From a8141d3f2815c0d439122c3c2b42ded4b93ae543 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Vadim Zeitlin <>
Date: Sun, 25 Nov 2001 18:18:45 +0000
Subject: [PATCH] changed wxYES_NO to be equal to wxYES | wxNO freeing another
 style bit which allows to avoid conflicts between wxYES and wxTE_MULTILINE

git-svn-id: c3d73ce0-8a6f-49c7-b76d-6d57e0e08775
 docs/changes.txt  | 20 +++++++++++++++-----
 include/wx/defs.h | 19 +++++++------------
 2 files changed, 22 insertions(+), 17 deletions(-)

diff --git a/docs/changes.txt b/docs/changes.txt
index 7cbc5c08dc..6eb2b3c75a 100644
--- a/docs/changes.txt
+++ b/docs/changes.txt
@@ -19,11 +19,6 @@ wxBase:
 All (GUI):
-- wxGLCanvas now derives directly from wxWindow, not wxScrolledWindow
-- wxGridCellAttrProvider class API changed, you will need to update your code
-  if you derived any classes from it
 - the event type constants are not constants any more but are dynamically
   allocated during run-time which means that they can't be used as case labels
   in the switch()es, you must rewrite them to use if()s instead
@@ -32,6 +27,21 @@ All (GUI):
   but this is strongly discouraged, please consider changing your codei
+- wxYES_NO is now wxYES | wxNO and the manifest values of both wxYES and wxNO
+  have changed (to fix some unfortunate clashes), please check your code to
+  ensure that no tests for wxYES or wxNO are broken: for example, the following
+  will *NOT* work any longer:
+        if ( flags & wxYES_NO )
+                ... do something ...
+        if ( flags & wxYES )
+                ... do something else ...
+- wxGLCanvas now derives directly from wxWindow, not wxScrolledWindow
+- wxGridCellAttrProvider class API changed, you will need to update your code
+  if you derived any classes from it
 - build system changed: setup.h is not a static file in include/wx any more
diff --git a/include/wx/defs.h b/include/wx/defs.h
index c345db56a5..160d4b82f7 100644
--- a/include/wx/defs.h
+++ b/include/wx/defs.h
@@ -894,15 +894,9 @@ enum wxBorder
 // always show an entire number of rows
 #define wxLB_INT_HEIGHT     0x0800
-// use wxHSCROLL to not wrap text at all, wxTE_LINEWRAP to wrap it at any
-// position and wxTE_WORDWRAP to wrap at words boundary
-#define wxTE_DONTWRAP       wxHSCROLL
-#define wxTE_LINEWRAP       0x0800
-#define wxTE_WORDWRAP       0x0000  // it's just == !wxHSCROLL
 // deprecated synonyms
-#define wxPASSWORD          wxTE_PASSWORD
+#define wxPROCESS_ENTER     0x0400  // wxTE_PROCESS_ENTER
+#define wxPASSWORD          0x0800  // wxTE_PASSWORD
  * wxComboBox style flags
@@ -1055,13 +1049,14 @@ enum wxBorder
 // wxCENTRE already defined as  0x00000001
+#define wxYES                   0x00000002
 #define wxOK                    0x00000004
-#define wxYES_NO                0x00000008
+#define wxNO                    0x00000008
+#define wxYES_NO                (wxYES | wxNO)
 #define wxCANCEL                0x00000010
-#define wxYES                   0x00000020
-#define wxNO                    0x00000040
+#define wxYES_DEFAULT           0x00000000  // has no effect (default)
 #define wxNO_DEFAULT            0x00000080
-#define wxYES_DEFAULT           0x00000000  // has no effect
 #define wxICON_EXCLAMATION      0x00000100
 #define wxICON_HAND             0x00000200