0} hPa"}
+ one{"{0} hPa"}
+ other{"{0} hPa"}
+ two{"{0} hPa"}
+ }
+ inch-hg{
+ few{"{0} inHg"}
+ one{"{0} inHg"}
+ other{"{0} inHg"}
+ two{"{0} inHg"}
+ }
+ millibar{
+ few{"{0} mbar"}
+ one{"{0} mbar"}
+ other{"{0} mbar"}
+ two{"{0} mbar"}
+ }
+ }
+ speed{
+ kilometer-per-hour{
+ few{"{0} km/h"}
+ one{"{0} km/h"}
+ other{"{0} km/h"}
+ two{"{0} km/h"}
+ }
+ meter-per-second{
+ few{"{0} m/s"}
+ one{"{0} m/s"}
+ other{"{0} m/s"}
+ two{"{0} m/s"}
+ }
+ mile-per-hour{
+ few{"{0} mi/h"}
+ one{"{0} mi/h"}
+ other{"{0} mi/h"}
+ two{"{0} mi/h"}
+ }
+ }
+ temperature{
+ celsius{
+ few{"{0} °C"}
+ one{"{0} °C"}
+ other{"{0} °C"}
+ two{"{0} °C"}
+ }
+ fahrenheit{
+ few{"{0} °F"}
+ one{"{0} °F"}
+ other{"{0} °F"}
+ two{"{0} °F"}
+ }
+ }
+ volume{
+ cubic-kilometer{
+ few{"{0} km³"}
+ one{"{0} km³"}
+ other{"{0} km³"}
+ two{"{0} km³"}
+ }
+ cubic-mile{
+ few{"{0} mi³"}
+ one{"{0} mi³"}
+ other{"{0} mi³"}
+ two{"{0} mi³"}
+ }
+ liter{
+ few{"{0} l"}
+ one{"{0} l"}
+ other{"{0} l"}
+ two{"{0} l"}
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ unitsNarrow{
+ acceleration{
+ g-force{
+ few{"{0} G"}
+ one{"{0} G"}
+ other{"{0} G"}
+ two{"{0} G"}
+ }
+ }
+ angle{
+ arc-minute{
+ few{"{0}′"}
+ one{"{0}′"}
+ other{"{0}′"}
+ two{"{0}′"}
+ }
+ arc-second{
+ few{"{0}″"}
+ one{"{0}″"}
+ other{"{0}″"}
+ two{"{0}″"}
+ }
+ degree{
+ few{"{0} °"}
+ one{"{0} °"}
+ other{"{0} °"}
+ two{"{0} °"}
+ }
+ }
+ area{
+ acre{
+ few{"{0} jut."}
+ one{"{0} jut."}
+ other{"{0} jut."}
+ two{"{0} jut."}
+ }
+ hectare{
+ few{"{0} ha"}
+ one{"{0} ha"}
+ other{"{0} ha"}
+ two{"{0} ha"}
+ }
+ square-foot{
+ few{"{0} ft²"}
+ one{"{0} ft²"}
+ other{"{0} ft²"}
+ two{"{0} ft²"}
+ }
+ square-kilometer{
+ few{"{0} km²"}
+ one{"{0} km²"}
+ other{"{0} km²"}
+ two{"{0} km²"}
+ }
+ square-meter{
+ few{"{0} m²"}
+ one{"{0} m²"}
+ other{"{0} m²"}
+ two{"{0} m²"}
+ }
+ square-mile{
+ few{"{0} mi²"}
+ one{"{0} mi²"}
+ other{"{0} mi²"}
+ two{"{0} mi²"}
+ }
+ }
+ compound{
+ per{"{0}/{1}"}
+ }
+ duration{
+ day{
+ few{"{0} d"}
+ one{"{0} d"}
+ other{"{0} d"}
+ two{"{0} d"}
+ }
+ hour{
+ few{"{0} h"}
+ one{"{0} h"}
+ other{"{0} h"}
+ two{"{0} h"}
+ }
+ millisecond{
+ few{"{0} ms"}
+ one{"{0} ms"}
+ other{"{0} ms"}
+ two{"{0} ms"}
+ }
+ minute{
+ few{"{0} min"}
+ one{"{0} min"}
+ other{"{0} min"}
+ two{"{0} min"}
+ }
+ month{
+ few{"{0} m"}
+ one{"{0} m"}
+ other{"{0} m"}
+ two{"{0} m"}
+ }
+ second{
+ few{"{0} s"}
+ one{"{0} s"}
+ other{"{0} s"}
+ two{"{0} s"}
+ }
+ week{
+ few{"{0} t"}
+ one{"{0} t"}
+ other{"{0} t"}
+ two{"{0} t"}
+ }
+ year{
+ few{"{0} l"}
+ one{"{0} l"}
+ other{"{0} l"}
+ two{"{0} l"}
+ }
+ }
+ length{
+ centimeter{
+ few{"{0} cm"}
+ one{"{0} cm"}
+ other{"{0} cm"}
+ two{"{0} cm"}
+ }
+ foot{
+ few{"{0} ft"}
+ one{"{0} ft"}
+ other{"{0} ft"}
+ two{"{0} ft"}
+ }
+ inch{
+ few{"{0} in"}
+ one{"{0} in"}
+ other{"{0} in"}
+ two{"{0} in"}
+ }
+ kilometer{
+ few{"{0} km"}
+ one{"{0} km"}
+ other{"{0} km"}
+ two{"{0} km"}
+ }
+ light-year{
+ few{"{0} sv. l."}
+ one{"{0} ly"}
+ other{"{0} sv. l."}
+ two{"{0} sv. l."}
+ }
+ meter{
+ few{"{0} m"}
+ one{"{0} m"}
+ other{"{0} m"}
+ two{"{0} m"}
+ }
+ mile{
+ few{"{0} mi"}
+ one{"{0} mi"}
+ other{"{0} mi"}
+ two{"{0} mi"}
+ }
+ millimeter{
+ few{"{0} mm"}
+ one{"{0} mm"}
+ other{"{0} mm"}
+ two{"{0} mm"}
+ }
+ picometer{
+ few{"{0} pm"}
+ one{"{0} pm"}
+ other{"{0} pm"}
+ two{"{0} pm"}
+ }
+ yard{
+ few{"{0} yd"}
+ one{"{0} yd"}
+ other{"{0} yd"}
+ two{"{0} yd"}
+ }
+ }
+ mass{
+ gram{
+ few{"{0} g"}
+ one{"{0} g"}
+ other{"{0} g"}
+ two{"{0} g"}
+ }
+ kilogram{
+ few{"{0} kg"}
+ one{"{0} kg"}
+ other{"{0} kg"}
+ two{"{0} kg"}
+ }
+ ounce{
+ few{"{0} oz"}
+ one{"{0} oz"}
+ other{"{0} oz"}
+ two{"{0} oz"}
+ }
+ pound{
+ few{"{0} lb"}
+ one{"{0} lb"}
+ other{"{0} lb"}
+ two{"{0} lb"}
+ }
+ }
+ power{
+ horsepower{
+ few{"{0} KM"}
+ one{"{0} KM"}
+ other{"{0} hp"}
+ two{"{0} KM"}
+ }
+ kilowatt{
+ few{"{0} kW"}
+ one{"{0} kW"}
+ other{"{0} kW"}
+ two{"{0} kW"}
+ }
+ watt{
+ few{"{0} W"}
+ one{"{0} W"}
+ other{"{0} W"}
+ two{"{0} W"}
+ }
+ }
+ pressure{
+ hectopascal{
+ few{"{0} hPa"}
+ one{"{0} hPa"}
+ other{"{0} hPa"}
+ two{"{0} hPa"}
+ }
+ inch-hg{
+ few{"{0} inHg"}
+ one{"{0} inHg"}
+ other{"{0} inHg"}
+ two{"{0} inHg"}
+ }
+ millibar{
+ few{"{0} mbar"}
+ one{"{0} mbar"}
+ other{"{0} mbar"}
+ two{"{0} mbar"}
+ }
+ }
+ speed{
+ kilometer-per-hour{
+ few{"{0} km/h"}
+ one{"{0} km/h"}
+ other{"{0} km/h"}
+ two{"{0} km/h"}
+ }
+ meter-per-second{
+ few{"{0} m/s"}
+ one{"{0} m/s"}
+ other{"{0} m/s"}
+ two{"{0} m/s"}
+ }
+ mile-per-hour{
+ few{"{0} mi/h"}
+ one{"{0} mi/h"}
+ other{"{0} mi/h"}
+ two{"{0} mi/h"}
+ }
+ }
+ temperature{
+ celsius{
+ few{"{0} °"}
+ one{"{0} °"}
+ other{"{0} °"}
+ two{"{0} °"}
+ }
+ fahrenheit{
+ few{"{0} °F"}
+ one{"{0} °F"}
+ other{"{0} °F"}
+ two{"{0} °F"}
+ }
+ }
+ volume{
+ cubic-kilometer{
+ few{"{0} km³"}
+ one{"{0} km³"}
+ other{"{0} km³"}
+ two{"{0} km³"}
+ }
+ cubic-mile{
+ few{"{0} mi³"}
+ one{"{0} mi³"}
+ other{"{0} mi³"}
+ two{"{0} mi³"}
+ }
+ liter{
+ few{"{0} l"}
+ one{"{0} l"}
+ other{"{0} l"}
+ two{"{0} l"}
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ unitsShort{
+ acceleration{
+ g-force{
+ few{"{0} G"}
+ one{"{0} G"}
+ other{"{0} G"}
+ two{"{0} G"}
+ }
+ }
+ angle{
+ arc-minute{
+ few{"{0}′"}
+ one{"{0}′"}
+ other{"{0}′"}
+ two{"{0}′"}
+ }
+ arc-second{
+ few{"{0}″"}
+ one{"{0}″"}
+ other{"{0}″"}
+ two{"{0}″"}
+ }
+ degree{
+ few{"{0} °"}
+ one{"{0} °"}
+ other{"{0} °"}
+ two{"{0} °"}
+ }
+ }
+ area{
+ acre{
+ few{"{0} jut."}
+ one{"{0} jut."}
+ other{"{0} jut."}
+ two{"{0} jut."}
+ }
+ hectare{
+ few{"{0} ha"}
+ one{"{0} ha"}
+ other{"{0} ha"}
+ two{"{0} ha"}
+ }
+ square-foot{
+ few{"{0} ft²"}
+ one{"{0} ft²"}
+ other{"{0} ft²"}
+ two{"{0} ft²"}
+ }
+ square-kilometer{
+ few{"{0} km²"}
+ one{"{0} km²"}
+ other{"{0} km²"}
+ two{"{0} km²"}
+ }
+ square-meter{
+ few{"{0} m²"}
+ one{"{0} m²"}
+ other{"{0} m²"}
+ two{"{0} m²"}
+ }
+ square-mile{
+ few{"{0} mi²"}
+ one{"{0} mi²"}
+ other{"{0} mi²"}
+ two{"{0} mi²"}
+ }
+ }
+ compound{
+ per{"{0}/{1}"}
+ }
+ duration{
+ day{
+ few{"{0} d"}
+ one{"{0} d"}
+ other{"{0} d"}
+ two{"{0} d"}
+ }
+ hour{
+ few{"{0} h"}
+ one{"{0} h"}
+ other{"{0} h"}
+ two{"{0} h"}
+ }
+ millisecond{
+ few{"{0} ms"}
+ one{"{0} ms"}
+ other{"{0} ms"}
+ two{"{0} ms"}
+ }
+ minute{
+ few{"{0} min"}
+ one{"{0} min"}
+ other{"{0} min"}
+ two{"{0} min"}
+ }
+ month{
+ few{"{0} m"}
+ one{"{0} m"}
+ other{"{0} m"}
+ two{"{0} m"}
+ }
+ second{
+ few{"{0} s"}
+ one{"{0} s"}
+ other{"{0} s"}
+ two{"{0} s"}
+ }
+ week{
+ few{"{0} t"}
+ one{"{0} t"}
+ other{"{0} t"}
+ two{"{0} t"}
+ }
+ year{
+ few{"{0} l"}
+ one{"{0} l"}
+ other{"{0} l"}
+ two{"{0} l"}
+ }
+ }
+ length{
+ centimeter{
+ few{"{0} cm"}
+ one{"{0} cm"}
+ other{"{0} cm"}
+ two{"{0} cm"}
+ }
+ foot{
+ few{"{0} ft"}
+ one{"{0} ft"}
+ other{"{0} ft"}
+ two{"{0} ft"}
+ }
+ inch{
+ few{"{0} in"}
+ one{"{0} in"}
+ other{"{0} in"}
+ two{"{0} in"}
+ }
+ kilometer{
+ few{"{0} km"}
+ one{"{0} km"}
+ other{"{0} km"}
+ two{"{0} km"}
+ }
+ light-year{
+ few{"{0} sv. leta"}
+ one{"{0} sv. let"}
+ other{"{0} sv. let"}
+ two{"{0} sv. leti"}
+ }
+ meter{
+ few{"{0} m"}
+ one{"{0} m"}
+ other{"{0} m"}
+ two{"{0} m"}
+ }
+ mile{
+ few{"{0} mi"}
+ one{"{0} mi"}
+ other{"{0} mi"}
+ two{"{0} mi"}
+ }
+ millimeter{
+ few{"{0} mm"}
+ one{"{0} mm"}
+ other{"{0} mm"}
+ two{"{0} mm"}
+ }
+ picometer{
+ few{"{0} pm"}
+ one{"{0} pm"}
+ other{"{0} pm"}
+ two{"{0} pm"}
+ }
+ yard{
+ few{"{0} yd"}
+ one{"{0} yd"}
+ other{"{0} yd"}
+ two{"{0} yd"}
+ }
+ }
+ mass{
+ gram{
+ few{"{0} g"}
+ one{"{0} g"}
+ other{"{0} g"}
+ two{"{0} g"}
+ }
+ kilogram{
+ few{"{0} kg"}
+ one{"{0} kg"}
+ other{"{0} kg"}
+ two{"{0} kg"}
+ }
+ ounce{
+ few{"{0} oz"}
+ one{"{0} oz"}
+ other{"{0} oz"}
+ two{"{0} oz"}
+ }
+ pound{
+ few{"{0} lb"}
+ one{"{0} lb"}
+ other{"{0} lb"}
+ two{"{0} lb"}
+ }
+ }
+ power{
+ horsepower{
+ few{"{0} KM"}
+ one{"{0} KM"}
+ other{"{0} KM"}
+ two{"{0} KM"}
+ }
+ kilowatt{
+ few{"{0} kW"}
+ one{"{0} kW"}
+ other{"{0} kW"}
+ two{"{0} kW"}
+ }
+ watt{
+ few{"{0} W"}
+ one{"{0} W"}
+ other{"{0} W"}
+ two{"{0} W"}
+ }
+ }
+ pressure{
+ hectopascal{
+ few{"{0} hPa"}
+ one{"{0} hPa"}
+ other{"{0} hPa"}
+ two{"{0} hPa"}
+ }
+ inch-hg{
+ few{"{0} inHg"}
+ one{"{0} inHg"}
+ other{"{0} inHg"}
+ two{"{0} inHg"}
+ }
+ millibar{
+ few{"{0} mbar"}
+ one{"{0} mbar"}
+ other{"{0} mbar"}
+ two{"{0} mbar"}
+ }
+ }
+ speed{
+ kilometer-per-hour{
+ few{"{0} km/h"}
+ one{"{0} km/h"}
+ other{"{0} km/h"}
+ two{"{0} km/h"}
+ }
+ meter-per-second{
+ few{"{0} m/s"}
+ one{"{0} m/s"}
+ other{"{0} m/s"}
+ two{"{0} m/s"}
+ }
+ mile-per-hour{
+ few{"{0} mi/h"}
+ one{"{0} mi/h"}
+ other{"{0} mi/h"}
+ two{"{0} mi/h"}
+ }
+ }
+ temperature{
+ celsius{
+ few{"{0} °C"}
+ one{"{0} °C"}
+ other{"{0} °C"}
+ two{"{0} °C"}
+ }
+ fahrenheit{
+ few{"{0} °F"}
+ one{"{0} °F"}
+ other{"{0} °F"}
+ two{"{0} °F"}
+ }
+ }
+ volume{
+ cubic-kilometer{
+ few{"{0} km³"}
+ one{"{0} km³"}
+ other{"{0} km³"}
+ two{"{0} km³"}
+ }
+ cubic-mile{
+ few{"{0} mi³"}
+ one{"{0} mi³"}
+ other{"{0} mi³"}
+ two{"{0} mi³"}
+ }
+ liter{
+ few{"{0} l"}
+ one{"{0} l"}
+ other{"{0} l"}
+ two{"{0} l"}
+ }
- localPatternChars{"GanjkHmsSEDFwWxhKzAeugXZ"}