- * Copyright (c) 2000 Apple Computer, Inc. All rights reserved.
+ * Copyright (c) 2000-2007 Apple Inc. All rights reserved.
- * The contents of this file constitute Original Code as defined in and
- * are subject to the Apple Public Source License Version 1.1 (the
- * "License"). You may not use this file except in compliance with the
- * License. Please obtain a copy of the License at
- * http://www.apple.com/publicsource and read it before using this file.
+ * This file contains Original Code and/or Modifications of Original Code
+ * as defined in and that are subject to the Apple Public Source License
+ * Version 2.0 (the 'License'). You may not use this file except in
+ * compliance with the License. The rights granted to you under the License
+ * may not be used to create, or enable the creation or redistribution of,
+ * unlawful or unlicensed copies of an Apple operating system, or to
+ * circumvent, violate, or enable the circumvention or violation of, any
+ * terms of an Apple operating system software license agreement.
- * This Original Code and all software distributed under the License are
- * distributed on an "AS IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER
+ * Please obtain a copy of the License at
+ * http://www.opensource.apple.com/apsl/ and read it before using this file.
+ *
+ * The Original Code and all software distributed under the License are
+ * distributed on an 'AS IS' basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER
- * License for the specific language governing rights and limitations
- * under the License.
+ * Please see the License for the specific language governing rights and
+ * limitations under the License.
* main.c - Main functions for BootX.
#include <sl.h>
#include "aes.h"
#include <IOKit/IOHibernatePrivate.h>
+#include <bootfiles.h>
static void Start(void *unused1, void *unused2, ClientInterfacePtr ciPtr);
static void Main(ClientInterfacePtr ciPtr);
static long GetOFVersion(void);
static long TestForKey(long key);
static long GetBootPaths(void);
-static long ReadBootPlist(char *devSpec);
+static long ReadBootPlist(char *devSpec, char *rpsDir);
+static long FindRPSDir(char *bootDevice, char **rpsDir);
const unsigned long StartTVector[2] = {(unsigned long)Start, 0};
#define kBootpBootFileOffset (108)
+#define UUIDLEN 63
static long GetBootPaths(void)
long ret, cnt, cnt2, cnt3, cnt4, size, partNum, bootplen, bsdplen;
unsigned long adler32;
- char *filePath, *buffer, uuidStr[64];
+ char *filePath, *buffer, uuidStr[UUIDLEN+1] = { '\0' };
+ char *rpsDir = ""; // perhaps to be one of "com.apple.Boot.[RPS]"
+printf("accessing the first few bytes of memory...\n");
+unsigned *mem = NULL;
+for(cnt=0; cnt<10; cnt++)
+printf("mem[%d]: %x ('%c')\n", cnt, mem[cnt], mem[cnt]);
if (gBootSourceNumber == -1) {
// Get the boot device and derive its type
// (try chosen "bootpath", then boot-device in the options)
//strcpy(gBootDevice, "fw/node@50770e0000725b/sbp-2@4000/@0:3"); // m120
- // Look for Boot.plist-based booter stuff (like RAID :)
- ret = ReadBootPlist(gBootDevice);
+ // check for Boot != Root
+ ret = FindRPSDir(gBootDevice, &rpsDir); // rpsDir set on success
if (ret == 0) {
- // success -> gBootDevice = "AppleRAID/#:0,\\\\:tbxi"
- (void)LookForRAID(gBootDict); // could take gBootDevice?
+ SetProp(gChosenPH, kBootRootActiveKey, NULL, 0); // crumb for the OS
+ // would be nice to set gBootSourceNumberMax = 1, but overridden below
+ }
+ // Load any Boot.plist data (for Tiger RAID, BootRoot, etc)
+ ret = ReadBootPlist(gBootDevice, rpsDir); // sets gBootDict on success
+ if (ret == 0) {
+ // XX until we decide to be rid of the RAID implementation, short-
+ // circuit common 10.5 case (Boot.plist exists but doesn't mean RAID)
+ if (gBootDict->type != kTagTypeDict ||
+ GetProperty(gBootDict, kKernelNameKey) == NULL) {
+ (void)LookForRAID(gBootDict); // might change gBootDevice
+ // LFR() success -> gBootDevice = "AppleRAID/#:0,\\:tbxi"
+ }
// note RAID itself is of "block" type like members
gBootDeviceType = GetDeviceType(gBootDevice);
// Construct the boot-file
strncpy(gBootFile, gBootDevice, cnt + 1);
- sprintf(gBootFile + cnt + 1, "%d,%s\\mach_kernel",
- partNum, ((gBootSourceNumber & 1) ? "" : "\\"));
+ sprintf(gBootFile + cnt + 1, "%d,%s%s\\mach_kernel",
+ partNum, ((gBootSourceNumber & 1) ? "" : "\\"), rpsDir);
// and the cache file name
strcat(gExtensionsSpec, ",");
- // Add in any extra path to gRootDir.
+ // Add in any extra path to gRootDir (handles com.apple.boot.[RPS]).
cnt = 0;
while (filePath[cnt] != '\0') cnt++;
// technically could just do this once at the end
SetProp(gChosenPH, "rootpath", gBootFile, strlen(gBootFile) + 1);
- if (GetFSUUID(gBootFile, uuidStr) == 0) {
+ if (gBootDict && gBootDict->type == kTagTypeDict) {
+ TagPtr prop = GetProperty(gBootDict, kRootUUIDKey);
+ if (prop && prop->type == kTagTypeString)
+ strncpy(uuidStr, prop->string, UUIDLEN);
+ }
+ if (uuidStr[0] == '\0') {
+ (void)GetFSUUID(gBootFile, uuidStr);
+ }
+ if (uuidStr[0]) {
printf("setting boot-uuid to: %s\n", uuidStr);
SetProp(gChosenPH, "boot-uuid", uuidStr, strlen(uuidStr) + 1);
return 0;
-#define BOOTPLIST_PATH "com.apple.Boot.plist"
+ * FindRPSDir looks for a "rock," "paper," or "scissors" directory
+ * - handle all permutations: 3 dirs, any 2 dirs, any 1 dir
+ */
+#define SPECLEN 1024
+static char rootDirSpec[SPECLEN+1]; // not sure how big our stacks are
+static long FindRPSDir(char *bootDevice, char **rpsDir)
+ long rval = 0;
+ long flags, time;
+ char haveR, haveP, haveS;
+ unsigned long index = 0;
+ char *curName;
+ haveR = haveP = haveS = 0;
+ // strip any file specifier and start at the root
+ if (ConvertFileSpec(bootDevice, rootDirSpec, NULL)) return -1;
+ strncat(rootDirSpec, ",\\", SPECLEN-strlen(rootDirSpec));
+ // walk the directory looking for com.apple.Boot.[RPS]
+ while (GetDirEntry(rootDirSpec, &index, &curName, &flags, &time) != -1) {
+ if (!strcmp(curName, kBootDirR)) { haveR = 1; continue; }
+ if (!strcmp(curName, kBootDirP)) { haveP = 1; continue; }
+ if (!strcmp(curName, kBootDirS)) { haveS = 1; continue; }
+ }
+ if (haveR && haveP && haveS) { // NComb(3,3) = 1
+ printf("WARNING: all of R,P,S exist: booting from 'R'\n");
+ *rpsDir = kBootDirR;
+ } else if (haveR && haveP) { // NComb(3,2) = 3
+ // p wins
+ *rpsDir = kBootDirP;
+ } else if (haveR && haveS) {
+ // r wins
+ *rpsDir = kBootDirR;
+ } else if (haveP && haveS) {
+ // s wins
+ *rpsDir = kBootDirS;
+ } else if (haveR) { // NComb(3,1) = 3
+ // wins by default
+ *rpsDir = kBootDirR;
+ } else if (haveP) {
+ // wins by default
+ *rpsDir = kBootDirP;
+ } else if (haveS) {
+ // wins by default
+ *rpsDir = kBootDirS;
+ } else { // NComb(3,0) = 0
+ rval = -1;
+ }
+ return rval;
-// ReadBootPlist could live elsewhere
-static long ReadBootPlist(char *devSpec)
+ * ReadBootPlist looks around for com.apple.Boot.plist, populates gBootDict
+ * could live elsewhere
+ */
+#define OF_BLESSEDDIR ",\\\\"
+#define BOOTPLIST_NAME "com.apple.Boot.plist"
+#define PREF_BOOTPLIST_PATH "\\Library\\Preferences\\SystemConfiguration\\" \
+static char plistSpec[SPECLEN+1]; // save stack space
+static long ReadBootPlist(char *devSpec, char *rpsDir)
- char plistSpec[256];
int len;
do {
- // construct the Boot.plist spec
if (ConvertFileSpec(devSpec, plistSpec, NULL)) break;
- strncat(plistSpec, ",\\\\", 255-strlen(plistSpec));
- strncat(plistSpec, BOOTPLIST_PATH, 255-strlen(plistSpec));
- // load the contents
- if ((len = LoadFile(plistSpec)) < 0) break;
- // we could try for the root as well as the blessed folder
+ strncat(plistSpec, ",", SPECLEN-strlen(plistSpec));
+ strncat(plistSpec, rpsDir, SPECLEN-strlen(plistSpec)); // may be ""
+ strncat(plistSpec, PREF_BOOTPLIST_PATH, SPECLEN-strlen(plistSpec));
+ // try to load the contents
+ if ((len = LoadFile(plistSpec)) < 0) {
+ // construct old-style spec for Boot.plist (in blessed folder == root)
+ if (ConvertFileSpec(devSpec, plistSpec, NULL)) break;
+ strncat(plistSpec, BOOTPLIST_PATH, SPECLEN-strlen(plistSpec));
+ // and try to load again
+ if ((len = LoadFile(plistSpec)) < 0) {
+ printf("couldn't load %s\n", BOOTPLIST_NAME);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
*((char*)kLoadAddr + len) = '\0'; // terminate for parser safety
if (ParseXML((char*)kLoadAddr, &gBootDict) < 0 || !gBootDict) {
- printf("couldn't parse %s\n", BOOTPLIST_PATH);
+ printf("couldn't parse %s\n", BOOTPLIST_NAME);