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/* CFString.h
- Copyright (c) 1998-2013, Apple Inc. All rights reserved.
+ Copyright (c) 1998-2014, Apple Inc. All rights reserved.
/* The main comparison routine; compares specified range of the first string to (the full range of) the second string.
-locale == NULL indicates canonical locale (the return value from CFLocaleGetSystem()).
-kCFCompareNumerically, added in 10.2, does not work if kCFCompareLocalized is specified on systems before 10.3
-kCFCompareBackwards and kCFCompareAnchored are not applicable.
+ locale == NULL indicates canonical locale (the return value from CFLocaleGetSystem()).
+ kCFCompareNumerically, added in 10.2, does not work if kCFCompareLocalized is specified on systems before 10.3
+ kCFCompareBackwards and kCFCompareAnchored are not applicable.
+ rangeToCompare applies to the first string; that is, only the substring of theString1 specified by rangeToCompare is compared against all of theString2.
CFComparisonResult CFStringCompareWithOptionsAndLocale(CFStringRef theString1, CFStringRef theString2, CFRange rangeToCompare, CFStringCompareFlags compareOptions, CFLocaleRef locale) CF_AVAILABLE(10_5, 2_0);
-/* Comparison convenience. Uses the current user locale (the return value from CFLocaleCopyCurrent()) if kCFCompareLocalized.
+/* Comparison convenience. Uses the current user locale (the return value from CFLocaleCopyCurrent()) if kCFCompareLocalized. Refer to CFStringCompareWithOptionsAndLocale() for more info.
CFComparisonResult CFStringCompareWithOptions(CFStringRef theString1, CFStringRef theString2, CFRange rangeToCompare, CFStringCompareFlags compareOptions);
CFComparisonResult CFStringCompare(CFStringRef theString1, CFStringRef theString2, CFStringCompareFlags compareOptions);
/* CFStringFindWithOptionsAndLocale() returns the found range in the CFRange * argument; you can pass NULL for simple discovery check.
- locale == NULL indicates canonical locale (the return value from CFLocaleGetSystem()).
- If stringToFind is the empty string (zero length), nothing is found.
- Ignores the kCFCompareNumerically option.
+ locale == NULL indicates canonical locale (the return value from CFLocaleGetSystem()).
+ If stringToFind is the empty string (zero length), nothing is found.
+ Ignores the kCFCompareNumerically option.
+ Only the substring of theString specified by rangeToSearch is searched for stringToFind.
Boolean CFStringFindWithOptionsAndLocale(CFStringRef theString, CFStringRef stringToFind, CFRange rangeToSearch, CFStringCompareFlags searchOptions, CFLocaleRef locale, CFRange *result) CF_AVAILABLE(10_5, 2_0);
-/* Find convenience. Uses the current user locale (the return value from CFLocaleCopyCurrent()) if kCFCompareLocalized.
+/* Find convenience. Uses the current user locale (the return value from CFLocaleCopyCurrent()) if kCFCompareLocalized. Refer to CFStringFindWithOptionsAndLocale() for more info.
Boolean CFStringFindWithOptions(CFStringRef theString, CFStringRef stringToFind, CFRange rangeToSearch, CFStringCompareFlags searchOptions, CFRange *result);
If stringToFind is the empty string (zero length), nothing is found.
kCFCompareAnchored causes just the consecutive instances at start (or end, if kCFCompareBackwards) to be reported. So, searching for "AB" in "ABABXAB..." you just get the first two occurrences.
Ignores the kCFCompareNumerically option.
+ Only the substring of theString specified by rangeToSearch is searched for stringToFind.
CFArrayRef CFStringCreateArrayWithFindResults(CFAllocatorRef alloc, CFStringRef theString, CFStringRef stringToFind, CFRange rangeToSearch, CFStringCompareFlags compareOptions);