2009-07-29 | Jean-Baptiste Queru | merge from donut | blob | commitdiff | raw |
2009-07-29 | Jean-Baptiste Queru | donut snapshot | blob | commitdiff | raw |
2009-07-26 | Jean-Baptiste Queru | Merge korg/donut into korg/master | blob | commitdiff | raw | diff to current |
2009-07-21 | Jean-Baptiste Queru | donut snapshot | blob | commitdiff | raw | diff to current |
2009-03-04 | The Android Open... | auto import from //depot/cupcake/@135843 | blob | commitdiff | raw | diff to current |
2009-03-04 | The Android Open... | auto import from //depot/cupcake/@135843 | blob | commitdiff | raw |
2009-01-16 | android-build Shar... | Merge branch 'cupcake' | blob | commitdiff | raw | diff to current |
2009-01-16 | The Android Open... | auto import from //branches/cupcake/...@126645 | blob | commitdiff | raw | diff to current |
2008-10-21 | The Android Open... | Initial Contribution | blob | commitdiff | raw | diff to current |