]> git.saurik.com Git - apple/dyld.git/blob - src/dyld_usage.cpp
[apple/dyld.git] / src / dyld_usage.cpp
1 /*
2 * Copyright (c) 2017 Apple Inc. All rights reserved.
3 *
5 *
6 * "Portions Copyright (c) 1999 Apple Computer, Inc. All Rights
7 * Reserved. This file contains Original Code and/or Modifications of
8 * Original Code as defined in and that are subject to the Apple Public
9 * Source License Version 1.0 (the 'License'). You may not use this file
10 * except in compliance with the License. Please obtain a copy of the
11 * License at http://www.apple.com/publicsource and read it before using
12 * this file.
13 *
14 * The Original Code and all software distributed under the License are
15 * distributed on an 'AS IS' basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER
19 * License for the specific language governing rights and limitations
20 * under the License."
21 *
23 */
25 #include <map>
26 #include <set>
27 #include <memory>
28 #include <string>
29 #include <cstring>
30 #include <array>
31 #include <vector>
32 #include <iomanip>
33 #include <sstream>
34 #include <iostream>
35 #include <cinttypes>
36 #include <dlfcn.h>
37 #include <unistd.h>
38 #include <stdint.h>
39 #include <termios.h>
40 #include <sys/ioctl.h>
41 #include <libutil.h>
42 #include <ktrace/session.h>
43 #include <dispatch/dispatch.h>
44 #include <System/sys/kdebug.h>
46 #include "Tracing.h"
51 /*
52 * MAXCOLS controls when extra data kicks in.
53 * MAX_WIDE_MODE_COLS controls -w mode to get even wider data in path.
54 */
55 #define MAXCOLS (132)
56 #define MAXWIDTH (MAXCOLS + 64)
58 unsigned int columns = 0;
59 ktrace_session_t s;
60 bool wideflag = false;
61 bool RAW_flag = false;
62 bool JSON_flag = false;
63 bool JSON_Tracing_flag = false;
64 dispatch_source_t sigwinch_source;
65 static void
66 exit_usage(void)
67 {
68 fprintf(stderr, "Usage: dyld_usage [-e] [-f mode] [-t seconds] [-R rawfile [-S start_time] [-E end_time]] [pid | cmd [pid | cmd] ...]\n");
69 fprintf(stderr, " -e exclude the specified list of pids from the sample\n");
70 fprintf(stderr, " and exclude dyld_usage by default\n");
71 fprintf(stderr, " -t specifies timeout in seconds (for use in automated tools)\n");
72 fprintf(stderr, " -R specifies a raw trace file to process\n");
73 fprintf(stderr, " pid selects process(s) to sample\n");
74 fprintf(stderr, " cmd selects process(s) matching command string to sample\n");
75 fprintf(stderr, "By default (no options) the following processes are excluded from the output:\n");
76 fprintf(stderr, "dyld_usage, Terminal, telnetd, sshd, rlogind, tcsh, csh, sh\n");
78 exit(1);
79 }
81 static void
82 get_screenwidth(void)
83 {
84 struct winsize size;
86 columns = MAXCOLS;
88 if (isatty(STDOUT_FILENO)) {
89 if (ioctl(1, TIOCGWINSZ, &size) != -1) {
90 columns = size.ws_col;
92 if (columns > MAXWIDTH)
93 columns = MAXWIDTH;
94 }
95 }
96 }
98 std::map<uint64_t, uint64_t> gActiveStringIDs;
99 std::map<uint64_t, std::string> gActiveStrings;
101 const std::string& stringForID(uint64_t id) {
102 static std::string emptyString = "";
103 auto i = gActiveStrings.find(id);
104 if (i == gActiveStrings.end())
105 return emptyString;
106 return i->second;
107 }
109 static uint64_t
110 mach_to_nano(uint64_t mach)
111 {
112 uint64_t nanoseconds = 0;
113 assert(ktrace_convert_timestamp_to_nanoseconds(s, mach, &nanoseconds) == 0);
114 return nanoseconds;
115 }
117 static
118 std::string safeStringFromCString(const char *str) {
119 if (str) {
120 return str;
121 }
122 return "";
123 }
125 struct output_renderer {
126 output_renderer(ktrace_session_t S, ktrace_event_t E) :
127 _commandName(safeStringFromCString(ktrace_get_execname_for_thread(s, E->threadid))),
128 _threadid((unsigned long)(E->threadid)), _pid(ktrace_get_pid_for_thread(s, E->threadid)) {}
129 void recordEvent(ktrace_event_t event) {
130 uint32_t code = event->debugid & KDBG_EVENTID_MASK;
131 if (event->debugid & DBG_FUNC_START) {
132 switch(code) {
133 case DBG_DYLD_TIMING_DLOPEN: enqueueEvent<dlopen>(event, true); break;
134 case DBG_DYLD_TIMING_DLOPEN_PREFLIGHT: enqueueEvent<dlopen_preflight>(event, true); break;
135 case DBG_DYLD_TIMING_LAUNCH_EXECUTABLE: enqueueEvent<app_launch>(event, true); break;
136 case DBG_DYLD_TIMING_DLSYM: enqueueEvent<dlsym>(event, true); break;
137 case DBG_DYLD_TIMING_STATIC_INITIALIZER: enqueueEvent<static_init>(event, false); break;
138 case DBG_DYLD_TIMING_MAP_IMAGE: enqueueEvent<map_image>(event, false); break;
139 case DBG_DYLD_TIMING_APPLY_FIXUPS: enqueueEvent<apply_fixups>(event, false); break;
140 case DBG_DYLD_TIMING_ATTACH_CODESIGNATURE: enqueueEvent<attach_signature>(event, false); break;
141 case DBG_DYLD_TIMING_BUILD_CLOSURE: enqueueEvent<build_closure>(event, false); break;
142 case DBG_DYLD_TIMING_DLADDR: enqueueEvent<dladdr>(event, true); break;
143 case DBG_DYLD_TIMING_DLCLOSE: enqueueEvent<dlclose>(event, true); break;
144 case DBG_DYLD_TIMING_FUNC_FOR_ADD_IMAGE: enqueueEvent<add_image_callback>(event, false); break;
145 case DBG_DYLD_TIMING_FUNC_FOR_REMOVE_IMAGE: enqueueEvent<remove_image_callback>(event, false); break;
146 case DBG_DYLD_TIMING_OBJC_INIT: enqueueEvent<objc_image_init>(event, false); break;
147 case DBG_DYLD_TIMING_OBJC_MAP: enqueueEvent<objc_images_map>(event, false); break;
148 }
149 } else {
150 switch(code) {
151 case DBG_DYLD_TIMING_DLOPEN: dequeueEvent<dlopen>(event, [&](dlopen* endEvent){
152 endEvent->result = event->arg2;
153 }); break;
154 case DBG_DYLD_TIMING_DLOPEN_PREFLIGHT: dequeueEvent<dlopen_preflight>(event, [&](dlopen_preflight* endEvent){
155 endEvent->result = event->arg2;
156 }); break;
157 case DBG_DYLD_TIMING_LAUNCH_EXECUTABLE: dequeueEvent<app_launch>(event, [&](app_launch* endEvent){
158 endEvent->launchMode = event->arg4;
159 }); break;
160 case DBG_DYLD_TIMING_DLSYM: dequeueEvent<dlsym>(event, [&](dlsym* endEvent){
161 endEvent->result = event->arg2;
162 }); break;
163 case DBG_DYLD_TIMING_STATIC_INITIALIZER: dequeueEvent<static_init>(event, [&](static_init* endEvent){}); break;
164 case DBG_DYLD_TIMING_MAP_IMAGE: dequeueEvent<map_image>(event, [&](map_image* endEvent){
165 endEvent->result = event->arg2;
166 }); break;
167 case DBG_DYLD_TIMING_APPLY_FIXUPS: dequeueEvent<apply_fixups>(event, [&](apply_fixups* endEvent){}); break;
168 case DBG_DYLD_TIMING_ATTACH_CODESIGNATURE: dequeueEvent<attach_signature>(event, [&](attach_signature* endEvent){}); break;
169 case DBG_DYLD_TIMING_BUILD_CLOSURE: dequeueEvent<build_closure>(event, [&](build_closure* endEvent){
170 endEvent->closureBuildState = event->arg2;
171 }); break;
172 case DBG_DYLD_TIMING_DLCLOSE: dequeueEvent<dlclose>(event, [&](dlclose* endEvent){
173 endEvent->result = (int)event->arg2;
174 }); break;
175 case DBG_DYLD_TIMING_DLADDR: dequeueEvent<dladdr>(event, [&](dladdr* endEvent){
176 endEvent->result = (int)event->arg2;
177 endEvent->imageAddress = (int)event->arg3;
178 endEvent->symbolAddress = (int)event->arg4;
179 }); break;
180 case DBG_DYLD_TIMING_FUNC_FOR_ADD_IMAGE: dequeueEvent<add_image_callback>(event, [&](add_image_callback* endEvent){}); break;
181 case DBG_DYLD_TIMING_FUNC_FOR_REMOVE_IMAGE: dequeueEvent<remove_image_callback>(event, [&](remove_image_callback* endEvent){}); break;
182 case DBG_DYLD_TIMING_OBJC_INIT: dequeueEvent<objc_image_init>(event, [&](objc_image_init* endEvent){}); break;
183 case DBG_DYLD_TIMING_OBJC_MAP: dequeueEvent<objc_images_map>(event, [&](objc_images_map* endEvent){}); break;
184 }
185 }
186 }
188 bool empty() { return !_currentRootEvent && _eventStack.empty() && _rootEvents.empty(); }
189 private:
190 template<typename T>
191 void enqueueEvent(ktrace_event_t event, bool rootEvent) {
192 auto sharedEvent = std::make_shared<T>(event);
193 if (!_currentRootEvent) {
194 if (!rootEvent) return;
195 assert(_eventStack.empty());
196 _currentRootEvent = sharedEvent;
197 } else {
198 sharedEvent->setDepth(_eventStack.size());
199 _eventStack.back()->addChild(sharedEvent);
200 }
201 _eventStack.push_back(sharedEvent);
202 }
204 template<typename T>
205 void dequeueEvent(ktrace_event_t event, std::function<void(T*)> lambda) {
206 if (_eventStack.empty()) return;
207 auto currentEvent = dynamic_cast<T*>(_eventStack.back().get());
208 currentEvent->setEndEvent(event);
209 lambda(currentEvent);
210 _eventStack.pop_back();
211 if (_currentRootEvent && _eventStack.empty()) {
212 output(_currentRootEvent);
213 _currentRootEvent = nullptr;
214 }
215 }
217 struct event_pair {
218 event_pair(ktrace_event_t E) : _startTime(E->timestamp), _walltime(E->walltime), _threadid((unsigned long)(E->threadid)), _depth(0),
219 _eventCode(KDBG_EXTRACT_CODE(E->debugid)) {};
220 virtual ~event_pair(){}
221 std::vector<std::shared_ptr<event_pair>>& children() { return _children; }
222 void setDepth(uint64_t D) { _depth = D; }
223 uint64_t depth() { return _depth; }
224 struct timeval walltime() { return _walltime; };
225 uint64_t startTimestamp() { return _startTime; };
226 uint64_t endTimestamp() { return _endTime; }
227 unsigned long threadid() { return _threadid; }
228 void addChild(std::shared_ptr<event_pair> child) {_children.push_back(child);}
229 void setEndEvent(ktrace_event_t E) { _endTime = E->timestamp; }
230 uint16_t eventCode() const { return _eventCode; }
231 private:
232 std::vector<std::shared_ptr<event_pair>> _children;
233 uint64_t _startTime;
234 uint64_t _endTime;
235 uint64_t _depth;
236 unsigned long _threadid;
237 uint16_t _eventCode;
238 struct timeval _walltime;
239 };
241 time_t _lastTimeWallSeconds = -1;
242 std::string _timestampStr;
243 std::string _commandName;
244 pid_t _pid;
245 unsigned long _threadid;
247 std::string timestamp(std::shared_ptr<event_pair> event, bool extended) {
248 std::ostringstream result;
249 struct timeval now_walltime = event->walltime();
250 assert(now_walltime.tv_sec || now_walltime.tv_usec);
252 /* try and reuse the timestamp string */
253 if (_lastTimeWallSeconds != now_walltime.tv_sec) {
254 char timestamp[32];
255 (void)strftime(timestamp, sizeof (timestamp), "%H:%M:%S", localtime(&now_walltime.tv_sec));
256 _lastTimeWallSeconds = now_walltime.tv_sec;
257 _timestampStr = timestamp;
258 }
259 result << _timestampStr;
261 if (extended) {
262 result << "." << std::setw(6) << std::setfill('0') << std::to_string(now_walltime.tv_usec);
263 }
264 return result.str();
265 }
267 std::string process(std::shared_ptr<event_pair> event, bool extended) {
268 if (extended) {
269 std::ostringstream result;
270 result << _commandName << "." << std::to_string(event->threadid());
271 return result.str();
272 } else {
273 std::string result = _commandName;
274 result.resize(12, ' ');
275 return result;
276 }
277 }
279 std::string duration(std::shared_ptr<event_pair> event) {
280 std::ostringstream result;
281 uint64_t usecs = (mach_to_nano(event->endTimestamp() - event->startTimestamp()) + (NSEC_PER_USEC - 1)) / NSEC_PER_USEC;
282 uint64_t secs = usecs / USEC_PER_SEC;
283 usecs -= secs * USEC_PER_SEC;
284 result << secs << "." << std::setw(6) << std::setfill('0') << usecs;
285 return result.str();
286 }
288 public:
289 void outputConsole(std::shared_ptr<event_pair> node, uint64_t width, std::ostringstream& sstr, uint64_t depth) {
290 std::ostringstream line;
291 bool extended = false;
292 if (auto dlopenNode = dynamic_cast<dlopen *>(node.get())) {
293 line << "dlopen(\"" << dlopenNode->path << "\", " << dlopenNode->flagString() << ") -> 0x" << dlopenNode->result;
294 } else if (auto dlopenPreflightNode = dynamic_cast<dlopen_preflight *>(node.get())) {
295 line << "dlopen_preflight(\"" << dlopenPreflightNode->path << ") -> 0x" << dlopenPreflightNode->result;
296 } else if (auto dlsymNode = dynamic_cast<dlsym *>(node.get())) {
297 line << "dlsym(0x" << std::hex << dlsymNode->handle << ", \"" << dlsymNode->symbol << "\") -> " << dlsymNode->result;
298 } else if (auto mapImageNode = dynamic_cast<map_image *>(node.get())) {
299 line << "map file \"" << mapImageNode->path << "\" -> 0x" << std::hex << mapImageNode->result;
300 } else if (auto sigNode = dynamic_cast<attach_signature *>(node.get())) {
301 line << "attach codesignature";
302 } else if (auto buildClosureNode = dynamic_cast<build_closure *>(node.get())) {
303 line << "build closure -> " << buildClosureNode->buildStateString();
304 } else if (auto launchNode = dynamic_cast<app_launch *>(node.get())) {
305 line << "app launch (dyld" << std::dec << launchNode->launchMode << ") -> 0x" << std::hex << launchNode->address;
306 } else if (auto initNode = dynamic_cast<static_init *>(node.get())) {
307 line << "run static initializer 0x" << std::hex << initNode->funcAddress;
308 } else if (auto initNode = dynamic_cast<apply_fixups *>(node.get())) {
309 line << "apply fixups";
310 } else if (auto dlcloseNode = dynamic_cast<dlclose *>(node.get())) {
311 line << "dlclose(0x" << std::hex << dlcloseNode->handle << ") -> " << dlcloseNode->result;
312 } else if (auto dladdrNode = dynamic_cast<dladdr *>(node.get())) {
313 line << "dladdr(0x" << dladdrNode->address << ") -> image: 0x" << std::hex << dladdrNode->imageAddress;
314 line << ", symbol: 0x" << dladdrNode->symbolAddress;
315 } else if (auto addImageNode = dynamic_cast<add_image_callback *>(node.get())) {
316 line << std::hex << "add image callback(0x" << addImageNode->funcAddress << ") for image 0x" << addImageNode->libraryAddress;
317 } else if (auto removeImageNode = dynamic_cast<remove_image_callback *>(node.get())) {
318 line << std::hex << "remove image callback(0x" << removeImageNode->funcAddress << ") for image 0x" << removeImageNode->libraryAddress;
319 } else if (auto objcInitNode = dynamic_cast<objc_image_init *>(node.get())) {
320 line << std::hex << "objC init image(0x" << objcInitNode->libraryAddress << ")";
321 } else if (auto objcMapNode = dynamic_cast<objc_images_map *>(node.get())) {
322 line << std::hex << "objC map images callback";
323 }
325 if (width > MAXCOLS) {
326 extended = true;
327 }
329 std::string timestampStr = timestamp(node, extended);
330 std::string lineStr = line.str();
331 std::string commandStr = process(node, extended);
332 std::string durationStr = duration(node);
333 size_t lineMax = (size_t)width - (timestampStr.length() + commandStr.length() + durationStr.length() + 2*(size_t)depth + 3);
334 lineStr.resize(lineMax, ' ');
336 sstr << timestampStr << " ";
337 std::fill_n(std::ostream_iterator<char>(sstr), 2*depth, ' ');
338 sstr << lineStr << " " << durationStr << " " << commandStr << std::endl;
340 for (const auto& child : node->children()) {
341 outputConsole(child, width, sstr, depth+1);
342 }
343 }
345 void outputJSON(std::shared_ptr<event_pair> node, std::ostringstream& sstr) {
346 if (auto dlopenNode = dynamic_cast<dlopen *>(node.get())) {
347 sstr << std::hex;
348 sstr << "{\"type\":\"dlopen\",\"path\":\"" << dlopenNode->path << "\",\"flags\":\"0x" << dlopenNode->flags << "\"";
349 sstr << ",\"result\":\"0x" << dlopenNode->result << "\"";
350 } else if (auto dlopenPreflightNode = dynamic_cast<dlopen_preflight *>(node.get())) {
351 sstr << std::hex;
352 sstr << "{\"type\":\"dlopen_preflight\",\"path\":\"" << dlopenPreflightNode->path << "\"";
353 sstr << ",\"result\":\"0x" << dlopenPreflightNode->result << "\"";
354 } else if (auto dlsymNode = dynamic_cast<dlsym *>(node.get())) {
355 sstr << std::hex << "{\"type\":\"dlsym\",\"symbol\":\"" << dlsymNode->symbol << "\",\"handle\":\"0x";
356 sstr << dlsymNode->handle << "\",\"result\":\"0x" << dlsymNode->result << "\"";
357 } else if (auto mapImageNode = dynamic_cast<map_image *>(node.get())) {
358 sstr << std::hex;
359 sstr << "{\"type\":\"map_image\",\"path\":\"" << mapImageNode->path << "\",\"result\":\"0x" << mapImageNode->result << "\"";
360 } else if (auto sigNode = dynamic_cast<attach_signature *>(node.get())) {
361 sstr << "{\"type\":\"attach_codesignature\"";
362 } else if (auto buildClosureNode = dynamic_cast<build_closure *>(node.get())) {
363 sstr << "{\"type\":\"build_closure\", \"state\":\"" << buildClosureNode->buildStateString() << "\"";
364 } else if (auto launchNode = dynamic_cast<app_launch *>(node.get())) {
365 sstr << std::hex;
366 sstr << "{\"type\":\"app_launch\",\"address\":\"0x";
367 sstr << launchNode->address << "\",\"mode\":" << launchNode->launchMode << "";
368 } else if (auto initNode = dynamic_cast<static_init *>(node.get())) {
369 sstr << std::hex;
370 sstr << "{\"type\":\"static_init\",\"image_address\":\"0x" << initNode->libraryAddress;
371 sstr << "\",\"function_address\":\"0x" << initNode->funcAddress << "\"";
372 } else if (auto initNode = dynamic_cast<apply_fixups *>(node.get())) {
373 sstr << "{\"type\":\"apply_fixups\"";
374 } else if (auto dlcloseNode = dynamic_cast<dlclose *>(node.get())) {
375 sstr << std::hex << "{\"type\":\"dlclose\",\"handle\":\"0x";
376 sstr << dlcloseNode->handle << "\",\"result\":\"0x" << dlcloseNode->result << "\"";
377 } else if (auto dladdrNode = dynamic_cast<dladdr *>(node.get())) {
378 sstr << std::hex << "{\"type\":\"dladdr\",\"address\":\"0x" << dladdrNode->address << "\",\"result\":\"0x";
379 sstr << dladdrNode->result << "\",\"symbol_address\":\"0x" << dladdrNode->symbolAddress;
380 sstr << "\",\"image_address\":\"0x" << dladdrNode->imageAddress << "\"";
381 } else {
382 sstr << "{\"type\":\"unknown\"";
383 }
385 if (!node->children().empty()) {
386 bool firstChild = true;
387 sstr << ",\"children\":[";
388 for (const auto& child : node->children()) {
389 if (!firstChild) {
390 sstr << ",";
391 }
392 firstChild = false;
393 outputJSON(child, sstr);
394 }
395 sstr << "]";
396 }
397 sstr << std::dec << ",\"start_nano\":\"" << mach_to_nano(node->startTimestamp());
398 sstr << "\",\"end_nano\":\"" << mach_to_nano(node->endTimestamp()) << "\"}";
399 }
401 void outputTracingJSON(std::shared_ptr<event_pair> node, std::ostringstream& sstr) {
402 auto emitEventInfo = [&](bool isStart) {
403 if (auto dlopenNode = dynamic_cast<dlopen *>(node.get())) {
404 sstr << "{\"name\": \"dlopen(" << dlopenNode->path << ")\", \"cat\": \"" << "dlopen" << "\"";
405 } else if (auto dlopenPreflightNode = dynamic_cast<dlopen_preflight *>(node.get())) {
406 sstr << "{\"name\": \"dlopen_preflight(" << dlopenPreflightNode->path << ")\", \"cat\": \"" << "dlopen_preflight" << "\"";
407 } else if (auto dlsymNode = dynamic_cast<dlsym *>(node.get())) {
408 sstr << "{\"name\": \"dlsym(" << dlsymNode->symbol << ")\", \"cat\": \"" << "dlsym" << "\"";
409 } else if (auto mapImageNode = dynamic_cast<map_image *>(node.get())) {
410 sstr << "{\"name\": \"map_image(" << mapImageNode->path << ")\", \"cat\": \"" << "map_image" << "\"";
411 } else if (auto sigNode = dynamic_cast<attach_signature *>(node.get())) {
412 sstr << "{\"name\": \"" << "attach_codesignature" << "\", \"cat\": \"" << "attach_codesignature" << "\"";
413 } else if (auto buildClosureNode = dynamic_cast<build_closure *>(node.get())) {
414 sstr << "{\"name\": \"" << "build_closure" << "\", \"cat\": \"" << "build_closure" << "\"";
415 } else if (auto launchNode = dynamic_cast<app_launch *>(node.get())) {
416 sstr << "{\"name\": \"" << "app_launch" << "\", \"cat\": \"" << "app_launch" << "\"";
417 } else if (auto initNode = dynamic_cast<static_init *>(node.get())) {
418 sstr << "{\"name\": \"" << "static_init" << "\", \"cat\": \"" << "static_init" << "\"";
419 } else if (auto initNode = dynamic_cast<apply_fixups *>(node.get())) {
420 sstr << "{\"name\": \"" << "apply_fixups" << "\", \"cat\": \"" << "apply_fixups" << "\"";
421 } else if (auto dlcloseNode = dynamic_cast<dlclose *>(node.get())) {
422 sstr << "{\"name\": \"" << "dlclose" << "\", \"cat\": \"" << "dlclose" << "\"";
423 } else if (auto dladdrNode = dynamic_cast<dladdr *>(node.get())) {
424 sstr << "{\"name\": \"" << "dladdr" << "\", \"cat\": \"" << "dladdr" << "\"";
425 } else if (auto addImageNode = dynamic_cast<add_image_callback *>(node.get())) {
426 sstr << "{\"name\": \"" << "add_image" << "\", \"cat\": \"" << "add_image" << "\"";
427 } else if (auto removeImageNode = dynamic_cast<remove_image_callback *>(node.get())) {
428 sstr << "{\"name\": \"" << "remove_image" << "\", \"cat\": \"" << "remove_image" << "\"";
429 } else if (auto objcInitNode = dynamic_cast<objc_image_init *>(node.get())) {
430 sstr << "{\"name\": \"" << "objc_init" << "\", \"cat\": \"" << "objc_init" << "\"";
431 } else if (auto objcMapNode = dynamic_cast<objc_images_map *>(node.get())) {
432 sstr << "{\"name\": \"" << "objc_map" << "\", \"cat\": \"" << "objc_map" << "\"";
433 } else {
434 sstr << "{\"name\": \"" << "unknown" << "\", \"cat\": \"" << node->eventCode() << "\"";
435 }
436 if (isStart) {
437 sstr << ", \"ph\": \"B\", \"pid\": " << _pid << ", \"tid\": " << _threadid << ", \"ts\": " << mach_to_nano(node->startTimestamp()) << "},";
438 } else {
439 sstr << ", \"ph\": \"E\", \"pid\": " << _pid << ", \"tid\": " << _threadid << ", \"ts\": " << mach_to_nano(node->endTimestamp()) << "}";
440 }
441 };
443 emitEventInfo(true);
444 emitEventInfo(false);
446 if (!node->children().empty()) {
447 for (const auto& child : node->children()) {
448 sstr << ", ";
449 outputTracingJSON(child, sstr);
450 }
451 }
452 }
454 const std::vector<std::shared_ptr<event_pair>>& rootEvents() const { return _rootEvents; }
456 private:
458 void output(std::shared_ptr<event_pair> root) {
459 std::ostringstream ostream;
460 if (JSON_flag) {
461 ostream << "{\"command\":\"" << _commandName << "\",\"pid\":\"" << _pid << "\",\"thread\":\"";
462 ostream << _threadid << "\", \"event\":";
463 outputJSON(root, ostream);
464 ostream << "}" << std::endl;
465 } else if (JSON_Tracing_flag) {
466 _rootEvents.push_back(root);
467 } else {
468 outputConsole(root, columns, ostream, 0);
469 }
470 std::cout << ostream.str();
471 if (!RAW_flag)
472 fflush(stdout);
473 }
475 struct dlopen : event_pair {
476 dlopen(ktrace_event_t E) : event_pair(E), path(stringForID(E->arg2)), flags((int)E->arg3) {}
477 std::string flagString() {
478 std::vector<std::string> flagStrs;
479 uint64_t flagCheck = 0;
480 std::string flagString;
482 if (flags & RTLD_LAZY) {
483 flagStrs.push_back("RTLD_LAZY");
484 flagCheck |= RTLD_LAZY;
485 }
486 if (flags & RTLD_NOW) {
487 flagStrs.push_back("RTLD_NOW");
488 flagCheck |= RTLD_NOW;
489 }
490 if (flags & RTLD_LOCAL) {
491 flagStrs.push_back("RTLD_LOCAL");
492 flagCheck |= RTLD_LOCAL;
493 }
494 if (flags & RTLD_GLOBAL) {
495 flagStrs.push_back("RTLD_GLOBAL");
496 flagCheck |= RTLD_GLOBAL;
497 }
498 if (flags & RTLD_NOLOAD) {
499 flagStrs.push_back("RTLD_NOLOAD");
500 flagCheck |= RTLD_NOLOAD;
501 }
502 if (flags & RTLD_NODELETE) {
503 flagStrs.push_back("RTLD_NODELETE");
504 flagCheck |= RTLD_NODELETE;
505 }
506 if (flags & RTLD_FIRST) {
507 flagStrs.push_back("RTLD_FIRST");
508 flagCheck |= RTLD_FIRST;
509 }
511 if (flagCheck == flags) {
512 for (auto& flagStr : flagStrs) {
513 if (!flagString.empty()) {
514 flagString += "|";
515 }
516 flagString += flagStr;
517 }
518 }
520 return flagString;
521 }
522 std::string path;
523 int flags;
524 uint64_t result;
525 };
527 struct dlopen_preflight : event_pair {
528 dlopen_preflight(ktrace_event_t E) : event_pair(E), path(stringForID(E->arg2)) {}
529 std::string path;
530 uint64_t result;
531 };
533 struct dlsym : event_pair {
534 dlsym(ktrace_event_t E) : event_pair(E), handle(E->arg2), symbol(stringForID(E->arg3)) {}
535 std::string symbol;
536 uint64_t handle;
537 uint64_t result;
538 };
540 struct dladdr : event_pair {
541 dladdr(ktrace_event_t E) : event_pair(E), address(E->arg2), imageAddress(0), symbolAddress(0) {}
542 uint64_t address;
543 uint64_t imageAddress;
544 uint64_t symbolAddress;
545 int result;
546 };
548 struct dlclose : event_pair {
549 dlclose(ktrace_event_t E) : event_pair(E), handle(E->arg2) {}
550 uint64_t handle;
551 int result;
552 };
554 struct app_launch : event_pair {
555 app_launch(ktrace_event_t E) : event_pair(E), address(E->arg2) {}
556 uint64_t address;
557 uint64_t launchMode;
558 std::vector<event_pair *> _children;
559 };
561 struct static_init : event_pair {
562 static_init(ktrace_event_t E) : event_pair(E), libraryAddress(E->arg2), funcAddress(E->arg3) {}
563 uint64_t libraryAddress;
564 uint64_t funcAddress;
565 };
567 struct map_image : event_pair {
568 map_image(ktrace_event_t E) : event_pair(E), path(stringForID(E->arg2)) {}
569 std::string path;
570 uint64_t result;
571 };
573 struct apply_fixups : event_pair {
574 apply_fixups(ktrace_event_t E) : event_pair(E) {}
575 };
577 struct attach_signature : event_pair {
578 attach_signature(ktrace_event_t E) : event_pair(E) {}
579 };
581 struct build_closure : event_pair {
582 build_closure(ktrace_event_t E) : event_pair(E), closureBuildState(0) {}
583 uint64_t closureBuildState;
585 std::string buildStateString() const {
586 switch ((dyld3::DyldTimingBuildClosure)closureBuildState) {
587 case dyld3::DyldTimingBuildClosure::ClosureBuildFailure:
588 return "failed to build closure";
589 case dyld3::DyldTimingBuildClosure::LaunchClosure_Built:
590 return "built launch closure";
591 case dyld3::DyldTimingBuildClosure::DlopenClosure_UsedSharedCacheDylib:
592 return "used shared cache dylib closure";
593 case dyld3::DyldTimingBuildClosure::DlopenClosure_UsedSharedCacheOther:
594 return "used shared cache dlopen closure";
595 case dyld3::DyldTimingBuildClosure::DlopenClosure_NoLoad:
596 return "dlopen was no load";
597 case dyld3::DyldTimingBuildClosure::DlopenClosure_Built:
598 return "built dlopen closure";
599 }
600 };
601 };
603 struct add_image_callback : event_pair {
604 add_image_callback(ktrace_event_t E) : event_pair(E), libraryAddress(E->arg2), funcAddress(E->arg3) {}
605 uint64_t libraryAddress;
606 uint64_t funcAddress;
607 };
609 struct remove_image_callback : event_pair {
610 remove_image_callback(ktrace_event_t E) : event_pair(E), libraryAddress(E->arg2), funcAddress(E->arg3) {}
611 uint64_t libraryAddress;
612 uint64_t funcAddress;
614 };
616 struct objc_image_init : event_pair {
617 objc_image_init(ktrace_event_t E) : event_pair(E), libraryAddress(E->arg2) {}
618 uint64_t libraryAddress;
619 };
621 struct objc_images_map : event_pair {
622 objc_images_map(ktrace_event_t E) : event_pair(E) {}
623 };
625 std::shared_ptr<event_pair> _currentRootEvent;
626 std::vector<std::shared_ptr<event_pair>> _eventStack;
627 std::vector<std::shared_ptr<event_pair>> _rootEvents;
628 };
630 struct OutputManager {
631 std::map<unsigned long, std::unique_ptr<output_renderer>> sOutputRenders;
633 void flush() {
634 if (JSON_Tracing_flag) {
635 std::ostringstream ostream;
636 ostream << "{\"displayTimeUnit\":\"ns\"";
637 ostream << ", \"traceEvents\": [";
638 bool firstEvent = true;
639 for (const auto& renderer : sOutputRenders) {
640 for (const auto& root : renderer.second->rootEvents()) {
641 if (firstEvent)
642 firstEvent = false;
643 else
644 ostream << ", ";
645 renderer.second->outputTracingJSON(root, ostream);
646 }
647 }
648 ostream << "]";
649 ostream << "}" << std::endl;
650 std::cout << ostream.str();
651 if (!RAW_flag)
652 fflush(stdout);
653 }
654 }
655 };
657 static OutputManager sOutputManager;
659 void
660 setup_ktrace_callbacks(void)
661 {
662 ktrace_events_single(s, TRACEDBG_CODE(DBG_TRACE_STRING, TRACE_STRING_GLOBAL), ^(ktrace_event_t event){
663 char argChars[33] = {0};
664 memset(&argChars[0], 0, 33);
665 if ((event->debugid & DBG_FUNC_START) == DBG_FUNC_START) {
666 uint64_t str_id = event->arg2;
667 if (((event->debugid & DBG_FUNC_END) == DBG_FUNC_END)
668 && str_id != 0) {
669 auto i = gActiveStrings.find(str_id);
670 if (i != gActiveStrings.end()) {
671 gActiveStrings.erase(i);
672 }
673 }
674 *((uint64_t*)&argChars[0]) = event->arg3;
675 *((uint64_t*)&argChars[8]) = event->arg4;
676 gActiveStringIDs.insert(std::make_pair(event->threadid, str_id));
677 gActiveStrings.insert(std::make_pair(str_id, argChars));
678 } else {
679 // Not a start, so lets grab our data
680 *((uint64_t*)&argChars[0]) = event->arg1;
681 *((uint64_t*)&argChars[8]) = event->arg2;
682 *((uint64_t*)&argChars[16]) = event->arg3;
683 *((uint64_t*)&argChars[24]) = event->arg4;
685 auto i = gActiveStringIDs.find(event->threadid);
686 if (i != gActiveStringIDs.end()) {
687 auto j = gActiveStrings.find(i->second);
688 if (j != gActiveStrings.end()) {
689 j->second += argChars;
690 }
691 }
692 }
694 if ((event->debugid & DBG_FUNC_END) == DBG_FUNC_END) {
695 auto i = gActiveStringIDs.find(event->threadid);
696 if (i != gActiveStringIDs.end()) {
697 gActiveStringIDs.erase(i);
698 }
699 };
700 });
702 // Event though our events are paired, we process them individually so we can
703 // render nested events
704 ktrace_events_range(s, KDBG_EVENTID(DBG_DYLD, DBG_DYLD_INTERNAL_SUBCLASS, 0), KDBG_EVENTID(DBG_DYLD, DBG_DYLD_API_SUBCLASS+1, 0), ^(ktrace_event_t event){
705 if ((event->debugid & KDBG_FUNC_MASK) == 0)
706 return;
707 auto i = sOutputManager.sOutputRenders.find((size_t)(event->threadid));
708 if (i == sOutputManager.sOutputRenders.end()) {
709 sOutputManager.sOutputRenders.emplace(std::make_pair(event->threadid, std::make_unique<output_renderer>(s, event)));
710 i = sOutputManager.sOutputRenders.find((size_t)(event->threadid));
711 }
712 i->second->recordEvent(event);
713 if (i->second->empty()) {
714 sOutputManager.sOutputRenders.erase(i);
715 }
716 });
717 }
719 int
720 main(int argc, char *argv[])
721 {
722 char ch;
723 int rv = 0;
724 bool exclude_pids = false;
725 uint64_t time_limit_ns = 0;
727 get_screenwidth();
729 s = ktrace_session_create();
730 assert(s);
732 while ((ch = getopt(argc, argv, "hjJeR:t:")) != -1) {
733 switch (ch) {
734 case 'j':
735 JSON_flag = true;
736 break;
737 case 'J':
738 JSON_Tracing_flag = true;
739 break;
740 case 'e':
741 exclude_pids = true;
742 break;
743 case 't':
744 time_limit_ns = (uint64_t)(NSEC_PER_SEC * atof(optarg));
745 if (time_limit_ns == 0) {
746 fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: could not set time limit to %s\n",
747 optarg);
748 exit(1);
749 }
750 break;
751 case 'R':
752 RAW_flag = true;
753 rv = ktrace_set_file(s, optarg);
754 if (rv) {
755 fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: reading trace from '%s' failed (%s)\n", optarg, strerror(errno));
756 exit(1);
757 }
758 break;
759 case 'h':
760 default:
761 exit_usage();
762 }
763 }
765 argc -= optind;
766 argv += optind;
768 if (time_limit_ns > 0) {
769 if (RAW_flag) {
770 fprintf(stderr, "NOTE: time limit ignored when a raw file is specified\n");
771 } else {
772 dispatch_after(dispatch_time(DISPATCH_TIME_NOW, time_limit_ns),
773 dispatch_get_global_queue(QOS_CLASS_USER_INITIATED, 0),
774 ^{
775 ktrace_end(s, 0);
776 });
777 }
778 }
780 if (!RAW_flag) {
781 if (geteuid() != 0) {
782 fprintf(stderr, "'dyld_usage' must be run as root\n");
783 exit(1);
784 }
786 /*
787 * ktrace can't both *in*clude and *ex*clude pids, so: if we are
788 * already excluding pids, or if we are not explicitly including
789 * or excluding any pids, then exclude the defaults.
790 *
791 * if on the other hand we are explicitly including pids, we'll
792 * filter the defaults out naturally.
793 */
794 if (exclude_pids || argc == 0) {
795 ktrace_exclude_process(s, "dyld_usage");
796 ktrace_exclude_process(s, "Terminal");
797 ktrace_exclude_process(s, "telnetd");
798 ktrace_exclude_process(s, "telnet");
799 ktrace_exclude_process(s, "sshd");
800 ktrace_exclude_process(s, "rlogind");
801 ktrace_exclude_process(s, "tcsh");
802 ktrace_exclude_process(s, "csh");
803 ktrace_exclude_process(s, "sh");
804 ktrace_exclude_process(s, "zsh");
806 ktrace_exclude_process(s, "dropbear");
807 #endif /* TARGET_OS_EMBEDDED */
808 }
809 }
811 /*
812 * Process the list of specified pids, and in/exclude them as
813 * appropriate.
814 */
815 while (argc > 0) {
816 pid_t pid;
817 char *name;
818 char *endptr;
820 name = argv[0];
821 pid = (pid_t)strtoul(name, &endptr, 10);
823 if (*name != '\0' && *endptr == '\0') {
824 if (exclude_pids) {
825 rv = ktrace_exclude_pid(s, pid);
826 } else {
827 if (pid != 0)
828 rv = ktrace_filter_pid(s, pid);
829 }
830 } else {
831 if (exclude_pids) {
832 rv = ktrace_exclude_process(s, name);
833 } else {
834 if (strcmp(name, "kernel_task"))
835 rv = ktrace_filter_process(s, name);
836 }
837 }
839 if (rv == EINVAL) {
840 fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: cannot both include and exclude simultaneously\n");
841 exit(1);
842 } else {
843 assert(!rv);
844 }
846 argc--;
847 argv++;
848 }
849 /* provides SIGINT, SIGHUP, SIGPIPE, SIGTERM handlers */
850 ktrace_set_signal_handler(s);
851 ktrace_set_completion_handler(s, ^{
852 sOutputManager.flush();
853 exit(0);
854 });
856 signal(SIGWINCH, SIG_IGN);
857 sigwinch_source = dispatch_source_create(DISPATCH_SOURCE_TYPE_SIGNAL, SIGWINCH, 0, dispatch_get_main_queue());
858 dispatch_source_set_event_handler(sigwinch_source, ^{
859 get_screenwidth();
860 });
861 dispatch_activate(sigwinch_source);
863 setup_ktrace_callbacks();
865 ktrace_set_dropped_events_handler(s, ^{
866 fprintf(stderr, "dyld_usage: buffer overrun, events generated too quickly\n");
868 /* clear any state that is now potentially invalid */
869 });
871 ktrace_set_execnames_enabled(s, KTRACE_FEATURE_LAZY);
872 ktrace_set_vnode_paths_enabled(s, false);
873 /* no need to symbolicate addresses */
874 ktrace_set_uuid_map_enabled(s, KTRACE_FEATURE_DISABLED);
876 rv = ktrace_start(s, dispatch_get_main_queue());
878 if (rv) {
879 perror("ktrace_start");
880 exit(1);
881 }
883 setvbuf(stdout, (char *)NULL, _IONBF, 0);
884 dispatch_main();
886 return 0;
887 }