- * Copyright (c) 2009 Apple Inc. All rights reserved.
+ * Copyright (c) 2011 Apple Inc. All rights reserved.
/* CFFileUtilities.c
- Copyright (c) 1999-2009, Apple Inc. All rights reserved.
- Responsibility: Christopher Kane
+ Copyright (c) 1999-2011, Apple Inc. All rights reserved.
+ Responsibility: Tony Parker
#include "CFInternal.h"
CF_INLINE int openAutoFSNoWait() {
return -1;
CFIndex pathLength = dirPath ? strlen(dirPath) : 0;
// MF:!!! Need to use four-letter type codes where appropriate.
CFStringRef extension = (matchingAbstractType ? _CFCopyExtensionForAbstractType(matchingAbstractType) : NULL);
- CFIndex extLen = (extension ? CFStringGetLength(extension) : 0);
+ CFIndex targetExtLen = (extension ? CFStringGetLength(extension) : 0);
// This is a replacement for 'dirent' below, and also uses wchar_t to support unicode paths
wchar_t extBuff[CFMaxPathSize];
+ int extBuffInteriorDotCount = 0; //people insist on using extensions like ".trace.plist", so we need to know how many dots back to look :(
- if (extLen > 0) {
- CFStringGetBytes(extension, CFRangeMake(0, extLen), kCFStringEncodingUTF16, 0, false, (uint8_t *)extBuff, CFMaxPathLength, &extLen);
- extBuff[extLen] = '\0';
+ if (targetExtLen > 0) {
+ CFIndex usedBytes = 0;
+ CFStringGetBytes(extension, CFRangeMake(0, targetExtLen), kCFStringEncodingUTF16, 0, false, (uint8_t *)extBuff, CFMaxPathLength, &usedBytes);
+ targetExtLen = usedBytes / sizeof(wchar_t);
+ extBuff[targetExtLen] = '\0';
+ wchar_t *extBuffStr = (wchar_t *)extBuff;
+ if (extBuffStr[0] == '.')
+ extBuffStr++; //skip the first dot, it's legitimate to have ".plist" for example
+ wchar_t *extBuffDotPtr = extBuffStr;
+ while ((extBuffDotPtr = wcschr(extBuffStr, '.'))) { //find the next . in the extension...
+ extBuffInteriorDotCount++;
+ extBuffStr = extBuffDotPtr + 1;
+ }
wchar_t pathBuf[CFMaxPathSize];
- if (extLen > namelen) continue; // if the extension is the same length or longer than the name, it can't possibly match.
- if (extLen > 0) {
+ if (targetExtLen > namelen) continue; // if the extension is the same length or longer than the name, it can't possibly match.
+ if (targetExtLen > 0) {
+ if (file.cFileName[namelen - 1] == '.') continue; //filename ends with a dot, no extension
+ wchar_t *fileExt = NULL;
+ if (extBuffInteriorDotCount == 0) {
+ fileExt = wcsrchr(file.cFileName, '.');
+ } else { //find the Nth occurrence of . from the end of the string, to handle ".foo.bar"
+ wchar_t *save = file.cFileName;
+ while ((save = wcschr(save, '.')) && !fileExt) {
+ wchar_t *temp = save;
+ int moreDots = 0;
+ while ((temp = wcschr(temp, '.'))) {
+ if (++moreDots == extBuffInteriorDotCount) break;
+ }
+ if (moreDots == extBuffInteriorDotCount) {
+ fileExt = save;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (!fileExt) continue; //no extension
+ if (((const wchar_t *)extBuff)[0] != '.')
+ fileExt++; //omit the dot if the target file extension omits the dot
+ CFIndex fileExtLen = wcslen(fileExt);
+ //if the extensions are different lengths, they can't possibly match
+ if (fileExtLen != targetExtLen) continue;
// Check to see if it matches the extension we're looking for.
- if (_wcsicmp(&(file.cFileName[namelen - extLen]), (const wchar_t *)extBuff) != 0) {
+ if (_wcsicmp(fileExt, (const wchar_t *)extBuff) != 0) {
if (dirURL == NULL) {
- CFStringRef dirURLStr = CFStringCreateWithBytes(alloc, (const uint8_t *)pathBuf, pathLength, kCFStringEncodingUTF16, NO);
+ CFStringRef dirURLStr = CFStringCreateWithBytes(alloc, (const uint8_t *)pathBuf, pathLength * sizeof(wchar_t), kCFStringEncodingUTF16, NO);
dirURL = CFURLCreateWithFileSystemPath(alloc, dirURLStr, kCFURLWindowsPathStyle, true);
releaseBase = true;
// MF:!!! What about the trailing slash?
- CFStringRef fileURLStr = CFStringCreateWithBytes(alloc, (const uint8_t *)file.cFileName, namelen, kCFStringEncodingUTF16, NO);
+ CFStringRef fileURLStr = CFStringCreateWithBytes(alloc, (const uint8_t *)file.cFileName, namelen * sizeof(wchar_t), kCFStringEncodingUTF16, NO);
fileURL = CFURLCreateWithFileSystemPathRelativeToBase(alloc, fileURLStr, kCFURLWindowsPathStyle, (file.dwFileAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY) ? true : false, dirURL);
CFArrayAppendValue(files, fileURL);
uint8_t extBuff[CFMaxPathSize];
+ int extBuffInteriorDotCount = 0; //people insist on using extensions like ".trace.plist", so we need to know how many dots back to look :(
- if (extLen > 0) {
- CFStringGetBytes(extension, CFRangeMake(0, extLen), CFStringFileSystemEncoding(), 0, false, extBuff, CFMaxPathLength, &extLen);
- extBuff[extLen] = '\0';
+ if (targetExtLen > 0) {
+ CFStringGetBytes(extension, CFRangeMake(0, targetExtLen), CFStringFileSystemEncoding(), 0, false, extBuff, CFMaxPathLength, &targetExtLen);
+ extBuff[targetExtLen] = '\0';
+ char *extBuffStr = (char *)extBuff;
+ if (extBuffStr[0] == '.')
+ extBuffStr++; //skip the first dot, it's legitimate to have ".plist" for example
+ char *extBuffDotPtr = extBuffStr;
+ while ((extBuffDotPtr = strchr(extBuffStr, '.'))) { //find the next . in the extension...
+ extBuffInteriorDotCount++;
+ extBuffStr = extBuffDotPtr + 1;
+ }
uint8_t pathBuf[CFMaxPathSize];
- if (extLen > namelen) continue; // if the extension is the same length or longer than the name, it can't possibly match.
- if (extLen > 0) {
- // Check to see if it matches the extension we're looking for.
- if (strncmp(&(dp->d_name[namelen - extLen]), (char *)extBuff, extLen) != 0) {
+ if (targetExtLen > namelen) continue; // if the extension is the same length or longer than the name, it can't possibly match.
+ if (targetExtLen > 0) {
+ if (dp->d_name[namelen - 1] == '.') continue; //filename ends with a dot, no extension
+ char *fileExt = NULL;
+ if (extBuffInteriorDotCount == 0) {
+ fileExt = strrchr(dp->d_name, '.');
+ } else { //find the Nth occurrence of . from the end of the string, to handle ".foo.bar"
+ char *save = dp->d_name;
+ while ((save = strchr(save, '.')) && !fileExt) {
+ char *temp = save;
+ int moreDots = 0;
+ while ((temp = strchr(temp, '.'))) {
+ if (++moreDots == extBuffInteriorDotCount) break;
+ }
+ if (moreDots == extBuffInteriorDotCount) {
+ fileExt = save;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (!fileExt) continue; //no extension
+ if (((char *)extBuff)[0] != '.')
+ fileExt++; //omit the dot if the target extension omits the dot; safe, because we checked to make sure it isn't the last character just before
+ size_t fileExtLen = strlen(fileExt);
+ //if the extensions are different lengths, they can't possibly match
+ if (fileExtLen != targetExtLen) continue;
+ // Check to see if it matches the extension we're looking for.
+ if (strncmp(fileExt, (char *)extBuff, fileExtLen) != 0) {
isDir = ((statBuf.st_mode & S_IFMT) == S_IFDIR);
+ fileURL = CFURLCreateFromFileSystemRepresentationRelativeToBase(alloc, (uint8_t *)dp->d_name, namelen, isDir, dirURL);
fileURL = CFURLCreateFromFileSystemRepresentationRelativeToBase(alloc, (uint8_t *)dp->d_name, dp->d_namlen, isDir, dirURL);
} else {
+ fileURL = CFURLCreateFromFileSystemRepresentationRelativeToBase (alloc, (uint8_t *)dp->d_name, namelen, false, dirURL);
fileURL = CFURLCreateFromFileSystemRepresentationRelativeToBase (alloc, (uint8_t *)dp->d_name, dp->d_namlen, false, dirURL);
CFArrayAppendValue(files, fileURL);
return files;
-__private_extern__ SInt32 _CFGetFileProperties(CFAllocatorRef alloc, CFURLRef pathURL, Boolean *exists, SInt32 *posixMode, int64_t *size, CFDateRef *modTime, SInt32 *ownerID, CFArrayRef *dirContents) {
+__private_extern__ SInt32 _CFGetPathProperties(CFAllocatorRef alloc, char *path, Boolean *exists, SInt32 *posixMode, int64_t *size, CFDateRef *modTime, SInt32 *ownerID, CFArrayRef *dirContents) {
Boolean fileExists;
Boolean isDirectory = false;
if ((exists == NULL) && (posixMode == NULL) && (size == NULL) && (modTime == NULL) && (ownerID == NULL) && (dirContents == NULL)) {
// Nothing to do.
return 0;
struct statinfo statBuf;
- char path[CFMaxPathSize];
- if (!CFURLGetFileSystemRepresentation(pathURL, true, (uint8_t *)path, CFMaxPathLength)) {
- return -1;
- }
if (stat(path, &statBuf) != 0) {
// stat failed, but why?
if (thread_errno() == ENOENT) {
fileExists = true;
isDirectory = ((statBuf.st_mode & S_IFMT) == S_IFDIR);
if (exists != NULL) {
*exists = fileExists;
if (posixMode != NULL) {
if (fileExists) {
*posixMode = statBuf.st_mode;
} else {
*posixMode = 0;
if (size != NULL) {
if (fileExists) {
*size = statBuf.st_size;
} else {
*size = 0;
if (modTime != NULL) {
if (fileExists) {
struct timespec ts = {statBuf.st_mtime, 0};
struct timespec ts = statBuf.st_mtimespec;
*modTime = NULL;
if (ownerID != NULL) {
if (fileExists) {
*ownerID = statBuf.st_uid;
} else {
*ownerID = -1;
if (dirContents != NULL) {
if (fileExists && isDirectory) {
- CFMutableArrayRef contents = _CFContentsOfDirectory(alloc, (char *)path, NULL, pathURL, NULL);
+ CFMutableArrayRef contents = _CFContentsOfDirectory(alloc, (char *)path, NULL, NULL, NULL);
if (contents) {
*dirContents = contents;
} else {
return 0;
+__private_extern__ SInt32 _CFGetFileProperties(CFAllocatorRef alloc, CFURLRef pathURL, Boolean *exists, SInt32 *posixMode, int64_t *size, CFDateRef *modTime, SInt32 *ownerID, CFArrayRef *dirContents) {
+ char path[CFMaxPathSize];
+ if (!CFURLGetFileSystemRepresentation(pathURL, true, (uint8_t *)path, CFMaxPathLength)) {
+ return -1;
+ }
+ return _CFGetPathProperties(alloc, path, exists, posixMode, size, modTime, ownerID, dirContents);
// MF:!!! Should pull in the rest of the UniChar based path utils from Foundation.
return (oldLength != *length);
+__private_extern__ Boolean _CFAppendTrailingPathSlash(UniChar *unichars, CFIndex *length, CFIndex maxLength) {
+ if (maxLength < *length + 1) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ switch (*length) {
+ case 0:
+ break;
+ case 1:
+ if (!IS_SLASH(unichars[0])) {
+ unichars[(*length)++] = CFPreferredSlash;
+ }
+ break;
+ case 2:
+ if (!HAS_DRIVE(unichars) && !HAS_NET(unichars)) {
+ unichars[(*length)++] = CFPreferredSlash;
+ }
+ break;
+ default:
+ unichars[(*length)++] = CFPreferredSlash;
+ break;
+ }
+ return true;
__private_extern__ Boolean _CFAppendPathComponent(UniChar *unichars, CFIndex *length, CFIndex maxLength, UniChar *component, CFIndex componentLength) {
if (0 == componentLength) {
return true;
if (maxLength < *length + 1 + componentLength) {
return false;
- switch (*length) {
- case 0:
- break;
- case 1:
- if (!IS_SLASH(unichars[0])) {
- unichars[(*length)++] = CFPreferredSlash;
- }
- break;
- case 2:
- if (!HAS_DRIVE(unichars) && !HAS_NET(unichars)) {
- unichars[(*length)++] = CFPreferredSlash;
- }
- break;
- default:
- unichars[(*length)++] = CFPreferredSlash;
- break;
- }
+ _CFAppendTrailingPathSlash(unichars, length, maxLength);
memmove(unichars + *length, component, componentLength * sizeof(UniChar));
*length += componentLength;
return true;