+## Add 'd' suffix to the names of binary files with Debug configuration
+ifeq ($(ENABLE_DEBUG),1)
# Commands to link. Link with C++ in case static libraries are used.
#SH## with usually. Many applications will want to add ${ICULIBS_I18N} as well.
-# The #M# is used to delete lines for icu-config
-# Current full path directory.
-#CURR_FULL_DIR=$(shell pwd -W)#M# for MSYS
-CURR_FULL_DIR?=$(subst \,/,$(shell cmd /c cd))#M# for Cygwin shell
-# Current full path directory for use in source code in a -D compiler option.
-#CURR_SRCCODE_FULL_DIR=$(subst /,\\\\,$(shell pwd -W))#M# for MSYS
-CURR_SRCCODE_FULL_DIR=$(subst \,/,$(shell cmd /c cd))#M# for Cygwin shell
+# Note: The #M# is used to delete lines for icu-config
+MSYS_VERSION ?= $(if $(findstring Msys, $(shell uname -o)),$(word 1, $(subst ., ,$(shell uname -r))),0)#M#
+$(info Detected MSYS version: $(MSYS_VERSION))
+ifeq ($(MSYS_VERSION),$(filter $(MSYS_VERSION),0 1))
+ # Older versions of MSYS don't have cygpath by default. #M#
+ # Current full path directory. #M#
+ #CURR_FULL_DIR=$(shell pwd -W)#M# for MSYS
+ CURR_FULL_DIR?=$(subst \,/,$(shell cmd /c cd))#M# for Cygwin shell
+ # Current full path directory for use in source code in a -D compiler option. #M#
+ #CURR_SRCCODE_FULL_DIR=$(subst /,\\\\,$(shell pwd -W))#M# for MSYS
+ CURR_SRCCODE_FULL_DIR=$(subst \,/,$(shell cmd /c cd))#M# for Cygwin shell
+ # MSYS2 and up have cygpath by default #M#
+ # Current full path directory. #M#
+ CURR_FULL_DIR?=$(shell cygpath . -a -m)#M#
+ # Current full path directory for use in source code in a -D compiler option. #M#
+ CURR_SRCCODE_FULL_DIR=$(shell cygpath . -a -m)#M#
## Compilation rules
%.$(STATIC_O): $(srcdir)/%.c