]> git.saurik.com Git - apple/hfs.git/blob - fsck_hfs/fsck_hfs_msgnums.h
[apple/hfs.git] / fsck_hfs / fsck_hfs_msgnums.h
1 /*
2 * Copyright (c) 2008-2009 Apple Inc. All rights reserved.
3 *
5 *
6 * This file contains Original Code and/or Modifications of Original Code
7 * as defined in and that are subject to the Apple Public Source License
8 * Version 2.0 (the 'License'). You may not use this file except in
9 * compliance with the License. Please obtain a copy of the License at
10 * http://www.opensource.apple.com/apsl/ and read it before using this
11 * file.
12 *
13 * The Original Code and all software distributed under the License are
14 * distributed on an 'AS IS' basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER
18 * Please see the License for the specific language governing rights and
19 * limitations under the License.
20 *
22 */
24 #ifndef __FSCK_HFS_MSGNUMS_H
25 #define __FSCK_HFS_MSGNUMS_H
27 /*
28 * HFS-specific status messages. These indicate the current
29 * state of fsck_hfs run.
30 */
31 enum {
32 hfsUnknown = 200,
34 hfsExtBTCheck = 201, /* Checking Extents Overflow file */
35 hfsCatBTCheck = 202, /* Checking Catalog file */
36 hfsCatHierCheck = 203, /* Checking Catalog hierarchy */
37 hfsExtAttrBTCheck = 204, /* Checking Extended Attributes file */
38 hfsVolBitmapCheck = 205, /* Checking volume bitmap */
39 hfsVolInfoCheck = 206, /* Checking volume information */
40 hfsHardLinkCheck = 207, /* Checking multi-linked files */
41 hfsRebuildExtentBTree = 208, /* Rebuilding Extents Overflow B-tree */
42 hfsRebuildCatalogBTree = 209, /* Rebuilding Catalog B-tree */
43 hfsRebuildAttrBTree = 210, /* Rebuilding Extended Attributes B-tree */
45 hfsCaseSensitive = 211, /* Detected a case-sensitive catalog */
46 hfsMultiLinkDirCheck = 212, /* Checking multi-linked directories */
47 hfsJournalVolCheck = 213, /* Checking Journaled HFS Plus volume */
48 hfsLiveVerifyCheck = 214, /* Performing live verification */
49 hfsVerifyVolWithWrite = 215, /* Verifying volume when it is mounted with write access */
50 hfsCheckHFS = 216, /* Checking HFS volume */
51 hfsCheckNoJnl = 217, /* Checking Non-journaled HFS Plus volume */
52 };
54 /*
55 * Scavenger errors. They are mostly corruptions detected
56 * during scavenging process.
57 * If negative, they are unrecoverable (scavenging terminates).
58 * If positive, they are recoverable (scavenging continues).
59 */
60 enum {
61 E_FirstError = 500,
63 E_PEOF = 500, /* Invalid PEOF */
64 E_LEOF = 501, /* Invalid LEOF */
65 E_DirVal = 502, /* Invalid directory valence */
66 E_CName = 503, /* Invalid CName */
67 E_NHeight = 504, /* Invalid node height */
68 E_NoFile = 505, /* Missing file record for file thread */
69 E_ABlkSz = -506, /* Invalid allocation block size */
70 E_NABlks = -507, /* Invalid number of allocation blocks */
71 E_VBMSt = -508, /* Invalid VBM start block */
72 E_ABlkSt = -509, /* Invalid allocation block start */
74 E_ExtEnt = -510, /* Invalid extent entry */
75 E_OvlExt = 511, /* Overlapped extent allocation (id, path) */
76 E_LenBTH = -512, /* Invalid BTH length */
77 E_ShortBTM = -513, /* BT map too short to repair */
78 E_BTRoot = -514, /* Invalid root node number */
79 E_NType = -515, /* Invalid node type */
80 E_NRecs = -516, /* Invalid record count */
81 E_IKey = -517, /* Invalid index key */
82 E_IndxLk = -518, /* Invalid index link */
83 E_SibLk = -519, /* Invalid sibling link */
85 E_BadNode = -520, /* Invalid node structure */
86 E_OvlNode = -521, /* overlapped node allocation */
87 E_MapLk = -522, /* Invalid map node linkage */
88 E_KeyLen = -523, /* Invalid key length */
89 E_KeyOrd = -524, /* Keys out of order */
90 E_BadMapN = -525, /* Invalid map node */
91 E_BadHdrN = -526, /* Invalid header node */
92 E_BTDepth = -527, /* exceeded maximum BTree depth */
93 E_CatRec = -528, /* Invalid catalog record type */
94 E_LenDir = -529, /* Invalid directory record length */
96 E_LenThd = -530, /* Invalid thread record length */
97 E_LenFil = -531, /* Invalid file record length */
98 E_NoRtThd = -532, /* Missing thread record for root directory */
99 E_NoThd = -533, /* Missing thread record */
100 E_NoDir = 534, /* Missing directory record */
101 E_ThdKey = -535, /* Invalid key for thread record */
102 E_ThdCN = -536, /* Invalid parent CName in thread record */
103 E_LenCDR = -537, /* Invalid catalog record length */
104 E_DirLoop = -538, /* Loop in directory hierarchy */
105 E_RtDirCnt = 539, /* Invalid root directory count */
107 E_RtFilCnt = 540, /* Invalid root file count */
108 E_DirCnt = 541, /* Invalid volume directory count */
109 E_FilCnt = 542, /* Invalid volume file count */
110 E_CatPEOF = -543, /* Invalid catalog PEOF */
111 E_ExtPEOF = -544, /* Invalid extent file PEOF */
112 E_CatDepth = 545, /* Nesting of folders has exceeded the recommended limit of 100 */
113 E_NoFThdFlg = -546, /* File thread flag not set in file record */
114 E_CatalogFlagsNotZero = 547, /* Reserved fields in the catalog record have incorrect data */
115 E_BadFileName = -548, /* Invalid file/folder name problem */
116 E_InvalidClumpSize = 549, /* Invalid file clump size */
118 E_InvalidBTreeHeader = 550, /* Invalid B-tree header */
119 E_LockedDirName = 551, /* Inappropriate locked folder name */
120 E_EntryNotFound = -552, /* volume catalog entry not found */
121 E_FreeBlocks = 553, /* Invalid volume free block count */
122 E_MDBDamaged = 554, /* Master Directory Block needs minor repair */
123 E_VolumeHeaderDamaged = 555, /* Volume Header needs minor repair */
124 E_VBMDamaged = 556, /* Volume Bit Map needs repair */
125 E_InvalidNodeSize = -557, /* Invalid B-tree node size */
126 E_LeafCnt = 558, /* Invalid leaf record count */
127 E_BadValue = 559, /* (It should be %s instead of %s) */
129 E_InvalidID = 560, /* Invalid file or directory ID found */
130 E_VolumeHeaderTooNew = 561, /* I can't understand this version of HFS Plus */
131 E_DiskFull = -562, /* Disk full error */
132 E_InternalFileOverlap = -563, /* Internal files overlap (file %d) */
133 E_InvalidVolumeHeader = -564, /* Invalid volume header */
134 E_InvalidMDBdrAlBlSt = 565, /* HFS wrapper volume needs repair */
135 E_InvalidWrapperExtents = 566, /* Wrapper catalog file location needs repair */
136 E_InvalidLinkCount = 567, /* Indirect node %s needs link count adjustment */
137 E_UnlinkedFile = 568, /* Unlinked file needs to be deleted */
138 E_InvalidPermissions = 569, /* Invalid BSD file type */
140 E_InvalidUID_Unused = 570, /* Invalid UID/GID in BSD info - Unused (4538396) */
141 E_IllegalName = 571, /* Illegal name */
142 E_IncorrectNumThdRcd = 572, /* Incorrect number of thread records */
143 E_SymlinkCreate = 573, /* Cannot create links to all corrupt files */
144 E_BadJournal = 574, /* Invalid content in Journal */
145 E_IncorrectAttrCount = 575, /* Incorrect number of attributes in attr btree when compared with attr bits set in catalog btree */
146 E_IncorrectSecurityCount= 576, /* Incorrect number of security attributes in attr btree when compared with security bits set in catalog btree */
147 E_PEOAttr = 577, /* Incorrect physical end of extended attribute data */
148 E_LEOAttr = 578, /* Incorrect logical end of extended attribute data */
149 E_AttrRec = 579, /* Invalid attribute record (overflow extent without original extent, unknown type) */
151 E_FldCount = 580, /* Incorrect folder count in a directory */
152 E_HsFldCount = 581, /* HasFolderCount flag needs to be set */
153 E_BadPermPrivDir = 582, /* Incorrect permissions for private directory for directory hard links */
154 E_DirInodeBadFlags = 583, /* Incorrect flags for directory inode */
155 E_DirInodeBadParent = -584, /* Invalid parent for directory inode */
156 E_DirInodeBadName = -585, /* Invalid name for directory inode */
157 E_DirHardLinkChain = 586, /* Incorrect number of directory hard link count */
158 E_DirHardLinkOwnerFlags = 587, /* Incorrect owner flags for directory hard link */
159 E_DirHardLinkFinderInfo = 588, /* Invalid finder info for directory hard link */
160 E_DirLinkAncestorFlags = 589, /* Invalid flags for directory hard link parent ancestor */
162 E_BadParentHierarchy = -590, /* Bad parent hierarchy, could not lookup parent directory record */
163 E_DirHardLinkNesting = -591, /* Maximum nesting of folders and directory hard links reached */
164 E_MissingPrivDir = -592, /* Missing private directory for directory hard links */
165 E_InvalidLinkChainPrev = 593, /* Previous ID in a hard lnk chain is incorrect */
166 E_InvalidLinkChainNext = 594, /* Next ID in a hard link chain is incorrect */
167 E_FileInodeBadFlags = 595, /* Incorrecgt flags for file inode */
168 E_FileInodeBadParent = -596, /* Invalid parent for file inode */
169 E_FileInodeBadName = -597, /* Invalid name for file inode */
170 E_FileHardLinkChain = 598, /* Incorrect number of file hard link count */
171 E_FileHardLinkFinderInfo= 599, /* Invalid finder info for file hard link */
173 E_InvalidLinkChainFirst = 600, /* Invalid first link in hard link chain */
174 E_FileLinkBadFlags = 601, /* Incorrect flags for file hard link */
175 E_DirLinkBadFlags = 602, /* Incorrect flags for directory hard link */
176 E_OrphanFileLink = 603, /* Orphan file hard link */
177 E_OrphanDirLink = 604, /* Orphan directory hard link */
178 E_OrphanFileInode = 605, /* Orphan file inode, no file hard links pointing to this inode */
179 E_OrphanDirInode = 606, /* Orphan directory inode, no directory hard links pointing to this inode */
180 E_OvlExtID = 607, /* Overlapped extent allocation (id) */
181 E_UnusedNodeNotZeroed = 608, /* An unused B-tree node is not full of zeroes */
182 E_VBMDamagedOverAlloc = 609, /* Volume bitmap has has orphaned block allocation */
184 E_BadHardLinkDate = 610, /* Bad hard link creation date */
185 E_DirtyJournal = 611, /* Journal need to be replayed but volume is read-only */
186 E_LinkChainNonLink = 612, /* File record has hard link chain flag */
187 E_LinkHasData = -613, /* Hard link record has data extents */
188 E_FileLinkCountError = 614, /* File has incorrect link count */
189 E_BTreeSplitNode = 615, /* B-tree node is split across extents */
190 E_BadSymLink = 616, /* Bad information for symlink */
191 E_BadSymLinkLength = 617, /* Symlink has bad length */
192 E_BadSymLinkName = 618, /* Bad symbolic link name */
193 E_LastError = 618
194 };
196 #endif