]> git.saurik.com Git - apple/icu.git/blame - icuSources/i18n/unicode/msgfmt.h
[apple/icu.git] / icuSources / i18n / unicode / msgfmt.h
b75a7d8f 1/*
374ca955 2* Copyright (C) {1997-2004}, International Business Machines Corporation and others. All Rights Reserved.
5* File MSGFMT.H
7* Modification History:
9* Date Name Description
10* 02/19/97 aliu Converted from java.
11* 03/20/97 helena Finished first cut of implementation.
12* 07/22/98 stephen Removed operator!= (defined in Format)
13* 08/19/2002 srl Removing Javaisms
17#ifndef MSGFMT_H
18#define MSGFMT_H
20#include "unicode/utypes.h"
24#include "unicode/format.h"
25#include "unicode/locid.h"
26#include "unicode/parseerr.h"
30class NumberFormat;
31class DateFormat;
34 * A MessageFormat produces concatenated messages in a
35 * language-neutral way. It should be used for all string
36 * concatenations that are visible to end users.
37 * <P>
38 * A MessageFormat contains an array of <EM>subformats</EM> arranged
39 * within a <EM>template string</EM>. Together, the subformats and
40 * template string determine how the MessageFormat will operate during
41 * formatting and parsing.
42 * <P>
43 * Typically, both the subformats and the template string are
44 * specified at once in a <EM>pattern</EM>. By using different
45 * patterns for different locales, messages may be localized.
46 * <P>
47 * During formatting, the MessageFormat takes an array of arguments
48 * and produces a user-readable string. Each argument is a
49 * Formattable object; they may be passed in in an array, or as a
50 * single Formattable object which itself contains an array. Each
51 * argument is matched up with its corresponding subformat, which then
52 * formats it into a string. The resultant strings are then assembled
53 * within the string template of the MessageFormat to produce the
54 * final output string.
55 * <P>
56 * During parsing, an input string is matched against the string
57 * template of the MessageFormat to produce an array of Formattable
58 * objects. Plain text of the template string is matched directly
59 * against intput text. At each position in the template string where
60 * a subformat is located, the subformat is called to parse the
61 * corresponding segment of input text to produce an output argument.
62 * In this way, an array of arguments is created which together
63 * constitute the parse result.
64 * <P>
65 * Parsing may fail or produce unexpected results in a number of
66 * circumstances.
67 * <UL>
68 * <LI>If one of the arguments does not occur in the pattern, it
69 * will be returned as a default Formattable.
70 * <LI>If the format of an argument is loses information, such as with
71 * a choice format where a large number formats to "many", then the
72 * parse may not correspond to the originally formatted argument.
73 * <LI>MessageFormat does not handle ChoiceFormat recursion during
74 * parsing; such parses will fail.
75 * <LI>Parsing will not always find a match (or the correct match) if
76 * some part of the parse is ambiguous. For example, if the pattern
77 * "{1},{2}" is used with the string arguments {"a,b", "c"}, it will
78 * format as "a,b,c". When the result is parsed, it will return {"a",
79 * "b,c"}.
80 * <LI>If a single argument is formatted more than once in the string,
81 * then the rightmost subformat in the pattern string will produce the
82 * parse result; prior subformats with the same argument index will
83 * have no effect.
84 * </UL>
85 * Here are some examples of usage:
86 * <P>
87 * Example 1:
88 * <pre>
89 * \code
90 * UErrorCode success = U_ZERO_ERROR;
91 * GregorianCalendar cal(success);
92 * Formattable arguments[] = {
93 * 7L,
94 * Formattable( (Date) cal.getTime(success), Formattable::kIsDate),
95 * "a disturbance in the Force"
96 * };
97 *
98 * UnicodeString result;
99 * MessageFormat::format(
100 * "At {1,time} on {1,date}, there was {2} on planet {0,number}.",
101 * arguments, 3, result, success );
102 *
103 * cout << "result: " << result << endl;
104 * //<output>: At 4:34:20 PM on 23-Mar-98, there was a disturbance
105 * // in the Force on planet 7.
106 * \endcode
107 * </pre>
108 * Typically, the message format will come from resources, and the
109 * arguments will be dynamically set at runtime.
110 * <P>
111 * Example 2:
112 * <pre>
113 * \code
114 * success = U_ZERO_ERROR;
115 * Formattable testArgs[] = {3L, "MyDisk"};
116 *
117 * MessageFormat form(
118 * "The disk \"{1}\" contains {0} file(s).", success );
119 *
120 * UnicodeString string;
121 * FieldPosition fpos = 0;
122 * cout << "format: " << form.format(testArgs, 2, string, fpos, success ) << endl;
123 *
124 * // output, with different testArgs:
125 * // output: The disk "MyDisk" contains 0 file(s).
126 * // output: The disk "MyDisk" contains 1 file(s).
127 * // output: The disk "MyDisk" contains 1,273 file(s).
128 * \endcode
129 * </pre>
130 *
131 * The pattern is of the following form. Legend:
132 * <pre>
133 * \code
134 * {optional item}
135 * (group that may be repeated)*
136 * \endcode
137 * </pre>
138 * Do not confuse optional items with items inside quotes braces, such
139 * as this: "{". Quoted braces are literals.
140 * <pre>
141 * \code
142 * messageFormatPattern := string ( "{" messageFormatElement "}" string )*
143 *
144 * messageFormatElement := argumentIndex { "," elementFormat }
145 *
146 * elementFormat := "time" { "," datetimeStyle }
147 * | "date" { "," datetimeStyle }
148 * | "number" { "," numberStyle }
149 * | "choice" "," choiceStyle
150 *
151 * datetimeStyle := "short"
152 * | "medium"
153 * | "long"
154 * | "full"
155 * | dateFormatPattern
156 *
157 * numberStyle := "currency"
158 * | "percent"
159 * | "integer"
160 * | numberFormatPattern
161 *
162 * choiceStyle := choiceFormatPattern
163 * \endcode
164 * </pre>
165 * If there is no elementFormat, then the argument must be a string,
166 * which is substituted. If there is no dateTimeStyle or numberStyle,
167 * then the default format is used (e.g. NumberFormat::createInstance(),
168 * DateFormat::createTimeInstance(DateFormat::kDefault, ...) or DateFormat::createDateInstance(DateFormat::kDefault, ...). For
169 * a ChoiceFormat, the pattern must always be specified, since there
170 * is no default.
171 * <P>
172 * In strings, single quotes can be used to quote syntax characters.
173 * A literal single quote is represented by '', both within and outside
174 * of single-quoted segments. Inside a
175 * messageFormatElement, quotes are <EM>not</EM> removed. For example,
176 * {1,number,$'#',##} will produce a number format with the pound-sign
177 * quoted, with a result such as: "$#31,45".
178 * <P>
179 * If a pattern is used, then unquoted braces in the pattern, if any,
180 * must match: that is, "ab {0} de" and "ab '}' de" are ok, but "ab
181 * {0'}' de" and "ab } de" are not.
182 * <P>
183 * The argumentIndex is a non-negative integer, which corresponds to the
184 * index of the arguments presented in an array to be formatted. The
185 * first argument has argumentIndex 0.
186 * <P>
187 * It is acceptable to have unused arguments in the array. With missing
188 * arguments or arguments that are not of the right class for the
189 * specified format, a failing UErrorCode result is set.
190 * <P>
191 * For more sophisticated patterns, you can use a ChoiceFormat to get
192 * output:
193 * <pre>
194 * \code
195 * UErrorCode success = U_ZERO_ERROR;
196 * MessageFormat* form("The disk \"{1}\" contains {0}.", success);
197 * double filelimits[] = {0,1,2};
198 * UnicodeString filepart[] = {"no files","one file","{0,number} files"};
199 * ChoiceFormat* fileform = new ChoiceFormat(filelimits, filepart, 3);
200 * form.setFormat(1, *fileform); // NOT zero, see below
201 *
202 * Formattable testArgs[] = {1273L, "MyDisk"};
203 *
204 * UnicodeString string;
205 * FieldPosition fpos = 0;
206 * cout << form.format(testArgs, 2, string, fpos, success) << endl;
207 *
208 * // output, with different testArgs
209 * // output: The disk "MyDisk" contains no files.
210 * // output: The disk "MyDisk" contains one file.
211 * // output: The disk "MyDisk" contains 1,273 files.
212 * \endcode
213 * </pre>
214 * You can either do this programmatically, as in the above example,
215 * or by using a pattern (see ChoiceFormat for more information) as in:
216 * <pre>
217 * \code
218 * form.applyPattern(
219 * "There {0,choice,0#are no files|1#is one file|1<are {0,number,integer} files}.");
220 * \endcode
221 * </pre>
222 * <P>
223 * <EM>Note:</EM> As we see above, the string produced by a ChoiceFormat in
224 * MessageFormat is treated specially; occurences of '{' are used to
225 * indicated subformats, and cause recursion. If you create both a
226 * MessageFormat and ChoiceFormat programmatically (instead of using
227 * the string patterns), then be careful not to produce a format that
228 * recurses on itself, which will cause an infinite loop.
229 * <P>
374ca955 230 * <EM>Note:</EM> Subformats are numbered by their order in the pattern.
231 * This is <EM>not</EM> the same as the argumentIndex.
232 * <pre>
233 * \code
234 * For example: with "abc{2}def{3}ghi{0}...",
235 *
236 * format0 affects the first variable {2}
237 * format1 affects the second variable {3}
238 * format2 affects the second variable {0}
239 * \endcode
240 * </pre>
241 *
242 * <p><em>User subclasses are not supported.</em> While clients may write
243 * subclasses, such code will not necessarily work and will not be
244 * guaranteed to work stably from release to release.
245 */
246class U_I18N_API MessageFormat : public Format {
248 /**
249 * Enum type for kMaxFormat.
250 * @obsolete ICU 3.0. The 10-argument limit was removed as of ICU 2.6,
251 * rendering this enum type obsolete.
252 */
253 enum EFormatNumber {
254 /**
255 * The maximum number of arguments.
256 * @obsolete ICU 3.0. The 10-argument limit was removed as of ICU 2.6,
257 * rendering this constant obsolete.
258 */
259 kMaxFormat = 10
260 };
262 /**
263 * Constructs a new MessageFormat using the given pattern and the
264 * default locale.
265 *
266 * @param pattern Pattern used to construct object.
267 * @param status Input/output error code. If the
268 * pattern cannot be parsed, set to failure code.
269 * @stable ICU 2.0
270 */
271 MessageFormat(const UnicodeString& pattern,
272 UErrorCode &status);
274 /**
275 * Constructs a new MessageFormat using the given pattern and locale.
276 * @param pattern Pattern used to construct object.
277 * @param newLocale The locale to use for formatting dates and numbers.
278 * @param status Input/output error code. If the
279 * pattern cannot be parsed, set to failure code.
280 * @stable ICU 2.0
281 */
282 MessageFormat(const UnicodeString& pattern,
283 const Locale& newLocale,
284 UErrorCode& status);
285 /**
286 * Constructs a new MessageFormat using the given pattern and locale.
287 * @param pattern Pattern used to construct object.
288 * @param newLocale The locale to use for formatting dates and numbers.
289 * @param parseError Struct to recieve information on position
290 * of error within the pattern.
291 * @param status Input/output error code. If the
292 * pattern cannot be parsed, set to failure code.
293 * @stable ICU 2.0
294 */
295 MessageFormat(const UnicodeString& pattern,
296 const Locale& newLocale,
297 UParseError& parseError,
298 UErrorCode& status);
299 /**
300 * Constructs a new MessageFormat from an existing one.
301 * @stable ICU 2.0
302 */
303 MessageFormat(const MessageFormat&);
305 /**
306 * Assignment operator.
307 * @stable ICU 2.0
308 */
309 const MessageFormat& operator=(const MessageFormat&);
311 /**
312 * Destructor.
313 * @stable ICU 2.0
314 */
315 virtual ~MessageFormat();
317 /**
318 * Clones this Format object polymorphically. The caller owns the
319 * result and should delete it when done.
320 * @stable ICU 2.0
321 */
322 virtual Format* clone(void) const;
324 /**
325 * Returns true if the given Format objects are semantically equal.
326 * Objects of different subclasses are considered unequal.
327 * @param other the object to be compared with.
328 * @return true if the given Format objects are semantically equal.
329 * @stable ICU 2.0
330 */
331 virtual UBool operator==(const Format& other) const;
333 /**
334 * Sets the locale. This locale is used for fetching default number or date
335 * format information.
336 * @param theLocale the new locale value to be set.
337 * @stable ICU 2.0
338 */
339 virtual void setLocale(const Locale& theLocale);
341 /**
342 * Gets the locale. This locale is used for fetching default number or date
343 * format information.
344 * @return the locale of the object.
345 * @stable ICU 2.0
346 */
347 virtual const Locale& getLocale(void) const;
349 /**
350 * Applies the given pattern string to this message format.
351 *
352 * @param pattern The pattern to be applied.
353 * @param status Input/output error code. If the
354 * pattern cannot be parsed, set to failure code.
355 * @stable ICU 2.0
356 */
357 virtual void applyPattern(const UnicodeString& pattern,
358 UErrorCode& status);
359 /**
360 * Applies the given pattern string to this message format.
361 *
362 * @param pattern The pattern to be applied.
363 * @param parseError Struct to recieve information on position
364 * of error within pattern.
365 * @param status Input/output error code. If the
366 * pattern cannot be parsed, set to failure code.
367 * @stable ICU 2.0
368 */
369 virtual void applyPattern(const UnicodeString& pattern,
370 UParseError& parseError,
371 UErrorCode& status);
373 /**
374 * Returns a pattern that can be used to recreate this object.
375 *
376 * @param appendTo Output parameter to receive the pattern.
377 * Result is appended to existing contents.
378 * @return Reference to 'appendTo' parameter.
379 * @stable ICU 2.0
380 */
381 virtual UnicodeString& toPattern(UnicodeString& appendTo) const;
383 /**
384 * Sets subformats.
385 * See the class description about format numbering.
386 * The caller should not delete the Format objects after this call.
387 * <EM>The array formatsToAdopt is not itself adopted.</EM> Its
388 * ownership is retained by the caller. If the call fails because
389 * memory cannot be allocated, then the formats will be deleted
390 * by this method, and this object will remain unchanged.
391 *
392 * @stable ICU 2.0
393 * @param formatsToAdopt the format to be adopted.
394 * @param count the size of the array.
395 */
396 virtual void adoptFormats(Format** formatsToAdopt, int32_t count);
398 /**
399 * Sets subformats.
400 * See the class description about format numbering.
401 * Each item in the array is cloned into the internal array.
402 * If the call fails because memory cannot be allocated, then this
403 * object will remain unchanged.
404 *
405 * @stable ICU 2.0
406 * @param newFormats the new format to be set.
407 * @param cnt the size of the array.
408 */
409 virtual void setFormats(const Format** newFormats,int32_t cnt);
412 /**
413 * Sets one subformat.
414 * See the class description about format numbering.
415 * The caller should not delete the Format object after this call.
416 * If the number is over the number of formats already set,
417 * the item will be deleted and ignored.
418 * @stable ICU 2.0
419 * @param formatNumber index of the subformat.
420 * @param formatToAdopt the format to be adopted.
421 */
422 virtual void adoptFormat(int32_t formatNumber, Format* formatToAdopt);
424 /**
425 * Sets one subformat.
426 * See the class description about format numbering.
427 * If the number is over the number of formats already set,
428 * the item will be ignored.
429 * @param formatNumber index of the subformat.
430 * @param format the format to be set.
431 * @stable ICU 2.0
432 */
433 virtual void setFormat(int32_t formatNumber, const Format& format);
435 /**
436 * Gets an array of subformats of this object. The returned array
437 * should not be deleted by the caller, nor should the pointers
438 * within the array. The array and its contents remain valid only
439 * until the next call to any method of this class is made with
440 * this object. See the class description about format numbering.
441 * @param count output parameter to receive the size of the array
442 * @return an array of count Format* objects, or NULL if out of
443 * memory. Any or all of the array elements may be NULL.
444 * @stable ICU 2.0
445 */
446 virtual const Format** getFormats(int32_t& count) const;
448 /**
449 * Formats the given array of arguments into a user-readable string.
450 * Does not take ownership of the Formattable* array or its contents.
451 *
452 * @param source An array of objects to be formatted.
453 * @param count The number of elements of 'source'.
454 * @param appendTo Output parameter to receive result.
455 * Result is appended to existing contents.
456 * @param ignore Not used; inherited from base class API.
457 * @param status Input/output error code. If the
458 * pattern cannot be parsed, set to failure code.
459 * @return Reference to 'appendTo' parameter.
460 * @stable ICU 2.0
461 */
462 UnicodeString& format( const Formattable* source,
463 int32_t count,
464 UnicodeString& appendTo,
465 FieldPosition& ignore,
466 UErrorCode& status) const;
468 /**
469 * Formats the given array of arguments into a user-readable string
470 * using the given pattern.
471 *
472 * @param pattern The pattern.
473 * @param arguments An array of objects to be formatted.
474 * @param count The number of elements of 'source'.
475 * @param appendTo Output parameter to receive result.
476 * Result is appended to existing contents.
477 * @param status Input/output error code. If the
478 * pattern cannot be parsed, set to failure code.
479 * @return Reference to 'appendTo' parameter.
480 * @stable ICU 2.0
481 */
482 static UnicodeString& format( const UnicodeString& pattern,
483 const Formattable* arguments,
484 int32_t count,
485 UnicodeString& appendTo,
486 UErrorCode& status);
488 /**
489 * Formats the given array of arguments into a user-readable
490 * string. The array must be stored within a single Formattable
491 * object of type kArray. If the Formattable object type is not of
492 * type kArray, then returns a failing UErrorCode.
493 *
494 * @param obj A Formattable of type kArray containing
495 * arguments to be formatted.
496 * @param appendTo Output parameter to receive result.
497 * Result is appended to existing contents.
498 * @param pos On input: an alignment field, if desired.
499 * On output: the offsets of the alignment field.
500 * @param status Input/output error code. If the
501 * pattern cannot be parsed, set to failure code.
502 * @return Reference to 'appendTo' parameter.
503 * @stable ICU 2.0
504 */
505 virtual UnicodeString& format(const Formattable& obj,
506 UnicodeString& appendTo,
507 FieldPosition& pos,
508 UErrorCode& status) const;
510 /**
511 * Formats the given array of arguments into a user-readable
512 * string. The array must be stored within a single Formattable
513 * object of type kArray. If the Formattable object type is not of
514 * type kArray, then returns a failing UErrorCode.
515 *
516 * @param obj The object to format
517 * @param appendTo Output parameter to receive result.
518 * Result is appended to existing contents.
519 * @param status Input/output error code. If the
520 * pattern cannot be parsed, set to failure code.
521 * @return Reference to 'appendTo' parameter.
522 * @stable ICU 2.0
523 */
524 UnicodeString& format(const Formattable& obj,
525 UnicodeString& appendTo,
526 UErrorCode& status) const;
528 /**
529 * Parses the given string into an array of output arguments.
530 *
531 * @param source String to be parsed.
532 * @param pos On input, starting position for parse. On output,
533 * final position after parse. Unchanged if parse
534 * fails.
535 * @param count Output parameter to receive the number of arguments
536 * parsed.
537 * @return an array of parsed arguments. The caller owns both
538 * the array and its contents.
539 * @stable ICU 2.0
540 */
541 virtual Formattable* parse( const UnicodeString& source,
542 ParsePosition& pos,
543 int32_t& count) const;
545 /**
546 * Parses the given string into an array of output arguments.
547 *
548 * @param source String to be parsed.
549 * @param count Output param to receive size of returned array.
550 * @param status Input/output error code. If the
551 * pattern cannot be parsed, set to failure code.
552 * @return an array of parsed arguments. The caller owns both
553 * the array and its contents.
554 * @stable ICU 2.0
555 */
556 virtual Formattable* parse( const UnicodeString& source,
557 int32_t& count,
558 UErrorCode& status) const;
560 /**
561 * Parses the given string into an array of output arguments
562 * stored within a single Formattable of type kArray.
563 *
564 * @param source The string to be parsed into an object.
565 * @param result Formattable to be set to the parse result.
566 * If parse fails, return contents are undefined.
567 * @param pos On input, starting position for parse. On output,
568 * final position after parse. Unchanged if parse
569 * fails.
570 * @stable ICU 2.0
571 */
572 virtual void parseObject(const UnicodeString& source,
573 Formattable& result,
574 ParsePosition& pos) const;
576 /**
577 * Returns a unique class ID POLYMORPHICALLY. Pure virtual override.
578 * This method is to implement a simple version of RTTI, since not all
579 * C++ compilers support genuine RTTI. Polymorphic operator==() and
580 * clone() methods call this method.
581 *
582 * @return The class ID for this object. All objects of a
583 * given class have the same class ID. Objects of
584 * other classes have different class IDs.
585 * @stable ICU 2.0
586 */
587 virtual UClassID getDynamicClassID(void) const;
589 /**
590 * Return the class ID for this class. This is useful only for
591 * comparing to a return value from getDynamicClassID(). For example:
592 * <pre>
593 * . Base* polymorphic_pointer = createPolymorphicObject();
594 * . if (polymorphic_pointer->getDynamicClassID() ==
595 * . Derived::getStaticClassID()) ...
596 * </pre>
597 * @return The class ID for all objects of this class.
598 * @stable ICU 2.0
599 */
374ca955 600 static UClassID U_EXPORT2 getStaticClassID(void);
604 Locale fLocale;
605 UnicodeString fPattern;
606 Format** formatAliases; // see getFormats
607 int32_t formatAliasesCapacity;
609 MessageFormat(); // default constructor not implemented
374ca955 611 /*
612 * A structure representing one subformat of this MessageFormat.
613 * Each subformat has a Format object, an offset into the plain
614 * pattern text fPattern, and an argument number. The argument
615 * number corresponds to the array of arguments to be formatted.
616 * @internal
617 */
618 class Subformat {
619 public:
620 /**
621 * @internal
622 */
623 Format* format; // formatter
624 /**
625 * @internal
626 */
627 int32_t offset; // offset into fPattern
628 /**
629 * @internal
630 */
631 int32_t arg; // 0-based argument number
633 /**
634 * Clone that.format and assign it to this.format
635 * Do NOT delete this.format
636 * @internal
637 */
638 Subformat& operator=(const Subformat& that) {
639 format = that.format ? that.format->clone() : NULL;
640 offset = that.offset;
641 arg = that.arg;
642 return *this;
643 }
645 /**
646 * @internal
647 */
648 UBool operator==(const Subformat& that) const {
649 // Do cheap comparisons first
650 return offset == that.offset &&
651 arg == that.arg &&
652 ((format == that.format) || // handles NULL
653 (*format == *that.format));
654 }
656 /**
657 * @internal
658 */
659 UBool operator!=(const Subformat& that) const {
660 return !operator==(that);
661 }
662 };
664 /**
665 * A MessageFormat contains an array of subformats. This array
666 * needs to grow dynamically if the MessageFormat is modified.
667 */
668 Subformat* subformats;
669 int32_t subformatCount;
670 int32_t subformatCapacity;
672 /**
673 * A MessageFormat formats an array of arguments. Each argument
674 * has an expected type, based on the pattern. For example, if
675 * the pattern contains the subformat "{3,number,integer}", then
676 * we expect argument 3 to have type Formattable::kLong. This
677 * array needs to grow dynamically if the MessageFormat is
678 * modified.
679 */
680 Formattable::Type* argTypes;
681 int32_t argTypeCount;
682 int32_t argTypeCapacity;
684 // Variable-size array management
685 UBool allocateSubformats(int32_t capacity);
686 UBool allocateArgTypes(int32_t capacity);
688 /**
689 * Default Format objects used when no format is specified and a
690 * numeric or date argument is formatted. These are volatile
691 * cache objects maintained only for performance. They do not
692 * participate in operator=(), copy constructor(), nor
693 * operator==().
694 */
695 NumberFormat* defaultNumberFormat;
696 DateFormat* defaultDateFormat;
698 /**
699 * Method to retrieve default formats (or NULL on failure).
700 * These are semantically const, but may modify *this.
701 */
702 const NumberFormat* getDefaultNumberFormat(UErrorCode&) const;
703 const DateFormat* getDefaultDateFormat(UErrorCode&) const;
705 /**
706 * Finds the word s, in the keyword list and returns the located index.
707 * @param s the keyword to be searched for.
708 * @param list the list of keywords to be searched with.
709 * @return the index of the list which matches the keyword s.
710 */
711 static int32_t findKeyword( const UnicodeString& s,
712 const UChar * const *list);
714 /**
715 * Formats the array of arguments and copies the result into the
716 * result buffer, updates the field position.
717 *
718 * @param arguments The formattable objects array.
719 * @param cnt The array count.
720 * @param appendTo Output parameter to receive result.
721 * Result is appended to existing contents.
722 * @param status Field position status.
723 * @param recursionProtection
724 * Initially zero. Bits 0..9 are used to indicate
725 * that a parameter has already been seen, to
726 * avoid recursion. Currently unused.
727 * @param success The error code status.
728 * @return Reference to 'appendTo' parameter.
729 */
730 UnicodeString& format( const Formattable* arguments,
731 int32_t cnt,
732 UnicodeString& appendTo,
733 FieldPosition& status,
734 int32_t recursionProtection,
735 UErrorCode& success) const;
737 void makeFormat(int32_t offsetNumber,
738 UnicodeString* segments,
739 UParseError& parseError,
740 UErrorCode& success);
742 /**
743 * Convenience method that ought to be in NumberFormat
744 */
745 NumberFormat* createIntegerFormat(const Locale& locale, UErrorCode& status) const;
747 /**
748 * Checks the range of the source text to quote the special
749 * characters, { and ' and copy to target buffer.
750 * @param source
751 * @param start the text offset to start the process of in the source string
752 * @param end the text offset to end the process of in the source string
753 * @param appendTo Output parameter to receive result.
754 * Result is appended to existing contents.
755 */
756 static void copyAndFixQuotes(const UnicodeString& appendTo, int32_t start, int32_t end, UnicodeString& target);
758 /**
759 * Returns array of argument types in the parsed pattern
760 * for use in C API. Only for the use of umsg_vformat(). Not
761 * for public consumption.
762 * @param listCount Output parameter to receive the size of array
763 * @return The array of formattable types in the pattern
764 * @internal
765 */
766 const Formattable::Type* getArgTypeList(int32_t& listCount) const {
767 listCount = argTypeCount;
768 return argTypes;
769 }
771 friend class MessageFormatAdapter; // getFormatTypeList() access
774inline UnicodeString&
775MessageFormat::format(const Formattable& obj,
776 UnicodeString& appendTo,
777 UErrorCode& status) const {
778 return Format::format(obj, appendTo, status);
782#endif /* #if !UCONFIG_NO_FORMATTING */
784#endif // _MSGFMT
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