#include "Main.h"
#include "AaptAssets.h"
-#include <utils/ResourceTypes.h>
+#include <androidfw/ResourceTypes.h>
#include <utils/String16.h>
#include <utils/TextOutput.h>
struct entry {
entry() : offset(0) { }
- entry(const String16& _value) : value(_value), offset(0) { }
- entry(const entry& o) : value(o.value), offset(o.offset), indices(o.indices) { }
+ entry(const String16& _value) : value(_value), offset(0), hasStyles(false) { }
+ entry(const entry& o) : value(o.value), offset(o.offset),
+ hasStyles(o.hasStyles), indices(o.indices),
+ configTypeName(o.configTypeName), configs(o.configs) { }
String16 value;
size_t offset;
+ bool hasStyles;
Vector<size_t> indices;
+ String8 configTypeName;
+ Vector<ResTable_config> configs;
+ String8 makeConfigsString() const;
+ int compare(const entry& o) const;
+ inline bool operator<(const entry& o) const { return compare(o) < 0; }
+ inline bool operator<=(const entry& o) const { return compare(o) <= 0; }
+ inline bool operator==(const entry& o) const { return compare(o) == 0; }
+ inline bool operator!=(const entry& o) const { return compare(o) != 0; }
+ inline bool operator>=(const entry& o) const { return compare(o) >= 0; }
+ inline bool operator>(const entry& o) const { return compare(o) > 0; }
struct entry_style_span {
* lookup with ResStringPool::indexOfString() (O(log n)), at the expense
* of support for styled string entries (which requires the same string
* be included multiple times in the pool).
+ *
+ * If 'utf8' is true, strings will be encoded with UTF-8 instead of
+ * left in Java's native UTF-16.
- explicit StringPool(bool sorted = false);
+ explicit StringPool(bool sorted = false, bool utf8 = false);
* Add a new string to the pool. If mergeDuplicates is true, thenif
* if this string pool is sorted, the returned index will not be valid
* when the pool is finally written.
- ssize_t add(const String16& value, bool mergeDuplicates = false);
+ ssize_t add(const String16& value, bool mergeDuplicates = false,
+ const String8* configTypeName = NULL, const ResTable_config* config = NULL);
- ssize_t add(const String16& value, const Vector<entry_style_span>& spans);
+ ssize_t add(const String16& value, const Vector<entry_style_span>& spans,
+ const String8* configTypeName = NULL, const ResTable_config* config = NULL);
ssize_t add(const String16& ident, const String16& value,
- bool mergeDuplicates = false);
+ bool mergeDuplicates = false,
+ const String8* configTypeName = NULL, const ResTable_config* config = NULL);
status_t addStyleSpan(size_t idx, const String16& name,
uint32_t start, uint32_t end);
size_t countIdentifiers() const;
+ // Sort the contents of the string block by the configuration associated
+ // with each item. After doing this you can use mapOriginalPosToNewPos()
+ // to find out the new position given the position originall returned by
+ // add().
+ void sortByConfig();
+ // For use after sortByConfig() to map from the original position of
+ // a string to its new sorted position.
+ size_t mapOriginalPosToNewPos(size_t originalPos) const {
+ return mOriginalPosToNewPos.itemAt(originalPos);
+ }
sp<AaptFile> createStringBlock();
status_t writeStringBlock(const sp<AaptFile>& pool);
const Vector<size_t>* offsetsForString(const String16& val) const;
+ static int config_sort(const size_t* lhs, const size_t* rhs, void* state);
const bool mSorted;
- // Raw array of unique strings, in some arbitrary order.
+ const bool mUTF8;
+ // The following data structures represent the actual structures
+ // that will be generated for the final string pool.
+ // Raw array of unique strings, in some arbitrary order. This is the
+ // actual strings that appear in the final string pool, in the order
+ // that they will be written.
Vector<entry> mEntries;
// Array of indices into mEntries, in the order they were
// added to the pool. This can be different than mEntries
// if the same string was added multiple times (it will appear
// once in mEntries, with multiple occurrences in this array).
+ // This is the lookup array that will be written for finding
+ // the string for each offset/position in the string pool.
Vector<size_t> mEntryArray;
// Optional style span information associated with each index of
// mEntryArray.
Vector<entry_style> mEntryStyleArray;
- // Mapping from indices in mEntryArray to indices in mValues.
- Vector<size_t> mEntryArrayToValues;
+ // The following data structures are used for book-keeping as the
+ // string pool is constructed.
// Unique set of all the strings added to the pool, mapped to
// the first index of mEntryArray where the value was added.
DefaultKeyedVector<String16, ssize_t> mValues;
// Unique set of all (optional) identifiers of strings in the
// pool, mapping to indices in mEntries.
DefaultKeyedVector<String16, ssize_t> mIdents;
+ // This array maps from the original position a string was placed at
+ // in mEntryArray to its new position after being sorted with sortByConfig().
+ Vector<size_t> mOriginalPosToNewPos;