From 8d6d408976ba95f69a63bc618897bd416102cbc0 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Robin Dunn <> Date: Tue, 24 Oct 2006 03:50:53 +0000 Subject: [PATCH] Remove animate contrib git-svn-id: c3d73ce0-8a6f-49c7-b76d-6d57e0e08775 --- contrib/build/animate/animate.bkl | 32 -- contrib/build/animate/animate.dsp | 529 --------------------- contrib/build/animate/animate.dsw | 16 - contrib/build/animate/makefile.bcc | 277 ----------- contrib/build/animate/makefile.gcc | 273 ----------- contrib/build/animate/ | 362 --------------- contrib/build/animate/makefile.wat | 309 ------------- contrib/include/wx/animate/animate.h | 389 ---------------- contrib/samples/animate/ | 204 --------- contrib/samples/animate/anitest.bkl | 25 - contrib/samples/animate/anitest.cpp | 200 -------- contrib/samples/animate/anitest.dsp | 480 ------------------- contrib/samples/animate/anitest.h | 65 --- contrib/samples/animate/anitest.rc | 3 - contrib/samples/animate/make_cw.mcp | Bin 359 -> 0 bytes contrib/samples/animate/makefile.bcc | 238 ---------- contrib/samples/animate/makefile.gcc | 237 ---------- contrib/samples/animate/makefile.unx | 35 -- contrib/samples/animate/ | 44 -- contrib/samples/animate/ | 313 ------------- contrib/samples/animate/makefile.wat | 266 ----------- contrib/samples/animate/makemac.mcp | Bin 847 -> 0 bytes contrib/samples/animate/makemac6.mcp | Bin 843 -> 0 bytes contrib/samples/animate/mondrian.ico | Bin 766 -> 0 bytes contrib/samples/animate/mondrian.xpm | 44 -- contrib/src/ | 2 +- contrib/src/animate/ | 270 ----------- contrib/src/animate/animate.cpp | 661 --------------------------- contrib/src/animate/readme.txt | 41 -- 29 files changed, 1 insertion(+), 5314 deletions(-) delete mode 100644 contrib/build/animate/animate.bkl delete mode 100644 contrib/build/animate/animate.dsp delete mode 100644 contrib/build/animate/animate.dsw delete mode 100644 contrib/build/animate/makefile.bcc delete mode 100644 contrib/build/animate/makefile.gcc delete mode 100644 contrib/build/animate/ delete mode 100644 contrib/build/animate/makefile.wat delete mode 100644 contrib/include/wx/animate/animate.h delete mode 100644 contrib/samples/animate/ delete mode 100644 contrib/samples/animate/anitest.bkl delete mode 100644 contrib/samples/animate/anitest.cpp delete mode 100644 contrib/samples/animate/anitest.dsp delete mode 100644 contrib/samples/animate/anitest.h delete mode 100644 contrib/samples/animate/anitest.rc delete mode 100644 contrib/samples/animate/make_cw.mcp delete mode 100644 contrib/samples/animate/makefile.bcc delete mode 100644 contrib/samples/animate/makefile.gcc delete mode 100644 contrib/samples/animate/makefile.unx delete mode 100644 contrib/samples/animate/ delete mode 100644 contrib/samples/animate/ delete mode 100644 contrib/samples/animate/makefile.wat delete mode 100644 contrib/samples/animate/makemac.mcp delete mode 100644 contrib/samples/animate/makemac6.mcp delete mode 100644 contrib/samples/animate/mondrian.ico delete mode 100644 contrib/samples/animate/mondrian.xpm delete mode 100644 contrib/src/animate/ delete mode 100644 contrib/src/animate/animate.cpp delete mode 100644 contrib/src/animate/readme.txt diff --git a/contrib/build/animate/animate.bkl b/contrib/build/animate/animate.bkl deleted file mode 100644 index aa4e51a37d..0000000000 --- a/contrib/build/animate/animate.bkl +++ /dev/null @@ -1,32 +0,0 @@ -<?xml version="1.0" ?> -<!-- $Id$ --> - -<makefile> - - <include file="../../../build/bakefiles/common_contrib.bkl"/> - - <set var="ANIMATE_SRC"> - animate.cpp - </set> - - <headers template="wx_contrib_headers"> - <files> - wx/animate/animate.h - </files> - </headers> - - <dll id="animatedll" template="wx_contrib_dll" cond="SHARED=='1'"> - <define>WXUSINGDLL</define> - <define>WXMAKINGDLL_ANIMATE</define> - <sources>$(ANIMATE_SRC)</sources> - <wx-lib>core</wx-lib> - <wx-lib>base</wx-lib> - </dll> - - <lib id="animatelib" template="wx_contrib_lib" cond="SHARED=='0'"> - <sources>$(ANIMATE_SRC)</sources> - </lib> - - <set var="MSVC6PRJ_MERGED_TARGETS" append="1">animate=animatelib+animatedll</set> - -</makefile> diff --git a/contrib/build/animate/animate.dsp b/contrib/build/animate/animate.dsp deleted file mode 100644 index 4d1df841e4..0000000000 --- a/contrib/build/animate/animate.dsp +++ /dev/null @@ -1,529 +0,0 @@ -# Microsoft Developer Studio Project File - Name="animate" - Package Owner=<4> -# Microsoft Developer Studio Generated Build File, Format Version 6.00 -# ** DO NOT EDIT ** - -# TARGTYPE "Win32 (x86) Dynamic-Link Library" 0x0102 -# TARGTYPE "Win32 (x86) Static Library" 0x0104 - -CFG=animate - Win32 Debug -!MESSAGE This is not a valid makefile. To build this project using NMAKE, -!MESSAGE use the Export Makefile command and run -!MESSAGE -!MESSAGE NMAKE /f "animate.mak". -!MESSAGE -!MESSAGE You can specify a configuration when running NMAKE -!MESSAGE by defining the macro CFG on the command line. For example: -!MESSAGE -!MESSAGE NMAKE /f "animate.mak" CFG="animate - Win32 Debug" -!MESSAGE -!MESSAGE Possible choices for configuration are: -!MESSAGE -!MESSAGE "animate - Win32 DLL Universal Unicode Release" (based on "Win32 (x86) Dynamic-Link Library") -!MESSAGE "animate - Win32 DLL Universal Unicode Debug" (based on "Win32 (x86) Dynamic-Link Library") -!MESSAGE "animate - Win32 DLL Universal Release" (based on "Win32 (x86) Dynamic-Link Library") -!MESSAGE "animate - Win32 DLL Universal Debug" (based on "Win32 (x86) Dynamic-Link Library") -!MESSAGE "animate - Win32 DLL Unicode Release" (based on "Win32 (x86) Dynamic-Link Library") -!MESSAGE "animate - Win32 DLL Unicode Debug" (based on "Win32 (x86) Dynamic-Link Library") -!MESSAGE "animate - Win32 DLL Release" (based on "Win32 (x86) Dynamic-Link Library") -!MESSAGE "animate - Win32 DLL Debug" (based on "Win32 (x86) Dynamic-Link Library") -!MESSAGE "animate - Win32 Universal Unicode Release" (based on "Win32 (x86) Static Library") -!MESSAGE "animate - Win32 Universal Unicode Debug" (based on "Win32 (x86) Static Library") -!MESSAGE "animate - Win32 Universal Release" (based on "Win32 (x86) Static Library") -!MESSAGE "animate - Win32 Universal Debug" (based on "Win32 (x86) Static Library") -!MESSAGE "animate - Win32 Unicode Release" (based on "Win32 (x86) Static Library") -!MESSAGE "animate - Win32 Unicode Debug" (based on "Win32 (x86) Static Library") -!MESSAGE "animate - Win32 Release" (based on "Win32 (x86) Static Library") -!MESSAGE "animate - Win32 Debug" (based on "Win32 (x86) Static Library") -!MESSAGE - -# Begin Project -# PROP AllowPerConfigDependencies 0 -# PROP Scc_ProjName "" -# PROP Scc_LocalPath "" -CPP=cl.exe -RSC=rc.exe - -!IF "$(CFG)" == "animate - Win32 DLL Universal Unicode Release" - -# PROP BASE Use_MFC 0 -# PROP BASE Use_Debug_Libraries 0 -# PROP BASE Output_Dir "..\..\src\animate\..\..\..\lib\vc_dll" -# PROP BASE Intermediate_Dir "vc_mswunivudll\animate" -# PROP BASE Target_Dir "" -# PROP Use_MFC 0 -# PROP Use_Debug_Libraries 0 -# PROP Output_Dir "..\..\src\animate\..\..\..\lib\vc_dll" -# PROP Intermediate_Dir "vc_mswunivudll\animate" -# PROP Target_Dir "" -# ADD BASE CPP /nologo /FD /MD /O2 /GR /EHsc /I "..\..\src\animate\..\..\..\lib\vc_dll\mswunivu" /I "..\..\src\animate\..\..\..\include" /W4 /Yu"wx/wxprec.h" /Fp"vc_mswunivudll\wxprec_animatedll.pch" /Fd..\..\src\animate\..\..\..\lib\vc_dll\wxmswuniv271u_animate_vc_custom.pdb /I "..\..\src\animate\..\..\include" /D "WIN32" /D "_USRDLL" /D "DLL_EXPORTS" /D "__WXMSW__" /D "__WXUNIVERSAL__" /D "_UNICODE" /D "WXUSINGDLL" /D "WXMAKINGDLL_ANIMATE" /c -# ADD CPP /nologo /FD /MD /O2 /GR /EHsc /I "..\..\src\animate\..\..\..\lib\vc_dll\mswunivu" /I "..\..\src\animate\..\..\..\include" /W4 /Yu"wx/wxprec.h" /Fp"vc_mswunivudll\wxprec_animatedll.pch" /Fd..\..\src\animate\..\..\..\lib\vc_dll\wxmswuniv271u_animate_vc_custom.pdb /I "..\..\src\animate\..\..\include" /D "WIN32" /D "_USRDLL" /D "DLL_EXPORTS" /D "__WXMSW__" /D "__WXUNIVERSAL__" /D "_UNICODE" /D "WXUSINGDLL" /D "WXMAKINGDLL_ANIMATE" /c -# ADD BASE MTL /nologo /D "WIN32" /D "_USRDLL" /D "DLL_EXPORTS" /D "__WXMSW__" /D "__WXUNIVERSAL__" /D "_UNICODE" /D "WXUSINGDLL" /D "WXMAKINGDLL_ANIMATE" /mktyplib203 /win32 -# ADD MTL /nologo /D "WIN32" /D "_USRDLL" /D "DLL_EXPORTS" /D "__WXMSW__" /D "__WXUNIVERSAL__" /D "_UNICODE" /D "WXUSINGDLL" /D "WXMAKINGDLL_ANIMATE" /mktyplib203 /win32 -# ADD BASE RSC /l 0x409 /d "__WXMSW__" /d "__WXUNIVERSAL__" /d "_UNICODE" /i "..\..\src\animate\..\..\..\lib\vc_dll\mswunivu" /i "..\..\src\animate\..\..\..\include" /d WXDLLNAME=wxmswuniv271u_animate_vc_custom /i "..\..\src\animate\..\..\include" /d "WXUSINGDLL" /d WXMAKINGDLL_ANIMATE -# ADD RSC /l 0x409 /d "__WXMSW__" /d "__WXUNIVERSAL__" /d "_UNICODE" /i "..\..\src\animate\..\..\..\lib\vc_dll\mswunivu" /i "..\..\src\animate\..\..\..\include" /d WXDLLNAME=wxmswuniv271u_animate_vc_custom /i "..\..\src\animate\..\..\include" /d "WXUSINGDLL" /d WXMAKINGDLL_ANIMATE -BSC32=bscmake.exe -# ADD BASE BSC32 /nologo -# ADD BSC32 /nologo -LINK32=link.exe -# ADD BASE LINK32 wxtiff.lib wxjpeg.lib wxpng.lib wxzlib.lib wxregexu.lib wxexpat.lib kernel32.lib user32.lib gdi32.lib comdlg32.lib winspool.lib winmm.lib shell32.lib comctl32.lib ole32.lib oleaut32.lib uuid.lib rpcrt4.lib advapi32.lib wsock32.lib odbc32.lib wxmswuniv27u_core.lib wxbase27u.lib /nologo /dll /machine:i386 /out:"..\..\src\animate\..\..\..\lib\vc_dll\wxmswuniv271u_animate_vc_custom.dll" /libpath:"..\..\src\animate\..\..\..\lib\vc_dll" /implib:"..\..\src\animate\..\..\..\lib\vc_dll\wxmswuniv27u_animate.lib" -# ADD LINK32 wxtiff.lib wxjpeg.lib wxpng.lib wxzlib.lib wxregexu.lib wxexpat.lib kernel32.lib user32.lib gdi32.lib comdlg32.lib winspool.lib winmm.lib shell32.lib comctl32.lib ole32.lib oleaut32.lib uuid.lib rpcrt4.lib advapi32.lib wsock32.lib odbc32.lib wxmswuniv27u_core.lib wxbase27u.lib /nologo /dll /machine:i386 /out:"..\..\src\animate\..\..\..\lib\vc_dll\wxmswuniv271u_animate_vc_custom.dll" /libpath:"..\..\src\animate\..\..\..\lib\vc_dll" /implib:"..\..\src\animate\..\..\..\lib\vc_dll\wxmswuniv27u_animate.lib" - 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-!ELSEIF "$(CFG)" == "animate - Win32 Debug" - -# PROP BASE Use_MFC 0 -# PROP BASE Use_Debug_Libraries 1 -# PROP BASE Output_Dir "..\..\src\animate\..\..\..\lib\vc_lib" -# PROP BASE Intermediate_Dir "vc_mswd\animate" -# PROP BASE Target_Dir "" -# PROP Use_MFC 0 -# PROP Use_Debug_Libraries 1 -# PROP Output_Dir "..\..\src\animate\..\..\..\lib\vc_lib" -# PROP Intermediate_Dir "vc_mswd\animate" -# PROP Target_Dir "" -# ADD BASE CPP /nologo /FD /MDd /Od /GR /EHsc /I "..\..\src\animate\..\..\..\lib\vc_lib\mswd" /I "..\..\src\animate\..\..\..\include" /W4 /Zi /Gm /GZ /Fd..\..\src\animate\..\..\..\lib\vc_lib\wxmsw27d_animate.pdb /Yu"wx/wxprec.h" /Fp"vc_mswd\wxprec_animatelib.pch" /I "..\..\src\animate\..\..\include" /D "WIN32" /D "_LIB" /D "_DEBUG" /D "__WXMSW__" /D "__WXDEBUG__" /c -# ADD CPP /nologo /FD /MDd /Od /GR /EHsc /I "..\..\src\animate\..\..\..\lib\vc_lib\mswd" /I "..\..\src\animate\..\..\..\include" /W4 /Zi /Gm /GZ /Fd..\..\src\animate\..\..\..\lib\vc_lib\wxmsw27d_animate.pdb /Yu"wx/wxprec.h" /Fp"vc_mswd\wxprec_animatelib.pch" /I "..\..\src\animate\..\..\include" /D "WIN32" /D "_LIB" /D "_DEBUG" /D "__WXMSW__" /D "__WXDEBUG__" /c -# ADD BASE RSC /l 0x409 -# ADD RSC /l 0x409 -BSC32=bscmake.exe -# ADD BASE BSC32 /nologo -# ADD BSC32 /nologo -LIB32=link.exe -lib -# ADD BASE LIB32 /nologo /out:"..\..\src\animate\..\..\..\lib\vc_lib\wxmsw27d_animate.lib" -# ADD LIB32 /nologo /out:"..\..\src\animate\..\..\..\lib\vc_lib\wxmsw27d_animate.lib" - -!ENDIF - -# Begin Target - -# Name "animate - Win32 DLL Universal Unicode Release" -# Name "animate - Win32 DLL Universal Unicode Debug" -# Name "animate - Win32 DLL Universal Release" -# Name "animate - Win32 DLL Universal Debug" -# Name "animate - Win32 DLL Unicode Release" -# Name "animate - Win32 DLL Unicode Debug" -# Name "animate - Win32 DLL Release" -# Name "animate - Win32 DLL Debug" -# Name "animate - Win32 Universal Unicode Release" -# Name "animate - Win32 Universal Unicode Debug" -# Name "animate - Win32 Universal Release" -# Name "animate - Win32 Universal Debug" -# Name "animate - Win32 Unicode Release" -# Name "animate - Win32 Unicode Debug" -# Name "animate - Win32 Release" -# Name "animate - Win32 Debug" -# Begin Group "Source Files" - -# PROP Default_Filter "" -# Begin Source File - -SOURCE=../../src/animate\animate.cpp -# End Source File -# Begin Source File - -SOURCE=../../src/animate\..\..\..\src\common\dummy.cpp -# ADD BASE CPP /Yc"wx/wxprec.h" -# ADD CPP /Yc"wx/wxprec.h" -# End Source File -# Begin Source File - -SOURCE=../../src/animate\..\..\..\src\msw\version.rc - -!IF "$(CFG)" == "animate - Win32 DLL Universal Unicode Release" - - -!ELSEIF "$(CFG)" == "animate - Win32 DLL Universal Unicode Debug" - - -!ELSEIF "$(CFG)" == "animate - Win32 DLL Universal Release" - - -!ELSEIF "$(CFG)" == "animate - Win32 DLL Universal Debug" - - -!ELSEIF "$(CFG)" == "animate - Win32 DLL Unicode Release" - - -!ELSEIF "$(CFG)" == "animate - Win32 DLL Unicode Debug" - - -!ELSEIF "$(CFG)" == "animate - Win32 DLL Release" - - -!ELSEIF "$(CFG)" == "animate - Win32 DLL Debug" - - -!ELSEIF "$(CFG)" == "animate - Win32 Universal Unicode Release" - -# PROP Exclude_From_Build 1 - -!ELSEIF "$(CFG)" == "animate - Win32 Universal Unicode Debug" - -# PROP Exclude_From_Build 1 - -!ELSEIF "$(CFG)" == "animate - Win32 Universal Release" - -# PROP Exclude_From_Build 1 - -!ELSEIF "$(CFG)" == "animate - Win32 Universal Debug" - -# PROP Exclude_From_Build 1 - -!ELSEIF "$(CFG)" == "animate - Win32 Unicode Release" - -# PROP Exclude_From_Build 1 - -!ELSEIF "$(CFG)" == "animate - Win32 Unicode Debug" - -# PROP Exclude_From_Build 1 - -!ELSEIF "$(CFG)" == "animate - Win32 Release" - -# PROP Exclude_From_Build 1 - -!ELSEIF "$(CFG)" == "animate - Win32 Debug" - -# PROP Exclude_From_Build 1 - -!ENDIF - -# End Source File -# End Group -# End Target -# End Project - diff --git a/contrib/build/animate/animate.dsw b/contrib/build/animate/animate.dsw deleted file mode 100644 index 0ec1375d1e..0000000000 --- a/contrib/build/animate/animate.dsw +++ /dev/null @@ -1,16 +0,0 @@ -Microsoft Developer Studio Workspace File, Format Version 6.00 -# WARNING: DO NOT EDIT OR DELETE THIS WORKSPACE FILE! - -############################################################################### -Project: "animate"=animate.dsp - Package Owner=<4> - -Package=<5> -{{{ -}}} - -Package=<4> -{{{ -}}} - -############################################################################### - diff --git a/contrib/build/animate/makefile.bcc b/contrib/build/animate/makefile.bcc deleted file mode 100644 index cea2e0224c..0000000000 --- a/contrib/build/animate/makefile.bcc +++ /dev/null @@ -1,277 +0,0 @@ -# ========================================================================= -# This makefile was generated by -# Bakefile 0.2.0 ( -# Do not modify, all changes will be overwritten! -# ========================================================================= - -.autodepend - -!ifndef BCCDIR -!ifndef MAKEDIR -!error Your Borland compiler does not define MAKEDIR. Please define the BCCDIR variable, e.g. BCCDIR=d:\bc4 -!endif -BCCDIR = $(MAKEDIR)\.. -!endif - -!include ../../../build/msw/config.bcc - -# ------------------------------------------------------------------------- -# Do not modify the rest of this file! -# ------------------------------------------------------------------------- - -### Variables: ### - -WX_RELEASE_NODOT = 27 -WX_VERSION_NODOT = $(WX_RELEASE_NODOT)1 -OBJS = \ - bcc_$(PORTNAME)$(WXUNIVNAME)$(WXUNICODEFLAG)$(WXDEBUGFLAG)$(WXDLLFLAG)$(CFG) -LIBDIRNAME = ..\..\src\animate\..\..\..\lib\bcc_$(LIBTYPE_SUFFIX)$(CFG) -SETUPHDIR = \ - $(LIBDIRNAME)\$(PORTNAME)$(WXUNIVNAME)$(WXUNICODEFLAG)$(WXDEBUGFLAG) -ANIMATEDLL_CXXFLAGS = $(__RUNTIME_LIBS) -I$(BCCDIR)\include $(__DEBUGINFO) \ - $(__OPTIMIZEFLAG) $(__THREADSFLAG) -D__WXMSW__ $(__WXUNIV_DEFINE_p) \ - $(__DEBUG_DEFINE_p) $(__EXCEPTIONS_DEFINE_p) $(__RTTI_DEFINE_p) \ - $(__THREAD_DEFINE_p) $(__UNICODE_DEFINE_p) $(__MSLU_DEFINE_p) \ - $(__GFXCTX_DEFINE_p) -I$(SETUPHDIR) -I..\..\src\animate\..\..\..\include \ - -I..\..\src\animate\..\..\include -DWXUSINGDLL -DWXMAKINGDLL_ANIMATE -Hu \ - -H=$(OBJS)\wxprec_animatedll.csm $(CPPFLAGS) $(CXXFLAGS) -ANIMATEDLL_OBJECTS = \ - $(OBJS)\animatedll_dummy.obj \ - $(OBJS)\animatedll_animate.obj -ANIMATELIB_CXXFLAGS = $(__RUNTIME_LIBS) -I$(BCCDIR)\include $(__DEBUGINFO) \ - $(__OPTIMIZEFLAG) $(__THREADSFLAG) -D__WXMSW__ $(__WXUNIV_DEFINE_p) \ - $(__DEBUG_DEFINE_p) $(__EXCEPTIONS_DEFINE_p) $(__RTTI_DEFINE_p) \ - $(__THREAD_DEFINE_p) $(__UNICODE_DEFINE_p) $(__MSLU_DEFINE_p) \ - $(__GFXCTX_DEFINE_p) -I$(SETUPHDIR) -I..\..\src\animate\..\..\..\include \ - -I..\..\src\animate\..\..\include -Hu -H=$(OBJS)\wxprec_animatelib.csm \ - $(CPPFLAGS) $(CXXFLAGS) -ANIMATELIB_OBJECTS = \ - $(OBJS)\animatelib_dummy.obj \ - $(OBJS)\animatelib_animate.obj - -### Conditionally set variables: ### - -!if "$(USE_GUI)" == "0" -PORTNAME = base -!endif -!if "$(USE_GUI)" == "1" -PORTNAME = msw -!endif -!if "$(OFFICIAL_BUILD)" == "0" -VENDORTAG = _$(VENDOR) -!endif -!if "$(OFFICIAL_BUILD)" == "1" -VENDORTAG = -!endif -!if "$(BUILD)" == "debug" && "$(DEBUG_FLAG)" == "default" -WXDEBUGFLAG = d -!endif -!if "$(DEBUG_FLAG)" == "1" -WXDEBUGFLAG = d -!endif -!if "$(UNICODE)" == "1" -WXUNICODEFLAG = u -!endif -!if "$(WXUNIV)" == "1" -WXUNIVNAME = univ -!endif -!if "$(SHARED)" == "1" -WXDLLFLAG = dll -!endif -!if "$(SHARED)" == "0" -LIBTYPE_SUFFIX = lib -!endif -!if "$(SHARED)" == "1" -LIBTYPE_SUFFIX = dll -!endif -!if "$(MONOLITHIC)" == "0" -EXTRALIBS_FOR_BASE = -!endif -!if "$(MONOLITHIC)" == "1" -EXTRALIBS_FOR_BASE = -!endif -!if "$(SHARED)" == "1" -__animatedll___depname = \ - $(LIBDIRNAME)\wx$(PORTNAME)$(WXUNIVNAME)$(WX_VERSION_NODOT)$(WXUNICODEFLAG)$(WXDEBUGFLAG)$(WX_LIB_FLAVOUR)_animate_bcc$(VENDORTAG).dll -!endif -!if "$(USE_THREADS)" == "0" -__THREADSFLAG_6 = -!endif -!if "$(USE_THREADS)" == "1" -__THREADSFLAG_6 = mt -!endif -!if "$(RUNTIME_LIBS)" == "dynamic" -__RUNTIME_LIBS_9 = i -!endif -!if "$(RUNTIME_LIBS)" == "static" -__RUNTIME_LIBS_9 = -!endif -!if "$(WXUNIV)" == "1" -__WXUNIV_DEFINE_p_1 = -d__WXUNIVERSAL__ -!endif -!if "$(BUILD)" == "debug" && "$(DEBUG_FLAG)" == "default" -__DEBUG_DEFINE_p_1 = -d__WXDEBUG__ -!endif -!if "$(DEBUG_FLAG)" == "1" -__DEBUG_DEFINE_p_1 = -d__WXDEBUG__ -!endif -!if "$(USE_EXCEPTIONS)" == "0" -__EXCEPTIONS_DEFINE_p_1 = -dwxNO_EXCEPTIONS -!endif -!if "$(USE_RTTI)" == "0" -__RTTI_DEFINE_p_1 = -dwxNO_RTTI -!endif -!if "$(USE_THREADS)" == "0" -__THREAD_DEFINE_p_1 = -dwxNO_THREADS -!endif -!if "$(UNICODE)" == "1" -__UNICODE_DEFINE_p_1 = -d_UNICODE -!endif -!if "$(MSLU)" == "1" -__MSLU_DEFINE_p_1 = -dwxUSE_UNICODE_MSLU=1 -!endif -!if "$(USE_GDIPLUS)" == "1" -__GFXCTX_DEFINE_p_1 = -dwxUSE_GRAPHICS_CONTEXT=1 -!endif -!if "$(MONOLITHIC)" == "1" -__WXLIB_MONO_p = \ - wx$(PORTNAME)$(WXUNIVNAME)$(WX_RELEASE_NODOT)$(WXUNICODEFLAG)$(WXDEBUGFLAG)$(WX_LIB_FLAVOUR).lib -!endif -!if "$(USE_GUI)" == "1" -__LIB_TIFF_p = wxtiff$(WXDEBUGFLAG).lib -!endif -!if "$(USE_GUI)" == "1" -__LIB_JPEG_p = wxjpeg$(WXDEBUGFLAG).lib -!endif -!if "$(USE_GUI)" == "1" -__LIB_PNG_p = wxpng$(WXDEBUGFLAG).lib -!endif -!if "$(MSLU)" == "1" -__UNICOWS_LIB_p = unicows.lib -!endif -!if "$(USE_GDIPLUS)" == "1" -__GDIPLUS_LIB_p = gdiplus.lib -!endif -!if "$(MONOLITHIC)" == "0" -__WXLIB_CORE_p = \ - wx$(PORTNAME)$(WXUNIVNAME)$(WX_RELEASE_NODOT)$(WXUNICODEFLAG)$(WXDEBUGFLAG)$(WX_LIB_FLAVOUR)_core.lib -!endif -!if "$(MONOLITHIC)" == "0" -__WXLIB_BASE_p = \ - wxbase$(WX_RELEASE_NODOT)$(WXUNICODEFLAG)$(WXDEBUGFLAG)$(WX_LIB_FLAVOUR).lib -!endif -!if "$(SHARED)" == "0" -__animatelib___depname = \ - $(LIBDIRNAME)\wx$(PORTNAME)$(WXUNIVNAME)$(WX_RELEASE_NODOT)$(WXUNICODEFLAG)$(WXDEBUGFLAG)$(WX_LIB_FLAVOUR)_animate.lib -!endif -!if "$(BUILD)" == "debug" && "$(DEBUG_INFO)" == "default" -__DEBUGINFO = -v -!endif -!if "$(BUILD)" == "release" && "$(DEBUG_INFO)" == "default" -__DEBUGINFO = -v- -!endif -!if "$(DEBUG_INFO)" == "0" -__DEBUGINFO = -v- -!endif -!if "$(DEBUG_INFO)" == "1" -__DEBUGINFO = -v -!endif -!if "$(BUILD)" == "debug" -__OPTIMIZEFLAG = -Od -!endif -!if "$(BUILD)" == "release" -__OPTIMIZEFLAG = -O2 -!endif -!if "$(USE_THREADS)" == "0" -__THREADSFLAG = -!endif -!if "$(USE_THREADS)" == "1" -__THREADSFLAG = -tWM -!endif -!if "$(RUNTIME_LIBS)" == "dynamic" -__RUNTIME_LIBS = -tWR -!endif -!if "$(RUNTIME_LIBS)" == "static" -__RUNTIME_LIBS = -!endif -!if "$(WXUNIV)" == "1" -__WXUNIV_DEFINE_p = -D__WXUNIVERSAL__ -!endif -!if "$(BUILD)" == "debug" && "$(DEBUG_FLAG)" == "default" -__DEBUG_DEFINE_p = -D__WXDEBUG__ -!endif -!if "$(DEBUG_FLAG)" == "1" -__DEBUG_DEFINE_p = -D__WXDEBUG__ -!endif -!if "$(USE_EXCEPTIONS)" == "0" -__EXCEPTIONS_DEFINE_p = -DwxNO_EXCEPTIONS -!endif -!if "$(USE_RTTI)" == "0" -__RTTI_DEFINE_p = -DwxNO_RTTI -!endif -!if "$(USE_THREADS)" == "0" -__THREAD_DEFINE_p = -DwxNO_THREADS -!endif -!if "$(UNICODE)" == "1" -__UNICODE_DEFINE_p = -D_UNICODE -!endif -!if "$(MSLU)" == "1" -__MSLU_DEFINE_p = -DwxUSE_UNICODE_MSLU=1 -!endif -!if "$(USE_GDIPLUS)" == "1" -__GFXCTX_DEFINE_p = -DwxUSE_GRAPHICS_CONTEXT=1 -!endif - - -all: $(OBJS) -$(OBJS): - -if not exist $(OBJS) mkdir $(OBJS) - -### Targets: ### - -all: $(__animatedll___depname) $(__animatelib___depname) - -clean: - -if exist $(OBJS)\*.obj del $(OBJS)\*.obj - -if exist $(OBJS)\*.res del $(OBJS)\*.res - -if exist $(OBJS)\*.csm del $(OBJS)\*.csm - -if exist $(LIBDIRNAME)\wx$(PORTNAME)$(WXUNIVNAME)$(WX_VERSION_NODOT)$(WXUNICODEFLAG)$(WXDEBUGFLAG)$(WX_LIB_FLAVOUR)_animate_bcc$(VENDORTAG).dll del $(LIBDIRNAME)\wx$(PORTNAME)$(WXUNIVNAME)$(WX_VERSION_NODOT)$(WXUNICODEFLAG)$(WXDEBUGFLAG)$(WX_LIB_FLAVOUR)_animate_bcc$(VENDORTAG).dll - -if exist $(LIBDIRNAME)\wx$(PORTNAME)$(WXUNIVNAME)$(WX_VERSION_NODOT)$(WXUNICODEFLAG)$(WXDEBUGFLAG)$(WX_LIB_FLAVOUR)_animate_bcc$(VENDORTAG).tds del $(LIBDIRNAME)\wx$(PORTNAME)$(WXUNIVNAME)$(WX_VERSION_NODOT)$(WXUNICODEFLAG)$(WXDEBUGFLAG)$(WX_LIB_FLAVOUR)_animate_bcc$(VENDORTAG).tds - -if exist $(LIBDIRNAME)\wx$(PORTNAME)$(WXUNIVNAME)$(WX_VERSION_NODOT)$(WXUNICODEFLAG)$(WXDEBUGFLAG)$(WX_LIB_FLAVOUR)_animate_bcc$(VENDORTAG).ilc del $(LIBDIRNAME)\wx$(PORTNAME)$(WXUNIVNAME)$(WX_VERSION_NODOT)$(WXUNICODEFLAG)$(WXDEBUGFLAG)$(WX_LIB_FLAVOUR)_animate_bcc$(VENDORTAG).ilc - -if exist $(LIBDIRNAME)\wx$(PORTNAME)$(WXUNIVNAME)$(WX_VERSION_NODOT)$(WXUNICODEFLAG)$(WXDEBUGFLAG)$(WX_LIB_FLAVOUR)_animate_bcc$(VENDORTAG).ild del $(LIBDIRNAME)\wx$(PORTNAME)$(WXUNIVNAME)$(WX_VERSION_NODOT)$(WXUNICODEFLAG)$(WXDEBUGFLAG)$(WX_LIB_FLAVOUR)_animate_bcc$(VENDORTAG).ild - -if exist $(LIBDIRNAME)\wx$(PORTNAME)$(WXUNIVNAME)$(WX_VERSION_NODOT)$(WXUNICODEFLAG)$(WXDEBUGFLAG)$(WX_LIB_FLAVOUR)_animate_bcc$(VENDORTAG).ilf del $(LIBDIRNAME)\wx$(PORTNAME)$(WXUNIVNAME)$(WX_VERSION_NODOT)$(WXUNICODEFLAG)$(WXDEBUGFLAG)$(WX_LIB_FLAVOUR)_animate_bcc$(VENDORTAG).ilf - -if exist $(LIBDIRNAME)\wx$(PORTNAME)$(WXUNIVNAME)$(WX_VERSION_NODOT)$(WXUNICODEFLAG)$(WXDEBUGFLAG)$(WX_LIB_FLAVOUR)_animate_bcc$(VENDORTAG).ils del $(LIBDIRNAME)\wx$(PORTNAME)$(WXUNIVNAME)$(WX_VERSION_NODOT)$(WXUNICODEFLAG)$(WXDEBUGFLAG)$(WX_LIB_FLAVOUR)_animate_bcc$(VENDORTAG).ils - -if exist $(LIBDIRNAME)\wx$(PORTNAME)$(WXUNIVNAME)$(WX_RELEASE_NODOT)$(WXUNICODEFLAG)$(WXDEBUGFLAG)$(WX_LIB_FLAVOUR)_animate.lib del $(LIBDIRNAME)\wx$(PORTNAME)$(WXUNIVNAME)$(WX_RELEASE_NODOT)$(WXUNICODEFLAG)$(WXDEBUGFLAG)$(WX_LIB_FLAVOUR)_animate.lib - -if exist $(LIBDIRNAME)\wx$(PORTNAME)$(WXUNIVNAME)$(WX_RELEASE_NODOT)$(WXUNICODEFLAG)$(WXDEBUGFLAG)$(WX_LIB_FLAVOUR)_animate.lib del $(LIBDIRNAME)\wx$(PORTNAME)$(WXUNIVNAME)$(WX_RELEASE_NODOT)$(WXUNICODEFLAG)$(WXDEBUGFLAG)$(WX_LIB_FLAVOUR)_animate.lib - -!if "$(SHARED)" == "1" -$(LIBDIRNAME)\wx$(PORTNAME)$(WXUNIVNAME)$(WX_VERSION_NODOT)$(WXUNICODEFLAG)$(WXDEBUGFLAG)$(WX_LIB_FLAVOUR)_animate_bcc$(VENDORTAG).dll: $(OBJS)\animatedll_dummy.obj $(ANIMATEDLL_OBJECTS) $(OBJS)\animatedll_version.res - ilink32 -Tpd -q $(LDFLAGS) -L$(BCCDIR)\lib -L$(BCCDIR)\lib\psdk $(__DEBUGINFO) -L$(LIBDIRNAME) @&&| - c0d32.obj $(ANIMATEDLL_OBJECTS),$@,, $(__WXLIB_MONO_p) $(__LIB_TIFF_p) $(__LIB_JPEG_p) $(__LIB_PNG_p) wxzlib$(WXDEBUGFLAG).lib wxregex$(WXUNICODEFLAG)$(WXDEBUGFLAG).lib wxexpat$(WXDEBUGFLAG).lib $(EXTRALIBS_FOR_BASE) $(__UNICOWS_LIB_p) $(__GDIPLUS_LIB_p) ole2w32.lib oleacc.lib odbc32.lib $(__WXLIB_CORE_p) $(__WXLIB_BASE_p) import32.lib cw32$(__THREADSFLAG_6)$(__RUNTIME_LIBS_9).lib,, $(OBJS)\animatedll_version.res -| - implib -f $(LIBDIRNAME)\wx$(PORTNAME)$(WXUNIVNAME)$(WX_RELEASE_NODOT)$(WXUNICODEFLAG)$(WXDEBUGFLAG)$(WX_LIB_FLAVOUR)_animate $@ -!endif - -!if "$(SHARED)" == "0" -$(LIBDIRNAME)\wx$(PORTNAME)$(WXUNIVNAME)$(WX_RELEASE_NODOT)$(WXUNICODEFLAG)$(WXDEBUGFLAG)$(WX_LIB_FLAVOUR)_animate.lib: $(OBJS)\animatelib_dummy.obj $(ANIMATELIB_OBJECTS) - if exist $@ del $@ - tlib /a /p4096 $@ @&&| - $(ANIMATELIB_OBJECTS) -| -!endif - -$(OBJS)\animatedll_dummy.obj: ../../src/animate\..\..\..\src\common\dummy.cpp - $(CXX) -q -c -P -o$@ $(ANIMATEDLL_CXXFLAGS) -H $** - -$(OBJS)\animatedll_version.res: ../../src/animate\..\..\..\src\msw\version.rc - brcc32 -32 -r -fo$@ -i$(BCCDIR)\include -d__WXMSW__ $(__WXUNIV_DEFINE_p_1) $(__DEBUG_DEFINE_p_1) $(__EXCEPTIONS_DEFINE_p_1) $(__RTTI_DEFINE_p_1) $(__THREAD_DEFINE_p_1) $(__UNICODE_DEFINE_p_1) $(__MSLU_DEFINE_p_1) $(__GFXCTX_DEFINE_p_1) -i$(SETUPHDIR) -i..\..\src\animate\..\..\..\include -dWXDLLNAME=wx$(PORTNAME)$(WXUNIVNAME)$(WX_VERSION_NODOT)$(WXUNICODEFLAG)$(WXDEBUGFLAG)$(WX_LIB_FLAVOUR)_animate_bcc$(VENDORTAG) $** - -$(OBJS)\animatedll_animate.obj: ../../src/animate\animate.cpp - $(CXX) -q -c -P -o$@ $(ANIMATEDLL_CXXFLAGS) $** - -$(OBJS)\animatelib_dummy.obj: ../../src/animate\..\..\..\src\common\dummy.cpp - $(CXX) -q -c -P -o$@ $(ANIMATELIB_CXXFLAGS) -H $** - -$(OBJS)\animatelib_animate.obj: ../../src/animate\animate.cpp - $(CXX) -q -c -P -o$@ $(ANIMATELIB_CXXFLAGS) $** - diff --git a/contrib/build/animate/makefile.gcc b/contrib/build/animate/makefile.gcc deleted file mode 100644 index ab6624c6fe..0000000000 --- a/contrib/build/animate/makefile.gcc +++ /dev/null @@ -1,273 +0,0 @@ -# ========================================================================= -# This makefile was generated by -# Bakefile 0.2.0 ( -# Do not modify, all changes will be overwritten! -# ========================================================================= - -include ../../../build/msw/config.gcc - -# ------------------------------------------------------------------------- -# Do not modify the rest of this file! -# ------------------------------------------------------------------------- - -### Variables: ### - -CPPDEPS = -MT$@ -MF$@.d -MD -WX_RELEASE_NODOT = 27 -WX_VERSION_NODOT = $(WX_RELEASE_NODOT)1 -OBJS = \ - gcc_$(PORTNAME)$(WXUNIVNAME)$(WXUNICODEFLAG)$(WXDEBUGFLAG)$(WXDLLFLAG)$(CFG) -LIBDIRNAME = ..\..\src\animate\..\..\..\lib\gcc_$(LIBTYPE_SUFFIX)$(CFG) -SETUPHDIR = \ - $(LIBDIRNAME)\$(PORTNAME)$(WXUNIVNAME)$(WXUNICODEFLAG)$(WXDEBUGFLAG) -ANIMATEDLL_CXXFLAGS = $(__DEBUGINFO) $(__OPTIMIZEFLAG) $(__THREADSFLAG) \ - $(GCCFLAGS) -DHAVE_W32API_H -D__WXMSW__ $(__WXUNIV_DEFINE_p) \ - $(__DEBUG_DEFINE_p) $(__EXCEPTIONS_DEFINE_p) $(__RTTI_DEFINE_p) \ - $(__THREAD_DEFINE_p) $(__UNICODE_DEFINE_p) $(__MSLU_DEFINE_p) \ - $(__GFXCTX_DEFINE_p) -I$(SETUPHDIR) -I..\..\src\animate\..\..\..\include -W \ - -Wall -I..\..\src\animate\..\..\include -DWXUSINGDLL -DWXMAKINGDLL_ANIMATE \ - $(__RTTIFLAG) $(__EXCEPTIONSFLAG) -Wno-ctor-dtor-privacy $(CPPFLAGS) \ - $(CXXFLAGS) -ANIMATEDLL_OBJECTS = \ - $(OBJS)\animatedll_dummy.o \ - $(OBJS)\animatedll_version_rc.o \ - $(OBJS)\animatedll_animate.o -ANIMATELIB_CXXFLAGS = $(__DEBUGINFO) $(__OPTIMIZEFLAG) $(__THREADSFLAG) \ - $(GCCFLAGS) -DHAVE_W32API_H -D__WXMSW__ $(__WXUNIV_DEFINE_p) \ - $(__DEBUG_DEFINE_p) $(__EXCEPTIONS_DEFINE_p) $(__RTTI_DEFINE_p) \ - $(__THREAD_DEFINE_p) $(__UNICODE_DEFINE_p) $(__MSLU_DEFINE_p) \ - $(__GFXCTX_DEFINE_p) -I$(SETUPHDIR) -I..\..\src\animate\..\..\..\include -W \ - -Wall -I..\..\src\animate\..\..\include $(__RTTIFLAG) $(__EXCEPTIONSFLAG) \ - -Wno-ctor-dtor-privacy $(CPPFLAGS) $(CXXFLAGS) -ANIMATELIB_OBJECTS = \ - $(OBJS)\animatelib_dummy.o \ - $(OBJS)\animatelib_animate.o - -### Conditionally set variables: ### - -ifeq ($(GCC_VERSION),2.95) -GCCFLAGS = -fvtable-thunks -endif -ifeq ($(USE_GUI),0) -PORTNAME = base -endif -ifeq ($(USE_GUI),1) -PORTNAME = msw -endif -ifeq ($(OFFICIAL_BUILD),0) -VENDORTAG = _$(VENDOR) -endif -ifeq ($(OFFICIAL_BUILD),1) -VENDORTAG = -endif -ifeq ($(BUILD),debug) -ifeq ($(DEBUG_FLAG),default) -WXDEBUGFLAG = d -endif -endif -ifeq ($(DEBUG_FLAG),1) -WXDEBUGFLAG = d -endif -ifeq ($(UNICODE),1) -WXUNICODEFLAG = u -endif -ifeq ($(WXUNIV),1) -WXUNIVNAME = univ -endif -ifeq ($(SHARED),1) -WXDLLFLAG = dll -endif -ifeq ($(SHARED),0) -LIBTYPE_SUFFIX = lib -endif -ifeq ($(SHARED),1) -LIBTYPE_SUFFIX = dll -endif -ifeq ($(MONOLITHIC),0) -EXTRALIBS_FOR_BASE = -endif -ifeq ($(MONOLITHIC),1) -EXTRALIBS_FOR_BASE = -endif -ifeq ($(SHARED),1) -__animatedll___depname = \ - $(LIBDIRNAME)\wx$(PORTNAME)$(WXUNIVNAME)$(WX_VERSION_NODOT)$(WXUNICODEFLAG)$(WXDEBUGFLAG)$(WX_LIB_FLAVOUR)_animate_gcc$(VENDORTAG).dll -endif -ifeq ($(WXUNIV),1) -__WXUNIV_DEFINE_p_1 = --define __WXUNIVERSAL__ -endif -ifeq ($(BUILD),debug) -ifeq ($(DEBUG_FLAG),default) -__DEBUG_DEFINE_p_1 = --define __WXDEBUG__ -endif -endif -ifeq ($(DEBUG_FLAG),1) -__DEBUG_DEFINE_p_1 = --define __WXDEBUG__ -endif -ifeq ($(USE_EXCEPTIONS),0) -__EXCEPTIONS_DEFINE_p_1 = --define wxNO_EXCEPTIONS -endif -ifeq ($(USE_RTTI),0) -__RTTI_DEFINE_p_1 = --define wxNO_RTTI -endif -ifeq ($(USE_THREADS),0) -__THREAD_DEFINE_p_1 = --define wxNO_THREADS -endif -ifeq ($(UNICODE),1) -__UNICODE_DEFINE_p_1 = --define _UNICODE -endif -ifeq ($(MSLU),1) -__MSLU_DEFINE_p_1 = --define wxUSE_UNICODE_MSLU=1 -endif -ifeq ($(USE_GDIPLUS),1) -__GFXCTX_DEFINE_p_1 = --define wxUSE_GRAPHICS_CONTEXT=1 -endif -ifeq ($(MONOLITHIC),1) -__WXLIB_MONO_p = \ - -lwx$(PORTNAME)$(WXUNIVNAME)$(WX_RELEASE_NODOT)$(WXUNICODEFLAG)$(WXDEBUGFLAG)$(WX_LIB_FLAVOUR) -endif -ifeq ($(USE_GUI),1) -__LIB_TIFF_p = -lwxtiff$(WXDEBUGFLAG) -endif -ifeq ($(USE_GUI),1) -__LIB_JPEG_p = -lwxjpeg$(WXDEBUGFLAG) -endif -ifeq ($(USE_GUI),1) -__LIB_PNG_p = -lwxpng$(WXDEBUGFLAG) -endif -ifeq ($(MSLU),1) -__UNICOWS_LIB_p = -lunicows -endif -ifeq ($(USE_GDIPLUS),1) -__GDIPLUS_LIB_p = -lgdiplus -endif -ifeq ($(MONOLITHIC),0) -__WXLIB_CORE_p = \ - -lwx$(PORTNAME)$(WXUNIVNAME)$(WX_RELEASE_NODOT)$(WXUNICODEFLAG)$(WXDEBUGFLAG)$(WX_LIB_FLAVOUR)_core -endif -ifeq ($(MONOLITHIC),0) -__WXLIB_BASE_p = \ - -lwxbase$(WX_RELEASE_NODOT)$(WXUNICODEFLAG)$(WXDEBUGFLAG)$(WX_LIB_FLAVOUR) -endif -ifeq ($(SHARED),0) -__animatelib___depname = \ - $(LIBDIRNAME)\libwx$(PORTNAME)$(WXUNIVNAME)$(WX_RELEASE_NODOT)$(WXUNICODEFLAG)$(WXDEBUGFLAG)$(WX_LIB_FLAVOUR)_animate.a -endif -ifeq ($(BUILD),debug) -ifeq ($(DEBUG_INFO),default) -__DEBUGINFO = -g -endif -endif -ifeq ($(BUILD),release) -ifeq ($(DEBUG_INFO),default) -__DEBUGINFO = -endif -endif -ifeq ($(DEBUG_INFO),0) -__DEBUGINFO = -endif -ifeq ($(DEBUG_INFO),1) -__DEBUGINFO = -g -endif -ifeq ($(BUILD),debug) -__OPTIMIZEFLAG = -O0 -endif -ifeq ($(BUILD),release) -__OPTIMIZEFLAG = -O2 -endif -ifeq ($(USE_THREADS),0) -__THREADSFLAG = -endif -ifeq ($(USE_THREADS),1) -__THREADSFLAG = -mthreads -endif -ifeq ($(USE_RTTI),0) -__RTTIFLAG = -fno-rtti -endif -ifeq ($(USE_RTTI),1) -__RTTIFLAG = -endif -ifeq ($(USE_EXCEPTIONS),0) -__EXCEPTIONSFLAG = -fno-exceptions -endif -ifeq ($(USE_EXCEPTIONS),1) -__EXCEPTIONSFLAG = -endif -ifeq ($(WXUNIV),1) -__WXUNIV_DEFINE_p = -D__WXUNIVERSAL__ -endif -ifeq ($(BUILD),debug) -ifeq ($(DEBUG_FLAG),default) -__DEBUG_DEFINE_p = -D__WXDEBUG__ -endif -endif -ifeq ($(DEBUG_FLAG),1) -__DEBUG_DEFINE_p = -D__WXDEBUG__ -endif -ifeq ($(USE_EXCEPTIONS),0) -__EXCEPTIONS_DEFINE_p = -DwxNO_EXCEPTIONS -endif -ifeq ($(USE_RTTI),0) -__RTTI_DEFINE_p = -DwxNO_RTTI -endif -ifeq ($(USE_THREADS),0) -__THREAD_DEFINE_p = -DwxNO_THREADS -endif -ifeq ($(UNICODE),1) -__UNICODE_DEFINE_p = -D_UNICODE -endif -ifeq ($(MSLU),1) -__MSLU_DEFINE_p = -DwxUSE_UNICODE_MSLU=1 -endif -ifeq ($(USE_GDIPLUS),1) -__GFXCTX_DEFINE_p = -DwxUSE_GRAPHICS_CONTEXT=1 -endif - - -all: $(OBJS) -$(OBJS): - -if not exist $(OBJS) mkdir $(OBJS) - -### Targets: ### - -all: $(__animatedll___depname) $(__animatelib___depname) - -clean: - -if exist $(OBJS)\*.o del $(OBJS)\*.o - -if exist $(OBJS)\*.d del $(OBJS)\*.d - -if exist $(LIBDIRNAME)\wx$(PORTNAME)$(WXUNIVNAME)$(WX_VERSION_NODOT)$(WXUNICODEFLAG)$(WXDEBUGFLAG)$(WX_LIB_FLAVOUR)_animate_gcc$(VENDORTAG).dll del $(LIBDIRNAME)\wx$(PORTNAME)$(WXUNIVNAME)$(WX_VERSION_NODOT)$(WXUNICODEFLAG)$(WXDEBUGFLAG)$(WX_LIB_FLAVOUR)_animate_gcc$(VENDORTAG).dll - -if exist $(LIBDIRNAME)\libwx$(PORTNAME)$(WXUNIVNAME)$(WX_RELEASE_NODOT)$(WXUNICODEFLAG)$(WXDEBUGFLAG)$(WX_LIB_FLAVOUR)_animate.a del $(LIBDIRNAME)\libwx$(PORTNAME)$(WXUNIVNAME)$(WX_RELEASE_NODOT)$(WXUNICODEFLAG)$(WXDEBUGFLAG)$(WX_LIB_FLAVOUR)_animate.a - -if exist $(LIBDIRNAME)\libwx$(PORTNAME)$(WXUNIVNAME)$(WX_RELEASE_NODOT)$(WXUNICODEFLAG)$(WXDEBUGFLAG)$(WX_LIB_FLAVOUR)_animate.a del $(LIBDIRNAME)\libwx$(PORTNAME)$(WXUNIVNAME)$(WX_RELEASE_NODOT)$(WXUNICODEFLAG)$(WXDEBUGFLAG)$(WX_LIB_FLAVOUR)_animate.a - -ifeq ($(SHARED),1) -$(LIBDIRNAME)\wx$(PORTNAME)$(WXUNIVNAME)$(WX_VERSION_NODOT)$(WXUNICODEFLAG)$(WXDEBUGFLAG)$(WX_LIB_FLAVOUR)_animate_gcc$(VENDORTAG).dll: $(ANIMATEDLL_OBJECTS) $(OBJS)\animatedll_version_rc.o - $(CXX) -shared -fPIC -o $@ $(ANIMATEDLL_OBJECTS) $(LDFLAGS) $(__DEBUGINFO) $(__THREADSFLAG) -L$(LIBDIRNAME) -Wl,--out-implib,$(LIBDIRNAME)\libwx$(PORTNAME)$(WXUNIVNAME)$(WX_RELEASE_NODOT)$(WXUNICODEFLAG)$(WXDEBUGFLAG)$(WX_LIB_FLAVOUR)_animate.a $(__WXLIB_MONO_p) $(__LIB_TIFF_p) $(__LIB_JPEG_p) $(__LIB_PNG_p) -lwxzlib$(WXDEBUGFLAG) -lwxregex$(WXUNICODEFLAG)$(WXDEBUGFLAG) -lwxexpat$(WXDEBUGFLAG) $(EXTRALIBS_FOR_BASE) $(__UNICOWS_LIB_p) $(__GDIPLUS_LIB_p) -lkernel32 -luser32 -lgdi32 -lcomdlg32 -lwinspool -lwinmm -lshell32 -lcomctl32 -lole32 -loleaut32 -luuid -lrpcrt4 -ladvapi32 -lwsock32 -lodbc32 $(__WXLIB_CORE_p) $(__WXLIB_BASE_p) -endif - -ifeq ($(SHARED),0) -$(LIBDIRNAME)\libwx$(PORTNAME)$(WXUNIVNAME)$(WX_RELEASE_NODOT)$(WXUNICODEFLAG)$(WXDEBUGFLAG)$(WX_LIB_FLAVOUR)_animate.a: $(ANIMATELIB_OBJECTS) - if exist $@ del $@ - ar rcu $@ $(ANIMATELIB_OBJECTS) - ranlib $@ -endif - -$(OBJS)\animatedll_dummy.o: ../../src/animate/../../../src/common/dummy.cpp - $(CXX) -c -o $@ $(ANIMATEDLL_CXXFLAGS) $(CPPDEPS) $< - -$(OBJS)\animatedll_version_rc.o: ../../src/animate/../../../src/msw/version.rc - windres --use-temp-file -i$< -o$@ --define __WXMSW__ $(__WXUNIV_DEFINE_p_1) $(__DEBUG_DEFINE_p_1) $(__EXCEPTIONS_DEFINE_p_1) $(__RTTI_DEFINE_p_1) $(__THREAD_DEFINE_p_1) $(__UNICODE_DEFINE_p_1) $(__MSLU_DEFINE_p_1) $(__GFXCTX_DEFINE_p_1) --include-dir $(SETUPHDIR) --include-dir ../../src/animate/../../../include --define WXDLLNAME=wx$(PORTNAME)$(WXUNIVNAME)$(WX_VERSION_NODOT)$(WXUNICODEFLAG)$(WXDEBUGFLAG)$(WX_LIB_FLAVOUR)_animate_gcc$(VENDORTAG) - -$(OBJS)\animatedll_animate.o: ../../src/animate/animate.cpp - $(CXX) -c -o $@ $(ANIMATEDLL_CXXFLAGS) $(CPPDEPS) $< - -$(OBJS)\animatelib_dummy.o: ../../src/animate/../../../src/common/dummy.cpp - $(CXX) -c -o $@ $(ANIMATELIB_CXXFLAGS) $(CPPDEPS) $< - -$(OBJS)\animatelib_animate.o: ../../src/animate/animate.cpp - $(CXX) -c -o $@ $(ANIMATELIB_CXXFLAGS) $(CPPDEPS) $< - -.PHONY: all clean - - -# Dependencies tracking: --include $(OBJS)/*.d diff --git a/contrib/build/animate/ b/contrib/build/animate/ deleted file mode 100644 index f5674fb422..0000000000 --- a/contrib/build/animate/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,362 +0,0 @@ -# ========================================================================= -# This makefile was generated by -# Bakefile 0.2.0 ( -# Do not modify, all changes will be overwritten! -# ========================================================================= - -!include <../../../build/msw/> - -# ------------------------------------------------------------------------- -# Do not modify the rest of this file! -# ------------------------------------------------------------------------- - -### Variables: ### - -WX_RELEASE_NODOT = 27 -WX_VERSION_NODOT = $(WX_RELEASE_NODOT)1 -OBJS = \ - vc_$(PORTNAME)$(WXUNIVNAME)$(WXUNICODEFLAG)$(WXDEBUGFLAG)$(WXDLLFLAG)$(CFG)$(DIR_SUFFIX_CPU) -LIBDIRNAME = \ - ..\..\src\animate\..\..\..\lib\vc$(DIR_SUFFIX_CPU)_$(LIBTYPE_SUFFIX)$(CFG) -SETUPHDIR = \ - $(LIBDIRNAME)\$(PORTNAME)$(WXUNIVNAME)$(WXUNICODEFLAG)$(WXDEBUGFLAG) -ANIMATEDLL_CXXFLAGS = /M$(__RUNTIME_LIBS_9)$(__DEBUGRUNTIME) /DWIN32 \ - $(__DEBUGINFO_1) \ - /Fd$(LIBDIRNAME)\wx$(PORTNAME)$(WXUNIVNAME)$(WX_VERSION_NODOT)$(WXUNICODEFLAG)$(WXDEBUGFLAG)$(WX_LIB_FLAVOUR)_animate_vc$(VENDORTAG).pdb \ - $(____DEBUGRUNTIME) $(__OPTIMIZEFLAG) $(__NO_VC_CRTDBG_p) /D__WXMSW__ \ - $(__WXUNIV_DEFINE_p) $(__DEBUG_DEFINE_p) $(__EXCEPTIONS_DEFINE_p) \ - $(__RTTI_DEFINE_p) $(__THREAD_DEFINE_p) $(__UNICODE_DEFINE_p) \ - $(__MSLU_DEFINE_p) $(__GFXCTX_DEFINE_p) /I$(SETUPHDIR) \ - /I..\..\src\animate\..\..\..\include /W4 /I..\..\src\animate\..\..\include \ - /DWXUSINGDLL /DWXMAKINGDLL_ANIMATE $(__RTTIFLAG) $(__EXCEPTIONSFLAG) \ - /Yu"wx/wxprec.h" /Fp"$(OBJS)\wxprec_animatedll.pch" $(CPPFLAGS) $(CXXFLAGS) -ANIMATEDLL_OBJECTS = \ - $(OBJS)\animatedll_dummy.obj \ - $(OBJS)\animatedll_version.res \ - $(OBJS)\animatedll_animate.obj -ANIMATELIB_CXXFLAGS = /M$(__RUNTIME_LIBS_22)$(__DEBUGRUNTIME) /DWIN32 \ - $(__DEBUGINFO_1) \ - /Fd$(LIBDIRNAME)\wx$(PORTNAME)$(WXUNIVNAME)$(WX_RELEASE_NODOT)$(WXUNICODEFLAG)$(WXDEBUGFLAG)$(WX_LIB_FLAVOUR)_animate.pdb \ - $(____DEBUGRUNTIME) $(__OPTIMIZEFLAG) $(__NO_VC_CRTDBG_p) /D__WXMSW__ \ - $(__WXUNIV_DEFINE_p) $(__DEBUG_DEFINE_p) $(__EXCEPTIONS_DEFINE_p) \ - $(__RTTI_DEFINE_p) $(__THREAD_DEFINE_p) $(__UNICODE_DEFINE_p) \ - $(__MSLU_DEFINE_p) $(__GFXCTX_DEFINE_p) /I$(SETUPHDIR) \ - /I..\..\src\animate\..\..\..\include /W4 /I..\..\src\animate\..\..\include \ - $(__RTTIFLAG) $(__EXCEPTIONSFLAG) /Yu"wx/wxprec.h" \ - /Fp"$(OBJS)\wxprec_animatelib.pch" $(CPPFLAGS) $(CXXFLAGS) -ANIMATELIB_OBJECTS = \ - $(OBJS)\animatelib_dummy.obj \ - $(OBJS)\animatelib_animate.obj - -### Conditionally set variables: ### - -!if "$(USE_GUI)" == "0" -PORTNAME = base -!endif -!if "$(USE_GUI)" == "1" -PORTNAME = msw -!endif -!if "$(OFFICIAL_BUILD)" == "0" -VENDORTAG = _$(VENDOR) -!endif -!if "$(OFFICIAL_BUILD)" == "1" -VENDORTAG = -!endif -!if "$(BUILD)" == "debug" && "$(DEBUG_FLAG)" == "default" -WXDEBUGFLAG = d -!endif -!if "$(DEBUG_FLAG)" == "1" -WXDEBUGFLAG = d -!endif -!if "$(UNICODE)" == "1" -WXUNICODEFLAG = u -!endif -!if "$(WXUNIV)" == "1" -WXUNIVNAME = univ -!endif -!if "$(TARGET_CPU)" == "amd64" -DIR_SUFFIX_CPU = _amd64 -!endif -!if "$(TARGET_CPU)" == "amd64" -DIR_SUFFIX_CPU = _amd64 -!endif -!if "$(TARGET_CPU)" == "ia64" -DIR_SUFFIX_CPU = _ia64 -!endif -!if "$(TARGET_CPU)" == "ia64" -DIR_SUFFIX_CPU = _ia64 -!endif -!if "$(SHARED)" == "1" -WXDLLFLAG = dll -!endif -!if "$(SHARED)" == "0" -LIBTYPE_SUFFIX = lib -!endif -!if "$(SHARED)" == "1" -LIBTYPE_SUFFIX = dll -!endif -!if "$(TARGET_CPU)" == "amd64" -LINK_TARGET_CPU = /MACHINE:AMD64 -!endif -!if "$(TARGET_CPU)" == "amd64" -LINK_TARGET_CPU = /MACHINE:AMD64 -!endif -!if "$(TARGET_CPU)" == "ia64" -LINK_TARGET_CPU = /MACHINE:IA64 -!endif -!if "$(TARGET_CPU)" == "ia64" -LINK_TARGET_CPU = /MACHINE:IA64 -!endif -!if "$(MONOLITHIC)" == "0" -EXTRALIBS_FOR_BASE = -!endif -!if "$(MONOLITHIC)" == "1" -EXTRALIBS_FOR_BASE = -!endif -!if "$(SHARED)" == "1" -__animatedll___depname = \ - $(LIBDIRNAME)\wx$(PORTNAME)$(WXUNIVNAME)$(WX_VERSION_NODOT)$(WXUNICODEFLAG)$(WXDEBUGFLAG)$(WX_LIB_FLAVOUR)_animate_vc$(VENDORTAG).dll -!endif -!if "$(BUILD)" == "debug" && "$(DEBUG_INFO)" == "default" -__DEBUGINFO_2 = /DEBUG -!endif -!if "$(BUILD)" == "release" && "$(DEBUG_INFO)" == "default" -__DEBUGINFO_2 = -!endif -!if "$(DEBUG_INFO)" == "0" -__DEBUGINFO_2 = -!endif -!if "$(DEBUG_INFO)" == "1" -__DEBUGINFO_2 = /DEBUG -!endif -!if "$(BUILD)" == "debug" && "$(DEBUG_RUNTIME_LIBS)" == "default" -____DEBUGRUNTIME_3_p_1 = /d _DEBUG -!endif -!if "$(BUILD)" == "release" && "$(DEBUG_RUNTIME_LIBS)" == "default" -____DEBUGRUNTIME_3_p_1 = -!endif -!if "$(DEBUG_RUNTIME_LIBS)" == "0" -____DEBUGRUNTIME_3_p_1 = -!endif -!if "$(DEBUG_RUNTIME_LIBS)" == "1" -____DEBUGRUNTIME_3_p_1 = /d _DEBUG -!endif -!if "$(RUNTIME_LIBS)" == "dynamic" -__RUNTIME_LIBS_9 = D -!endif -!if "$(RUNTIME_LIBS)" == "static" -__RUNTIME_LIBS_9 = $(__THREADSFLAG) -!endif -!if "$(BUILD)" == "debug" && "$(DEBUG_RUNTIME_LIBS)" == "0" -__NO_VC_CRTDBG_p_1 = /d __NO_VC_CRTDBG__ -!endif -!if "$(BUILD)" == "release" && "$(DEBUG_FLAG)" == "1" -__NO_VC_CRTDBG_p_1 = /d __NO_VC_CRTDBG__ -!endif -!if "$(WXUNIV)" == "1" -__WXUNIV_DEFINE_p_1 = /d __WXUNIVERSAL__ -!endif -!if "$(BUILD)" == "debug" && "$(DEBUG_FLAG)" == "default" -__DEBUG_DEFINE_p_1 = /d __WXDEBUG__ -!endif -!if "$(DEBUG_FLAG)" == "1" -__DEBUG_DEFINE_p_1 = /d __WXDEBUG__ -!endif -!if "$(USE_EXCEPTIONS)" == "0" -__EXCEPTIONS_DEFINE_p_1 = /d wxNO_EXCEPTIONS -!endif -!if "$(USE_RTTI)" == "0" -__RTTI_DEFINE_p_1 = /d wxNO_RTTI -!endif -!if "$(USE_THREADS)" == "0" -__THREAD_DEFINE_p_1 = /d wxNO_THREADS -!endif -!if "$(UNICODE)" == "1" -__UNICODE_DEFINE_p_1 = /d _UNICODE -!endif -!if "$(MSLU)" == "1" -__MSLU_DEFINE_p_1 = /d wxUSE_UNICODE_MSLU=1 -!endif -!if "$(USE_GDIPLUS)" == "1" -__GFXCTX_DEFINE_p_1 = /d wxUSE_GRAPHICS_CONTEXT=1 -!endif -!if "$(MONOLITHIC)" == "1" -__WXLIB_MONO_p = \ - wx$(PORTNAME)$(WXUNIVNAME)$(WX_RELEASE_NODOT)$(WXUNICODEFLAG)$(WXDEBUGFLAG)$(WX_LIB_FLAVOUR).lib -!endif -!if "$(USE_GUI)" == "1" -__LIB_TIFF_p = wxtiff$(WXDEBUGFLAG).lib -!endif -!if "$(USE_GUI)" == "1" -__LIB_JPEG_p = wxjpeg$(WXDEBUGFLAG).lib -!endif -!if "$(USE_GUI)" == "1" -__LIB_PNG_p = wxpng$(WXDEBUGFLAG).lib -!endif -!if "$(MSLU)" == "1" -__UNICOWS_LIB_p = unicows.lib -!endif -!if "$(USE_GDIPLUS)" == "1" -__GDIPLUS_LIB_p = gdiplus.lib -!endif -!if "$(MONOLITHIC)" == "0" -__WXLIB_CORE_p = \ - wx$(PORTNAME)$(WXUNIVNAME)$(WX_RELEASE_NODOT)$(WXUNICODEFLAG)$(WXDEBUGFLAG)$(WX_LIB_FLAVOUR)_core.lib -!endif -!if "$(MONOLITHIC)" == "0" -__WXLIB_BASE_p = \ - wxbase$(WX_RELEASE_NODOT)$(WXUNICODEFLAG)$(WXDEBUGFLAG)$(WX_LIB_FLAVOUR).lib -!endif -!if "$(SHARED)" == "0" -__animatelib___depname = \ - $(LIBDIRNAME)\wx$(PORTNAME)$(WXUNIVNAME)$(WX_RELEASE_NODOT)$(WXUNICODEFLAG)$(WXDEBUGFLAG)$(WX_LIB_FLAVOUR)_animate.lib -!endif -!if "$(RUNTIME_LIBS)" == "dynamic" -__RUNTIME_LIBS_22 = D -!endif -!if "$(RUNTIME_LIBS)" == "static" -__RUNTIME_LIBS_22 = $(__THREADSFLAG) -!endif -!if "$(BUILD)" == "debug" && "$(DEBUG_INFO)" == "default" -__DEBUGINFO_1 = /Zi -!endif -!if "$(BUILD)" == "release" && "$(DEBUG_INFO)" == "default" -__DEBUGINFO_1 = -!endif -!if "$(DEBUG_INFO)" == "0" -__DEBUGINFO_1 = -!endif -!if "$(DEBUG_INFO)" == "1" -__DEBUGINFO_1 = /Zi -!endif -!if "$(BUILD)" == "debug" && "$(DEBUG_RUNTIME_LIBS)" == "default" -____DEBUGRUNTIME = /D_DEBUG -!endif -!if "$(BUILD)" == "release" && "$(DEBUG_RUNTIME_LIBS)" == "default" -____DEBUGRUNTIME = -!endif -!if "$(DEBUG_RUNTIME_LIBS)" == "0" -____DEBUGRUNTIME = -!endif -!if "$(DEBUG_RUNTIME_LIBS)" == "1" -____DEBUGRUNTIME = /D_DEBUG -!endif -!if "$(BUILD)" == "debug" && "$(DEBUG_RUNTIME_LIBS)" == "default" -__DEBUGRUNTIME = d -!endif -!if "$(BUILD)" == "release" && "$(DEBUG_RUNTIME_LIBS)" == "default" -__DEBUGRUNTIME = -!endif -!if "$(DEBUG_RUNTIME_LIBS)" == "0" -__DEBUGRUNTIME = -!endif -!if "$(DEBUG_RUNTIME_LIBS)" == "1" -__DEBUGRUNTIME = d -!endif -!if "$(BUILD)" == "debug" -__OPTIMIZEFLAG = /Od -!endif -!if "$(BUILD)" == "release" -__OPTIMIZEFLAG = /O2 -!endif -!if "$(USE_THREADS)" == "0" -__THREADSFLAG = L -!endif -!if "$(USE_THREADS)" == "1" -__THREADSFLAG = T -!endif -!if "$(USE_RTTI)" == "0" -__RTTIFLAG = -!endif -!if "$(USE_RTTI)" == "1" -__RTTIFLAG = /GR -!endif -!if "$(USE_EXCEPTIONS)" == "0" -__EXCEPTIONSFLAG = -!endif -!if "$(USE_EXCEPTIONS)" == "1" -__EXCEPTIONSFLAG = /EHsc -!endif -!if "$(BUILD)" == "debug" && "$(DEBUG_RUNTIME_LIBS)" == "0" -__NO_VC_CRTDBG_p = /D__NO_VC_CRTDBG__ -!endif -!if "$(BUILD)" == "release" && "$(DEBUG_FLAG)" == "1" -__NO_VC_CRTDBG_p = /D__NO_VC_CRTDBG__ -!endif -!if "$(WXUNIV)" == "1" -__WXUNIV_DEFINE_p = /D__WXUNIVERSAL__ -!endif -!if "$(BUILD)" == "debug" && "$(DEBUG_FLAG)" == "default" -__DEBUG_DEFINE_p = /D__WXDEBUG__ -!endif -!if "$(DEBUG_FLAG)" == "1" -__DEBUG_DEFINE_p = /D__WXDEBUG__ -!endif -!if "$(USE_EXCEPTIONS)" == "0" -__EXCEPTIONS_DEFINE_p = /DwxNO_EXCEPTIONS -!endif -!if "$(USE_RTTI)" == "0" -__RTTI_DEFINE_p = /DwxNO_RTTI -!endif -!if "$(USE_THREADS)" == "0" -__THREAD_DEFINE_p = /DwxNO_THREADS -!endif -!if "$(UNICODE)" == "1" -__UNICODE_DEFINE_p = /D_UNICODE -!endif -!if "$(MSLU)" == "1" -__MSLU_DEFINE_p = /DwxUSE_UNICODE_MSLU=1 -!endif -!if "$(USE_GDIPLUS)" == "1" -__GFXCTX_DEFINE_p = /DwxUSE_GRAPHICS_CONTEXT=1 -!endif - - -all: $(OBJS) -$(OBJS): - -if not exist $(OBJS) mkdir $(OBJS) - -### Targets: ### - -all: $(__animatedll___depname) $(__animatelib___depname) - -clean: - -if exist $(OBJS)\*.obj del $(OBJS)\*.obj - -if exist $(OBJS)\*.res del $(OBJS)\*.res - -if exist $(OBJS)\*.pch del $(OBJS)\*.pch - -if exist $(LIBDIRNAME)\wx$(PORTNAME)$(WXUNIVNAME)$(WX_VERSION_NODOT)$(WXUNICODEFLAG)$(WXDEBUGFLAG)$(WX_LIB_FLAVOUR)_animate_vc$(VENDORTAG).dll del $(LIBDIRNAME)\wx$(PORTNAME)$(WXUNIVNAME)$(WX_VERSION_NODOT)$(WXUNICODEFLAG)$(WXDEBUGFLAG)$(WX_LIB_FLAVOUR)_animate_vc$(VENDORTAG).dll - -if exist $(LIBDIRNAME)\wx$(PORTNAME)$(WXUNIVNAME)$(WX_VERSION_NODOT)$(WXUNICODEFLAG)$(WXDEBUGFLAG)$(WX_LIB_FLAVOUR)_animate_vc$(VENDORTAG).ilk del $(LIBDIRNAME)\wx$(PORTNAME)$(WXUNIVNAME)$(WX_VERSION_NODOT)$(WXUNICODEFLAG)$(WXDEBUGFLAG)$(WX_LIB_FLAVOUR)_animate_vc$(VENDORTAG).ilk - -if exist $(LIBDIRNAME)\wx$(PORTNAME)$(WXUNIVNAME)$(WX_VERSION_NODOT)$(WXUNICODEFLAG)$(WXDEBUGFLAG)$(WX_LIB_FLAVOUR)_animate_vc$(VENDORTAG).pdb del $(LIBDIRNAME)\wx$(PORTNAME)$(WXUNIVNAME)$(WX_VERSION_NODOT)$(WXUNICODEFLAG)$(WXDEBUGFLAG)$(WX_LIB_FLAVOUR)_animate_vc$(VENDORTAG).pdb - -if exist $(LIBDIRNAME)\wx$(PORTNAME)$(WXUNIVNAME)$(WX_RELEASE_NODOT)$(WXUNICODEFLAG)$(WXDEBUGFLAG)$(WX_LIB_FLAVOUR)_animate.lib del $(LIBDIRNAME)\wx$(PORTNAME)$(WXUNIVNAME)$(WX_RELEASE_NODOT)$(WXUNICODEFLAG)$(WXDEBUGFLAG)$(WX_LIB_FLAVOUR)_animate.lib - -if exist $(LIBDIRNAME)\wx$(PORTNAME)$(WXUNIVNAME)$(WX_RELEASE_NODOT)$(WXUNICODEFLAG)$(WXDEBUGFLAG)$(WX_LIB_FLAVOUR)_animate.lib del $(LIBDIRNAME)\wx$(PORTNAME)$(WXUNIVNAME)$(WX_RELEASE_NODOT)$(WXUNICODEFLAG)$(WXDEBUGFLAG)$(WX_LIB_FLAVOUR)_animate.lib - -!if "$(SHARED)" == "1" -$(LIBDIRNAME)\wx$(PORTNAME)$(WXUNIVNAME)$(WX_VERSION_NODOT)$(WXUNICODEFLAG)$(WXDEBUGFLAG)$(WX_LIB_FLAVOUR)_animate_vc$(VENDORTAG).dll: $(OBJS)\animatedll_dummy.obj $(ANIMATEDLL_OBJECTS) $(OBJS)\animatedll_version.res - link /DLL /NOLOGO /OUT:$@ $(LDFLAGS) $(__DEBUGINFO_2) $(LINK_TARGET_CPU) /LIBPATH:$(LIBDIRNAME) @<< - $(ANIMATEDLL_OBJECTS) $(__WXLIB_MONO_p) $(__LIB_TIFF_p) $(__LIB_JPEG_p) $(__LIB_PNG_p) wxzlib$(WXDEBUGFLAG).lib wxregex$(WXUNICODEFLAG)$(WXDEBUGFLAG).lib wxexpat$(WXDEBUGFLAG).lib $(EXTRALIBS_FOR_BASE) $(__UNICOWS_LIB_p) $(__GDIPLUS_LIB_p) kernel32.lib user32.lib gdi32.lib comdlg32.lib winspool.lib winmm.lib shell32.lib comctl32.lib ole32.lib oleaut32.lib uuid.lib rpcrt4.lib advapi32.lib wsock32.lib odbc32.lib $(__WXLIB_CORE_p) $(__WXLIB_BASE_p) /IMPLIB:$(LIBDIRNAME)\wx$(PORTNAME)$(WXUNIVNAME)$(WX_RELEASE_NODOT)$(WXUNICODEFLAG)$(WXDEBUGFLAG)$(WX_LIB_FLAVOUR)_animate.lib -<< -!endif - -!if "$(SHARED)" == "0" -$(LIBDIRNAME)\wx$(PORTNAME)$(WXUNIVNAME)$(WX_RELEASE_NODOT)$(WXUNICODEFLAG)$(WXDEBUGFLAG)$(WX_LIB_FLAVOUR)_animate.lib: $(OBJS)\animatelib_dummy.obj $(ANIMATELIB_OBJECTS) - if exist $@ del $@ - link /LIB /NOLOGO /OUT:$@ @<< - $(ANIMATELIB_OBJECTS) -<< -!endif - -$(OBJS)\animatedll_dummy.obj: ../../src/animate\..\..\..\src\common\dummy.cpp - $(CXX) /c /nologo /TP /Fo$@ $(ANIMATEDLL_CXXFLAGS) /Ycwx/wxprec.h $** - -$(OBJS)\animatedll_version.res: ../../src/animate\..\..\..\src\msw\version.rc - rc /fo$@ /d WIN32 $(____DEBUGRUNTIME_3_p_1) $(__NO_VC_CRTDBG_p_1) /d __WXMSW__ $(__WXUNIV_DEFINE_p_1) $(__DEBUG_DEFINE_p_1) $(__EXCEPTIONS_DEFINE_p_1) $(__RTTI_DEFINE_p_1) $(__THREAD_DEFINE_p_1) $(__UNICODE_DEFINE_p_1) $(__MSLU_DEFINE_p_1) $(__GFXCTX_DEFINE_p_1) /i $(SETUPHDIR) /i ..\..\src\animate\..\..\..\include /d WXDLLNAME=wx$(PORTNAME)$(WXUNIVNAME)$(WX_VERSION_NODOT)$(WXUNICODEFLAG)$(WXDEBUGFLAG)$(WX_LIB_FLAVOUR)_animate_vc$(VENDORTAG) $** - -$(OBJS)\animatedll_animate.obj: ../../src/animate\animate.cpp - $(CXX) /c /nologo /TP /Fo$@ $(ANIMATEDLL_CXXFLAGS) $** - -$(OBJS)\animatelib_dummy.obj: ../../src/animate\..\..\..\src\common\dummy.cpp - $(CXX) /c /nologo /TP /Fo$@ $(ANIMATELIB_CXXFLAGS) /Ycwx/wxprec.h $** - -$(OBJS)\animatelib_animate.obj: ../../src/animate\animate.cpp - $(CXX) /c /nologo /TP /Fo$@ $(ANIMATELIB_CXXFLAGS) $** - diff --git a/contrib/build/animate/makefile.wat b/contrib/build/animate/makefile.wat deleted file mode 100644 index c8dc513c21..0000000000 --- a/contrib/build/animate/makefile.wat +++ /dev/null @@ -1,309 +0,0 @@ -# ========================================================================= -# This makefile was generated by -# Bakefile 0.2.0 ( -# Do not modify, all changes will be overwritten! -# ========================================================================= - -!include ../../../build/msw/config.wat - -# ------------------------------------------------------------------------- -# Do not modify the rest of this file! -# ------------------------------------------------------------------------- - -# Speed up compilation a bit: -!ifdef __LOADDLL__ -! loaddll wcc wccd -! loaddll wccaxp wccdaxp -! loaddll wcc386 wccd386 -! loaddll wpp wppdi86 -! loaddll wppaxp wppdaxp -! loaddll wpp386 wppd386 -! loaddll wlink wlink -! loaddll wlib wlibd -!endif - -# We need these variables in some bakefile-made rules: -WATCOM_CWD = $+ $(%cdrive):$(%cwd) $- - -### Conditionally set variables: ### - -PORTNAME = -!ifeq USE_GUI 0 -PORTNAME = base -!endif -!ifeq USE_GUI 1 -PORTNAME = msw -!endif -VENDORTAG = -!ifeq OFFICIAL_BUILD 0 -VENDORTAG = _$(VENDOR) -!endif -!ifeq OFFICIAL_BUILD 1 -VENDORTAG = -!endif -WXDEBUGFLAG = -!ifeq BUILD debug -!ifeq DEBUG_FLAG default -WXDEBUGFLAG = d -!endif -!endif -!ifeq DEBUG_FLAG 1 -WXDEBUGFLAG = d -!endif -WXUNICODEFLAG = -!ifeq UNICODE 1 -WXUNICODEFLAG = u -!endif -WXUNIVNAME = -!ifeq WXUNIV 1 -WXUNIVNAME = univ -!endif -WXDLLFLAG = -!ifeq SHARED 1 -WXDLLFLAG = dll -!endif -LIBTYPE_SUFFIX = -!ifeq SHARED 0 -LIBTYPE_SUFFIX = lib -!endif -!ifeq SHARED 1 -LIBTYPE_SUFFIX = dll -!endif -EXTRALIBS_FOR_BASE = -!ifeq MONOLITHIC 0 -EXTRALIBS_FOR_BASE = -!endif -!ifeq MONOLITHIC 1 -EXTRALIBS_FOR_BASE = -!endif -__animatedll___depname = -!ifeq SHARED 1 -__animatedll___depname = & - $(LIBDIRNAME)\wx$(PORTNAME)$(WXUNIVNAME)$(WX_VERSION_NODOT)$(WXUNICODEFLAG)$(WXDEBUGFLAG)$(WX_LIB_FLAVOUR)_animate_wat$(VENDORTAG).dll -!endif -__DEBUGINFO_2 = -!ifeq BUILD debug -!ifeq DEBUG_INFO default -__DEBUGINFO_2 = debug all -!endif -!endif -!ifeq BUILD release -!ifeq DEBUG_INFO default -__DEBUGINFO_2 = -!endif -!endif -!ifeq DEBUG_INFO 0 -__DEBUGINFO_2 = -!endif -!ifeq DEBUG_INFO 1 -__DEBUGINFO_2 = debug all -!endif -__WXLIB_MONO_p = -!ifeq MONOLITHIC 1 -__WXLIB_MONO_p = & - wx$(PORTNAME)$(WXUNIVNAME)$(WX_RELEASE_NODOT)$(WXUNICODEFLAG)$(WXDEBUGFLAG)$(WX_LIB_FLAVOUR).lib -!endif -__LIB_TIFF_p = -!ifeq USE_GUI 1 -__LIB_TIFF_p = wxtiff$(WXDEBUGFLAG).lib -!endif -__LIB_JPEG_p = -!ifeq USE_GUI 1 -__LIB_JPEG_p = wxjpeg$(WXDEBUGFLAG).lib -!endif -__LIB_PNG_p = -!ifeq USE_GUI 1 -__LIB_PNG_p = wxpng$(WXDEBUGFLAG).lib -!endif -__GDIPLUS_LIB_p = -!ifeq USE_GDIPLUS 1 -__GDIPLUS_LIB_p = gdiplus.lib -!endif -__WXLIB_CORE_p = -!ifeq MONOLITHIC 0 -__WXLIB_CORE_p = & - wx$(PORTNAME)$(WXUNIVNAME)$(WX_RELEASE_NODOT)$(WXUNICODEFLAG)$(WXDEBUGFLAG)$(WX_LIB_FLAVOUR)_core.lib -!endif -__WXLIB_BASE_p = -!ifeq MONOLITHIC 0 -__WXLIB_BASE_p = & - wxbase$(WX_RELEASE_NODOT)$(WXUNICODEFLAG)$(WXDEBUGFLAG)$(WX_LIB_FLAVOUR).lib -!endif -__animatelib___depname = -!ifeq SHARED 0 -__animatelib___depname = & - $(LIBDIRNAME)\wx$(PORTNAME)$(WXUNIVNAME)$(WX_RELEASE_NODOT)$(WXUNICODEFLAG)$(WXDEBUGFLAG)$(WX_LIB_FLAVOUR)_animate.lib -!endif -__DEBUGINFO_1 = -!ifeq BUILD debug -!ifeq DEBUG_INFO default -__DEBUGINFO_1 = -d2 -!endif -!endif -!ifeq BUILD release -!ifeq DEBUG_INFO default -__DEBUGINFO_1 = -d0 -!endif -!endif -!ifeq DEBUG_INFO 0 -__DEBUGINFO_1 = -d0 -!endif -!ifeq DEBUG_INFO 1 -__DEBUGINFO_1 = -d2 -!endif -__OPTIMIZEFLAG = -!ifeq BUILD debug -__OPTIMIZEFLAG = -od -!endif -!ifeq BUILD release -__OPTIMIZEFLAG = -ot -ox -!endif -__THREADSFLAG = -!ifeq USE_THREADS 0 -__THREADSFLAG = -!endif -!ifeq USE_THREADS 1 -__THREADSFLAG = -bm -!endif -__RUNTIME_LIBS = -!ifeq RUNTIME_LIBS dynamic -__RUNTIME_LIBS = -br -!endif -!ifeq RUNTIME_LIBS static -__RUNTIME_LIBS = -!endif -__RTTIFLAG = -!ifeq USE_RTTI 0 -__RTTIFLAG = -!endif -!ifeq USE_RTTI 1 -__RTTIFLAG = -xr -!endif -__EXCEPTIONSFLAG = -!ifeq USE_EXCEPTIONS 0 -__EXCEPTIONSFLAG = -!endif -!ifeq USE_EXCEPTIONS 1 -__EXCEPTIONSFLAG = -xs -!endif -__WXUNIV_DEFINE_p = -!ifeq WXUNIV 1 -__WXUNIV_DEFINE_p = -d__WXUNIVERSAL__ -!endif -__DEBUG_DEFINE_p = -!ifeq BUILD debug -!ifeq DEBUG_FLAG default -__DEBUG_DEFINE_p = -d__WXDEBUG__ -!endif -!endif -!ifeq DEBUG_FLAG 1 -__DEBUG_DEFINE_p = -d__WXDEBUG__ -!endif -__EXCEPTIONS_DEFINE_p = -!ifeq USE_EXCEPTIONS 0 -__EXCEPTIONS_DEFINE_p = -dwxNO_EXCEPTIONS -!endif -__RTTI_DEFINE_p = -!ifeq USE_RTTI 0 -__RTTI_DEFINE_p = -dwxNO_RTTI -!endif -__THREAD_DEFINE_p = -!ifeq USE_THREADS 0 -__THREAD_DEFINE_p = -dwxNO_THREADS -!endif -__UNICODE_DEFINE_p = -!ifeq UNICODE 1 -__UNICODE_DEFINE_p = -d_UNICODE -!endif -__GFXCTX_DEFINE_p = -!ifeq USE_GDIPLUS 1 -__GFXCTX_DEFINE_p = -dwxUSE_GRAPHICS_CONTEXT=1 -!endif - -### Variables: ### - -WX_RELEASE_NODOT = 27 -WX_VERSION_NODOT = $(WX_RELEASE_NODOT)1 -OBJS = & - wat_$(PORTNAME)$(WXUNIVNAME)$(WXUNICODEFLAG)$(WXDEBUGFLAG)$(WXDLLFLAG)$(CFG) -LIBDIRNAME = ..\..\src\animate\..\..\..\lib\wat_$(LIBTYPE_SUFFIX)$(CFG) -SETUPHDIR = & - $(LIBDIRNAME)\$(PORTNAME)$(WXUNIVNAME)$(WXUNICODEFLAG)$(WXDEBUGFLAG) -ANIMATEDLL_CXXFLAGS = -bd $(__DEBUGINFO_1) $(__OPTIMIZEFLAG) $(__THREADSFLAG) & - $(__RUNTIME_LIBS) -d__WXMSW__ $(__WXUNIV_DEFINE_p) $(__DEBUG_DEFINE_p) & - $(__EXCEPTIONS_DEFINE_p) $(__RTTI_DEFINE_p) $(__THREAD_DEFINE_p) & - $(__UNICODE_DEFINE_p) $(__GFXCTX_DEFINE_p) -i=$(SETUPHDIR) & - -i=..\..\src\animate\..\..\..\include -wx -wcd=549 -wcd=656 -wcd=657 -wcd=667 & - -i=..\..\src\animate\..\..\include -dWXUSINGDLL -dWXMAKINGDLL_ANIMATE & - /fh=$(OBJS)\wxprec_animatedll.pch $(__RTTIFLAG) $(__EXCEPTIONSFLAG) & - $(CPPFLAGS) $(CXXFLAGS) -ANIMATEDLL_OBJECTS = & - $(OBJS)\animatedll_dummy.obj & - $(OBJS)\animatedll_animate.obj -ANIMATELIB_CXXFLAGS = $(__DEBUGINFO_1) $(__OPTIMIZEFLAG) $(__THREADSFLAG) & - $(__RUNTIME_LIBS) -d__WXMSW__ $(__WXUNIV_DEFINE_p) $(__DEBUG_DEFINE_p) & - $(__EXCEPTIONS_DEFINE_p) $(__RTTI_DEFINE_p) $(__THREAD_DEFINE_p) & - $(__UNICODE_DEFINE_p) $(__GFXCTX_DEFINE_p) -i=$(SETUPHDIR) & - -i=..\..\src\animate\..\..\..\include -wx -wcd=549 -wcd=656 -wcd=657 -wcd=667 & - -i=..\..\src\animate\..\..\include /fh=$(OBJS)\wxprec_animatelib.pch & - $(__RTTIFLAG) $(__EXCEPTIONSFLAG) $(CPPFLAGS) $(CXXFLAGS) -ANIMATELIB_OBJECTS = & - $(OBJS)\animatelib_dummy.obj & - $(OBJS)\animatelib_animate.obj - - -all : $(OBJS) -$(OBJS) : - -if not exist $(OBJS) mkdir $(OBJS) - -### Targets: ### - -all : .SYMBOLIC $(__animatedll___depname) $(__animatelib___depname) - -clean : .SYMBOLIC - -if exist $(OBJS)\*.obj del $(OBJS)\*.obj - -if exist $(OBJS)\*.res del $(OBJS)\*.res - -if exist $(OBJS)\*.lbc del $(OBJS)\*.lbc - -if exist $(OBJS)\*.ilk del $(OBJS)\*.ilk - -if exist $(OBJS)\*.pch del $(OBJS)\*.pch - -if exist $(LIBDIRNAME)\wx$(PORTNAME)$(WXUNIVNAME)$(WX_VERSION_NODOT)$(WXUNICODEFLAG)$(WXDEBUGFLAG)$(WX_LIB_FLAVOUR)_animate_wat$(VENDORTAG).dll del $(LIBDIRNAME)\wx$(PORTNAME)$(WXUNIVNAME)$(WX_VERSION_NODOT)$(WXUNICODEFLAG)$(WXDEBUGFLAG)$(WX_LIB_FLAVOUR)_animate_wat$(VENDORTAG).dll - -if exist $(LIBDIRNAME)\wx$(PORTNAME)$(WXUNIVNAME)$(WX_RELEASE_NODOT)$(WXUNICODEFLAG)$(WXDEBUGFLAG)$(WX_LIB_FLAVOUR)_animate.lib del $(LIBDIRNAME)\wx$(PORTNAME)$(WXUNIVNAME)$(WX_RELEASE_NODOT)$(WXUNICODEFLAG)$(WXDEBUGFLAG)$(WX_LIB_FLAVOUR)_animate.lib - -if exist $(LIBDIRNAME)\wx$(PORTNAME)$(WXUNIVNAME)$(WX_RELEASE_NODOT)$(WXUNICODEFLAG)$(WXDEBUGFLAG)$(WX_LIB_FLAVOUR)_animate.lib del $(LIBDIRNAME)\wx$(PORTNAME)$(WXUNIVNAME)$(WX_RELEASE_NODOT)$(WXUNICODEFLAG)$(WXDEBUGFLAG)$(WX_LIB_FLAVOUR)_animate.lib - -!ifeq SHARED 1 -$(LIBDIRNAME)\wx$(PORTNAME)$(WXUNIVNAME)$(WX_VERSION_NODOT)$(WXUNICODEFLAG)$(WXDEBUGFLAG)$(WX_LIB_FLAVOUR)_animate_wat$(VENDORTAG).dll : $(ANIMATEDLL_OBJECTS) $(OBJS)\animatedll_version.res - @%create $(OBJS)\animatedll.lbc - @%append $(OBJS)\animatedll.lbc option quiet - @%append $(OBJS)\animatedll.lbc name $^@ - @%append $(OBJS)\animatedll.lbc option caseexact - @%append $(OBJS)\animatedll.lbc $(LDFLAGS) $(__DEBUGINFO_2) libpath $(LIBDIRNAME) - @for %i in ($(ANIMATEDLL_OBJECTS)) do @%append $(OBJS)\animatedll.lbc file %i - @for %i in ( $(__WXLIB_MONO_p) $(__LIB_TIFF_p) $(__LIB_JPEG_p) $(__LIB_PNG_p) wxzlib$(WXDEBUGFLAG).lib wxregex$(WXUNICODEFLAG)$(WXDEBUGFLAG).lib wxexpat$(WXDEBUGFLAG).lib $(EXTRALIBS_FOR_BASE) $(__GDIPLUS_LIB_p) kernel32.lib user32.lib gdi32.lib comdlg32.lib winspool.lib winmm.lib shell32.lib comctl32.lib ole32.lib oleaut32.lib uuid.lib rpcrt4.lib advapi32.lib wsock32.lib odbc32.lib $(__WXLIB_CORE_p) $(__WXLIB_BASE_p) ) do @%append $(OBJS)\animatedll.lbc library %i - @%append $(OBJS)\animatedll.lbc option resource=$(OBJS)\animatedll_version.res - @%append $(OBJS)\animatedll.lbc system nt_dll - wlink @$(OBJS)\animatedll.lbc - wlib -q -n -b $(LIBDIRNAME)\wx$(PORTNAME)$(WXUNIVNAME)$(WX_RELEASE_NODOT)$(WXUNICODEFLAG)$(WXDEBUGFLAG)$(WX_LIB_FLAVOUR)_animate.lib +$^@ -!endif - -!ifeq SHARED 0 -$(LIBDIRNAME)\wx$(PORTNAME)$(WXUNIVNAME)$(WX_RELEASE_NODOT)$(WXUNICODEFLAG)$(WXDEBUGFLAG)$(WX_LIB_FLAVOUR)_animate.lib : $(ANIMATELIB_OBJECTS) - @%create $(OBJS)\animatelib.lbc - @for %i in ($(ANIMATELIB_OBJECTS)) do @%append $(OBJS)\animatelib.lbc +%i - wlib -q -p4096 -n -b $^@ @$(OBJS)\animatelib.lbc -!endif - -$(OBJS)\animatedll_dummy.obj : .AUTODEPEND ../../src/animate\..\..\..\src\common\dummy.cpp - $(CXX) -bt=nt -zq -fo=$^@ $(ANIMATEDLL_CXXFLAGS) $< - -$(OBJS)\animatedll_version.res : .AUTODEPEND ../../src/animate\..\..\..\src\msw\version.rc - wrc -q -ad -bt=nt -r -fo=$^@ -d__WXMSW__ $(__WXUNIV_DEFINE_p) $(__DEBUG_DEFINE_p) $(__EXCEPTIONS_DEFINE_p) $(__RTTI_DEFINE_p) $(__THREAD_DEFINE_p) $(__UNICODE_DEFINE_p) $(__GFXCTX_DEFINE_p) -i=$(SETUPHDIR) -i=..\..\src\animate\..\..\..\include -dWXDLLNAME=wx$(PORTNAME)$(WXUNIVNAME)$(WX_VERSION_NODOT)$(WXUNICODEFLAG)$(WXDEBUGFLAG)$(WX_LIB_FLAVOUR)_animate_wat$(VENDORTAG) $< - -$(OBJS)\animatedll_animate.obj : .AUTODEPEND ../../src/animate\animate.cpp - $(CXX) -bt=nt -zq -fo=$^@ $(ANIMATEDLL_CXXFLAGS) $< - -$(OBJS)\animatelib_dummy.obj : .AUTODEPEND ../../src/animate\..\..\..\src\common\dummy.cpp - $(CXX) -bt=nt -zq -fo=$^@ $(ANIMATELIB_CXXFLAGS) $< - -$(OBJS)\animatelib_animate.obj : .AUTODEPEND ../../src/animate\animate.cpp - $(CXX) -bt=nt -zq -fo=$^@ $(ANIMATELIB_CXXFLAGS) $< - diff --git a/contrib/include/wx/animate/animate.h b/contrib/include/wx/animate/animate.h deleted file mode 100644 index ffb7b1b1c0..0000000000 --- a/contrib/include/wx/animate/animate.h +++ /dev/null @@ -1,389 +0,0 @@ -///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// -// Name: animate.h -// Purpose: Animation classes -// Author: Julian Smart and Guillermo Rodriguez Garcia -// Modified by: -// Created: 13/8/99 -// RCS-ID: $Id$ -// Copyright: (c) Julian Smart and Guillermo Rodriguez Garcia -// Licence: wxWindows licence -///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// - -#ifndef _WX_ANIMATEH__ -#define _WX_ANIMATEH__ - -#include <wx/defs.h> -#include <wx/string.h> -#include <wx/gdicmn.h> -#include <wx/list.h> -#include <wx/timer.h> -#include <wx/bitmap.h> -#include <wx/colour.h> -#include <wx/control.h> - - -#ifdef WXMAKINGDLL_ANIMATE - #define WXDLLIMPEXP_ANIMATE WXEXPORT -#elif defined(WXUSINGDLL) - #define WXDLLIMPEXP_ANIMATE WXIMPORT -#else // not making nor using DLL - #define WXDLLIMPEXP_ANIMATE -#endif - -class WXDLLIMPEXP_ANIMATE wxAnimationBase; -class WXDLLIMPEXP_ANIMATE wxAnimationPlayer; -class WXDLLEXPORT wxImage; - -enum wxAnimationDisposal -{ - wxANIM_UNSPECIFIED = -1, - wxANIM_DONOTREMOVE = 0, - wxANIM_TOBACKGROUND = 1, - wxANIM_TOPREVIOUS = 2 -}; - -class WXDLLIMPEXP_ANIMATE wxAnimationTimer: public wxTimer -{ -public: - wxAnimationTimer() - { m_player = (wxAnimationPlayer*) NULL; } - - virtual void Notify(); - - void SetPlayer(wxAnimationPlayer* player) - { m_player = player; } - -protected: - wxAnimationPlayer* m_player; -}; - -/* wxAnimationPlayer - * Create an object of this class, and either pass an wxXXXAnimation object in - * the constructor, or call SetAnimation. Then call Play(). The wxAnimation - * object is only destroyed in the destructor if destroyAnimation is TRUE in - * the constructor. - */ - -class WXDLLIMPEXP_ANIMATE wxAnimationPlayer : public wxObject -{ - DECLARE_CLASS(wxAnimationPlayer) - -public: - wxAnimationPlayer(wxAnimationBase *animation = (wxAnimationBase *) NULL, bool destroyAnimation = false); - virtual ~wxAnimationPlayer(); - -//// Accessors - - void SetAnimation(wxAnimationBase* animation, bool destroyAnimation = false); - wxAnimationBase* GetAnimation() const - { return m_animation; } - - void SetDestroyAnimation(bool destroyAnimation) - { m_destroyAnimation = destroyAnimation; } - - bool GetDestroyAnimation() const - { return m_destroyAnimation; } - - void SetCurrentFrame(int currentFrame) - { m_currentFrame = currentFrame; } - - int GetCurrentFrame() const - { return m_currentFrame; } - - void SetWindow(wxWindow* window) - { m_window = window; } - - wxWindow* GetWindow() const - { return m_window; } - - void SetPosition(const wxPoint& pos) - { m_position = pos; } - - wxPoint GetPosition() const - { return m_position; } - - void SetLooped(bool looped) - { m_looped = looped; } - - bool GetLooped() const - { return m_looped; } - - bool HasAnimation() const - { return (m_animation != (wxAnimationBase*) NULL); } - - bool IsPlaying() const - { return m_isPlaying; } - - // Specify whether the GIF's background colour is to be shown, - // or whether the window background should show through (the default) - void UseBackgroundColour(bool useBackground) - { m_useBackgroundColour = useBackground; } - - bool UsingBackgroundColour() const - { return m_useBackgroundColour; } - - // Set and use a user-specified background colour (valid for transparent - // animations only) - void SetCustomBackgroundColour(const wxColour& col, bool useCustomBackgroundColour = true) - { - m_customBackgroundColour = col; - m_useCustomBackgroundColour = useCustomBackgroundColour; - } - - bool UsingCustomBackgroundColour() const - { return m_useCustomBackgroundColour; } - - const wxColour& GetCustomBackgroundColour() const - { return m_customBackgroundColour; } - - // Another refinement - suppose we're drawing the animation in a separate - // control or window. We may wish to use the background of the parent - // window as the background of our animation. This allows us to specify - // whether to grab from the parent or from this window. - void UseParentBackground(bool useParent) - { m_useParentBackground = useParent; } - - bool UsingParentBackground() const - { return m_useParentBackground; } - -//// Operations - - // Play - virtual bool Play(wxWindow& window, const wxPoint& pos = wxPoint(0, 0), bool looped = true); - - // Build animation (list of wxImages). If not called before Play - // is called, Play will call this automatically. - virtual bool Build(); - - // Stop the animation - virtual void Stop(); - - // Draw the current view of the animation into this DC. - // Call this from your OnPaint, for example. - virtual void Draw(wxDC& dc); - -//// Accessing the current animation - - virtual int GetFrameCount() const; - virtual wxImage* GetFrame(int i) const; // Creates a new wxImage - virtual wxAnimationDisposal GetDisposalMethod(int i) const; - virtual wxRect GetFrameRect(int i) const; // Position and size of frame - virtual int GetDelay(int i) const; // Delay for this frame - - virtual wxSize GetLogicalScreenSize() const; - virtual bool GetBackgroundColour(wxColour& col) const; - virtual bool GetTransparentColour(wxColour& col) const; - -//// Implementation - - // Play the frame - virtual bool PlayFrame(int frame, wxWindow& window, const wxPoint& pos); - virtual bool PlayFrame(); - virtual void DrawFrame(int frame, wxDC& dc, const wxPoint& pos); - virtual void DrawBackground(wxDC& dc, const wxPoint& pos, const wxColour& colour); - - // Clear the wxImage cache - virtual void ClearCache(); - - // Save the pertinent area of the window so we can restore - // it if drawing transparently - void SaveBackground(const wxRect& rect); - - wxBitmap& GetBackingStore() - { return m_backingStore; } - -//// Data members -protected: - wxAnimationBase* m_animation; - bool m_destroyAnimation; // Destroy m_animation on deletion of this object - wxList m_frames; // List of cached wxBitmap frames. - int m_currentFrame; // Current frame - wxWindow* m_window; // Window to draw into - wxPoint m_position; // Position to draw at - bool m_looped; // Looped, or not - wxAnimationTimer m_timer; // The timer - bool m_isPlaying; // Is the animation playing? - wxBitmap m_savedBackground; // Saved background of window portion - wxBitmap m_backingStore; // The player draws into this - bool m_useBackgroundColour; // Use colour or background - wxColour m_customBackgroundColour; // Override animation background - bool m_useCustomBackgroundColour; - bool m_useParentBackground; // Grab background from parent? -}; - -/* wxAnimationBase - * Base class for animations. - * A wxXXXAnimation only stores the animation, providing accessors to - * wxAnimationPlayer. Currently an animation is read-only, but we could - * extend the API for adding frames programmatically, and perhaps have a - * wxMemoryAnimation class that stores its frames in memory, and is able to - * save all files with suitable filenames. You could then use e.g. Ulead GIF - * Animator to load the image files into a GIF animation. - */ - -class WXDLLIMPEXP_ANIMATE wxAnimationBase : public wxObject -{ - DECLARE_ABSTRACT_CLASS(wxAnimationBase) - -public: - wxAnimationBase() {} - virtual ~wxAnimationBase() {} - -//// Accessors. Should be overridden by each derived class. - - virtual int GetFrameCount() const = 0; - virtual wxImage* GetFrame(int i) const = 0; // Creates a new wxImage - virtual wxAnimationDisposal GetDisposalMethod(int i) const = 0; - virtual wxRect GetFrameRect(int i) const = 0; // Position and size of frame - virtual int GetDelay(int i) const = 0; // Delay for this frame - - virtual wxSize GetLogicalScreenSize() const = 0; - virtual bool GetBackgroundColour(wxColour& col) const = 0; - virtual bool GetTransparentColour(wxColour& col) const = 0; - - // Is the animation OK? - virtual bool IsValid() const = 0; - -//// Operations - - virtual bool LoadFile(const wxString& WXUNUSED(filename)) - { return false; } -}; - -/* wxGIFAnimation - * This will be moved to a separate file in due course. - */ - -class WXDLLIMPEXP_ANIMATE wxGIFDecoder; - -class WXDLLIMPEXP_ANIMATE wxGIFAnimation : public wxAnimationBase -{ - DECLARE_CLASS(wxGIFAnimation) - -public: - wxGIFAnimation(); - virtual ~wxGIFAnimation(); - -//// Accessors - - virtual int GetFrameCount() const; - virtual wxImage* GetFrame(int i) const; - virtual wxAnimationDisposal GetDisposalMethod(int i) const; - virtual wxRect GetFrameRect(int i) const; // Position and size of frame - virtual int GetDelay(int i) const; // Delay for this frame - - virtual wxSize GetLogicalScreenSize() const; - virtual bool GetBackgroundColour(wxColour& col) const; - virtual bool GetTransparentColour(wxColour& col) const; - - virtual bool IsValid() const; - -//// Operations - - virtual bool LoadFile(const wxString& filename); - -protected: - wxGIFDecoder* m_decoder; -}; - -/* - * wxAnimationCtrlBase - * Abstract base class for format-specific animation controls. - * This class implements most of the functionality; all a derived - * class has to do is create the appropriate animation class on demand. - */ - -// Resize to animation size if this is set -#define wxAN_FIT_ANIMATION 0x0010 - -class WXDLLIMPEXP_ANIMATE wxAnimationCtrlBase: public wxControl -{ -public: - wxAnimationCtrlBase() {} - wxAnimationCtrlBase(wxWindow *parent, wxWindowID id, - const wxString& filename = wxEmptyString, - const wxPoint& pos = wxDefaultPosition, - const wxSize& size = wxDefaultSize, long style = wxAN_FIT_ANIMATION|wxNO_BORDER, - const wxString& name = wxT("animationControl")) - { - Create(parent, id, filename, pos, size, style, name); - } - virtual ~wxAnimationCtrlBase(); - - bool Create(wxWindow *parent, wxWindowID id, - const wxString& filename = wxEmptyString, - const wxPoint& pos = wxDefaultPosition, - const wxSize& size = wxDefaultSize, - long style = wxAN_FIT_ANIMATION | wxNO_BORDER, - const wxString& name = wxT("animationControl")); - - //// Operations - virtual bool LoadFile(const wxString& filename = wxEmptyString); - virtual bool Play(bool looped = true); - virtual void Stop() - { m_animationPlayer.Stop(); } - - virtual void FitToAnimation(); - - //// Accessors - virtual bool IsPlaying() const - { return m_animationPlayer.IsPlaying(); } - - virtual wxAnimationPlayer& GetPlayer() - { return m_animationPlayer; } - - virtual wxAnimationBase* GetAnimation() - { return m_animation; } - - const wxString& GetFilename() const - { return m_filename; } - - void SetFilename(const wxString& filename) - { m_filename = filename; } - - //// Event handlers - void OnPaint(wxPaintEvent& event); - -protected: - virtual wxSize DoGetBestSize() const; - - // Override this in derived classes - virtual wxAnimationBase* DoCreateAnimation(const wxString& filename) = 0; - - wxAnimationPlayer m_animationPlayer; - wxAnimationBase* m_animation; - wxString m_filename; - -private: - DECLARE_ABSTRACT_CLASS(wxAnimationCtrlBase) - DECLARE_EVENT_TABLE() -}; - -/* - * wxGIFAnimationCtrl - * Provides a GIF animation class when required. - */ - -class WXDLLIMPEXP_ANIMATE wxGIFAnimationCtrl: public wxAnimationCtrlBase -{ -public: - wxGIFAnimationCtrl() {} - wxGIFAnimationCtrl(wxWindow *parent, - wxWindowID id, - const wxString& filename = wxEmptyString, - const wxPoint& pos = wxDefaultPosition, - const wxSize& size = wxDefaultSize, - long style = wxAN_FIT_ANIMATION | wxNO_BORDER, - const wxString& name = wxT("animationControl")) - { - Create(parent, id, filename, pos, size, style, name); - } - -protected: - virtual wxAnimationBase* DoCreateAnimation(const wxString& filename); - -private: - DECLARE_DYNAMIC_CLASS(wxGIFAnimationCtrl) -}; - -#endif // _WX_ANIMATEH__ diff --git a/contrib/samples/animate/ b/contrib/samples/animate/ deleted file mode 100644 index 521986e621..0000000000 --- a/contrib/samples/animate/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,204 +0,0 @@ -# ========================================================================= -# This makefile was generated by -# Bakefile 0.2.0 ( -# Do not modify, all changes will be overwritten! -# ========================================================================= - - -@MAKE_SET@ - -prefix = @prefix@ -exec_prefix = @exec_prefix@ -INSTALL = @INSTALL@ -EXEEXT = @EXEEXT@ -WINDRES = @WINDRES@ -REZ = @REZ@ -SETFILE = @SETFILE@ -NM = @NM@ -srcdir = @srcdir@ -top_srcdir = @top_srcdir@ -top_builddir = @top_builddir@ -LDFLAGS_GUI = @LDFLAGS_GUI@ -CXX = @CXX@ -CXXFLAGS = @CXXFLAGS@ -CPPFLAGS = @CPPFLAGS@ -LDFLAGS = @LDFLAGS@ -WX_LIB_FLAVOUR = @WX_LIB_FLAVOUR@ -TOOLKIT = @TOOLKIT@ -TOOLKIT_LOWERCASE = @TOOLKIT_LOWERCASE@ -TOOLKIT_VERSION = @TOOLKIT_VERSION@ -TOOLCHAIN_FULLNAME = @TOOLCHAIN_FULLNAME@ -EXTRALIBS = @EXTRALIBS@ -EXTRALIBS_GUI = @EXTRALIBS_GUI@ -HOST_SUFFIX = @HOST_SUFFIX@ -SAMPLES_RPATH_FLAG = @SAMPLES_RPATH_FLAG@ -SAMPLES_RPATH_POSTLINK = @SAMPLES_RPATH_POSTLINK@ - -### Variables: ### - -DESTDIR = -WX_RELEASE = 2.7 -WX_VERSION = $(WX_RELEASE).1 -LIBDIRNAME = $(top_builddir)lib -ANITEST_CXXFLAGS = -D__WX$(TOOLKIT)__ $(__WXUNIV_DEFINE_p) \ - $(__EXCEPTIONS_DEFINE_p) $(__RTTI_DEFINE_p) $(__THREAD_DEFINE_p) \ - -I$(srcdir) $(__DLLFLAG_p) -I$(srcdir)/../../../samples \ - -I$(srcdir)/../../include $(CPPFLAGS) $(CXXFLAGS) -ANITEST_OBJECTS = \ - $(__anitest_os2_lib_res) \ - anitest_anitest.o \ - $(__anitest___win32rc) - -### Conditionally set variables: ### - -@COND_DEPS_TRACKING_0@CXXC = $(CXX) -@COND_DEPS_TRACKING_1@CXXC = $(top_builddir)./bk-deps $(CXX) -@COND_USE_GUI_0@PORTNAME = base -@COND_USE_GUI_1@PORTNAME = $(TOOLKIT_LOWERCASE)$(TOOLKIT_VERSION) -@COND_TOOLKIT_MAC@WXBASEPORT = _carbon -@COND_BUILD_DEBUG_DEBUG_FLAG_DEFAULT@WXDEBUGFLAG = d -@COND_DEBUG_FLAG_1@WXDEBUGFLAG = d -@COND_UNICODE_1@WXUNICODEFLAG = u -@COND_WXUNIV_1@WXUNIVNAME = univ -@COND_MONOLITHIC_0@EXTRALIBS_FOR_BASE = $(EXTRALIBS) -@COND_MONOLITHIC_1@EXTRALIBS_FOR_BASE = $(EXTRALIBS) $(EXTRALIBS_GUI) -@COND_MONOLITHIC_0@EXTRALIBS_FOR_GUI = $(EXTRALIBS_GUI) -@COND_MONOLITHIC_1@EXTRALIBS_FOR_GUI = -@COND_PLATFORM_MAC_1@__anitest___mac_setfilecmd = \ -@COND_PLATFORM_MAC_1@ $(SETFILE) -a C anitest$(EXEEXT) -@COND_PLATFORM_MAC_1@__anitest___mac_rezcmd = $(__MACOSX_RESOURCES_p_1) -@COND_WXUNIV_1@__WXUNIV_DEFINE_p = -D__WXUNIVERSAL__ -@COND_WXUNIV_1@__WXUNIV_DEFINE_p_1 = -d __WXUNIVERSAL__ -@COND_WXUNIV_1@__WXUNIV_DEFINE_p_2 = --define __WXUNIVERSAL__ -@COND_USE_EXCEPTIONS_0@__EXCEPTIONS_DEFINE_p = -DwxNO_EXCEPTIONS -@COND_USE_EXCEPTIONS_0@__EXCEPTIONS_DEFINE_p_1 = -d wxNO_EXCEPTIONS -@COND_USE_EXCEPTIONS_0@__EXCEPTIONS_DEFINE_p_2 = --define wxNO_EXCEPTIONS -@COND_USE_RTTI_0@__RTTI_DEFINE_p = -DwxNO_RTTI -@COND_USE_RTTI_0@__RTTI_DEFINE_p_1 = -d wxNO_RTTI -@COND_USE_RTTI_0@__RTTI_DEFINE_p_2 = --define wxNO_RTTI -@COND_USE_THREADS_0@__THREAD_DEFINE_p = -DwxNO_THREADS -@COND_USE_THREADS_0@__THREAD_DEFINE_p_1 = -d wxNO_THREADS -@COND_USE_THREADS_0@__THREAD_DEFINE_p_2 = --define wxNO_THREADS -@COND_SHARED_1@__DLLFLAG_p = -DWXUSINGDLL -@COND_SHARED_1@__DLLFLAG_p_1 = -d WXUSINGDLL -@COND_SHARED_1@__DLLFLAG_p_2 = --define WXUSINGDLL -COND_PLATFORM_OS2_1___anitest___os2_emxbindcmd = $(NM) anitest$(EXEEXT) | if \ - grep -q pmwin.763 ; then emxbind -ep anitest$(EXEEXT) ; fi -@COND_PLATFORM_OS2_1@__anitest___os2_emxbindcmd = $(COND_PLATFORM_OS2_1___anitest___os2_emxbindcmd) -@COND_TOOLKIT_MSW@__RCDEFDIR_p = -i \ -@COND_TOOLKIT_MSW@ $(LIBDIRNAME)/wx/include/$(TOOLCHAIN_FULLNAME) -@COND_TOOLKIT_MSW@__RCDEFDIR_p_1 = --include-dir \ -@COND_TOOLKIT_MSW@ $(LIBDIRNAME)/wx/include/$(TOOLCHAIN_FULLNAME) -@COND_PLATFORM_OS2_1@__anitest_os2_lib_res = \ -@COND_PLATFORM_OS2_1@ $(top_srcdir)/include/wx/os2/wx.res -@COND_PLATFORM_MACOSX_1@__anitest_bundle___depname = anitest_bundle -@COND_TOOLKIT_COCOA@____anitest_BUNDLE_TGT_REF_DEP = \ -@COND_TOOLKIT_COCOA@ -@COND_TOOLKIT_MAC@____anitest_BUNDLE_TGT_REF_DEP = \ -@COND_TOOLKIT_MAC@ -COND_MONOLITHIC_0___WXLIB_CORE_p = \ - -lwx_$(PORTNAME)$(WXUNIVNAME)$(WXUNICODEFLAG)$(WXDEBUGFLAG)$(WX_LIB_FLAVOUR)_core-$(WX_RELEASE)$(HOST_SUFFIX) -@COND_MONOLITHIC_0@__WXLIB_CORE_p = $(COND_MONOLITHIC_0___WXLIB_CORE_p) -COND_MONOLITHIC_0___WXLIB_BASE_p = \ - -lwx_base$(WXBASEPORT)$(WXUNICODEFLAG)$(WXDEBUGFLAG)$(WX_LIB_FLAVOUR)-$(WX_RELEASE)$(HOST_SUFFIX) -@COND_MONOLITHIC_0@__WXLIB_BASE_p = $(COND_MONOLITHIC_0___WXLIB_BASE_p) -@COND_PLATFORM_WIN32_1@__anitest___win32rc = anitest_anitest_rc.o -COND_MONOLITHIC_1___WXLIB_MONO_p = \ - -lwx_$(PORTNAME)$(WXUNIVNAME)$(WXUNICODEFLAG)$(WXDEBUGFLAG)$(WX_LIB_FLAVOUR)-$(WX_RELEASE)$(HOST_SUFFIX) -@COND_MONOLITHIC_1@__WXLIB_MONO_p = $(COND_MONOLITHIC_1___WXLIB_MONO_p) -@COND_USE_GUI_1_WXUSE_LIBTIFF_BUILTIN@__LIB_TIFF_p \ -@COND_USE_GUI_1_WXUSE_LIBTIFF_BUILTIN@ = \ -@COND_USE_GUI_1_WXUSE_LIBTIFF_BUILTIN@ -lwxtiff$(WXDEBUGFLAG)$(WX_LIB_FLAVOUR)-$(WX_RELEASE)$(HOST_SUFFIX) -@COND_USE_GUI_1_WXUSE_LIBJPEG_BUILTIN@__LIB_JPEG_p \ -@COND_USE_GUI_1_WXUSE_LIBJPEG_BUILTIN@ = \ -@COND_USE_GUI_1_WXUSE_LIBJPEG_BUILTIN@ -lwxjpeg$(WXDEBUGFLAG)$(WX_LIB_FLAVOUR)-$(WX_RELEASE)$(HOST_SUFFIX) -@COND_USE_GUI_1_WXUSE_LIBPNG_BUILTIN@__LIB_PNG_p \ -@COND_USE_GUI_1_WXUSE_LIBPNG_BUILTIN@ = \ -@COND_USE_GUI_1_WXUSE_LIBPNG_BUILTIN@ -lwxpng$(WXDEBUGFLAG)$(WX_LIB_FLAVOUR)-$(WX_RELEASE)$(HOST_SUFFIX) -@COND_WXUSE_ZLIB_BUILTIN@__LIB_ZLIB_p = \ -@COND_WXUSE_ZLIB_BUILTIN@ -lwxzlib$(WXDEBUGFLAG)$(WX_LIB_FLAVOUR)-$(WX_RELEASE)$(HOST_SUFFIX) -@COND_WXUSE_ODBC_BUILTIN@__LIB_ODBC_p = \ -@COND_WXUSE_ODBC_BUILTIN@ -lwxodbc$(WXDEBUGFLAG)$(WX_LIB_FLAVOUR)-$(WX_RELEASE)$(HOST_SUFFIX) -COND_WXUSE_REGEX_BUILTIN___LIB_REGEX_p = \ - -lwxregex$(WXUNICODEFLAG)$(WXDEBUGFLAG)$(WX_LIB_FLAVOUR)-$(WX_RELEASE)$(HOST_SUFFIX) -@COND_WXUSE_REGEX_BUILTIN@__LIB_REGEX_p = $(COND_WXUSE_REGEX_BUILTIN___LIB_REGEX_p) -@COND_WXUSE_EXPAT_BUILTIN@__LIB_EXPAT_p = \ -@COND_WXUSE_EXPAT_BUILTIN@ -lwxexpat$(WXDEBUGFLAG)$(WX_LIB_FLAVOUR)-$(WX_RELEASE)$(HOST_SUFFIX) -COND_TOOLKIT_MAC___MACOSX_RESOURCES_p_1 = $(REZ) -d __DARWIN__ -t APPL -d \ - __WX$(TOOLKIT)__ $(__WXUNIV_DEFINE_p_1) $(__EXCEPTIONS_DEFINE_p_1) \ - $(__RTTI_DEFINE_p_1) $(__THREAD_DEFINE_p_1) -i $(srcdir) $(__DLLFLAG_p_1) -i \ - $(srcdir)/../../../samples $(__RCDEFDIR_p) -i $(top_srcdir)/include -i \ - $(srcdir)/../../include -o anitest$(EXEEXT) Carbon.r sample.r -@COND_TOOLKIT_MAC@__MACOSX_RESOURCES_p_1 = $(COND_TOOLKIT_MAC___MACOSX_RESOURCES_p_1) - -### Targets: ### - -all: anitest$(EXEEXT) $(__anitest_bundle___depname) data - -install: all - -uninstall: - -install-strip: install - -clean: - rm -rf ./.deps ./.pch - rm -f ./*.o - rm -f anitest$(EXEEXT) - rm -rf - -distclean: clean - rm -f config.cache config.log config.status bk-deps bk-make-pch shared-ld-sh Makefile - -anitest$(EXEEXT): $(ANITEST_OBJECTS) $(__anitest___win32rc) - $(CXX) -o $@ $(ANITEST_OBJECTS) $(LDFLAGS) -L$(LIBDIRNAME) $(LDFLAGS_GUI) $(SAMPLES_RPATH_FLAG) -lwx_$(PORTNAME)$(WXUNIVNAME)$(WXUNICODEFLAG)$(WXDEBUGFLAG)$(WX_LIB_FLAVOUR)_animate-$(WX_RELEASE)$(HOST_SUFFIX) $(__WXLIB_CORE_p) $(__WXLIB_BASE_p) $(__WXLIB_MONO_p) $(__LIB_TIFF_p) $(__LIB_JPEG_p) $(__LIB_PNG_p) $(EXTRALIBS_FOR_GUI) $(__LIB_ZLIB_p) $(__LIB_ODBC_p) $(__LIB_REGEX_p) $(__LIB_EXPAT_p) $(EXTRALIBS_FOR_BASE) - $(__anitest___mac_rezcmd) - $(__anitest___mac_setfilecmd) - $(__anitest___os2_emxbindcmd) - $(SAMPLES_RPATH_POSTLINK) - anitest$(EXEEXT) $(top_srcdir)/src/mac/carbon/ $(top_srcdir)/src/mac/carbon/wxmac.icns - mkdir -p - mkdir -p - mkdir -p - - - sed -e "s/IDENTIFIER/`echo $(srcdir) | sed -e 's,\.\./,,g' | sed -e 's,/,.,g'`/" \ - -e "s/EXECUTABLE/anitest/" \ - -e "s/VERSION/$(WX_VERSION)/" \ - $(top_srcdir)/src/mac/carbon/ > - - - echo -n "APPL????" > - - - ln -f anitest$(EXEEXT) - - - cp -f $(top_srcdir)/src/mac/carbon/wxmac.icns - -@COND_PLATFORM_MACOSX_1@anitest_bundle: $(____anitest_BUNDLE_TGT_REF_DEP) - -data: - @mkdir -p . - @for f in mondrian.ico; do \ - if test ! -f ./$$f -a ! -d ./$$f ; \ - then x=yep ; \ - else x=`find $(srcdir)/$$f -newer ./$$f -print` ; \ - fi; \ - case "$$x" in ?*) \ - cp -pRf $(srcdir)/$$f . ;; \ - esac; \ - done - -anitest_anitest.o: $(srcdir)/anitest.cpp - $(CXXC) -c -o $@ $(ANITEST_CXXFLAGS) $(srcdir)/anitest.cpp - -anitest_anitest_rc.o: $(srcdir)/anitest.rc - $(WINDRES) -i$< -o$@ --define __WX$(TOOLKIT)__ $(__WXUNIV_DEFINE_p_2) $(__EXCEPTIONS_DEFINE_p_2) $(__RTTI_DEFINE_p_2) $(__THREAD_DEFINE_p_2) --include-dir $(srcdir) $(__DLLFLAG_p_2) --include-dir $(srcdir)/../../../samples $(__RCDEFDIR_p_1) --include-dir $(top_srcdir)/include --include-dir $(srcdir)/../../include - - -# Include dependency info, if present: -@IF_GNU_MAKE@-include .deps/*.d - -.PHONY: all install uninstall clean distclean anitest_bundle data diff --git a/contrib/samples/animate/anitest.bkl b/contrib/samples/animate/anitest.bkl deleted file mode 100644 index 0de634af08..0000000000 --- a/contrib/samples/animate/anitest.bkl +++ /dev/null @@ -1,25 +0,0 @@ -<?xml version="1.0" ?> -<makefile> - - <include file="../../../build/bakefiles/common_samples.bkl"/> - <include file="../../../build/bakefiles/common_contrib.bkl"/> - - <exe id="anitest" template="wx_contrib_sample" template_append="wx_append"> - <sources> - anitest.cpp - </sources> - <contrib-lib>animate</contrib-lib> - <wx-lib>core</wx-lib> - <wx-lib>base</wx-lib> - <win32-res>anitest.rc</win32-res> - </exe> - - <wx-data id="data"> - <dstdir>$(BUILDDIR)</dstdir> - <srcdir>$(SRCDIR)</srcdir> - <files> - mondrian.ico - </files> - </wx-data> - -</makefile> diff --git a/contrib/samples/animate/anitest.cpp b/contrib/samples/animate/anitest.cpp deleted file mode 100644 index 6104abca9d..0000000000 --- a/contrib/samples/animate/anitest.cpp +++ /dev/null @@ -1,200 +0,0 @@ -///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// -// Name: anitest.cpp -// Purpose: Animation sample -// Author: Julian Smart -// Modified by: -// Created: 02/07/2001 -// RCS-ID: $Id$ -// Copyright: (c) Julian Smart -// Licence: wxWindows licence -///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// - -// =========================================================================== -// declarations -// =========================================================================== - -// --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -// headers -// --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - -// For compilers that support precompilation, includes "wx/wx.h". -#include "wx/wxprec.h" - -#ifdef __BORLANDC__ - #pragma hdrstop -#endif - -#ifndef WX_PRECOMP - #include "wx/wx.h" -#endif - -#ifndef __WXMSW__ - #include "mondrian.xpm" -#endif - -#include "anitest.h" - -IMPLEMENT_APP(MyApp) - -// --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -// global variables -// --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - -// --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -// event tables -// --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - -BEGIN_EVENT_TABLE(MyFrame, wxFrame) - EVT_MENU(wxID_ABOUT, MyFrame::OnAbout) - EVT_MENU(wxID_EXIT, MyFrame::OnQuit) -#if wxUSE_FILEDLG - EVT_MENU(wxID_OPEN, MyFrame::OnOpen) -#endif // wxUSE_FILEDLG - - EVT_SIZE(MyFrame::OnSize) -END_EVENT_TABLE() - -// =========================================================================== -// implementation -// =========================================================================== - -// --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -// MyApp -// --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - -// Initialise this in OnInit, not statically -bool MyApp::OnInit() -{ - // Create the main frame window - - MyFrame* frame = new MyFrame((wxFrame *)NULL, -1, _T("Animation Demo"), - wxPoint(-1, -1), wxSize(500, 400), - wxDEFAULT_FRAME_STYLE); - - // Give it an icon - frame->SetIcon(wxICON(mondrian)); - - // Make a menubar - wxMenu *file_menu = new wxMenu; - -#if wxUSE_FILEDLG - file_menu->Append(wxID_OPEN, _T("&Open Animation...\tCtrl+O"), _T("Open a GIF animation")); -#endif // wxUSE_FILEDLG - file_menu->Append(wxID_EXIT, _T("&Exit\tAlt+X"), _T("Quit the program")); - - wxMenu *help_menu = new wxMenu; - help_menu->Append(wxID_ABOUT, _T("&About\tF1")); - - wxMenuBar *menu_bar = new wxMenuBar; - - menu_bar->Append(file_menu, _T("&File")); - menu_bar->Append(help_menu, _T("&Help")); - - // Associate the menu bar with the frame - frame->SetMenuBar(menu_bar); - -#if wxUSE_STATUSBAR - frame->CreateStatusBar(); -#endif // wxUSE_STATUSBAR - - frame->Show(true); - - SetTopWindow(frame); - - return true; -} - -// --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -// MyFrame -// --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - -// Define my frame constructor -MyFrame::MyFrame(wxWindow *parent, - const wxWindowID id, - const wxString& title, - const wxPoint& pos, - const wxSize& size, - const long style) - : wxFrame(parent, id, title, pos, size, - style | wxNO_FULL_REPAINT_ON_RESIZE) -{ -// m_animation = NULL; - m_canvas = new MyCanvas(this, wxPoint(0, 0), wxDefaultSize); -#if 0 - m_player.SetDestroyAnimation(false); - m_player.SetWindow(m_canvas); - m_player.SetPosition(wxPoint(0, 0)); -#endif - m_animationCtrl = new wxGIFAnimationCtrl(m_canvas, -1, wxEmptyString, - wxPoint(0, 0), wxSize(200, 200)); -} - -MyFrame::~MyFrame() -{ -// m_player.Stop(); -} - -void MyFrame::OnQuit(wxCommandEvent& WXUNUSED(event)) -{ - Close(); -} - -void MyFrame::OnAbout(wxCommandEvent& WXUNUSED(event) ) -{ - (void)wxMessageBox(_T("wxWidgets 2 Animation Demo\n") - _T("Author: Julian Smart (c) 2001\n"), - _T("About Animation Demo")); -} - -#if wxUSE_FILEDLG -void MyFrame::OnOpen(wxCommandEvent& WXUNUSED(event)) -{ - wxFileDialog dialog(this, _T("Please choose an animated GIF"), - wxEmptyString, wxEmptyString, wxT("*.gif"), wxFD_OPEN); - if (dialog.ShowModal() == wxID_OK) - { - wxString filename(dialog.GetPath()); - - m_animationCtrl->Stop(); - if (m_animationCtrl->LoadFile(filename)) - { - m_animationCtrl->Play(); - } - else - { - wxMessageBox(_T("Sorry, this animation was not a valid animated GIF.")); - } - } -} -#endif // wxUSE_FILEDLG - - -// --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -// MyCanvas -// --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - -BEGIN_EVENT_TABLE(MyCanvas, wxScrolledWindow) - EVT_PAINT(MyCanvas::OnPaint) -END_EVENT_TABLE() - -// Define a constructor for my canvas -MyCanvas::MyCanvas(wxWindow *parent, const wxPoint& pos, const wxSize& size) - : wxScrolledWindow(parent, -1, pos, size, - wxSUNKEN_BORDER | - wxNO_FULL_REPAINT_ON_RESIZE | - wxVSCROLL | wxHSCROLL) -{ - SetBackgroundColour(wxColour(_T("YELLOW"))); -} - -void MyCanvas::OnPaint(wxPaintEvent& WXUNUSED(event)) -{ - wxPaintDC dc(this); -#if 0 - MyFrame* frame = (MyFrame*) GetParent(); - if (frame->GetPlayer().IsPlaying()) - { - frame->GetPlayer().Draw(dc); - } -#endif -} diff --git a/contrib/samples/animate/anitest.dsp b/contrib/samples/animate/anitest.dsp deleted file mode 100644 index b021320dd6..0000000000 --- a/contrib/samples/animate/anitest.dsp +++ /dev/null @@ -1,480 +0,0 @@ -# Microsoft Developer Studio Project File - Name="anitest" - Package Owner=<4> -# Microsoft Developer Studio Generated Build File, Format Version 6.00 -# ** DO NOT EDIT ** - -# TARGTYPE "Win32 (x86) Application" 0x0101 - -CFG=anitest - Win32 Debug -!MESSAGE This is not a valid makefile. To build this project using NMAKE, -!MESSAGE use the Export Makefile command and run -!MESSAGE -!MESSAGE NMAKE /f "anitest.mak". -!MESSAGE -!MESSAGE You can specify a configuration when running NMAKE -!MESSAGE by defining the macro CFG on the command line. For example: -!MESSAGE -!MESSAGE NMAKE /f "anitest.mak" CFG="anitest - Win32 Debug" -!MESSAGE -!MESSAGE Possible choices for configuration are: -!MESSAGE -!MESSAGE "anitest - Win32 DLL Universal Unicode Release" (based on "Win32 (x86) Application") -!MESSAGE "anitest - Win32 DLL Universal Unicode Debug" (based on "Win32 (x86) Application") -!MESSAGE "anitest - Win32 DLL Universal Release" (based on "Win32 (x86) Application") -!MESSAGE "anitest - Win32 DLL Universal Debug" (based on "Win32 (x86) Application") -!MESSAGE "anitest - Win32 DLL Unicode Release" (based on "Win32 (x86) Application") -!MESSAGE "anitest - Win32 DLL Unicode Debug" (based on "Win32 (x86) Application") -!MESSAGE "anitest - Win32 DLL Release" (based on "Win32 (x86) Application") -!MESSAGE "anitest - Win32 DLL Debug" (based on "Win32 (x86) Application") -!MESSAGE "anitest - Win32 Universal Unicode Release" (based on "Win32 (x86) Application") -!MESSAGE "anitest - Win32 Universal Unicode Debug" (based on "Win32 (x86) Application") -!MESSAGE "anitest - Win32 Universal Release" (based on "Win32 (x86) Application") -!MESSAGE "anitest - Win32 Universal Debug" (based on "Win32 (x86) Application") -!MESSAGE "anitest - Win32 Unicode Release" (based on "Win32 (x86) Application") -!MESSAGE "anitest - Win32 Unicode Debug" (based on "Win32 (x86) Application") -!MESSAGE "anitest - Win32 Release" (based on "Win32 (x86) Application") -!MESSAGE "anitest - Win32 Debug" (based on "Win32 (x86) Application") -!MESSAGE - -# Begin Project -# PROP AllowPerConfigDependencies 0 -# PROP Scc_ProjName "" -# PROP Scc_LocalPath "" -CPP=cl.exe -MTL=midl.exe -RSC=rc.exe - -!IF "$(CFG)" == "anitest - Win32 DLL Universal Unicode Release" - -# PROP BASE Use_MFC 0 -# PROP BASE Use_Debug_Libraries 0 -# PROP BASE Output_Dir "vc_mswunivudll" -# PROP BASE Intermediate_Dir "vc_mswunivudll\anitest" -# PROP BASE Target_Dir "" -# PROP Use_MFC 0 -# PROP Use_Debug_Libraries 0 -# PROP Output_Dir "vc_mswunivudll" -# PROP Intermediate_Dir "vc_mswunivudll\anitest" -# PROP Target_Dir "" -# ADD BASE CPP /nologo /FD /MD /Fdvc_mswunivudll\anitest.pdb /O2 /GR /EHsc /I ".\..\..\..\lib\vc_dll\mswunivu" /I ".\..\..\..\include" /W4 /I "." /I ".\..\..\..\samples" /I ".\..\..\include" /D "WIN32" /D "__WXMSW__" /D "__WXUNIVERSAL__" /D "_UNICODE" /D "WXUSINGDLL" /D "_WINDOWS" /D "NOPCH" /c -# ADD CPP /nologo /FD /MD /Fdvc_mswunivudll\anitest.pdb /O2 /GR /EHsc /I ".\..\..\..\lib\vc_dll\mswunivu" /I ".\..\..\..\include" /W4 /I "." /I ".\..\..\..\samples" /I ".\..\..\include" /D "WIN32" /D "__WXMSW__" /D "__WXUNIVERSAL__" /D "_UNICODE" /D "WXUSINGDLL" /D "_WINDOWS" /D "NOPCH" /c -# ADD BASE MTL /nologo /D "WIN32" /D "__WXMSW__" /D "__WXUNIVERSAL__" /D "_UNICODE" /D "WXUSINGDLL" /D "_WINDOWS" /D "NOPCH" /mktyplib203 /win32 -# ADD MTL /nologo /D "WIN32" /D "__WXMSW__" /D "__WXUNIVERSAL__" /D "_UNICODE" /D "WXUSINGDLL" /D "_WINDOWS" /D "NOPCH" /mktyplib203 /win32 -# ADD BASE RSC /l 0x409 /d "__WXMSW__" /d "__WXUNIVERSAL__" /d "_UNICODE" /i ".\..\..\..\lib\vc_dll\mswunivu" /i ".\..\..\..\include" /i "." /d "WXUSINGDLL" /d "_WINDOWS" /i ".\..\..\..\samples" /d "NOPCH" /i .\..\..\include -# ADD RSC /l 0x409 /d "__WXMSW__" /d "__WXUNIVERSAL__" /d "_UNICODE" /i ".\..\..\..\lib\vc_dll\mswunivu" /i ".\..\..\..\include" /i "." /d "WXUSINGDLL" /d "_WINDOWS" /i ".\..\..\..\samples" /d "NOPCH" /i .\..\..\include -BSC32=bscmake.exe -# ADD BASE BSC32 /nologo -# ADD BSC32 /nologo -LINK32=link.exe -# ADD BASE LINK32 wxmswuniv27u_animate.lib wxmswuniv27u_core.lib wxbase27u.lib wxtiff.lib wxjpeg.lib wxpng.lib wxzlib.lib wxregexu.lib wxexpat.lib kernel32.lib user32.lib gdi32.lib comdlg32.lib winspool.lib winmm.lib shell32.lib comctl32.lib ole32.lib oleaut32.lib uuid.lib rpcrt4.lib advapi32.lib wsock32.lib odbc32.lib /nologo /machine:i386 /out:"vc_mswunivudll\anitest.exe" /libpath:".\..\..\..\lib\vc_dll" /subsystem:windows -# ADD LINK32 wxmswuniv27u_animate.lib wxmswuniv27u_core.lib wxbase27u.lib wxtiff.lib wxjpeg.lib wxpng.lib wxzlib.lib wxregexu.lib wxexpat.lib kernel32.lib user32.lib gdi32.lib comdlg32.lib winspool.lib winmm.lib shell32.lib comctl32.lib ole32.lib oleaut32.lib uuid.lib rpcrt4.lib advapi32.lib wsock32.lib odbc32.lib /nologo /machine:i386 /out:"vc_mswunivudll\anitest.exe" /libpath:".\..\..\..\lib\vc_dll" /subsystem:windows - 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-!ELSEIF "$(CFG)" == "anitest - Win32 Release" - -# PROP BASE Use_MFC 0 -# PROP BASE Use_Debug_Libraries 0 -# PROP BASE Output_Dir "vc_msw" -# PROP BASE Intermediate_Dir "vc_msw\anitest" -# PROP BASE Target_Dir "" -# PROP Use_MFC 0 -# PROP Use_Debug_Libraries 0 -# PROP Output_Dir "vc_msw" -# PROP Intermediate_Dir "vc_msw\anitest" -# PROP Target_Dir "" -# ADD BASE CPP /nologo /FD /MD /Fdvc_msw\anitest.pdb /O2 /GR /EHsc /I ".\..\..\..\lib\vc_lib\msw" /I ".\..\..\..\include" /W4 /I "." /I ".\..\..\..\samples" /I ".\..\..\include" /D "WIN32" /D "__WXMSW__" /D "_WINDOWS" /D "NOPCH" /c -# ADD CPP /nologo /FD /MD /Fdvc_msw\anitest.pdb /O2 /GR /EHsc /I ".\..\..\..\lib\vc_lib\msw" /I ".\..\..\..\include" /W4 /I "." /I ".\..\..\..\samples" /I ".\..\..\include" /D "WIN32" /D "__WXMSW__" /D "_WINDOWS" /D "NOPCH" /c -# ADD BASE MTL /nologo /D "WIN32" /D "__WXMSW__" /D "_WINDOWS" /D "NOPCH" /mktyplib203 /win32 -# ADD MTL /nologo /D "WIN32" /D "__WXMSW__" /D "_WINDOWS" /D "NOPCH" /mktyplib203 /win32 -# ADD BASE RSC /l 0x409 /d "__WXMSW__" /i ".\..\..\..\lib\vc_lib\msw" /i ".\..\..\..\include" /i "." /d "_WINDOWS" /i ".\..\..\..\samples" /d "NOPCH" /i .\..\..\include -# ADD RSC /l 0x409 /d "__WXMSW__" /i ".\..\..\..\lib\vc_lib\msw" /i ".\..\..\..\include" /i "." /d "_WINDOWS" /i ".\..\..\..\samples" /d "NOPCH" /i .\..\..\include -BSC32=bscmake.exe -# ADD BASE BSC32 /nologo -# ADD BSC32 /nologo -LINK32=link.exe -# ADD BASE LINK32 wxmsw27_animate.lib wxmsw27_core.lib wxbase27.lib wxtiff.lib wxjpeg.lib wxpng.lib wxzlib.lib wxregex.lib wxexpat.lib kernel32.lib user32.lib gdi32.lib comdlg32.lib winspool.lib winmm.lib shell32.lib comctl32.lib ole32.lib oleaut32.lib uuid.lib rpcrt4.lib advapi32.lib wsock32.lib odbc32.lib /nologo /machine:i386 /out:"vc_msw\anitest.exe" /libpath:".\..\..\..\lib\vc_lib" /subsystem:windows -# ADD LINK32 wxmsw27_animate.lib wxmsw27_core.lib wxbase27.lib wxtiff.lib wxjpeg.lib wxpng.lib wxzlib.lib wxregex.lib wxexpat.lib kernel32.lib user32.lib gdi32.lib comdlg32.lib winspool.lib winmm.lib shell32.lib comctl32.lib ole32.lib oleaut32.lib uuid.lib rpcrt4.lib advapi32.lib wsock32.lib odbc32.lib /nologo /machine:i386 /out:"vc_msw\anitest.exe" /libpath:".\..\..\..\lib\vc_lib" /subsystem:windows - -!ELSEIF "$(CFG)" == "anitest - Win32 Debug" - -# PROP BASE Use_MFC 0 -# PROP BASE Use_Debug_Libraries 1 -# PROP BASE Output_Dir "vc_mswd" -# PROP BASE Intermediate_Dir "vc_mswd\anitest" -# PROP BASE Target_Dir "" -# PROP Use_MFC 0 -# PROP Use_Debug_Libraries 1 -# PROP Output_Dir "vc_mswd" -# PROP Intermediate_Dir "vc_mswd\anitest" -# PROP Target_Dir "" -# ADD BASE CPP /nologo /FD /MDd /Zi /Gm /GZ /Fdvc_mswd\anitest.pdb /Od /GR /EHsc /I ".\..\..\..\lib\vc_lib\mswd" /I ".\..\..\..\include" /W4 /I "." /I ".\..\..\..\samples" /I ".\..\..\include" /D "WIN32" /D "_DEBUG" /D "__WXMSW__" /D "__WXDEBUG__" /D "_WINDOWS" /D "NOPCH" /c -# ADD CPP /nologo /FD /MDd /Zi /Gm /GZ /Fdvc_mswd\anitest.pdb /Od /GR /EHsc /I ".\..\..\..\lib\vc_lib\mswd" /I ".\..\..\..\include" /W4 /I "." /I ".\..\..\..\samples" /I ".\..\..\include" /D "WIN32" /D "_DEBUG" /D "__WXMSW__" /D "__WXDEBUG__" /D "_WINDOWS" /D "NOPCH" /c -# ADD BASE MTL /nologo /D "WIN32" /D "_DEBUG" /D "__WXMSW__" /D "__WXDEBUG__" /D "_WINDOWS" /D "NOPCH" /mktyplib203 /win32 -# ADD MTL /nologo /D "WIN32" /D "_DEBUG" /D "__WXMSW__" /D "__WXDEBUG__" /D "_WINDOWS" /D "NOPCH" /mktyplib203 /win32 -# ADD BASE RSC /l 0x409 /d "_DEBUG" /d "__WXMSW__" /d "__WXDEBUG__" /i ".\..\..\..\lib\vc_lib\mswd" /i ".\..\..\..\include" /i "." /d "_WINDOWS" /i ".\..\..\..\samples" /d "NOPCH" /i .\..\..\include -# ADD RSC /l 0x409 /d "_DEBUG" /d "__WXMSW__" /d "__WXDEBUG__" /i ".\..\..\..\lib\vc_lib\mswd" /i ".\..\..\..\include" /i "." /d "_WINDOWS" /i ".\..\..\..\samples" /d "NOPCH" /i .\..\..\include -BSC32=bscmake.exe -# ADD BASE BSC32 /nologo -# ADD BSC32 /nologo -LINK32=link.exe -# ADD BASE LINK32 wxmsw27d_animate.lib wxmsw27d_core.lib wxbase27d.lib wxtiffd.lib wxjpegd.lib wxpngd.lib wxzlibd.lib wxregexd.lib wxexpatd.lib kernel32.lib user32.lib gdi32.lib comdlg32.lib winspool.lib winmm.lib shell32.lib comctl32.lib ole32.lib oleaut32.lib uuid.lib rpcrt4.lib advapi32.lib wsock32.lib odbc32.lib /nologo /machine:i386 /out:"vc_mswd\anitest.exe" /debug /libpath:".\..\..\..\lib\vc_lib" /subsystem:windows -# ADD LINK32 wxmsw27d_animate.lib wxmsw27d_core.lib wxbase27d.lib wxtiffd.lib wxjpegd.lib wxpngd.lib wxzlibd.lib wxregexd.lib wxexpatd.lib kernel32.lib user32.lib gdi32.lib comdlg32.lib winspool.lib winmm.lib shell32.lib comctl32.lib ole32.lib oleaut32.lib uuid.lib rpcrt4.lib advapi32.lib wsock32.lib odbc32.lib /nologo /machine:i386 /out:"vc_mswd\anitest.exe" /debug /libpath:".\..\..\..\lib\vc_lib" /subsystem:windows - -!ENDIF - -# Begin Target - -# Name "anitest - Win32 DLL Universal Unicode Release" -# Name "anitest - Win32 DLL Universal Unicode Debug" -# Name "anitest - Win32 DLL Universal Release" -# Name "anitest - Win32 DLL Universal Debug" -# Name "anitest - Win32 DLL Unicode Release" -# Name "anitest - Win32 DLL Unicode Debug" -# Name "anitest - Win32 DLL Release" -# Name "anitest - Win32 DLL Debug" -# Name "anitest - Win32 Universal Unicode Release" -# Name "anitest - Win32 Universal Unicode Debug" -# Name "anitest - Win32 Universal Release" -# Name "anitest - Win32 Universal Debug" -# Name "anitest - Win32 Unicode Release" -# Name "anitest - Win32 Unicode Debug" -# Name "anitest - Win32 Release" -# Name "anitest - Win32 Debug" -# Begin Group "Source Files" - -# PROP Default_Filter "" -# Begin Source File - -SOURCE=.\anitest.cpp -# End Source File -# Begin Source File - -SOURCE=.\anitest.rc -# End Source File -# End Group -# End Target -# End Project - diff --git a/contrib/samples/animate/anitest.h b/contrib/samples/animate/anitest.h deleted file mode 100644 index 940a9dea9f..0000000000 --- a/contrib/samples/animate/anitest.h +++ /dev/null @@ -1,65 +0,0 @@ -///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// -// Name: anitest.cpp -// Purpose: anitest sample -// Author: Julian Smart -// Modified by: -// Created: 02/07/2001 -// RCS-ID: $Id$ -// Copyright: (c) Julian Smart -// Licence: wxWindows licence -///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// - -#include "wx/animate/animate.h" - -// Define a new application -class MyApp : public wxApp -{ -public: - bool OnInit(); -}; - -class MyCanvas : public wxScrolledWindow -{ -public: - MyCanvas(wxWindow *parent, const wxPoint& pos, const wxSize& size); - void OnPaint(wxPaintEvent& event); - -private: - - DECLARE_EVENT_TABLE() -}; - -// Define a new frame -class MyFrame : public wxFrame -{ -public: - - MyFrame(wxWindow *parent, const wxWindowID id, const wxString& title, - const wxPoint& pos, const wxSize& size, const long style); - ~MyFrame(); - - void OnAbout(wxCommandEvent& event); - void OnQuit(wxCommandEvent& event); - -#if wxUSE_FILEDLG - void OnOpen(wxCommandEvent& event); -#endif // wxUSE_FILEDLG - - MyCanvas* GetCanvas() const { return m_canvas; } - wxGIFAnimationCtrl* GetAnimationCtrl() const { return m_animationCtrl; } - -#if 0 - wxAnimationPlayer& GetPlayer() { return m_player; } - wxAnimationBase& GetAnimation() { return m_animation; } -#endif - - DECLARE_EVENT_TABLE() - -protected: - MyCanvas* m_canvas; - wxGIFAnimationCtrl* m_animationCtrl; -#if 0 - wxAnimationPlayer m_player; - wxGIFAnimation m_animation; -#endif -}; diff --git a/contrib/samples/animate/anitest.rc b/contrib/samples/animate/anitest.rc deleted file mode 100644 index 7655c62a4c..0000000000 --- a/contrib/samples/animate/anitest.rc +++ /dev/null @@ -1,3 +0,0 @@ -mondrian ICON "mondrian.ico" -#include "wx/msw/wx.rc" - diff --git a/contrib/samples/animate/make_cw.mcp b/contrib/samples/animate/make_cw.mcp deleted file mode 100644 index 6da3ade47d75e244d8cdcd6fef33d15ab9d297bb..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000 GIT binary patch literal 0 HcmV?d00001 literal 359 zcmYe!&(C3CU|?ooVANn>{F2YW_;or1gOCJJ>>wi(Bangs=lqn^@Wi5`%={vSfTH}Y z)Z`MF)Ci#&1%Y8C1jNEXECR%$K+FTg{6H)Q#Nt2<3^zt@AdUuN0U+iBVo4wd0LOq1 AegFUf diff --git a/contrib/samples/animate/makefile.bcc b/contrib/samples/animate/makefile.bcc deleted file mode 100644 index 0d2d8237cc..0000000000 --- a/contrib/samples/animate/makefile.bcc +++ /dev/null @@ -1,238 +0,0 @@ -# ========================================================================= -# This makefile was generated by -# Bakefile 0.2.0 ( -# Do not modify, all changes will be overwritten! -# ========================================================================= - -.autodepend - -!ifndef BCCDIR -!ifndef MAKEDIR -!error Your Borland compiler does not define MAKEDIR. Please define the BCCDIR variable, e.g. BCCDIR=d:\bc4 -!endif -BCCDIR = $(MAKEDIR)\.. -!endif - -!include ../../../build/msw/config.bcc - -# ------------------------------------------------------------------------- -# Do not modify the rest of this file! -# ------------------------------------------------------------------------- - -### Variables: ### - -WX_RELEASE_NODOT = 27 -OBJS = \ - bcc_$(PORTNAME)$(WXUNIVNAME)$(WXUNICODEFLAG)$(WXDEBUGFLAG)$(WXDLLFLAG)$(CFG) -LIBDIRNAME = .\..\..\..\lib\bcc_$(LIBTYPE_SUFFIX)$(CFG) -SETUPHDIR = \ - $(LIBDIRNAME)\$(PORTNAME)$(WXUNIVNAME)$(WXUNICODEFLAG)$(WXDEBUGFLAG) -ANITEST_CXXFLAGS = $(__RUNTIME_LIBS_7) -I$(BCCDIR)\include $(__DEBUGINFO) \ - $(__OPTIMIZEFLAG_2) $(__THREADSFLAG_6) -D__WXMSW__ $(__WXUNIV_DEFINE_p) \ - $(__DEBUG_DEFINE_p) $(__EXCEPTIONS_DEFINE_p) $(__RTTI_DEFINE_p) \ - $(__THREAD_DEFINE_p) $(__UNICODE_DEFINE_p) $(__MSLU_DEFINE_p) \ - $(__GFXCTX_DEFINE_p) -I$(SETUPHDIR) -I.\..\..\..\include -I. $(__DLLFLAG_p) \ - -I.\..\..\..\samples -DNOPCH -I.\..\..\include $(CPPFLAGS) $(CXXFLAGS) -ANITEST_OBJECTS = \ - $(OBJS)\anitest_anitest.obj - -### Conditionally set variables: ### - -!if "$(USE_GUI)" == "0" -PORTNAME = base -!endif -!if "$(USE_GUI)" == "1" -PORTNAME = msw -!endif -!if "$(BUILD)" == "debug" && "$(DEBUG_FLAG)" == "default" -WXDEBUGFLAG = d -!endif -!if "$(DEBUG_FLAG)" == "1" -WXDEBUGFLAG = d -!endif -!if "$(UNICODE)" == "1" -WXUNICODEFLAG = u -!endif -!if "$(WXUNIV)" == "1" -WXUNIVNAME = univ -!endif -!if "$(SHARED)" == "1" -WXDLLFLAG = dll -!endif -!if "$(SHARED)" == "0" -LIBTYPE_SUFFIX = lib -!endif -!if "$(SHARED)" == "1" -LIBTYPE_SUFFIX = dll -!endif -!if "$(MONOLITHIC)" == "0" -EXTRALIBS_FOR_BASE = -!endif -!if "$(MONOLITHIC)" == "1" -EXTRALIBS_FOR_BASE = -!endif -!if "$(BUILD)" == "debug" -__OPTIMIZEFLAG_2 = -Od -!endif -!if "$(BUILD)" == "release" -__OPTIMIZEFLAG_2 = -O2 -!endif -!if "$(USE_THREADS)" == "0" -__THREADSFLAG_5 = -!endif -!if "$(USE_THREADS)" == "1" -__THREADSFLAG_5 = mt -!endif -!if "$(USE_THREADS)" == "0" -__THREADSFLAG_6 = -!endif -!if "$(USE_THREADS)" == "1" -__THREADSFLAG_6 = -tWM -!endif -!if "$(RUNTIME_LIBS)" == "dynamic" -__RUNTIME_LIBS_7 = -tWR -!endif -!if "$(RUNTIME_LIBS)" == "static" -__RUNTIME_LIBS_7 = -!endif -!if "$(RUNTIME_LIBS)" == "dynamic" -__RUNTIME_LIBS_8 = i -!endif -!if "$(RUNTIME_LIBS)" == "static" -__RUNTIME_LIBS_8 = -!endif -!if "$(WXUNIV)" == "1" -__WXUNIV_DEFINE_p = -D__WXUNIVERSAL__ -!endif -!if "$(WXUNIV)" == "1" -__WXUNIV_DEFINE_p_1 = -d__WXUNIVERSAL__ -!endif -!if "$(BUILD)" == "debug" && "$(DEBUG_FLAG)" == "default" -__DEBUG_DEFINE_p = -D__WXDEBUG__ -!endif -!if "$(DEBUG_FLAG)" == "1" -__DEBUG_DEFINE_p = -D__WXDEBUG__ -!endif -!if "$(BUILD)" == "debug" && "$(DEBUG_FLAG)" == "default" -__DEBUG_DEFINE_p_1 = -d__WXDEBUG__ -!endif -!if "$(DEBUG_FLAG)" == "1" -__DEBUG_DEFINE_p_1 = -d__WXDEBUG__ -!endif -!if "$(USE_EXCEPTIONS)" == "0" -__EXCEPTIONS_DEFINE_p = -DwxNO_EXCEPTIONS -!endif -!if "$(USE_EXCEPTIONS)" == "0" -__EXCEPTIONS_DEFINE_p_1 = -dwxNO_EXCEPTIONS -!endif -!if "$(USE_RTTI)" == "0" -__RTTI_DEFINE_p = -DwxNO_RTTI -!endif -!if "$(USE_RTTI)" == "0" -__RTTI_DEFINE_p_1 = -dwxNO_RTTI -!endif -!if "$(USE_THREADS)" == "0" -__THREAD_DEFINE_p = -DwxNO_THREADS -!endif -!if "$(USE_THREADS)" == "0" -__THREAD_DEFINE_p_1 = -dwxNO_THREADS -!endif -!if "$(UNICODE)" == "1" -__UNICODE_DEFINE_p = -D_UNICODE -!endif -!if "$(UNICODE)" == "1" -__UNICODE_DEFINE_p_1 = -d_UNICODE -!endif -!if "$(MSLU)" == "1" -__MSLU_DEFINE_p = -DwxUSE_UNICODE_MSLU=1 -!endif -!if "$(MSLU)" == "1" -__MSLU_DEFINE_p_1 = -dwxUSE_UNICODE_MSLU=1 -!endif -!if "$(USE_GDIPLUS)" == "1" -__GFXCTX_DEFINE_p = -DwxUSE_GRAPHICS_CONTEXT=1 -!endif -!if "$(USE_GDIPLUS)" == "1" -__GFXCTX_DEFINE_p_1 = -dwxUSE_GRAPHICS_CONTEXT=1 -!endif -!if "$(SHARED)" == "1" -__DLLFLAG_p = -DWXUSINGDLL -!endif -!if "$(SHARED)" == "1" -__DLLFLAG_p_1 = -dWXUSINGDLL -!endif -!if "$(MONOLITHIC)" == "0" -__WXLIB_CORE_p = \ - wx$(PORTNAME)$(WXUNIVNAME)$(WX_RELEASE_NODOT)$(WXUNICODEFLAG)$(WXDEBUGFLAG)$(WX_LIB_FLAVOUR)_core.lib -!endif -!if "$(MONOLITHIC)" == "0" -__WXLIB_BASE_p = \ - wxbase$(WX_RELEASE_NODOT)$(WXUNICODEFLAG)$(WXDEBUGFLAG)$(WX_LIB_FLAVOUR).lib -!endif -!if "$(MONOLITHIC)" == "1" -__WXLIB_MONO_p = \ - wx$(PORTNAME)$(WXUNIVNAME)$(WX_RELEASE_NODOT)$(WXUNICODEFLAG)$(WXDEBUGFLAG)$(WX_LIB_FLAVOUR).lib -!endif -!if "$(USE_GUI)" == "1" -__LIB_TIFF_p = wxtiff$(WXDEBUGFLAG).lib -!endif -!if "$(USE_GUI)" == "1" -__LIB_JPEG_p = wxjpeg$(WXDEBUGFLAG).lib -!endif -!if "$(USE_GUI)" == "1" -__LIB_PNG_p = wxpng$(WXDEBUGFLAG).lib -!endif -!if "$(MSLU)" == "1" -__UNICOWS_LIB_p = unicows.lib -!endif -!if "$(USE_GDIPLUS)" == "1" -__GDIPLUS_LIB_p = gdiplus.lib -!endif -!if "$(BUILD)" == "debug" && "$(DEBUG_INFO)" == "default" -__DEBUGINFO = -v -!endif -!if "$(BUILD)" == "release" && "$(DEBUG_INFO)" == "default" -__DEBUGINFO = -v- -!endif -!if "$(DEBUG_INFO)" == "0" -__DEBUGINFO = -v- -!endif -!if "$(DEBUG_INFO)" == "1" -__DEBUGINFO = -v -!endif - - -all: $(OBJS) -$(OBJS): - -if not exist $(OBJS) mkdir $(OBJS) - -### Targets: ### - -all: $(OBJS)\anitest.exe data - -clean: - -if exist $(OBJS)\*.obj del $(OBJS)\*.obj - -if exist $(OBJS)\*.res del $(OBJS)\*.res - -if exist $(OBJS)\*.csm del $(OBJS)\*.csm - -if exist $(OBJS)\anitest.exe del $(OBJS)\anitest.exe - -if exist $(OBJS)\anitest.tds del $(OBJS)\anitest.tds - -if exist $(OBJS)\anitest.ilc del $(OBJS)\anitest.ilc - -if exist $(OBJS)\anitest.ild del $(OBJS)\anitest.ild - -if exist $(OBJS)\anitest.ilf del $(OBJS)\anitest.ilf - -if exist $(OBJS)\anitest.ils del $(OBJS)\anitest.ils - -$(OBJS)\anitest.exe: $(ANITEST_OBJECTS) $(OBJS)\anitest_anitest.res - ilink32 -Tpe -q $(LDFLAGS) -L$(BCCDIR)\lib -L$(BCCDIR)\lib\psdk $(__DEBUGINFO) -L$(LIBDIRNAME) -aa @&&| - c0w32.obj $(ANITEST_OBJECTS),$@,, wx$(PORTNAME)$(WXUNIVNAME)$(WX_RELEASE_NODOT)$(WXUNICODEFLAG)$(WXDEBUGFLAG)$(WX_LIB_FLAVOUR)_animate.lib $(__WXLIB_CORE_p) $(__WXLIB_BASE_p) $(__WXLIB_MONO_p) $(__LIB_TIFF_p) $(__LIB_JPEG_p) $(__LIB_PNG_p) wxzlib$(WXDEBUGFLAG).lib wxregex$(WXUNICODEFLAG)$(WXDEBUGFLAG).lib wxexpat$(WXDEBUGFLAG).lib $(EXTRALIBS_FOR_BASE) $(__UNICOWS_LIB_p) $(__GDIPLUS_LIB_p) ole2w32.lib oleacc.lib odbc32.lib import32.lib cw32$(__THREADSFLAG_5)$(__RUNTIME_LIBS_8).lib,, $(OBJS)\anitest_anitest.res -| - -data: - if not exist $(OBJS) mkdir $(OBJS) - for %f in (mondrian.ico) do if not exist $(OBJS)\%f copy .\%f $(OBJS) - -$(OBJS)\anitest_anitest.obj: .\anitest.cpp - $(CXX) -q -c -P -o$@ $(ANITEST_CXXFLAGS) $** - -$(OBJS)\anitest_anitest.res: .\anitest.rc - brcc32 -32 -r -fo$@ -i$(BCCDIR)\include -d__WXMSW__ $(__WXUNIV_DEFINE_p_1) $(__DEBUG_DEFINE_p_1) $(__EXCEPTIONS_DEFINE_p_1) $(__RTTI_DEFINE_p_1) $(__THREAD_DEFINE_p_1) $(__UNICODE_DEFINE_p_1) $(__MSLU_DEFINE_p_1) $(__GFXCTX_DEFINE_p_1) -i$(SETUPHDIR) -i.\..\..\..\include -i. $(__DLLFLAG_p_1) -i.\..\..\..\samples -dNOPCH -i.\..\..\include $** - diff --git a/contrib/samples/animate/makefile.gcc b/contrib/samples/animate/makefile.gcc deleted file mode 100644 index 62d50c90f1..0000000000 --- a/contrib/samples/animate/makefile.gcc +++ /dev/null @@ -1,237 +0,0 @@ -# ========================================================================= -# This makefile was generated by -# Bakefile 0.2.0 ( -# Do not modify, all changes will be overwritten! -# ========================================================================= - -include ../../../build/msw/config.gcc - -# ------------------------------------------------------------------------- -# Do not modify the rest of this file! -# ------------------------------------------------------------------------- - -### Variables: ### - -CPPDEPS = -MT$@ -MF$@.d -MD -WX_RELEASE_NODOT = 27 -OBJS = \ - gcc_$(PORTNAME)$(WXUNIVNAME)$(WXUNICODEFLAG)$(WXDEBUGFLAG)$(WXDLLFLAG)$(CFG) -LIBDIRNAME = .\..\..\..\lib\gcc_$(LIBTYPE_SUFFIX)$(CFG) -SETUPHDIR = \ - $(LIBDIRNAME)\$(PORTNAME)$(WXUNIVNAME)$(WXUNICODEFLAG)$(WXDEBUGFLAG) -ANITEST_CXXFLAGS = $(__DEBUGINFO) $(__OPTIMIZEFLAG_2) $(__THREADSFLAG) \ - $(GCCFLAGS) -DHAVE_W32API_H -D__WXMSW__ $(__WXUNIV_DEFINE_p) \ - $(__DEBUG_DEFINE_p) $(__EXCEPTIONS_DEFINE_p) $(__RTTI_DEFINE_p) \ - $(__THREAD_DEFINE_p) $(__UNICODE_DEFINE_p) $(__MSLU_DEFINE_p) \ - $(__GFXCTX_DEFINE_p) -I$(SETUPHDIR) -I.\..\..\..\include -W -Wall -I. \ - $(__DLLFLAG_p) -I.\..\..\..\samples -DNOPCH -I.\..\..\include \ - $(__RTTIFLAG_5) $(__EXCEPTIONSFLAG_6) -Wno-ctor-dtor-privacy $(CPPFLAGS) \ - $(CXXFLAGS) -ANITEST_OBJECTS = \ - $(OBJS)\anitest_anitest.o \ - $(OBJS)\anitest_anitest_rc.o - -### Conditionally set variables: ### - -ifeq ($(GCC_VERSION),2.95) -GCCFLAGS = -fvtable-thunks -endif -ifeq ($(USE_GUI),0) -PORTNAME = base -endif -ifeq ($(USE_GUI),1) -PORTNAME = msw -endif -ifeq ($(BUILD),debug) -ifeq ($(DEBUG_FLAG),default) -WXDEBUGFLAG = d -endif -endif -ifeq ($(DEBUG_FLAG),1) -WXDEBUGFLAG = d -endif -ifeq ($(UNICODE),1) -WXUNICODEFLAG = u -endif -ifeq ($(WXUNIV),1) -WXUNIVNAME = univ -endif -ifeq ($(SHARED),1) -WXDLLFLAG = dll -endif -ifeq ($(SHARED),0) -LIBTYPE_SUFFIX = lib -endif -ifeq ($(SHARED),1) -LIBTYPE_SUFFIX = dll -endif -ifeq ($(MONOLITHIC),0) -EXTRALIBS_FOR_BASE = -endif -ifeq ($(MONOLITHIC),1) -EXTRALIBS_FOR_BASE = -endif -ifeq ($(BUILD),debug) -__OPTIMIZEFLAG_2 = -O0 -endif -ifeq ($(BUILD),release) -__OPTIMIZEFLAG_2 = -O2 -endif -ifeq ($(USE_RTTI),0) -__RTTIFLAG_5 = -fno-rtti -endif -ifeq ($(USE_RTTI),1) -__RTTIFLAG_5 = -endif -ifeq ($(USE_EXCEPTIONS),0) -__EXCEPTIONSFLAG_6 = -fno-exceptions -endif -ifeq ($(USE_EXCEPTIONS),1) -__EXCEPTIONSFLAG_6 = -endif -ifeq ($(WXUNIV),1) -__WXUNIV_DEFINE_p = -D__WXUNIVERSAL__ -endif -ifeq ($(WXUNIV),1) -__WXUNIV_DEFINE_p_1 = --define __WXUNIVERSAL__ -endif -ifeq ($(BUILD),debug) -ifeq ($(DEBUG_FLAG),default) -__DEBUG_DEFINE_p = -D__WXDEBUG__ -endif -endif -ifeq ($(DEBUG_FLAG),1) -__DEBUG_DEFINE_p = -D__WXDEBUG__ -endif -ifeq ($(BUILD),debug) -ifeq ($(DEBUG_FLAG),default) -__DEBUG_DEFINE_p_1 = --define __WXDEBUG__ -endif -endif -ifeq ($(DEBUG_FLAG),1) -__DEBUG_DEFINE_p_1 = --define __WXDEBUG__ -endif -ifeq ($(USE_EXCEPTIONS),0) -__EXCEPTIONS_DEFINE_p = -DwxNO_EXCEPTIONS -endif -ifeq ($(USE_EXCEPTIONS),0) -__EXCEPTIONS_DEFINE_p_1 = --define wxNO_EXCEPTIONS -endif -ifeq ($(USE_RTTI),0) -__RTTI_DEFINE_p = -DwxNO_RTTI -endif -ifeq ($(USE_RTTI),0) -__RTTI_DEFINE_p_1 = --define wxNO_RTTI -endif -ifeq ($(USE_THREADS),0) -__THREAD_DEFINE_p = -DwxNO_THREADS -endif -ifeq ($(USE_THREADS),0) -__THREAD_DEFINE_p_1 = --define wxNO_THREADS -endif -ifeq ($(UNICODE),1) -__UNICODE_DEFINE_p = -D_UNICODE -endif -ifeq ($(UNICODE),1) -__UNICODE_DEFINE_p_1 = --define _UNICODE -endif -ifeq ($(MSLU),1) -__MSLU_DEFINE_p = -DwxUSE_UNICODE_MSLU=1 -endif -ifeq ($(MSLU),1) -__MSLU_DEFINE_p_1 = --define wxUSE_UNICODE_MSLU=1 -endif -ifeq ($(USE_GDIPLUS),1) -__GFXCTX_DEFINE_p = -DwxUSE_GRAPHICS_CONTEXT=1 -endif -ifeq ($(USE_GDIPLUS),1) -__GFXCTX_DEFINE_p_1 = --define wxUSE_GRAPHICS_CONTEXT=1 -endif -ifeq ($(SHARED),1) -__DLLFLAG_p = -DWXUSINGDLL -endif -ifeq ($(SHARED),1) -__DLLFLAG_p_1 = --define WXUSINGDLL -endif -ifeq ($(MONOLITHIC),0) -__WXLIB_CORE_p = \ - -lwx$(PORTNAME)$(WXUNIVNAME)$(WX_RELEASE_NODOT)$(WXUNICODEFLAG)$(WXDEBUGFLAG)$(WX_LIB_FLAVOUR)_core -endif -ifeq ($(MONOLITHIC),0) -__WXLIB_BASE_p = \ - -lwxbase$(WX_RELEASE_NODOT)$(WXUNICODEFLAG)$(WXDEBUGFLAG)$(WX_LIB_FLAVOUR) -endif -ifeq ($(MONOLITHIC),1) -__WXLIB_MONO_p = \ - -lwx$(PORTNAME)$(WXUNIVNAME)$(WX_RELEASE_NODOT)$(WXUNICODEFLAG)$(WXDEBUGFLAG)$(WX_LIB_FLAVOUR) -endif -ifeq ($(USE_GUI),1) -__LIB_TIFF_p = -lwxtiff$(WXDEBUGFLAG) -endif -ifeq ($(USE_GUI),1) -__LIB_JPEG_p = -lwxjpeg$(WXDEBUGFLAG) -endif -ifeq ($(USE_GUI),1) -__LIB_PNG_p = -lwxpng$(WXDEBUGFLAG) -endif -ifeq ($(MSLU),1) -__UNICOWS_LIB_p = -lunicows -endif -ifeq ($(USE_GDIPLUS),1) -__GDIPLUS_LIB_p = -lgdiplus -endif -ifeq ($(BUILD),debug) -ifeq ($(DEBUG_INFO),default) -__DEBUGINFO = -g -endif -endif -ifeq ($(BUILD),release) -ifeq ($(DEBUG_INFO),default) -__DEBUGINFO = -endif -endif -ifeq ($(DEBUG_INFO),0) -__DEBUGINFO = -endif -ifeq ($(DEBUG_INFO),1) -__DEBUGINFO = -g -endif -ifeq ($(USE_THREADS),0) -__THREADSFLAG = -endif -ifeq ($(USE_THREADS),1) -__THREADSFLAG = -mthreads -endif - - -all: $(OBJS) -$(OBJS): - -if not exist $(OBJS) mkdir $(OBJS) - -### Targets: ### - -all: $(OBJS)\anitest.exe data - -clean: - -if exist $(OBJS)\*.o del $(OBJS)\*.o - -if exist $(OBJS)\*.d del $(OBJS)\*.d - -if exist $(OBJS)\anitest.exe del $(OBJS)\anitest.exe - -$(OBJS)\anitest.exe: $(ANITEST_OBJECTS) $(OBJS)\anitest_anitest_rc.o - $(CXX) -o $@ $(ANITEST_OBJECTS) $(LDFLAGS) $(__DEBUGINFO) $(__THREADSFLAG) -L$(LIBDIRNAME) -Wl,--subsystem,windows -mwindows -lwx$(PORTNAME)$(WXUNIVNAME)$(WX_RELEASE_NODOT)$(WXUNICODEFLAG)$(WXDEBUGFLAG)$(WX_LIB_FLAVOUR)_animate $(__WXLIB_CORE_p) $(__WXLIB_BASE_p) $(__WXLIB_MONO_p) $(__LIB_TIFF_p) $(__LIB_JPEG_p) $(__LIB_PNG_p) -lwxzlib$(WXDEBUGFLAG) -lwxregex$(WXUNICODEFLAG)$(WXDEBUGFLAG) -lwxexpat$(WXDEBUGFLAG) $(EXTRALIBS_FOR_BASE) $(__UNICOWS_LIB_p) $(__GDIPLUS_LIB_p) -lkernel32 -luser32 -lgdi32 -lcomdlg32 -lwinspool -lwinmm -lshell32 -lcomctl32 -lole32 -loleaut32 -luuid -lrpcrt4 -ladvapi32 -lwsock32 -lodbc32 - -data: - if not exist $(OBJS) mkdir $(OBJS) - for %%f in (mondrian.ico) do if not exist $(OBJS)\%%f copy .\%%f $(OBJS) - -$(OBJS)\anitest_anitest.o: ./anitest.cpp - $(CXX) -c -o $@ $(ANITEST_CXXFLAGS) $(CPPDEPS) $< - -$(OBJS)\anitest_anitest_rc.o: ./anitest.rc - windres --use-temp-file -i$< -o$@ --define __WXMSW__ $(__WXUNIV_DEFINE_p_1) $(__DEBUG_DEFINE_p_1) $(__EXCEPTIONS_DEFINE_p_1) $(__RTTI_DEFINE_p_1) $(__THREAD_DEFINE_p_1) $(__UNICODE_DEFINE_p_1) $(__MSLU_DEFINE_p_1) $(__GFXCTX_DEFINE_p_1) --include-dir $(SETUPHDIR) --include-dir ./../../../include --include-dir . $(__DLLFLAG_p_1) --include-dir ./../../../samples --define NOPCH --include-dir ./../../include - -.PHONY: all clean data - - -# Dependencies tracking: --include $(OBJS)/*.d diff --git a/contrib/samples/animate/makefile.unx b/contrib/samples/animate/makefile.unx deleted file mode 100644 index b5a4664fa6..0000000000 --- a/contrib/samples/animate/makefile.unx +++ /dev/null @@ -1,35 +0,0 @@ -# -# File: Makefile for samples -# Author: Robert Roebling -# Created: 1999 -# Updated: -# Copyright: (c) 1998 Robert Roebling -# -# This makefile requires a Unix version of wxWindows -# to be installed on your system. This is most often -# done typing "make install" when using the complete -# sources of wxWindows or by installing the two -# RPM packages wxGTK.XXX.rpm and wxGTK-devel.XXX.rpm -# under Linux. -# - -CC = gcc - -PROGRAM = anitest - -OBJECTS = $(PROGRAM).o animate.o - -# implementation - -.SUFFIXES: .o .cpp - -.cpp.o : - $(CC) -c `wx-config --cflags` -o $@ $< - -all: $(PROGRAM) - -$(PROGRAM): $(OBJECTS) - $(CC) -o $(PROGRAM) $(OBJECTS) `wx-config --libs` - -clean: - rm -f *.o $(PROGRAM) diff --git a/contrib/samples/animate/ b/contrib/samples/animate/ deleted file mode 100644 index 5ed92e956f..0000000000 --- a/contrib/samples/animate/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,44 +0,0 @@ -# -# File: -# Author: David Webster -# Created: 1999 -# Updated: -# Copyright: (c) David Webster -# License: wxWindows license -# Makefile : Builds sample (VisualAgeC++ V3.0, OS/2 PM) -# Use FINAL=1 argument to nmake to build final version with no debug info. - -# Set WXDIR for your system -WXDIR=$(WXWIN) - -!include $(WXDIR)\src\makeva.env - -# -# Define which program this is and what it's path is and where to output to -# -PROGRAM=anitest -THISDIR=$(WXWIN)\samples\$(PROGRAM) -OPATH=$(THISDIR)\$D - -# -# Make sure output directory is available -# -!if [md $(OPATH)] -!endif - -# -# Standard definitions -# -PROGRC=$(THISDIR)\$(PROGRAM).rcO -OBJECTS=$(OPATH)\$(PROGRAM).obj $(OPATH)\animate.obj -PROGRES=$(OPATH)\$(PROGRAM).res -PROGTARGET=$(OPATH)\$(PROGRAM).exe - -.cpp{$OPATH}.obj: - @echo $< - icc @<< -$(CPPFLAGS) /Fo$@ /Tp $< -<< - -!include $(WXDIR)\src\ - diff --git a/contrib/samples/animate/ b/contrib/samples/animate/ deleted file mode 100644 index a7f99902dc..0000000000 --- a/contrib/samples/animate/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,313 +0,0 @@ -# ========================================================================= -# This makefile was generated by -# Bakefile 0.2.0 ( -# Do not modify, all changes will be overwritten! -# ========================================================================= - -!include <../../../build/msw/> - -# ------------------------------------------------------------------------- -# Do not modify the rest of this file! -# ------------------------------------------------------------------------- - -### Variables: ### - -WX_RELEASE_NODOT = 27 -OBJS = \ - vc_$(PORTNAME)$(WXUNIVNAME)$(WXUNICODEFLAG)$(WXDEBUGFLAG)$(WXDLLFLAG)$(CFG)$(DIR_SUFFIX_CPU) -LIBDIRNAME = .\..\..\..\lib\vc$(DIR_SUFFIX_CPU)_$(LIBTYPE_SUFFIX)$(CFG) -SETUPHDIR = \ - $(LIBDIRNAME)\$(PORTNAME)$(WXUNIVNAME)$(WXUNICODEFLAG)$(WXDEBUGFLAG) -ANITEST_CXXFLAGS = /M$(__RUNTIME_LIBS_8)$(__DEBUGRUNTIME_3) /DWIN32 \ - $(__DEBUGINFO_0) /Fd$(OBJS)\anitest.pdb $(____DEBUGRUNTIME_2_p) \ - $(__OPTIMIZEFLAG_4) $(__NO_VC_CRTDBG_p) /D__WXMSW__ $(__WXUNIV_DEFINE_p) \ - $(__DEBUG_DEFINE_p) $(__EXCEPTIONS_DEFINE_p) $(__RTTI_DEFINE_p) \ - $(__THREAD_DEFINE_p) $(__UNICODE_DEFINE_p) $(__MSLU_DEFINE_p) \ - $(__GFXCTX_DEFINE_p) /I$(SETUPHDIR) /I.\..\..\..\include /W4 /I. \ - $(__DLLFLAG_p) /D_WINDOWS /I.\..\..\..\samples /DNOPCH /I.\..\..\include \ - $(__RTTIFLAG_9) $(__EXCEPTIONSFLAG_10) $(CPPFLAGS) $(CXXFLAGS) -ANITEST_OBJECTS = \ - $(OBJS)\anitest_anitest.obj \ - $(OBJS)\anitest_anitest.res - -### Conditionally set variables: ### - -!if "$(USE_GUI)" == "0" -PORTNAME = base -!endif -!if "$(USE_GUI)" == "1" -PORTNAME = msw -!endif -!if "$(BUILD)" == "debug" && "$(DEBUG_FLAG)" == "default" -WXDEBUGFLAG = d -!endif -!if "$(DEBUG_FLAG)" == "1" -WXDEBUGFLAG = d -!endif -!if "$(UNICODE)" == "1" -WXUNICODEFLAG = u -!endif -!if "$(WXUNIV)" == "1" -WXUNIVNAME = univ -!endif -!if "$(TARGET_CPU)" == "amd64" -DIR_SUFFIX_CPU = _amd64 -!endif -!if "$(TARGET_CPU)" == "amd64" -DIR_SUFFIX_CPU = _amd64 -!endif -!if "$(TARGET_CPU)" == "ia64" -DIR_SUFFIX_CPU = _ia64 -!endif -!if "$(TARGET_CPU)" == "ia64" -DIR_SUFFIX_CPU = _ia64 -!endif -!if "$(SHARED)" == "1" -WXDLLFLAG = dll -!endif -!if "$(SHARED)" == "0" -LIBTYPE_SUFFIX = lib -!endif -!if "$(SHARED)" == "1" -LIBTYPE_SUFFIX = dll -!endif -!if "$(TARGET_CPU)" == "amd64" -LINK_TARGET_CPU = /MACHINE:AMD64 -!endif -!if "$(TARGET_CPU)" == "amd64" -LINK_TARGET_CPU = /MACHINE:AMD64 -!endif -!if "$(TARGET_CPU)" == "ia64" -LINK_TARGET_CPU = /MACHINE:IA64 -!endif -!if "$(TARGET_CPU)" == "ia64" -LINK_TARGET_CPU = /MACHINE:IA64 -!endif -!if "$(MONOLITHIC)" == "0" -EXTRALIBS_FOR_BASE = -!endif -!if "$(MONOLITHIC)" == "1" -EXTRALIBS_FOR_BASE = -!endif -!if "$(BUILD)" == "debug" && "$(DEBUG_INFO)" == "default" -__DEBUGINFO_0 = /Zi -!endif -!if "$(BUILD)" == "release" && "$(DEBUG_INFO)" == "default" -__DEBUGINFO_0 = -!endif -!if "$(DEBUG_INFO)" == "0" -__DEBUGINFO_0 = -!endif -!if "$(DEBUG_INFO)" == "1" -__DEBUGINFO_0 = /Zi -!endif -!if "$(BUILD)" == "debug" && "$(DEBUG_INFO)" == "default" -__DEBUGINFO_1 = /DEBUG -!endif -!if "$(BUILD)" == "release" && "$(DEBUG_INFO)" == "default" -__DEBUGINFO_1 = -!endif -!if "$(DEBUG_INFO)" == "0" -__DEBUGINFO_1 = -!endif -!if "$(DEBUG_INFO)" == "1" -__DEBUGINFO_1 = /DEBUG -!endif -!if "$(BUILD)" == "debug" && "$(DEBUG_RUNTIME_LIBS)" == "default" -____DEBUGRUNTIME_2_p = /D_DEBUG -!endif -!if "$(BUILD)" == "release" && "$(DEBUG_RUNTIME_LIBS)" == "default" -____DEBUGRUNTIME_2_p = -!endif -!if "$(DEBUG_RUNTIME_LIBS)" == "0" -____DEBUGRUNTIME_2_p = -!endif -!if "$(DEBUG_RUNTIME_LIBS)" == "1" -____DEBUGRUNTIME_2_p = /D_DEBUG -!endif -!if "$(BUILD)" == "debug" && "$(DEBUG_RUNTIME_LIBS)" == "default" -____DEBUGRUNTIME_2_p_1 = /d _DEBUG -!endif -!if "$(BUILD)" == "release" && "$(DEBUG_RUNTIME_LIBS)" == "default" -____DEBUGRUNTIME_2_p_1 = -!endif -!if "$(DEBUG_RUNTIME_LIBS)" == "0" -____DEBUGRUNTIME_2_p_1 = -!endif -!if "$(DEBUG_RUNTIME_LIBS)" == "1" -____DEBUGRUNTIME_2_p_1 = /d _DEBUG -!endif -!if "$(BUILD)" == "debug" && "$(DEBUG_RUNTIME_LIBS)" == "default" -__DEBUGRUNTIME_3 = d -!endif -!if "$(BUILD)" == "release" && "$(DEBUG_RUNTIME_LIBS)" == "default" -__DEBUGRUNTIME_3 = -!endif -!if "$(DEBUG_RUNTIME_LIBS)" == "0" -__DEBUGRUNTIME_3 = -!endif -!if "$(DEBUG_RUNTIME_LIBS)" == "1" -__DEBUGRUNTIME_3 = d -!endif -!if "$(BUILD)" == "debug" -__OPTIMIZEFLAG_4 = /Od -!endif -!if "$(BUILD)" == "release" -__OPTIMIZEFLAG_4 = /O2 -!endif -!if "$(USE_THREADS)" == "0" -__THREADSFLAG_7 = L -!endif -!if "$(USE_THREADS)" == "1" -__THREADSFLAG_7 = T -!endif -!if "$(RUNTIME_LIBS)" == "dynamic" -__RUNTIME_LIBS_8 = D -!endif -!if "$(RUNTIME_LIBS)" == "static" -__RUNTIME_LIBS_8 = $(__THREADSFLAG_7) -!endif -!if "$(USE_RTTI)" == "0" -__RTTIFLAG_9 = -!endif -!if "$(USE_RTTI)" == "1" -__RTTIFLAG_9 = /GR -!endif -!if "$(USE_EXCEPTIONS)" == "0" -__EXCEPTIONSFLAG_10 = -!endif -!if "$(USE_EXCEPTIONS)" == "1" -__EXCEPTIONSFLAG_10 = /EHsc -!endif -!if "$(BUILD)" == "debug" && "$(DEBUG_RUNTIME_LIBS)" == "0" -__NO_VC_CRTDBG_p = /D__NO_VC_CRTDBG__ -!endif -!if "$(BUILD)" == "release" && "$(DEBUG_FLAG)" == "1" -__NO_VC_CRTDBG_p = /D__NO_VC_CRTDBG__ -!endif -!if "$(BUILD)" == "debug" && "$(DEBUG_RUNTIME_LIBS)" == "0" -__NO_VC_CRTDBG_p_1 = /d __NO_VC_CRTDBG__ -!endif -!if "$(BUILD)" == "release" && "$(DEBUG_FLAG)" == "1" -__NO_VC_CRTDBG_p_1 = /d __NO_VC_CRTDBG__ -!endif -!if "$(WXUNIV)" == "1" -__WXUNIV_DEFINE_p = /D__WXUNIVERSAL__ -!endif -!if "$(WXUNIV)" == "1" -__WXUNIV_DEFINE_p_1 = /d __WXUNIVERSAL__ -!endif -!if "$(BUILD)" == "debug" && "$(DEBUG_FLAG)" == "default" -__DEBUG_DEFINE_p = /D__WXDEBUG__ -!endif -!if "$(DEBUG_FLAG)" == "1" -__DEBUG_DEFINE_p = /D__WXDEBUG__ -!endif -!if "$(BUILD)" == "debug" && "$(DEBUG_FLAG)" == "default" -__DEBUG_DEFINE_p_1 = /d __WXDEBUG__ -!endif -!if "$(DEBUG_FLAG)" == "1" -__DEBUG_DEFINE_p_1 = /d __WXDEBUG__ -!endif -!if "$(USE_EXCEPTIONS)" == "0" -__EXCEPTIONS_DEFINE_p = /DwxNO_EXCEPTIONS -!endif -!if "$(USE_EXCEPTIONS)" == "0" -__EXCEPTIONS_DEFINE_p_1 = /d wxNO_EXCEPTIONS -!endif -!if "$(USE_RTTI)" == "0" -__RTTI_DEFINE_p = /DwxNO_RTTI -!endif -!if "$(USE_RTTI)" == "0" -__RTTI_DEFINE_p_1 = /d wxNO_RTTI -!endif -!if "$(USE_THREADS)" == "0" -__THREAD_DEFINE_p = /DwxNO_THREADS -!endif -!if "$(USE_THREADS)" == "0" -__THREAD_DEFINE_p_1 = /d wxNO_THREADS -!endif -!if "$(UNICODE)" == "1" -__UNICODE_DEFINE_p = /D_UNICODE -!endif -!if "$(UNICODE)" == "1" -__UNICODE_DEFINE_p_1 = /d _UNICODE -!endif -!if "$(MSLU)" == "1" -__MSLU_DEFINE_p = /DwxUSE_UNICODE_MSLU=1 -!endif -!if "$(MSLU)" == "1" -__MSLU_DEFINE_p_1 = /d wxUSE_UNICODE_MSLU=1 -!endif -!if "$(USE_GDIPLUS)" == "1" -__GFXCTX_DEFINE_p = /DwxUSE_GRAPHICS_CONTEXT=1 -!endif -!if "$(USE_GDIPLUS)" == "1" -__GFXCTX_DEFINE_p_1 = /d wxUSE_GRAPHICS_CONTEXT=1 -!endif -!if "$(SHARED)" == "1" -__DLLFLAG_p = /DWXUSINGDLL -!endif -!if "$(SHARED)" == "1" -__DLLFLAG_p_1 = /d WXUSINGDLL -!endif -!if "$(MONOLITHIC)" == "0" -__WXLIB_CORE_p = \ - wx$(PORTNAME)$(WXUNIVNAME)$(WX_RELEASE_NODOT)$(WXUNICODEFLAG)$(WXDEBUGFLAG)$(WX_LIB_FLAVOUR)_core.lib -!endif -!if "$(MONOLITHIC)" == "0" -__WXLIB_BASE_p = \ - wxbase$(WX_RELEASE_NODOT)$(WXUNICODEFLAG)$(WXDEBUGFLAG)$(WX_LIB_FLAVOUR).lib -!endif -!if "$(MONOLITHIC)" == "1" -__WXLIB_MONO_p = \ - wx$(PORTNAME)$(WXUNIVNAME)$(WX_RELEASE_NODOT)$(WXUNICODEFLAG)$(WXDEBUGFLAG)$(WX_LIB_FLAVOUR).lib -!endif -!if "$(USE_GUI)" == "1" -__LIB_TIFF_p = wxtiff$(WXDEBUGFLAG).lib -!endif -!if "$(USE_GUI)" == "1" -__LIB_JPEG_p = wxjpeg$(WXDEBUGFLAG).lib -!endif -!if "$(USE_GUI)" == "1" -__LIB_PNG_p = wxpng$(WXDEBUGFLAG).lib -!endif -!if "$(MSLU)" == "1" -__UNICOWS_LIB_p = unicows.lib -!endif -!if "$(USE_GDIPLUS)" == "1" -__GDIPLUS_LIB_p = gdiplus.lib -!endif - - -all: $(OBJS) -$(OBJS): - -if not exist $(OBJS) mkdir $(OBJS) - -### Targets: ### - -all: $(OBJS)\anitest.exe data - -clean: - -if exist $(OBJS)\*.obj del $(OBJS)\*.obj - -if exist $(OBJS)\*.res del $(OBJS)\*.res - -if exist $(OBJS)\*.pch del $(OBJS)\*.pch - -if exist $(OBJS)\anitest.exe del $(OBJS)\anitest.exe - -if exist $(OBJS)\anitest.ilk del $(OBJS)\anitest.ilk - -if exist $(OBJS)\anitest.pdb del $(OBJS)\anitest.pdb - -$(OBJS)\anitest.exe: $(ANITEST_OBJECTS) $(OBJS)\anitest_anitest.res - link /NOLOGO /OUT:$@ $(LDFLAGS) $(__DEBUGINFO_1) $(LINK_TARGET_CPU) /LIBPATH:$(LIBDIRNAME) /SUBSYSTEM:WINDOWS @<< - $(ANITEST_OBJECTS) wx$(PORTNAME)$(WXUNIVNAME)$(WX_RELEASE_NODOT)$(WXUNICODEFLAG)$(WXDEBUGFLAG)$(WX_LIB_FLAVOUR)_animate.lib $(__WXLIB_CORE_p) $(__WXLIB_BASE_p) $(__WXLIB_MONO_p) $(__LIB_TIFF_p) $(__LIB_JPEG_p) $(__LIB_PNG_p) wxzlib$(WXDEBUGFLAG).lib wxregex$(WXUNICODEFLAG)$(WXDEBUGFLAG).lib wxexpat$(WXDEBUGFLAG).lib $(EXTRALIBS_FOR_BASE) $(__UNICOWS_LIB_p) $(__GDIPLUS_LIB_p) kernel32.lib user32.lib gdi32.lib comdlg32.lib winspool.lib winmm.lib shell32.lib comctl32.lib ole32.lib oleaut32.lib uuid.lib rpcrt4.lib advapi32.lib wsock32.lib odbc32.lib -<< - -data: - if not exist $(OBJS) mkdir $(OBJS) - for %f in (mondrian.ico) do if not exist $(OBJS)\%f copy .\%f $(OBJS) - -$(OBJS)\anitest_anitest.obj: .\anitest.cpp - $(CXX) /c /nologo /TP /Fo$@ $(ANITEST_CXXFLAGS) $** - -$(OBJS)\anitest_anitest.res: .\anitest.rc - rc /fo$@ /d WIN32 $(____DEBUGRUNTIME_2_p_1) $(__NO_VC_CRTDBG_p_1) /d __WXMSW__ $(__WXUNIV_DEFINE_p_1) $(__DEBUG_DEFINE_p_1) $(__EXCEPTIONS_DEFINE_p_1) $(__RTTI_DEFINE_p_1) $(__THREAD_DEFINE_p_1) $(__UNICODE_DEFINE_p_1) $(__MSLU_DEFINE_p_1) $(__GFXCTX_DEFINE_p_1) /i $(SETUPHDIR) /i .\..\..\..\include /i . $(__DLLFLAG_p_1) /d _WINDOWS /i .\..\..\..\samples /d NOPCH /i .\..\..\include $** - diff --git a/contrib/samples/animate/makefile.wat b/contrib/samples/animate/makefile.wat deleted file mode 100644 index 8bf69806d1..0000000000 --- a/contrib/samples/animate/makefile.wat +++ /dev/null @@ -1,266 +0,0 @@ -# ========================================================================= -# This makefile was generated by -# Bakefile 0.2.0 ( -# Do not modify, all changes will be overwritten! -# ========================================================================= - -!include ../../../build/msw/config.wat - -# ------------------------------------------------------------------------- -# Do not modify the rest of this file! -# ------------------------------------------------------------------------- - -# Speed up compilation a bit: -!ifdef __LOADDLL__ -! loaddll wcc wccd -! loaddll wccaxp wccdaxp -! loaddll wcc386 wccd386 -! loaddll wpp wppdi86 -! loaddll wppaxp wppdaxp -! loaddll wpp386 wppd386 -! loaddll wlink wlink -! loaddll wlib wlibd -!endif - -# We need these variables in some bakefile-made rules: -WATCOM_CWD = $+ $(%cdrive):$(%cwd) $- - -### Conditionally set variables: ### - -PORTNAME = -!ifeq USE_GUI 0 -PORTNAME = base -!endif -!ifeq USE_GUI 1 -PORTNAME = msw -!endif -WXDEBUGFLAG = -!ifeq BUILD debug -!ifeq DEBUG_FLAG default -WXDEBUGFLAG = d -!endif -!endif -!ifeq DEBUG_FLAG 1 -WXDEBUGFLAG = d -!endif -WXUNICODEFLAG = -!ifeq UNICODE 1 -WXUNICODEFLAG = u -!endif -WXUNIVNAME = -!ifeq WXUNIV 1 -WXUNIVNAME = univ -!endif -WXDLLFLAG = -!ifeq SHARED 1 -WXDLLFLAG = dll -!endif -LIBTYPE_SUFFIX = -!ifeq SHARED 0 -LIBTYPE_SUFFIX = lib -!endif -!ifeq SHARED 1 -LIBTYPE_SUFFIX = dll -!endif -EXTRALIBS_FOR_BASE = -!ifeq MONOLITHIC 0 -EXTRALIBS_FOR_BASE = -!endif -!ifeq MONOLITHIC 1 -EXTRALIBS_FOR_BASE = -!endif -__DEBUGINFO_0 = -!ifeq BUILD debug -!ifeq DEBUG_INFO default -__DEBUGINFO_0 = -d2 -!endif -!endif -!ifeq BUILD release -!ifeq DEBUG_INFO default -__DEBUGINFO_0 = -d0 -!endif -!endif -!ifeq DEBUG_INFO 0 -__DEBUGINFO_0 = -d0 -!endif -!ifeq DEBUG_INFO 1 -__DEBUGINFO_0 = -d2 -!endif -__DEBUGINFO_1 = -!ifeq BUILD debug -!ifeq DEBUG_INFO default -__DEBUGINFO_1 = debug all -!endif -!endif -!ifeq BUILD release -!ifeq DEBUG_INFO default -__DEBUGINFO_1 = -!endif -!endif -!ifeq DEBUG_INFO 0 -__DEBUGINFO_1 = -!endif -!ifeq DEBUG_INFO 1 -__DEBUGINFO_1 = debug all -!endif -__OPTIMIZEFLAG_2 = -!ifeq BUILD debug -__OPTIMIZEFLAG_2 = -od -!endif -!ifeq BUILD release -__OPTIMIZEFLAG_2 = -ot -ox -!endif -__THREADSFLAG_5 = -!ifeq USE_THREADS 0 -__THREADSFLAG_5 = -!endif -!ifeq USE_THREADS 1 -__THREADSFLAG_5 = -bm -!endif -__RUNTIME_LIBS_6 = -!ifeq RUNTIME_LIBS dynamic -__RUNTIME_LIBS_6 = -br -!endif -!ifeq RUNTIME_LIBS static -__RUNTIME_LIBS_6 = -!endif -__RTTIFLAG_7 = -!ifeq USE_RTTI 0 -__RTTIFLAG_7 = -!endif -!ifeq USE_RTTI 1 -__RTTIFLAG_7 = -xr -!endif -__EXCEPTIONSFLAG_8 = -!ifeq USE_EXCEPTIONS 0 -__EXCEPTIONSFLAG_8 = -!endif -!ifeq USE_EXCEPTIONS 1 -__EXCEPTIONSFLAG_8 = -xs -!endif -__WXLIB_CORE_p = -!ifeq MONOLITHIC 0 -__WXLIB_CORE_p = & - wx$(PORTNAME)$(WXUNIVNAME)$(WX_RELEASE_NODOT)$(WXUNICODEFLAG)$(WXDEBUGFLAG)$(WX_LIB_FLAVOUR)_core.lib -!endif -__WXLIB_BASE_p = -!ifeq MONOLITHIC 0 -__WXLIB_BASE_p = & - wxbase$(WX_RELEASE_NODOT)$(WXUNICODEFLAG)$(WXDEBUGFLAG)$(WX_LIB_FLAVOUR).lib -!endif -__WXLIB_MONO_p = -!ifeq MONOLITHIC 1 -__WXLIB_MONO_p = & - wx$(PORTNAME)$(WXUNIVNAME)$(WX_RELEASE_NODOT)$(WXUNICODEFLAG)$(WXDEBUGFLAG)$(WX_LIB_FLAVOUR).lib -!endif -__LIB_TIFF_p = -!ifeq USE_GUI 1 -__LIB_TIFF_p = wxtiff$(WXDEBUGFLAG).lib -!endif -__LIB_JPEG_p = -!ifeq USE_GUI 1 -__LIB_JPEG_p = wxjpeg$(WXDEBUGFLAG).lib -!endif -__LIB_PNG_p = -!ifeq USE_GUI 1 -__LIB_PNG_p = wxpng$(WXDEBUGFLAG).lib -!endif -__GDIPLUS_LIB_p = -!ifeq USE_GDIPLUS 1 -__GDIPLUS_LIB_p = gdiplus.lib -!endif -__WXUNIV_DEFINE_p = -!ifeq WXUNIV 1 -__WXUNIV_DEFINE_p = -d__WXUNIVERSAL__ -!endif -__DEBUG_DEFINE_p = -!ifeq BUILD debug -!ifeq DEBUG_FLAG default -__DEBUG_DEFINE_p = -d__WXDEBUG__ -!endif -!endif -!ifeq DEBUG_FLAG 1 -__DEBUG_DEFINE_p = -d__WXDEBUG__ -!endif -__EXCEPTIONS_DEFINE_p = -!ifeq USE_EXCEPTIONS 0 -__EXCEPTIONS_DEFINE_p = -dwxNO_EXCEPTIONS -!endif -__RTTI_DEFINE_p = -!ifeq USE_RTTI 0 -__RTTI_DEFINE_p = -dwxNO_RTTI -!endif -__THREAD_DEFINE_p = -!ifeq USE_THREADS 0 -__THREAD_DEFINE_p = -dwxNO_THREADS -!endif -__UNICODE_DEFINE_p = -!ifeq UNICODE 1 -__UNICODE_DEFINE_p = -d_UNICODE -!endif -__GFXCTX_DEFINE_p = -!ifeq USE_GDIPLUS 1 -__GFXCTX_DEFINE_p = -dwxUSE_GRAPHICS_CONTEXT=1 -!endif -__DLLFLAG_p = -!ifeq SHARED 1 -__DLLFLAG_p = -dWXUSINGDLL -!endif - -### Variables: ### - -WX_RELEASE_NODOT = 27 -OBJS = & - wat_$(PORTNAME)$(WXUNIVNAME)$(WXUNICODEFLAG)$(WXDEBUGFLAG)$(WXDLLFLAG)$(CFG) -LIBDIRNAME = .\..\..\..\lib\wat_$(LIBTYPE_SUFFIX)$(CFG) -SETUPHDIR = & - $(LIBDIRNAME)\$(PORTNAME)$(WXUNIVNAME)$(WXUNICODEFLAG)$(WXDEBUGFLAG) -ANITEST_CXXFLAGS = $(__DEBUGINFO_0) $(__OPTIMIZEFLAG_2) $(__THREADSFLAG_5) & - $(__RUNTIME_LIBS_6) -d__WXMSW__ $(__WXUNIV_DEFINE_p) $(__DEBUG_DEFINE_p) & - $(__EXCEPTIONS_DEFINE_p) $(__RTTI_DEFINE_p) $(__THREAD_DEFINE_p) & - $(__UNICODE_DEFINE_p) $(__GFXCTX_DEFINE_p) -i=$(SETUPHDIR) & - -i=.\..\..\..\include -wx -wcd=549 -wcd=656 -wcd=657 -wcd=667 -i=. & - $(__DLLFLAG_p) -i=.\..\..\..\samples -dNOPCH -i=.\..\..\include & - $(__RTTIFLAG_7) $(__EXCEPTIONSFLAG_8) $(CPPFLAGS) $(CXXFLAGS) -ANITEST_OBJECTS = & - $(OBJS)\anitest_anitest.obj - - -all : $(OBJS) -$(OBJS) : - -if not exist $(OBJS) mkdir $(OBJS) - -### Targets: ### - -all : .SYMBOLIC $(OBJS)\anitest.exe data - -clean : .SYMBOLIC - -if exist $(OBJS)\*.obj del $(OBJS)\*.obj - -if exist $(OBJS)\*.res del $(OBJS)\*.res - -if exist $(OBJS)\*.lbc del $(OBJS)\*.lbc - -if exist $(OBJS)\*.ilk del $(OBJS)\*.ilk - -if exist $(OBJS)\*.pch del $(OBJS)\*.pch - -if exist $(OBJS)\anitest.exe del $(OBJS)\anitest.exe - -$(OBJS)\anitest.exe : $(ANITEST_OBJECTS) $(OBJS)\anitest_anitest.res - @%create $(OBJS)\anitest.lbc - @%append $(OBJS)\anitest.lbc option quiet - @%append $(OBJS)\anitest.lbc name $^@ - @%append $(OBJS)\anitest.lbc option caseexact - @%append $(OBJS)\anitest.lbc $(LDFLAGS) $(__DEBUGINFO_1) libpath $(LIBDIRNAME) system nt_win ref '_WinMain@16' - @for %i in ($(ANITEST_OBJECTS)) do @%append $(OBJS)\anitest.lbc file %i - @for %i in ( wx$(PORTNAME)$(WXUNIVNAME)$(WX_RELEASE_NODOT)$(WXUNICODEFLAG)$(WXDEBUGFLAG)$(WX_LIB_FLAVOUR)_animate.lib $(__WXLIB_CORE_p) $(__WXLIB_BASE_p) $(__WXLIB_MONO_p) $(__LIB_TIFF_p) $(__LIB_JPEG_p) $(__LIB_PNG_p) wxzlib$(WXDEBUGFLAG).lib wxregex$(WXUNICODEFLAG)$(WXDEBUGFLAG).lib wxexpat$(WXDEBUGFLAG).lib $(EXTRALIBS_FOR_BASE) $(__GDIPLUS_LIB_p) kernel32.lib user32.lib gdi32.lib comdlg32.lib winspool.lib winmm.lib shell32.lib comctl32.lib ole32.lib oleaut32.lib uuid.lib rpcrt4.lib advapi32.lib wsock32.lib odbc32.lib) do @%append $(OBJS)\anitest.lbc library %i - @%append $(OBJS)\anitest.lbc option resource=$(OBJS)\anitest_anitest.res - @for %i in () do @%append $(OBJS)\anitest.lbc option stack=%i - wlink @$(OBJS)\anitest.lbc - -data : .SYMBOLIC - if not exist $(OBJS) mkdir $(OBJS) - for %f in (mondrian.ico) do if not exist $(OBJS)\%f copy .\%f $(OBJS) - -$(OBJS)\anitest_anitest.obj : .AUTODEPEND .\anitest.cpp - $(CXX) -bt=nt -zq -fo=$^@ $(ANITEST_CXXFLAGS) $< - -$(OBJS)\anitest_anitest.res : .AUTODEPEND .\anitest.rc - wrc -q -ad -bt=nt -r -fo=$^@ -d__WXMSW__ $(__WXUNIV_DEFINE_p) $(__DEBUG_DEFINE_p) $(__EXCEPTIONS_DEFINE_p) $(__RTTI_DEFINE_p) $(__THREAD_DEFINE_p) $(__UNICODE_DEFINE_p) $(__GFXCTX_DEFINE_p) -i=$(SETUPHDIR) -i=.\..\..\..\include -i=. $(__DLLFLAG_p) -i=.\..\..\..\samples -dNOPCH -i=.\..\..\include $< - diff --git a/contrib/samples/animate/makemac.mcp b/contrib/samples/animate/makemac.mcp deleted file mode 100644 index 5857f064544cd09a97fd33a0ab44ca713c9ebf4f..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000 GIT binary patch literal 0 HcmV?d00001 literal 847 zcmd_oX;+O=6bJBguSjYcE4+}RC{tLXfr^j@Btyn@*S$B*Po6TT45iW6^LhF`D?Ww2 z)^GjSIp@{cduO9)B80Flgj8)v=Q1IkUk#yjue(2~bV_VhN0iGCWa4-<iYxo#Xe^(d z{rB|0WZFl+vcP$ElJseaV?3dX$8>UlGRpbEPi|66HMbaMkv$|e$2|Q!;64xOqn^9; za+GsCqm(ynu%BdTm#LwREICeK&fx+jG|<5)N2s8HR<84%c5btsixjbo;|#F&_k2qJ z<{j@zmSc<$O!Jm;K9cO)CnovK3}2WcCgM4F=wgXNF7cEMS7@Y(W?HyPH#@jS9fRy+ nojj|oaFWxU;Viou;UL9S@`!u<VwrFBaD&&p;w3LQ#9=l8Go3OS diff --git a/contrib/samples/animate/makemac6.mcp b/contrib/samples/animate/makemac6.mcp deleted file mode 100644 index 8b8a90c591b1ef5629070bd38bd0707169c0afcf..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000 GIT binary patch literal 0 HcmV?d00001 literal 843 zcmd_o>r#$U6bJDAzA1@GN998logBjukx=L)iYQbxZ!bFV)I&uMMGA2Zx;IzS?-^W0 zYvwoq*?WK5YpqNa&4dtgLP#}+^zX%x-rNkK{FJ*tsdP&Gt&V6SJ2W20lTlpVA4gN! z%$xsD+a=RJ`jKUl{^V1{Qx5Tf8t&6cDdp_r3#(kGky>u>jIZn^sSkYOE(6@*9{n`Y z$1M(Wl82P>oD!0OHB-kGGE7j98HdyC;T#=IQpEvw(8e`BbCsLqa)w<LaF`)}{W~9( z^DK}o#T1LoGRHJ;N%rg=FInO>?|DT`#0EckL>Jwxv6Hh5GtPM~(85J7(Mk__T;>R4 n6qDr#-)Z0&$2mbEFQ{NQ)eLf*b-uAeFYP>Glo1|N$$qu~t64Hx diff --git a/contrib/samples/animate/mondrian.ico b/contrib/samples/animate/mondrian.ico deleted file mode 100644 index 2310c5d275a87af295d5ea8dc79ea417a5e74c53..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000 GIT binary patch literal 0 HcmV?d00001 literal 766 zcmZQzU<5)11px*Sc)`TLAO@s0fLH;D9e|jTfdxnc0Z<M**w4TKL=5})Lnt5#WHKB$ zaDbtqp#doIAB-6O{|B*v7zjZ^AOa2W|NsACHyAJ}De?dRKnp(HN~rljcR;{k;{zQE i@;}UZ|9Q?Fpp*~yJCwmWbLIrN`9Qm9%}2L?p!oo$cZ4ed diff --git a/contrib/samples/animate/mondrian.xpm b/contrib/samples/animate/mondrian.xpm deleted file mode 100644 index 5d092d54c4..0000000000 --- a/contrib/samples/animate/mondrian.xpm +++ /dev/null @@ -1,44 +0,0 @@ -/* XPM */ -static char *mondrian_xpm[] = { -/* columns rows colors chars-per-pixel */ -"32 32 6 1", -" c black", -". c blue", -"X c #00BF00", -"o c red", -"O c yellow", -"+ c gray100", -/* pixels */ -" ", -" oooooo +++++++++++++++++++++++ ", -" oooooo +++++++++++++++++++++++ ", -" oooooo +++++++++++++++++++++++ ", -" oooooo +++++++++++++++++++++++ ", -" oooooo +++++++++++++++++++++++ ", -" oooooo +++++++++++++++++++++++ ", -" oooooo +++++++++++++++++++++++ ", -" ", -" ++++++ ++++++++++++++++++ .... 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- -@MAKE_SET@ - -prefix = @prefix@ -exec_prefix = @exec_prefix@ -INSTALL = @INSTALL@ -SHARED_LD_CXX = @SHARED_LD_CXX@ -LIBEXT = @LIBEXT@ -LIBPREFIX = @LIBPREFIX@ -SO_SUFFIX = @SO_SUFFIX@ -DLLIMP_SUFFIX = @DLLIMP_SUFFIX@ -LN_S = @LN_S@ -WINDRES = @WINDRES@ -PIC_FLAG = @PIC_FLAG@ -SONAME_FLAG = @SONAME_FLAG@ -STRIP = @STRIP@ -INSTALL_PROGRAM = @INSTALL_PROGRAM@ -INSTALL_DATA = @INSTALL_DATA@ -INSTALL_DIR = @INSTALL_DIR@ -srcdir = @srcdir@ -top_srcdir = @top_srcdir@ -top_builddir = @top_builddir@ -libdir = @libdir@ -includedir = @includedir@ -DLLPREFIX = @DLLPREFIX@ -AR = @AR@ -RANLIB = @RANLIB@ -CXX = @CXX@ -CXXFLAGS = @CXXFLAGS@ -CPPFLAGS = @CPPFLAGS@ -LDFLAGS = @LDFLAGS@ -VENDOR = @VENDOR@ -WX_FLAVOUR = @WX_FLAVOUR@ -WX_LIB_FLAVOUR = @WX_LIB_FLAVOUR@ -TOOLKIT = @TOOLKIT@ -TOOLKIT_LOWERCASE = @TOOLKIT_LOWERCASE@ -TOOLKIT_VERSION = @TOOLKIT_VERSION@ -TOOLCHAIN_FULLNAME = @TOOLCHAIN_FULLNAME@ -EXTRALIBS = @EXTRALIBS@ -EXTRALIBS_GUI = @EXTRALIBS_GUI@ -HOST_SUFFIX = @HOST_SUFFIX@ - -### Variables: ### - -DESTDIR = -WX_RELEASE = 2.7 -WX_RELEASE_NODOT = 27 -WX_VERSION_NODOT = $(WX_RELEASE_NODOT)1 -LIBDIRNAME = $(top_builddir)lib -ANIMATEDLL_CXXFLAGS = $(__animatedll_PCH_INC) -D__WX$(TOOLKIT)__ \ - $(__WXUNIV_DEFINE_p) $(__EXCEPTIONS_DEFINE_p) $(__RTTI_DEFINE_p) \ - $(__THREAD_DEFINE_p) -I$(srcdir)/../../include -DWXUSINGDLL \ - -DWXMAKINGDLL_ANIMATE $(PIC_FLAG) $(CPPFLAGS) $(CXXFLAGS) -ANIMATEDLL_OBJECTS = \ - $(__animatedll___win32rc) \ - animatedll_animate.o -ANIMATEDLL_ODEP = $(___pch_wxprec_animatedll_wx_wxprec_h_gch___depname) -ANIMATELIB_CXXFLAGS = $(__animatelib_PCH_INC) -D__WX$(TOOLKIT)__ \ - $(__WXUNIV_DEFINE_p) $(__EXCEPTIONS_DEFINE_p) $(__RTTI_DEFINE_p) \ - $(__THREAD_DEFINE_p) -I$(srcdir)/../../include $(CPPFLAGS) $(CXXFLAGS) -ANIMATELIB_OBJECTS = \ - animatelib_animate.o -ANIMATELIB_ODEP = $(___pch_wxprec_animatelib_wx_wxprec_h_gch___depname) - -### Conditionally set variables: ### - -@COND_DEPS_TRACKING_0@CXXC = $(CXX) -@COND_DEPS_TRACKING_1@CXXC = $(top_builddir)./bk-deps $(CXX) -@COND_PLATFORM_MACOSX_1@WXMACVERSION_CMD = \ -@COND_PLATFORM_MACOSX_1@ -compatibility_version 1.0 -current_version 1.0 -@COND_USE_GUI_0@PORTNAME = base -@COND_USE_GUI_1@PORTNAME = $(TOOLKIT_LOWERCASE)$(TOOLKIT_VERSION) -@COND_TOOLKIT_MAC@WXBASEPORT = _carbon -@COND_PLATFORM_WIN32_1@WXCOMPILER = _gcc -@COND_OFFICIAL_BUILD_0_PLATFORM_WIN32_1@VENDORTAG = _$(VENDOR) -@COND_OFFICIAL_BUILD_1_PLATFORM_WIN32_1@VENDORTAG = -@COND_BUILD_DEBUG_DEBUG_FLAG_DEFAULT@WXDEBUGFLAG = d -@COND_DEBUG_FLAG_1@WXDEBUGFLAG = d -@COND_UNICODE_1@WXUNICODEFLAG = u -@COND_WXUNIV_1@WXUNIVNAME = univ -@COND_PLATFORM_WIN32_0@WXDLLNAMEPREFIXGUI = wx_$(PORTNAME)$(WXUNIVNAME) -@COND_PLATFORM_WIN32_1@WXDLLNAMEPREFIXGUI = \ -@COND_PLATFORM_WIN32_1@ wx$(PORTNAME)$(WXUNIVNAME)$(WX_VERSION_NODOT) -@COND_PLATFORM_WIN32_0@WXDLLVERSIONTAG = -$(WX_RELEASE) -@COND_PLATFORM_WIN32_1@WXDLLVERSIONTAG = -@COND_MONOLITHIC_0@EXTRALIBS_FOR_BASE = $(EXTRALIBS) -@COND_MONOLITHIC_1@EXTRALIBS_FOR_BASE = $(EXTRALIBS) $(EXTRALIBS_GUI) -@COND_MONOLITHIC_0@EXTRALIBS_FOR_GUI = $(EXTRALIBS_GUI) -@COND_MONOLITHIC_1@EXTRALIBS_FOR_GUI = -COND_SHARED_1___animatedll___depname = \ - $(LIBDIRNAME)/$(DLLPREFIX)$(WXDLLNAMEPREFIXGUI)$(WXUNICODEFLAG)$(WXDEBUGFLAG)$(WX_LIB_FLAVOUR)_animate$(WXCOMPILER)$(VENDORTAG)$(WXDLLVERSIONTAG)$(__animatedll___targetsuf3) -@COND_SHARED_1@__animatedll___depname = $(COND_SHARED_1___animatedll___depname) -@COND_WXUNIV_1@__WXUNIV_DEFINE_p_1 = --define __WXUNIVERSAL__ -@COND_USE_EXCEPTIONS_0@__EXCEPTIONS_DEFINE_p_1 = --define wxNO_EXCEPTIONS -@COND_USE_RTTI_0@__RTTI_DEFINE_p_1 = --define wxNO_RTTI -@COND_USE_THREADS_0@__THREAD_DEFINE_p_1 = --define wxNO_THREADS -@COND_SHARED_1@__install_animatedll___depname = install_animatedll -COND_PLATFORM_MACOSX_1___animatedll___macinstnamecmd = -install_name \ - $(libdir)/$(DLLPREFIX)$(WXDLLNAMEPREFIXGUI)$(WXUNICODEFLAG)$(WXDEBUGFLAG)$(WX_LIB_FLAVOUR)_animate$(WXCOMPILER)$(VENDORTAG)$(WXDLLVERSIONTAG)$(__animatedll___targetsuf2) -@COND_PLATFORM_MACOSX_1@__animatedll___macinstnamecmd = $(COND_PLATFORM_MACOSX_1___animatedll___macinstnamecmd) -COND_PLATFORM_OS2_1___animatedll___importlib = -import \ - $(LIBDIRNAME)/$(LIBPREFIX)wx_$(PORTNAME)$(WXUNIVNAME)$(WXUNICODEFLAG)$(WXDEBUGFLAG)$(WX_LIB_FLAVOUR)_animate-$(WX_RELEASE)$(HOST_SUFFIX).$(DLLIMP_SUFFIX) -@COND_PLATFORM_OS2_1@__animatedll___importlib = $(COND_PLATFORM_OS2_1___animatedll___importlib) -COND_WINDOWS_IMPLIB_1___animatedll___importlib = \ - -Wl,--out-implib,$(LIBDIRNAME)/$(LIBPREFIX)wx_$(PORTNAME)$(WXUNIVNAME)$(WXUNICODEFLAG)$(WXDEBUGFLAG)$(WX_LIB_FLAVOUR)_animate-$(WX_RELEASE)$(HOST_SUFFIX).$(DLLIMP_SUFFIX) -@COND_WINDOWS_IMPLIB_1@__animatedll___importlib = $(COND_WINDOWS_IMPLIB_1___animatedll___importlib) -@COND_GCC_PCH_1@__animatedll_PCH_INC = -I.pch/wxprec_animatedll -@COND_ICC_PCH_1@__animatedll_PCH_INC = -use_pch \ -@COND_ICC_PCH_1@ .pch/wxprec_animatedll/wx/wxprec.h.gch -@COND_USE_PCH_1@___pch_wxprec_animatedll_wx_wxprec_h_gch___depname \ -@COND_USE_PCH_1@ = .pch/wxprec_animatedll/wx/wxprec.h.gch -@COND_PLATFORM_MACOSX_0_USE_SOVERSION_1@__animatedll___targetsuf2 \ -@COND_PLATFORM_MACOSX_0_USE_SOVERSION_1@ = .$(SO_SUFFIX).1 -@COND_PLATFORM_MACOSX_1_USE_SOVERSION_1@__animatedll___targetsuf2 \ -@COND_PLATFORM_MACOSX_1_USE_SOVERSION_1@ = .1.$(SO_SUFFIX) -@COND_USE_SOVERSION_0@__animatedll___targetsuf2 = .$(SO_SUFFIX) -@COND_PLATFORM_MACOSX_0_USE_SOVERCYGWIN_0_USE_SOVERSION_1@__animatedll___targetsuf3 \ -@COND_PLATFORM_MACOSX_0_USE_SOVERCYGWIN_0_USE_SOVERSION_1@ = \ -@COND_PLATFORM_MACOSX_0_USE_SOVERCYGWIN_0_USE_SOVERSION_1@ .$(SO_SUFFIX).1.0.0 -@COND_PLATFORM_MACOSX_1_USE_SOVERSION_1@__animatedll___targetsuf3 \ -@COND_PLATFORM_MACOSX_1_USE_SOVERSION_1@ = .1.0.0.$(SO_SUFFIX) -@COND_USE_SOVERCYGWIN_1_USE_SOVERSION_1@__animatedll___targetsuf3 \ -@COND_USE_SOVERCYGWIN_1_USE_SOVERSION_1@ = -1.$(SO_SUFFIX) -@COND_USE_SOVERSION_0@__animatedll___targetsuf3 = .$(SO_SUFFIX) -COND_USE_SOVERLINUX_1___animatedll___soname_flags = \ - $(SONAME_FLAG)$(DLLPREFIX)$(WXDLLNAMEPREFIXGUI)$(WXUNICODEFLAG)$(WXDEBUGFLAG)$(WX_LIB_FLAVOUR)_animate$(WXCOMPILER)$(VENDORTAG)$(WXDLLVERSIONTAG)$(__animatedll___targetsuf2) -@COND_USE_SOVERLINUX_1@__animatedll___soname_flags = $(COND_USE_SOVERLINUX_1___animatedll___soname_flags) -COND_USE_SOVERSOLARIS_1___animatedll___soname_flags = \ - $(SONAME_FLAG)$(DLLPREFIX)$(WXDLLNAMEPREFIXGUI)$(WXUNICODEFLAG)$(WXDEBUGFLAG)$(WX_LIB_FLAVOUR)_animate$(WXCOMPILER)$(VENDORTAG)$(WXDLLVERSIONTAG)$(__animatedll___targetsuf3) -@COND_USE_SOVERSOLARIS_1@__animatedll___soname_flags = $(COND_USE_SOVERSOLARIS_1___animatedll___soname_flags) -COND_USE_SOSYMLINKS_1___animatedll___so_symlinks_cmd = (cd $(LIBDIRNAME)/; rm \ - -f \ - $(LIBPREFIX)wx_$(PORTNAME)$(WXUNIVNAME)$(WXUNICODEFLAG)$(WXDEBUGFLAG)$(WX_LIB_FLAVOUR)_animate-$(WX_RELEASE)$(HOST_SUFFIX).$(DLLIMP_SUFFIX) \ - $(DLLPREFIX)$(WXDLLNAMEPREFIXGUI)$(WXUNICODEFLAG)$(WXDEBUGFLAG)$(WX_LIB_FLAVOUR)_animate$(WXCOMPILER)$(VENDORTAG)$(WXDLLVERSIONTAG)$(__animatedll___targetsuf2); \ - $(LN_S) \ - $(DLLPREFIX)$(WXDLLNAMEPREFIXGUI)$(WXUNICODEFLAG)$(WXDEBUGFLAG)$(WX_LIB_FLAVOUR)_animate$(WXCOMPILER)$(VENDORTAG)$(WXDLLVERSIONTAG)$(__animatedll___targetsuf3) \ - $(DLLPREFIX)$(WXDLLNAMEPREFIXGUI)$(WXUNICODEFLAG)$(WXDEBUGFLAG)$(WX_LIB_FLAVOUR)_animate$(WXCOMPILER)$(VENDORTAG)$(WXDLLVERSIONTAG)$(__animatedll___targetsuf2); \ - $(LN_S) \ - $(DLLPREFIX)$(WXDLLNAMEPREFIXGUI)$(WXUNICODEFLAG)$(WXDEBUGFLAG)$(WX_LIB_FLAVOUR)_animate$(WXCOMPILER)$(VENDORTAG)$(WXDLLVERSIONTAG)$(__animatedll___targetsuf2) \ - $(LIBPREFIX)wx_$(PORTNAME)$(WXUNIVNAME)$(WXUNICODEFLAG)$(WXDEBUGFLAG)$(WX_LIB_FLAVOUR)_animate-$(WX_RELEASE)$(HOST_SUFFIX).$(DLLIMP_SUFFIX)) -@COND_USE_SOSYMLINKS_1@__animatedll___so_symlinks_cmd = $(COND_USE_SOSYMLINKS_1___animatedll___so_symlinks_cmd) -COND_USE_SOSYMLINKS_1___animatedll___so_symlinks_inst_cmd = rm -f \ - $(LIBPREFIX)wx_$(PORTNAME)$(WXUNIVNAME)$(WXUNICODEFLAG)$(WXDEBUGFLAG)$(WX_LIB_FLAVOUR)_animate-$(WX_RELEASE)$(HOST_SUFFIX).$(DLLIMP_SUFFIX) \ - $(DLLPREFIX)$(WXDLLNAMEPREFIXGUI)$(WXUNICODEFLAG)$(WXDEBUGFLAG)$(WX_LIB_FLAVOUR)_animate$(WXCOMPILER)$(VENDORTAG)$(WXDLLVERSIONTAG)$(__animatedll___targetsuf2); \ - $(LN_S) \ - $(DLLPREFIX)$(WXDLLNAMEPREFIXGUI)$(WXUNICODEFLAG)$(WXDEBUGFLAG)$(WX_LIB_FLAVOUR)_animate$(WXCOMPILER)$(VENDORTAG)$(WXDLLVERSIONTAG)$(__animatedll___targetsuf3) \ - $(DLLPREFIX)$(WXDLLNAMEPREFIXGUI)$(WXUNICODEFLAG)$(WXDEBUGFLAG)$(WX_LIB_FLAVOUR)_animate$(WXCOMPILER)$(VENDORTAG)$(WXDLLVERSIONTAG)$(__animatedll___targetsuf2); \ - $(LN_S) \ - $(DLLPREFIX)$(WXDLLNAMEPREFIXGUI)$(WXUNICODEFLAG)$(WXDEBUGFLAG)$(WX_LIB_FLAVOUR)_animate$(WXCOMPILER)$(VENDORTAG)$(WXDLLVERSIONTAG)$(__animatedll___targetsuf2) \ - $(LIBPREFIX)wx_$(PORTNAME)$(WXUNIVNAME)$(WXUNICODEFLAG)$(WXDEBUGFLAG)$(WX_LIB_FLAVOUR)_animate-$(WX_RELEASE)$(HOST_SUFFIX).$(DLLIMP_SUFFIX) -@COND_USE_SOSYMLINKS_1@__animatedll___so_symlinks_inst_cmd = $(COND_USE_SOSYMLINKS_1___animatedll___so_symlinks_inst_cmd) -@COND_TOOLKIT_MSW@__RCDEFDIR_p = --include-dir \ -@COND_TOOLKIT_MSW@ $(LIBDIRNAME)/wx/include/$(TOOLCHAIN_FULLNAME) -@COND_PLATFORM_WIN32_1@__animatedll___win32rc = animatedll_version_rc.o -COND_MONOLITHIC_1___WXLIB_MONO_p = \ - -lwx_$(PORTNAME)$(WXUNIVNAME)$(WXUNICODEFLAG)$(WXDEBUGFLAG)$(WX_LIB_FLAVOUR)-$(WX_RELEASE)$(HOST_SUFFIX) -@COND_MONOLITHIC_1@__WXLIB_MONO_p = $(COND_MONOLITHIC_1___WXLIB_MONO_p) -@COND_USE_GUI_1_WXUSE_LIBTIFF_BUILTIN@__LIB_TIFF_p \ -@COND_USE_GUI_1_WXUSE_LIBTIFF_BUILTIN@ = \ -@COND_USE_GUI_1_WXUSE_LIBTIFF_BUILTIN@ -lwxtiff$(WXDEBUGFLAG)$(WX_LIB_FLAVOUR)-$(WX_RELEASE)$(HOST_SUFFIX) -@COND_USE_GUI_1_WXUSE_LIBJPEG_BUILTIN@__LIB_JPEG_p \ -@COND_USE_GUI_1_WXUSE_LIBJPEG_BUILTIN@ = \ -@COND_USE_GUI_1_WXUSE_LIBJPEG_BUILTIN@ -lwxjpeg$(WXDEBUGFLAG)$(WX_LIB_FLAVOUR)-$(WX_RELEASE)$(HOST_SUFFIX) -@COND_USE_GUI_1_WXUSE_LIBPNG_BUILTIN@__LIB_PNG_p \ -@COND_USE_GUI_1_WXUSE_LIBPNG_BUILTIN@ = \ -@COND_USE_GUI_1_WXUSE_LIBPNG_BUILTIN@ -lwxpng$(WXDEBUGFLAG)$(WX_LIB_FLAVOUR)-$(WX_RELEASE)$(HOST_SUFFIX) -@COND_WXUSE_ZLIB_BUILTIN@__LIB_ZLIB_p = \ -@COND_WXUSE_ZLIB_BUILTIN@ -lwxzlib$(WXDEBUGFLAG)$(WX_LIB_FLAVOUR)-$(WX_RELEASE)$(HOST_SUFFIX) -@COND_WXUSE_ODBC_BUILTIN@__LIB_ODBC_p = \ -@COND_WXUSE_ODBC_BUILTIN@ -lwxodbc$(WXDEBUGFLAG)$(WX_LIB_FLAVOUR)-$(WX_RELEASE)$(HOST_SUFFIX) -COND_WXUSE_REGEX_BUILTIN___LIB_REGEX_p = \ - -lwxregex$(WXUNICODEFLAG)$(WXDEBUGFLAG)$(WX_LIB_FLAVOUR)-$(WX_RELEASE)$(HOST_SUFFIX) -@COND_WXUSE_REGEX_BUILTIN@__LIB_REGEX_p = $(COND_WXUSE_REGEX_BUILTIN___LIB_REGEX_p) -@COND_WXUSE_EXPAT_BUILTIN@__LIB_EXPAT_p = \ -@COND_WXUSE_EXPAT_BUILTIN@ -lwxexpat$(WXDEBUGFLAG)$(WX_LIB_FLAVOUR)-$(WX_RELEASE)$(HOST_SUFFIX) -COND_MONOLITHIC_0___WXLIB_CORE_p = \ - -lwx_$(PORTNAME)$(WXUNIVNAME)$(WXUNICODEFLAG)$(WXDEBUGFLAG)$(WX_LIB_FLAVOUR)_core-$(WX_RELEASE)$(HOST_SUFFIX) -@COND_MONOLITHIC_0@__WXLIB_CORE_p = $(COND_MONOLITHIC_0___WXLIB_CORE_p) -COND_MONOLITHIC_0___WXLIB_BASE_p = \ - -lwx_base$(WXBASEPORT)$(WXUNICODEFLAG)$(WXDEBUGFLAG)$(WX_LIB_FLAVOUR)-$(WX_RELEASE)$(HOST_SUFFIX) -@COND_MONOLITHIC_0@__WXLIB_BASE_p = $(COND_MONOLITHIC_0___WXLIB_BASE_p) -COND_SHARED_0___animatelib___depname = \ - $(LIBDIRNAME)/$(LIBPREFIX)wx_$(PORTNAME)$(WXUNIVNAME)$(WXUNICODEFLAG)$(WXDEBUGFLAG)$(WX_LIB_FLAVOUR)_animate-$(WX_RELEASE)$(HOST_SUFFIX)$(LIBEXT) -@COND_SHARED_0@__animatelib___depname = $(COND_SHARED_0___animatelib___depname) -@COND_SHARED_0@__install_animatelib___depname = install_animatelib -@COND_GCC_PCH_1@__animatelib_PCH_INC = -I.pch/wxprec_animatelib -@COND_ICC_PCH_1@__animatelib_PCH_INC = -use_pch \ -@COND_ICC_PCH_1@ .pch/wxprec_animatelib/wx/wxprec.h.gch -@COND_USE_PCH_1@___pch_wxprec_animatelib_wx_wxprec_h_gch___depname \ -@COND_USE_PCH_1@ = .pch/wxprec_animatelib/wx/wxprec.h.gch -@COND_WXUNIV_1@__WXUNIV_DEFINE_p = -D__WXUNIVERSAL__ -@COND_USE_EXCEPTIONS_0@__EXCEPTIONS_DEFINE_p = -DwxNO_EXCEPTIONS -@COND_USE_RTTI_0@__RTTI_DEFINE_p = -DwxNO_RTTI -@COND_USE_THREADS_0@__THREAD_DEFINE_p = -DwxNO_THREADS - -### Targets: ### - -all: $(__animatedll___depname) $(__animatelib___depname) - -install: all $(__install_animatedll___depname) $(__install_animatelib___depname) - $(INSTALL_DIR) $(DESTDIR)$(includedir)/wx-$(WX_RELEASE)$(WX_FLAVOUR) - for f in wx/animate/animate.h; do \ - if test ! -d $(DESTDIR)$(includedir)/wx-$(WX_RELEASE)$(WX_FLAVOUR)/`dirname $$f` ; then \ - $(INSTALL_DIR) $(DESTDIR)$(includedir)/wx-$(WX_RELEASE)$(WX_FLAVOUR)/`dirname $$f`; \ - fi; \ - $(INSTALL_DATA) $(srcdir)/../../include//$$f $(DESTDIR)$(includedir)/wx-$(WX_RELEASE)$(WX_FLAVOUR)/$$f; \ - done - -uninstall: - -install-strip: install - $(STRIP) $(DESTDIR)$(libdir)/$(DLLPREFIX)$(WXDLLNAMEPREFIXGUI)$(WXUNICODEFLAG)$(WXDEBUGFLAG)$(WX_LIB_FLAVOUR)_animate$(WXCOMPILER)$(VENDORTAG)$(WXDLLVERSIONTAG)$(__animatedll___targetsuf3) - -clean: - rm -rf ./.deps ./.pch - rm -f ./*.o - rm -f $(LIBDIRNAME)/$(DLLPREFIX)$(WXDLLNAMEPREFIXGUI)$(WXUNICODEFLAG)$(WXDEBUGFLAG)$(WX_LIB_FLAVOUR)_animate$(WXCOMPILER)$(VENDORTAG)$(WXDLLVERSIONTAG)$(__animatedll___targetsuf3) - rm -f $(LIBDIRNAME)/$(LIBPREFIX)wx_$(PORTNAME)$(WXUNIVNAME)$(WXUNICODEFLAG)$(WXDEBUGFLAG)$(WX_LIB_FLAVOUR)_animate-$(WX_RELEASE)$(HOST_SUFFIX).$(DLLIMP_SUFFIX) - rm -f $(LIBDIRNAME)/$(LIBPREFIX)wx_$(PORTNAME)$(WXUNIVNAME)$(WXUNICODEFLAG)$(WXDEBUGFLAG)$(WX_LIB_FLAVOUR)_animate-$(WX_RELEASE)$(HOST_SUFFIX).$(DLLIMP_SUFFIX) $(LIBDIRNAME)/$(DLLPREFIX)$(WXDLLNAMEPREFIXGUI)$(WXUNICODEFLAG)$(WXDEBUGFLAG)$(WX_LIB_FLAVOUR)_animate$(WXCOMPILER)$(VENDORTAG)$(WXDLLVERSIONTAG)$(__animatedll___targetsuf2) - rm -f $(LIBDIRNAME)/$(LIBPREFIX)wx_$(PORTNAME)$(WXUNIVNAME)$(WXUNICODEFLAG)$(WXDEBUGFLAG)$(WX_LIB_FLAVOUR)_animate-$(WX_RELEASE)$(HOST_SUFFIX)$(LIBEXT) - -distclean: clean - rm -f config.cache config.log config.status bk-deps bk-make-pch shared-ld-sh Makefile - -@COND_SHARED_1@$(LIBDIRNAME)/$(DLLPREFIX)$(WXDLLNAMEPREFIXGUI)$(WXUNICODEFLAG)$(WXDEBUGFLAG)$(WX_LIB_FLAVOUR)_animate$(WXCOMPILER)$(VENDORTAG)$(WXDLLVERSIONTAG)$(__animatedll___targetsuf3): $(ANIMATEDLL_OBJECTS) $(__animatedll___win32rc) -@COND_SHARED_1@ $(SHARED_LD_CXX) $@ $(ANIMATEDLL_OBJECTS) $(LDFLAGS) -L$(LIBDIRNAME) $(__animatedll___macinstnamecmd) $(__animatedll___importlib) $(__animatedll___soname_flags) $(WXMACVERSION_CMD) $(__WXLIB_MONO_p) $(__LIB_TIFF_p) $(__LIB_JPEG_p) $(__LIB_PNG_p) $(EXTRALIBS_FOR_GUI) $(__LIB_ZLIB_p) $(__LIB_ODBC_p) $(__LIB_REGEX_p) $(__LIB_EXPAT_p) $(EXTRALIBS_FOR_BASE) $(__WXLIB_CORE_p) $(__WXLIB_BASE_p) -@COND_SHARED_1@ -@COND_SHARED_1@ $(__animatedll___so_symlinks_cmd) - -@COND_SHARED_1@install_animatedll: -@COND_SHARED_1@ $(INSTALL_DIR) $(DESTDIR)$(libdir) -@COND_SHARED_1@ $(INSTALL_DATA) $(LIBDIRNAME)/$(LIBPREFIX)wx_$(PORTNAME)$(WXUNIVNAME)$(WXUNICODEFLAG)$(WXDEBUGFLAG)$(WX_LIB_FLAVOUR)_animate-$(WX_RELEASE)$(HOST_SUFFIX).$(DLLIMP_SUFFIX) $(DESTDIR)$(libdir) -@COND_SHARED_1@ $(INSTALL_PROGRAM) $(LIBDIRNAME)/$(DLLPREFIX)$(WXDLLNAMEPREFIXGUI)$(WXUNICODEFLAG)$(WXDEBUGFLAG)$(WX_LIB_FLAVOUR)_animate$(WXCOMPILER)$(VENDORTAG)$(WXDLLVERSIONTAG)$(__animatedll___targetsuf3) $(DESTDIR)$(libdir) -@COND_SHARED_1@ (cd $(DESTDIR)$(libdir) ; $(__animatedll___so_symlinks_inst_cmd)) - -@COND_USE_PCH_1@.pch/wxprec_animatedll/wx/wxprec.h.gch: -@COND_USE_PCH_1@ $(top_builddir)./bk-make-pch .pch/wxprec_animatedll/wx/wxprec.h.gch wx/wxprec.h $(CXX) $(ANIMATEDLL_CXXFLAGS) - -@COND_SHARED_0@$(LIBDIRNAME)/$(LIBPREFIX)wx_$(PORTNAME)$(WXUNIVNAME)$(WXUNICODEFLAG)$(WXDEBUGFLAG)$(WX_LIB_FLAVOUR)_animate-$(WX_RELEASE)$(HOST_SUFFIX)$(LIBEXT): $(ANIMATELIB_OBJECTS) -@COND_SHARED_0@ rm -f $@ -@COND_SHARED_0@ $(AR) rcu $@ $(ANIMATELIB_OBJECTS) -@COND_SHARED_0@ $(RANLIB) $@ - -@COND_SHARED_0@install_animatelib: -@COND_SHARED_0@ $(INSTALL_DIR) $(DESTDIR)$(libdir) -@COND_SHARED_0@ $(INSTALL_DATA) $(LIBDIRNAME)/$(LIBPREFIX)wx_$(PORTNAME)$(WXUNIVNAME)$(WXUNICODEFLAG)$(WXDEBUGFLAG)$(WX_LIB_FLAVOUR)_animate-$(WX_RELEASE)$(HOST_SUFFIX)$(LIBEXT) $(DESTDIR)$(libdir) - -@COND_USE_PCH_1@.pch/wxprec_animatelib/wx/wxprec.h.gch: -@COND_USE_PCH_1@ $(top_builddir)./bk-make-pch .pch/wxprec_animatelib/wx/wxprec.h.gch wx/wxprec.h $(CXX) $(ANIMATELIB_CXXFLAGS) - -animatedll_version_rc.o: $(srcdir)/../../../src/msw/version.rc $(ANIMATEDLL_ODEP) - $(WINDRES) -i$< -o$@ --define __WX$(TOOLKIT)__ $(__WXUNIV_DEFINE_p_1) $(__EXCEPTIONS_DEFINE_p_1) $(__RTTI_DEFINE_p_1) $(__THREAD_DEFINE_p_1) --define WXDLLNAME=$(WXDLLNAMEPREFIXGUI)$(WXUNICODEFLAG)$(WXDEBUGFLAG)$(WX_LIB_FLAVOUR)_animate$(WXCOMPILER)$(VENDORTAG)$(WXDLLVERSIONTAG) $(__RCDEFDIR_p) --include-dir $(top_srcdir)/include - -animatedll_animate.o: $(srcdir)/animate.cpp $(ANIMATEDLL_ODEP) - $(CXXC) -c -o $@ $(ANIMATEDLL_CXXFLAGS) $(srcdir)/animate.cpp - -animatelib_animate.o: $(srcdir)/animate.cpp $(ANIMATELIB_ODEP) - $(CXXC) -c -o $@ $(ANIMATELIB_CXXFLAGS) $(srcdir)/animate.cpp - - -# Include dependency info, if present: -@IF_GNU_MAKE@-include .deps/*.d - -.PHONY: all install uninstall clean distclean install_animatedll install_animatelib diff --git a/contrib/src/animate/animate.cpp b/contrib/src/animate/animate.cpp deleted file mode 100644 index 8b3ecd27e7..0000000000 --- a/contrib/src/animate/animate.cpp +++ /dev/null @@ -1,661 +0,0 @@ -/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// -// Name: animate.cpp -// Purpose: Implementation of wxAnimation classes -// Author: Julian Smart and Guillermo Rodriguez Garcia -// Modified by: -// Created: 13/8/99 -// RCS-ID: $Id$ -// Copyright: (c) Julian Smart and Guillermo Rodriguez Garcia -// Licence: wxWindows licence -/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// - -#include "wx/wxprec.h" - -#ifdef __BORLANDC__ - #pragma hdrstop -#endif //__BORLANDC__ - -#include "wx/log.h" -#include "wx/wfstream.h" -#include "wx/image.h" -#include "wx/gifdecod.h" -#include "wx/dcmemory.h" -#include "wx/dc.h" -#include "wx/dcclient.h" -#include "wx/animate/animate.h" - -/* - * wxAnimationPlayer - */ - -IMPLEMENT_CLASS(wxAnimationPlayer, wxObject) - -wxAnimationPlayer::wxAnimationPlayer(wxAnimationBase *animation, bool destroyAnimation) -{ - m_animation = animation; - m_destroyAnimation = destroyAnimation; - m_customBackgroundColour = wxColour(0, 0, 0); - m_currentFrame = 0; - m_window = (wxWindow*) NULL; - m_position = wxPoint(0, 0); - m_looped = true; - m_isPlaying = false; - m_useBackgroundColour = false; - m_useCustomBackgroundColour = false; - m_useParentBackground = false; - m_timer.SetPlayer(this); -} - -wxAnimationPlayer::~wxAnimationPlayer() -{ - Stop(); - ClearCache(); - - if (m_destroyAnimation) - delete m_animation; -} - -void wxAnimationPlayer::SetAnimation(wxAnimationBase* animation, bool destroyAnimation) -{ - ClearCache(); - if (m_destroyAnimation) - delete m_animation; - m_animation = animation; - m_destroyAnimation = destroyAnimation; -} - -// Play -bool wxAnimationPlayer::Play(wxWindow& window, const wxPoint& pos, bool WXUNUSED(looped)) -{ - m_window = & window; - - if (!m_animation || !m_animation->IsValid()) - return false; - - wxSize sz = GetLogicalScreenSize(); - wxRect rect(pos, sz); - SaveBackground(rect); - - if (m_frames.GetCount() == 0) - { - if (!Build()) - { - wxLogWarning(_T("wxAnimationPlayer::Play: could not build the image cache.")); - - return false; - } - } - - m_currentFrame = 0; - - // Create the backing store - m_backingStore.Create(sz.x, sz.y); - - PlayFrame(); - - return true; -} - -// Build animation (list of wxImages). If not called before Play -// is called, Play will call this automatically. -bool wxAnimationPlayer::Build() -{ - ClearCache(); - if (!m_animation) - return false; - - int i, n; - - n = GetFrameCount(); - for (i = 0; i < n; i++) - { - wxImage* image = GetFrame(i); - if (image == NULL) - return false; - - // If the frame has transparency, - // set the colour so converting to a bitmap - // will create a mask - wxColour transparentColour; - if (GetTransparentColour(transparentColour)) - image->SetMaskColour(transparentColour.Red(), transparentColour.Green(), transparentColour.Blue()); - - wxBitmap* bitmap = new wxBitmap(*image); - delete image; - if (bitmap == NULL) - return false; - - m_frames.Append(bitmap); - } - - return true; -} - -// Stop the animation -void wxAnimationPlayer::Stop() -{ - m_timer.Stop(); - m_isPlaying = false; -} - -// Draw the current view of the animation into this DC. -// Call this from your OnPaint, for example. -void wxAnimationPlayer::Draw(wxDC& dc) -{ - dc.DrawBitmap(m_backingStore, m_position.x, m_position.y); -} - -int wxAnimationPlayer::GetFrameCount() const -{ - if (m_animation) - return m_animation->GetFrameCount(); - else - return 0; -} - -wxImage* wxAnimationPlayer::GetFrame(int i) const -{ - if (m_animation) - return m_animation->GetFrame(i); - else - return (wxImage*) NULL; -} - -wxAnimationDisposal wxAnimationPlayer::GetDisposalMethod(int i) const -{ - if (m_animation) - return m_animation->GetDisposalMethod(i); - else - return wxANIM_UNSPECIFIED; -} - -wxRect wxAnimationPlayer::GetFrameRect(int i) const -{ - if (m_animation) - return m_animation->GetFrameRect(i); - else - return wxRect(0, 0, 0, 0); -} - -int wxAnimationPlayer::GetDelay(int i) const -{ - if (m_animation) - return m_animation->GetDelay(i); - else - return 0; -} - -wxSize wxAnimationPlayer::GetLogicalScreenSize() const -{ - if (m_animation) - return m_animation->GetLogicalScreenSize(); - else - return wxSize(0, 0); -} - -bool wxAnimationPlayer::GetBackgroundColour(wxColour& col) const -{ - if (m_animation) - return m_animation->GetBackgroundColour(col); - else - return false; -} - -bool wxAnimationPlayer::GetTransparentColour(wxColour& col) const -{ - if (m_animation) - return m_animation->GetTransparentColour(col); - else - return false; -} - -// Play the frame -bool wxAnimationPlayer::PlayFrame(int frame, wxWindow& window, const wxPoint& WXUNUSED(pos)) -{ - wxMemoryDC dc; - dc.SelectObject(m_backingStore); - - // Draw the background: colour or area beneath animation - wxColour col(255, 255, 255); - - if (UsingBackgroundColour()) - { - if (UsingCustomBackgroundColour()) - col = GetCustomBackgroundColour(); - else - GetBackgroundColour(col); - - // Draw the background colour loaded from the animation - // (or set by the user) - DrawBackground(dc, wxPoint(0, 0), col); - } - else - { - // Draw background we saved - dc.DrawBitmap(m_savedBackground, 0, 0); - } - - // Draw all intermediate frames that haven't been removed from the animation - int i; - for (i = 0; i < frame; i++) - { - if ((GetDisposalMethod(i) == wxANIM_DONOTREMOVE) || (GetDisposalMethod(i) == wxANIM_UNSPECIFIED)) - DrawFrame(i, dc, wxPoint(0, 0)); - } - - DrawFrame(frame, dc, wxPoint(0, 0)); - - dc.SelectObject(wxNullBitmap); - - // Draw from backing bitmap onto window - wxClientDC clientDC(& window); - Draw(clientDC); - - return true; -} - -bool wxAnimationPlayer::PlayFrame() -{ - m_isPlaying = true; - - PlayFrame(GetCurrentFrame(), * GetWindow(), GetPosition()); - - // Set the timer for the next frame - int delay = GetDelay(GetCurrentFrame()); - if (delay == 0) - delay = 1; // 0 is invalid timeout for wxTimer. - - m_timer.Start(delay); - - m_currentFrame ++; - - if (m_currentFrame == GetFrameCount()) - { - // Should a non-looped animation display the last frame? - if (!m_looped) - { - m_timer.Stop(); - m_isPlaying = false; - } - else - m_currentFrame = 0; - } - - return true; -} - -// Clear the wxImage cache -void wxAnimationPlayer::ClearCache() -{ - wxList::compatibility_iterator node = m_frames.GetFirst(); - while (node) - { - wxList::compatibility_iterator next = node->GetNext(); - wxBitmap* bitmap = (wxBitmap*) node->GetData(); - delete bitmap; - m_frames.Erase(node); - - node = next; - } -} - -// Draw the background colour -void wxAnimationPlayer::DrawBackground(wxDC& dc, const wxPoint& pos, const wxColour& colour) -{ - wxASSERT_MSG( (m_animation != NULL), _T("Animation not present in wxAnimationPlayer")); - wxASSERT_MSG( (m_frames.GetCount() > 0), _T("Animation cache not present in wxAnimationPlayer")); - - // Optimization: if the first frame fills the whole area, and is non-transparent, - // don't bother drawing the background - - wxBitmap* firstBitmap = (wxBitmap*) m_frames.GetFirst()->GetData() ; - wxSize screenSize = GetLogicalScreenSize(); - if (!firstBitmap->GetMask() && (firstBitmap->GetWidth() == screenSize.x) && (firstBitmap->GetHeight() == screenSize.y)) - return; - - wxBrush brush(colour, wxSOLID); - wxPen pen(colour, 1, wxSOLID); - dc.SetBrush(brush); - dc.SetPen(pen); - dc.SetLogicalFunction(wxCOPY); - - dc.DrawRectangle(pos.x, pos.y, screenSize.x, screenSize.y); -} - -// Save the pertinent area of the window so we can restore -// it if drawing transparently -void wxAnimationPlayer::SaveBackground(const wxRect& rect) -{ - wxASSERT( (GetWindow() != NULL) ); - - if (!GetWindow()) - return; - - m_savedBackground.Create(rect.width, rect.height); - - wxMemoryDC memDC; - memDC.SelectObject(m_savedBackground); - - if (m_useParentBackground && GetWindow()->GetParent()) - { - wxWindow* parent = GetWindow()->GetParent(); - wxClientDC dc(parent); - - // Translate the point to coordinates in the - // parent's client area, going via screen coordinates - wxPoint pt(rect.x, rect.y); - wxPoint screenPt = GetWindow()->ClientToScreen(pt); - wxPoint parentPt = parent->ScreenToClient(screenPt); - - memDC.Blit(0, 0, rect.width, rect.height, & dc, parentPt.x, parentPt.y); - } - else - { - wxClientDC dc(GetWindow()); - - memDC.Blit(0, 0, rect.width, rect.height, & dc, rect.x, rect.y); - } - - memDC.SelectObject(wxNullBitmap); -} - -// Draw this frame -void wxAnimationPlayer::DrawFrame(int frame, wxDC& dc, const wxPoint& pos) -{ - wxASSERT_MSG( (m_animation != NULL), _T("Animation not present in wxAnimationPlayer")); - wxASSERT_MSG( (m_frames.GetCount() != 0), _T("Animation cache not present in wxAnimationPlayer")); - wxASSERT_MSG( !!m_frames.Item(frame), _T("Image not present in wxAnimationPlayer::DrawFrame")); - - wxBitmap* bitmap = (wxBitmap*) m_frames.Item(frame)->GetData() ; - wxRect rect = GetFrameRect(frame); - - dc.DrawBitmap(*bitmap, pos.x + rect.x, pos.y + rect.y, (bitmap->GetMask() != NULL)); -} - -void wxAnimationTimer::Notify() -{ - m_player->PlayFrame(); -} - -/* - * wxAnimationBase - */ - -IMPLEMENT_ABSTRACT_CLASS(wxAnimationBase, wxObject) - -/* - * wxGIFAnimation - */ - -IMPLEMENT_CLASS(wxGIFAnimation, wxAnimationBase) - -wxGIFAnimation::wxGIFAnimation() -{ - m_decoder = (wxGIFDecoder*) NULL; -} - -wxGIFAnimation::~wxGIFAnimation() -{ - delete m_decoder; -} - -int wxGIFAnimation::GetFrameCount() const -{ - wxASSERT_MSG( (m_decoder != (wxGIFDecoder*) NULL), _T("m_decoder must be non-NULL")); - - return m_decoder->GetNumberOfFrames(); -} - -wxImage* wxGIFAnimation::GetFrame(int i) const -{ - wxASSERT_MSG( (m_decoder != (wxGIFDecoder*) NULL), _T("m_decoder must be non-NULL")); - - m_decoder->GoFrame(i + 1); - - wxImage* image = new wxImage; - m_decoder->ConvertToImage(image); - - return image; -} - -wxAnimationDisposal wxGIFAnimation::GetDisposalMethod(int i) const -{ - wxASSERT_MSG( (m_decoder != (wxGIFDecoder*) NULL), _T("m_decoder must be non-NULL")); - - m_decoder->GoFrame(i + 1); - - int disposalMethod = m_decoder->GetDisposalMethod(); - return (wxAnimationDisposal) disposalMethod; -} - -wxRect wxGIFAnimation::GetFrameRect(int i) const -{ - wxASSERT_MSG( (m_decoder != (wxGIFDecoder*) NULL), _T("m_decoder must be non-NULL")); - - m_decoder->GoFrame(i + 1); - - wxRect rect(m_decoder->GetLeft(), m_decoder->GetTop(), m_decoder->GetWidth(), m_decoder->GetHeight()); - - return rect; -} - -int wxGIFAnimation::GetDelay(int i) const -{ - wxASSERT_MSG( (m_decoder != (wxGIFDecoder*) NULL), _T("m_decoder must be non-NULL")); - - m_decoder->GoFrame(i + 1); - - return m_decoder->GetDelay(); -} - -wxSize wxGIFAnimation::GetLogicalScreenSize() const -{ - wxASSERT_MSG( (m_decoder != (wxGIFDecoder*) NULL), _T("m_decoder must be non-NULL")); - - return wxSize(m_decoder->GetLogicalScreenWidth(), m_decoder->GetLogicalScreenHeight()); -} - -bool wxGIFAnimation::GetBackgroundColour(wxColour& col) const -{ - wxASSERT_MSG( (m_decoder != (wxGIFDecoder*) NULL), _T("m_decoder must be non-NULL")); - - int i = m_decoder->GetBackgroundColour(); - if (i == -1) - return false; - - const unsigned char *pal = m_decoder->GetPalette(); - bool result = (pal != NULL); - - if (result) - col = wxColour(pal[3*i + 0], pal[3*i + 1], pal[3*i + 2]); - - return result; -} - -bool wxGIFAnimation::GetTransparentColour(wxColour& col) const -{ - wxASSERT_MSG( (m_decoder != (wxGIFDecoder*) NULL), _T("m_decoder must be non-NULL")); - - int i = m_decoder->GetTransparentColour(); - if (i == -1) - return false; - - const unsigned char *pal = m_decoder->GetPalette(); - bool result = (pal != NULL); - - if (result) - col = wxColour(pal[3*i + 0], pal[3*i + 1], pal[3*i + 2]); - - return result; -} - -bool wxGIFAnimation::IsValid() const -{ - return ((m_decoder != NULL) && (m_decoder->IsAnimation())); -} - -bool wxGIFAnimation::LoadFile(const wxString& filename) -{ - if (!wxFileExists(filename)) - return false; - - bool result = true; - - if (m_decoder) - { - delete m_decoder; - m_decoder = NULL; - } - - { - wxFileInputStream stream(filename); - - if (stream.GetLength() > 0) - m_decoder = new wxGIFDecoder(&stream, true); - - result = ((m_decoder != NULL) && (m_decoder->ReadGIF() == wxGIF_OK)); - if (result) - result = m_decoder->IsAnimation(); - } - - if (!result && (m_decoder != NULL)) - { - delete m_decoder; - m_decoder = NULL; - } - - return result; -} - -/* - * wxAnimationCtrlBase - * Abstract base class for format-specific animation controls. - * This class implements most of the functionality; all a derived - * class has to do is create the appropriate animation class on demand. - */ - -IMPLEMENT_ABSTRACT_CLASS(wxAnimationCtrlBase, wxControl) - -BEGIN_EVENT_TABLE(wxAnimationCtrlBase, wxControl) - EVT_PAINT(wxAnimationCtrlBase::OnPaint) -END_EVENT_TABLE() - -bool wxAnimationCtrlBase::Create(wxWindow *parent, wxWindowID id, - const wxString& filename, const wxPoint& pos, - const wxSize& size, long style, const wxString& name) -{ - m_animation = NULL; - m_filename = filename; - - if (!wxControl::Create(parent, id, pos, size, style, wxDefaultValidator, name)) - return false; - - SetBackgroundColour(parent->GetBackgroundColour()); - - m_animationPlayer.SetCustomBackgroundColour(GetBackgroundColour()); - - // give the impression of transparency by painting - // with the parent background -// if (parent) -// m_animationPlayer.UseParentBackground(true); - - m_animationPlayer.SetWindow(this); - m_animationPlayer.SetPosition(wxPoint(0, 0)); - m_animationPlayer.SetDestroyAnimation(false); - - LoadFile(filename); - - return true; -} - -wxAnimationCtrlBase::~wxAnimationCtrlBase() -{ - if (m_animationPlayer.IsPlaying()) - m_animationPlayer.Stop(); - m_animationPlayer.SetAnimation(NULL, false); - - delete m_animation; -} - -bool wxAnimationCtrlBase::LoadFile(const wxString& filename) -{ - if (m_animationPlayer.IsPlaying()) - m_animationPlayer.Stop(); - - wxString filename1(filename); - - if (filename1.IsEmpty()) - { - filename1 = m_filename; - if (filename1.IsEmpty()) - return false; - } - - if (m_animation) - { - delete m_animation; - m_animation = NULL; - } - - m_animation = DoCreateAnimation(filename1); - if (!m_animation) - return false; - - if (!m_animation->LoadFile(filename) || !m_animation->IsValid()) - { - delete m_animation; - m_animation = NULL; - - return false; - } - - m_animationPlayer.SetAnimation(m_animation, false); - - if (GetWindowStyle() & wxAN_FIT_ANIMATION) - FitToAnimation(); - - return true; -} - -bool wxAnimationCtrlBase::Play(bool looped) -{ - return m_animationPlayer.Play(*this, wxPoint(0, 0), looped); -} - -wxSize wxAnimationCtrlBase::DoGetBestSize() const -{ - if (m_animationPlayer.HasAnimation() && (GetWindowStyle() & wxAN_FIT_ANIMATION)) - return m_animationPlayer.GetLogicalScreenSize(); - else - return GetSize(); -} - -void wxAnimationCtrlBase::FitToAnimation() -{ - if (!m_animationPlayer.HasAnimation()) - return; - - wxSize sz = m_animationPlayer.GetLogicalScreenSize(); - SetClientSize(sz); -} - -void wxAnimationCtrlBase::OnPaint(wxPaintEvent& WXUNUSED(event)) -{ - wxPaintDC dc(this); - - if (GetPlayer().IsPlaying()) - GetPlayer().Draw(dc); -} - -/* - * wxGIFAnimationCtrl - * Provides a GIF animation class when required. - */ - -IMPLEMENT_ABSTRACT_CLASS(wxGIFAnimationCtrl, wxAnimationCtrlBase) - -wxAnimationBase* wxGIFAnimationCtrl::DoCreateAnimation(const wxString& WXUNUSED(filename)) -{ - return new wxGIFAnimation; -} - diff --git a/contrib/src/animate/readme.txt b/contrib/src/animate/readme.txt deleted file mode 100644 index d3fe44f530..0000000000 --- a/contrib/src/animate/readme.txt +++ /dev/null @@ -1,41 +0,0 @@ -Animation sample -================ - -Every now and then someone asks whether there are animation -classes in wxWindows. I started these animation player classes -nearly two years ago and never got round to finishing them. -Now I've done some hacking on them and (after very limited testing) -it seems to work on Windows for animated GIFs, both transparent -and non-transparent. - -Basically the classes makes use of the existing GIF decoder in -wxWindows to read an animated GIF into wxGIFAnimation, and then -play that animation using wxAnimationPlayer. It's quite tied -to the animated GIF way of doing animation, so don't expect anything too generic. -However, it would be quite possible to write code to convert an animated -GIF into a PNG-based invented format, and then write a wxPNGAnimation -handler. - -The next steps are: - -1. Test on other platforms. -2. Write control classes to make it easy to embed animations in dialogs, etc. - See my thoughts in animate.h. -3. Write documentation. - -*** IMPORTANT NOTE: to compile this, you must first edit the -file: - -include/wx/gifdecod.h - -and change the keyword 'protected' to 'public', then recompile -wxWindows. If you have downloaded the latest code from the CVS trunk, -the problem has been corrected already. - -As an exercise, you might like to write a handler for the -PNG-based animation format: - - - - -Julian Smart, 5th July 2001 -- 2.47.2