- int32_t maxFrac, UErrorCode& status) {
- // TODO(13701): This is innefficient. Improve?
- // TODO(13701): Should we convert to decNumber instead?
- roundToInfinity();
- double temp = toDouble();
- temp /= roundingIncrement;
- // Use another DecimalQuantity to perform the actual rounding...
- DecimalQuantity dq;
- dq.setToDouble(temp);
- dq.roundToMagnitude(0, roundingMode, status);
- temp = dq.toDouble();
- temp *= roundingIncrement;
- setToDouble(temp);
- // Since we reset the value to a double, we need to specify the rounding boundary
- // in order to get the DecimalQuantity out of approximation mode.
- // NOTE: In Java, we have minMaxFrac, but in C++, the two are differentiated.
- roundToMagnitude(-maxFrac, roundingMode, status);
+ UErrorCode& status) {
+ // Do not call this method with an increment having only a 1 or a 5 digit!
+ // Use a more efficient call to either roundToMagnitude() or roundToNickel().
+ // Check a few popular rounding increments; a more thorough check is in Java.
+ U_ASSERT(roundingIncrement != 0.01);
+ U_ASSERT(roundingIncrement != 0.05);
+ U_ASSERT(roundingIncrement != 0.1);
+ U_ASSERT(roundingIncrement != 0.5);
+ U_ASSERT(roundingIncrement != 1);
+ U_ASSERT(roundingIncrement != 5);
+ DecNum incrementDN;
+ incrementDN.setTo(roundingIncrement, status);
+ if (U_FAILURE(status)) { return; }
+ // Divide this DecimalQuantity by the increment, round, then multiply back.
+ divideBy(incrementDN, status);
+ if (U_FAILURE(status)) { return; }
+ roundToMagnitude(0, roundingMode, status);
+ if (U_FAILURE(status)) { return; }
+ multiplyBy(incrementDN, status);
+ if (U_FAILURE(status)) { return; }