]> git.saurik.com Git - apple/bootx.git/blame - bootx.tproj/ci.subproj/Control2.c
[apple/bootx.git] / bootx.tproj / ci.subproj / Control2.c
2 * Copyright (c) 2000 Apple Computer, Inc. All rights reserved.
3 *
5 *
db839b1d 6 * Copyright (c) 1999-2003 Apple Computer, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
04fee52e 7 *
8 * This file contains Original Code and/or Modifications of Original Code
9 * as defined in and that are subject to the Apple Public Source License
10 * Version 2.0 (the 'License'). You may not use this file except in
11 * compliance with the License. Please obtain a copy of the License at
12 * http://www.opensource.apple.com/apsl/ and read it before using this
13 * file.
14 *
15 * The Original Code and all software distributed under the License are
16 * distributed on an 'AS IS' basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER
20 * Please see the License for the specific language governing rights and
21 * limitations under the License.
22 *
24 */
26 * Control2.c - OF replacement driver for Control.
27 *
28 * Copyright (c) 1998-2000 Apple Computer, Inc.
29 *
30 * DRI: Josh de Cesare
31 */
33const char *gControl2Source[] = {
34 "\" /chaos/control\" find-device "
35 "-1 value bankB? "
36 "-1 value REGS "
37 "-1 value FB-ADDRESS "
38 "-1 value phys-regs "
39 "-1 value phys-fb-address "
40 "0 value mono-mode? "
41 "0 value width "
42 "0 value height "
43 "0 value sense-code "
44 "0 value ext-sense "
45 "h# F301B000 constant RADACAL "
46 "h# F301B000 constant RADACAL-base "
47 "variable RGB-temp "
48 "struct "
49 "( 000 ) d# 16 field >C.CUR-LINE "
50 "( 010 ) d# 16 field >C.VFPEQ "
51 "( 020 ) d# 16 field >C.VFP "
52 "( 030 ) d# 16 field >C.VAL "
53 "( 040 ) d# 16 field >C.VBP "
54 "( 050 ) d# 16 field >C.VBPEQ "
55 "( 060 ) d# 16 field >C.VSYNC "
56 "( 070 ) d# 16 field >C.VHLINE "
57 "( 080 ) d# 16 field >C.PIPED "
58 "( 090 ) d# 16 field >C.HPIX "
59 "( 0A0 ) d# 16 field >C.HFP "
60 "( 0B0 ) d# 16 field >C.HAL "
61 "( 0C0 ) d# 16 field >C.HBWAY "
62 "( 0D0 ) d# 16 field >C.HSP "
63 "( 0E0 ) d# 16 field >C.HEQ "
64 "( 0F0 ) d# 16 field >C.HLFLN "
65 "( 100 ) d# 16 field >C.HSERR "
66 "( 110 ) d# 16 field >C.CNTTST "
67 "( 120 ) d# 16 field >C.TEST "
68 "( 130 ) d# 16 field >C.GBASE "
69 "( 140 ) d# 16 field >C.ROW-WORDS "
70 "( 150 ) d# 16 field >C.MON-SENSE "
71 "( 160 ) d# 16 field >C.ENABLE "
72 "( 170 ) d# 16 field >C.GSC-DIVIDE "
73 "( 180 ) d# 16 field >C.REFRESH-COUNT "
74 "( 190 ) d# 16 field >C.INT-ENABLE "
75 "( 1A0 ) d# 16 field >C.INT-STATUS "
76 "drop "
77 "struct "
78 "d# 16 field >R.REG-ADDR "
79 "d# 16 field >R.CRSR-PALETTE "
80 "d# 16 field >R.REG-DATA "
81 "d# 16 field >R.COLOR-PALETTE "
82 "drop "
83 "create k512x384@60 "
84 "h# 0E1B6210 L, "
85 "d# 811 w, d# 810 w, d# 42 w, d# 23 w, d# 4 w, d# 812 w, d# 814 w, d# 48 w, "
86 "d# 318 w, d# 305 w, d# 49 w, d# 15 w, d# 319 w, d# 8 w, d# 160 w, d# 304 w, "
87 "d# 2 w, d# 512 w, d# 384 w, "
88 "create k640x480@67 "
89 "h# 0E1B0210 L, "
90 "d# 1045 w, d# 1042 w, d# 82 w, d# 43 w, d# 4 w, d# 1048 w, d# 1050 w, d# 72 w, "
91 "d# 430 w, d# 393 w, d# 73 w, d# 31 w, d# 431 w, d# 16 w, d# 216 w, d# 400 w, "
92 "d# 2 w, d# 640 w, d# 480 w, "
93 "create k640x870@75 "
94 "h# 172A0310 L, "
95 "d# 1831 w, d# 1828 w, d# 88 w, d# 46 w, d# 4 w, d# 1834 w, d# 1836 w, d# 72 w, "
96 "d# 414 w, d# 393 w, d# 73 w, d# 39 w, d# 415 w, d# 20 w, d# 208 w, d# 376 w, "
97 "d# 2 w, d# 640 w, d# 870 w, "
98 "create k640x480@60VGA "
99 "h# 17250210 L, "
100 "d# 1037 w, d# 1026 w, d# 66 w, d# 34 w, d# 2 w, d# 1048 w, d# 1050 w, d# 64 w, "
101 "d# 398 w, d# 385 w, d# 65 w, d# 47 w, d# 399 w, d# 24 w, d# 200 w, d# 352 w, "
102 "d# 2 w, d# 640 w, d# 480 w, "
103 "create k832x624@75 "
104 "h# 172A0310 L, "
105 "d# 1331 w, d# 1330 w, d# 82 w, d# 43 w, d# 4 w, d# 1332 w, d# 1334 w, d# 136 w, "
106 "d# 574 w, d# 553 w, d# 137 w, d# 31 w, d# 575 w, d# 16 w, d# 288 w, d# 544 w, "
107 "d# 2 w, d# 832 w, d# 624 w, "
108 "create k1024x768@75 "
109 "h# 0B1C0310 L, "
110 "d# 1603 w, d# 1600 w, d# 64 w, d# 34 w, d# 4 w, d# 1606 w, d# 1608 w, d# 128 w, "
111 "d# 662 w, d# 641 w, d# 129 w, d# 47 w, d# 663 w, d# 24 w, d# 332 w, d# 616 w, "
112 "d# 2 w, d# 1024 w, d# 768 w, "
113 "create k1152x870@75 "
114 "h# 133D0310 L, "
115 "d# 1825 w, d# 1822 w, d# 82 w, d# 43 w, d# 4 w, d# 1828 w, d# 1830 w, d# 128 w, "
116 "d# 726 w, d# 705 w, d# 129 w, d# 63 w, d# 727 w, d# 32 w, d# 364 w, d# 664 w, "
117 "d# 2 w, d# 1152 w, d# 870 w, "
118 ": SENSE! 5 ms regs >C.MON-SENSE rl! 5 ms ; "
119 ": SENSE@ 5 ms regs >C.MON-SENSE rl@ 5 ms ; "
120 ": MON-SENSE ( -- ) "
121 "o# 70 sense! "
122 "sense@ 6 >> 7 and dup to sense-code "
123 "dup 6 < if "
124 "b# 1000000 or "
125 "else drop "
126 "o# 30 sense! "
127 "sense@ 2 >> b# 110000 and "
128 "o# 50 sense! "
129 "sense@ dup 4 >> b# 000100 and swap 5 >> b# 001000 and or or "
130 "o# 60 sense! sense@ 7 >> b# 000011 and or "
131 "to ext-sense "
132 "then "
133 "o# 70 sense! "
134 "; "
135 ": get-mode ( -- mode-table mono-mode? ) "
136 "sense-code case "
137 "0 of "
138 "false "
139 "k1152x870@75 "
140 "endof "
141 "1 of "
142 "true "
143 "k640x870@75 "
144 "endof "
145 "2 of "
146 "false "
147 "k512x384@60 "
148 "endof "
149 "3 of "
150 "true "
151 "k1152x870@75 "
152 "endof "
153 "5 of "
154 "false "
155 "k640x870@75 "
156 "endof "
157 "6 of "
158 "ext-sense case "
159 "3 of "
160 "false "
161 "k832x624@75 "
162 "endof "
163 "h# 0b of "
164 "false "
165 "k1024x768@75 "
166 "endof "
167 "h# 23 of "
168 "false "
169 "k1152x870@75 "
170 "endof "
171 "drop "
172 "false "
173 "k640x480@67 "
174 "0 endcase "
175 "endof "
176 "7 of "
177 "ext-sense case "
178 "h# 2d of "
179 "false "
180 "k832x624@75 "
181 "endof "
182 "h# 3a of "
183 "false "
184 "k1024x768@75 "
185 "endof "
186 "h# 17 of "
187 "false "
188 "k640x480@60VGA "
189 "endof "
190 "h# 3f of "
191 "false "
192 "0 "
193 "endof "
194 "drop "
195 "false "
196 "k640x480@67 "
197 "0 endcase "
198 "endof "
199 "drop "
200 "false "
201 "k640x480@67 "
202 "0 endcase "
203 "; "
205 "create std-16 "
206 "\" \"(000000 0000AA 00AA00 00AAAA AA0000 AA00AA AA5500 AAAAAA)\" $c, "
207 "\" \"(555555 5555FF 55FF55 55FFFF FF5555 FF55FF FFFF55 FFFFFF)\" $c, "
208 "create std-gamma "
209 "\" \"(00 05 09 0B 0E 10 13 15 17 19 1B 1D 1E 20 22 24)\" $c, "
210 "\" \"(25 27 28 2A 2C 2D 2F 30 31 33 34 36 37 38 3A 3B)\" $c, "
211 "\" \"(3C 3E 3F 40 42 43 44 45 47 48 49 4A 4B 4D 4E 4F)\" $c, "
212 "\" \"(50 51 52 54 55 56 57 58 59 5A 5B 5C 5E 5F 60 61)\" $c, "
213 "\" \"(62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 6A 6B 6C 6D 6E 6F 70 71)\" $c, "
214 "\" \"(72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 7A 7B 7C 7D 7E 7F 80 81)\" $c, "
215 "\" \"(81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 8A 8B 8C 8C 8D 8E 8F)\" $c, "
216 "\" \"(90 91 92 93 94 95 95 96 97 98 99 9A 9B 9B 9C 9D)\" $c, "
217 "\" \"(9E 9F A0 A1 A1 A2 A3 A4 A5 A6 A6 A7 A8 A9 AA AB)\" $c, "
218 "\" \"(AB AC AD AE AF B0 B0 B1 B2 B3 B4 B4 B5 B6 B7 B8)\" $c, "
219 "\" \"(B8 B9 BA BB BC BC BD BE BF C0 C0 C1 C2 C3 C3 C4)\" $c, "
220 "\" \"(C5 C6 C7 C7 C8 C9 CA CA CB CC CD CD CE CF D0 D0)\" $c, "
221 "\" \"(D1 D2 D3 D3 D4 D5 D6 D6 D7 D8 D9 D9 DA DB DC DC)\" $c, "
222 "\" \"(DD DE DF DF E0 E1 E1 E2 E3 E4 E4 E5 E6 E7 E7 E8)\" $c, "
223 "\" \"(E9 E9 EA EB EC EC ED EE EE EF F0 F1 F1 F2 F3 F3)\" $c, "
224 "\" \"(F4 F5 F5 F6 F7 F8 F8 F9 FA FA FB FC FC FD FE FF)\" $c, "
225 ": c+ ( adr -- adr+1 val ) "
226 "dup 1+ swap c@ "
227 "; "
228 ": c!+ ( adr val -- adr+1 ) "
229 "swap dup 1+ -rot c! "
230 "; "
231 ": do-gamma "
232 "std-gamma + c@ "
233 "; "
234 ": anti-gamma ( val -- orig ) "
235 "h# 100 0 do "
236 "std-gamma i + c@ over >= if "
237 "drop i unloop exit "
238 "then "
239 "loop "
240 "drop h# ff "
241 "; "
242 ": W@++ ( addr -- addr word ) "
243 "dup 2+ swap w@ "
244 "; "
245 ": CLUT@ ( -- ) "
246 "3 0 do RADACAL-base >R.COLOR-PALETTE rb@ loop 2 ms "
247 "; "
248 ": CLUT! ( -- ) "
249 "3 0 do RADACAL-base >R.COLOR-PALETTE rb! loop 2 ms "
250 "; "
251 ": RAD-REG-ADDR! "
252 "RADACAL-base >R.REG-ADDR rb! 2 ms "
253 "; "
254 ": RAD! ( c a -- ) "
255 "( a ) rad-reg-addr! "
256 "( c ) RADACAL-base >R.REG-DATA rb! 2 ms "
257 "; "
258 ": init-RADACAL ( val -- ) "
259 "( val ) h# 20 rad! "
260 "bankb? 1 and h# 21 rad! "
261 "0 h# 10 rad! "
262 "0 h# 11 rad! "
263 "; "
264 "h# F3016000 constant vPortB "
265 "h# F3016400 constant vDDRB "
266 "h# F3017400 constant vSHR "
267 "h# F3017600 constant vACR "
268 "h# F3017800 constant vPCR "
269 "h# F3017A00 constant vIFR "
270 "h# F3017C00 constant vIER "
271 "h# 0C constant kSRModeIn "
272 "h# 1C constant kSRModeOut "
273 "h# 04 constant kSRIReq "
274 "h# 10 constant kByteAckBit "
275 "h# DF constant kAssertTIP "
276 "h# 20 constant kNegateTIP "
277 "h# EF constant kAssertByteAck "
278 "h# 10 constant kNegateByteAck "
279 "h# 30 constant kTIPByteAckNeg "
280 "h# 08 constant kTREQBit "
281 ": setByteAck "
282 "vPortB rb@ swap if "
283 "kAssertByteAck and "
284 "else "
285 "kNegateByteAck or "
286 "then "
287 "vPortB rb! "
288 "; "
289 ": ToggleByteAck "
290 "vPortB rb@ kByteAckBit and setByteAck "
291 "; "
292 ": setTIP "
293 "vPortB rb@ swap if "
294 "kAssertTIP and "
295 "else "
296 "kTIPByteAckNeg or "
297 "then "
298 "vPortB rb! "
299 "; "
300 ": ?TREQ vPortB rb@ kTREQbit and 0= ; "
301 ": WaitTREQ "
302 "begin "
303 "?TREQ until "
304 "; "
305 ": WaitVIAInt "
306 "begin "
307 "vIFR rb@ kSRIReq and until "
308 "; "
309 ": WaitATTN "
310 "WaitVIAInt "
311 "vSHR rb@ drop "
312 "; "
313 ": get-response ( -- ) "
314 "WaitATTN "
315 "true setTIP "
316 "begin "
317 "WaitATTN "
318 "?TREQ while "
319 "ToggleByteAck "
320 "repeat "
321 "false setTIP "
322 "false setByteAck "
323 "WaitATTN "
324 "; "
325 ": start-send ( c -- ) "
326 "kSRModeOut vACR rb! "
327 "( c ) vSHR rb! "
328 "true setTIP "
329 "; "
330 ": cuda-write { _adr _len ; _actual _data } "
331 "?TREQ if get-response then "
332 "_adr c@ start-send "
333 "begin "
334 "WaitVIAInt "
335 "?TREQ while "
336 "vSHR rb@ drop "
337 "false setTIP "
338 "get-response "
339 "_adr c@ start-send "
340 "repeat "
341 "1 -> _actual "
342 "_len 1 ?do "
343 "_adr i + c@ vSHR rb! "
344 "_actual 1+ -> _actual "
345 "ToggleByteAck "
346 "WaitVIAInt "
347 "loop "
348 "2 ms "
349 "kSRModeIn vACR rb! "
350 "vSHR rb@ drop "
351 "false setTIP "
352 "false setByteAck "
353 "_actual "
354 "; "
355 ": cuda-read ( _adr _len -- _actual ) "
356 "get-response "
357 "nip "
358 "; "
359 "8 buffer: athens-data \" \"(012250FFFF)\" athens-data swap move "
360 "8 buffer: athens-rsp "
361 ": write-IIC ( -- ) "
362 "athens-data 5 cuda-write drop "
363 "athens-rsp 3 cuda-read drop "
364 "; "
365 ": init-ATHENS ( P2Mux N2 D2 -- ) "
366 "4 1 do "
367 "i athens-data 3 + c! ( val ) athens-data 4 + c! "
368 "( athens-data 5 dump cr ) "
369 "write-IIC "
370 "loop "
371 "; "
372 ": ping-CONTROL ( enable-bit -- ) "
373 "5 ms "
374 "dup 8 or swap "
375 "dup regs >C.TEST rl! 5 ms "
376 "swap dup regs >C.TEST rl! 5 ms "
377 "swap dup regs >C.TEST rl! 5 ms "
378 "swap dup regs >C.TEST rl! 5 ms "
379 "2drop "
380 "; "
381 ": reset-CONTROL "
382 "h# 433 ping-CONTROL "
383 "1 regs >C.GSC-DIVIDE rl! "
384 "; "
385 ": enable-CONTROL "
386 "h# 033 ping-CONTROL "
387 "; "
388 ": init-CONTROL ( tbl-ptr -- ) "
389 "-1 to bankb? "
390 "phys-fb-address dup h# 1000 _I_G do-map "
391 "h# 31 regs >C.ENABLE rl! "
392 "h# 12345678 phys-fb-address rl! "
393 "regs >C.ENABLE rl@ drop "
394 "h# 12345678 phys-fb-address rl@ <> "
395 "phys-fb-address h# 1000 do-unmap "
396 "if "
397 "0 to bankb? "
398 "phys-fb-address h# 600000 or to phys-fb-address "
399 "then "
400 "dup @ ( dup .h ) lbsplit init-ATHENS init-RADACAL cell+ "
401 "d# 16 0 do "
402 "w@++ ( dup .d ) regs >C.VFPEQ i 4 << + ( dup .h cr ) rl! "
403 "loop "
404 "w@++ regs >C.GSC-DIVIDE rl! "
405 "w@++ dup to width regs >C.ROW-WORDS rl! "
406 "w@ to height "
407 "h# 31 bankB? not 8 and or "
408 "little? 2 and or regs >C.ENABLE rl! "
409 "0 regs >C.GBASE rl! "
410 "h# 01e4 regs >C.REFRESH-COUNT rl! "
411 "0 regs >C.INT-ENABLE rl! "
412 "; "
413 ": my-open "
414 "\" assigned-addresses\" get-my-property "
415 "abort\" no REG property\" ( prop-adr prop-len ) "
416 "begin "
417 "dup 0> while "
418 "decode-int h# FF and >r decode-int drop decode-int >r "
419 "8 - swap 8 + swap ( prop-adr prop-len ) "
420 "r> r> case "
421 "h# 14 of "
422 "to phys-regs "
423 "endof "
424 "h# 18 of "
425 "h# 00800000 + to phys-fb-address "
426 "endof "
427 "swap drop "
428 "endcase "
429 "repeat "
430 "2drop "
431 "phys-regs 0 my-space h# 02000000 or h# 1000 \" map-in\" $call-parent to regs "
432 "reset-CONTROL "
433 "mon-sense "
434 "get-mode swap to mono-mode? "
435 "( mode-dependent-table-addr ) "
436 "dup 0= if "
437 "abort "
438 "then "
439 "( mode-dependent-table-addr ) "
440 "init-CONTROL "
441 "std-16 0 d# 16 set-colors "
442 "enable-CONTROL "
443 "phys-fb-address 0 my-space h# 02000000 or width height * \" map-in\" $call-parent to fb-address "
444 "fb-address width height * 7 fill "
445 "default-font set-font "
446 "width height over 20 - char-width / over 20 - char-height / fb8-install "
447 "width #columns char-width * - 2/ to window-left "
448 "height #lines char-height * - 2/ to window-top "
449 "fb-address to frame-buffer-adr "
450 "width encode-int \" width\" property "
451 "height encode-int \" height\" property "
452 "width encode-int \" linebytes\" property "
453 "8 encode-int \" depth\" property "
454 "; "
455 ": my-close "
456 "fb-address height width * \" map-out\" $call-parent "
457 "regs h# 1000 \" map-out\" $call-parent "
458 "; "
461 "width height "
462 "; "
463 ": SET-COLORS ( adr index #indices ) "
464 "swap RAD-REG-ADDR! "
465 "( #indices ) 0 ?do ( adr ) "
466 "mono-mode? if "
467 "c+ h# 4d * >r ( red adr ) "
468 "c+ h# 97 * >r ( red green adr ) "
469 "c+ h# 1c * ( red green blue adr ) "
470 "r> + r> + 8 >> ( luminance ) "
471 "do-gamma "
472 "dup "
473 "dup "
474 "CLUT! "
475 "( adr ) "
476 "else "
477 "c+ do-gamma swap ( R adr ) "
478 "c+ do-gamma swap ( R G adr ) "
479 "c+ do-gamma swap ( R G B adr ) "
480 ">r swap rot CLUT! r> ( B G R ) "
481 "then "
482 "loop ( adr ) "
483 "drop "
484 "; "
485 ": GET-COLORS ( adr index #indices -- ) "
486 "swap ( index ) RAD-REG-ADDR! ( #indices ) 0 ?do "
487 "CLUT@ anti-gamma >r anti-gamma >r anti-gamma ( R ) "
488 "c!+ r> c!+ r> c!+ "
489 "loop "
490 "drop "
491 "; "
492 ": COLOR! ( r g b index -- ) "
493 ">r RGB-temp 2+ c! RGB-temp 1+ c! RGB-temp c! "
494 "RGB-temp r> 1 set-colors "
495 "; "
496 ": COLOR@ ( index -- r g b ) "
497 "RGB-temp swap 1 get-colors "
498 "RGB-temp c+ swap c+ swap c@ "
499 "; "
500 ": rect-setup ( adr|index x y w h -- w adr|index xy-adr h ) "
501 ">r >r width * + fb-address + r> -rot r> "
502 "; "
503 ": DRAW-RECTANGLE ( adr x y w h -- ) "
504 "rect-setup "
505 "( h ) 0 ?do ( w adr xy-adr ) "
506 "2dup 4 pick move "
507 "2 pick width d+ "
508 "loop "
509 "3drop "
510 "; "
511 ": FILL-RECTANGLE ( index x y w h -- ) "
512 "rect-setup ( w index xy-adr h ) "
513 "( h ) 0 ?do ( w index xy-adr ) "
514 "dup 3 pick 3 pick fill "
515 "width + "
516 "loop "
517 "3drop "
518 "; "
519 ": READ-RECTANGLE ( adr x y w h -- ) "
520 "rect-setup >r swap r> ( w xy-adr adr h ) "
521 "( h ) 0 ?do "
522 "2dup 4 pick move "
523 "width 3 pick d+ "
524 "loop "
525 "3drop "
526 "; "
527 "['] my-open is-install "
528 "['] my-close is-remove "
530 " device-end",0};