+#include <os/availability.h>
+#include <TargetConditionals.h>
+#import <dispatch/private.h>
+ * SCDynamicStore write access entitlement
+ *
+ * Key : "com.apple.SystemConfiguration.SCDynamicStore-write-access"
+ * Value : Boolean
+ * TRUE == allow SCDynamicStore write access for this process
+ *
+ * Dictionary
+ * Key : "keys"
+ * Value : <array> of CFString with write access allowed for
+ * each SCDynamicStore key matching the string(s)
+ *
+ * Key : "patterns"
+ * Value : <array> of CFString with write access allowed for
+ * each SCDynamicStore key matching the regex pattern(s)
+ */
+#define kSCWriteEntitlementName CFSTR("com.apple.SystemConfiguration.SCDynamicStore-write-access")
+typedef enum { NO = 0, YES, UNKNOWN } lazyBoolean;