Commit | Line | Data |
1 | @echo off\r | |
2 | rem ================\r | |
3 | rem # This assumes the following (for all the path variables,\r | |
4 | rem # the path in the variable should not be quoted, and a final slash is optional):\r | |
5 | rem # 1. The current directory is set to the top of the ICU source directory,\r | |
6 | rem # i.e. the location of this bat file and of the ICU top-level makefile.\r | |
7 | rem # 2. SRCROOT is set to the Win-style path for that source directory.\r | |
8 | rem # 3. DSTROOT is set to the Win-style install path, e.g.\r | |
9 | rem # C:\cygwin\home\Peter\ICUroot or C:\AppleInternal\r | |
10 | rem # 4. OBJROOT and SYMROOT are also set to the appropriate Win-style path;\r | |
11 | rem # separate subdirectories under these directories will be used for 32-bit and 64-bit builds.\r | |
12 | rem # 5. CYGWINPATH is set to the full Windows-style path for Cygwin tools including bash, e.g.\r | |
13 | rem # C:\cygwin\bin\r | |
14 | rem # 6. VS100COMNTOOLS is set to the full Windows-style path for VS 2010 common tools, e.g.\r | |
15 | rem # C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 10.0\Common7\Tools\\r | |
16 | rem # (don't set explicitly, it should get set up by windows)\r | |
17 | rem # 7. VC tools (compiler, linker) are in the following directories:\r | |
18 | rem # "%VS100COMNTOOLS%\..\..\VC\bin" (32-bit)\r | |
19 | rem # "%VS100COMNTOOLS%\..\..\VC\bin\amd64" (64-bit)\r | |
20 | rem # (the make parameter VS100VCTOOLS_PATH specifies the appropriate one)\r | |
21 | rem # 8. This bat script is invoked with an argument of "'install" or "install_debug" depending\r | |
22 | rem # on which is desired.\r | |
23 | rem #\r | |
24 | rem # Example of usage:\r | |
25 | rem # >cd to whatever SRCROOT should be, e.g. >cd C:\cygwin\home\Peter\ICU\r | |
26 | rem # >set SRCROOT=C:\cygwin\home\Peter\ICU\r | |
27 | rem # >set DSTROOT=C:\cygwin\home\Peter\ICUroot\r | |
28 | rem # >set OBJROOT=C:\cygwin\home\Peter\ICU\build\r | |
29 | rem # >set SYMROOT=C:\cygwin\home\Peter\ICU\build\r | |
30 | rem # >set CYGWINPATH=C:\Cygwin\bin\r | |
31 | rem # >BuildICUForAAS_script.bat install\r | |
32 | rem ================\r | |
33 | echo # CYGWINPATH= "%CYGWINPATH%"\r | |
34 | echo # DSTROOT= "%DSTROOT%"\r | |
35 | echo # OBJROOT= "%OBJROOT%"\r | |
36 | echo # == Run vcvarsall for 32-bit\r | |
37 | call "%VS100COMNTOOLS%\..\..\VC\vcvarsall.bat" x86\r | |
38 | echo # == Run ICU make for 32-bit\r | |
39 | @echo on\r | |
40 | "%CYGWINPATH%\bash.exe" -c '/bin/make %1 WINDOWS=YES ARCH64=NO VS100VCTOOLS_PATH="%VS100COMNTOOLS%\..\..\VC\bin"'\r | |
41 | @echo off\r | |
42 | echo # == Run vcvarsall for 64-bit\r | |
43 | call "%VS100COMNTOOLS%\..\..\VC\vcvarsall.bat" amd64\r | |
44 | echo # == Run ICU make for 64-bit\r | |
45 | @echo on\r | |
46 | "%CYGWINPATH%\bash.exe" -c '/bin/make %1 WINDOWS=YES ARCH64=YES VS100VCTOOLS_PATH="%VS100COMNTOOLS%\..\..\VC\bin\amd64"'\r | |
47 | @echo off\r | |
48 | echo # == All done!\r |