-contains the load path. This is useful for a plug-in that has an embedded framework. @executable_path/
-is not helpful because you may not know where the plugin-in will be installed relative to the
-main executable, or there may be multiple applications that load the plug-in.
-A typical load path for an embedded framework for reference a sibling framework would
-look like @loader_path/../../../Frameworks/Foo.framework/Versions/A/Foo.
+contains the load command using @loader_path. Thus, in every binary, @loader_path resolves to
+a different path, whereas @executable_path always resolves to the same path. @loader_path is
+useful as the load path for a framework/dylib embedded in a plug-in, if the final file
+system location of the plugin-in unknown (so absolute paths cannot be used) or if the plug-in
+is used by multiple applications (so @executable_path cannot be used). If the plug-in mach-o
+file is at /some/path/Myfilter.plugin/Contents/MacOS/Myfilter and a framework dylib
+file is at /some/path/Myfilter.plugin/Contents/Frameworks/Foo.framework/Versions/A/Foo, then
+the framework load path could be encoded as
+@loader_path/../Frameworks/Foo.framework/Versions/A/Foo and the Myfilter.plugin directory could
+be moved around in the file system and dyld will still be able to load the embedded framework.