-/* Reading GMT offset and daylight flag from the registry
- * for TimeZone name
- * (Aleksey Dukhnyakov)
- */
- {
- CFStringRef safeName = name;
- struct {
- LONG Bias;
- LONG StandardBias;
- LONG DaylightBias;
- SYSTEMTIME StandardDate;
- SYSTEMTIME DaylightDate;
- } tzi;
- HKEY hkResult;
- DWORD dwType, dwSize=sizeof(tzi),
- dwSize_name1=sizeof(tzi_system.StandardName),
- dwSize_name2=sizeof(tzi_system.DaylightName);
- if (tryAbbrev) {
- CFDictionaryRef abbrevs = CFTimeZoneCopyAbbreviationDictionary();
- tzName = (CFStringRef)CFDictionaryGetValue(abbrevs, name);
- if (NULL == tzName) {
- CFRelease(abbrevs);
- return NULL;
- }
- name = tzName;
- CFRelease(abbrevs);
- }
-/* Open regestry and move down to the TimeZone information
- */
- if (RegOpenKey(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE,_T(TZZONEINFO),&hkResult) !=
- return NULL;
- }
-/* Move down to specific TimeZone name
- */
-#if defined(UNICODE)
- UniChar *uniTimeZone = (UniChar*)CFStringGetCharactersPtr(name);
- if (uniTimeZone == NULL) {
- // We need to extract the bytes out of the CFStringRef and create our own
- // UNICODE string to pass to the Win32 API - RegOpenKey.
- UInt8 uniBuff[MAX_PATH+2]; // adding +2 to handle Unicode-null termination /0/0.
- CFIndex usedBuff = 0;
- CFIndex numChars = CFStringGetBytes(name, CFRangeMake(0, CFStringGetLength(name)), kCFStringEncodingUnicode, 0, FALSE, uniBuff, MAX_PATH, &usedBuff);
- if (numChars == 0) {
- return NULL;
- } else {
- // NULL-terminate the newly created Unicode string.
- uniBuff[usedBuff] = '\0';
- uniBuff[usedBuff+1] = '\0';
- }
- if (RegOpenKey(hkResult, (LPCWSTR)uniBuff ,&hkResult) != ERROR_SUCCESS ) {
- return NULL;
- }
- } else {
- if (RegOpenKey(hkResult, (LPCWSTR)uniTimeZone ,&hkResult) != ERROR_SUCCESS ) {
- return NULL;
- }
- }
- if (RegOpenKey(hkResult,CFStringGetCStringPtr(name, CFStringGetSystemEncoding()),&hkResult) != ERROR_SUCCESS ) {
- return NULL;
- }
-/* TimeZone information(offsets, daylight flag, ...) assign to tzi structure
- */
- if ( RegQueryValueEx(hkResult,_T("TZI"),NULL,&dwType,(LPBYTE)&tzi,&dwSize) != ERROR_SUCCESS &&
- RegQueryValueEx(hkResult,_T("Std"),NULL,&dwType,(LPBYTE)&tzi_system.StandardName,&dwSize_name1) != ERROR_SUCCESS &&
- RegQueryValueEx(hkResult,_T("Dlt"),NULL,&dwType,(LPBYTE)&tzi_system.DaylightName,&dwSize_name2) != ERROR_SUCCESS )
- {
- return NULL;
- }
- tzi_system.Bias=tzi.Bias;
- tzi_system.StandardBias=tzi.StandardBias;
- tzi_system.DaylightBias=tzi.DaylightBias;
- tzi_system.StandardDate=tzi.StandardDate;
- tzi_system.DaylightDate=tzi.DaylightDate;
-/* CFTimeZoneRef->_data will contain TIME_ZONE_INFORMATION structure
- * to find current timezone
- * (Aleksey Dukhnyakov)
- */
- data = CFDataCreate(allocator,(UInt8 *)&tzi_system, sizeof(tzi_system));
- RegCloseKey(hkResult);
- result = CFTimeZoneCreate(allocator, name, data);
- if (result) {
- if (tryAbbrev)
- result->_periods->abbrev = (CFStringRef)CFStringCreateCopy(allocator,safeName);
- else {
- }
- }
- CFRelease(data);
- }
- return result;
-#error Unknown or unspecified DEPLOYMENT_TARGET