+static bool applyFileOverlay(const sp<AaptAssets>& assets,
+ const sp<ResourceTypeSet>& baseSet,
+ const char *resType)
+ // Replace any base level files in this category with any found from the overlay
+ // Also add any found only in the overlay.
+ sp<AaptAssets> overlay = assets->getOverlay();
+ String8 resTypeString(resType);
+ // work through the linked list of overlays
+ while (overlay.get()) {
+ KeyedVector<String8, sp<ResourceTypeSet> >* overlayRes = overlay->getResources();
+ // get the overlay resources of the requested type
+ ssize_t index = overlayRes->indexOfKey(resTypeString);
+ if (index >= 0) {
+ sp<ResourceTypeSet> overlaySet = overlayRes->valueAt(index);
+ // for each of the resources, check for a match in the previously built
+ // non-overlay "baseset".
+ size_t overlayCount = overlaySet->size();
+ for (size_t overlayIndex=0; overlayIndex<overlayCount; overlayIndex++) {
+ size_t baseIndex = baseSet->indexOfKey(overlaySet->keyAt(overlayIndex));
+ if (baseIndex < UNKNOWN_ERROR) {
+ // look for same flavor. For a given file (strings.xml, for example)
+ // there may be a locale specific or other flavors - we want to match
+ // the same flavor.
+ sp<AaptGroup> overlayGroup = overlaySet->valueAt(overlayIndex);
+ sp<AaptGroup> baseGroup = baseSet->valueAt(baseIndex);
+ DefaultKeyedVector<AaptGroupEntry, sp<AaptFile> > baseFiles =
+ baseGroup->getFiles();
+ DefaultKeyedVector<AaptGroupEntry, sp<AaptFile> > overlayFiles =
+ overlayGroup->getFiles();
+ size_t overlayGroupSize = overlayFiles.size();
+ for (size_t overlayGroupIndex = 0;
+ overlayGroupIndex<overlayGroupSize;
+ overlayGroupIndex++) {
+ size_t baseFileIndex =
+ baseFiles.indexOfKey(overlayFiles.keyAt(overlayGroupIndex));
+ if(baseFileIndex < UNKNOWN_ERROR) {
+ baseGroup->removeFile(baseFileIndex);
+ } else {
+ // didn't find a match fall through and add it..
+ }
+ baseGroup->addFile(overlayFiles.valueAt(overlayGroupIndex));
+ }
+ } else {
+ // this group doesn't exist (a file that's only in the overlay)
+ fprintf(stderr, "aapt: error: "
+ "*** Resource file '%s' exists only in an overlay\n",
+ overlaySet->keyAt(overlayIndex).string());
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ // this overlay didn't have resources for this type
+ }
+ // try next overlay
+ overlay = overlay->getOverlay();
+ }
+ return true;
+void addTagAttribute(const sp<XMLNode>& node, const char* ns8,
+ const char* attr8, const char* value)
+ if (value == NULL) {
+ return;
+ }
+ const String16 ns(ns8);
+ const String16 attr(attr8);
+ if (node->getAttribute(ns, attr) != NULL) {
+ fprintf(stderr, "Warning: AndroidManifest.xml already defines %s (in %s)\n",
+ String8(attr).string(), String8(ns).string());
+ return;
+ }
+ node->addAttribute(ns, attr, String16(value));
+status_t massageManifest(Bundle* bundle, sp<XMLNode> root)
+ root = root->searchElement(String16(), String16("manifest"));
+ if (root == NULL) {
+ fprintf(stderr, "No <manifest> tag.\n");
+ }
+ addTagAttribute(root, RESOURCES_ANDROID_NAMESPACE, "versionCode",
+ bundle->getVersionCode());
+ addTagAttribute(root, RESOURCES_ANDROID_NAMESPACE, "versionName",
+ bundle->getVersionName());
+ if (bundle->getMinSdkVersion() != NULL
+ || bundle->getTargetSdkVersion() != NULL
+ || bundle->getMaxSdkVersion() != NULL) {
+ sp<XMLNode> vers = root->getChildElement(String16(), String16("uses-sdk"));
+ if (vers == NULL) {
+ vers = XMLNode::newElement(root->getFilename(), String16(), String16("uses-sdk"));
+ root->insertChildAt(vers, 0);
+ }
+ addTagAttribute(vers, RESOURCES_ANDROID_NAMESPACE, "minSdkVersion",
+ bundle->getMinSdkVersion());
+ addTagAttribute(vers, RESOURCES_ANDROID_NAMESPACE, "targetSdkVersion",
+ bundle->getTargetSdkVersion());
+ addTagAttribute(vers, RESOURCES_ANDROID_NAMESPACE, "maxSdkVersion",
+ bundle->getMaxSdkVersion());
+ }
+ return NO_ERROR;