- * Copyright (c) 2000, 2001, 2003-2005 Apple Computer, Inc. All rights reserved.
+ * Copyright (c) 2000, 2001, 2003-2005, 2007-2020 Apple Inc. All rights reserved.
- *
+ *
* This file contains Original Code and/or Modifications of Original Code
* as defined in and that are subject to the Apple Public Source License
* Version 2.0 (the 'License'). You may not use this file except in
* compliance with the License. Please obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.opensource.apple.com/apsl/ and read it before using this
* file.
- *
+ *
* The Original Code and all software distributed under the License are
* distributed on an 'AS IS' basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER
* Please see the License for the specific language governing rights and
* limitations under the License.
- *
+ *
* - initial revision
+#include <SystemConfiguration/SystemConfiguration.h>
#include "configd.h"
#include "configd_server.h"
+#include "pattern.h"
#include "session.h"
-/* information maintained for each active session */
-static serverSessionRef *sessions = NULL;
-static int nSessions = 0;
+#include <unistd.h>
+#include <bsm/libbsm.h>
+#include <os/state_private.h>
+#include <sandbox.h>
+/* information maintained for the main listener */
+static serverSessionRef server_session = NULL;
+ * information maintained for each active session
+ * Note: sync w/sessionQueue()
+ */
+static CFMutableDictionaryRef client_sessions = NULL;
+static CFIndex client_sessions_advise = 250; // when snapshot handler should detail sessions
+static dispatch_queue_t
+ static dispatch_once_t once;
+ static dispatch_queue_t q;
+ dispatch_once(&once, ^{
+ // allocate mapping between [client] session mach port and session info
+ client_sessions = CFDictionaryCreateMutable(NULL,
+ 0,
+ NULL, // use the actual mach_port_t as the key
+ &kCFTypeDictionaryValueCallBacks);
+ // and a queue to synchronize access to the mapping
+ q = dispatch_queue_create("SCDynamicStore/sessions", NULL);
+ });
+ return q;
+#pragma mark -
+#pragma mark __serverSession object
+static CFStringRef __serverSessionCopyDescription (CFTypeRef cf);
+static void __serverSessionDeallocate (CFTypeRef cf);
+static const CFRuntimeClass __serverSessionClass = {
+ 0, // version
+ "serverSession", // className
+ NULL, // init
+ NULL, // copy
+ __serverSessionDeallocate, // dealloc
+ NULL, // equal
+ NULL, // hash
+ NULL, // copyFormattingDesc
+ __serverSessionCopyDescription // copyDebugDesc
+static CFTypeID __serverSessionTypeID = _kCFRuntimeNotATypeID;
+static CFStringRef
+__serverSessionCopyDescription(CFTypeRef cf)
+ CFAllocatorRef allocator = CFGetAllocator(cf);
+ CFMutableStringRef result;
+ serverSessionRef session = (serverSessionRef)cf;
+ result = CFStringCreateMutable(allocator, 0);
+ CFStringAppendFormat(result, NULL, CFSTR("<serverSession %p [%p]> {"), cf, allocator);
+ // add client port
+ CFStringAppendFormat(result, NULL, CFSTR("port = 0x%x (%d)"), session->key, session->key);
+ // add session info
+ if (session->name != NULL) {
+ CFStringAppendFormat(result, NULL, CFSTR(", name = %@"), session->name);
+ }
+ CFStringAppendFormat(result, NULL, CFSTR("}"));
+ return result;
+static void
+__serverSessionDeallocate(CFTypeRef cf)
+#pragma unused(cf)
+ serverSessionRef session = (serverSessionRef)cf;
+ if (session->changedKeys != NULL) CFRelease(session->changedKeys);
+ if (session->name != NULL) CFRelease(session->name);
+ if (session->sessionKeys != NULL) CFRelease(session->sessionKeys);
+ return;
+static serverSessionRef
+__serverSessionCreate(CFAllocatorRef allocator, mach_port_t server)
+ static dispatch_once_t once;
+ serverSessionRef session;
+ uint32_t size;
+ // initialize runtime
+ dispatch_once(&once, ^{
+ __serverSessionTypeID = _CFRuntimeRegisterClass(&__serverSessionClass);
+ });
+ // allocate session
+ size = sizeof(serverSession) - sizeof(CFRuntimeBase);
+ session = (serverSessionRef)_CFRuntimeCreateInstance(allocator,
+ __serverSessionTypeID,
+ size,
+ NULL);
+ if (session == NULL) {
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ // if needed, allocate a mach port for SCDynamicStore client
+ if (server == MACH_PORT_NULL) {
+ kern_return_t kr;
+ mach_port_t mp = MACH_PORT_NULL;
+ mach_port_options_t opts;
+ retry_allocate :
+ memset(&opts, 0, sizeof(opts));
+ opts.flags = MPO_CONTEXT_AS_GUARD;
+ kr = mach_port_construct(mach_task_self(), &opts, (mach_port_context_t)session, &mp);
+ kr = mach_port_allocate(mach_task_self(), MACH_PORT_RIGHT_RECEIVE, &mp);
+ if (kr != KERN_SUCCESS) {
+ char *err = NULL;
+ SC_log(LOG_NOTICE, "could not allocate mach port: %s", mach_error_string(kr));
+ if ((kr == KERN_NO_SPACE) || (kr == KERN_RESOURCE_SHORTAGE)) {
+ sleep(1);
+ goto retry_allocate;
+ }
+ (void) asprintf(&err, "Could not allocate mach port: %s", mach_error_string(kr));
+ _SC_crash(err != NULL ? err : "Could not allocate new session (mach) port",
+ NULL);
+ if (err != NULL) free(err);
+ CFRelease(session);
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ // insert send right that will be moved to the client
+ kr = mach_port_insert_right(mach_task_self(),
+ mp,
+ mp,
+ if (kr != KERN_SUCCESS) {
+ /*
+ * We can't insert a send right into our own port! This should
+ * only happen if someone stomped on OUR port (so let's leave
+ * the port alone).
+ */
+ SC_log(LOG_ERR, "mach_port_insert_right() failed: %s", mach_error_string(kr));
+ CFRelease(session);
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ server = mp;
+ }
+ session->callerEUID = 1; /* not "root" */
+ session->callerRootAccess = UNKNOWN;
+ session->callerWriteEntitlement = kCFNull; /* UNKNOWN */
+ session->key = server;
+// session->store = NULL;
+ return session;
+#pragma mark -
+#pragma mark SCDynamicStore state handler
+static void
+addSessionReference(const void *key, const void *value, void *context)
+#pragma unused(key)
+ CFMutableDictionaryRef dict = (CFMutableDictionaryRef)context;
+ serverSessionRef session = (serverSessionRef)value;
+ if (session->name != NULL) {
+ int cnt;
+ CFNumberRef num;
+ if (!CFDictionaryGetValueIfPresent(dict,
+ session->name,
+ (const void **)&num) ||
+ !CFNumberGetValue(num, kCFNumberIntType, &cnt)) {
+ // if first session
+ cnt = 0;
+ }
+ cnt++;
+ num = CFNumberCreate(NULL, kCFNumberIntType, &cnt);
+ CFDictionarySetValue(dict, session->name, num);
+ CFRelease(num);
+ }
+ return;
+static void
+ os_state_block_t state_block;
+ state_block = ^os_state_data_t(os_state_hints_t hints) {
+#pragma unused(hints)
+ CFDataRef data = NULL;
+ CFIndex n;
+ Boolean ok;
+ os_state_data_t state_data;
+ size_t state_data_size;
+ CFIndex state_len;
+ n = CFDictionaryGetCount(client_sessions);
+ if (n < client_sessions_advise) {
+ CFStringRef str;
+ str = CFStringCreateWithFormat(NULL, NULL, CFSTR("n = %ld"), n);
+ ok = _SCSerialize(str, &data, NULL, NULL);
+ CFRelease(str);
+ } else {
+ CFMutableDictionaryRef dict;
+ dict = CFDictionaryCreateMutable(NULL,
+ 0,
+ &kCFTypeDictionaryKeyCallBacks,
+ &kCFTypeDictionaryValueCallBacks);
+ CFDictionaryApplyFunction(client_sessions, addSessionReference, dict);
+ ok = _SCSerialize(dict, &data, NULL, NULL);
+ CFRelease(dict);
+ }
+ state_len = (ok && (data != NULL)) ? CFDataGetLength(data) : 0;
+ state_data_size = OS_STATE_DATA_SIZE_NEEDED(state_len);
+ if (state_data_size > MAX_STATEDUMP_SIZE) {
+ SC_log(LOG_ERR, "SCDynamicStore/sessions : state data too large (%zd > %zd)",
+ state_data_size,
+ if (data != NULL) CFRelease(data);
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ state_data = calloc(1, state_data_size);
+ if (state_data == NULL) {
+ SC_log(LOG_ERR, "SCDynamicStore/sessions: could not allocate state data");
+ if (data != NULL) CFRelease(data);
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ state_data->osd_type = OS_STATE_DATA_SERIALIZED_NSCF_OBJECT;
+ state_data->osd_data_size = (uint32_t)state_len;
+ strlcpy(state_data->osd_title, "SCDynamicStore/sessions", sizeof(state_data->osd_title));
+ if (state_len > 0) {
+ memcpy(state_data->osd_data, CFDataGetBytePtr(data), state_len);
+ }
+ if (data != NULL) CFRelease(data);
+ return state_data;
+ };
+ (void) os_state_add_handler(sessionQueue(), state_block);
+ return;
+#pragma mark -
+#pragma mark SCDynamicStore session management
getSession(mach_port_t server)
- int i;
+ __block serverSessionRef session;
- if (server == MACH_PORT_NULL) {
- SCLog(TRUE, LOG_NOTICE, CFSTR("Excuse me, why is getSession() being called with an invalid port?"));
+ assert(server != MACH_PORT_NULL);
+ dispatch_sync(sessionQueue(), ^{
+ session = (serverSessionRef)CFDictionaryGetValue(client_sessions,
+ (const void *)(uintptr_t)server);
+ });
+ return session;
+getSessionNum(CFNumberRef serverNum)
+ union {
+ mach_port_t mp;
+ uint64_t val;
+ } server;
+ serverSessionRef session;
+ (void) CFNumberGetValue(serverNum, kCFNumberSInt64Type, &server.val);
+ session = getSession(server.mp);
+ return session;
+getSessionStr(CFStringRef serverKey)
+ mach_port_t server;
+ serverSessionRef session;
+ char str[16];
+ (void) _SC_cfstring_to_cstring(serverKey, str, sizeof(str), kCFStringEncodingASCII);
+ server = atoi(str);
+ session = getSession(server);
+ return session;
+#if __has_feature(ptrauth_intrinsics)
+extern const struct { char c; } objc_absolute_packed_isa_class_mask;
+static void
+memcpy_objc_object(void* dst, const void* restrict src, size_t size)
+ // first, we copy the object
+ memcpy(dst, src, size);
+ // then, if needed, fix the isa pointer
+ #if __has_feature(ptrauth_intrinsics)
+ uintptr_t flags;
+ uintptr_t isa_mask;
+ void ** opaqueObject;
+ uintptr_t raw_isa;
+ uintptr_t real_isa;
+ opaqueObject = (void**)src;
+ isa_mask = (uintptr_t)&objc_absolute_packed_isa_class_mask;
+ flags = (uintptr_t)(*opaqueObject) & ~isa_mask;
+ real_isa = (uintptr_t)(*opaqueObject) & isa_mask;
+ #if __has_feature(ptrauth_objc_isa)
+ raw_isa = (uintptr_t)ptrauth_auth_data((void *)real_isa,
+ ptrauth_key_process_independent_data,
+ ptrauth_blend_discriminator(opaqueObject, 0x6AE1));
+ #else // __has_feature(ptrauth_objc_isa)
+ raw_isa = (uintptr_t)ptrauth_strip((void*)real_isa, ptrauth_key_process_independent_data);
+ #endif // __has_feature(ptrauth_objc_isa)
+ ((CFRuntimeBase*)dst)->_cfisa = raw_isa;
+ ((uint64_t*)dst)[0] |= flags;
+ #endif // __has_feature(ptrauth_intrinsics)
+tempSession(mach_port_t server, CFStringRef name, audit_token_t auditToken)
+ static dispatch_once_t once;
+ SCDynamicStorePrivateRef storePrivate; /* temp session */
+ static serverSession temp_session;
+ dispatch_once(&once, ^{
+ memcpy_objc_object(&temp_session, /* use "server" session clone */
+ server_session,
+ sizeof(temp_session));
+ (void) __SCDynamicStoreOpen(&temp_session.store, NULL);
+ });
+ if (temp_session.key != server) {
+ // if not SCDynamicStore "server" port
return NULL;
- for (i = 0; i < nSessions; i++) {
- serverSessionRef thisSession = sessions[i];
- if (thisSession == NULL) {
- /* found an empty slot, skip it */
- continue;
- } else if (thisSession->key == server) {
- return thisSession; /* we've seen this server before */
- } else if (thisSession->store &&
- (((SCDynamicStorePrivateRef)thisSession->store)->notifySignalTask == server)) {
- return thisSession;
- }
+ /* save audit token, caller entitlements */
+ temp_session.auditToken = auditToken;
+ temp_session.callerEUID = 1; /* not "root" */
+ temp_session.callerRootAccess = UNKNOWN;
+ if ((temp_session.callerWriteEntitlement != NULL) &&
+ (temp_session.callerWriteEntitlement != kCFNull)) {
+ CFRelease(temp_session.callerWriteEntitlement);
+ temp_session.callerWriteEntitlement = kCFNull; /* UNKNOWN */
+ /* save name */
+ storePrivate = (SCDynamicStorePrivateRef)temp_session.store;
+ if (storePrivate->name != NULL) CFRelease(storePrivate->name);
+ storePrivate->name = CFRetain(name);
- /* no sessions available */
- return NULL;
+ return &temp_session;
+addSession(serverSessionRef session, Boolean isMain)
+ session->serverChannel = dispatch_mach_create_f("configd/SCDynamicStore",
+ server_queue(),
+ (void *)session,
+ server_mach_channel_handler);
+ if (!isMain) {
+ // if not main SCDynamicStore port, watch for exit
+ dispatch_mach_notify_no_senders(session->serverChannel, FALSE);
+ }
+ // simulators don't support MiG QoS propagation yet
+ dispatch_set_qos_class_fallback(session->serverChannel, QOS_CLASS_USER_INITIATED);
+ dispatch_set_qos_class_fallback(session->serverChannel, QOS_CLASS_BACKGROUND);
+ dispatch_mach_connect(session->serverChannel, session->key, MACH_PORT_NULL, NULL);
+ return;
-addSession(CFMachPortRef server)
+addClient(mach_port_t server, audit_token_t audit_token)
- int i;
- int n = -1;
- if (nSessions <= 0) {
- /* new session (actually, the first) found */
- sessions = malloc(sizeof(serverSessionRef));
- n = 0;
- nSessions = 1;
- } else {
- for (i = 0; i < nSessions; i++) {
- if (sessions[i] == NULL) {
- /* found an empty slot, use it */
- n = i;
- }
+ __block serverSessionRef newSession = NULL;
+ dispatch_sync(sessionQueue(), ^{
+ Boolean ok;
+ // check to see if we already have an open session
+ ok = CFDictionaryContainsKey(client_sessions,
+ (const void *)(uintptr_t)server);
+ if (ok) {
+ // if we've already added a session for this port
+ return;
- /* new session identified */
- if (n < 0) {
- /* no empty slots, add one to the list */
- n = nSessions++;
- sessions = reallocf(sessions, ((nSessions) * sizeof(serverSessionRef)));
+ // allocate a new session for "the" server
+ newSession = __serverSessionCreate(NULL, MACH_PORT_NULL);
+ if (newSession != NULL) {
+ // and add a port --> session mapping
+ CFDictionarySetValue(client_sessions,
+ (const void *)(uintptr_t)newSession->key,
+ newSession);
+ // save the audit_token in case we need to check the callers credentials
+ newSession->auditToken = audit_token;
+ CFRelease(newSession); // reference held by dictionary
+ });
+ if (newSession != NULL) {
+ addSession(newSession, FALSE);
- // allocate a new session for this server
- sessions[n] = malloc(sizeof(serverSession));
- sessions[n]->key = CFMachPortGetPort(server);
- sessions[n]->serverPort = server;
- sessions[n]->serverRunLoopSource = NULL;
- sessions[n]->store = NULL;
- sessions[n]->callerEUID = 1; /* not "root" */
+ return newSession;
- return sessions[n];
+addServer(mach_port_t server)
+ // allocate a session for "the" server
+ server_session = __serverSessionCreate(NULL, server);
+ addSession(server_session, TRUE);
+ // add a state dump handler
+ add_state_handler();
+ return server_session;
-removeSession(mach_port_t server)
+cleanupSession(serverSessionRef session)
- int i;
- serverSessionRef thisSession;
- CFStringRef sessionKey;
+ mach_port_t server = session->key;
+ SC_trace("cleanup : %5d", server);
+ /*
+ * Close any open connections including cancelling any outstanding
+ * notification requests and releasing any locks.
+ */
+ __MACH_PORT_DEBUG(TRUE, "*** cleanupSession", server);
+ (void) __SCDynamicStoreClose(&session->store);
+ __MACH_PORT_DEBUG(TRUE, "*** cleanupSession (after __SCDynamicStoreClose)", server);
+ /*
+ * Our send right has already been removed. Remove our receive right.
+ */
+ (void) mach_port_destruct(mach_task_self(), server, 0, (mach_port_context_t)session);
+ (void) mach_port_mod_refs(mach_task_self(), server, MACH_PORT_RIGHT_RECEIVE, -1);
+ /*
+ * release any entitlement info
+ */
+ if ((session->callerWriteEntitlement != NULL) &&
+ (session->callerWriteEntitlement != kCFNull)) {
+ CFRelease(session->callerWriteEntitlement);
+ }
- for (i = 0; i < nSessions; i++) {
- thisSession = sessions[i];
+ /*
+ * get rid of the per-session structure.
+ */
+ dispatch_sync(sessionQueue(), ^{
+ CFDictionaryRemoveValue(client_sessions,
+ (const void *)(uintptr_t)server);
+ });
- if (thisSession == NULL) {
- /* found an empty slot, skip it */
- continue;
- } else if (thisSession->key == server) {
- /*
- * We don't need any remaining information in the
- * sessionData dictionary, remove it.
- */
- sessionKey = CFStringCreateWithFormat(NULL, NULL, CFSTR("%d"), server);
- CFDictionaryRemoveValue(sessionData, sessionKey);
- CFRelease(sessionKey);
+ return;
- /*
- * Lastly, get rid of the per-session structure.
- */
- free(thisSession);
- sessions[i] = NULL;
- return;
- }
+closeSession(serverSessionRef session)
+ /*
+ * cancel and release the mach channel
+ */
+ if (session->serverChannel != NULL) {
+ dispatch_mach_cancel(session->serverChannel);
+ dispatch_release(session->serverChannel);
+ session->serverChannel = NULL;
+typedef struct ReportSessionInfo {
+ FILE *f;
+ int n;
+} ReportSessionInfo, *ReportSessionInfoRef;
+static void
+printOne(const void *key, const void *value, void *context)
+#pragma unused(key)
+ ReportSessionInfoRef reportInfo = (ReportSessionInfoRef)context;
+ serverSessionRef session = (serverSessionRef)value;
+ SCPrint(TRUE, reportInfo->f, CFSTR(" %d : port = 0x%x"), ++reportInfo->n, session->key);
+ SCPrint(TRUE, reportInfo->f, CFSTR(", name = %@"), session->name);
+ if (session->changedKeys != NULL) {
+ SCPrint(TRUE, reportInfo->f, CFSTR("\n changedKeys = %@"), session->changedKeys);
+ }
+ if (session->sessionKeys != NULL) {
+ SCPrint(TRUE, reportInfo->f, CFSTR("\n sessionKeys = %@"), session->sessionKeys);
+ }
+ SCPrint(TRUE, reportInfo->f, CFSTR("\n"));
+ return;
-cleanupSession(mach_port_t server)
+listSessions(FILE *f)
- int i;
+ dispatch_sync(sessionQueue(), ^{
+ ReportSessionInfo reportInfo = { .f = f, .n = 0 };
+ SCPrint(TRUE, f, CFSTR("Current sessions :\n"));
+ CFDictionaryApplyFunction(client_sessions,
+ printOne,
+ (void *)&reportInfo);
+ SCPrint(TRUE, f, CFSTR("\n"));
+ });
+ return;
- for (i = 0; i < nSessions; i++) {
- serverSessionRef thisSession = sessions[i];
- if ((thisSession != NULL) && (thisSession->key == server)) {
- /*
- * session entry still exists.
- */
+#include <Security/Security.h>
+#include <Security/SecTask.h>
- if (_configd_trace) {
- SCTrace(TRUE, _configd_trace, CFSTR("cleanup : %5d\n"), server);
+static CFTypeRef
+copyEntitlement(serverSessionRef session, CFStringRef entitlement)
+ SecTaskRef task;
+ CFTypeRef value = NULL;
+ // Create the security task from the audit token
+ task = SecTaskCreateWithAuditToken(NULL, session->auditToken);
+ if (task != NULL) {
+ CFErrorRef error = NULL;
+ // Get the value for the entitlement
+ value = SecTaskCopyValueForEntitlement(task, entitlement, &error);
+ if ((value == NULL) && (error != NULL)) {
+ CFIndex code = CFErrorGetCode(error);
+ CFStringRef domain = CFErrorGetDomain(error);
+ if (!CFEqual(domain, kCFErrorDomainMach) ||
+ ((code != kIOReturnInvalid) && (code != kIOReturnNotFound))) {
+ // if unexpected error
+ SC_log(LOG_NOTICE, "SecTaskCopyValueForEntitlement(,\"%@\",) failed, error = %@ : %@",
+ entitlement,
+ error,
+ session->name);
+ CFRelease(error);
+ }
- /*
- * Ensure that any changes made while we held the "lock"
- * are discarded.
- */
- if ((storeLocked > 0) &&
- ((SCDynamicStorePrivateRef)thisSession->store)->locked) {
- /*
- * swap store and associated data which, after
- * being closed, will result in the restoration
- * of the original pre-"locked" data.
- */
- _swapLockedStoreData();
- }
+ CFRelease(task);
+ } else {
+ SC_log(LOG_NOTICE, "SecTaskCreateWithAuditToken() failed: %@",
+ session->name);
+ }
- /*
- * Close any open connections including cancelling any outstanding
- * notification requests and releasing any locks.
- */
- (void) __SCDynamicStoreClose(&thisSession->store, TRUE);
+ return value;
- /*
- * Lastly, remove the session entry.
- */
- removeSession(server);
- return;
- }
+static pid_t
+sessionPid(serverSessionRef session)
+ pid_t caller_pid;
+ caller_pid = audit_token_to_pid(session->auditToken);
+ audit_token_to_au32(session->auditToken,
+ NULL, // auidp
+ NULL, // euid
+ NULL, // egid
+ NULL, // ruid
+ NULL, // rgid
+ &caller_pid, // pid
+ NULL, // asid
+ NULL); // tid
+ return caller_pid;
+hasRootAccess(serverSessionRef session)
+ if (session->callerRootAccess == UNKNOWN) {
+ session->callerEUID = audit_token_to_euid(session->auditToken);
+ audit_token_to_au32(session->auditToken,
+ NULL, // auidp
+ &session->callerEUID, // euid
+ NULL, // egid
+ NULL, // ruid
+ NULL, // rgid
+ NULL, // pid
+ NULL, // asid
+ NULL); // tid
+ session->callerRootAccess = (session->callerEUID == 0) ? YES : NO;
- return;
+ return (session->callerRootAccess == YES) ? TRUE : FALSE;
+#pragma unused(session)
+ /*
+ * assume that all processes interacting with
+ * the iOS Simulator "configd" are OK.
+ */
+ return TRUE;
+hasWriteAccess(serverSessionRef session, const char *op, CFStringRef key)
- int i;
+ Boolean isSetup;
+ // need to special case writing "Setup:" keys
+ isSetup = CFStringHasPrefix(key, kSCDynamicStoreDomainSetup);
- fprintf(stderr, "Current sessions:");
- for (i = 0; i < nSessions; i++) {
- serverSessionRef thisSession = sessions[i];
+ if (hasRootAccess(session)) {
+ pid_t pid;
- if (thisSession == NULL) {
- continue;
+ // grant write access to eUID==0 processes
+ pid = sessionPid(session);
+ if (isSetup && (pid != getpid())) {
+ /*
+ * WAIT!!!
+ *
+ * This is NOT configd (or a plugin) trying to
+ * write to an SCDynamicStore "Setup:" key. In
+ * general, this is unwise and we should at the
+ * very least complain.
+ */
+ SC_log(LOG_NOTICE, "*** Non-configd process (pid=%d) attempting to %s \"%@\" ***",
+ pid,
+ op,
+ key);
- fprintf(stderr, " %d", thisSession->key);
+ return TRUE;
+ }
+ if (isSetup) {
+ /*
+ * STOP!!!
+ *
+ * This is a non-root process trying to write to
+ * an SCDynamicStore "Setup:" key. This is not
+ * something we should ever allow (regardless of
+ * any entitlements).
+ */
+ SC_log(LOG_NOTICE, "*** Non-root process (pid=%d) attempting to modify \"%@\" ***",
+ sessionPid(session),
+ key);
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ if (session->callerWriteEntitlement == kCFNull) {
+ session->callerWriteEntitlement = copyEntitlement(session,
+ kSCWriteEntitlementName);
+ }
+ if (session->callerWriteEntitlement == NULL) {
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ if (isA_CFBoolean(session->callerWriteEntitlement) &&
+ CFBooleanGetValue(session->callerWriteEntitlement)) {
+ // grant write access to "entitled" processes
+ return TRUE;
+ }
- if (thisSession->store) {
- task_t task = ((SCDynamicStorePrivateRef)thisSession->store)->notifySignalTask;
+ if (isA_CFDictionary(session->callerWriteEntitlement)) {
+ CFArrayRef keys;
+ CFArrayRef patterns;
+ keys = CFDictionaryGetValue(session->callerWriteEntitlement, CFSTR("keys"));
+ if (isA_CFArray(keys)) {
+ if (CFArrayContainsValue(keys,
+ CFRangeMake(0, CFArrayGetCount(keys)),
+ key)) {
+ // if key matches one of the entitlement "keys", grant
+ // write access
+ return TRUE;
+ }
+ }
- if (task != TASK_NULL) {
- fprintf(stderr, "/%d", task);
+ patterns = CFDictionaryGetValue(session->callerWriteEntitlement, CFSTR("patterns"));
+ if (isA_CFArray(patterns)) {
+ CFIndex i;
+ CFIndex n = CFArrayGetCount(patterns);
+ for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
+ CFStringRef pattern;
+ pattern = CFArrayGetValueAtIndex(patterns, i);
+ if (isA_CFString(pattern)) {
+ if (patternKeyMatches(pattern, key)) {
+ // if key matches one of the entitlement
+ // "patterns", grant write access
+ return TRUE;
+ }
+ }
- fprintf(stderr, "\n");
+ return FALSE;
+hasPathAccess(serverSessionRef session, const char *path)
+ pid_t pid;
+ char realPath[PATH_MAX];
+ if (realpath(path, realPath) == NULL) {
+ SC_log(LOG_INFO, "realpath() failed: %s", strerror(errno));
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ pid = audit_token_to_pid(session->auditToken);
+ audit_token_to_au32(session->auditToken,
+ NULL, // auidp
+ NULL, // euid
+ NULL, // egid
+ NULL, // ruid
+ NULL, // rgid
+ &pid, // pid
+ NULL, // asid
+ NULL); // tid
+ if (sandbox_check(pid, // pid
+ "file-write-data", // operation
+ realPath) > 0) { // ...
+ SC_log(LOG_INFO, "sandbox access denied: %s", strerror(errno));
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ return TRUE;