+ // Hack to update use of Gannen year numbering for ja@calendar=japanese -
+ // use only if format is non-numeric (includes 年) and no other fDateOverride.
+ if (fCalendar != nullptr && uprv_strcmp(fCalendar->getType(),"japanese") == 0 &&
+ uprv_strcmp(fLocale.getLanguage(),"ja") == 0) {
+ if (fDateOverride==UnicodeString(u"y=jpanyear") && !fHasHanYearChar) {
+ // Gannen numbering is set but new pattern should not use it, unset
+ // use procedure from adoptNumberFormat to clear overrides
+ if (fSharedNumberFormatters) {
+ freeSharedNumberFormatters(fSharedNumberFormatters);
+ fSharedNumberFormatters = NULL;
+ }
+ fDateOverride.setToBogus(); // record status
+ } else if (fDateOverride.isBogus() && fHasHanYearChar) {
+ // No current override (=> no Gannen numbering) but new pattern needs it;
+ // use procedures from initNUmberFormatters / adoptNumberFormat
+ umtx_lock(&LOCK);
+ if (fSharedNumberFormatters == NULL) {
+ fSharedNumberFormatters = allocSharedNumberFormatters();
+ }
+ umtx_unlock(&LOCK);
+ if (fSharedNumberFormatters != NULL) {
+ Locale ovrLoc(fLocale.getLanguage(),fLocale.getCountry(),fLocale.getVariant(),"numbers=jpanyear");
+ UErrorCode status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
+ const SharedNumberFormat *snf = createSharedNumberFormat(ovrLoc, status);
+ if (U_SUCCESS(status)) {
+ // Now that we have an appropriate number formatter, fill in the
+ // appropriate slot in the number formatters table.
+ UDateFormatField patternCharIndex = DateFormatSymbols::getPatternCharIndex(u'y');
+ SharedObject::copyPtr(snf, fSharedNumberFormatters[patternCharIndex]);
+ snf->deleteIfZeroRefCount();
+ fDateOverride.setTo(u"y=jpanyear", -1); // record status
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }