+#if __x86_64__
+ .data
+ .align 3
+ .quad __dyld_start
+# stable entry points into dyld
+ .text
+ .align 2
+ .globl _stub_binding_helper
+ jmp _stub_binding_helper_interface
+ nop
+ nop
+ nop
+ .globl _dyld_func_lookup
+ jmp __Z18lookupDyldFunctionPKcPm
+ .text
+ .align 2,0x90
+ .globl __dyld_start
+ pushq $0 # push a zero for debugger end of frames marker
+ movq %rsp,%rbp # pointer to base of kernel frame
+ andq $-16,%rsp # force SSE alignment
+ # call dyldbootstrap::start(app_mh, argc, argv, slide)
+ movq 8(%rbp),%rdi # param1 = mh into %rdi
+ movl 16(%rbp),%esi # param2 = argc into %esi
+ leaq 24(%rbp),%rdx # param3 = &argv[0] into %rdx
+ movq __dyld_start_static(%rip), %r8
+ leaq __dyld_start(%rip), %rcx
+ subq %r8, %rcx # param4 = slide into %rcx
+ call __ZN13dyldbootstrap5startEPK11mach_headeriPPKcl
+ # clean up stack and jump to result
+ movq %rbp,%rsp # restore the unaligned stack pointer
+ addq $16,%rsp # remove the mh argument, and debugger end frame marker
+ movq $0,%rbp # restore ebp back to zero
+ jmp *%rax # jump to the entry point
+#endif /* __x86_64__ */