fprintf(stderr, " pid selects process(s) to sample\n");
fprintf(stderr, " cmd selects process(s) matching command string to sample\n");
fprintf(stderr, "By default (no options) the following processes are excluded from the output:\n");
- fprintf(stderr, "dyld_usage, Terminal, telnetd, sshd, rlogind, tcsh, csh, sh\n\n");
+ fprintf(stderr, "dyld_usage, Terminal, telnetd, sshd, rlogind, tcsh, csh, sh\n");
return nanoseconds;
+std::string safeStringFromCString(const char *str) {
+ if (str) {
+ return str;
+ }
+ return "";
struct output_renderer {
output_renderer(ktrace_session_t S, ktrace_event_t E) :
- _commandName(ktrace_get_execname_for_thread(s, E->threadid)),
- _threadid(E->threadid), _pid(ktrace_get_pid_for_thread(s, E->threadid)) {}
+ _commandName(safeStringFromCString(ktrace_get_execname_for_thread(s, E->threadid))),
+ _threadid((unsigned long)(E->threadid)), _pid(ktrace_get_pid_for_thread(s, E->threadid)) {}
void recordEvent(ktrace_event_t event) {
uint32_t code = event->debugid & KDBG_EVENTID_MASK;
if (event->debugid & DBG_FUNC_START) {
switch(code) {
case DBG_DYLD_TIMING_DLOPEN: enqueueEvent<dlopen>(event, true); break;
+ case DBG_DYLD_TIMING_DLOPEN_PREFLIGHT: enqueueEvent<dlopen_preflight>(event, true); break;
case DBG_DYLD_TIMING_LAUNCH_EXECUTABLE: enqueueEvent<app_launch>(event, true); break;
case DBG_DYLD_TIMING_DLSYM: enqueueEvent<dlsym>(event, true); break;
case DBG_DYLD_TIMING_STATIC_INITIALIZER: enqueueEvent<static_init>(event, false); break;
case DBG_DYLD_TIMING_DLOPEN: dequeueEvent<dlopen>(event, [&](dlopen* endEvent){
endEvent->result = event->arg2;
}); break;
+ case DBG_DYLD_TIMING_DLOPEN_PREFLIGHT: dequeueEvent<dlopen_preflight>(event, [&](dlopen_preflight* endEvent){
+ endEvent->result = event->arg2;
+ }); break;
case DBG_DYLD_TIMING_LAUNCH_EXECUTABLE: dequeueEvent<app_launch>(event, [&](app_launch* endEvent){
endEvent->launchMode = event->arg4;
}); break;
}); break;
case DBG_DYLD_TIMING_APPLY_FIXUPS: dequeueEvent<apply_fixups>(event, [&](apply_fixups* endEvent){}); break;
case DBG_DYLD_TIMING_ATTACH_CODESIGNATURE: dequeueEvent<attach_signature>(event, [&](attach_signature* endEvent){}); break;
- case DBG_DYLD_TIMING_BUILD_CLOSURE: dequeueEvent<build_closure>(event, [&](build_closure* endEvent){}); break;
+ case DBG_DYLD_TIMING_BUILD_CLOSURE: dequeueEvent<build_closure>(event, [&](build_closure* endEvent){
+ endEvent->closureBuildState = event->arg2;
+ }); break;
case DBG_DYLD_TIMING_DLCLOSE: dequeueEvent<dlclose>(event, [&](dlclose* endEvent){
endEvent->result = (int)event->arg2;
}); break;
struct event_pair {
- event_pair(ktrace_event_t E) : _startTime(E->timestamp), _walltime(E->walltime), _threadid(E->threadid), _depth(0),
+ event_pair(ktrace_event_t E) : _startTime(E->timestamp), _walltime(E->walltime), _threadid((unsigned long)(E->threadid)), _depth(0),
_eventCode(KDBG_EXTRACT_CODE(E->debugid)) {};
virtual ~event_pair(){}
std::vector<std::shared_ptr<event_pair>>& children() { return _children; }
result << _timestampStr;
if (extended) {
- result << "." << std::setw(6) << std::setfill(' ') << std::to_string(now_walltime.tv_usec);
+ result << "." << std::setw(6) << std::setfill('0') << std::to_string(now_walltime.tv_usec);
return result.str();
bool extended = false;
if (auto dlopenNode = dynamic_cast<dlopen *>(node.get())) {
line << "dlopen(\"" << dlopenNode->path << "\", " << dlopenNode->flagString() << ") -> 0x" << dlopenNode->result;
+ } else if (auto dlopenPreflightNode = dynamic_cast<dlopen_preflight *>(node.get())) {
+ line << "dlopen_preflight(\"" << dlopenPreflightNode->path << ") -> 0x" << dlopenPreflightNode->result;
} else if (auto dlsymNode = dynamic_cast<dlsym *>(node.get())) {
line << "dlsym(0x" << std::hex << dlsymNode->handle << ", \"" << dlsymNode->symbol << "\") -> " << dlsymNode->result;
} else if (auto mapImageNode = dynamic_cast<map_image *>(node.get())) {
} else if (auto sigNode = dynamic_cast<attach_signature *>(node.get())) {
line << "attach codesignature";
} else if (auto buildClosureNode = dynamic_cast<build_closure *>(node.get())) {
- line << "build closure";
+ line << "build closure -> " << buildClosureNode->buildStateString();
} else if (auto launchNode = dynamic_cast<app_launch *>(node.get())) {
line << "app launch (dyld" << std::dec << launchNode->launchMode << ") -> 0x" << std::hex << launchNode->address;
} else if (auto initNode = dynamic_cast<static_init *>(node.get())) {
std::string lineStr = line.str();
std::string commandStr = process(node, extended);
std::string durationStr = duration(node);
- uint64_t lineMax = width - (timestampStr.length() + commandStr.length() + durationStr.length() + 2*depth + 3);
+ size_t lineMax = (size_t)width - (timestampStr.length() + commandStr.length() + durationStr.length() + 2*(size_t)depth + 3);
lineStr.resize(lineMax, ' ');
sstr << timestampStr << " ";
if (auto dlopenNode = dynamic_cast<dlopen *>(node.get())) {
sstr << std::hex;
sstr << "{\"type\":\"dlopen\",\"path\":\"" << dlopenNode->path << "\",\"flags\":\"0x" << dlopenNode->flags << "\"";
- sstr << ",\"result\":\"" << dlopenNode->result << "\"";
+ sstr << ",\"result\":\"0x" << dlopenNode->result << "\"";
+ } else if (auto dlopenPreflightNode = dynamic_cast<dlopen_preflight *>(node.get())) {
+ sstr << std::hex;
+ sstr << "{\"type\":\"dlopen_preflight\",\"path\":\"" << dlopenPreflightNode->path << "\"";
+ sstr << ",\"result\":\"0x" << dlopenPreflightNode->result << "\"";
} else if (auto dlsymNode = dynamic_cast<dlsym *>(node.get())) {
sstr << std::hex << "{\"type\":\"dlsym\",\"symbol\":\"" << dlsymNode->symbol << "\",\"handle\":\"0x";
sstr << dlsymNode->handle << "\",\"result\":\"0x" << dlsymNode->result << "\"";
} else if (auto sigNode = dynamic_cast<attach_signature *>(node.get())) {
sstr << "{\"type\":\"attach_codesignature\"";
} else if (auto buildClosureNode = dynamic_cast<build_closure *>(node.get())) {
- sstr << "{\"type\":\"build_closure\"";
+ sstr << "{\"type\":\"build_closure\", \"state\":\"" << buildClosureNode->buildStateString() << "\"";
} else if (auto launchNode = dynamic_cast<app_launch *>(node.get())) {
sstr << std::hex;
sstr << "{\"type\":\"app_launch\",\"address\":\"0x";
auto emitEventInfo = [&](bool isStart) {
if (auto dlopenNode = dynamic_cast<dlopen *>(node.get())) {
sstr << "{\"name\": \"dlopen(" << dlopenNode->path << ")\", \"cat\": \"" << "dlopen" << "\"";
+ } else if (auto dlopenPreflightNode = dynamic_cast<dlopen_preflight *>(node.get())) {
+ sstr << "{\"name\": \"dlopen_preflight(" << dlopenPreflightNode->path << ")\", \"cat\": \"" << "dlopen_preflight" << "\"";
} else if (auto dlsymNode = dynamic_cast<dlsym *>(node.get())) {
sstr << "{\"name\": \"dlsym(" << dlsymNode->symbol << ")\", \"cat\": \"" << "dlsym" << "\"";
} else if (auto mapImageNode = dynamic_cast<map_image *>(node.get())) {
uint64_t result;
+ struct dlopen_preflight : event_pair {
+ dlopen_preflight(ktrace_event_t E) : event_pair(E), path(stringForID(E->arg2)) {}
+ std::string path;
+ uint64_t result;
+ };
struct dlsym : event_pair {
dlsym(ktrace_event_t E) : event_pair(E), handle(E->arg2), symbol(stringForID(E->arg3)) {}
std::string symbol;
struct build_closure : event_pair {
- build_closure(ktrace_event_t E) : event_pair(E) {}
+ build_closure(ktrace_event_t E) : event_pair(E), closureBuildState(0) {}
+ uint64_t closureBuildState;
+ std::string buildStateString() const {
+ switch ((dyld3::DyldTimingBuildClosure)closureBuildState) {
+ case dyld3::DyldTimingBuildClosure::ClosureBuildFailure:
+ return "failed to build closure";
+ case dyld3::DyldTimingBuildClosure::LaunchClosure_Built:
+ return "built launch closure";
+ case dyld3::DyldTimingBuildClosure::DlopenClosure_UsedSharedCacheDylib:
+ return "used shared cache dylib closure";
+ case dyld3::DyldTimingBuildClosure::DlopenClosure_UsedSharedCacheOther:
+ return "used shared cache dlopen closure";
+ case dyld3::DyldTimingBuildClosure::DlopenClosure_NoLoad:
+ return "dlopen was no load";
+ case dyld3::DyldTimingBuildClosure::DlopenClosure_Built:
+ return "built dlopen closure";
+ }
+ };
struct add_image_callback : event_pair {
// Event though our events are paired, we process them individually so we can
// render nested events
ktrace_events_range(s, KDBG_EVENTID(DBG_DYLD, DBG_DYLD_INTERNAL_SUBCLASS, 0), KDBG_EVENTID(DBG_DYLD, DBG_DYLD_API_SUBCLASS+1, 0), ^(ktrace_event_t event){
- assert((event->debugid & KDBG_FUNC_MASK) != 0);
- auto i = sOutputManager.sOutputRenders.find(event->threadid);
+ if ((event->debugid & KDBG_FUNC_MASK) == 0)
+ return;
+ auto i = sOutputManager.sOutputRenders.find((size_t)(event->threadid));
if (i == sOutputManager.sOutputRenders.end()) {
sOutputManager.sOutputRenders.emplace(std::make_pair(event->threadid, std::make_unique<output_renderer>(s, event)));
- i = sOutputManager.sOutputRenders.find(event->threadid);
+ i = sOutputManager.sOutputRenders.find((size_t)(event->threadid));
if (i->second->empty()) {
s = ktrace_session_create();
- while ((ch = getopt(argc, argv, "jJeR:t:")) != -1) {
+ while ((ch = getopt(argc, argv, "hjJeR:t:")) != -1) {
switch (ch) {
case 'j':
JSON_flag = true;
+ case 'h':
if (!RAW_flag) {
if (geteuid() != 0) {
- fprintf(stderr, "'dyld_usage' must be run as root...\n");
+ fprintf(stderr, "'dyld_usage' must be run as root\n");
+ setvbuf(stdout, (char *)NULL, _IONBF, 0);
return 0;