#include "ResourceTable.h"
#include "XMLNode.h"
-#include <utils.h>
-#include <utils/ZipFile.h>
+#include <utils/Log.h>
+#include <utils/threads.h>
+#include <utils/List.h>
+#include <utils/Errors.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <errno.h>
return -1;
-static String8 getAttribute(const ResXMLTree& tree, const char* ns,
+String8 getAttribute(const ResXMLTree& tree, const char* ns,
const char* attr, String8* outError)
ssize_t idx = tree.indexOfAttribute(ns, attr);
LABEL_ATTR = 0x01010001,
ICON_ATTR = 0x01010002,
MIN_SDK_VERSION_ATTR = 0x0101020c,
+ MAX_SDK_VERSION_ATTR = 0x01010271,
TEST_ONLY_ATTR = 0x01010272,
DENSITY_ATTR = 0x0101026c,
+ GL_ES_VERSION_ATTR = 0x01010281,
SMALL_SCREEN_ATTR = 0x01010284,
NORMAL_SCREEN_ATTR = 0x01010285,
LARGE_SCREEN_ATTR = 0x01010286,
+ REQUIRED_ATTR = 0x0101028e,
const char *getComponentName(String8 &pkgName, String8 &componentName) {
+ tree.uninit();
delete asset;
asset = NULL;
bool withinActivity = false;
bool isMainActivity = false;
bool isLauncherActivity = false;
+ bool isSearchable = false;
bool withinApplication = false;
bool withinReceiver = false;
+ bool withinService = false;
+ bool withinIntentFilter = false;
+ bool hasMainActivity = false;
+ bool hasOtherActivities = false;
+ bool hasOtherReceivers = false;
+ bool hasOtherServices = false;
+ bool hasWallpaperService = false;
+ bool hasImeService = false;
+ bool hasWidgetReceivers = false;
+ bool hasIntentFilter = false;
+ bool actMainActivity = false;
+ bool actWidgetReceivers = false;
+ bool actImeService = false;
+ bool actWallpaperService = false;
+ bool specCameraFeature = false;
+ bool hasCameraPermission = false;
int targetSdk = 0;
int smallScreen = 1;
int normalScreen = 1;
String8 activityLabel;
String8 activityIcon;
String8 receiverName;
+ String8 serviceName;
while ((code=tree.next()) != ResXMLTree::END_DOCUMENT && code != ResXMLTree::BAD_DOCUMENT) {
if (code == ResXMLTree::END_TAG) {
+ if (depth < 2) {
+ withinApplication = false;
+ } else if (depth < 3) {
+ if (withinActivity && isMainActivity && isLauncherActivity) {
+ const char *aName = getComponentName(pkg, activityName);
+ if (aName != NULL) {
+ printf("launchable activity name='%s'", aName);
+ }
+ printf("label='%s' icon='%s'\n",
+ activityLabel.string(),
+ activityIcon.string());
+ }
+ if (!hasIntentFilter) {
+ hasOtherActivities |= withinActivity;
+ hasOtherReceivers |= withinReceiver;
+ hasOtherServices |= withinService;
+ }
+ withinActivity = false;
+ withinService = false;
+ withinReceiver = false;
+ hasIntentFilter = false;
+ isMainActivity = isLauncherActivity = false;
+ } else if (depth < 4) {
+ if (withinIntentFilter) {
+ if (withinActivity) {
+ hasMainActivity |= actMainActivity;
+ hasOtherActivities |= !actMainActivity;
+ } else if (withinReceiver) {
+ hasWidgetReceivers |= actWidgetReceivers;
+ hasOtherReceivers |= !actWidgetReceivers;
+ } else if (withinService) {
+ hasImeService |= actImeService;
+ hasWallpaperService |= actWallpaperService;
+ hasOtherServices |= (!actImeService && !actWallpaperService);
+ }
+ }
+ withinIntentFilter = false;
+ }
if (code != ResXMLTree::START_TAG) {
String8 tag(tree.getElementName(&len));
- //printf("Depth %d tag %s\n", depth, tag.string());
+ //printf("Depth %d, %s\n", depth, tag.string());
if (depth == 1) {
if (tag != "manifest") {
fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: manifest does not start with <manifest> tag\n");
targetSdk = code;
printf("sdkVersion:'%d'\n", code);
+ code = getIntegerAttribute(tree, MAX_SDK_VERSION_ATTR, NULL, -1);
+ if (code != -1) {
+ printf("maxSdkVersion:'%d'\n", code);
+ }
code = getIntegerAttribute(tree, TARGET_SDK_VERSION_ATTR, &error);
if (error != "") {
error = "";
int32_t reqFiveWayNav = getIntegerAttribute(tree,
- printf("uses-configuation:");
+ printf("uses-configuration:");
if (reqTouchScreen != 0) {
printf(" reqTouchScreen='%d'", reqTouchScreen);
largeScreen = getIntegerAttribute(tree,
+ } else if (tag == "uses-feature") {
+ String8 name = getAttribute(tree, NAME_ATTR, &error);
+ if (name != "" && error == "") {
+ int req = getIntegerAttribute(tree,
+ if (name == "android.hardware.camera") {
+ specCameraFeature = true;
+ }
+ printf("uses-feature%s:'%s'\n",
+ req ? "" : "-not-required", name.string());
+ } else {
+ int vers = getIntegerAttribute(tree,
+ GL_ES_VERSION_ATTR, &error);
+ if (error == "") {
+ printf("uses-gl-es:'0x%x'\n", vers);
+ }
+ }
+ } else if (tag == "uses-permission") {
+ String8 name = getAttribute(tree, NAME_ATTR, &error);
+ if (name != "" && error == "") {
+ if (name == "android.permission.CAMERA") {
+ hasCameraPermission = true;
+ }
+ printf("uses-permission:'%s'\n", name.string());
+ } else {
+ fprintf(stderr, "ERROR getting 'android:name' attribute: %s\n",
+ error.string());
+ goto bail;
+ }
+ } else if (tag == "original-package") {
+ String8 name = getAttribute(tree, NAME_ATTR, &error);
+ if (name != "" && error == "") {
+ printf("original-package:'%s'\n", name.string());
+ } else {
+ fprintf(stderr, "ERROR getting 'android:name' attribute: %s\n",
+ error.string());
+ goto bail;
+ }
} else if (depth == 3 && withinApplication) {
withinActivity = false;
withinReceiver = false;
+ withinService = false;
+ hasIntentFilter = false;
if(tag == "activity") {
withinActivity = true;
activityName = getAttribute(tree, NAME_ATTR, &error);
fprintf(stderr, "ERROR getting 'android:name' attribute for uses-library: %s\n", error.string());
goto bail;
- printf("uses-library:'%s'\n", libraryName.string());
+ int req = getIntegerAttribute(tree,
+ printf("uses-library%s:'%s'\n",
+ req ? "" : "-not-required", libraryName.string());
} else if (tag == "receiver") {
withinReceiver = true;
receiverName = getAttribute(tree, NAME_ATTR, &error);
fprintf(stderr, "ERROR getting 'android:name' attribute for receiver: %s\n", error.string());
goto bail;
+ } else if (tag == "service") {
+ withinService = true;
+ serviceName = getAttribute(tree, NAME_ATTR, &error);
+ if (error != "") {
+ fprintf(stderr, "ERROR getting 'android:name' attribute for service: %s\n", error.string());
+ goto bail;
+ }
- } else if (depth == 5) {
- if (withinActivity) {
- if (tag == "action") {
- //printf("LOG: action tag\n");
- String8 action = getAttribute(tree, NAME_ATTR, &error);
- if (error != "") {
- fprintf(stderr, "ERROR getting 'android:name' attribute: %s\n", error.string());
- goto bail;
- }
+ } else if ((depth == 4) && (tag == "intent-filter")) {
+ hasIntentFilter = true;
+ withinIntentFilter = true;
+ actMainActivity = actWidgetReceivers = actImeService = actWallpaperService = false;
+ } else if ((depth == 5) && withinIntentFilter){
+ String8 action;
+ if (tag == "action") {
+ action = getAttribute(tree, NAME_ATTR, &error);
+ if (error != "") {
+ fprintf(stderr, "ERROR getting 'android:name' attribute: %s\n", error.string());
+ goto bail;
+ }
+ if (withinActivity) {
if (action == "android.intent.action.MAIN") {
isMainActivity = true;
- //printf("LOG: isMainActivity==true\n");
+ actMainActivity = true;
- } else if (tag == "category") {
- String8 category = getAttribute(tree, NAME_ATTR, &error);
- if (error != "") {
- fprintf(stderr, "ERROR getting 'name' attribute: %s\n", error.string());
- goto bail;
+ } else if (withinReceiver) {
+ if (action == "android.appwidget.action.APPWIDGET_UPDATE") {
+ actWidgetReceivers = true;
- if (category == "android.intent.category.LAUNCHER") {
- isLauncherActivity = true;
- //printf("LOG: isLauncherActivity==true\n");
+ } else if (withinService) {
+ if (action == "android.view.InputMethod") {
+ actImeService = true;
+ } else if (action == "android.service.wallpaper.WallpaperService") {
+ actWallpaperService = true;
- } else if (withinReceiver) {
- if (tag == "action") {
- String8 action = getAttribute(tree, NAME_ATTR, &error);
- if (error != "") {
- fprintf(stderr, "ERROR getting 'android:name' attribute for receiver: %s\n", error.string());
- goto bail;
- }
- if (action == "android.appwidget.action.APPWIDGET_UPDATE") {
- const char *rName = getComponentName(pkg, receiverName);
- if (rName != NULL) {
- printf("gadget-receiver:'%s/%s'\n", pkg.string(), rName);
- }
- }
+ if (action == "android.intent.action.SEARCH") {
+ isSearchable = true;
- }
- if (depth < 2) {
- withinApplication = false;
- }
- if (depth < 3) {
- //if (withinActivity) printf("LOG: withinActivity==false\n");
- withinActivity = false;
- withinReceiver = false;
+ if (tag == "category") {
+ String8 category = getAttribute(tree, NAME_ATTR, &error);
+ if (error != "") {
+ fprintf(stderr, "ERROR getting 'name' attribute: %s\n", error.string());
+ goto bail;
+ }
+ if (withinActivity) {
+ if (category == "android.intent.category.LAUNCHER") {
+ isLauncherActivity = true;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
- if (depth < 5) {
- //if (isMainActivity) printf("LOG: isMainActivity==false\n");
- //if (isLauncherActivity) printf("LOG: isLauncherActivity==false\n");
- isMainActivity = false;
- isLauncherActivity = false;
- }
+ if (!specCameraFeature && hasCameraPermission) {
+ // For applications that have not explicitly stated their
+ // camera feature requirements, but have requested the camera
+ // permission, we are going to give them compatibility treatment
+ // of requiring the equivalent to original android devices.
+ printf("uses-feature:'android.hardware.camera'\n");
+ printf("uses-feature:'android.hardware.camera.autofocus'\n");
+ }
- if (withinActivity && isMainActivity && isLauncherActivity) {
- printf("launchable activity:");
- const char *aName = getComponentName(pkg, activityName);
- if (aName != NULL) {
- printf(" name='%s'", aName);
- }
- printf("label='%s' icon='%s'\n",
- activityLabel.string(),
- activityIcon.string());
- }
+ if (hasMainActivity) {
+ printf("main\n");
+ if (hasWidgetReceivers) {
+ printf("app-widget\n");
+ }
+ if (hasImeService) {
+ printf("ime\n");
+ }
+ if (hasWallpaperService) {
+ printf("wallpaper\n");
+ }
+ if (hasOtherActivities) {
+ printf("other-activities\n");
+ }
+ if (isSearchable) {
+ printf("search\n");
+ }
+ if (hasOtherReceivers) {
+ printf("other-receivers\n");
+ }
+ if (hasOtherServices) {
+ printf("other-services\n");
+ }
// Determine default values for any unspecified screen sizes,
// based on the target SDK of the package. As of 4 (donut)
// the screen size support was introduced, so all default to
if (normalScreen != 0) printf(" 'normal'");
if (largeScreen != 0) printf(" 'large'");
Vector<String8> locales;
printf(" '%s'", localeStr);
Vector<ResTable_config> configs;
SortedVector<int> densities;
if (dens == 0) dens = 160;
const size_t ND = densities.size();
for (size_t i=0; i<ND; i++) {
printf(" '%d'", densities[i]);
AssetDir* dir = assets.openNonAssetDir(assetsCookie, "lib");
if (dir != NULL) {
if (dir->getFileCount() > 0) {
printf(" '%s'... (from gzip)\n", fileName);
result = zip->addGzip(fileName, String8(fileName).getBasePath().string(), NULL);
} else {
- printf(" '%s'...\n", fileName);
- result = zip->add(fileName, bundle->getCompressionMethod(), NULL);
+ if (bundle->getJunkPath()) {
+ String8 storageName = String8(fileName).getPathLeaf();
+ printf(" '%s' as '%s'...\n", fileName, storageName.string());
+ result = zip->add(fileName, storageName.string(),
+ bundle->getCompressionMethod(), NULL);
+ } else {
+ printf(" '%s'...\n", fileName);
+ result = zip->add(fileName, bundle->getCompressionMethod(), NULL);
+ }
if (result != NO_ERROR) {
fprintf(stderr, "Unable to add '%s' to '%s'", bundle->getFileSpecEntry(i), zipFileName);
// Write out R.java constants
if (assets->getPackage() == assets->getSymbolsPrivatePackage()) {
- err = writeResourceSymbols(bundle, assets, assets->getPackage(), true);
+ if (bundle->getCustomPackage() == NULL) {
+ err = writeResourceSymbols(bundle, assets, assets->getPackage(), true);
+ } else {
+ const String8 customPkg(bundle->getCustomPackage());
+ err = writeResourceSymbols(bundle, assets, customPkg, true);
+ }
if (err < 0) {
goto bail;
+ // Write out the ProGuard file
+ err = writeProguardFile(bundle, assets);
+ if (err < 0) {
+ goto bail;
+ }
// Write the apk
if (outputAPKFile) {
err = writeAPK(bundle, assets, String8(outputAPKFile));