- * Copyright (c) 2010 Apple Inc. All rights reserved.
+ * Copyright (c) 2011 Apple Inc. All rights reserved.
/* CFBundle_Resources.c
- Copyright (c) 1999-2009, Apple Inc. All rights reserved.
- Responsibility: Doug Davidson
+ Copyright (c) 1999-2011, Apple Inc. All rights reserved.
+ Responsibility: David Smith
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <ctype.h>
+#include <errno.h>
+#include <sys/types.h>
+#include <sys/sysctl.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <dirent.h>
+CF_EXPORT bool CFDictionaryGetKeyIfPresent(CFDictionaryRef dict, const void *key, const void **actualkey);
+static inline Boolean _CFBundleSortedArrayContains(CFArrayRef arr, CFStringRef target) {
+ CFRange arrRange = CFRangeMake(0, CFArrayGetCount(arr));
+ CFIndex itemIdx = CFArrayBSearchValues(arr, arrRange, target, (CFComparatorFunction)CFStringCompare, NULL);
+ return itemIdx < arrRange.length && CFEqual(CFArrayGetValueAtIndex(arr, itemIdx), target);
+// The following strings are initialized 'later' (i.e., not at static initialization time) because static init time is too early for CFSTR to work, on Windows
+// This is here to make sure it gets updated when _CFGetPlatformName does
+#define _CFBundleNumberOfPlatforms 7
+static CFStringRef _CFBundleSupportedPlatforms[_CFBundleNumberOfPlatforms] = { NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL };
+static const char *_CFBundleSupportedPlatformStrings[_CFBundleNumberOfPlatforms] = { "iphoneos", "macos", "windows", "linux", "freebsd", "solaris", "hpux" };
+// This is here to make sure it gets updated when _CFGetProductName does
+#define _CFBundleNumberOfProducts 3
+static CFStringRef _CFBundleSupportedProducts[_CFBundleNumberOfProducts] = { NULL, NULL, NULL };
+static const char *_CFBundleSupportedProductStrings[_CFBundleNumberOfProducts] = { "iphone", "ipod", "ipad" };
+#define _CFBundleNumberOfiPhoneOSPlatformProducts 3
+static CFStringRef _CFBundleSupportediPhoneOSPlatformProducts[_CFBundleNumberOfiPhoneOSPlatformProducts] = { NULL, NULL, NULL };
+static const char *_CFBundleSupportediPhoneOSPlatformProductStrings[_CFBundleNumberOfiPhoneOSPlatformProducts] = { "iphone", "ipod", "ipad" };
+void _CFBundleResourcesInitialize() {
+ for (unsigned int i = 0; i < _CFBundleNumberOfPlatforms; i++) _CFBundleSupportedPlatforms[i] = CFStringCreateWithCString(kCFAllocatorSystemDefault, _CFBundleSupportedPlatformStrings[i], kCFStringEncodingUTF8);
+ for (unsigned int i = 0; i < _CFBundleNumberOfProducts; i++) _CFBundleSupportedProducts[i] = CFStringCreateWithCString(kCFAllocatorSystemDefault, _CFBundleSupportedProductStrings[i], kCFStringEncodingUTF8);
+ for (unsigned int i = 0; i < _CFBundleNumberOfiPhoneOSPlatformProducts; i++) _CFBundleSupportediPhoneOSPlatformProducts[i] = CFStringCreateWithCString(kCFAllocatorSystemDefault, _CFBundleSupportediPhoneOSPlatformProductStrings[i], kCFStringEncodingUTF8);
+static CFStringRef platform = NULL;
+void _CFSetProductName(CFStringRef str) {
+ if (str) CFRetain(str);
+ platform = str;
+ // Note that the previous value is leaked, which is fine normally
+ // because the initial values would tend to be the constant strings
+ // below. That is required for thread-safety value due to the Get
+ // function [not being Copy]. It is also fine because people
+ // shouldn't be screwing around with this value casually.
+CFStringRef _CFGetProductName(void) {
+ if (!platform) {
+ char buffer[256];
+ memset(buffer, 0, sizeof(buffer));
+ size_t buflen = sizeof(buffer);
+ int ret = sysctlbyname("hw.machine", buffer, &buflen, NULL, 0);
+ if (0 == ret || (-1 == ret && ENOMEM == errno)) {
+ if (6 <= buflen && 0 == memcmp(buffer, "iPhone", 6)) {
+ platform = CFSTR("iphone");
+ } else if (4 <= buflen && 0 == memcmp(buffer, "iPod", 4)) {
+ platform = CFSTR("ipod");
+ } else if (4 <= buflen && 0 == memcmp(buffer, "iPad", 4)) {
+ platform = CFSTR("ipad");
+ } else {
+ const char *env = __CFgetenv("IPHONE_SIMULATOR_DEVICE");
+ if (env) {
+ if (0 == strcmp(env, "iPhone")) {
+ platform = CFSTR("iphone");
+ } else if (0 == strcmp(env, "iPad")) {
+ platform = CFSTR("ipad");
+ } else {
+ // fallback, unrecognized IPHONE_SIMULATOR_DEVICE
+ }
+ } else {
+ // fallback, unrecognized hw.machine and no IPHONE_SIMULATOR_DEVICE
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (!platform) platform = CFSTR("iphone"); // fallback
+ }
+ return platform;
+ return CFSTR("");
// All new-style bundles will have these extensions.
-CF_INLINE CFStringRef _CFGetPlatformName(void) {
+__private_extern__ CFStringRef _CFGetPlatformName(void) {
return _CFBundleMacOSXPlatformName;
+ return _CFBundleiPhoneOSPlatformName;
return _CFBundleWindowsPlatformName;
-CF_INLINE CFStringRef _CFGetAlternatePlatformName(void) {
+__private_extern__ CFStringRef _CFGetAlternatePlatformName(void) {
return _CFBundleAlternateMacOSXPlatformName;
+ return _CFBundleMacOSXPlatformName;
return CFSTR("");
static UniChar *_InfoExtensionUniChars = NULL;
static CFIndex _InfoExtensionLen = 0;
+static UniChar _ResourceSuffix3[32];
+static CFIndex _ResourceSuffix3Len = 0;
+static UniChar _ResourceSuffix2[16];
+static CFIndex _ResourceSuffix2Len = 0;
+static UniChar _ResourceSuffix1[16];
+static CFIndex _ResourceSuffix1Len = 0;
static void _CFBundleInitStaticUniCharBuffers(void) {
CFStringRef appSupportStr1 = _CFBundleSupportFilesDirectoryName1;
CFStringRef appSupportStr2 = _CFBundleSupportFilesDirectoryName2;
CFStringRef globalResourcesStr = _CFBundleNonLocalizedResourcesDirectoryName;
CFStringRef infoExtensionStr = _CFBundleInfoExtension;
- CFAllocatorRef alloc = __CFGetDefaultAllocator();
_AppSupportLen1 = CFStringGetLength(appSupportStr1);
_AppSupportLen2 = CFStringGetLength(appSupportStr2);
_ResourcesLen = CFStringGetLength(resourcesStr);
_GlobalResourcesLen = CFStringGetLength(globalResourcesStr);
_InfoExtensionLen = CFStringGetLength(infoExtensionStr);
- _AppSupportUniChars1 = (UniChar *)CFAllocatorAllocate(alloc, sizeof(UniChar) * (_AppSupportLen1 + _AppSupportLen2 + _ResourcesLen + _PlatformLen + _AlternatePlatformLen + _LprojLen + _GlobalResourcesLen + _InfoExtensionLen), 0);
+ _AppSupportUniChars1 = (UniChar *)CFAllocatorAllocate(kCFAllocatorSystemDefault, sizeof(UniChar) * (_AppSupportLen1 + _AppSupportLen2 + _ResourcesLen + _PlatformLen + _AlternatePlatformLen + _LprojLen + _GlobalResourcesLen + _InfoExtensionLen), 0);
_AppSupportUniChars2 = _AppSupportUniChars1 + _AppSupportLen1;
_ResourcesUniChars = _AppSupportUniChars2 + _AppSupportLen2;
_PlatformUniChars = _ResourcesUniChars + _ResourcesLen;
if (_LprojLen > 0) CFStringGetCharacters(lprojStr, CFRangeMake(0, _LprojLen), _LprojUniChars);
if (_GlobalResourcesLen > 0) CFStringGetCharacters(globalResourcesStr, CFRangeMake(0, _GlobalResourcesLen), _GlobalResourcesUniChars);
if (_InfoExtensionLen > 0) CFStringGetCharacters(infoExtensionStr, CFRangeMake(0, _InfoExtensionLen), _InfoExtensionUniChars);
+ _ResourceSuffix1Len = CFStringGetLength(platformStr);
+ if (_ResourceSuffix1Len > 0) _ResourceSuffix1[0] = '-';
+ if (_ResourceSuffix1Len > 0) CFStringGetCharacters(platformStr, CFRangeMake(0, _ResourceSuffix1Len), _ResourceSuffix1 + 1);
+ if (_ResourceSuffix1Len > 0) _ResourceSuffix1Len++;
+ CFStringRef productStr = _CFGetProductName();
+ if (CFEqual(productStr, CFSTR("ipod"))) { // For now, for resource lookups, hide ipod distinction and make it look for iphone resources
+ productStr = CFSTR("iphone");
+ }
+ _ResourceSuffix2Len = CFStringGetLength(productStr);
+ if (_ResourceSuffix2Len > 0) _ResourceSuffix2[0] = '~';
+ if (_ResourceSuffix2Len > 0) CFStringGetCharacters(productStr, CFRangeMake(0, _ResourceSuffix2Len), _ResourceSuffix2 + 1);
+ if (_ResourceSuffix2Len > 0) _ResourceSuffix2Len++;
+ if (_ResourceSuffix1Len > 1 && _ResourceSuffix2Len > 1) {
+ _ResourceSuffix3Len = _ResourceSuffix1Len + _ResourceSuffix2Len;
+ memmove(_ResourceSuffix3, _ResourceSuffix1, sizeof(UniChar) * _ResourceSuffix1Len);
+ memmove(_ResourceSuffix3 + _ResourceSuffix1Len, _ResourceSuffix2, sizeof(UniChar) * _ResourceSuffix2Len);
+ }
CF_INLINE void _CFEnsureStaticBuffersInited(void) {
_CFBundleUnknownContents = 2
} _CFBundleDirectoryContentsType;
-static CFArrayRef _CFBundleCopyDirectoryContentsAtPath(CFStringRef path, _CFBundleDirectoryContentsType contentsType) {
+extern void _CFArraySortValues(CFMutableArrayRef array, CFComparatorFunction comparator, void *context);
+static CFArrayRef _CFBundleCopySortedDirectoryContentsAtPath(CFStringRef path, _CFBundleDirectoryContentsType contentsType) {
CFArrayRef result = NULL;
struct dirent *dent;
CFMutableArrayRef contents = CFArrayCreateMutable(kCFAllocatorSystemDefault, 0, &kCFTypeArrayCallBacks), directoryContents = CFArrayCreateMutable(kCFAllocatorSystemDefault, 0, &kCFTypeArrayCallBacks), unknownContents = CFArrayCreateMutable(kCFAllocatorSystemDefault, 0, &kCFTypeArrayCallBacks);
CFStringRef dirName, name;
- struct stat statBuf;
cpathBuff[0] = '\0';
if (CFStringGetFileSystemRepresentation(path, cpathBuff, CFMaxPathSize)) {
cpathBuff[lastSlashIdx] = '/';
- if (tryToOpen && stat(cpathBuff, &statBuf) == 0 && (statBuf.st_mode & S_IFMT) == S_IFDIR && (dirp = opendir(cpathBuff))) {
+ if (tryToOpen && (dirp = opendir(cpathBuff))) {
while ((dent = readdir(dirp))) {
- CFIndex nameLen = strlen(dent->d_name);
+ CFIndex nameLen = dent->d_namlen;
if (0 == nameLen || 0 == dent->d_fileno || ('.' == dent->d_name[0] && (1 == nameLen || (2 == nameLen && '.' == dent->d_name[1]) || '_' == dent->d_name[1]))) continue;
name = CFStringCreateWithFileSystemRepresentation(kCFAllocatorSystemDefault, dent->d_name);
if (name) {
+ _CFArraySortValues(contents, (CFComparatorFunction)CFStringCompare, NULL);
+ _CFArraySortValues(directoryContents, (CFComparatorFunction)CFStringCompare, NULL);
+ _CFArraySortValues(unknownContents, (CFComparatorFunction)CFStringCompare, NULL);
if (!contentsCache) contentsCache = CFDictionaryCreateMutable(kCFAllocatorSystemDefault, READ_DIRECTORIES_CACHE_CAPACITY, &kCFCopyStringDictionaryKeyCallBacks, &kCFTypeDictionaryValueCallBacks);
if (READ_DIRECTORIES_CACHE_CAPACITY <= CFDictionaryGetCount(contentsCache)) CFDictionaryRemoveAllValues(contentsCache);
-__private_extern__ Boolean _CFIsResourceAtURL(CFURLRef url, Boolean *isDir) {
+static inline Boolean _CFIsResourceCommon(char *path, Boolean *isDir) {
Boolean exists;
SInt32 mode;
- if (_CFGetFileProperties(kCFAllocatorSystemDefault, url, &exists, &mode, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL) == 0) {
+ if (_CFGetPathProperties(kCFAllocatorSystemDefault, path, &exists, &mode, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL) == 0) {
if (isDir) *isDir = ((exists && ((mode & S_IFMT) == S_IFDIR)) ? true : false);
return (exists && (mode & 0444));
- } else {
- return false;
+ return false;
+__private_extern__ Boolean _CFIsResourceAtURL(CFURLRef url, Boolean *isDir) {
+ char path[CFMaxPathSize];
+ if (!CFURLGetFileSystemRepresentation(url, true, (uint8_t *)path, CFMaxPathLength)) return false;
+ return _CFIsResourceCommon(path, isDir);
__private_extern__ Boolean _CFIsResourceAtPath(CFStringRef path, Boolean *isDir) {
- Boolean result = false;
- CFURLRef url = CFURLCreateWithFileSystemPath(CFGetAllocator(path), path, PLATFORM_PATH_STYLE, false);
- if (url) {
- result = _CFIsResourceAtURL(url, isDir);
- CFRelease(url);
- }
- return result;
+ char pathBuf[CFMaxPathSize];
+ if (!CFStringGetFileSystemRepresentation(path, pathBuf, CFMaxPathSize)) return false;
+ return _CFIsResourceCommon(pathBuf, isDir);
CFStringSetExternalCharactersNoCopy(tmpString, pathUniChars, dirPathLen, dirPathLen);
CFStringReplaceAll(cheapStr, tmpString);
//fprintf(stderr, "looking in ");CFShow(cheapStr);
- contents = _CFBundleCopyDirectoryContentsAtPath(cheapStr, _CFBundleAllContents);
+ contents = _CFBundleCopySortedDirectoryContentsAtPath(cheapStr, _CFBundleAllContents);
contentsRange = CFRangeMake(0, CFArrayGetCount(contents));
CFStringSetExternalCharactersNoCopy(tmpString, nameUniChars, nameLen, nameLen);
+static void _CFSearchBundleDirectory2(CFAllocatorRef alloc, CFMutableArrayRef result, UniChar *pathUniChars, CFIndex pathLen, UniChar *nameUniChars, CFIndex nameLen, UniChar *typeUniChars, CFIndex typeLen, CFMutableStringRef cheapStr, CFMutableStringRef tmpString, uint8_t version) {
+ // pathUniChars is the full path to the directory we are searching.
+ // nameUniChars is what we are looking for.
+ // typeUniChars is the type we are looking for.
+ // platformUniChars is the platform name.
+ // cheapStr is available for our use for whatever we want.
+ // URLs for found resources get added to result.
+ Boolean appendSucceeded = true;
+ if (nameLen > 0) appendSucceeded = _CFAppendPathComponent(pathUniChars, &pathLen, CFMaxPathSize, nameUniChars, nameLen);
+ if (! appendSucceeded) return;
+ CFIndex savedPathLen = pathLen;
+ // Try in order:
+ // NAME-PLATFORM~PRODUCT.TYPE (disabled for now)
+ // NAME-PLATFORM.TYPE (disabled for now)
+#if 0
+ appendSucceeded = (pathLen + _ResourceSuffix3Len < CFMaxPathSize);
+ if (appendSucceeded) {
+ memmove(pathUniChars + pathLen, _ResourceSuffix3, _ResourceSuffix3Len * sizeof(UniChar));
+ pathLen += _ResourceSuffix3Len;
+ }
+ if (appendSucceeded && typeLen > 0) appendSucceeded = _CFAppendPathExtension(pathUniChars, &pathLen, CFMaxPathSize, typeUniChars, typeLen);
+ if (appendSucceeded) {
+ CFStringSetExternalCharactersNoCopy(tmpString, pathUniChars, pathLen, pathLen);
+ CFStringReplaceAll(cheapStr, tmpString);
+ Boolean Found = false, IsDir = false;
+ Found = _CFIsResourceAtPath(cheapStr, &IsDir);
+ if (Found) {
+ CFURLRef url = CFURLCreateWithFileSystemPath(alloc, cheapStr, PLATFORM_PATH_STYLE, IsDir);
+ CFArrayAppendValue(result, url);
+ CFRelease(url);
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ pathLen = savedPathLen;
+ appendSucceeded = (pathLen + _ResourceSuffix2Len < CFMaxPathSize);
+ if (appendSucceeded) {
+ memmove(pathUniChars + pathLen, _ResourceSuffix2, _ResourceSuffix2Len * sizeof(UniChar));
+ pathLen += _ResourceSuffix2Len;
+ }
+ if (appendSucceeded && typeLen > 0) appendSucceeded = _CFAppendPathExtension(pathUniChars, &pathLen, CFMaxPathSize, typeUniChars, typeLen);
+ if (appendSucceeded) {
+ CFStringSetExternalCharactersNoCopy(tmpString, pathUniChars, pathLen, pathLen);
+ CFStringReplaceAll(cheapStr, tmpString);
+ Boolean Found = false, IsDir = false;
+ Found = _CFIsResourceAtPath(cheapStr, &IsDir);
+ if (Found) {
+ CFURLRef url = CFURLCreateWithFileSystemPath(alloc, cheapStr, PLATFORM_PATH_STYLE, IsDir);
+ CFArrayAppendValue(result, url);
+ CFRelease(url);
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+#if 0
+ pathLen = savedPathLen;
+ appendSucceeded = (pathLen + _ResourceSuffix1Len < CFMaxPathSize);
+ if (appendSucceeded) {
+ memmove(pathUniChars + pathLen, _ResourceSuffix1, _ResourceSuffix1Len * sizeof(UniChar));
+ pathLen += _ResourceSuffix1Len;
+ }
+ if (appendSucceeded && typeLen > 0) appendSucceeded = _CFAppendPathExtension(pathUniChars, &pathLen, CFMaxPathSize, typeUniChars, typeLen);
+ if (appendSucceeded) {
+ CFStringSetExternalCharactersNoCopy(tmpString, pathUniChars, pathLen, pathLen);
+ CFStringReplaceAll(cheapStr, tmpString);
+ Boolean Found = false, IsDir = false;
+ Found = _CFIsResourceAtPath(cheapStr, &IsDir);
+ if (Found) {
+ CFURLRef url = CFURLCreateWithFileSystemPath(alloc, cheapStr, PLATFORM_PATH_STYLE, IsDir);
+ CFArrayAppendValue(result, url);
+ CFRelease(url);
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ pathLen = savedPathLen;
+ appendSucceeded = true;
+ if (appendSucceeded && typeLen > 0) appendSucceeded = _CFAppendPathExtension(pathUniChars, &pathLen, CFMaxPathSize, typeUniChars, typeLen);
+ if (appendSucceeded) {
+ CFStringSetExternalCharactersNoCopy(tmpString, pathUniChars, pathLen, pathLen);
+ CFStringReplaceAll(cheapStr, tmpString);
+ Boolean Found = false, IsDir = false;
+ Found = _CFIsResourceAtPath(cheapStr, &IsDir);
+ if (Found) {
+ CFURLRef url = CFURLCreateWithFileSystemPath(alloc, cheapStr, PLATFORM_PATH_STYLE, IsDir);
+ CFArrayAppendValue(result, url);
+ CFRelease(url);
+ return;
+ }
+ }
static void _CFSearchBundleDirectory(CFAllocatorRef alloc, CFMutableArrayRef result, UniChar *pathUniChars, CFIndex pathLen, UniChar *nameUniChars, CFIndex nameLen, UniChar *typeUniChars, CFIndex typeLen, CFMutableStringRef cheapStr, CFMutableStringRef tmpString, uint8_t version) {
+ _CFSearchBundleDirectory2(alloc, result, pathUniChars, pathLen, nameUniChars, nameLen, typeUniChars, typeLen, cheapStr, tmpString, version);
// pathUniChars is the full path to the directory we are searching.
// nameUniChars is what we are looking for.
// typeUniChars is the type we are looking for.
CFStringSetExternalCharactersNoCopy(tmpString, pathUniChars, dirPathLen, dirPathLen);
CFStringReplaceAll(cheapStr, tmpString);
//fprintf(stderr, "looking in ");CFShow(cheapStr);
- contents = _CFBundleCopyDirectoryContentsAtPath(cheapStr, _CFBundleAllContents);
+ contents = _CFBundleCopySortedDirectoryContentsAtPath(cheapStr, _CFBundleAllContents);
contentsRange = CFRangeMake(0, CFArrayGetCount(contents));
- directoryContents = _CFBundleCopyDirectoryContentsAtPath(cheapStr, _CFBundleDirectoryContents);
+ directoryContents = _CFBundleCopySortedDirectoryContentsAtPath(cheapStr, _CFBundleDirectoryContents);
directoryContentsRange = CFRangeMake(0, CFArrayGetCount(directoryContents));
- unknownContents = _CFBundleCopyDirectoryContentsAtPath(cheapStr, _CFBundleUnknownContents);
+ unknownContents = _CFBundleCopySortedDirectoryContentsAtPath(cheapStr, _CFBundleUnknownContents);
unknownContentsRange = CFRangeMake(0, CFArrayGetCount(unknownContents));
if (nameLen > 0) appendSucceeded = _CFAppendPathComponent(pathUniChars, &pathLen, CFMaxPathSize, nameUniChars, nameLen);
savedPathLen = pathLen;
if (appendSucceeded && typeLen > 0) appendSucceeded = _CFAppendPathExtension(pathUniChars, &pathLen, CFMaxPathSize, typeUniChars, typeLen);
CFStringSetExternalCharactersNoCopy(tmpString, pathUniChars + dirPathLen + 1, pathLen - dirPathLen - 1, pathLen - dirPathLen - 1);
CFStringReplaceAll(cheapStr, tmpString);
- platformGenericFound = CFArrayContainsValue(contents, contentsRange, cheapStr);
- platformGenericIsDir = CFArrayContainsValue(directoryContents, directoryContentsRange, cheapStr);
- platformGenericIsUnknown = CFArrayContainsValue(unknownContents, unknownContentsRange, cheapStr);
+ platformGenericFound = _CFBundleSortedArrayContains(contents, cheapStr);
+ platformGenericIsDir = _CFBundleSortedArrayContains(directoryContents, cheapStr);
+ platformGenericIsUnknown = _CFBundleSortedArrayContains(unknownContents, cheapStr);
//fprintf(stderr, "looking for ");CFShow(cheapStr);if (platformGenericFound) fprintf(stderr, "found it\n"); if (platformGenericIsDir) fprintf(stderr, "a directory\n");
CFStringSetExternalCharactersNoCopy(tmpString, pathUniChars, pathLen, pathLen);
CFStringReplaceAll(cheapStr, tmpString);
// Check for platform specific.
if (platformGenericFound) {
- platformGenericStr = (CFStringRef)CFStringCreateCopy(alloc, cheapStr);
+ platformGenericStr = (CFStringRef)CFStringCreateCopy(kCFAllocatorSystemDefault, cheapStr);
if (!platformSpecificFound && (_PlatformLen > 0)) {
pathLen = savedPathLen;
pathUniChars[pathLen++] = (UniChar)'-';
CFStringSetExternalCharactersNoCopy(tmpString, pathUniChars + dirPathLen + 1, pathLen - dirPathLen - 1, pathLen - dirPathLen - 1);
CFStringReplaceAll(cheapStr, tmpString);
- platformSpecificFound = CFArrayContainsValue(contents, contentsRange, cheapStr);
- platformSpecificIsDir = CFArrayContainsValue(directoryContents, directoryContentsRange, cheapStr);
- platformSpecificIsUnknown = CFArrayContainsValue(unknownContents, unknownContentsRange, cheapStr);
+ platformSpecificFound = _CFBundleSortedArrayContains(contents, cheapStr);
+ platformSpecificIsDir = _CFBundleSortedArrayContains(directoryContents, cheapStr);
+ platformSpecificIsUnknown = _CFBundleSortedArrayContains(unknownContents, cheapStr);
//fprintf(stderr, "looking for ");CFShow(cheapStr);if (platformSpecificFound) fprintf(stderr, "found it\n"); if (platformSpecificIsDir) fprintf(stderr, "a directory\n");
CFStringSetExternalCharactersNoCopy(tmpString, pathUniChars, pathLen, pathLen);
CFStringReplaceAll(cheapStr, tmpString);
+static void _CFSearchBundleDirectoryWithPredicate(CFAllocatorRef alloc, CFMutableArrayRef result, UniChar *pathUniChars, CFIndex dirPathLen, Boolean (^predicate)(CFStringRef filename, Boolean *stop), CFMutableStringRef cheapStr, CFMutableStringRef tmpString, Boolean *stopLooking, uint8_t version) {
+ // pathUniChars is the full path to the directory we are searching.
+ // platformUniChars is the platform name.
+ // predicate is a block that evaluates a given filename to see if it's a match.
+ // cheapStr is available for our use for whatever we want.
+ // URLs for found resources get added to result.
+ // get the contents of the directory
+ CFArrayRef contents, directoryContents, unknownContents;
+ CFRange contentsRange;
+ CFStringSetExternalCharactersNoCopy(tmpString, pathUniChars, dirPathLen, dirPathLen);
+ CFStringReplaceAll(cheapStr, tmpString);
+ if (!_CFAppendTrailingPathSlash(pathUniChars, &dirPathLen, CFMaxPathSize)) {
+ return;
+ }
+ //fprintf(stderr, "looking in ");CFShow(cheapStr);
+ contents = _CFBundleCopySortedDirectoryContentsAtPath(cheapStr, _CFBundleAllContents);
+ contentsRange = CFRangeMake(0, CFArrayGetCount(contents));
+ directoryContents = _CFBundleCopySortedDirectoryContentsAtPath(cheapStr, _CFBundleDirectoryContents);
+ unknownContents = _CFBundleCopySortedDirectoryContentsAtPath(cheapStr, _CFBundleUnknownContents);
+ // scan directory contents for matches against predicate
+ for (int i = 0; i < contentsRange.length; i++) {
+ CFStringRef candidateFilename = CFArrayGetValueAtIndex(contents, i);
+ if (predicate(candidateFilename, stopLooking)) {
+ // we want this resource, though possibly a platform specific version of it
+ // unpack candidateFilename string into pathUniChars after verifying that we have enough space in the buffer
+ CFIndex candidateFilenameLength = CFStringGetLength(candidateFilename);
+ if ((dirPathLen + candidateFilenameLength < CFMaxPathSize)) {
+ CFStringGetCharacters(candidateFilename, CFRangeMake(0, candidateFilenameLength), pathUniChars + dirPathLen);
+ // is there a platform specific version available? if so update pathUniChars to contain it and candidateFilenameLength to describe its length.
+ static const int platformSeparatorLen = 1; // the length of '-', as appears in foo-macos.tiff. sugar to make the following easier to read.
+ if (_PlatformLen && (dirPathLen + candidateFilenameLength + platformSeparatorLen + _PlatformLen < CFMaxPathSize)) {
+ CFIndex candidateFilenameWithoutExtensionLen = _CFLengthAfterDeletingPathExtension(pathUniChars + dirPathLen, candidateFilenameLength);
+ CFIndex extensionLen = candidateFilenameLength - candidateFilenameWithoutExtensionLen;
+ // shift the extension over to make space for the platform
+ memmove(pathUniChars + dirPathLen + candidateFilenameWithoutExtensionLen + platformSeparatorLen + _PlatformLen, pathUniChars + dirPathLen + candidateFilenameWithoutExtensionLen, extensionLen * sizeof(UniChar));
+ // write the platform into the middle of the string
+ pathUniChars[dirPathLen + candidateFilenameWithoutExtensionLen] = (UniChar)'-';
+ memcpy(pathUniChars + dirPathLen + candidateFilenameWithoutExtensionLen + platformSeparatorLen, _PlatformUniChars, _PlatformLen * sizeof(UniChar));
+ // pack it up as a CFStringRef
+ CFStringSetExternalCharactersNoCopy(tmpString, pathUniChars + dirPathLen, candidateFilenameLength + platformSeparatorLen + _PlatformLen, candidateFilenameLength + _PlatformLen);
+ CFStringReplaceAll(cheapStr, tmpString);
+ // is the platform specialized version there?
+ if (_CFBundleSortedArrayContains(contents, cheapStr)) {
+ // woo. update the candidateFilenameLength. we'll update the candidateFilename too for consistency, but we don't actually use it again.
+ // the pathUniChars now contains the full path to the file
+ candidateFilename = cheapStr;
+ candidateFilenameLength = candidateFilenameLength + _PlatformLen + platformSeparatorLen;
+ } else {
+ // nope, no platform specific resource. Put the pathUniChars back how they were before, without the platform.
+ memmove(pathUniChars + dirPathLen + candidateFilenameWithoutExtensionLen, pathUniChars + dirPathLen + candidateFilenameWithoutExtensionLen + platformSeparatorLen + _PlatformLen, extensionLen * sizeof(UniChar));
+ }
+ }
+ // get the full path into cheapStr
+ CFStringSetExternalCharactersNoCopy(tmpString, pathUniChars, dirPathLen + candidateFilenameLength, dirPathLen + candidateFilenameLength);
+ CFStringReplaceAll(cheapStr, tmpString);
+ // is the resource a directory? we need to know so that we can avoid file access when making a URL.
+ Boolean isDir = 0;
+ if (_CFBundleSortedArrayContains(directoryContents, cheapStr)) {
+ isDir = 1;
+ } else if (_CFBundleSortedArrayContains(unknownContents, cheapStr)) {
+ _CFIsResourceAtPath(cheapStr, &isDir);
+ }
+ CFURLRef url = CFURLCreateWithFileSystemPath(alloc, cheapStr, PLATFORM_PATH_STYLE, isDir);
+ CFArrayAppendValue(result, url);
+ CFRelease(url);
+ }
+ }
+ if (*stopLooking) break;
+ }
+ CFRelease(contents);
+ CFRelease(directoryContents);
+ CFRelease(unknownContents);
-static void _CFFindBundleResourcesInRawDir(CFAllocatorRef alloc, UniChar *workingUniChars, CFIndex workingLen, UniChar *nameUniChars, CFIndex nameLen, CFArrayRef resTypes, CFIndex limit, uint8_t version, CFMutableStringRef cheapStr, CFMutableStringRef tmpString, CFMutableArrayRef result) {
+static void _CFFindBundleResourcesInRawDir(CFAllocatorRef alloc, UniChar *workingUniChars, CFIndex workingLen, UniChar *nameUniChars, CFIndex nameLen, CFArrayRef resTypes, CFIndex limit, Boolean *stopLooking, Boolean (^predicate)(CFStringRef filename, Boolean *stop), uint8_t version, CFMutableStringRef cheapStr, CFMutableStringRef tmpString, CFMutableArrayRef result) {
+ if (predicate) {
+ _CFSearchBundleDirectoryWithPredicate(alloc, result, workingUniChars, workingLen, predicate, cheapStr, tmpString, stopLooking, version);
+ return;
+ CFLog(kCFLogLevelCritical, CFSTR("_CFFindBundleResourcesInRawDir: predicate blocks are not supported on this platform"));
+ }
if (nameLen > 0) {
// If we have a resName, just call the search API. We may have to loop over the resTypes.
if (!resTypes) {
-static void _CFFindBundleResourcesInResourcesDir(CFAllocatorRef alloc, UniChar *workingUniChars, CFIndex workingLen, UniChar *subDirUniChars, CFIndex subDirLen, CFArrayRef searchLanguages, UniChar *nameUniChars, CFIndex nameLen, CFArrayRef resTypes, CFIndex limit, uint8_t version, CFMutableStringRef cheapStr, CFMutableStringRef tmpString, CFMutableArrayRef result) {
+static void _CFFindBundleResourcesInResourcesDir(CFAllocatorRef alloc, UniChar *workingUniChars, CFIndex workingLen, UniChar *subDirUniChars, CFIndex subDirLen, CFArrayRef searchLanguages, UniChar *nameUniChars, CFIndex nameLen, CFArrayRef resTypes, CFIndex limit, Boolean (^predicate)(CFStringRef filename, Boolean *stop), uint8_t version, CFMutableStringRef cheapStr, CFMutableStringRef tmpString, CFMutableArrayRef result) {
CFIndex savedWorkingLen = workingLen;
+ Boolean stopLooking = false; // for predicate based-queries, we set stopLooking instead of using a limit
// Look directly in the directory specified in workingUniChars. as if it is a Resources directory.
if (1 == version) {
// Add the non-localized resource directory.
Boolean appendSucceeded = _CFAppendPathComponent(workingUniChars, &workingLen, CFMaxPathSize, _GlobalResourcesUniChars, _GlobalResourcesLen);
if (appendSucceeded && subDirLen > 0) appendSucceeded = _CFAppendPathComponent(workingUniChars, &workingLen, CFMaxPathSize, subDirUniChars, subDirLen);
- if (appendSucceeded) _CFFindBundleResourcesInRawDir(alloc, workingUniChars, workingLen, nameUniChars, nameLen, resTypes, limit, version, cheapStr, tmpString, result);
+ if (appendSucceeded) _CFFindBundleResourcesInRawDir(alloc, workingUniChars, workingLen, nameUniChars, nameLen, resTypes, limit, &stopLooking, predicate, version, cheapStr, tmpString, result);
// Strip the non-localized resource directory.
workingLen = savedWorkingLen;
- if (CFArrayGetCount(result) < limit) {
+ if (CFArrayGetCount(result) < limit && !stopLooking) {
Boolean appendSucceeded = true;
if (subDirLen > 0) appendSucceeded = _CFAppendPathComponent(workingUniChars, &workingLen, CFMaxPathSize, subDirUniChars, subDirLen);
- if (appendSucceeded) _CFFindBundleResourcesInRawDir(alloc, workingUniChars, workingLen, nameUniChars, nameLen, resTypes, limit, version, cheapStr, tmpString, result);
+ if (appendSucceeded) _CFFindBundleResourcesInRawDir(alloc, workingUniChars, workingLen, nameUniChars, nameLen, resTypes, limit, &stopLooking, predicate, version, cheapStr, tmpString, result);
// Now search the local resources.
workingLen = savedWorkingLen;
- if (CFArrayGetCount(result) < limit) {
- CFIndex langIndex;
+ if (CFArrayGetCount(result) < limit && !stopLooking) {
CFIndex langCount = (searchLanguages ? CFArrayGetCount(searchLanguages) : 0);
- CFStringRef curLangStr;
- CFIndex curLangLen;
// MF:??? OK to hard-wire this length?
UniChar curLangUniChars[255];
CFIndex numResults = CFArrayGetCount(result);
- for (langIndex = 0; langIndex < langCount; langIndex++) {
- curLangStr = (CFStringRef)CFArrayGetValueAtIndex(searchLanguages, langIndex);
- curLangLen = CFStringGetLength(curLangStr);
+ for (CFIndex langIndex = 0; langIndex < langCount; langIndex++) {
+ CFStringRef curLangStr = (CFStringRef)CFArrayGetValueAtIndex(searchLanguages, langIndex);
+ CFIndex curLangLen = CFStringGetLength(curLangStr);
if (curLangLen > 255) curLangLen = 255;
CFStringGetCharacters(curLangStr, CFRangeMake(0, curLangLen), curLangUniChars);
savedWorkingLen = workingLen;
- _CFFindBundleResourcesInRawDir(alloc, workingUniChars, workingLen, nameUniChars, nameLen, resTypes, limit, version, cheapStr, tmpString, result);
+ _CFFindBundleResourcesInRawDir(alloc, workingUniChars, workingLen, nameUniChars, nameLen, resTypes, limit, &stopLooking, predicate, version, cheapStr, tmpString, result);
// Back off this lproj component
workingLen = savedWorkingLen;
extern void _CFStrSetDesiredCapacity(CFMutableStringRef str, CFIndex len);
-CFArrayRef _CFFindBundleResources(CFBundleRef bundle, CFURLRef bundleURL, CFStringRef subDirName, CFArrayRef searchLanguages, CFStringRef resName, CFArrayRef resTypes, CFIndex limit, uint8_t version) {
- CFAllocatorRef alloc = (bundle ? CFGetAllocator(bundle) : (CFAllocatorRef)CFRetain(__CFGetDefaultAllocator()));
- CFMutableArrayRef result;
+CFArrayRef _CFFindBundleResources(CFBundleRef bundle, CFURLRef bundleURL, CFStringRef subDirName, CFArrayRef searchLanguages, CFStringRef resName, CFArrayRef resTypes, CFIndex limit, Boolean (^predicate)(CFStringRef filename, Boolean *stop), uint8_t version) {
+ CFMutableArrayRef result = CFArrayCreateMutable(kCFAllocatorSystemDefault, 0, &kCFTypeArrayCallBacks);
+ // Build an absolute path to the base directory.
+ // If no URL was passed, we get it from the bundle.
+ CFURLRef baseURL = bundleURL ? (CFURLRef)CFRetain(bundleURL) : (bundle ? CFBundleCopyBundleURL(bundle) : NULL);
+ CFURLRef absoluteURL = baseURL ? CFURLCopyAbsoluteURL(baseURL) : NULL;
+ CFStringRef basePath = absoluteURL ? CFURLCopyFileSystemPath(absoluteURL, PLATFORM_PATH_STYLE) : NULL;
+ if (absoluteURL) CFRelease(absoluteURL);
+ if (baseURL) CFRelease(baseURL);
+ baseURL = absoluteURL = bundleURL = NULL;
+ bundle = NULL;
+ // bundle and bundleURL arguments are not used any further
+ if (!basePath) return result;
UniChar *workingUniChars, *nameUniChars, *subDirUniChars;
CFIndex nameLen = 0;
- CFIndex subDirLen = (subDirName ? CFStringGetLength(subDirName) : 0);
CFIndex workingLen, savedWorkingLen;
- CFURLRef absoluteURL;
- CFStringRef bundlePath;
CFMutableStringRef cheapStr, tmpString;
- char buff[CFMaxPathSize];
- result = CFArrayCreateMutable(alloc, 0, &kCFTypeArrayCallBacks);
if (resName) {
+ char buff[CFMaxPathSize];
CFStringRef newResName = NULL;
- if (CFStringGetFileSystemRepresentation(resName, buff, CFMaxPathSize)) newResName = CFStringCreateWithFileSystemRepresentation(alloc, buff);
+ if (CFStringGetFileSystemRepresentation(resName, buff, CFMaxPathSize)) newResName = CFStringCreateWithFileSystemRepresentation(kCFAllocatorSystemDefault, buff);
resName = newResName ? newResName : (CFStringRef)CFRetain(resName);
nameLen = CFStringGetLength(resName);
// Build UniChar buffers for some of the string pieces we need.
- // One malloc will do.
- nameUniChars = (UniChar *)CFAllocatorAllocate(alloc, sizeof(UniChar) * (nameLen + subDirLen + CFMaxPathSize), 0);
+ CFIndex subDirLen = (subDirName ? CFStringGetLength(subDirName) : 0);
+ nameUniChars = (UniChar *)CFAllocatorAllocate(kCFAllocatorSystemDefault, sizeof(UniChar) * (nameLen + subDirLen + CFMaxPathSize), 0);
if (nameUniChars) {
subDirUniChars = nameUniChars + nameLen;
workingUniChars = subDirUniChars + subDirLen;
if (nameLen > 0) CFStringGetCharacters(resName, CFRangeMake(0, nameLen), nameUniChars);
if (subDirLen > 0) CFStringGetCharacters(subDirName, CFRangeMake(0, subDirLen), subDirUniChars);
- // Build a UniChar buffer with the absolute path to the bundle's resources directory.
- // If no URL was passed, we get it from the bundle.
- bundleURL = (bundleURL ? (CFURLRef)CFRetain(bundleURL) : CFBundleCopyBundleURL(bundle));
- absoluteURL = CFURLCopyAbsoluteURL(bundleURL);
- bundlePath = CFURLCopyFileSystemPath(absoluteURL, PLATFORM_PATH_STYLE);
- if ((workingLen = CFStringGetLength(bundlePath)) > 0) CFStringGetCharacters(bundlePath, CFRangeMake(0, workingLen), workingUniChars);
+ if ((workingLen = CFStringGetLength(basePath)) > 0) CFStringGetCharacters(basePath, CFRangeMake(0, workingLen), workingUniChars);
savedWorkingLen = workingLen;
if (1 == version) {
_CFAppendPathComponent(workingUniChars, &workingLen, CFMaxPathSize, _AppSupportUniChars1, _AppSupportLen1);
if (0 == version || 1 == version || 2 == version) _CFAppendPathComponent(workingUniChars, &workingLen, CFMaxPathSize, _ResourcesUniChars, _ResourcesLen);
// both of these used for temp string operations, for slightly different purposes, where each type is appropriate
- cheapStr = CFStringCreateMutable(alloc, 0);
+ cheapStr = CFStringCreateMutable(kCFAllocatorSystemDefault, 0);
_CFStrSetDesiredCapacity(cheapStr, CFMaxPathSize);
tmpString = CFStringCreateMutableWithExternalCharactersNoCopy(kCFAllocatorSystemDefault, NULL, 0, 0, kCFAllocatorNull);
- _CFFindBundleResourcesInResourcesDir(alloc, workingUniChars, workingLen, subDirUniChars, subDirLen, searchLanguages, nameUniChars, nameLen, resTypes, limit, version, cheapStr, tmpString, result);
+ _CFFindBundleResourcesInResourcesDir(kCFAllocatorSystemDefault, workingUniChars, workingLen, subDirUniChars, subDirLen, searchLanguages, nameUniChars, nameLen, resTypes, limit, predicate, version, cheapStr, tmpString, result);
// drd: This unfortunate hack is still necessary because of installer packages and Spotlight importers
- if (CFArrayGetCount(result) == 0 && (0 == version || (2 == version && bundlePath && CFEqual(CFSTR("/Library/Spotlight"), bundlePath)))) {
+ if (CFArrayGetCount(result) == 0 && (0 == version || (2 == version && CFEqual(CFSTR("/Library/Spotlight"), basePath)))) {
// Try looking directly in the bundle path
workingLen = savedWorkingLen;
- _CFFindBundleResourcesInResourcesDir(alloc, workingUniChars, workingLen, subDirUniChars, subDirLen, searchLanguages, nameUniChars, nameLen, resTypes, limit, version, cheapStr, tmpString, result);
+ _CFFindBundleResourcesInResourcesDir(kCFAllocatorSystemDefault, workingUniChars, workingLen, subDirUniChars, subDirLen, searchLanguages, nameUniChars, nameLen, resTypes, limit, predicate, version, cheapStr, tmpString, result);
- CFRelease(absoluteURL);
- CFRelease(bundlePath);
- CFRelease(bundleURL);
- CFAllocatorDeallocate(alloc, nameUniChars);
+ CFAllocatorDeallocate(kCFAllocatorSystemDefault, nameUniChars);
if (resName) CFRelease(resName);
- if (!bundle) CFRelease(alloc);
+ if (basePath) CFRelease(basePath);
return result;
CF_EXPORT CFURLRef CFBundleCopyResourceURL(CFBundleRef bundle, CFStringRef resourceName, CFStringRef resourceType, CFStringRef subDirName) {
+ if (!bundle)
+ return NULL;
CFURLRef result = NULL;
CFArrayRef languages = _CFBundleGetLanguageSearchList(bundle), types = NULL, array;
- if (resourceType) types = CFArrayCreate(CFGetAllocator(bundle), (const void **)&resourceType, 1, &kCFTypeArrayCallBacks);
- array = _CFFindBundleResources(bundle, NULL, subDirName, languages, resourceName, types, 1, _CFBundleLayoutVersion(bundle));
+ if (resourceType) types = CFArrayCreate(kCFAllocatorSystemDefault, (const void **)&resourceType, 1, &kCFTypeArrayCallBacks);
+ array = _CFFindBundleResources(bundle, NULL, subDirName, languages, resourceName, types, 1, NULL, _CFBundleLayoutVersion(bundle));
if (types) CFRelease(types);
if (array) {
if (CFArrayGetCount(array) > 0) result = (CFURLRef)CFRetain(CFArrayGetValueAtIndex(array, 0));
CF_EXPORT CFArrayRef CFBundleCopyResourceURLsOfType(CFBundleRef bundle, CFStringRef resourceType, CFStringRef subDirName) {
CFArrayRef languages = _CFBundleGetLanguageSearchList(bundle), types = NULL, array;
- if (resourceType) types = CFArrayCreate(CFGetAllocator(bundle), (const void **)&resourceType, 1, &kCFTypeArrayCallBacks);
+ if (resourceType) types = CFArrayCreate(kCFAllocatorSystemDefault, (const void **)&resourceType, 1, &kCFTypeArrayCallBacks);
// MF:!!! Better "limit" than 1,000,000?
- array = _CFFindBundleResources(bundle, NULL, subDirName, languages, NULL, types, 1000000, _CFBundleLayoutVersion(bundle));
+ array = _CFFindBundleResources(bundle, NULL, subDirName, languages, NULL, types, 1000000, NULL, _CFBundleLayoutVersion(bundle));
if (types) CFRelease(types);
return array;
CFURLRef result = NULL;
CFArrayRef languages = NULL, types = NULL, array;
- if (localizationName) languages = CFArrayCreate(CFGetAllocator(bundle), (const void **)&localizationName, 1, &kCFTypeArrayCallBacks);
- if (resourceType) types = CFArrayCreate(CFGetAllocator(bundle), (const void **)&resourceType, 1, &kCFTypeArrayCallBacks);
- array = _CFFindBundleResources(bundle, NULL, subDirName, languages, resourceName, types, 1, _CFBundleLayoutVersion(bundle));
+ if (localizationName) languages = CFArrayCreate(kCFAllocatorSystemDefault, (const void **)&localizationName, 1, &kCFTypeArrayCallBacks);
+ if (resourceType) types = CFArrayCreate(kCFAllocatorSystemDefault, (const void **)&resourceType, 1, &kCFTypeArrayCallBacks);
+ array = _CFFindBundleResources(bundle, NULL, subDirName, languages, resourceName, types, 1, NULL, _CFBundleLayoutVersion(bundle));
if (array) {
if (CFArrayGetCount(array) > 0) result = (CFURLRef)CFRetain(CFArrayGetValueAtIndex(array, 0));
CF_EXPORT CFArrayRef CFBundleCopyResourceURLsOfTypeForLocalization(CFBundleRef bundle, CFStringRef resourceType, CFStringRef subDirName, CFStringRef localizationName) {
CFArrayRef languages = NULL, types = NULL, array;
- if (localizationName) languages = CFArrayCreate(CFGetAllocator(bundle), (const void **)&localizationName, 1, &kCFTypeArrayCallBacks);
- if (resourceType) types = CFArrayCreate(CFGetAllocator(bundle), (const void **)&resourceType, 1, &kCFTypeArrayCallBacks);
+ if (localizationName) languages = CFArrayCreate(kCFAllocatorSystemDefault, (const void **)&localizationName, 1, &kCFTypeArrayCallBacks);
+ if (resourceType) types = CFArrayCreate(kCFAllocatorSystemDefault, (const void **)&resourceType, 1, &kCFTypeArrayCallBacks);
// MF:!!! Better "limit" than 1,000,000?
- array = _CFFindBundleResources(bundle, NULL, subDirName, languages, NULL, types, 1000000, _CFBundleLayoutVersion(bundle));
+ array = _CFFindBundleResources(bundle, NULL, subDirName, languages, NULL, types, 1000000, NULL, _CFBundleLayoutVersion(bundle));
if (types) CFRelease(types);
if (languages) CFRelease(languages);
return array;
CF_EXPORT CFStringRef CFBundleCopyLocalizedString(CFBundleRef bundle, CFStringRef key, CFStringRef value, CFStringRef tableName) {
CFStringRef result = NULL;
CFDictionaryRef stringTable = NULL;
CFDataRef tableData = NULL;
SInt32 errCode;
CFStringRef errStr;
- if (CFURLCreateDataAndPropertiesFromResource(CFGetAllocator(bundle), tableURL, &tableData, NULL, NULL, &errCode)) {
+ if (CFURLCreateDataAndPropertiesFromResource(kCFAllocatorSystemDefault, tableURL, &tableData, NULL, NULL, &errCode)) {
stringTable = (CFDictionaryRef)CFPropertyListCreateFromXMLData(CFGetAllocator(bundle), tableData, kCFPropertyListImmutable, &errStr);
if (errStr) {
stringTable = NULL;
if (nameForSharing) CFRelease(nameForSharing);
- CFRelease(tableURL);
+ if (tableURL) CFRelease(tableURL);
if (!stringTable) stringTable = CFDictionaryCreate(CFGetAllocator(bundle), NULL, NULL, 0, &kCFTypeDictionaryKeyCallBacks, &kCFTypeDictionaryValueCallBacks);
if (capitalize != 0) {
if (capitalize != 0) {
- CFMutableStringRef capitalizedResult = CFStringCreateMutableCopy(CFGetAllocator(bundle), 0, result);
+ CFMutableStringRef capitalizedResult = CFStringCreateMutableCopy(kCFAllocatorSystemDefault, 0, result);
CFLog(__kCFLogBundle, CFSTR("Localizable string \"%@\" not found in strings table \"%@\" of bundle %@."), key, tableName, bundle);
CFStringUppercase(capitalizedResult, NULL);
uint8_t version = 0;
CFArrayRef languages = _CFBundleCopyLanguageSearchListInDirectory(kCFAllocatorSystemDefault, newURL, &version), types = NULL, array;
if (resourceType) types = CFArrayCreate(kCFAllocatorSystemDefault, (const void **)&resourceType, 1, &kCFTypeArrayCallBacks);
- array = _CFFindBundleResources(NULL, newURL, subDirName, languages, resourceName, types, 1, version);
+ array = _CFFindBundleResources(NULL, newURL, subDirName, languages, resourceName, types, 1, NULL, version);
if (types) CFRelease(types);
if (languages) CFRelease(languages);
if (array) {
CFArrayRef languages = _CFBundleCopyLanguageSearchListInDirectory(kCFAllocatorSystemDefault, newURL, &version), types = NULL;
if (resourceType) types = CFArrayCreate(kCFAllocatorSystemDefault, (const void **)&resourceType, 1, &kCFTypeArrayCallBacks);
// MF:!!! Better "limit" than 1,000,000?
- array = _CFFindBundleResources(NULL, newURL, subDirName, languages, NULL, types, 1000000, version);
+ array = _CFFindBundleResources(NULL, newURL, subDirName, languages, NULL, types, 1000000, NULL, version);
if (types) CFRelease(types);
if (languages) CFRelease(languages);
// both of these used for temp string operations, for slightly
// different purposes, where each type is appropriate
- cheapStr = CFStringCreateMutable(alloc, 0);
+ cheapStr = CFStringCreateMutable(kCFAllocatorSystemDefault, 0);
_CFStrSetDesiredCapacity(cheapStr, CFMaxPathSize);
tmpString = CFStringCreateMutableWithExternalCharactersNoCopy(kCFAllocatorSystemDefault, NULL, 0, 0, kCFAllocatorNull);
CFStringSetExternalCharactersNoCopy(tmpString, pathUniChars, pathLen, pathLen);
CFStringReplaceAll(cheapStr, tmpString);
- contents = _CFBundleCopyDirectoryContentsAtPath(cheapStr, _CFBundleAllContents);
+ contents = _CFBundleCopySortedDirectoryContentsAtPath(cheapStr, _CFBundleAllContents);
contentsRange = CFRangeMake(0, CFArrayGetCount(contents));
CFStringSetExternalCharactersNoCopy(tmpString, pathUniChars + savedPathLen + 1, pathLen - savedPathLen - 1, pathLen - savedPathLen - 1);
CFStringReplaceAll(cheapStr, tmpString);
- if ((predefinedLocalizations && CFArrayContainsValue(predefinedLocalizations, predefinedLocalizationsRange, curLangStr)) || (version != 4 && CFArrayContainsValue(contents, contentsRange, cheapStr))) {
+ if ((predefinedLocalizations && CFArrayContainsValue(predefinedLocalizations, predefinedLocalizationsRange, curLangStr)) || (version != 4 && _CFBundleSortedArrayContains(contents, cheapStr))) {
CFStringSetExternalCharactersNoCopy(tmpString, pathUniChars, pathLen, pathLen);
CFStringReplaceAll(cheapStr, tmpString);
CFStringSetExternalCharactersNoCopy(tmpString, pathUniChars + savedPathLen + 1, pathLen - savedPathLen - 1, pathLen - savedPathLen - 1);
CFStringReplaceAll(cheapStr, tmpString);
- if ((predefinedLocalizations && CFArrayContainsValue(predefinedLocalizations, predefinedLocalizationsRange, altLangStr)) || (version != 4 && CFArrayContainsValue(contents, contentsRange, cheapStr))) {
+ if ((predefinedLocalizations && CFArrayContainsValue(predefinedLocalizations, predefinedLocalizationsRange, altLangStr)) || (version != 4 && _CFBundleSortedArrayContains(contents, cheapStr))) {
CFStringSetExternalCharactersNoCopy(tmpString, pathUniChars, pathLen, pathLen);
CFStringReplaceAll(cheapStr, tmpString);
CFStringSetExternalCharactersNoCopy(tmpString, pathUniChars + savedPathLen + 1, pathLen - savedPathLen - 1, pathLen - savedPathLen - 1);
CFStringReplaceAll(cheapStr, tmpString);
- if ((predefinedLocalizations && CFArrayContainsValue(predefinedLocalizations, predefinedLocalizationsRange, modifiedLangStr)) || (version != 4 && CFArrayContainsValue(contents, contentsRange, cheapStr))) {
+ if ((predefinedLocalizations && CFArrayContainsValue(predefinedLocalizations, predefinedLocalizationsRange, modifiedLangStr)) || (version != 4 && _CFBundleSortedArrayContains(contents, cheapStr))) {
CFStringSetExternalCharactersNoCopy(tmpString, pathUniChars, pathLen, pathLen);
CFStringReplaceAll(cheapStr, tmpString);
CFStringSetExternalCharactersNoCopy(tmpString, pathUniChars + savedPathLen + 1, pathLen - savedPathLen - 1, pathLen - savedPathLen - 1);
CFStringReplaceAll(cheapStr, tmpString);
- if ((predefinedLocalizations && CFArrayContainsValue(predefinedLocalizations, predefinedLocalizationsRange, languageAbbreviation)) || (version != 4 && CFArrayContainsValue(contents, contentsRange, cheapStr))) {
+ if ((predefinedLocalizations && CFArrayContainsValue(predefinedLocalizations, predefinedLocalizationsRange, languageAbbreviation)) || (version != 4 && _CFBundleSortedArrayContains(contents, cheapStr))) {
CFStringSetExternalCharactersNoCopy(tmpString, pathUniChars, pathLen, pathLen);
CFStringReplaceAll(cheapStr, tmpString);
CFStringSetExternalCharactersNoCopy(tmpString, pathUniChars + savedPathLen + 1, pathLen - savedPathLen - 1, pathLen - savedPathLen - 1);
CFStringReplaceAll(cheapStr, tmpString);
- if ((predefinedLocalizations && CFArrayContainsValue(predefinedLocalizations, predefinedLocalizationsRange, languageName)) || (version != 4 && CFArrayContainsValue(contents, contentsRange, cheapStr))) {
+ if ((predefinedLocalizations && CFArrayContainsValue(predefinedLocalizations, predefinedLocalizationsRange, languageName)) || (version != 4 && _CFBundleSortedArrayContains(contents, cheapStr))) {
CFStringSetExternalCharactersNoCopy(tmpString, pathUniChars, pathLen, pathLen);
CFStringReplaceAll(cheapStr, tmpString);
// This function will add zero, one or two elements to the lprojNames array.
// It examines the users preferred language list and the lproj directories inside the bundle directory. It picks the lproj directory that is highest on the users list.
// The users list can contain region names (like "en_US" for US English). In this case, if the region lproj exists, it will be added, and, if the region's associated language lproj exists that will be added.
- CFURLRef resourcesURL = _CFBundleCopyResourcesDirectoryURLInDirectory(alloc, bundleURL, version);
+ CFURLRef resourcesURL = _CFBundleCopyResourcesDirectoryURLInDirectory(bundleURL, version);
CFURLRef absoluteURL;
CFIndex idx, startIdx;
CFIndex count;
CFArrayRef mainBundleLangs = _CFBundleGetLanguageSearchList(mainBundle);
if (mainBundleLangs && (CFArrayGetCount(mainBundleLangs) > 0)) {
curLangStr = (CFStringRef)CFArrayGetValueAtIndex(mainBundleLangs, 0);
- foundOne = _CFBundleTryOnePreferredLprojNameInDirectory(alloc, pathUniChars, pathLen, version, infoDict, curLangStr, lprojNames, true);
+ foundOne = _CFBundleTryOnePreferredLprojNameInDirectory(kCFAllocatorSystemDefault, pathUniChars, pathLen, version, infoDict, curLangStr, lprojNames, true);
curLangStr = (CFStringRef)CFArrayGetValueAtIndex(userLanguages, idx);
nextLangStr = (idx + 1 < count) ? (CFStringRef)CFArrayGetValueAtIndex(userLanguages, idx + 1) : NULL;
if (nextLangStr && _CFBundleLocalizationsHaveCommonPrefix(curLangStr, nextLangStr)) {
- foundOne = _CFBundleTryOnePreferredLprojNameInDirectory(alloc, pathUniChars, pathLen, version, infoDict, curLangStr, lprojNames, false);
+ foundOne = _CFBundleTryOnePreferredLprojNameInDirectory(kCFAllocatorSystemDefault, pathUniChars, pathLen, version, infoDict, curLangStr, lprojNames, false);
if (startIdx < 0) startIdx = idx;
} else if (startIdx >= 0 && startIdx <= idx) {
- foundOne = _CFBundleTryOnePreferredLprojNameInDirectory(alloc, pathUniChars, pathLen, version, infoDict, curLangStr, lprojNames, false);
+ foundOne = _CFBundleTryOnePreferredLprojNameInDirectory(kCFAllocatorSystemDefault, pathUniChars, pathLen, version, infoDict, curLangStr, lprojNames, false);
for (; !foundOne && startIdx <= idx; startIdx++) {
curLangStr = (CFStringRef)CFArrayGetValueAtIndex(userLanguages, startIdx);
- foundOne = _CFBundleTryOnePreferredLprojNameInDirectory(alloc, pathUniChars, pathLen, version, infoDict, curLangStr, lprojNames, true);
+ foundOne = _CFBundleTryOnePreferredLprojNameInDirectory(kCFAllocatorSystemDefault, pathUniChars, pathLen, version, infoDict, curLangStr, lprojNames, true);
startIdx = -1;
} else {
- foundOne = _CFBundleTryOnePreferredLprojNameInDirectory(alloc, pathUniChars, pathLen, version, infoDict, curLangStr, lprojNames, true);
+ foundOne = _CFBundleTryOnePreferredLprojNameInDirectory(kCFAllocatorSystemDefault, pathUniChars, pathLen, version, infoDict, curLangStr, lprojNames, true);
startIdx = -1;
// use development region and U.S. English as backstops
- if (!foundOne && devLang) foundOne = _CFBundleTryOnePreferredLprojNameInDirectory(alloc, pathUniChars, pathLen, version, infoDict, devLang, lprojNames, true);
- if (!foundOne) foundOne = _CFBundleTryOnePreferredLprojNameInDirectory(alloc, pathUniChars, pathLen, version, infoDict, CFSTR("en_US"), lprojNames, true);
+ if (!foundOne && devLang) foundOne = _CFBundleTryOnePreferredLprojNameInDirectory(kCFAllocatorSystemDefault, pathUniChars, pathLen, version, infoDict, devLang, lprojNames, true);
+ if (!foundOne) foundOne = _CFBundleTryOnePreferredLprojNameInDirectory(kCFAllocatorSystemDefault, pathUniChars, pathLen, version, infoDict, CFSTR("en_US"), lprojNames, true);
if (userLanguages) CFRelease(userLanguages);
__private_extern__ CFArrayRef _CFBundleCopyLanguageSearchListInDirectory(CFAllocatorRef alloc, CFURLRef url, uint8_t *version) {
CFMutableArrayRef langs = CFArrayCreateMutable(alloc, 0, &kCFTypeArrayCallBacks);
uint8_t localVersion = 0;
- CFDictionaryRef infoDict = _CFBundleCopyInfoDictionaryInDirectory(alloc, url, &localVersion);
+ CFDictionaryRef infoDict = _CFBundleCopyInfoDictionaryInDirectory(kCFAllocatorSystemDefaultGCRefZero, url, &localVersion);
CFStringRef devLang = NULL;
if (infoDict) devLang = (CFStringRef)CFDictionaryGetValue(infoDict, kCFBundleDevelopmentRegionKey);
if (devLang && (CFGetTypeID(devLang) != CFStringGetTypeID() || CFStringGetLength(devLang) == 0)) devLang = NULL;
// Total backstop behavior to avoid having an empty array.
if (CFArrayGetCount(langs) == 0) CFArrayAppendValue(langs, CFSTR("en"));
- if (infoDict) CFRelease(infoDict);
+ if (infoDict && !_CFAllocatorIsGCRefZero(kCFAllocatorSystemDefaultGCRefZero)) CFRelease(infoDict);
if (version) *version = localVersion;
return langs;
CFURLRef absoluteURL = CFURLCopyAbsoluteURL(url);
CFStringRef directoryPath = CFURLCopyFileSystemPath(absoluteURL, PLATFORM_PATH_STYLE);
- CFArrayRef contents = _CFBundleCopyDirectoryContentsAtPath(directoryPath, _CFBundleAllContents);
- CFRange contentsRange = CFRangeMake(0, CFArrayGetCount(contents));
+ CFArrayRef contents = _CFBundleCopySortedDirectoryContentsAtPath(directoryPath, _CFBundleAllContents);
if (CFStringHasSuffix(CFURLGetString(url), CFSTR(".framework/"))) {
- if (CFArrayContainsValue(contents, contentsRange, _CFBundleResourcesDirectoryName)) localVersion = 0;
- else if (CFArrayContainsValue(contents, contentsRange, _CFBundleSupportFilesDirectoryName2)) localVersion = 2;
- else if (CFArrayContainsValue(contents, contentsRange, _CFBundleSupportFilesDirectoryName1)) localVersion = 1;
+ if (_CFBundleSortedArrayContains(contents, _CFBundleResourcesDirectoryName)) localVersion = 0;
+ else if (_CFBundleSortedArrayContains(contents, _CFBundleSupportFilesDirectoryName2)) localVersion = 2;
+ else if (_CFBundleSortedArrayContains(contents, _CFBundleSupportFilesDirectoryName1)) localVersion = 1;
} else {
- if (CFArrayContainsValue(contents, contentsRange, _CFBundleSupportFilesDirectoryName2)) localVersion = 2;
- else if (CFArrayContainsValue(contents, contentsRange, _CFBundleResourcesDirectoryName)) localVersion = 0;
- else if (CFArrayContainsValue(contents, contentsRange, _CFBundleSupportFilesDirectoryName1)) localVersion = 1;
+ if (_CFBundleSortedArrayContains(contents, _CFBundleSupportFilesDirectoryName2)) localVersion = 2;
+ else if (_CFBundleSortedArrayContains(contents, _CFBundleResourcesDirectoryName)) localVersion = 0;
+ else if (_CFBundleSortedArrayContains(contents, _CFBundleSupportFilesDirectoryName1)) localVersion = 1;
if (localVersion == 3) {
+ if (CFStringHasSuffix(CFURLGetString(url), CFSTR(".framework/")) || CFStringHasSuffix(CFURLGetString(url), CFSTR(".framework\\"))) {
if (CFStringHasSuffix(CFURLGetString(url), CFSTR(".framework/"))) {
if (_CFBundleURLHasSubDir(url, _CFBundleResourcesURLFromBase0)) localVersion = 0;
else if (_CFBundleURLHasSubDir(url, _CFBundleSupportFilesURLFromBase2)) localVersion = 2;
else if (_CFBundleURLHasSubDir(url, _CFBundleSupportFilesURLFromBase1)) localVersion = 1;
else if (_CFBundleURLHasSubDir(url, _CFBundleResourcesURLFromBase0)) localVersion = 0;
else if (_CFBundleURLHasSubDir(url, _CFBundleSupportFilesURLFromBase1)) localVersion = 1;
- if (CFStringHasSuffix(CFURLGetString(url), CFSTR(".framework\\"))) {
- if (_CFBundleURLHasSubDir(url, _CFBundleResourcesURLFromBase0)) localVersion = 0;
- else if (_CFBundleURLHasSubDir(url, _CFBundleSupportFilesURLFromBase2)) localVersion = 2;
- else if (_CFBundleURLHasSubDir(url, _CFBundleSupportFilesURLFromBase1)) localVersion = 1;
- } else {
- if (_CFBundleURLHasSubDir(url, _CFBundleSupportFilesURLFromBase2)) localVersion = 2;
- else if (_CFBundleURLHasSubDir(url, _CFBundleResourcesURLFromBase0)) localVersion = 0;
- else if (_CFBundleURLHasSubDir(url, _CFBundleSupportFilesURLFromBase1)) localVersion = 1;
- }
-#error Unknown or unspecified DEPLOYMENT_TARGET
if (version) *version = localVersion;
return (localVersion != 3);
+static Boolean _isValidPlatformSuffix(CFStringRef suffix) {
+ for (CFIndex idx = 0; idx < _CFBundleNumberOfPlatforms; idx++) {
+ if (CFEqual(suffix, _CFBundleSupportedPlatforms[idx])) return true;
+ }
+ return false;
+static Boolean _isValidProductSuffix(CFStringRef suffix) {
+ for (CFIndex idx = 0; idx < _CFBundleNumberOfProducts; idx++) {
+ if (CFEqual(suffix, _CFBundleSupportedProducts[idx])) return true;
+ }
+ return false;
+static Boolean _isValidiPhoneOSPlatformProductSuffix(CFStringRef suffix) {
+ for (CFIndex idx = 0; idx < _CFBundleNumberOfiPhoneOSPlatformProducts; idx++) {
+ if (CFEqual(suffix, _CFBundleSupportediPhoneOSPlatformProducts[idx])) return true;
+ }
+ return false;
+static Boolean _isValidPlatformAndProductSuffixPair(CFStringRef platform, CFStringRef product) {
+ if (!platform && !product) return true;
+ if (!platform) {
+ return _isValidProductSuffix(product);
+ }
+ if (!product) {
+ return _isValidPlatformSuffix(platform);
+ }
+ if (CFEqual(platform, _CFBundleiPhoneOSPlatformName)) {
+ return _isValidiPhoneOSPlatformProductSuffix(product);
+ }
+ return false;
+static Boolean _isBlacklistedKey(CFStringRef keyName) {
+#define _CFBundleNumberOfBlacklistedInfoDictionaryKeys 2
+ static const CFStringRef _CFBundleBlacklistedInfoDictionaryKeys[_CFBundleNumberOfBlacklistedInfoDictionaryKeys] = { CFSTR("CFBundleExecutable"), CFSTR("CFBundleIdentifier") };
+ for (CFIndex idx = 0; idx < _CFBundleNumberOfBlacklistedInfoDictionaryKeys; idx++) {
+ if (CFEqual(keyName, _CFBundleBlacklistedInfoDictionaryKeys[idx])) return true;
+ }
+ return false;
+static Boolean _isOverrideKey(CFStringRef fullKey, CFStringRef *outBaseKey, CFStringRef *outPlatformSuffix, CFStringRef *outProductSuffix) {
+ if (outBaseKey) {
+ *outBaseKey = NULL;
+ }
+ if (outPlatformSuffix) {
+ *outPlatformSuffix = NULL;
+ }
+ if (outProductSuffix) {
+ *outProductSuffix = NULL;
+ }
+ if (!fullKey)
+ return false;
+ CFRange minusRange = CFStringFind(fullKey, CFSTR("-"), kCFCompareBackwards);
+ CFRange tildeRange = CFStringFind(fullKey, CFSTR("~"), kCFCompareBackwards);
+ if (minusRange.location == kCFNotFound && tildeRange.location == kCFNotFound) return false;
+ // minus must come before tilde if both are present
+ if (minusRange.location != kCFNotFound && tildeRange.location != kCFNotFound && tildeRange.location <= minusRange.location) return false;
+ CFIndex strLen = CFStringGetLength(fullKey);
+ CFRange baseKeyRange = (minusRange.location != kCFNotFound) ? CFRangeMake(0, minusRange.location) : CFRangeMake(0, tildeRange.location);
+ CFRange platformRange = CFRangeMake(kCFNotFound, 0);
+ CFRange productRange = CFRangeMake(kCFNotFound, 0);
+ if (minusRange.location != kCFNotFound) {
+ platformRange.location = minusRange.location + minusRange.length;
+ platformRange.length = ((tildeRange.location != kCFNotFound) ? tildeRange.location : strLen) - platformRange.location;
+ }
+ if (tildeRange.location != kCFNotFound) {
+ productRange.location = tildeRange.location + tildeRange.length;
+ productRange.length = strLen - productRange.location;
+ }
+ if (baseKeyRange.length < 1) return false;
+ if (platformRange.location != kCFNotFound && platformRange.length < 1) return false;
+ if (productRange.location != kCFNotFound && productRange.length < 1) return false;
+ CFStringRef platform = (platformRange.location != kCFNotFound) ? CFStringCreateWithSubstring(kCFAllocatorSystemDefaultGCRefZero, fullKey, platformRange) : NULL;
+ CFStringRef product = (productRange.location != kCFNotFound) ? CFStringCreateWithSubstring(kCFAllocatorSystemDefaultGCRefZero, fullKey, productRange) : NULL;
+ Boolean result = _isValidPlatformAndProductSuffixPair(platform, product);
+ if (result) {
+ if (outBaseKey) {
+ *outBaseKey = CFStringCreateWithSubstring(kCFAllocatorSystemDefaultGCRefZero, fullKey, baseKeyRange);
+ }
+ if (outPlatformSuffix) {
+ *outPlatformSuffix = platform;
+ } else {
+ if (platform && !_CFAllocatorIsGCRefZero(kCFAllocatorSystemDefaultGCRefZero)) CFRelease(platform);
+ }
+ if (outProductSuffix) {
+ *outProductSuffix = product;
+ } else {
+ if (product && !_CFAllocatorIsGCRefZero(kCFAllocatorSystemDefaultGCRefZero)) CFRelease(product);
+ }
+ } else {
+ if (platform && !_CFAllocatorIsGCRefZero(kCFAllocatorSystemDefaultGCRefZero)) CFRelease(platform);
+ if (product && !_CFAllocatorIsGCRefZero(kCFAllocatorSystemDefaultGCRefZero)) CFRelease(product);
+ }
+ return result;
+static Boolean _isCurrentPlatformAndProduct(CFStringRef platform, CFStringRef product) {
+ if (!platform && !product) return true;
+ if (!platform) {
+ return CFEqual(_CFGetProductName(), product);
+ }
+ if (!product) {
+ return CFEqual(_CFGetPlatformName(), platform);
+ }
+ return CFEqual(_CFGetProductName(), product) && CFEqual(_CFGetPlatformName(), platform);
+static CFArrayRef _CopySortedOverridesForBaseKey(CFStringRef keyName, CFDictionaryRef dict) {
+ CFMutableArrayRef overrides = CFArrayCreateMutable(kCFAllocatorSystemDefaultGCRefZero, 0, &kCFTypeArrayCallBacks);
+ CFStringRef keyNameWithBoth = CFStringCreateWithFormat(kCFAllocatorSystemDefaultGCRefZero, NULL, CFSTR("%@-%@~%@"), keyName, _CFGetPlatformName(), _CFGetProductName());
+ CFStringRef keyNameWithProduct = CFStringCreateWithFormat(kCFAllocatorSystemDefaultGCRefZero, NULL, CFSTR("%@~%@"), keyName, _CFGetProductName());
+ CFStringRef keyNameWithPlatform = CFStringCreateWithFormat(kCFAllocatorSystemDefaultGCRefZero, NULL, CFSTR("%@-%@"), keyName, _CFGetPlatformName());
+ CFIndex count = CFDictionaryGetCount(dict);
+ if (count > 0) {
+ CFTypeRef *keys = (CFTypeRef *)CFAllocatorAllocate(kCFAllocatorSystemDefaultGCRefZero, 2 * count * sizeof(CFTypeRef), 0);
+ CFTypeRef *values = &(keys[count]);
+ CFDictionaryGetKeysAndValues(dict, keys, values);
+ for (CFIndex idx = 0; idx < count; idx++) {
+ if (CFEqual(keys[idx], keyNameWithBoth)) {
+ CFArrayAppendValue(overrides, keys[idx]);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ for (CFIndex idx = 0; idx < count; idx++) {
+ if (CFEqual(keys[idx], keyNameWithProduct)) {
+ CFArrayAppendValue(overrides, keys[idx]);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ for (CFIndex idx = 0; idx < count; idx++) {
+ if (CFEqual(keys[idx], keyNameWithPlatform)) {
+ CFArrayAppendValue(overrides, keys[idx]);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ for (CFIndex idx = 0; idx < count; idx++) {
+ if (CFEqual(keys[idx], keyName)) {
+ CFArrayAppendValue(overrides, keys[idx]);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if (!_CFAllocatorIsGCRefZero(kCFAllocatorSystemDefaultGCRefZero)) {
+ CFAllocatorDeallocate(kCFAllocatorSystemDefaultGCRefZero, keys);
+ }
+ }
+ if (!_CFAllocatorIsGCRefZero(kCFAllocatorSystemDefaultGCRefZero)) {
+ CFRelease(keyNameWithProduct);
+ CFRelease(keyNameWithPlatform);
+ CFRelease(keyNameWithBoth);
+ }
+ return overrides;
+__private_extern__ void _processInfoDictionary(CFMutableDictionaryRef dict, CFStringRef platformSuffix, CFStringRef productSuffix) {
+ CFIndex count = CFDictionaryGetCount(dict);
+ if (count > 0) {
+ CFTypeRef *keys = (CFTypeRef *)CFAllocatorAllocate(kCFAllocatorSystemDefaultGCRefZero, 2 * count * sizeof(CFTypeRef), 0);
+ CFTypeRef *values = &(keys[count]);
+ CFMutableArrayRef guard = CFArrayCreateMutable(kCFAllocatorSystemDefaultGCRefZero, 0, &kCFTypeArrayCallBacks);
+ CFDictionaryGetKeysAndValues(dict, keys, values);
+ for (CFIndex idx = 0; idx < count; idx++) {
+ CFStringRef keyPlatformSuffix, keyProductSuffix, keyName;
+ if (_isOverrideKey((CFStringRef)keys[idx], &keyName, &keyPlatformSuffix, &keyProductSuffix)) {
+ CFArrayRef keysForBaseKey = NULL;
+ if (_isCurrentPlatformAndProduct(keyPlatformSuffix, keyProductSuffix) && !_isBlacklistedKey(keyName) && CFDictionaryContainsKey(dict, keys[idx])) {
+ keysForBaseKey = _CopySortedOverridesForBaseKey(keyName, dict);
+ CFIndex keysForBaseKeyCount = CFArrayGetCount(keysForBaseKey);
+ //make sure the other keys for this base key don't get released out from under us until we're done
+ CFArrayAppendValue(guard, keysForBaseKey);
+ //the winner for this base key will be sorted to the front, do the override with it
+ CFTypeRef highestPriorityKey = CFArrayGetValueAtIndex(keysForBaseKey, 0);
+ CFDictionarySetValue(dict, keyName, CFDictionaryGetValue(dict, highestPriorityKey));
+ //remove everything except the now-overridden key; this will cause them to fail the CFDictionaryContainsKey(dict, keys[idx]) check in the enclosing if() and not be reprocessed
+ for (CFIndex presentKeysIdx = 0; presentKeysIdx < keysForBaseKeyCount; presentKeysIdx++) {
+ CFStringRef currentKey = (CFStringRef)CFArrayGetValueAtIndex(keysForBaseKey, presentKeysIdx);
+ if (!CFEqual(currentKey, keyName))
+ CFDictionaryRemoveValue(dict, currentKey);
+ }
+ } else {
+ CFDictionaryRemoveValue(dict, keys[idx]);
+ }
+ if (!_CFAllocatorIsGCRefZero(kCFAllocatorSystemDefaultGCRefZero)) {
+ if (keyPlatformSuffix) CFRelease(keyPlatformSuffix);
+ if (keyProductSuffix) CFRelease(keyProductSuffix);
+ CFRelease(keyName);
+ if (keysForBaseKey) CFRelease(keysForBaseKey);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (!_CFAllocatorIsGCRefZero(kCFAllocatorSystemDefaultGCRefZero)) {
+ CFAllocatorDeallocate(kCFAllocatorSystemDefaultGCRefZero, keys);
+ CFRelease(guard);
+ }
+ }
+// returns zero-ref dictionary under GC if given kCFAllocatorSystemDefaultGCRefZero
__private_extern__ CFDictionaryRef _CFBundleCopyInfoDictionaryInDirectory(CFAllocatorRef alloc, CFURLRef url, uint8_t *version) {
CFDictionaryRef dict = NULL;
unsigned char buff[CFMaxPathSize];
uint8_t localVersion = 0;
if (CFURLGetFileSystemRepresentation(url, true, buff, CFMaxPathSize)) {
- CFURLRef newURL = CFURLCreateFromFileSystemRepresentation(alloc, buff, strlen((char *)buff), true);
+ CFURLRef newURL = CFURLCreateFromFileSystemRepresentation(kCFAllocatorSystemDefault, buff, strlen((char *)buff), true);
if (!newURL) newURL = (CFURLRef)CFRetain(url);
// version 3 is for flattened pseudo-bundles with no Contents, Support Files, or Resources directories
return dict;
+// returns zero-ref dictionary under GC if given kCFAllocatorSystemDefaultGCRefZero
__private_extern__ CFDictionaryRef _CFBundleCopyInfoDictionaryInDirectoryWithVersion(CFAllocatorRef alloc, CFURLRef url, uint8_t version) {
CFDictionaryRef result = NULL;
if (url) {
if (0 == version) {
- directoryURL = CFURLCreateWithString(alloc, _CFBundleResourcesURLFromBase0, url);
+ directoryURL = CFURLCreateWithString(kCFAllocatorSystemDefault, _CFBundleResourcesURLFromBase0, url);
infoURLFromBaseNoExtension = _CFBundleInfoURLFromBaseNoExtension0;
infoURLFromBase = _CFBundleInfoURLFromBase0;
} else if (1 == version) {
- directoryURL = CFURLCreateWithString(alloc, _CFBundleSupportFilesURLFromBase1, url);
+ directoryURL = CFURLCreateWithString(kCFAllocatorSystemDefault, _CFBundleSupportFilesURLFromBase1, url);
infoURLFromBaseNoExtension = _CFBundleInfoURLFromBaseNoExtension1;
infoURLFromBase = _CFBundleInfoURLFromBase1;
} else if (2 == version) {
- directoryURL = CFURLCreateWithString(alloc, _CFBundleSupportFilesURLFromBase2, url);
+ directoryURL = CFURLCreateWithString(kCFAllocatorSystemDefault, _CFBundleSupportFilesURLFromBase2, url);
infoURLFromBaseNoExtension = _CFBundleInfoURLFromBaseNoExtension2;
infoURLFromBase = _CFBundleInfoURLFromBase2;
if (directoryURL) {
absoluteURL = CFURLCopyAbsoluteURL(directoryURL);
directoryPath = CFURLCopyFileSystemPath(absoluteURL, PLATFORM_PATH_STYLE);
- contents = _CFBundleCopyDirectoryContentsAtPath(directoryPath, _CFBundleAllContents);
+ contents = _CFBundleCopySortedDirectoryContentsAtPath(directoryPath, _CFBundleAllContents);
contentsRange = CFRangeMake(0, CFArrayGetCount(contents));
memmove(buff + len, _PlatformUniChars, _PlatformLen * sizeof(UniChar));
len += _PlatformLen;
_CFAppendPathExtension(buff, &len, CFMaxPathSize, _InfoExtensionUniChars, _InfoExtensionLen);
- cheapStr = CFStringCreateMutable(alloc, 0);
+ cheapStr = CFStringCreateMutable(kCFAllocatorSystemDefault, 0);
CFStringAppendCharacters(cheapStr, buff, len);
- infoURL = CFURLCreateWithString(alloc, cheapStr, url);
+ infoURL = CFURLCreateWithString(kCFAllocatorSystemDefault, cheapStr, url);
if (contents) {
CFIndex resourcesLen, idx;
- if (tryPlatformSpecific) CFURLCreateDataAndPropertiesFromResource(alloc, infoURL, &infoData, NULL, NULL, NULL);
+ if (tryPlatformSpecific) CFURLCreateDataAndPropertiesFromResource(kCFAllocatorSystemDefault, infoURL, &infoData, NULL, NULL, NULL);
//fprintf(stderr, "looking for ");CFShow(infoURL);fprintf(stderr, infoData ? "found it\n" : (tryPlatformSpecific ? "missed it\n" : "skipped it\n"));
if (!infoData) {
// Check for global Info.plist
- infoURL = CFURLCreateWithString(alloc, infoURLFromBase, url);
+ infoURL = CFURLCreateWithString(kCFAllocatorSystemDefault, infoURLFromBase, url);
if (contents) {
CFIndex idx;
- if (tryGlobal) CFURLCreateDataAndPropertiesFromResource(alloc, infoURL, &infoData, NULL, NULL, NULL);
+ if (tryGlobal) CFURLCreateDataAndPropertiesFromResource(kCFAllocatorSystemDefault, infoURL, &infoData, NULL, NULL, NULL);
//fprintf(stderr, "looking for ");CFShow(infoURL);fprintf(stderr, infoData ? "found it\n" : (tryGlobal ? "missed it\n" : "skipped it\n"));
if (CFDictionaryGetTypeID() == CFGetTypeID(result)) {
CFDictionarySetValue((CFMutableDictionaryRef)result, _kCFBundleInfoPlistURLKey, infoURL);
} else {
- CFRelease(result);
+ if (!_CFAllocatorIsGCRefZero(alloc)) CFRelease(result);
result = NULL;
if (contents) CFRelease(contents);
+ _processInfoDictionary((CFMutableDictionaryRef)result, _CFGetPlatformName(), _CFGetProductName());
return result;
CFDataRef pkgInfoData = NULL;
// Check for a "real" new bundle
- tempURL = CFURLCreateWithString(alloc, _CFBundlePkgInfoURLFromBase2, url);
- CFURLCreateDataAndPropertiesFromResource(alloc, tempURL, &pkgInfoData, NULL, NULL, NULL);
+ tempURL = CFURLCreateWithString(kCFAllocatorSystemDefault, _CFBundlePkgInfoURLFromBase2, url);
+ CFURLCreateDataAndPropertiesFromResource(kCFAllocatorSystemDefault, tempURL, &pkgInfoData, NULL, NULL, NULL);
if (!pkgInfoData) {
- tempURL = CFURLCreateWithString(alloc, _CFBundlePkgInfoURLFromBase1, url);
- CFURLCreateDataAndPropertiesFromResource(alloc, tempURL, &pkgInfoData, NULL, NULL, NULL);
+ tempURL = CFURLCreateWithString(kCFAllocatorSystemDefault, _CFBundlePkgInfoURLFromBase1, url);
+ CFURLCreateDataAndPropertiesFromResource(kCFAllocatorSystemDefault, tempURL, &pkgInfoData, NULL, NULL, NULL);
if (!pkgInfoData) {
// Check for a "pseudo" new bundle
- tempURL = CFURLCreateWithString(alloc, _CFBundlePseudoPkgInfoURLFromBase, url);
- CFURLCreateDataAndPropertiesFromResource(alloc, tempURL, &pkgInfoData, NULL, NULL, NULL);
+ tempURL = CFURLCreateWithString(kCFAllocatorSystemDefault, _CFBundlePseudoPkgInfoURLFromBase, url);
+ CFURLCreateDataAndPropertiesFromResource(kCFAllocatorSystemDefault, tempURL, &pkgInfoData, NULL, NULL, NULL);
if (pkgInfoData) CFRelease(pkgInfoData);
if (!retVal) {
if (!infoDict) {
- infoDict = _CFBundleCopyInfoDictionaryInDirectory(alloc, url, NULL);
+ infoDict = _CFBundleCopyInfoDictionaryInDirectory(kCFAllocatorSystemDefaultGCRefZero, url, NULL);
releaseInfoDict = true;
if (infoDict) {
if (packageCreator) *packageCreator = CFSwapInt32BigToHost(tmp);
retVal = hasCreator = true;
- if (releaseInfoDict) CFRelease(infoDict);
+ if (releaseInfoDict && !_CFAllocatorIsGCRefZero(kCFAllocatorSystemDefaultGCRefZero)) CFRelease(infoDict);
if (!hasType || !hasCreator) {
CF_EXPORT void CFBundleGetPackageInfo(CFBundleRef bundle, UInt32 *packageType, UInt32 *packageCreator) {
CFURLRef bundleURL = CFBundleCopyBundleURL(bundle);
- if (!_CFBundleGetPackageInfoInDirectoryWithInfoDictionary(CFGetAllocator(bundle), bundleURL, CFBundleGetInfoDictionary(bundle), packageType, packageCreator)) {
+ if (!_CFBundleGetPackageInfoInDirectoryWithInfoDictionary(kCFAllocatorSystemDefault, bundleURL, CFBundleGetInfoDictionary(bundle), packageType, packageCreator)) {
if (packageType) *packageType = 0x424e444c; // 'BNDL'
if (packageCreator) *packageCreator = 0x3f3f3f3f; // '????'
UniChar buff[CFMaxPathSize];
CFIndex buffLen, infoLen = CFStringGetLength(_CFBundleInfoURLFromBaseNoExtension3), startLen, extLen = CFStringGetLength(_CFBundleInfoExtension);
if (infoPlistURL) {
- CFMutableArrayRef mutableArray = CFArrayCreateMutable(CFGetAllocator(bundle), 0, &kCFTypeArrayCallBacks);
+ CFMutableArrayRef mutableArray = CFArrayCreateMutable(kCFAllocatorSystemDefault, 0, &kCFTypeArrayCallBacks);
absoluteURL = CFURLCopyAbsoluteURL(infoPlistURL);
infoPlistPath = CFURLCopyFileSystemPath(absoluteURL, PLATFORM_PATH_STYLE);
if (resourcesURL) {
absoluteURL = CFURLCopyAbsoluteURL(resourcesURL);
directoryPath = CFURLCopyFileSystemPath(absoluteURL, PLATFORM_PATH_STYLE);
- contents = _CFBundleCopyDirectoryContentsAtPath(directoryPath, _CFBundleAllContents);
+ contents = _CFBundleCopySortedDirectoryContentsAtPath(directoryPath, _CFBundleAllContents);
contentsRange = CFRangeMake(0, CFArrayGetCount(contents));
for (idx = 0; idx < contentsRange.length; idx++) {
CFStringRef name = CFArrayGetValueAtIndex(contents, idx);
Boolean isDir = false;
if (_CFIsResourceAtURL(url, &isDir)) {
if (isDir) {
- result = _CFBundleCopyInfoDictionaryInDirectory(kCFAllocatorSystemDefault, url, NULL);
+ result = _CFBundleCopyInfoDictionaryInDirectory(kCFAllocatorSystemDefaultGCRefZero, url, NULL);
} else {
- result = _CFBundleCopyInfoDictionaryInExecutable(url);
+ result = _CFBundleCopyInfoDictionaryInExecutable(url); // return zero-ref dictionary under GC
+ if (result && _CFAllocatorIsGCRefZero(kCFAllocatorSystemDefaultGCRefZero)) CFRetain(result); // conditionally put on a retain for a Copy function
return result;
result = CFBundleCopyBundleLocalizations(bundle);
} else {
- CFDictionaryRef infoDict = _CFBundleCopyInfoDictionaryInExecutable(url);
+ CFDictionaryRef infoDict = _CFBundleCopyInfoDictionaryInExecutable(url); // return zero-ref dictionary under GC
if (infoDict) {
CFArrayRef predefinedLocalizations = (CFArrayRef)CFDictionaryGetValue(infoDict, kCFBundleLocalizationsKey);
if (predefinedLocalizations && CFGetTypeID(predefinedLocalizations) == CFArrayGetTypeID()) result = (CFArrayRef)CFRetain(predefinedLocalizations);
devLang = (CFStringRef)CFDictionaryGetValue(infoDict, kCFBundleDevelopmentRegionKey);
if (devLang && (CFGetTypeID(devLang) == CFStringGetTypeID() && CFStringGetLength(devLang) > 0)) result = CFArrayCreate(kCFAllocatorSystemDefault, (const void **)&devLang, 1, &kCFTypeArrayCallBacks);
- CFRelease(infoDict);
+ if (!_CFAllocatorIsGCRefZero(kCFAllocatorSystemDefaultGCRefZero)) CFRelease(infoDict);
return result;