From fa5f6926ecc17eebf4442611b066367eb17e11c4 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Vadim Zeitlin <>
Date: Wed, 1 Dec 1999 22:07:25 +0000
Subject: [PATCH] sorting test added

git-svn-id: c3d73ce0-8a6f-49c7-b76d-6d57e0e08775
 samples/listctrl/listtest.cpp |  17 ++++-
 samples/listctrl/listtest.h   |  41 ++++++------
 samples/listctrl/test.dsp     | 118 ----------------------------------
 samples/listctrl/test.dsw     |  29 ---------
 4 files changed, 39 insertions(+), 166 deletions(-)
 delete mode 100644 samples/listctrl/test.dsp
 delete mode 100644 samples/listctrl/test.dsw

diff --git a/samples/listctrl/listtest.cpp b/samples/listctrl/listtest.cpp
index 0810b7d991..3582c99cf4 100644
--- a/samples/listctrl/listtest.cpp
+++ b/samples/listctrl/listtest.cpp
@@ -46,6 +46,7 @@ BEGIN_EVENT_TABLE(MyFrame, wxFrame)
     EVT_MENU(LIST_DESELECT_ALL, MyFrame::OnDeselectAll)
     EVT_MENU(LIST_SELECT_ALL, MyFrame::OnSelectAll)
     EVT_MENU(LIST_DELETE_ALL, MyFrame::OnDeleteAll)
+    EVT_MENU(LIST_SORT, MyFrame::OnSort)
 BEGIN_EVENT_TABLE(MyListCtrl, wxListCtrl)
@@ -65,6 +66,12 @@ END_EVENT_TABLE()
+int wxCALLBACK MyCompareFunction(long item1, long item2, long sortData)
+    // inverse the order
+    return item1 < item2;
 // `Main program' equivalent, creating windows and returning main app frame
 bool MyApp::OnInit(void)
@@ -134,6 +141,8 @@ bool MyApp::OnInit(void)
   file_menu->Append(LIST_DESELECT_ALL, "&Deselect All");
   file_menu->Append(LIST_SELECT_ALL, "S&elect All");
+  file_menu->Append(LIST_SORT, "&Sort\tCtrl-S");
+  file_menu->AppendSeparator();
   file_menu->Append(LIST_DELETE_ALL, "Delete &all items");
   file_menu->Append(BUSY_ON,         "&Busy cursor on");
@@ -265,11 +274,12 @@ void MyFrame::OnReportView(wxCommandEvent& WXUNUSED(event))
     m_listCtrl->InsertColumn(1, "Column 2"); // , wxLIST_FORMAT_LEFT, 140);
     m_listCtrl->InsertColumn(2, "One More Column (2)"); // , wxLIST_FORMAT_LEFT, 140);
-    for ( int i = 0; i < 3000; i++ )
+    for ( int i = 0; i < 300; i++ )
         wxChar buf[50];
         wxSprintf(buf, _T("This is item %d"), i);
         long tmp = m_listCtrl->InsertItem(i, buf, 0);
+        m_listCtrl->SetItemData(tmp, i);
         wxSprintf(buf, _T("Col 1, item %d"), i);
         tmp = m_listCtrl->SetItem(i, 1, buf);
@@ -341,6 +351,11 @@ void MyFrame::OnSmallIconTextView(wxCommandEvent& WXUNUSED(event))
+void MyFrame::OnSort(wxCommandEvent& WXUNUSED(event))
+    m_listCtrl->SortItems(MyCompareFunction, 0);
 void MyFrame::OnDeleteAll(wxCommandEvent& WXUNUSED(event))
diff --git a/samples/listctrl/listtest.h b/samples/listctrl/listtest.h
index 3ec89ec930..aebe3fe242 100644
--- a/samples/listctrl/listtest.h
+++ b/samples/listctrl/listtest.h
@@ -11,8 +11,9 @@
 // Define a new application type
 class MyApp: public wxApp
-{ public:
-    bool OnInit();
+    virtual bool OnInit();
     wxImageList *m_imageListNormal;
     wxImageList *m_imageListSmall;
@@ -26,7 +27,7 @@ public:
         wxListCtrl(parent, id, pos, size, style)
     void OnColClick(wxListEvent& event);
     void OnBeginDrag(wxListEvent& event);
     void OnBeginRDrag(wxListEvent& event);
@@ -67,6 +68,7 @@ public:
     void OnDeselectAll(wxCommandEvent& event);
     void OnSelectAll(wxCommandEvent& event);
     void OnDeleteAll(wxCommandEvent& event);
+    void OnSort(wxCommandEvent& event);
     void BusyOn(wxCommandEvent& event);
     void BusyOff(wxCommandEvent& event);
@@ -76,20 +78,23 @@ public:
 // ID for the menu quit command
-#define LIST_QUIT                   1
-#define LIST_LIST_VIEW              2
-#define LIST_ICON_VIEW              3
-#define LIST_ICON_TEXT_VIEW         4
-#define LIST_SMALL_ICON_VIEW        5
-#define LIST_REPORT_VIEW            7
-#define LIST_DESELECT_ALL           8
-#define LIST_SELECT_ALL             9
-#define LIST_ABOUT                  102
-#define BUSY_ON                     10
-#define BUSY_OFF                    11
-#define LIST_DELETE_ALL             12
-#define LIST_CTRL                   1000
+    LIST_QUIT                   = 1,
+    LIST_LIST_VIEW              = 2,
+    LIST_ICON_VIEW              = 3,
+    LIST_ICON_TEXT_VIEW         = 4,
+    LIST_SMALL_ICON_VIEW        = 5,
+    LIST_REPORT_VIEW            = 7,
+    LIST_DESELECT_ALL           = 8,
+    LIST_SELECT_ALL             = 9,
+    LIST_ABOUT                  = 102,
+    BUSY_ON                     = 10,
+    BUSY_OFF                    = 11,
+    LIST_DELETE_ALL             = 12,
+    LIST_CTRL                   = 1000
diff --git a/samples/listctrl/test.dsp b/samples/listctrl/test.dsp
deleted file mode 100644
index 41e5828244..0000000000
--- a/samples/listctrl/test.dsp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,118 +0,0 @@
-# Microsoft Developer Studio Project File - Name="test" - Package Owner=<4>
-# Microsoft Developer Studio Generated Build File, Format Version 5.00
-# TARGTYPE "Win32 (x86) Application" 0x0101
-CFG=test - Win32 Release
-!MESSAGE Dies ist kein gültiges Makefile. Zum Erstellen dieses Projekts mit\
-!MESSAGE verwenden Sie den Befehl "Makefile exportieren" und führen Sie den\
- Befehl
-!MESSAGE NMAKE /f "test.mak".
-!MESSAGE Sie können beim Ausführen von NMAKE eine Konfiguration angeben
-!MESSAGE durch Definieren des Makros CFG in der Befehlszeile. Zum Beispiel:
-!MESSAGE NMAKE /f "test.mak" CFG="test - Win32 Release"
-!MESSAGE Für die Konfiguration stehen zur Auswahl:
-!MESSAGE "test - Win32 Release" (basierend auf  "Win32 (x86) Application")
-!MESSAGE "test - Win32 Debug" (basierend auf  "Win32 (x86) Application")
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-# Name "test - Win32 Debug"
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diff --git a/samples/listctrl/test.dsw b/samples/listctrl/test.dsw
deleted file mode 100644
index 1fe8c87bde..0000000000
--- a/samples/listctrl/test.dsw
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,29 +0,0 @@
-Microsoft Developer Studio Workspace File, Format Version 5.00
-Project: "test"=.\santis.dsp - Package Owner=<4>